DIY home greenhouse. Greenhouses. Materials and shapes

We all try to create the most comfortable, warm and cozy atmosphere in our home. What could be better than year-round summer in your own greenhouse? Relaxing surrounded by lush greenery and exotic plants in the midst of winter frosts is the dream of many of our compatriots. Nowadays, you can create your own winter garden not only in a private household, but also within a dwelling in an apartment building. Of course, you will have to make efforts not only to create your own green oasis, but also to constantly devote time to the greenhouse to maintain the plants and premises in proper condition. We offer you an impressive selection of 100 design projects for a wide variety of greenhouses and hope that they can inspire you to create your own green corner for rest and relaxation.

Origin of winter gardens

These days, greenhouses can safely be called green oases, a concentration of beauty and harmony for rest and relaxation. But to achieve this, rooms with plants have to go a long way. Even in ancient Rome, winter gardens originated as a phenomenon in architecture. Later, from the southern countries, moving westward, greenhouses literally conquered all of Europe. Free-standing structures made of glass and wood became most widespread in England, in the households of noble and wealthy people.

It was in England that significant changes took place in the very approach to growing plants in special structures all year round: the methods of heating the space underwent changes. From the most primitive measures, when holes were dug in the ground and filled with hot coal, to the appearance of the spiral chimney and, ultimately, the water heating system. By the mid-19th century, winter gardens began to appear not only in private homes, but also in multi-story buildings.

In Russia, the first winter garden appeared in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. The first stone greenhouses with a heating system in our country appeared there. The monks were able not only to cultivate a wide variety of plants in fairly harsh climatic conditions, but also to grow vegetables in their greenhouses all year round.

In the 19th century, in Russia, winter gardens received a serious impetus in their development and spread among famous nobles. Not only the Moscow GUM and the Peter and Paul Passage in St. Petersburg were equipped with their own greenhouses; many noble people could acquire indoor gardens in their estates. Over time, glass structures ceased to be just a place for growing plants, but became the focus of relaxed pastime for the nobility. In the greenhouses there were practically living rooms where guests were received. The fashion for indoor winter gardens with beautiful decorations quickly gained momentum - not only exotic plants appeared, but also fountains and songbirds.

With the advent of Soviet power, winter gardens as a place for exquisite relaxation surrounded by exotic plants experienced a serious decline. Most compatriots had to worry about at least a roof over their heads and meager food. Nowadays, there are no restrictions in building and finishing materials; systems for creating a certain temperature and air humidity will help create optimal conditions for growing plants of the desired varieties. With the help of modern technologies, you can create a not only convenient place for growing plants, but also a truly comfortable space for rest and relaxation.

Features of creating a greenhouse

It is obvious that for the successful cultivation of plants it is necessary to create and maintain certain conditions. If the different crops in the greenhouse are not comfortable, then the entire operation of building, decorating and maintaining an indoor green garden will fail. In order for the creation of a winter garden to be effective, at least two basic conditions must be met:

  • the greenhouse room must have a high level of natural light (which is why most often these buildings are made almost entirely of glass);
  • for a certain type of plant, special conditions are created and maintained - the required level of temperature and air humidity, timely watering and fertilizing of green spaces is carried out.

There are three options for creating a greenhouse in a private household:

  • the greenhouse is designed at the construction stage and is an integral part of the structure;
  • the winter garden is attached to the main building after the completion of construction work (it is possible that a lot of time has passed since the construction of the house);
  • A greenhouse is a separate building with its own heating, lighting, ventilation and humidity systems.

Of course, the optimal way (in terms of cost and effort) is to create a greenhouse when designing a house. In such a situation, the winter garden and the foundation for it are laid initially, all communications are carried out together with the main building. But this method of constructing a cool garden is rarely used, due to the fact that the owners at the construction stage either do not yet plan to grow plants all year round, or this project does not fit into the overall financial estimate.

Most often, when building a greenhouse, owners take the second path - attaching a glass structure to the finished building. This method is relatively economical: the wall of the house acts as one of the walls of the winter garden. But you won’t be able to save money on laying the foundation. Glass structures (even the most modest sizes) are only seemingly airy and weightless - glass is a heavy material and the foundation or base must be “sunk” deep enough. The size and depth of the foundation will depend on the height of the greenhouse, because many grow not only low-growing plants, but also dwarf trees in their indoor garden.

