Problems of modern youth in Germany and Russia. Problems of today's youth Tell in German about the problems of youth

Sections: Foreign languages

Lesson Objectives:

  • form a holistic view of the problem on the topic;
  • to form a valuable idea of ​​the relationship between adolescents and adults;
  • developing critical self-awareness skills.

Lesson objectives:


  • foster empathy for the older generation;
  • to cultivate a tolerant perception of a different opinion during a discussion on a topic;


  • enrichment of cultural and regional knowledge on the topic;
  • improving the ability to compare the facts of various relationships in one's family, families of peers, in the families of German teenagers;


  • enrichment of lexical material and improvement of the skills of practical vocabulary on the topic;
  • improving the ability of dialogic and monologue statements based on what has been read in accordance with a given communication situation;
  • formation of the ability to interact in different modes of activity;
  • improving grammatical skills on the topic “Modalverben”.

Material support of the lesson: on the board - a photo of young people, a quote from Socrates, a diagram on the topic “Jugendprobleme”, opinions of German teenagers on the problem; guidebooks (Arbeitsblätter) - students study part of the material on guidebooks at home.

Time spending: 90 minutes


  1. Einfuhrung

Guten Morgen! Jugendliche, wie geht es Ihnen heute? (St 1, St 2, St 3)

Im Laufe von mehreren Stunden haben wir viel über Probleme der jungen Leute geredet. Worüber haben wir schon diskutiert? Sehen Sie bitte dies Diagramm. (Üb.I, on the board and on each table in the guidebooks, a diagram is offered, page 1 of the appendix) Worüber ist die Rede? Welche Themen haben wir schon besprochen? (St 4)

Und jetzt lesen Sie bitte und übersetzen Sie das Zitat von Sokrates. Sind Sie damit einverstanden? (St 5 - expressive reading St 6 - translation)

“Unsere Jugend liebt den Luxus, hat schlechte Manieren, macht sich über die Autorität lustig, hat überhaupt keinen Respekt vor dem Alter. Unsere Kinder sind Tyrannen. Sie erheben sich nicht vor den Erwachsenen, sie sind unmöglich„ (Sokrates, 470-399 v. Chr.)

Also, diskutieren wir wenig darüber. Sehen Sie bitte diese Äußerungen. (Üb. II, p. 1 appendix) Lesen Sie bitte und übersetzen Sie sie. Äussern Sie bitte Ihre Meinungen mit Hilfe folgender Klischees. (Üb. III, p. 2 of the appendix)

Also, wir besprechen heute ein sehr wichtiges und interessantes Thema. Sehen Sie mal an die Tafel. Es gibt hier Äußerungen der deutschen Teeneger, die wir jetzt übersetzen.

- Meine Eltern sind toll! - Mein Vater ist „o. k.“!
- Meine Eltern haben keine Zeit fur mich! - Meine Mutter hat mehr Verständnis für mich!
- Ich habe ein sehr positives Verhältnis zu Eltern! - Ständig habe ich Krach mit den Eltern!

Wie meinen Sie, welches Thema besprechen wir während der Stunde? (St 7)

Ja, Sie haben recht. Wir reden über die Konflikte in der Familie zwischen Kindern und Eltern. Also, was schreiben wir in unserem Diagramm? (Antworte der Studenten: die Kinder - Eltern - Kontakte, die Kinder - Eltern - Beziehungen, Eltern und Kinder, Meine Eltern und ich, usw.)

  1. Grundteil

Wie können wir die heutige Jugendgeneration charakterisieren? Es Gibt Meinungen und Meinungen. Die Omas und Opas denken so, die Eltern meinen anders, die Jugendlichen sind damit nicht einverstanden. Ich schlage Ihnen den Text No. 1 sehen vor. (Üb. VI, p. 2 appendix) Wir haben diesen Text zu Hause gelesen und übersetzt. Wie ist der Text betitelt? (St 1)

Analysieren Sie bitte und kommentieren Sie die Tabelle No. 1 (Üb. V p. 3 appendix). Wie ist die heutige Jugend? Aber zuerst analysieren wir die Tabelle No. 2 (Üb. VI p. 3 appendix) . Haben Sie sich selbst und einige von Ihren Bekannten analysiert? Besprechen Sie bitte die Ergebnisse in der Gruppe. (Plenum) Wie sind Sie selbst von Charakter? (St 2,3,4) Vergleichen Sie die Äußerungen der Eltern und der jungen Leute. Gebrauchen Sie Ihre Untersuchungsergebnisse. Beantworten nach dem Muster (Üb. V, p. 3 appendix). (plenum)

