The term of office of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is. How many deputies are there in the State Duma? Powers of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. How many deputies are in the State Duma

How many deputies are there in the State Duma? How is this number determined? What does it depend on, can it change? What regulates the activities of the State Duma, how long has this government body existed? The questions are interesting, but not everyone knows the answer to them. First of all, lawyers and politicians are oriented in this; they are the ones who can tell you how many years the State Duma is elected for (let’s not keep the intrigue, we’ll tell you right away - five), how everyone included in the State Duma is usually divided into groups, and what other features of the functioning of the state system exist . By the way, if you want to build a successful parliamentary career, you need to memorize this information.

Key Information

The State Duma of the Russian Federation is a federal body, the chamber of the Federal Assembly, that is, the parliament of the state. Currently, the Constitution declares that the State Duma consists of 450 people. The government agency has the right to resolve specific issues, the main normative act- The Constitution - referred to its area of ​​jurisdiction. There are special Federal Laws (constitutional), which also regulate the powers of the State Duma Russian Federation.

All main aspects of the work process of the State Duma are listed in the Constitution of our state. Additional information regarding procedures and features of their implementation can be found in the Federal Law. Special regulations have been adopted, which clearly indicate the terms, definitions, definitions, and rules that govern the work process of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The state is governed taking into account the ideas of political diversity, and the main principle of constructing the State Duma is a multi-party system. At the same time, freedom to discuss targeted issues and make decisions on topics brought up for discussion collectively was declared. It does important concept forum, quorum. Some issues are discussed only by a specific number of participants; the percentage of those present relative to the total composition is determined by regulations.

Only specialists!

As declared by the State Duma regulations, all persons involved in the government agency are professionals who work on a permanent basis. It is unacceptable for any number of deputies in the State Duma to simultaneously hold public positions of a civil nature within the state. Additionally, restrictions are introduced on the possibility of a variety of activities for which you can receive payment. However, deputies have the right to teach others, conduct scientific activities or be a creative person, including a commercially successful one.

It is indicated above how many deputies there are in the State Duma - 450, of which the chairman, his first deputies, and deputies are of particular importance. These persons are subject to specific regulatory rules specified both in the Constitution and in the Federal Law and regulations. In particular, it is necessary to make decisions on appointments by considering only the 450 candidates included in the Duma. The procedure for electing the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation involves maintaining secrecy and general voting. The process is quite traditional: there are ballots listing the names of those interested who have the required level of qualifications, and all those present are required to express their opinion. If there are grounds for this, an open format vote is allowed if the decision is supported by a qualified percentage of those interested.

Where does the main one come from?

We can safely say that the chairman is the first, most significant person of the State Duma. Representatives of factions may act as candidates for this position. This is followed by a discussion process, preceded by obtaining consent from all nominated candidates to participate in the competition. Of course, there are as many individual opinions as there are deputies in the State Duma, but as part of the preliminary interview, a list is formulated general issues, to which each applicant for the position of chairman responds, and on the basis of this, the total mass of people’s representatives can come to a common decision regarding the appointment to the position. Questions to the candidates are asked by the participants of the State Duma. If a candidate is nominated from a certain faction, all participants included in the formation have the right to vote in his favor or speak out against it. Once each and every potential chairperson has been interviewed, the discussion is closed.

The next stage is voting. How many deputies are in the State Duma, ideally so many ballots should be filled out. The list contains all applicants for the position, excluding those who have recused themselves, which is accepted without additional collection of opinions on this expression of will.

Everything's a head

Only the participant in the meeting for whom more than half of the 450 people cast their votes becomes the chairman. The chairman may be the person leading the faction. According to the law, it gets the opportunity to simultaneously occupy an important post and continue its previous activities in monitoring the work of a group of people’s representatives.

Often there are four or more candidates vying for the post in question. In such a situation, there is a possibility that none of the possible options does not receive the required number of support votes. This provokes the need to organize a second round. Only applicants who receive the maximum number of votes can participate. According to the rules, each of the 450 people can vote in support of one of the candidates, but they cannot express an opinion twice or more. In the second round, the position of chairman goes to the participant in the competition who was able to collect more than 225 votes, if all the seats in the Duma are occupied. If there are empty seats, it is necessary to obtain the support of more than half of the deputies.

It does not work!

There are also cases when the second round also did not show a winner. The regulations establish that to resolve the situation, it is necessary to organize repeat elections. An alternative option is to hold an event to elect first deputies and deputy chairmen. If a candidate has previously tried to become a chairman, he can take part in the competition again.