The least commonly used method is to construct a separate building in which plants will be grown and a place for rest and relaxation will be arranged. The unpopularity of this method is explained by the high cost, the need to use the free space of the yard or land, and also to “pull” all communication systems some distance from the main building.

Ways to design a winter garden

The choice of plants for a greenhouse is an individual decision for each owner. But in the ways of organizing recreation areas you can find interesting ideas from famous designers. So, what can be organized within a greenhouse with plants? The first and most logical decision that comes to all future and actual owners of a winter garden is arranging a living room. Relaxing, receiving guests and just family gatherings surrounded by lush green plants is a pleasure not available to every city dweller. This makes the time spent in such a relaxing atmosphere more valuable.

Garden furniture, namely wickerwork, looks most organic in the interior of a greenhouse. Armchairs and sofas, coffee tables and stands made of wicker or rattan fit incredibly harmoniously into an atmosphere close to nature, creating a cozy and comfortable environment. In order to increase the level of comfort in the relaxation area of ​​the greenhouse, it is enough to equip wicker furniture with soft seats and decorative pillows.

In a spacious greenhouse, you don’t have to stop at installing upholstered furniture and a coffee table to create a relaxation area. Fountains and small waterfalls (imitation of water falling from a certain height) are appropriate in a room literally filled with green spaces. Built-in lamps and strip lighting for plants and a fountain will add originality to the exquisite setting.

The second, no less popular way to decorate a greenhouse is to arrange a dining room. Any meal surrounded by lush greenery becomes more enjoyable and tastier. It is enough to find a place for a small dining table and chairs. Depending on the size and shape of the room, you can use a round or oval (the most organic option for arranging a dining area), square or rectangular table. Depending on the model of the table, chairs are also selected. Very often, garden furniture is used to furnish the dining area.

In some cases, it is convenient for owners to arrange a full-fledged kitchen with a working and dining area in the greenhouse. But it must be taken into account that plants must be selected that are resistant to temperature changes. The working kitchen segment must be equipped with a powerful hood to save the plants from even the smallest drops of fat.

Even a very modest extension with glass walls and a roof can be turned into a small green oasis if the available space is properly distributed. Arranging plants in tiers, installing shelving for small-sized plantings, creating so-called eco-walls or “green walls” will allow even in a small greenhouse to find a place to install a round table with a pair of chairs to organize a place for short meals, relaxation and admiring lush greenery .

Greenhouse exterior

If we talk not about the internal contents of the winter garden, but its exterior, then the facade of the greenhouse must, of course, be in harmony with the appearance of the main building, regardless of whether it was originally designed, added after the main construction, or is a separate structure. Most often, the walls of the greenhouse have a base, which is made of brick or stone. Foam blocks or hollow types of brick are rarely used to build a basement - such structures may not withstand the heavy weight of glass walls and a dome or transparent roof.

The basement, decorated with stone in harmony with the design of the main building, looks luxurious. Glass surfaces add airiness to the overall image of the entire building. Even a small greenhouse in this case significantly changes the appearance of the façade of the home.

A similar situation arises with the use of brick as a building or finishing material. Modern facade brick (intended for decorating the facades of houses) can be textured, with fezzes, made in a wide variety of colors.

874 Dix https://www..pngDix 2017-07-26 18:58:04 2018-11-30 11:15:12 Winter garden: 100 modern ideas for creating a greenhouse

If you have decided to create a winter garden in a private home, then we congratulate you! Regardless of whether you live in a village or in a big city, by doing so you will fill your life with joyful and pleasant moments. Fill your winter garden with exotic plants, turn it into an additional living room - at any time of the year you will be in harmony with nature. Whether you hire builders or create a conservatory for your home yourself, we have some good advice for you.

Walls made of natural stone add coziness to the winter garden

Glazing of the winter garden

The key point in creating a winter garden is, of course, glazing. The glass must certainly be thermally insulated. When designing a roof, its slope plays an important role. Calculate how the sun's rays fall in winter: the roof should be at right angles to them. Then in winter you will be able to collect all the solar heat, and in summer you will be able to hide from the scorching sun. Your garden will maintain an optimal, comfortable temperature all year round.