Also, sagen Sie bitte, wie ist die heutige Jugend? Welche Charaktereigenschaften sind am meisten, positive oder negative? (St 1) Unsere Jugend ist gut, kreativ, träumerisch, gesellig, intelligent, klug. Und dann, woher kommen die Kinder-Eltern-Konflikte? Wie meinen Sie, wann kann es zu einem Konflikt kommen? Es gibt mehrere Situationen im Familienleben, wo Konflikte entstehen können. Machen wir die Übung VII (page 4 of the appendix). Beantworten Sie bitte diese Frage nach dem Muster. (St 2,3,4,5,6,7)

Sind Ihnen solche Situationen bekannt? Bilden Sie bitte Sätze und gebrauchen Sie die Wendungen, die Ihnen nah sind. Machen wir die Übung VIII (page 4 of the appendix). (St 2,3,4,5,6) Sie haben manchmal Konflikte mit den Eltern. Und wie sieht die Situation in deutschen Familien aus? Wie heißt der Text, den wir zu Hause gelesen haben die Übung X (page 5 of the appendix)? (St 2)

Arbeiten wir an der Lexik. Machen wir die Übung IX (application pp. 4-5). Finden Sie bitte die russischen Äquvalente zu folgenden Wörtern und Wendungen. (St 1,3,4,5,6) Suchen Sie bitte die Synonyme und übersetzen Sie diese Wörter (Üb. XI p. 6 appendix). Suchen Sie im Text Sätze mit Modalverben und übersetzen Sie diese Sätze (Üb. XII p. 6 appendix). Beenden Sie bitte und übersetzen die Sätze (Üb. XIII p. 6 appendix).

Wessen Meinungen möchten Sie übersetzen? (St 1,3,4,5) Welche von diesen Äußerungen der deutschen Jugendlichen sind Ihnen nah? Merken Sie sich es an (Üb. XIV, p. 6 appendix). Wie möchten Sie Ihre Verhältnisse mit den Eltern charakterisieren?

Danke schön. Ich meine, die Situation in Ihren Familien ist nicht so schlecht. Sie vertragen sich mit einander und verstehen sich gut. Machen wir jetzt die Übung XV (application pp. 6-7). Fragen Sie bitte St 1 über ihre Verhältnisse mit den Eltern. (St 1 - St 2,3,4,5,6,7)

Und jetzt inszenieren Sie einen Dialog zwischen einem Teeneger und einem Soziologe. Gebrauchen Sie bitte Fragen aus voriger Ubung (Partnerarbeit). Ich gebe Ihnen 10 Minuten (Üb. XVI, p. 7 appendix). (St 1 -St 2 ; St 3 -St 4)

  1. Stundenabschluss

Wir haben heute viel diskutiert und geredet. Und jetzt machen wir Bilanz. Sehen Sie bitte die Tabelle auf der Seite 7. Nicht immer können sich und wollen sich die Kinder und die Eltern einander verstehen. Was müssen die Eltern und Kinder tun, um dem Streit aus dem Weg zu gehen? Füllen Sie bitte die Tabelle ein, äußern Sie bitte Ihre Meinungen (Kleingruppenarbeit). (Üb. XVII, p. 7 of the appendix)

Ich bitte Sie einen Aufsatz zu Hause zu schreiben. Sehen Sie mal die Seite 7. Überlegen Sie sich bitte, wie ein idealer Jugendlicher sein soll und wie ideale Eltern sein sollen. Sagen Sie bitte, wie finden Sie das heutige Thema unserer Stunde? (St 1,2,3,4) Wie haben wir heute in der Stunde gearbeitet? (students choose emoticons - “5”, - “4”, - “3” and analyze their work in the lesson, evaluating themselves). Besten Dank! Ich danke Sie fur die active Arbeit! Alle haben heute viel und gut gearbeitet!

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" Modern trialslemmas of the german youth of germany"

crime youth democracy


The Federal Republic of Germany is a state in Central Europe. The Federal Republic of Germany is located in the center of Europe. total area countries 356,957 sq. km.

The capital of Germany is Berlin, the largest and most populated city in Germany.

Germany is one of the most developed countries in modern world systems of parliamentary democracy, providing citizens with ample opportunities to express their will and exercise their democratic rights enshrined in the Constitution. The separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers is actually ensured in the country.

1.National features

The love of travel is in the blood of the Germans. If we assume that the result will be summed up by the number of foreign tourists in the world, then the Germans will certainly be given the first place. The Germans, as a rule, make up a report on their travels.

The Germans are characterized by attentiveness and delicacy. From German friends you will receive congratulations for all holidays in time. It is customary for Germans to give each other nice little things, and they must be purchased.

Family traditions are highly valued, although young people try to be independent, and it is considered bad form to depend on their parents. They honor family holidays, especially Christmas, when the whole family gathers under the parental roof.

2. WITHthe country seems

Germany is a country that is a classic exporting state, and its success in this direction would not hurt to take into account our country. So, having practically no natural resources, Germany ranks second in the world (after the United States, but ahead of Japan) in the export of goods and services. The first two places in exports are occupied by cars and machine tools.

