The state plans to recheck pensioners with disabilities. Passing the ITU and confirming disability: current issues Who can check the proof of disability

Today, in megacities, one of the most important issues is parking. To partially resolve the situation with the rapidly growing traffic flow, the authorities introduced paid parking lots. These facilities were created to reduce the load on the transport infrastructure.

Citizens with disabilities, as well as official representatives of disabled children, have the right to count on preferential use of paid parking lots in Moscow - without paying a fee. But to obtain this privilege you need to obtain a parking permit. More details about granting this privilege are provided below.

The nuances of using parking by persons with disabilities

If a special sign is not installed on the car indicating a disability of the driver or passenger, then when parking the car in a paid area in designated areas for people with disabilities disabilities, she can be evacuated to the impound lot. Until the moment the towing vehicle starts moving, a traffic police officer must be nearby in case the driver returns.

Help: If the driver managed to return to the parking lot before the evacuation began, then the car cannot be taken away, even if the parking space was occupied illegally. A fine is issued immediately on the spot. The owner of the car can prove his innocence by providing: a disability certificate, a medical certificate or a parking permit.

A sticker on the car window is not evidence of a parking service user's disability. Many dishonest drivers use this sign to easily occupy parking spaces for citizens with disabilities.

If a citizen with a disability parks a car in a space not intended for such persons, then he must pay for parking in accordance with the general procedure.

The rules that regulate the procedure for monitoring parking spaces for persons with disabilities are set out in Moscow Government Decree No. 289-PP dated May 17, 2013.

The fine for parking in a designated area for disabled people is 5 thousand rubles. In addition, the car owner may incur costs for towing and keeping the car in the impound area.

Standards for parking spaces

Car spaces for citizens with disabilities must be marked with special markings and road sign"Disabled person". IN major cities double marking is used. In this case, 3 regular parking spaces are allocated for 2 disabled parking spaces.

Today, the following requirements apply to parking spaces intended for citizens with disabilities:

  • in parking lots located around public places, the area for disabled persons must be at least 10% of the total area;
  • 20% of the territory is allocated for parking lots near medical institutions where citizens with diseases of the musculoskeletal system can go.

If there is a sidewalk or pedestrian path, the entrance to it should be equipped with a special ramp so that a person in a wheelchair can easily enter the road or parking lot. The width of the border must be at least 90 cm. It must be painted in yellow and installed in the corner of the parking lot.

The width of the parking space for disabled citizens according to GOST is 3.5 m. This is due to the fact that the driver or passenger must fully open the car door when exiting (exiting).

Attention: If more than 2 spaces are allocated for persons with disabilities in the parking lot, they must be located next to each other to increase the free space between vehicles.

Disabled person parking permit: what is it and how to get it

A parking permit for a person with a disability gives the citizen the right to park for free in places marked with sign 6.4 “Parking” along with a special sign “Disabled”. This procedure applies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The document can be obtained at the nearest MFC. The rules for its issuance and use in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation must be clarified at your place of residence.

All records of issued documents are stored in the Register of Parking Permits of the City of Moscow.

To obtain such paper, you must provide the following documentation:

  • passport;
  • a certificate of disability of group I or II for an adult, or of any category of disability for a disabled child;
  • pension certificate (SNILS).

If a representative of a citizen with disabilities applies for a permit, the package of papers is slightly different. In addition to your passport and certificate of disability, you must present a power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of a disabled person.

The guardian of a disabled child provides the ward's birth certificate and his or her passport.

Important to know: The permit is valid until the 1st of the month following the month before which the disability was established. To renew the validity of a document, you must submit an application no earlier than 60 days before the expiration of the previous one.

The application to the MFC is processed within 10 working days.

Interesting: You can also submit an application for a parking permit in electronic format.

To perform this action, you must send a set of documents through the Moscow government services portal. It is located at email address After going to the web resource, you need to go to the “Transport” section and upload scanned copies of all papers. You should also fill out an electronic application here.

What vehicle is it issued for?

The document can be obtained for any number of vehicles that are registered with a disabled person or a guardian of a disabled child. If the car is driven by a representative of a person with a disability, then the permit is issued for only one car.

A permit document can be issued for a car that:

  • is the property of a disabled citizen;
  • belongs official representative a child with a disability;
  • issued to a person with a disability by a social security institution for medical reasons;
  • is owned by citizens who transport a disabled person. The exception is vehicles that transport passengers on a paid basis;
  • equipped with a special sign.

How to check a disabled person's parking permit is described below.

What is indicated on the paper

The document must contain certain information. These include:

  1. Number and period of validity of the permit.
  2. Personal information about the applicant or representative of a child with a disability.
  3. Contact information and residential address.
  4. Information about the vehicle in which the disabled citizen is traveling, including the make and license plate number.
  5. SNILS.
  6. Category of the benefit provided.

All this data is subject to careful verification to avoid abuse.

The document is issued in the form of a notice on an A4 sheet.

How is a free parking permit checked?

If the need arises, state traffic inspectors can quickly check the parking permit of a disabled person by car number. If parking has not been paid for, or the car is parked in an area reserved for citizens with disabilities, and the vehicle has a “Disabled Person” sign, then an online check is performed.

In addition, the activities of city paid parking lots are controlled using special technical means, which operate automatically. Cars with mobile photo and video recording systems drive through the parking lots. With their help, violators of parking regulations are identified, including checking cars located in spaces for disabled people. The devices can quickly check online any car in the Moscow Register of Parking Permits for Disabled Persons.

If illegal parking is detected in preferential spaces, the driver is subject to sanctions for non-payment of parking and for stopping in the wrong parking space.