Add a couple of fresh accents with furniture


Despite the fact that we are talking primarily about the southern regions with mild winters, still pay attention to a very important point: cheap materials are not even considered here! The glass and moving mechanisms must be of the highest quality if you want to enjoy your conservatory all year round. Regarding the choice of materials, we recommend contacting our partners:

Enjoy a delicious breakfast or read a lovely book in this conservatory

Why not celebrate the New Year in the winter garden?

Winter garden design

Of course, a winter garden can be used to store plants during the winter. It can also be used to make a greenhouse where you can grow your own vegetables all year round. However, let's consider the option where the interior of the winter garden resembles a living room, where you can gather with the whole family, enjoy nature and fresh air at any time of the year and in any weather. Comfort and coziness come first! Use comfortable upholstered furniture or beautiful rattan garden furniture. Set up a comfortable table and don’t forget about the lamps. Thus, sockets will also come in handy.
Plants are, without a doubt, the soul of a winter garden. Fill the room with greenery. The very embodiment of comfort, round full of flowering plants, your winter garden will become an oasis where you can be filled with strength for new achievements!

Do you think that the grapevine is exclusively a summer plant? Not at all!

Great idea: dining room in the winter garden

Glazed terrace as a winter garden

If you already have a wonderful veranda or terrace where you love to spend time in good weather, then why not glaze it? A small family does not need a large winter garden; a glazed veranda is enough - a calm corner with fresh air where you can spend winter evenings.

Winter garden with protection from the scorching sun

We publish for you photos of completely different, but, without a doubt, the best winter gardens and greenhouses.

Classic elegance in dark brown tones

House with an attached glass veranda

Winter garden in lounge style

Greenhouse - a green oasis

Large winter garden in colonial style

Not enough space? No problem!

A huge collection of favorite plants is the dream of every housewife. Is a city apartment suitable for this purpose? A greenhouse in the house can be created by observing the basic conditions for proper maintenance of plants and proper care for them. A greenhouse in an apartment will create a relaxation area for all family members. For this purpose, you can use a small space in the house: loggia, balcony, window sill.

Choosing a location for a miniature garden

Before selecting plants and composing compositions for the future greenhouse, it is necessary to determine its location.

A glazed balcony or loggia is the best place in an apartment to form a greenhouse. It is created for the convenience of plants, although it must have a seating area. The greenhouse, created on a glazed loggia, occupies 100% of its surface. For glazing, a material is selected that meets certain requirements. It must transmit maximum light, have strength, tightness, and low thermal conductivity. The question of the functional use of the greenhouse is being resolved: at what time of year the owner intends to use the room, and how the plants will feel in it. The decisive factor when choosing a glazing material is its safety for the normal growth and development of crops, as well as for human health. The glass in the greenhouse can be covered with a special film to protect it from atmospheric influences and pests. To increase the thermal effect, double-glazed windows are used.

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Purpose of the greenhouse

Before construction begins, the purpose of the future greenhouse is determined. It is necessary to decide for what purposes the plants will be grown: to add comfort to the home or to collect certain specimens. Depending on the solution, the technical equipment and appearance of the greenhouse are selected.

For the comfort of the room, flower beds, pots or containers in which plants are grown are used. Collectors form special beds. In a greenhouse with a moderate temperature within 16 - 18 ° C, subtropical plants can be kept. Pets feel most comfortable in a greenhouse with a temperature of at least 20°C. It is necessary to decide on the creation of the image of the future garden in the house, to plan the compositional scheme of its space. The owner calculates natural and creates artificial lighting. The composition of soil mixtures and a schedule for maintaining the greenhouse (daily, seasonal) are planned.

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The form of a greenhouse in a country house

A greenhouse is most often attached to a house. Choose polygonal, quadrangular or round shapes. The green zone can be located on one side of the house and form a single integral composition with it. The best solution for a large greenhouse is a P-shaped gazebo. It has a universal design.

A north-facing greenhouse should have adequate heating and good thermal insulation. The greenhouse on the east side is very attractive: the plants grow quite well and feel comfortable without additional ventilation. There is no danger of overheating in a room facing east. In a greenhouse located to the south, the temperature can rise to 70 °C, so it is necessary to install ventilation equipment.