If it was supposed to start with the selection of deputies, the official decision of the meeting of deputies regarding at least one position allows you to once again begin the election of the chairman. To make a decision on changing the voting format, it is necessary to survey all the deputies who make up the State Duma. If there is a majority of votes, the decision is considered approved. To formalize the election results, a resolution must be adopted. Its publication does not require any expression of will from deputies. But if a situation arises when the question of dismissal from office arises, it will be necessary to organize a collection of opinions again: only if there is a majority of the total number of people’s representatives who agree, the chairman and his deputies, including the first, can be forcibly removed.

Structural features

The most important body of the FS currently has committees. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is formed by numerous branches. Each of which is responsible for a specific area, strictly delineated by the regulations of the government agency. It was indicated above how many seats there are in the State Duma - 450. All the persons occupying them are distributed to one or another committee. Currently, there are entities responsible for the budget, taxation, financial market, state construction, the creation of new and adjustments, the repeal of old laws, economic and social policy. Some groups work with veterans and protecting their rights, while others focus on innovation, entrepreneurship, the industrial sector, and energy. There is a committee responsible for nature: use, conservation of resources. His area of ​​activity includes land legal relations and aspects of property law.

Separate committees have been formed to resolve transport, construction, defense, and international issues related to the CIS. Special education is responsible for the prevention and punishment of corruption, its area of ​​activity is security aspects. The committees are devoted to the problems of the Far Eastern and northern regions. The State Duma includes entities responsible for healthcare, scientific, educational, agricultural, environmental, and cultural aspects. Specific group deputies deals with women's rights, children's rights, another deals with issues environment. There are entities whose sphere of competence includes nationalities, civil society, associations that bring together like-minded people according to the parameters of religion, social activities. There is a committee responsible for sports dedicated to housing, housing and communal services. Finally, in the structure of the State Duma there is an education whose area of ​​responsibility is IT, communications, and state-level information policy.

Flexibility and Possibilities

The regulations declare: in addition to the listed areas, the deputies who are members of the State Duma have the right to form other committees. To properly formalize the process, a resolution is issued that addresses aspects of creating, adjusting, and eliminating the committee. It is impossible to create a committee for a longer period than the duration of the powers of a particular convocation of the State Duma.


It is impossible to answer the question of how many chambers there are in the State Duma: this entity is simply not divided into such categories; the State Duma itself is actually one of the two chambers of the Federal Assembly along with the Federation Council. Other concepts have been introduced to subdivide the State Duma into categories. Committees have already been discussed above, but this is not the only way to split 450 deputies into separate small formations, effectively decisive issues and promoting similar policies. They are usually called factions. How many such entities are in the State Duma must be checked in each specific case: the number varies. Thus, at the time of writing, there were four factions and some deputies, united in one group, did not belong to any of these entities - in fact, they made up the fifth group.

But the fifth Duma of the first convocation, whose activities took place from January 1994 to December of the next, consisted of up to 14 factions. Distinctive feature This convocation is due to its inconstancy, since the set of factions and their number often changed. Each successive convocation may coincide in the structure of division with the previous one, but may have differences. It is impossible to predict in advance.

Why is this necessary?

State Duma factions exist so that a group of deputies holding a similar opinion can centrally express their position on the issue under consideration. The idea is to organize joint activities. The unification is due to the unity of position regarding only those issues that are within the purview of the State Duma and are currently being considered by it. Education, work, and disbandment of factions are discussed in detail in the Federal Law, adopted in 1994 under number three. Additional information about the features of fractional distribution can be obtained from the State Duma regulations.

Members of the faction must decide among themselves who to choose as leader. Additionally, a deputy is appointed. The faction has the right to form governing bodies, and the main person may have assistants - up to 30 people involved on a voluntary basis and responsible for certain subjects of the state. If a faction unites one hundred or more people, you can form inside additional groups, and each one includes 50 or more people’s representatives. The first deputy chief faction leader acts as the leader of the internal group.

What other divisions of deputies are there?

Many people are interested in how many parties there are in the State Duma. As with factions, the value varies from convocation to convocation. Thus, currently the State Duma is a collection of six parties (while in the state as a whole there are 74 of them registered).

But in the fifth convocation, that is, the State Duma of the period 2007-2011, four parties were represented, as in the previous convocation. It is determined which of the interested parties will enter the State Duma through elections held on the territory of the state, based on the results of which the percentage of the will of the people is calculated. If any party has seven percent or more, it receives the right to be present in the State Duma.