Modern Germany is characterized by a large number of foreign residents. So, today only about 7 million foreigners are officially registered. In Germany, everyone is instilled with the idea of ​​the unity of the German nation from childhood (in our country, the Germans, on the contrary, constantly emphasize their German roots - the technology of double standards and double national technologies). Although, of course, there are national minorities. First of all, these are the indigenous inhabitants of these places from the time when there were no Germans in this territory, and who have been living in their settlement areas for centuries. I wrote about one indigenous people of them - these are 100 thousand Lusatian Serbs (they are also called Wends) living in Lausitz. In the northern part of Schleswig-Holstein, the Danish minority lives, it has 50 thousand people. These groups of peoples are free to develop their language and culture. In particular, the "German Danes" have their own political representation - the Union of South Schleswig voters, which is represented in the parliaments of the communes and has until now had a deputy seat in the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein.

I would like to emphasize my opinion that division along national lines does not make a state strong. This only divides the peoples, of course, this is far from a complete description of Germany, but I think that a general idea can be obtained, and as we review certain articles and social problems of modern Germany, we will also return to certain characteristics of Germany.

IN last years in German society, the opinion has taken root that modern young people in Germany live much more fun and easier than their peers a couple of decades ago.

The modern teenager is equipped with the latest technology. Greater opportunities for organizing leisure activities, the availability of travel, extensive cultural and educational offerings - all this is invariably referred to as "bonuses" available to the modern generation.

However, it is no secret that along with the opportunities that economic progress opens up, the pressure on young people is also increasing. According to a Timescout poll conducted by sociologists among informal leaders aged 11 to 20, modern German schoolchildren face moral and emotional burden earlier than their peers from previous generations. Often this happens already in the last grade. elementary school when deciding on the choice of further educational institution for young graduates.

3. Fear of not meeting expectations

Parents demand too much from their children.

In high school, the labor market begins to dictate the rules, the need to choose the right profession, find a job and your place in life. Unlike previous generations, today's youth lives in constant fear of not being able to cope, of not living up to someone's expectations: parents, teachers, employers.

At the same time, according to the schoolchildren themselves, the greatest pressure often comes not from teachers, but from parents who demand constant proof of success from their children. According to sociologists, more than 40 percent of adolescents aged 11-14 complain that others judge them "not by personal qualities, but by the results of school performance." As a result, the need to get an education turns into a necessary evil for many. As a result, more high school students are dropping out of school. Every year there are more than 50,000 such "refuseniks" in Germany. And most of them are boys.

4. The stronger sex is weakening before our eyes

In general, as noted by German psychologists and teachers, the stronger sex has noticeably lost ground in recent years: boys are much more likely than girls to have poor academic performance and remain in the second year. While girls read more, guys spend time in front of a computer or TV. Survey data confirms that two-thirds of German schoolchildren devote computer games and watching movies and TV shows more time than studying. Among schoolgirls, this figure is only 14 percent.

5. Lack of role models

According to experts, the main problem is that today's youth lack real leaders and worthy role models. For the same boys, these are male teachers, whose number in German schools is steadily declining year after year. Second is the parents. Social skills and values ​​such as a sense of solidarity, which today's teenagers are accused of lacking, should be inculcated, first of all, in the family, psychologists say.

6. The problem of migrants

Very important issue for the Germans are immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union. If before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the bulk of the settlers were Germans from Poland, then, starting in 1990, immigrants from the USSR took the lead here.

In the first wave of resettlement in the 1950s and 80s, the settlers were mostly elderly people who preserved cultural traditions, spoke excellent German, were familiar with the history of Germany, and perfectly imagined what it was and is. Today, the majority of migrants do not even have basic language skills, and this problem is becoming more and more widespread, since although the influx of migrants has noticeably decreased in recent years, the number of people leaving for Germany continues to be high for Germany.

The problem of immigrants from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan in Germany today is very relevant, they have a German passport, but they do not feel like Germans. One of the main problems for the migrants and the country that accepted them is social adaptation.

The feeling of a new homeland did not come to them upon arrival in Germany, and how could this happen so quickly, most often, if this happens, then only in the second or third generations, maybe then the feeling of unity with Germany will come, as with Motherland. Well, now we must not forget that many migrants still have relatives, friends, workmates, the graves of their mothers or fathers in Russia. Often, when conducting surveys or interviewing migrants, one hears stories about how difficult it is for them to get used to this prosperous country. Yes, they were accepted, they were given allowances, they were placed temporarily, they were able to buy a car, household appliances, but they lived in a different system, with different habits, with different traditions, most of the migrants have big problems with the language.