When building a greenhouse, great attention is paid to the stability of the structure. The strength of all elements is calculated in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07-85. “Loads and impacts”: force calculations are made by designating loaded racks and crossbars. The main attention is paid to the roof exposed to snow loads. The hip roof has the lowest aerodynamic coefficient. All loads on the rack (crossbar) are summed up. The deflection of the supporting element should be ½ the length of the rack.

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Construction materials

Durable, lightweight and cheap materials are used for construction. Aluminum is used to finish large spans. It can be formed into complex shapes. Aluminum is often varnished. Drainage channels are installed inside the profile to remove condensation. This is especially true for a greenhouse with high humidity.

Plastic profiles are used in the construction of greenhouses. They are moisture resistant and require minimal maintenance. Suitable for small areas. Wood is widely used in design. It harmonizes well with plants, but suffers from high humidity. Protective measures are used for it: painting, installation of additional metal insulation.

The greenhouse in the house must be equipped with a ventilation system. With its help, exhaust air is removed, its layers are mixed, and hot air masses do not accumulate under the ceiling. Natural and forced ventilation is used. Open windows let out warm air. Cooler masses enter the greenhouse through holes in the floor. Forced ventilation includes a supply and exhaust unit. Fans are installed only on the hood. Cross ventilation moves air across the natural flow. The exhaust vent is always at the top.

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Application of lighting and heating in a greenhouse

Plants grown in a greenhouse require a certain amount of light. Tropical plants in the apartment need additional lighting in winter. With its help you can control their flowering.

If the temperature in the greenhouse is 25-28°C, then it is considered warm.

It is necessary to eliminate the risk of water getting into the lighting equipment. Wiring, switches, sockets are installed in accordance with safety regulations. Ultraviolet lamps are used to kill bacteria. It is not advisable to install incandescent lamps in a greenhouse; they can burn plants by emitting large amounts of heat. Small lamps are placed on the floor among the greenery. Various positions of lamps over plants result in a variety of visual effects.

Typically the greenhouse is connected to a central heating system. It is possible to heat the room using electric fans and heating elements. Split systems with climate control allow you to regulate the temperature in the greenhouse.

To create a comfortable atmosphere for plants, floor coverings with low thermal conductivity are used. The best floor covering option is marble or ceramic tiles. When rooting cuttings, bottom heating is necessary. Warm floors can be the main heating system. The cable system increases the thermal output and maintains it from 0 to 100% at any time in the greenhouse, without requiring maintenance. Only periodic monitoring is used.

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Watering is the basis of plant life

Greenhouse plants have different watering needs. Some of them need abundant watering, while for others, waterlogging the soil can be harmful. A watering can is used to water pots and small containers. A drip irrigation system is used for plants in clay containers. They are placed on a tray with sand. A tubular irrigation system uses pipes and nozzles. They are supplied to each pot. For watering, purchase a container of the required volume made of glass or plastic. The water is settled.

To work with plants you will need:

  • watering can;
  • sprayer;
  • scoop;
  • ripper;
  • pruner;
  • sticks for picking seedlings;
  • plastic containers;
  • peat pots;
  • small greenhouses for growing problem plants.

Clay and plastic pots and wooden tubs are used. Clay pots are heavier than plastic models, but harmful salts are easily washed out of them. The lack of a porous structure leads to infrequent watering of plants in plastic pots. Plastic, unlike clay, is a stronger and more durable material. These pots can be easily washed with a detergent solution. They have drainage holes. Pot sizes: from 6 to 30 cm (diameter of the upper rim). The shape of the pot used can be square, round, cylindrical. Use pots and containers. Flowerpots are made of wood, metal, and ceramics. They do not have a drainage hole and highlight the beauty of the plants. Blooming specimens are placed in plain flowerpots. They should be 2 cm larger than the pot and taller than it. Hanging flowerpots are made of plastic. They have a double bottom to collect water after watering. The container does not have a drainage hole. It can contain several plants.

The gaps between the pots are filled with peat or expanded clay. Plants in containers grow quickly due to the unimpeded flow of water from the soil. The drainage system should be installed carefully. In large containers, its layers are separated by a geotextile membrane.

Growing exotic tropical plants and flowers year-round in a temperate climate is a challenging task. To prevent them from being damaged on frosty winter days, they must be placed in a place protected from the cold with sufficient natural or artificial lighting. To create ideal conditions, greenhouses and winter gardens are built, which differ from standard greenhouses intended for cultivating vegetables and herbs, not only functionally, but also externally.