Thus, citizens with disabilities have certain benefits when parking their car in a paid parking lot. But to confirm your privileges, you need to have evidence with you, one of which may be a disabled person’s permit for free parking. It is an entry in the Register of parking permits for disabled people in the city of Moscow, which is maintained by the State Public Institution “AMPP”.

Therefore, informing the employer about his disability is the employee’s right, not the obligation, and you cannot require him to provide documents confirming his disability. The employer, in turn, does not have the right to make inquiries about the employee’s health status. However, we hasten to reassure you. If the employee does not consider it necessary to disclose his disability, then you do not have any obligation to provide him with appropriate guarantees. This obligation arises only from the moment he submits documents confirming his disability. Such documents, in particular, include: a certificate of medical and social examination (form No. 1503004, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 30, 2004 No. 41); individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (IPR) (form approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 4, 2008 No. 379n).

How to check a person's disability

IT IS FORBIDDEN! Require the employee to submit documents confirming or refuting his disability. Now let's figure out whether you are required to give the employee a description of working conditions. To do this, you should refer to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, upon a written application from an employee, the employer is obliged, no later than three working days after filing such an application, to provide the employee with copies of documents related to his work. That is, in order to receive a copy of a document related to work, the employee must contact the employer with a written application, and not verbally, as happened in your case.

Summary The employer does not have the right to require the employee to submit documents confirming his disability.

If his personal data can only be obtained from a third party, then the employee should be notified in advance and written consent should be obtained from him. The employer must inform the employee about the purposes, intended sources and methods of obtaining personal data, as well as the nature of the personal data to be received and the consequences of the employee’s refusal to give written consent to receive it (Clause 3 of Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Our certificate Disabled person is a person who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating it. social protection(ch.

1 tbsp. 1 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation»). schizophrenia forum - treatment with communication


The trial is coming soon ex-husband about the use of a one-room apartment How can you find out whether he is disabled or not before the trial? question number No. 2595646 read 2833 times Urgent legal consultation 8 800 505-91-11 free

  • No one has the right to provide you with such information Pay for the response Continue the dialogue We will try to help you resolve various problems

Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions I pay child support (I don’t communicate), my child will be 18 years old tomorrow. How do I know if I continue to pay until age 23 or not? I lost a lawsuit with my ex-husband regarding illegal eviction and now he is demanding reimbursement of entertainment expenses. I'm currently in maternity leave and dependent on the state.

Tomorrow I have a court hearing with my ex-husband to collect alimony in hard cash.

How to find out if an employee is disabled?

Originally posted by pooch:But when hiring a safety specialist, you are required to report such things. Current legislation does not oblige an employee to inform the employer about the determination of disability, or to present the employer with documents confirming this fact, both when hiring and during validity period employment contract. Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of documents presented when concluding an employment contract. This list does not contain any reference to documents confirming the fact of assignment of disability.
Moreover, Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits requiring from a person applying for a job documents other than those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Informing the employer about the determination of disability is an employee’s right, not an obligation.

How to find out if a person has a disability

In addition, the employer can only obtain the employee’s personal data from the employee himself. This follows from Art. 10 of the Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, and paragraph 3 of Art. 86 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to general rules, an employer can receive information about an employee’s health status only if this is provided for by law due to the specifics of the employee’s work, through medical examinations of the employee:
If medical examinations are not provided for by the employee’s position and he himself does not provide information about disability, then unfortunately, the employer does not have the right to receive such information from other bodies or persons.
As of: 12/10/2010 Magazine: Everything for the personnel officer Year: 2011 Author: Zulfiya Nailievna Burnasheva Topic: Necessary information, Mandatory and additional conditions Category: Is there a problem? Here is the solution Regulatory documents Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (extract) Labor Code of the Russian Federation (extract) Articles Trade union inspection: workers’ rights and labor protection Is a manager’s instruction a law for a subordinate? Grounds for terminating an employment contract with the head of an organization Six months ago, we hired V. as a cleaner of industrial premises. Recently she approached me with a request to give her a description of working conditions. When I asked why she needed this, she hesitated, and then answered that it was for the ITU, and very much asked not to tell anyone that she had a Group III disability.

It should be noted that the IPR is mandatory for execution by the employer, but for the disabled person himself it is advisory in nature. Therefore, the employee has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as the implementation of the program as a whole. This is expressly provided for in Art. 11 of the Law on Persons with Disabilities. In this case, as the law says, the employer is released from liability for failure to comply.
However, the procedure for such refusal is not currently established by law. However, in any case, such a refusal, in our opinion, should be formalized in writing, at least so that in the future, if necessary, the employer has the opportunity to confirm the fact of the employee’s refusal to carry out the IPR in whole or in part.

How to find out if a person has a disability via the Internet


But we had no idea about this; she didn’t tell us anything when applying for the job! As a HR inspector, I, of course, have no right to disclose personal data. But if V. has health problems, it will also be my fault. And besides, according to the law, disabled people are entitled to additional guarantees - if we do not provide them, we will be held accountable.

What to do in this situation? Should we leave everything as it is and not issue any characteristics or require V. to submit documents confirming his disability and formalize everything according to the law? Situations like yours are not uncommon. Workers often try to hide the presence of a disability. This is primarily due to the reluctance of employers to hire such employees, because they need to provide special working conditions and provide guarantees provided for by law.