Temporary formations

The specifics of forming a working group with time-limited powers are declared by the State Duma regulations. It is stated here that a formation can be created either on the basis of a presidential decree obliging to convene the first meeting of a government agency earlier than the appointed time, or in accordance with the general procedure. The temporary group begins functioning the next day after the decree is issued or 14 days before the first official meeting of the new convocation.

The main task of the team is to prepare everything necessary for the first meeting. People's representatives from among those who received a new term in the State Duma can take part. The proportional relationship between the number of nominees from parties is taken into account. Only those political entities that had the right to deputy mandates are taken into account. The temporary formation has the right to elect a leader - this will be one of the group members. It is also possible to select a deputy or several, if necessary.

Temporary group tasks

Analyzing the features of the hall in which the State Duma will work, members of the temporary group select and approve a diagram declaring the distribution of deputies in the room. Their task is to create the order that the first meeting is subject to, approve the sheet of documentation, materials that will need to be distributed before the start of the new convocation to all participants, as well as resolve other organizational issues related to the preparation of the first event for the new State Duma.

The temporary group is working on the federal list, taking into account not only the composition of the State Duma, but also the proportions regarding the number of candidates from each party. Additionally, work is underway on proposals for the formation of the Accounts Chamber and a number of others organizational structures, including an interim secretariat.

Historical milestones

The State Duma met for the first time in 1993, the event was initiated by a presidential decree signed by Yeltsin, when the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council were dissolved, and the Federal Assembly was introduced in its place. The decree regulated the features of the electoral system, which allows one to become a participant in the State Duma, and in the future it was used to form many convocations - from the first to the fourth. It was expected that 450 people would be elected, 225 of whom would be single-mandate voters.

The first GD, assembled according to updated rules, began its work in 2007, and a year later they celebrated their anniversary - the thousandth meeting.

MOSCOW, September 19 – RIA Novosti. United Russia won one of its most convincing victories in the last State Duma elections, receiving more than 54% of the votes and securing a constitutional majority with a record number of mandates. Together with her, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia are entering the lower house of parliament.

The remaining parties were unable to overcome not only the 5% barrier required to get into the State Duma, but also the 3% barrier that allows them to qualify for state funding. However, Rodina and Civic Platform will still be represented in the lower house - one of their single-mandate members each managed to win in their constituencies.

Political scientists interviewed by RIA Novosti believe that United Russia may cede some leading positions to the opposition, as well as support bills proposed by other parties.

Historical result and constitutional majority

Elections 2016: regions elect United Russia to parliamentUnited Russia beat its competitors by a significant margin in the elections to regional legislative assemblies. The main struggle took place for the second and third places in the election race between the LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

United Russia receives 140 seats in the State Duma, which are due to the party for the result on the federal list, and another 203 seats for single-mandate seats. Thus, the total number of mandates for United Russia will amount to a record 343 out of 450 deputy seats in Russian political history.

The party and the Central Election Commission have already stated that United Russia will have a constitutional majority in the Duma - it will be able to change a number of chapters of the Constitution and override the presidential veto.

United Russia showed the best result in terms of the share of voters who voted for it in the 2007 Duma elections, when, under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, it received 64.3% of the vote. Then it received a constitutional majority, taking 315 parliamentary seats - and became the first Russian party to gain such parliamentary strength. In the 2011 elections, United Russia won 49.3% and received 238 mandates.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic are losing, the Liberal Democratic Party is gaining points

Naryshkin: the 2016 elections took place, United Russia won a constitutional majorityBased on the results of the count, just over 93% of the protocols and federal district, and in single-mandate constituencies, United Russia receives 343 mandates in the lower house of parliament in the Duma elections.

According to the latest data from the Central Election Commission, after counting 93% of the protocols, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation gave votes to 13.45% of voters, the Liberal Democratic Party - 13.24%, and the Socialist Revolutionaries - 6.17%. In addition, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Socialist Republic won seven single-mandate constituencies each, and the Liberal Democratic Party won five.

Thus, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will receive 42 mandates, the Liberal Democratic Party - 39, and the Socialist Party - 23. For the communists and the Right Russia, this is a serious decrease in their representation in the Duma - in 2011, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation received 50 more mandates, and the Socialist Party - 41. But the Liberal Democratic Party is a winner - they added 17 seats to the new Duma.

Based on the results of elections in single-mandate constituencies, which were held for the first time in last years, one representative of Rodina and the Civic Platform, as well as one self-nominated candidate, Vladislav Reznik, will also be elected to the State Duma.