Winter gardens and greenhouses have some differences in their design, size and construction methods. Their purpose is also somewhat different.

Winter garden - a mini paradise for relaxation

Blooming garden - home decoration

A winter garden is considered to be a room with an area of ​​more than 15 square meters. m, which is adjacent to the walls of the house. The main idea of ​​its creation is to expand the space of the main building. At the same time, the walls of such an extension are made not of capital, but of frame. The frame is usually made of metal or metal-plastic structures. Thanks to this, the walls of the extension look “airy”, which gives the room additional volume.

The difference between a winter garden and an industrial greenhouse is that the latter are intended exclusively for growing edible plants. At the same time, in creating the macroclimate of the premises, they are guided by the needs of agricultural crops. In a home indoor garden, first of all, comfortable conditions for humans are created. Here you can not only grow crops, but also relax, enjoying the view of flowering plants.

Green area as part of the living room

Often, an indoor garden has not so much an aesthetic impact, but is part of a home’s energy saving system. The fact is that such a building is a kind of buffer between the main premises and the environment.

Due to the glass ceiling and walls, infrared radiation easily penetrates into the winter garden, heating the objects inside. At the same time, thanks to energy-efficient double-glazed windows, heat consumption in winter is significantly reduced. True, plants in an unheated winter garden must be cold-resistant.

Successful winter garden design

Greenhouse - an oasis for exotic plants

A greenhouse is a room designed for growing ornamental crops. Unlike the winter garden, it is built separately and is not adjacent to the house.

Here, optimal conditions are created for the cultivation and maintenance of southern trees (palms, citrus fruits), shrubs and beautiful rare flowers (orchids, ficus, etc.). The term "greenhouse" (in French "orangerie") originates from the word "orange" (a citrus crop characterized by its heat-loving nature).

Depending on the available temperature conditions, greenhouses are divided into:

  • warm (the temperature here stays above 25 degrees);
  • semi-warm (temperature ranges from 17 to 24 degrees);
  • cold (below 16 degrees).

Of course, there are no strict restrictions on the construction of a separate building, and if you wish, you can set up a home greenhouse on the terrace adjacent to the house and even on the balcony.

How to equip a winter garden

An indoor garden, if properly designed and built, will become a real decoration of the house, as it can highlight its design. Thanks to the additional extension, you can easily expand the usable area of ​​any room, creating a corner of comfort and tranquility that will be comfortable all year round.

Types and forms of indoor gardens

Possible shapes and designs

There are several options for architectural solutions for a winter garden:

  • L-shaped extensions to the outer or inner corner of the house.
  • Rectangular extensions with a pitched roof. They can be a continuation of the main floor of the building or expand on top of it.
  • Extension to the corner of a house with a three-beam roof.

The simplest winter garden can be built on a glazed balcony or loggia, using vertical gardening and hanging flowerpots. In country houses, a terrace or covered veranda is a suitable place.

Mini garden in a private house

What materials are used for the frame?

The design of the winter garden is made from a wide range of materials, the most popular of which are:

  1. Aluminum. This is the most popular material for constructing a winter garden. With low weight it has high strength. This significantly reduces the load on the foundation and makes it possible to use a larger glazing area. Aluminum is not afraid of corrosion, it is easy to cut and install. It can be painted in any color using powder coating or anodizing. The disadvantages include the cost of the metal.
  2. Tree. Durable and at the same time environmentally friendly material, which is easy to process and relatively cheap. The disadvantage of wood is the need for constant maintenance. Without adequate antiseptic and antifungal treatment, wood will quickly lose its original appearance.

Suitable coating options

Various options are used for shelter:

  1. Single glass. This solution is not very good for energy efficiency. It does not ensure heat retention in winter and does not prevent its excessive penetration in summer, which can create uncomfortable conditions for the development of crops and human recreation.
  2. Double-glazed windows. The most preferred option for constructing a winter garden. A double-glazed window made of two or three glasses, due to the air between them, perfectly maintains a comfortable temperature inside the room, but such efficiency has a high cost.
  3. Polycarbonate. This material is an excellent solution. It bends perfectly, absorbs solar energy well, has low thermal conductivity and high impact resistance. There are also disadvantages. Over time, polycarbonate darkens and wears away. In poorly lit areas, algae may grow on it. Visibility through polycarbonate is minimal, so to enjoy the views of the surrounding nature, it is not advisable to use it.