How to check if a person has a disability

Involvement in work at night (from 22:00 to 06:00), overtime, on weekends and holidays is permitted only with the written consent of the disabled employee and only if he is not prohibited from doing so for health reasons in accordance with medical conclusion (Articles 96, 99, 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 23 of the Law on Persons with Disabilities). Warranty 3. Provision annual leave lasting at least 30 calendar days(Article 23 of the Law on Persons with Disabilities); NOT FORGET! Inform the disabled employee, against signature, of his right to refuse overtime, night work, holidays and weekends. Guarantee 4. Providing unpaid leave at the request of the disabled person for up to 60 calendar days a year (Art.
128 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Warranty 5.

Employees of Moscow social services inspect the apartments of pensioners, disabled people, and low-income families to assess whether they need social assistance, “MK”. If the social worker fails to get into the apartment, social assistance will be denied. Lawyers believe that such actions by the authorities are illegal, as they violate the rights of citizens to privacy and personal space.

Currently in Moscow there is a system of electronic certificates for low-income Muscovites who need government help - pensioners, people with disabilities, families with children, citizens who are in difficult life situations. The electronic coupon is transferred to a social card in the form of points: 1 point is equal to 1 ruble. With the help of the certificate, its owners can purchase food, children's things, household appliances, and rehabilitation equipment.

However, to obtain such a certificate, a certificate of income is no longer enough; the Moscow government decided to check whether Muscovites applying for social assistance actually need it. To do this, social workers will inspect the apartments and, depending on the results of such an inspection, a decision will be made whether the person will receive social assistance in the form of an electronic certificate or not. If a person is not used to opening the door to strangers or for some reason does not allow a social worker into his home, then he will not receive a certificate.

Many beneficiaries perceive such checks without much joy and consider them humiliating. “I applied to the Babushkinsky department of social services for an electronic certificate,” says pensioner Elena Maksimova. “They came to my house to describe the property. We looked at what year the refrigerator, TV, washing machine, what kind of renovation is in the apartment... For example, I live very poorly, I’m ashamed to invite people to my apartment. However, I haven’t lost my pride yet - it’s very unpleasant when other people evaluate you...”

Representatives of social services say that this is not their whim and they act on completely legal grounds. “We are acting on the basis of Moscow government decree No. 215,” explained a specialist from the emergency social services department of the Babushkinsky district. – A special commission is being created to assess the conditions of the poor. Moreover, visits are provided only for secondary applications. For example, if there is a washing machine in the apartment, and the grandmother asks to give her a certificate for the same, we cannot satisfy her request.”

The Social Security Service also reported that if access to the apartment was not provided, then the certificate would not be issued - these are the rules. Is this legal? Lawyers have differing opinions on this issue.

“The visit of social security officers is not a way to humiliate a person, but simply aims to identify citizens who are truly in need. According to the law, an inspection report is also attached to the documents that a person must provide to the social security authorities,” explains lawyer Galina Gudkova. “I believe that such an exit by employees can be justified if a person asks to re-issue a certificate for durable goods (refrigerator, washing machine) machine, tiles), and not for a food certificate worth 2000 points.”

But lawyer Alexey Bondarenko believes that such actions of social workers are a violation legal right person's privacy. “We have Article 137 of the Criminal Code on violation of privacy, and we also have a higher law - the Constitution, which also protects the personal space of a citizen,” he says. – Resolutions of regional bodies cannot override the Constitution. A person is not at all obliged to open the door to social workers. The main thing here is to create a precedent: someone needs to go to court, or better yet, file a collective statement about the violation of the rights of the poor. And then, by a court decision, this part of the resolution, which talks about visiting pensioners at home, can be canceled.”

However, applicants for this help have to regularly go to a medical and social examination to confirm the group.

Permanent disability - can it be removed?

  • complete lack of vision;
  • malignant tumors at any stage;
  • acquired or congenital dementia;
  • incurable diseases of the nervous system;
  • respiratory failure and related respiratory diseases;
  • limb deformities or amputation;
  • benign tumors of the brain or spinal cord that are considered incurable;
  • deafness in both ears;
  • pathological changes or serious brain damage;
  • neuromuscular diseases that can develop due to heredity.

If one of these diseases is present, the patient can be assigned to group 2 for life and do without an annual visit to the commission. But current legislation also establishes a number of additional conditions under which permanent disability is assigned.

Rules and procedure for assigning permanent disability

When disability is granted for an indefinite period Lifelong disability can be recognized without a period of time upon the initial establishment of this diagnosis, when a citizen is recognized as disabled. If no improvement was found during treatment.

The state keeps records of all people with disabilities who live in Russia. For this purpose, the Federal Register of Disabled Persons (hereinafter also referred to as FRI, Register) was launched relatively recently.

From this article you will find out who runs it and how it will help people with disabled status.

Who maintains the register

To begin with, the Federal Register of Disabled Persons is an information system of state social support measures that expands the possibilities of information accounting in this area. It includes the most complete data on all persons with disabilities.

Let’s say right away who maintains the Federal Register of Disabled Persons.
Its developer and administrator is the Russian Pension Fund. Now he is actively working on its development and improvement.

How the registry works

Historically, the operation of the Federal Register of Disabled Persons of the Russian Federation started at the end of 2017.


At the same time, it began to receive the first data on people with disabilities from information providers - government agencies and institutions related to the provision of services to people with disabilities. Among them are:

  • institutions of medical and social examination (MSE);
  • federal ministries;
  • regional and municipal authorities.

So, since 2017, data from them began to come to FRI constantly.

  • the completeness and reliability of this information was checked;
  • connection to the IDF of all users and information providers, including at the regional level.

It should be noted that in the second half of 2017, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation began a pilot project to provide public services based on information from the Fund (Belgorod, Vologda, Irkutsk, Penza, Samara and Smolensk regions, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk territories, Crimea, Tatarstan, Chechnya and Chuvashia). Thus, citizens who applied to the Pension Fund were assigned:

  • all types of disability pensions;
  • monthly cash payment, which is also due in case of disability.