For a teenager, moving to Germany is often an involuntary, forced step taken at the behest of their parents, so moving to Germany is an emotional test for them. "The insecurity is huge," says G. Schmitt. Teenagers - migrants have a different cultural background and do not know how their peers in Germany think, what they live and dream about. Out of fear that they will do something wrong (clothes, behavior, word choice), they prefer to communicate in an environment of their own kind. So, one of the respondents, Elena, would even willingly return back: “I am at home in Ukraine,” she says. Others saw in Germany the best prospects for themselves, such as Nastya, who would like to get a secretary specialty or continue her education at the university, but could not get a job in her specialty and continue her studies at the university, and now she has big conflicts with her parents, with her peers, yes, already, and with the law.

But no less important problem for many migrants is overcoming the language barrier. The fact that the clientele of those applying to the social assistance service has changed is said by the employees of this service. If earlier, first of all, old people came, but today young families come. Knowledge of German is worse, and often none at all, despite the language test that must be passed by those wishing to leave for Germany. They rent it back in the country from which they leave. But test takers report that many pass the test after learning a few sentences by heart.

Upon arrival in Germany, many, especially young people, withdraw into themselves, some go to school, get an education, and then a profession, a small part goes into the criminal world. An attempt to somehow merge into a new environment among some of the migrants is manifested in the fact that they, through violent fights, drinking alcohol or drugs, are trying to attract the attention of their German peers. Hopeless everyday life for many children, especially if their families live on funds received from the organization of social assistance.

7. Crime problem

Not only in Russia there is a problem of corruption and banditry, but in a united Germany it remains an important issue that must be addressed, otherwise it can become rampant. Of course, in terms of the number of criminals and crimes, German society is still far from its southern neighbors - Italians. But, if you do not solve this issue now, and turn a blind eye to it, then soon the ubiquitous hands of criminals will reach all corners of the country, and then it will be too late to try to do anything, because the bandits, like uninvited guests, fill the entire space, and their then it is very difficult to survive from the state.

They come uninvited, as soon as they see where they can profit and do not leave until they realize that it's all over. They extend their influence from the trade in drugs, weapons, food to the influence on the highest officials of the state. The economic damage from the activities of criminals is many times greater than the cost of fighting crime. Therefore, in order to somehow resist the growth of crime in Germany, the question is raised about the need to urgently change the law on combating crime, improve special education, especially in the field of environment and economic crime, educate foreign languages policemen.


Summing up this work, I would like to draw the following conclusions:

German citizens are very concerned about how the social problems of their society are being solved, what solutions are offered by political scientists, sociologists and other scientists. An indicator of the effective work of the government is positive progress in solving a particular problem.

The increase in unemployment in recent years, especially among young people, has led to great concern and the adoption of a number of measures that have begun to gradually stabilize the situation, but it is still very far from being resolved.

The growth of crime among young people, technical crimes, the merging of criminals with government employees, the increase in the number of drug addicts and AIDS patients - this causes concern for mothers, scientists and politicians.

In Germany today, one cannot ignore the deteriorating situation of immigrants from Russia and the CIS countries. Now immigrants in Germany face huge obstacles to their integration. Many do not cope with difficulties, drink too much, engage in prostitution, drug addiction, so they need to be warned against rash steps, help in realizing a serious approach to the need to move to a foreign country, and whether they need to leave somewhere at all. The proverb teaches: it is good where we are not. Isn't it better to improve life at home, where you are the boss, and go to Germany to visit relatives, go on excursions, learn the language ...

Russia and Germany have a lot of similar social problems and therefore we should mutually take into account the positive and negative experience in solving social problems accumulated in Germany.







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Jeder fünfte Bürger Deutschlands ist jünger als achtzehn Jahre. One in five German citizens is under the age of eighteen.

Von den rund 15.5 Millionen Jugendlichen und Kindern in der Bundesrepublik ist etwa jeder zehnte Ausländer. Of the 15.5 million young people and children in the Federal Republic, approximately one in ten is a foreigner.

Etwa einem Drittel aller Einwohner, rund 26 Millionen, ist es weniger als 27 Jahre. About a third of all residents, about 26 million, are under 27 years old.

Für den größten Teil der jungen Menschen haben sich in vergangenen Jahrzehnten die Zukunftserwartungen und Lebenschancen bedeutend verbessert. For most young people, hopes for the future and life chances have improved significantly in the past decades.

Sie haben nicht schlechte materielle Lebensgrundlagen. They have good material foundations for life.

Und ihre finanziellen Möglichkeiten sind so schön wie nie zuvor. And their financial opportunities are as wonderful as never before.

Junge Menschen unternahmen niemals zuvor so viele Reisen im Inland und ins Ausland. Young people have never before taken so many trips within the country and abroad.

72% der jungen Menschen blicken zuversichtlich in die Zukunft. 72 percent of young people look to the future with hope.

95% der Jugendlichen sind mit ihrem Leben zufrieden. 95 percent of young people are satisfied with their lives.