Garden with tropical plants in a greenhouse

Methods of organizing heating

To create an ideal microclimate and comfortable conditions for relaxation in the winter garden during the cold season, a heating system is installed in it. There are several heating options.

Water heating, in which the heating of the winter garden is integrated into a system that heats the entire house. The disadvantage of this option is that the installation is too complicated. Only a professional can handle it. In addition, the room will be heated constantly, which will increase costs.

Shared heating with the house

The advantages of such a system include the absence of temperature changes between the house and the garden and the ability to constantly maintain comfortable conditions. This type of heating is most often used in industrial greenhouses.

Electric heaters allow the winter garden to gain autonomy. The most commonly used are infrared heaters, which are the best option for electric heating. They are economical and create heat as close as possible to that of the sun.

Infrared heat heats the plants directly and does not dry out the air. A huge advantage is the ability to regulate the heating intensity in different zones.

Infrared heaters

Solid fuel stoves are usually used in greenhouses in cases where it is not possible to choose gas or electricity, or it is necessary to reduce heating costs. They are rarely used in private greenhouses due to the need for constant monitoring of fuel combustion, its load and temperature. The ideal option is a fireplace stove with a glass firebox, which at the same time decorates the garden.

Fireplace with glass insert

The most attractive are modern long-burning stoves. For large rooms, it is best to organize water heating by choosing a stove with a water circuit.

How to arrange a greenhouse

Home conservatories can replace gazebos and become free-standing living rooms. In design you can use not only plants, but also small architectural forms, miniature ponds, mini-fountains, artificial waterfalls and streams.

Dendroplane and arrangement of the work area

The layout of a greenhouse begins with drawing up a planting plan - even before construction begins, it is important to determine which plants will be grown in order to create ideal growing conditions for them. It is important to understand that the proximity of some crops may be problematic and will require more investment in the project. It is equally important to take care of the ease of maintenance of flower beds and beds, otherwise it will simply be impossible to approach the plants freely.

Mini fountain decorates and creates additional humidity

For small greenhouses, vertical beds arranged in several tiers are ideal. For this purpose, pallets and racks made of moisture-resistant materials are used. You can complement the picture with hanging pots with hanging crops.

The greenhouse should not be cluttered with plants; first of all, it should be a place of relaxation, in which green spaces are present for beauty, and not for practical purposes.

Nuances of construction and technical issues

The performance characteristics and durability of the greenhouse depend on several important parameters:

  1. Foundation. The basis of the building. The most durable and reliable for such buildings is a strip foundation made of concrete.
  2. Frame. The best performance qualities (resistance to wind, precipitation, deformation) are provided by aluminum and galvanized steel.
  3. Coating. Plays a big role in construction. This is what distinguishes this room from others. Continuous glazing creates sufficient illumination for growing plants. Additional sunlight also has a tonic effect on the human body, which is why recreation areas are often arranged here. In a properly designed greenhouse among exotic plants, even in severe frosts, you will feel like you are relaxing in hot countries. Most often, cellular polycarbonate and glass are used for cladding the frame of greenhouses. These materials provide the required level of light diffusion.
  4. Heating. The same types of heating are used in greenhouses as in winter gardens. Experts advise using combined options, in which, in the event of a failure of one heating system, another is switched on.
  5. Ventilation. To create an optimal microclimate in the greenhouse, it is necessary to install supply and exhaust ventilation that regulates air exchange. In addition, natural ventilation should be provided (through the windows).
  6. Lighting. In summer, to protect plants from excess sunlight, you should create natural darkness in the greenhouse (hang curtains or blinds on the windows). In winter, when there is not enough natural light, it is necessary to connect additional lighting (for example, high-pressure discharge lamps).
  7. Watering. Crops require moisture for timely growth. To do this, you can install automatic watering in the greenhouse.

Mini garden in a city apartment

A tropical paradise can only be built if all the necessary conditions are met. It is then that a greenhouse or winter garden will become an ideal place both for growing plants and for comfortable relaxation.