Also see


In this case, the medical institution that carried out the treatment must draw up a supporting document indicating that there was no positive dynamics in restoring health. After how many years can they be appointed? According to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 805 “On Amendments to the Rules for Recognizing a Person as Disabled”, permanent disability can be given within the following period: After the first diagnosis of disability, no more than two years must pass. This condition applies to both adult citizens and minors.

Re-examination of disability.

medical and social examination

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 664 n dated September 29, 2014. “On the classifications and criteria used in the implementation of medical and social examination of citizens by federal government agencies medical and social examination”, a list of categories of groups that can receive the status of a lifelong disabled person has been created. Everything depends on certain factors, which include - the ability to take care of oneself, the ability to work, move, talk (speech, communication) and psychological level(orientation, training, dementia).


Law No. 181 “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities” talks about who can receive this category - disability, and what conditions exist for this. On legal grounds No. 442 “On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation,” it is possible for people with disabilities to receive social services from the state.

List of diseases by disability

Disability caused by a particular disease is established on the basis of classifications and criteria prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Diseases due to which a person may become disabled (when the period for re-examination is not specified) 1.

Lack of vision in one and the other eye. 6.

How to check disability online

The employer must inform the employee about the purposes, intended sources and methods of obtaining personal data, as well as the nature of the personal data to be received and the consequences of the employee’s refusal to give written consent to receive it (Clause 3 of Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Our certificate Disabled person is a person who has a health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection (Part.

Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”). schizophrenia forum - communication treatment

Soon there will be a trial with my ex-husband regarding the use of a one-room apartment. How can I find out whether he is disabled or not before the trial? question number No. 2595646 read 2833 times Urgent legal consultation 8 800 505-91-11 free

  • No one has the right to provide you with such information Pay for the response Continue the dialogue We will try to help you resolve various problems

Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the Reply button Similar questions I pay child support (I don’t communicate), my child will be 18 years old tomorrow. How do I know if I continue to pay until age 23 or not? I lost a lawsuit with my ex-husband regarding illegal eviction and now he is demanding reimbursement of entertainment expenses.

I am currently on maternity leave and dependent on the state.

Tomorrow I have a court hearing with my ex-husband to collect alimony in hard cash.

How to check online disability

The organization's response is positive if the evidence is genuine.

Is it possible to hide a disability?

Informing an employer about a disability is a citizen’s right. He is not obliged to provide a certificate if he does not wish to do so.
No individual or individual has the right to demand these documents when applying for a job. entity. But if a disabled person does not prove his disability with a certificate, the employer may not take into account his state of health.

He is not obliged to provide preferential conditions. Such cases occur when a disabled person is embarrassed by his illness or worries about losing his position.

There is no point in hiding a disability if such activity is contraindicated. This deteriorates a person’s well-being, and the organization in which the disabled person worked is not responsible for this.

But if the work is authorized by a doctor, then there is no need to clarify the fact of inferiority during the placement. No one can find out about the presence of problems without the employee’s desire.


If it is necessary to check the originality of the certificate, you must contact medical organizations, the Pension Fund or social protection authorities.

If a person, when joining a company or firm, hides the fact that he is disabled, he is acting lawfully. But it is illegal to attempt to create a false disability document.

How to find out if an employee is disabled?

Originally posted by pooch:But when hiring a safety specialist, you are required to report such things. Current legislation does not oblige an employee to inform the employer about the determination of disability, or to present the employer with documents confirming this fact, both when hiring and during period of validity of the employment contract. Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of documents presented when concluding an employment contract. This list does not contain any reference to documents confirming the fact of assignment of disability. Moreover, Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits requiring from a person applying for a job documents other than those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. Informing the employer about the determination of disability is the employee’s right, not an obligation.

How to find out if a person has a disability

In addition, the employer can only obtain the employee’s personal data from the employee himself. This follows from Art. 10 of the Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, and paragraph 3 of Art. 86 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to general rules, an employer can receive information about an employee’s health status only if this is provided for by law due to the specifics of the employee’s work, through medical examinations of the employee: If medical examinations are not provided for by the employee’s position and he himself does not provide information about disability, then unfortunately, the employer does not have the right to receive such information from other bodies or persons.

These include:

  • surname, first name, patronymic if available;
  • age, place and date of birth;
  • citizenship of the person;
  • passport or birth certificate details;
  • individual personal account insurance number (or SNILS);
  • data from ITU;
  • address of place of registration, actual residence.

After registration of disability, the bureau provides up-to-date information about the citizen. The registry indicates:

  • date of establishment of disability, act number;
  • number and date of the ITU protocol;
  • ITU certificate data (series, number, date of issue);
  • information on the issuance of a duplicate extract from the ITU act;
  • conclusions about the types and severity (in degrees) of various spheres of life;
  • conclusion about persistent impairment of body functions due to injuries, defects or diseases.

For citizens who have undergone re-examination within a timeframe different from that specified in the ITU certificate, information about the reason for absence (excused or unexcused) is indicated in the register. The bureau also notes whether pension benefits were counted during this time.

Information about a disabled child

The Unified Federal Register contains information about whether the disabled person received an education, in what program, the fact of vocational training, information about labor activity. This eliminates the need to send requests directly to educational establishments, employer.

For disabled children, the following information is noted: has the child completed the program? preschool education, data on training in secondary schools (separately primary, middle and high schools), information on obtaining secondary vocational and higher education, whether the disabled child underwent any additional developmental programs.