United Russia will give the opposition some leading positions in the State Duma as a gesture of goodwill, says political scientist Gleb Kuznetsov. "United Russia" gave us single-mandate constituencies and, in general, did a lot to develop competition in these elections, so I believe that some leadership positions in committees and in the State Duma as a whole will be given to the opposition as part of a gesture of goodwill, which will allow to create such a rather interesting chamber in terms of representation,” he noted.

In addition, Kuznetsov emphasized, despite the constitutional majority of United Russia, representatives of very small parties were elected to the Duma who did not pass the 5% threshold, that is, the Duma looks “quite full-fledged.”

Alexey Zudin, a member of the Expert Council of the Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Research, also points out that United Russia will cooperate with the opposition. “We will be able to observe the previously accumulated experience of inter-party cooperation in the legislative sphere, when United Russia supported some bills developed by the opposition,” he believes.

There are many reasons for losing

The losing parties—both those who lost significantly to United Russia and those who did not make it into the State Duma—have different assessments of the reasons for their failure. The leader of A Just Russia, Sergei Mironov, believes that the high result of the LDPR is due to the desire of voters to vote against everyone. In this regard, he advocated a revision of the electoral legislation - the abolition of absentee ballots, early voting and the return of the “Against all” column on the ballot.

PARNAS believes that they were unable to convince voters to come to the polls, deputy chairman of the party Konstantin Merzlikin told RIA Novosti, noting that the elections were held with low turnout. The deputy chairman of the Communists of Russia party, Sergei Malinkovich, and the deputy chairman of the Patriots of Russia party, Nadezhda Korneeva, agreed with him - they also consider the low turnout to be one of the reasons for the loss.

At the same time, according to the latest data from the Central Election Commission, the turnout in Russia was 47.81%, which is a very good indicator for parliamentary elections.

The elections are legitimate, there are few violations

According to the head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, the elections were legitimate, and there were “an order of magnitude – two orders of magnitude less” violations than during previous campaigns.

“I don’t have any euphoria or hysterical moods, let’s wait, but in any case, we are already completely confident that the elections are being held quite legitimately, and we have done a lot for this,” she said.

According to her, it cannot be said that the percentage or level of all kinds of abuses during voting went off scale and could call into question the legitimacy of these elections.

At the same time, the CEC still recorded three ballot stuffings in three regions, in particular in the Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov regions, as well as in Dagestan. The voting results at these polling stations will be cancelled. The commission also sent materials to the Prosecutor General’s Office against one of the candidates for possible illegal conduct of the election campaign.

On September 18, 2016, elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation took place. According to preliminary data from the Russian Central Election Commission, four parties represented in the last convocation entered the lower house of parliament in the federal district: United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia.

About how seats in the State Duma are distributed - in the TASS material.

State Duma modern Russia. TASS special project

Seventh convocation of the State Duma. LIVE

How many seats are there in the State Duma?

The State Duma of the Russian Federation consists of 450 deputies, the convocation term of office is five years. Elections to the lower house of parliament are held according to a mixed system, in which half of the deputy corps is elected from party lists, the other half from single-mandate constituencies.

The conduct of elections is regulated by the federal laws “On Basic Guarantees voting rights and the rights to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation" on June 12, 2002 and "On the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" on February 22, 2014.

Who is allowed to distribute mandates?

According to the federal law “On the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”, based on the voting results, parties whose federal lists of candidates received 5 or more percent of the votes are elected to the Duma. Moreover, there must be at least two such lists and more than 50% of voters must collectively vote for them.

If one of these conditions is not met, other party lists are allowed to distribute deputy mandates. So, if all the parties that have overcome the 5% threshold do not receive more than 50%, then those who received less than 5% (in descending order of votes) will also enter the Duma until the sum of the votes exceeds 50%. If only one party receives more than 50%, and the rest - less than five, then the mandates will be distributed between the leading party and the next one in terms of the number of votes received.

However, in the Duma elections in Russia, these two conditions were never applied. According to preliminary voting results on September 18, 2016, the four parties that crossed the 5% threshold received a total of 86.9% of the votes.

In single-mandate constituencies, candidates who receive a majority of votes in their constituency enter the State Duma.

Are there rules by which seats are allocated?

The distribution of Duma mandates between parties is carried out by the Central Election Commission in accordance with the law on elections of State Duma deputies. The distribution of seats is based on the so-called "Hare's method", developed in 1855 by British lawyer Thomas Hare.