37% der 15-24-jährigen Deutschen sind Mitglieder in einer Jugendorganisation, darunter 62% in einem Sportverein. 37 percent of 15-24-year-old Germans are members of a youth organization, among them 62 percent are in a sports society.

Bei manchen steht an der Spitze Sport, bei anderen - Lesen und Musikhören. For some, the main thing is sports, for others, reading and music.

In Deutschland gibt es ca. achtzig überregionale Jugendverbände. There are about 80 inter-regional youth unions in Germany.

In ihnen ist etwa ein Viertel der Jugendlichen organisiert. About a quarter of young people are organized in them.

Die meisten Jugendverbände schließen sich im Bundesjugendring zusammen, z. B. der Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend, die Jugendverbände der Gewerkschaften, der Ring Deutscher Pfadfinder und die Landjugendverbände. Most of the youth associations are organized into the Federal Association of German Youth Organizations, for example, the Association of German Catholic Youth, the Association of Evangelical Youth, youth trade union associations, the Association of German Boy Scouts and the Land Youth Associations.

Die Deutsche Sportjugend ist mitgliederstärkste Jugendorganisation. The Sports Youth Union is the largest youth organization.

Jugendverbände gibt es auch im politischen Gebiet: parteinahe Jugendverbände haben sich den meisten Parteien, welche zum Deutschen Bundestag gehören, angeschlossen. There are also youth associations in the field of politics: youth associations close to the party join most of the parties that belong to the Bundestag.

Sie gehoren zum Ring Politischer Jugend. They belong to the Union of Political Youth.

Project theme

Modern youth

Project name

"Problems of modern German youth"

Subject, group

German language, grade 10

Brief summary of the project

The educational network project (USP) "Problems of modern German youth" was developed for students in grade 10 and contains an introductory presentation by the teacher, a booklet for parents, and a presentation by students. Students solve the linguistic and regional problem - the study of their peers from another country.

Guiding questions

Fundamental question

Is it easy to be young?

Ist das einfach, jung zu sein?

Problematic issues

1. What are the problems of modern youth?

Welche Probleme haben die heutigen Jugendlichen?

2. How do modern youth adapt in society?

Wie passen sich die heutigen Jugendlichen an die Gesellschaft an?

Study questions

1. Which of the problems of the German youth concern me too?

Welche der Problemen, die die deutschen Jugendlichen haben, haben auch die russischen Jugendlichen?

2. Where do the problems between young people and the older generation come from?

Woher erscheinen die Problemen zwischen den Jugendlichen und den älteren Menschen?

Project Plan

1. Preparatory stage

Formulation of the theme of the project, its goals and objectives.

Drawing up a project business card - a presentation that displays the main content of the project for the pedagogical council.

Speech at the teachers' council, discussion.

Holding parent meeting, where you will talk about the project (its goals, objectives, stages, advantages), distribute booklets, discuss the issues of subsequent defense of projects, the formation of a jury, encouraging students.

Organization of a meeting of students at which it is necessary to consider the issue of the upcoming project (it is also important to take into account the opinion of children), about its goals and objectives. Solving organizational issues: time and place of meetings, terms of work on the project, protection of projects.

2. Stage of project implementation

Classroom activities

Introductory lesson: conducting a survey among students in order to identify the level of knowledge in this area; discussion of the creative name of the project; division of children into teams and the election of a team captain in each of them; formulation of problems to be solved in the project.

Discuss with children possible sources of information. Conducting a simulator test in order to interest children in studying the problematic issues posed.

Joint discussion with the children of the sources of information they found, highlighting the main information.

Structuring information. The work of students to complete the assignments received, conducting research.

Discussion and solution of questions that arose among students as a result of the study.

Conducting a final test to identify the knowledge acquired by children during the project. Discussion of the procedure for protecting projects: explanation of the mechanism of "black and white" opposition.

Extracurricular activities

Acquaintance of students with the concepts of the project, project method; presenting examples of projects to their attention.

Introducing children to technical means for the implementation of the project: theoretical and practical acquaintance with the necessary programs.

Rehearsal of the defense of projects and "black and white" opposition.

3. Protection of the project with the presence of the jury (administration, teachers, parents) and spectators (schoolchildren). Selection of the winning team. Presentation of certificates and prizes to students

4. Discussion of the results of the defense of the project, first with the jury, followed by a separate discussion with the participants of the project.

Completed by: Bochanova Ksenia

9th grade student

Head: Lavrova Yu.A.

German language teacher



The problems of youth have worried society at all times. The problem of youth is one of the main ones, because the future belongs to it. But "the present age" and "the past age" are always in contradiction. The time of global reforms that swept Russia “broke” the system of the former “morality”, significantly turning everything moral values. The older generation, whose memory is still fresh in the memory of "the days of bygone days", is difficult to adapt to the current conditions, while maintaining the old system of values; it is even more difficult for the younger generation in this regard, because he does not yet have his own system of values, and if he does, it is conditional ...