If a child with a disability was adopted or taken into custody, this information is also indicated in his personal information.

To find out about the authenticity of the certificate, contact these authorities and provide the series and number of the document.

These bodies may be:

  1. Medical organization, regardless of activity;
  2. The body that pays pensions;
  3. Social media body protection.

You can quickly find out the answer from the organization that issued the certificate, because access to the registry is clearly open to them.

How to check a certificate by last name?

It is impossible to determine the originality of a document by last name. A counterfeit can only be identified by the number and series through the FID. There are no other ways; access to it is limited and available only to specialized institutions. If there is no number on the certificate, it is fake. Papers without a unique number are not issued to people with disabilities.

Federal Register of Disabled Persons

FRI exists so that people with disabilities have an official resource containing all the necessary information. Answers to questions are on the forum. Information on employment, establishing a health category, receiving a pension and social benefits is on this site. The database of disabled people is not accessible.

To receive data from the Russian IDF, the following conditions are required:

  • The authority is part of the interdepartmental electronic interaction system;
  • The person requesting the data has the right and grounds to receive the materials;
  • The request is correctly completed with all required information.

If necessary, an employer who has the authority to do so can obtain information from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons of the Russian Federation. This process is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is controlled in SMEV.

Within a few days the requested data will be sent to the applicant.

Diseases of the nervous system characterized by a chronic progressive course. 7. Progressive neuromuscular diseases that are hereditary.

Complete deafness. 9.

Neurodegenerative diseases of the brain. 10. Diseases related to high blood pressure.

11. Cardiac ischemia. 12.

Medical and social examination

  • prescription drugs;
  • annual health vouchers, more often if there are medical indications;
  • We will compensate for the costs of travel to the place of health improvement and back;
  • free use of transport lines, including suburban ones;
  • reduction of tariffs for public utilities(size is determined by local regulations);
  • a set of social services, and in case of refusal - additional payment;
  • free services of social workers, including at home.

Attention: as of 2017, social pensions were paid to disabled people:

  • 1 group - 10,217.53 rubles;
  • from childhood - 12,231.06 rubles.

Preferences for the second group People with health limitations of the second category enjoy the same privileges.

They are not only entitled to re-health within a year.

In what cases is an indefinite disability group given?

If combined into common features, the process of undergoing a medical examination and a commission meeting of the ITU, then the order is as follows:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • An analysis of the treatment method is carried out before the commission is passed;
  • They are looking at whether it makes sense to continue rehabilitation courses further.

If the assessors do not see the point in the latter, that nothing influences or helps the course of the disease towards improvement, a firm decision is made to assign a disability group without further re-examination.

In the event of the death of a disabled person, information about the fact of closing his individual personal account is reflected in the federal register.

How the Federal Register works

The register is part of the Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning. Creating a unified list of people with disabilities makes it possible to assess accessibility various types services, implementation of government programs, predict what funds need to be allocated to help people who have lost their ability to work, eliminate unnecessary paperwork, and improve the quality of services provided.

Having one database solves the problem of access to information.

For example, when a person moves from the city of Saratov to Moscow, local government authorities and social protection will be able to independently and quickly obtain the necessary information without sending requests and wasting time waiting for a response. To prevent errors in calculations, employees responsible for the state of the state database add information about new disabled people and delete “duplicates” of data.

Representatives of those departments that provide information and disabled people themselves have access to data on persons included in the register. There should be no fear that any personal information may become available to third parties. All data in the registry is protected. Outsiders will not be able to view them or make any changes.

Adding a person to the database as a consumer occurs as follows:

  1. Local authorities send the application by email to the Federal Register operator.
  2. The operator studies the document, analyzing the completeness of information about the disabled person and the authority itself.
  3. If the application contains complete and correct information, the disabled person is registered.

Starting from January 2017, the transfer of information on the determination of disability and information from the individual program of rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people to the information system “Federal Register of Disabled Persons” (FRI) is carried out in real time.

Data to the Federal Register of Disabled Persons is transmitted in real time from the Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise via unified system interdepartmental electronic interaction. In this mode, more than 630 thousand documents have already been received in relation to 308 thousand people with disabilities.

Currently, active work is underway to connect all departments to the system - both suppliers and users of IDF information, including at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the same time, information that was placed in the IDF as a result of the initial download, in particular, from the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, and the Ministry of Education and Science is updated.

It is planned that during 2017 the regulatory framework will be expanded, which will make it possible to provide state and municipal services to people with disabilities based on information from the FRI without requesting from other departments, and people with disabilities themselves will not have to submit duplicate documents and information.

In this case, all information in the FRI will be legally significant.

Let us recall that the state information system “Federal Register of Disabled Persons” was put into operation in 2017, and the full-scale use of information from the FRI to provide public services to disabled people is planned to begin in 2018. The FRI will become a unified database for all departments and organizations that deal with the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, as well as for the citizens themselves.

The Federal Register of Disabled Persons will contain all information about disabled people, which will avoid multiple and multidirectional document flow between government authorities and the need for disabled people to provide documents to receive services.

Each person who has received a disability is prescribed a course of rehabilitation. In the process of examining the condition, the medical commission looks at his health, living conditions and work.

The impact of work on disability is analyzed. Based on the conclusion, a conclusion is made about the need for social support. This creates questions related to the citizen’s employment.

Checking a disability certificate

Disability is established if:

  • A citizen needs help from social security institutions;
  • The person has severe problems with the health and functioning of the body;
  • The person's performance is reduced.

If a disability is established, a certificate is issued, which can be provided when applying for a specialty.

