Official Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia). "Dialogue": the future of Russian higher education

5 interesting facts about the Minister of Science and higher education(this is new) 16 years in finance and only four years in science “Stunning!”: how the RAS reacted to Kotyukov
We, citizens of Russia, will, of course, see who is who and what will come of it... But we still need to know some preliminary information about the new appointee of the new ministry.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced the composition of the new government. The Ministry of Education was headed by Olga Vasilyeva, and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was headed by 41-year-old Mikhail Kotyukov, head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO). Here are some Interesting Facts about the new minister Kotyukov.

So, 5 facts

1. Got into politics thanks to my teacher

Mikhail Kotyukov graduated from Krasnoyarsk State University(KSU) with a degree in finance and credit in 1999. His managerial career began there. KSU Dean Valery Zubov was elected governor Krasnoyarsk Territory, and he decided to conduct an experiment - to involve his young students in management. Mikhail Kotyukov was among those who were offered a post in the regional administration. While still in his third year, he became the chief economist of the credit department of the Financial Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration. By the end of his training, he was appointed head of the control and audit department of the Financial Administration.

2. I spent 16 years in finance and only four years in science.

At various times, Mikhail Kotyukov worked in the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, was engaged in private business, and was deputy governor and minister of finance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 2012, he became Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia Anton Siluanov. A year later, Dmitry Medvedev appointed him head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO), created as part of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There were those who were perplexed why Kotyukov was appointed to such a post. Some believe that his candidacy was promoted by Olga Golodets, who oversaw the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and before that worked with him in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

3. Became head of FANO at age 36

The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations appeared in 2013 as part of the reform Russian Academy Sciences (RAN). Until 2018, FANO led scientific organizations, but on May 15 of this year the agency was abolished - it will become part of the new Ministry of Science and Higher Education. When FANO was first created, many scientists were extremely skeptical - they did not like the fact that FANO would be led by a person who had nothing to do with science. In addition, they were afraid that after the reform there would be more bureaucracy. Summing up the results of Mikhail Kotyukov’s work, some scientists say that they expected the worst. Others believe that the activities of FANO still had a negative impact on the scientific community.

4. For four months he was vice-rector of the Siberian Federal University

And this is all that connected Mikhail Kotyukov with science before he was appointed head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations. He served as Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance from March to July 2007. Former colleagues claim that Kotyukov “left a bright and indelible mark on the university.”

5. Almost nothing is known about his personal life.

Kotyukov’s colleagues recall that he was always a non-public person - he could talk about work as much as he wanted, but never about his personal life. It is known that Mikhail Kotyukov has a wife, son and daughter. The editor of the Krasnoyarsk newspaper Konkurent, Igor Rudik, describes the official as a “tall, athletic, charismatic” man with a “reputation as a child prodigy.” According to Rudik, in one of his interviews, Kotyukov admitted that he grew up in a rather poor family without a father - his grandmother and mother were involved in his upbringing.

On May 15, Vladimir Putin issued a decree according to which the Ministry of Education and Science will be divided into two departments: the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The first department will be responsible for school and secondary specialized education, and the second will be responsible for the development of universities, science and nanotechnology.


The current head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Mikhail Kotyukov, will become the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on the personalities of all ministers and government deputies proposed by the head of the Cabinet of Ministers.

One of the main changes in the structure of the government, which became known on May 15, was the division of the Ministry of Education and Science into the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The corresponding draft structure of the new government was presented to the president in the evening by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The competence of the Ministry of Education will include issues general education, while the second department will be responsible for higher educational establishments and the development of science in general. As the prime minister explained, such a decision “will allow us to better concentrate our capabilities for the development of one education system and another education system.”

From the goals and objectives of the new ministry it follows that its activities will be divided into two parts: supervision of university and academic sciences.

Therefore, the pressing question now is how these flows of funds will be reformatted.”