But why does it seem to us that the older generation is always wrong, that they look for the origins of problems when they are on the surface or look for them not there? Probably because today's youth do not have a strong sense of responsibility, or it is not yet deeply rooted in young souls. Young people do not have time to adapt to the rapidly changing economic, political, spiritual and social aspects of life. Social progress affects its needs, interests, value orientations.

Youth is the path to the future, which is chosen by the person himself. The choice of the future, its planning is a characteristic feature of a young age.

The formation of the social maturity of youth occurs under the influence of many factors: family, school, labor collective, mass media, youth organizations. Youth is the time when everyone must determine their own destiny, find the only true one, leading to success. life path which will allow you to maximize your abilities and talents. The rising generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average in Russia, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy. The number of young people leading an immoral lifestyle is increasing. Youth is being criminalized.Reduced opportunities for youth participation in economic development. The share of young people in the unemployed remains high. The fall in the value of labor. “Big salary” - this motive turned out to be decisive when choosing a place of work.

Modern youth has such a trait that shows that most of them want to have a good income, while not having a profession or desire to work. This is due to the fact that young people do not have incentives to work.

Relevance of the research topic: This topic is especially relevant, since young people are the future of Russia.

Subject of study:youth subcultures
Object of study:youth today
Target: to study the problems of modern youth in Russia and Germany and compare them.

Research objectives:

  1. What is the youth of the XXI century?
    2. What problems do today's youth face?

3. What motivates young people to create subcultures?

4. How is the life of young people in Russia different from the life of young people in Germany?

Research hypothesis:
Having studied the problems of modern youth in Russia and Germany, we will identify similarities and differences between them.

Research methods:

1. Poll (questionnaire, conversation)
2. Testing
3.Method of statistical data processing

4. Using a comprehensive analysis of articles, sources, Internet materials.

5. Surveillance

  1. Main part.

2.1. What kind of youth is she XXI century?
What is it - the youth of the twenty-first century? If you ask this question to the grandparents of a modern young person, they will say that this generation that lives one day does not think about anything. They do not need anything, they are not interested in anything - such an opinion can often be heard from the older generation about modern young people.

Perhaps they are right? Look at a guy or a girl. They sit somewhere in the park, in the yard on a bench. They smoke, they may have a bottle of beer in their hands. Such a picture is often seen today. But this does not mean at all that absolutely all young people are only interested in drinking and thoughtless pastime. Not at all.

Today's youth are very different from their peers living in the twentieth century. Firstly, they are much more informed than they are, because the latest technologies allow you to receive a much larger amount of information than fifteen or twenty years ago. Secondly, it cannot be said that today young people are less educated. On the contrary, they know more because they can get knowledge from many sources. They just live in a different time.

But important human values ​​for today's youth have remained the same. They also love and want to be happy, just like young people a hundred and two hundred years ago. They also want to find themselves, their place in this world. Only their methods and means are now different, and the possibilities have changed significantly.

Modern young boys and girls, as in former times, are ready to help, lend a shoulder when it is difficult. Here is a boy saving a drowning man from a hole. He risks his life, but helps someone who is in trouble. A young man saves a girl from a burning apartment. He performs a feat not for the sake of reward or glory. The boy is just doing what he has to do because the girl is in danger. The newlyweds with friends went for a ride and, standing on the bridge, they saw that a man was drowning. People rushed to save him. Many more such examples could be cited.

That is, the values ​​of modern youth have remained unchanged: philanthropy, mutual assistance, assistance to those in need, and others. They also have a purpose in life. Only the ways to achieve this goal are slightly different from the previous ones. And there have been and will be disputes that at other times everyone was not like that. And today's young people in thirty years will tell their children that they were different and lived differently. The eternal dispute between fathers and children!

Today, well-educated, energetic people who are able to make bright, interesting decisions are urgently needed. Both the personal professional achievements of young men and women and the confident future of Russia largely depend on the activity of the representatives of the younger generation, their sincere desire to benefit their Fatherland.

The 21st century is the age of space speeds and computer technologies. Under the concept of "youth of the XXI century" I represent people who are young, smart, full of energy, athletic, well developed spiritually and physically.

The youth has always been Russian history hope for the future and the real support of the state in its most difficult and heroic deeds. How many young people devote themselves to helping orphanages. How many have become good workers in production, faithful to their work and their homeland.

Today, youth public associations and initiative groups operate in our country. Young activists take part in public, political life countries. The country hosts various youth and children's festivals, competitions, olympiads, reviews, promotions, sports holidays, and Health Days. For many years now, the traditional action “Youth Against Drugs” has been held in our district. And our age of the Internet and space flights should be a century healthy lifestyle life. I am firmly convinced of one thing: no matter what heights humanity reaches, young people remain active.