When hiring a person with a disability, the HR department checks the employee’s documents. There are not many ways to check, because information about health limitations is a citizen’s personal information. In cases where the category was obtained during employment, a corresponding mark is placed in the act. But how to check the authenticity of a disability certificate?

How to check the authenticity of a reference number?

When applying for a position, a citizen may not indicate the organization that established the health category. The work book must have the ITU seal.

The original shows the series and number in the following form: “ITU-20117 No. 1889521”.

If there is a suspicion that the certificate was obtained illegally: it was printed and laminated on its own so that it is impossible to determine the type of material and the authenticity of the print, the employer has the right to ask to provide all ITU papers. The verification of papers is carried out by bodies that have access to the Federal Register of Disabled Persons in Russia.

Permanent disability check

For 2018, the parameters are set at the following level:

  • 9 years of experience;
  • 13.8 points.

Can lifelong disability be cancelled? An ITU certificate on a perpetual group is not a complete guarantee of receiving preferences for the rest of your life. There are situations where a previous decision can be reversed.

They are:

  • identifying fraudulent documents in a patient’s file, for example, fraudulent test results;
  • identifying errors in diagnoses and the like.

For information: control over the activities of medical and social examination bodies is carried out by the Federal Bureau. It detects fake cases and overturns decisions made. Changes in 2018 All changes in 2018 will be announced later. You can learn about this from the news on our website. The information will also be updated in this article.

Can a group 2 disability be removed for an indefinite period?

The procedure for obtaining a life certificate The methodology for assigning a life category does not differ from a regular examination. The applicant’s algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Collect the necessary information (list below).
  2. Passing a mandatory medical examination at the clinic.
  3. Obtaining a referral to a medical and social examination.
  4. Working with specialists.

Attention: if the patient cannot come to the ITU, this circumstance is indicated in a separate application.

To confirm incapacity for work, sometimes the conclusions of several doctors are required. But this is individual.
As of: 12/10/2010 Magazine: Everything for the personnel officer Year: 2011 Author: Zulfiya Nailievna Burnasheva Topic: Necessary information, Mandatory and additional conditions Category: Is there a problem? Here is the solution Regulatory documents Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (extract) Labor Code of the Russian Federation (extract) Articles Trade union inspection: workers’ rights and labor protection Is a manager’s instruction a law for a subordinate? Grounds for terminating an employment contract with the head of an organization Six months ago, we hired V. as a cleaner of industrial premises. Recently she approached me with a request to give her a description of working conditions.

When I asked why she needed this, she hesitated, and then answered that it was for the ITU, and very much asked not to tell anyone that she had a Group III disability.

It should be noted that the IPR is mandatory for execution by the employer, but for the disabled person himself it is advisory in nature. Therefore, the employee has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as the implementation of the program as a whole.

This is expressly provided for in Art. 11 of the Law on Persons with Disabilities. In this case, as the law says, the employer is released from liability for failure to comply. However, the procedure for such refusal is not currently established by law. However, in any case, such a refusal, in our opinion, should be formalized in writing, at least so that in the future, if necessary, the employer has the opportunity to confirm the fact of the employee’s refusal to carry out the IPR in whole or in part.

How to find out if a person has a disability via the Internet

What to do in this situation? Leave everything as is, and do not give out any characteristics or demand from V.

EGISSO system: what is it and why is it needed?

FRI website

The official website of the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities has existed on the Internet since 2017 and is located here. It is available to everyone.

Consumers of information about disability themselves received access to the Federal Register of Disabled Persons for 2018. First of all, these are government bodies, for which the FRI opens up a number of new opportunities. In particular, to improve cost efficiency.

It should be noted that information from the FRI is available to authorities at different levels, which will improve the extraterritorial provision of public services to people with disabilities. For example, to solve the problem of repeatedly assigning the same payment to a disabled person in different regions.

Analytical reports based on the IDF allow the authorities to more accurately assess the real need of a disabled person for certain social support measures and make decisions on the provision of such measures.

The FRI website contains:

  1. Open information about disabled people (statistics from the Federal Register of Disabled People on the number of disabled people in the Russian Federation and their age structure, disability group, age, cause of disability, education received and professional employment).
  2. Life situations of disabled people (list of answers on everyday situations relevant to disabled people, including establishing disability, applying for pensions and social benefits, job search).

Personal Area

On the FRI website, an integral part of the Federal Register of Disabled Persons is a personal account.

There are about 13 million disabled people registered in Russia. The Federal Register of Disabled Persons is a state information system.

It was created to obtain information about the number of people in need of services, planning financing, and other assistance. It includes not only persons who have undergone a medical and social examination (MSE) for the first time, but also those who were previously recognized as disabled.

What data is contained in the FRI?

The Federal Register of Disabled Persons (or FRI) began its work in January 2017 on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 569n of October 2016.

This document contains a list of necessary information about persons who have lost their ability to work. Information about disabled people for inclusion in the FRI is provided by:

  • Social Insurance Fund;
  • ITU institutions;
  • Pension Fund;
  • Federal Employment Service;
  • Ministry of Health care;
  • Ministry of Education;
  • other organizations providing services to people with disabilities.

According to the order, the following categories of information are entered into the database:

  • personal data of the disabled person;
  • information about passing the ITU and information from the commission;
  • information about work, contacting the employment center and training of a disabled person;
  • information about adoption or guardianship of a disabled child;
  • information about the fact of use of maternity capital;
  • information about receiving expensive treatment and performing certain operations;
  • information about receiving additional spa treatment.

Personal data in the registry

When filling out information about a disabled person in the FRI, indicate all the necessary personal data.

Required package of documents For each disability group, there is a specific list of required documentation. Based on all the certificates, test results, etc., a decision is made whether to give the group or not.