According to the expert, Mikhail Kotyukov will be helped in his new position by his interdisciplinary and diverse experience in previous positions. “He also worked at the university, from the inside he understands the mechanics and features of university management; on the other hand, he worked as a manager in the social sphere, working in the Ministry of Finance,” continues Leshukov. — And finally, for the last few years he has had a difficult job at FANO, where he had to communicate with various representatives of science in our country: academicians, officials, and university science. This wide experience should be of benefit, since the tasks before him are complex.

— to build cooperation between academic and university science.”

Traditionally, the figure of Mikhail Kotyukov from academic science has aroused more critical opinions. After all, for the last four years, it was FANO that has been in charge of the operational management of universities, which, as part of the RAS reform, moved away from the Academy of Sciences. And most scientists say that with the arrival of FANO, the amount of paperwork and problems with bureaucracy has increased for them.

“Stunning! “An amazing option,” one of the academicians interviewed by Gazeta.Ru sincerely exclaimed upon learning of Kotyukov’s appointment. “It is, of course, a disgrace to appoint a person with a financial background who has never worked in science as head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education!”

This is complete nonsense. He does not understand what science is; he needs to work in it for a certain number of years in order to understand what this field of activity is.

But still this is not the worst option. The cautious positivity stems from the fact that at least he listened to the scientists. He fully listened to the opinion of the Scientific Coordination Council of FANO, he understood his shortcomings in terms of education and experience, that is, he is a trainable person.”

According to a scientist who agreed to speak with Gazeta.Ru on condition of anonymity, it is “not very harmful” for a minister of this caliber to have an international reputation—and not a managerial one, but a scientific one. “Imagine - he will steer Russia’s participation in international scientific projects. You have to understand what kind of projects these are!” - he added.

Earlier, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Alexey Khokhlov, reacted positively to the news of the division of the Ministry of Education and Science. “Of course, I see some advantages in this; I have repeatedly said that I will support any reorganization scheme if universities and scientific institutes are in the same department. This is what happened, and I am very satisfied with this,” said the academician. “Science requires an influx of new personnel, so it is closely related to higher education. The separation went the right way. After all, secondary school, kindergartens, nurseries are still special issues, and let the Ministry of Education deal with this, although there are also issues related to higher education, because we have schools and colleges at universities. But, nevertheless, these issues can be resolved within the framework of two departments.”

“I have great respect for Mikhail Kotyukov. He is certainly a qualified person with a state mind, and I understand that he is squeezed within certain limits,” said Mikhail Marov, academician, head of the department of planetary research and cosmochemistry at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Earlier, by his decree, the President of Russia abolished the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations (FANO), transferring its functions to the Ministry of Higher Education and Science Russian Federation.

From now on, the functions of managing academic institutions are transferred to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The main tasks to be solved by this Ministry are formulated in the presidential decree.

In particular, this is an update of the instrument base by 50% and the creation in Russia of at least fifteen world-class scientific and educational centers with the participation of innovative enterprises producing final products.

“I think the new ministry will concentrate on fulfilling these tasks. But still, we must not forget that the most important sector of science is academic science. She must preserve her identity, and I hope she will preserve it,” Khokhlov is sure.

The current Ministry of Education and Science was created in 2004 and is the legal successor of the Ministry of Education, transformed in 1999 from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Until 1996, primary and secondary education was managed by the Ministry of Education, and higher and postgraduate education and science by the State Committee for Higher Education.

Previously, the current deputy head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Academician Grigory Trubnikov, and the head of the Russian Science Foundation, Alexander Khlunov, were named as candidates for the post of Minister of Science.

On introducing a bill on state accreditation issues to the State Duma educational activities Order No. 1149-r dated June 9, 2018. The purpose of the bill is to legislate the mandatory recording of information on independent assessment of the quality of student training during state accreditation of educational activities. It is proposed to supplement the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” with a provision stipulating that the Regulations on State Accreditation of Educational Activities should establish mandatory recording of such information.