Youth life in Germany.
Almost one in five people in Germany is under 18 years old. Approximately one third of all residents (27 million) are under 27 years of age. For most of them, the chances of life and future have improved significantly in the past decade. This applies to both West German and East German youth. Especially in West Germany, the majority of young people have a good basis for material life. Their financial capacity is as good as ever, and their supply of commodities is sufficient. Never before have young people made so many trips around the country and abroad. Most young Germans are satisfied with their lives.

In recent years, the power of the family, confession, social environment and community to shape people's lives has diminished. At the same time increased free time young people and their ability to decide their own future. In this situation, modern youth is constantly in search of guidelines and ideals. Not all young people find understanding of their problems in their parents' home or at school. Ties with other responsible, involved individuals or community groups are often weakened. In this situation, young people are easily tempted to engage in behavior that can become a threat not only to themselves but also to those around them.
The federal and state governments have proved their resolve by prosecuting criminals with all the means of the rule of law and subjecting them to punishment. Thus, since 1991, many youth programs have been created to combat intolerant attitudes towards foreigners. Since the beginning of 1993, a large explanatory campaign against extremism and hostility towards foreigners has been carried out in the new federal states. There are about 80 super-regional youth unions in Germany, which employ about one quarter of all youth. Most of the youth unions have united in the Federal Youth Union, such as the Young Evangelical Workers' Union, the German Young Catholic Unions, the Youth Unions of Trade Unions, the Youth Unions of the Länder and the German Boy Scouts. The largest youth organization in terms of membership is the German Youth Sports Association. There are also youth unions in the political sphere, for example, the union of political youth.
Young people take part in various youth cultural projects, where such important topics as ecology, violence, hostility to foreigners. federal association

In terms of cultural youth education, it is an association of 48 branch unions, in which more than 12 million young people annually take part. Special organizations initiate, organize and carry out cultural work with children and youth at the international, national and regional levels, carrying out more than 100,000 projects, competitions, workshops, meetings, seminars and sessions.


A young man faces a problem - to become independent, to take

your place in life. It has a lot of problems that need to be solved. Let's see what difficulties he will face.

  • Where to live?

Independence and self-sufficiency, which young people strive for so much, is very difficult to obtain without their own housing. Own housing is a separate apartment, which can be not only bought, but also rented.

The housing issue has several problems.

First, young people are always and everywhere not a well-to-do part of society. Young people are a separate class of society that is just beginning to live and enjoy the resources of their parents. This means that parents decide whether their child or young family needs a separate apartment or not.

And the choice and decision of parents depends not only on their views on life,

but also from material security. There is no middle class in Russia, so in most cases they cannot help solve the housing problem of their children. And for such decisions, young people simply do not have the money. Unfortunately, when solving the housing problem, the younger generation cannot count on state assistance.

  • Where to study?

Working in a profitable profession is almost impossible without professional training and higher education. Therefore, high school graduates strive to continue their education.

The position of our education and the material condition of our

teachers in particular breed corruption. Often, entrance exams are a competition of wallets.

The only thing a young person can do to be able to study at a university for free is to become a talent. Otherwise, you need to be prepared to pay for your education. Parents almost always do this.

  • Where to rest?

Where does a young person spend time outside of school, home and work? It's a question

very important. As a rule, at this time a person is left to himself and no one knows exactly what he is doing.

It is important that the young man really does something at this time,

because because of "nothing to do" anything can happen:

from hooliganism to murder.

"Nothing to do" leads to drunkenness, drug addiction, disorderly conduct, fights and other crimes. Young people need accessible leisure centers to be created for them: clubs, discos, sports and cultural centers, cinemas.

  • What to live on?

Finding a job that will become your main source of income is just another

difficulty to be overcome. In megacities, it is easier to do this, but in other cities of Russia, the situation is much worse.

When a young man is looking for a job, he is trying to solve two of his problems: career growth and material well-being.

It is very difficult for young professionals to find work in Russia. It happens that work comes by itself, but very often you need to look for it. And the job search can last more than one week. You have to write well-written resumes, send them to companies, go through interviews, and pass probationary periods.

Solving the problem of unemployment in general and youth unemployment in particular is the concern of the state. In big cities there are places to work and young people work. But there are entire regions where there is nothing to do. And then it is no longer a problem of youth, but a problem of the region, which means the state.

It should be remembered that unemployment among the active and able-bodied

population who need to somehow get a livelihood leads

to the growth of crime, social stratification, and as a result, to social tension. But employment is not the only solution to the problem. The income of a young person may be a scholarship, allowance or other social benefits.

  • What to strive for?