After establishing the 2nd group of disability, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate, which gives the right to free travel in transport, a discount on utilities, vouchers to sanatoriums and other benefits from the state. In what cases can a group be removed? Despite the fact that an indefinite disability group is established without specifying the timing of re-examination, the medical and social expert commission is still able to remove it.

In connection with the possibility of directing maternity capital to receive rehabilitation and habilitation for children with disabilities, the register also indicates information about the fact of using funds for the purchase of special goods and services.

Information about receiving medical care

There is a list of diseases that require expensive treatment for life-saving reasons. The Federal Register contains information about the fact of provision of medicines for such pathologies and conditions as:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • conditions after organ and tissue transplantation;
  • hemophilia;
  • malignant tumors of the blood system;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pituitary dwarfism.

IN personal account also indicate information about receiving sanatorium-resort treatment at the expense of the budget. This happens if the disabled person underwent it in addition to what was required under the individual rehabilitation program.

Employment information

The state register reflects in detail the labor “path” of a disabled person. It records the following data:

  • current employment;
  • information on the employment of graduates of universities and colleges;
  • information about applying, referral to the employment service;
  • information about the device for a specially created for a disabled person workplace;
  • data on hiring according to quota;
  • information about the time of payment of contributions by the employer to the pension fund;
  • information about the disabled person’s own case.

Employment centers provide information about assistance in finding employment, training or retraining, psychological support provided to disabled people, and information about relocation to get a job in the direction.

In the last issue of the magazine, we talked about the new procedure for conducting medical and social examinations and recognizing a citizen as disabled. In this issue we will talk about the results of the examination, how to formalize them, as well as the consequences of the decisions of ITU institutions for the parties to labor relations.

Confirmation of disability

Doubts arose about the authenticity of the certificate confirming the employee’s disability. Is there any way to verify its authenticity?

This fact is easy to verify if you set yourself such a task. The details of the certificate must match those indicated in the certificate of examination of the disabled person. The line “Base: certificate of examination at the federal state institution of medical and social examination” indicates the number of the certificate of examination and the date of receipt by the MSE institution of the citizen’s (his legal representative) application for recognition as disabled. This act can be raised if necessary. The fact of filing an application is also recorded in a special journal. To verify all this data, an official request can be sent to the federal government agency ITU with a request to confirm the issuance of a certificate.

The examination and decision-making are accompanied by documents, the presence and correctness of which can be double-checked if necessary: ​​a protocol, an examination report, a certificate of disability, a rehabilitation program.

If an employee claims that he is raising a disabled child, then in order to receive benefits he must provide the employer with a certificate confirming that the child has a disability. No other “crusts”: certificates, certificates, certificates of other content can serve as a basis for providing benefits at the place of work.

By the way, you can get the necessary information or find out the details of passing the ITU at information stands and terminals in ITU institutions, in the federal state information system“Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)”, on the official website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise”; on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Labor General information about location, email addresses and contact numbers Federal state institutions for medical and social examination are given in Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations.

Practical question on ITU

The employee took time off from work to undergo medical examination. He did not present a certificate of the results of the event, saying that the determination of disability was denied. Should he somehow confirm the passage of the ITU?

If the citizen has not been recognized as disabled, then the specialists of the bureau who conducted the MSA, at his request, issue a certificate of the results of the examination on the day of application (if applying for the specified certificate on the day of the MSA) or within five calendar days, if issuing a certificate requires time for the request formed files from the archive. Such a certificate, issued on paper and (or) in the form electronic document, will serve as an excuse for absence from work.

According to clause 20 of the Administrative Regulations, a certificate of the results of the medical examination is issued to the recipient of the public service on the day of the medical and social examination. If in order to issue a certificate it is necessary to request medical and social examination reports compiled into files from the archive - within five calendar days from the date of submission of the application.

Practical question on ITU

An employee with a disability got married and changed her last name. Is it necessary to replace a certificate confirming the fact of disability?

In the event of a change in the last name, first name, patronymic, or date of birth of a citizen recognized as disabled, upon his application (or the application of his legal representative), the ITU institution at the place of residence that established his disability issues a new certificate. In this case, a new act is drawn up without additional examination of the disabled person, in which a record is made of the issuance of a new certificate to replace the previously issued one, and a protocol.

A previously issued certificate is canceled by crossing out and marking “cancelled” and filed in the citizen’s inspection report.

Such rules are established by clause 8 of the Procedure for drawing up certificate forms confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, and an extract from the certificate of examination of a citizen recognized as disabled, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social examination, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 1031n.

In the upper right corner of the new certificate, an entry is made “Instead of a certificate from... series... No...., issued (indicate full name, date of birth).”

Practical question on ITU

The disabled person presented a certificate confirming the fact of disability, but refuses to present an individual rehabilitation program. Is it possible to require this document from him?

In addition to the certificate of disability, an adult citizen receives an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (IPR), and children and adolescents under 18 years of age receive an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child. The forms of these documents were approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 4, 2008 No. 379n, hereinafter referred to as order No. 379n.

The individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person is comprehensive and contains rehabilitation measures, including in the field of work. Please note: if necessary, at the invitation of the head of the bureau conducting the ITU, employers can also participate in the formation of the IPR with an advisory vote. The procedure for developing and implementing an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (disabled child) was approved by Order No. 379n.