May 14, 2018 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill on issues of state accreditation of educational activities The purpose of the bill is to legislate the mandatory recording of information on independent assessment of the quality of student training during state accreditation of educational activities. It is proposed to supplement the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” with a provision stipulating that the Regulations on State Accreditation of Educational Activities should establish mandatory recording of such information.

April 27, 2018, Development of Crimea On additional budgetary allocations for the construction and reconstruction of the Artek International Children's Center Order No. 782-r dated April 27, 2018. From the reserve fund of the Russian Government, funds in the amount of 3.3 billion rubles are additionally allocated to finance work on landslide prevention and engineering protection of the territory of dormitory buildings and the center of innovative educational technologies children's camp"Solnechny" MDC "Artek".

April 23, 2018, Social support for certain categories of citizens On introducing a bill to the State Duma to clarify certain issues legal regulation in the field of education Order No. 742-r dated April 23, 2018. The purpose of the bill is to bring the two pieces of legislation into line with the provisions and terminology Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation.”

April 18, 2018, Youth policy On expanding the areas of state support for public organizations in the field of youth policy Resolution of April 18, 2018 No. 467. The list of areas in which Rosmolodezh will provide subsidies to public organizations in the field of youth policy has been expanded. Starting from 2018, subsidies will be provided, among other things, for creating conditions for the development of mass student sports, for the implementation of volunteer initiatives in the field of education, physical culture and sports, healthcare, to disseminate knowledge among the population about the prevention of socially significant diseases.

April 13, 2018 Instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science following the meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects On the progress of the implementation of the priority project “Affordable additional education for children.”

April 12, 2018, Youth policy About the competition of youth projects of the North Caucasus federal district Resolution of April 12, 2018 No. 442. Since 2011, the Stavropol Territory has hosted the All-Caucasian Youth Forum Youth Project Competition. In order to provide support to the projects of competition participants within the framework of youth forums, which are held by all subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District, the name of the competition has been changed - Competition of Youth Projects of the North Caucasus Federal District.

April 9, 2018, On changes in the procedure for developing and implementing “road maps” of the National Technology Initiative Resolution of April 3, 2018 No. 401. New instruments for financial support of projects included in the action plans (“road maps”) of the National Technology Initiative are being clarified, and the process of examination and selection of such projects is being adjusted. The solutions are aimed at expanding the circle of NTI participants and will contribute to the development of new promising markets for high-tech products.

April 9, 2018, On the implementation of projects of the National Technology Initiative Resolutions of April 3, 2018 No. 402 and No. 403. JSC "Russian Venture Company" has the functions of the NTI project office in terms of organizing the competitive selection of NTI centers, and the non-profit organization "National Technology Initiative Project Support Fund" has the functions of an operator in terms of financing NTI centers. Rules for organizing and conducting technological competitions for the purpose of implementing NTI have been approved.

April 9, 2018, Technological development. Innovation On approval of a plan to eliminate administrative barriers and legal restrictions in the implementation of the Neuronet road map Order of March 30, 2018 No. 552-r. The action plan (“road map”) to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers in order to ensure the implementation of the National Technology Initiative in the Neuronet direction provides for systemic regulation in the following areas: Neuropharma, Neuroassistants and Artificial Intelligence and Neuromedicine.

April 2, 2018, On budgetary allocations for the implementation of projects of the National Technology Initiative Order of March 30, 2018 No. 557-r. Funds in the amount of 9.6 billion rubles are allocated for the implementation of projects of the National Technology Initiative. These funds are provided for in the 2018 federal budget.

April 2, 2018 The Commission on Legislative Activities approved a bill to clarify certain issues of legal regulation in the field of education The purpose of the bill is to bring the two legislative acts into conformity with the provisions and terminology of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

On approval of the Program of Activity of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" for 2018–2022 Order of March 24, 2018 No. 502-r. The main objectives of the Program are the creation of experimental, experimental and pilot-industrial samples of new equipment and technologies that correspond to the priority directions of scientific and technological development of Russia.