Young people today do not have those clear guidelines in life that were

our fathers and mothers. But our fathers and mothers had something that today's youth does not have: knowledge about the laws of society and the system. They knew exactly how to achieve this or that goal, what was possible and what was not. Unfortunately, today's youth do not have such knowledge.

A young person needs to have an idea about life and the world around him. He needs to understand what is good and what is bad. He needs to know the laws of the world in which he lives.

All this information comes to the child from parents, friends, teachers,

from fairy tales, cartoons, songs and movies. And young people get a picture of the world from the media, products of mass culture and their life experience.

The picture of the world that young people now have, which was created

for a decade, tells them about impotence and predestination.

This picture of the world provokes the younger generation. One part of him completely lost interest in politics and the life of the state. The other, having accumulated enough aggression in itself, unites under radical, nationalist and fascist slogans. And it seems that none of today's politicians thinks that Russia in 10 years will have the face of today's youth.

  1. What is a youth subculture?

Youth subculture is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes.

They do not signify a rejection of the national culture accepted by the majority, but reveal only some deviations from it.

Youth subculture is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. It has smaller subcultures.

Why do young people create their own subculture?
The general reason for the formation of youth subcultures is dissatisfaction with life, the search for one's own path in the "adult world", the special nature of relationships with peers, and in the sociological aspect - the crisis of society,

its inability to meet the basic needs of young people in the process of its socialization. What is the society - such is the youth, and consequently, and

youth subculture.
What are the motives that encourage young people to join a particular subculture?

Young people are encouraged to go into “informals” by:

  • domestic loneliness
  • need for friends
  • conflicts at school and at home
  • Liberty
  • emotional richness of communication
  • distrust of adults
  • a protest against the hypocrisy and insincerity of the "adult" society.

What youth subcultures exist in Russia and Germany?

Many domestic youth subcultures have been introduced and borrowed. Their homeland is the West. But Western models of subcultural styles, rituals and values ​​are in many cases reworked and rethought in accordance with the peculiarities of Russian civilization and Russian mentality.

The peculiarity of their youth subcultures is that most of them are focused either on leisure activities or on the transfer and dissemination of information.

There are many subcultures. There are different classifications.-

Socially active, with a positive orientation of activity

(groups of ecological protection, protection of monuments, environment).

Socially passive, whose activity is neutral in relation to

social processes (music and sports fans).

Asocial ( hippies, punks, gangs, drug addicts, etc.).

2.4. Distinctive features of the life of young people in Russia from the life of young people in Germany.
In Germany, young people go to school longer on average.
For example, there are people who are 30 years old and have just finished higher education(legal). And they immediately begin to write doctoral dissertations (in fact, they have not worked a single day in their specialty). Fortunately, the scholarship system in Germany allows this. In Russia, this is practically impossible: At the age of 22-23, most young people already have a higher education (of those who wanted to and entered) and start working. Here, 90% of young people after education go to work in the specialty for which they


The youth of the 21st century are smart, brilliant in computer technology, healthy, strong, purposeful, responsible young people, worthy citizens of their country. We are the present and future of Russia. It depends on us what our country will be like in ten, twenty years, in which state we and subsequent generations will live. We will be able to build a strong state and prove that Russia is a powerful world power. I urge young people not to be afraid of difficulties, to be friends with sports, to conquer unknown heights and strive for excellence!

List of sources used



Application No. 1

Questioning. Subcultures. Your opinion.

So, subcultures - what is it? Do they need society? What makes people join subcultures? Please state your opinion.

First, a couple of standard questions.

What's your gender:




What do you mean by "subculture"?

What position do you think the subcultures occupy in relation to the main dominant culture?

Reject mainstream culture

Exist regardless of mainstream culture

Exist within mainstream culture

Are interconnected with mainstream culture

Your variant

In your opinion, are subcultures needed at all? If needed, why?

What role do they play in society?

Do you sympathize with any subcultures? How and why?

I count

Ranked earlier

Never counted


Why did you choose this particular subculture? How did you get into it?


What gives you this subculture?


Do your closest friends also belong to this subculture?


How does society and family relate to your subculture?

19 respondents took part in the survey, including 7 students of grades 7-9 of the Ostyak secondary school.

All 100% of respondents are familiar with youth subcultures.

Among the most famous among students are punks (16 people, 84%),

rappers (12 people, 63%), goths (13 people, 68%), emo (14 people, 74%), skinheads (9 people, 47%).

Neutral attitude towards youth subcultures 14

respondents (74%)

Consider themselves followers of one of the subcultures of 3 students


14 people (74%) would become a member of a youth group if they were in the village, no - 5 people (26%)

The most interesting students are rappers (53%), goths (10%), punks (5%),

rockers (5%), music lovers (10%). 16% - no subculture is interesting.

Attracts - music (100%), clothing, style of behavior, dissimilarity to others.

74% of respondents would like to expand their knowledge about youth subcultures, 16% - no, 10% - not interested in this.