In the IPR of a disabled person, the personnel officer should be primarily interested in the section “Professional rehabilitation measures”, as well as “Recommendations on contraindicated and accessible conditions and types of work.” These two blocks should be read especially carefully, since doctors most often emphasize the need to “create a special workplace” for a disabled person. It is clear that in this case the employer is indicated in the column “Performer of rehabilitation activities”.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 No. 30 approved Sanitary Rules SP “Hygienic requirements for working conditions for disabled people.” Keep in mind that at the next re-examination the commission conducting the ITU will certainly ask the disabled person whether the activities that were planned in the previous IPR were carried out. Please note that in accordance with Art. 11 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”, the IPR of a disabled person is mandatory for execution by the relevant authorities state power and local government, as well as organizations regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. In this regard, Art. 224 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the employer’s obligation to create working conditions provided for by the IPR. For the disabled person himself, the IPR is of a recommendatory nature, and he has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, and the program as a whole. But by refusing the recommendations included in the IPR, he takes upon himself all the adverse consequences of such a step (deterioration of health).

When looking through the IPR, find the time frame for which it was developed. This could be: one year, two years or indefinitely. If there is a need to make any changes and (or) additions to the IPR, the ITU is carried out again and a new program is drawn up.

An individual rehabilitation program on paper is signed by the head of the bureau (an authorized deputy head), certified by the seal of the bureau and can be issued to the citizen personally or sent by registered mail. This document is drawn up in three copies: one is issued to the disabled person, which is recorded in the journal for issuing the IPR of the disabled person, the second is attached to the examination report, the third is sent to the territorial body of the FSS of Russia or to executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to exercise powers to provide social protection measures to people with disabilities. That is, a disabled person does not have the right to claim that the IPR was not developed for him at all. It's another matter if he refused to receive it. This is possible, but if the disabled person (his legal representative) refuses to sign the IPR, it is attached to the medical and social examination report. A copy of the IPR in this case can be issued upon the application of a disabled person.

Why do citizens refuse IPR? Possibly due to disagreement with the bureau's decision on recommended rehabilitation measures. In this case, the decision can be appealed. It happens that the assigned group turned out to be worse than the disabled person expected. There are other reasons too. The main thing is that the employer is not responsible for the decisions made by a disabled employee.

Disagreement with the ITU decision and refusal of rehabilitation

Can a working disabled person remove his disability on his own?

The law does not provide for the procedure for removing disability at the initiative of a disabled person. What can a citizen do in this situation? For example, not undergoing the next re-examination within the established time frame. The disability group is not automatically extended, and forced re-examination is not provided for by law.

Practical question on ITU

The employee received a disability as a result of an industrial accident and submitted a corresponding certificate. Is he obligated to carry out the activities established in the victim’s rehabilitation program?

A person injured as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease receives, within one month from the date of the decision, a rehabilitation program for a person injured as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease (hereinafter referred to as the PRP), developed by specialists of the bureau that conducted the examination, according to the form , approved Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 18, 2001 No. 56. The PRP indicates specific types, forms, volumes of recommended measures for medical, professional, social rehabilitation and deadlines for their implementation.

You should pay attention to the section “Recommendations on contraindicated and accessible types of work”, which names contraindicated production factors and working conditions, as well as the indicated conditions and approximate types labor available due to health reasons.


The rehabilitation program is drawn up in three copies: one is sent to the territorial branch of the FSS of Russia, the second is given to the victim, the third is attached to the examination report at the ITU institution. If a citizen refuses to draw up a PRP, a corresponding entry is made in the inspection report at the ITU institution and signed by the victim.

It must be borne in mind that, unlike an ordinary disabled person, the insured (disabled employee) who suffered as a result of an industrial accident or occupational disease is obliged to follow recommendations for medical, social and professional rehabilitation within the time limits established by the PRP, and undergo medical examinations and re-examination within the time limits established by ITU institutions, as well as at the direction of the insurer (clause 3 of article 16 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ “On social insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases").

Paragraph 123 of the Administrative Regulations provides: if a citizen at the time of the examination at the ITU bureau had an open certificate of incapacity for work in his hands, if he is recognized as disabled, the head of the ITU bureau makes a note about the disability group and the date of its establishment in the line “Disability group established/changed.” If disability is established, the period of temporary disability ends on the date immediately preceding the day of registration of documents at the MSE institution (clause 28 of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

For temporarily disabled persons for whom disability has not been established, sick leave may be extended by decision of the medical commission until their ability to work is restored with the frequency of document extension by decision of the medical commission at least once every 15 days or until re-referral to medical examination.

Practical question on ITU

The disabled worker does not agree with the decision of the ITU Bureau. What can you advise him in such a situation?

Explain to the employee his right to appeal the decision of the ITU Bureau. The complaint is subject to mandatory registration no later than the next working day from the date of receipt by the bureau and is considered within 15 working days from the date of registration. An application to appeal the decision of the bureau that conducted the medical and social examination is sent to a higher authority within three days from the date of receipt, which makes a decision no later than a month from the date of receipt of the application.

A complaint about the activities of the ITU bureau in terms of conducting examinations may lead to an unscheduled inspection of this bureau in the form of an analysis of protocols, as well as an examination of citizens during the implementation of control. Scheduled inspections are carried out at least once every three years.

Before writing a complaint, a citizen must carefully study clause 146 of the Administrative Regulations, which discloses the rules for drawing up complaints and the requirements for their content. The complaint can be sent by mail or to in electronic format(for example, on the official websites of the bureau, main bureau, Federal Bureau, etc.).

If a citizen makes the wrong address, sending a complaint to the wrong official or to the wrong authority that is competent to make a decision, within three working days from the date of registration the complaint is sent to the body authorized to consider it, and the citizen is informed in writing about its redirection. In this case, the consideration period is calculated from the date of registration with the authorized body.