The sum of votes cast for all parties that entered parliament is divided by 225 (the number of mandates in the federal electoral district). The result obtained is the first selective quotient. Then the votes cast for each list that entered parliament are divided by the first electoral quotient. The integer part of the resulting number determines the number of deputy mandates for each party.

The remaining mandates - one at a time - are transferred by the Central Election Commission to the parties that have the largest fractional part of the number obtained as a result of division. That is, first the party with the largest remainder receives an additional mandate, then the next one, etc., until all the remaining seats are distributed. If the fractional parts of several parties are equal, then the one for which the most voters voted will receive the advantage.

Mandates are then distributed within the federal list of parties. First of all, candidates from its federal part receive them. The remaining Duma seats are transferred to regional groups. To do this, the sum of votes received by the party in the regions is divided by the number of vacant mandates within the list and the second electoral quotient is obtained. The votes cast for each of the regional groups are then divided by this quotient. The integer part of the resulting number corresponds to the number of mandates for the regional group. The remaining free seats are further distributed by the CEC in accordance with the values ​​of the fractional parts.

What is a parliamentary and constitutional majority?

The party that receives more than half of the seats in the State Duma constitutes the parliamentary majority. This gives her the opportunity not only to accept federal laws without the support of other factions, but also to determine the composition of the governing bodies of the lower house and its committees. The party that receives 2/3 of the seats (more than 300 mandates) forms the constitutional majority. In this case, it can independently, without taking into account the other parliamentary parties, adopt constitutional laws and some amendments to the constitution. In addition, a faction with 2/3 of the votes can override the veto of the president or the disagreement of the Federation Council with a particular law adopted by the State Duma. The constitutional majority can also either initiate or block the start of impeachment proceedings against the head of state (the initiative for impeachment is put forward by at least 1/3 of the deputies).

Since 1993, in the entire history of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, only United Russia was able to form a constitutional and parliamentary majority in the lower house of parliament (in 2007, 2011).

How mandates were distributed in the State Duma in 2007, 2011. ?

In the 2007 elections, United Russia, whose list was headed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, received 64.3% of the votes (44 million 714 thousand 241) and 315 mandates. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation got 57 seats (11.57% or 8 million 46 thousand 886 votes), the LDPR - 40 mandates (8.14% or 5 million 660 thousand 823) and A Just Russia - 38 (7.74% or 5383639 ).

In 2011, United Russia worsened its result - 49.32% or 32 million 379 thousand 135 votes, but retained the status of a parliamentary majority (238 mandates). The size of the Communist Party faction has increased compared to the previous convocation by almost one and a half times - up to 95 people (19.19% or 12 million 599 thousand 507). In third place was “A Just Russia” - 64 mandates (13.24% or 8 million 625 thousand 522), in fourth place was the LDPR with 56 mandates (11.67% or 7 million 664 thousand 570).

What about the results of the 2016 elections?

According to the preliminary results of the elections on September 18, 2016, in the federal district “United Russia” gained a record 54.19% (28 million 505 thousand 334), and 203 of its candidates were nominated in single-mandate districts. Thus, it can form a faction of 343 deputies and obtain a constitutional majority in the State Duma.

The representation of the remaining parliamentary parties in the seventh convocation will be significantly reduced. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which, according to preliminary results, gained 13.34% (7 million 17 thousand 134), can count on 42 seats, taking into account its seven single-mandate candidates. In third place with a minimal margin was the LDPR - 13.14% (6 million 913 thousand 642), which can receive 39 mandates, taking into account five single-mandate seats. “A Just Russia”, according to preliminary data, worsened its result compared to 2011 by more than two times - to 6.22% (3 million 278 thousand 369). Seven people were elected from A Just Russia in single-mandate constituencies; as a result, it will be able to count on 23 seats in the seventh convocation.

Two more parties nominated their candidates in single-member constituencies. They were the leader of the Civic Platform, Rifat Shaikhutdinov, and the chairman of the Rodina party, deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation, member of the United Russia faction, Alexey Zhuravlev. One self-nominated candidate, a member of the United Russia faction in the Duma of the sixth convocation, Vyacheslav Reznik, also entered the lower house.

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

So how many deputies are there in Russia?

How many deputies are there in the State Duma?

In total, in the Russian Federation, taking into account the composition of the State Duma, as well as deputies of regional, city, district, regional and republican entities, there are 4,508 elected representatives.

Members of the Federation Council were not taken into account in the calculation, since they were already taken into account when calculating by region.

As of 2018, 146,880,432 people live in Russia. Consequently, for Russia the coefficient being sought will be 32,582 people. per 1 deputy.

It should also be mentioned that each subject of Russia has municipal formations, for example, municipal districts, city districts, in which there are also councils of deputies. Expenses for remuneration of deputies municipalities included in the municipal budget.

About deputies in municipalities

There were almost 23 thousand municipalities in Russia as of January 1, 2015, according to Rosstat data. It is unlikely that the situation has changed much by 2018. Thus, there are even more municipal deputies than federal and regional deputies. It should be noted that local budgets are filled, among other things, by land tax, personal property tax, personal income tax, and many other taxes.

So, as for municipalities. The smallest municipal district in Russia is the Aleutsky municipal district, where 677 people live. Education has its own Duma, consisting of one deputy, a budget, a website and other signs of independence.

The most populous municipal district is the Novosibirsk urban district. There are 50 municipal deputies living here, the coefficient will be somewhere around 30,000 people. on the deputy. But there are not many such entities in the country.

According to the most conservative estimates, if we take 3 deputies per municipality, the total number of municipal elected representatives will be about 70 thousand. This is a packed St. Petersburg stadium, second in capacity after Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium.

This is the picture we get. Do you think this is a lot or a little? Data remains current for 2019. Thus, the answer to the question “how many deputies are there in Russia?” there will be a figure - at least 7.5 thousand people.

Since the start of the renovation program, 52 houses have been commissioned in the capital, of which 49 have been handed over for occupancy. More than 20 thousand residents have already been involved in the resettlement process, of which more than 13 thousand people have moved to new comfortable apartments.

In addition, four stations of the Nekrasovskaya line will be opened: Yugo-Vostochnaya, Okskaya, Stakhanovskaya and Nizhegorodskaya. The pace and volume of metro construction in the capital remains one of the highest in the world.

The facility is being built at the expense of the investor on the site of the old complex and will include expanded infrastructure for hockey and figure skating fans. Two full-size ice skating rinks will be built for their training. The building will also house a spa area with a 25-meter swimming pool, a fitness club with a playground for children and several multifunctional rooms for group classes.

This is 10.6% more than at the beginning of 2019. More and more Muscovites are registering to do business as individual entrepreneurs. In 2019, 73 thousand were registered in the capital. individual entrepreneurs– 3.8% more than in 2018.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced this on his page on the VKontakte social network. According to him, the house will be built on Ilimskaya Street. Today, 49 houses have already been handed over for occupancy, and over 13 thousand citizens have moved into them.

Cardiac seats for quick health checks are planned to be installed in 2020. Visitors will enter age, height, weight and phone number into the built-in application to complete the examination. The results of the cardiogram with a transcript will be sent to your phone via SMS message.

The library collections received over 17 thousand copies of books by nominees and winners of last year’s national literary awards. Among them are “Brisbane” by Evgeny Vodolazkin, “Hold to the Ground” by Sergei Samsonov and “My Children” by Guzel Yakhina.

The publication is timed to coincide with the 76th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the siege in 1944. Users can see unique works by Sergei Strunnikov, a military photojournalist for the Pravda newspaper, taken in the winter of 1942/1943 in a besieged city.

Participants in a survey by the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research were asked to name three universities in Russia that they considered the best. 39% chose Moscow State University, MGIMO was named by 12% of respondents, Baumanka - 10%.

The exhibition “Unconquered: Tragedy, Heroism and Resistance of Soviet Citizens in Nazi Camps,” dedicated to Holocaust Remembrance Day, opened at the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill. The main section of the exhibition is dedicated to the heroes of the anti-fascist resistance in the camps, primarily members of the Fraternal Union of Prisoners of War.

Only since the beginning of 2020, the cluster has included seven research and development enterprises. The Moscow innovation cluster brings together developments in science, production and other industries. Its participants have access to more than 190 support measures from Moscow, federal authorities and development institutions.

Moscow companies supplied products to 195 countries. The total volume of exports of Moscow industrial products in January-November 2019 amounted to $23.6 billion. This figure increased by more than 30% compared to the same period in 2018.

The organizers of Russia's first hackathon on digitalization in the field of tourism have already received more than 500 applications for participation. You can apply until January 28 on

It will last until February 10 - under the direction of People's Artist of Russia Yuri Bashmet. The event will feature the world premiere of the choral opera “The Tale of Boris and Gleb.”