March 7, 2018 Instructions from the Ministry of Education and Science following the meeting of the Government Commission on Social and Economic Development of the North Caucasus Federal District About the situation on the labor market of the North Caucasus Federal District.


On May 18, 2018, a new composition of the Government began its work in Russia. Most ministers continued their activities in the posts they held in the previous government, however, there were certain changes in the composition of the Cabinet.

For example, the former Ministry of Education and Science was reformatted, as a result of which two departments were formed at once - the Ministry of Education, which was headed by the former Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, as well as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which was joined by a new person who had not previously worked in the government . New minister education of Russia in 2018, who is this person, why exactly did he head the newly formed ministry.

With the start of the new government, it became clear that there would no longer be a single Ministry of Education. Instead, two new structures were established - the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. This division was approved by President Vladimir Putin at the suggestion of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, thus dividing the responsibilities of the departments. The first will be responsible for schools and secondary education, the second – for science, innovation and the activities of higher educational institutions.

According to Medvedev, the reorganization will make it possible to better concentrate the state’s capabilities to develop both education systems.

As experts note, the idea of ​​uniting management of all levels of the educational system under the wing of one department turned out to be wrong. The result of such actions was a serious decline in the level of educational preparation in colleges and the widespread orientation of all students to receive exclusively higher education. Thus, changes in the management of the education system are long overdue.

At first glance, the division of a single department responsible for education looks like a return to experience Soviet Union, when there were also several educational departments. However, in reality, the reorganization may have been required not at all because of the need to save Russian education and science, but simply in order to equally divide power between all lobbyists.

Practice clearly demonstrates that in Russia all sorts of changes in the Government do not have a fundamental impact on the policy pursued by the state. According to historian Evgeny Spitsyn, in the case of the division of the Ministry of Education, there is a struggle among various influence groups who want to gain control over certain areas of government and cash flows. There is a serious apparatus struggle going on, which is tied to a large number of interests and purely political motives.

Thus, in order to respect the interests of all pressure groups, it was decided that Olga Vasilyeva, against whom a serious campaign was being waged, Lately, headed the new Ministry of Education, since she really was better able to work with the “school” block of secondary education, but representatives of the liberal block of influence received higher education and science at their mercy. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education was headed by Mikhail Kotyukov, who previously worked as the head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

Mikhail Kotyukov, who headed the newly formed Ministry of Science and Higher Education, was born in 1976 in Krasnoyarsk. He received his primary and secondary education at regular secondary school No. 68. Then he entered Krasnoyarsk State University, where he graduated with a degree in Finance and Credit.

It is believed that Kotyukov’s ticket to bureaucratic life was written by Valery Zubov, the former dean of Krasnoyarsk State University, who became the governor of the Krasnoyarsk region and invited Mikhail to work in the regional administration even before graduating from the university. After graduating from higher education, Mikhail Kotyukov received a promotion, becoming the head of the control and audit department of the Main Financial Directorate of the regional administration.

In 2001, Mikhail Kotyukov changed his civil service to private business, becoming the head of the financial department at OJSC Krasnoyarskagropromdorstroy. However, a year later he returned to the regional administration under the leadership of the new governor of the region, Alexander Khloponin. Kotyukov was accepted as the chief specialist of the department of resource analysis and budgetary policy of the Main Directorate of Economics and Planning. After another 2 years, Mikhail Mikhailovich sat in the chair of the deputy head of the Main Financial Directorate.

In 2007, after the scandalous poisoning of students at an honors ball, Kotyukov was included in the list of officials who left their posts. This version was discussed by Krasnoyarsk media, however, there was no evidence to confirm the connection of events. Another event that could have caused Kotyukov’s departure was an audit of the financial activities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by the Accounts Chamber. As a result of the investigation, unreasonable expenses and debts to employees were discovered.

In March of the same year, Mikhail Kotyukov worked briefly at the Siberian Federal University to soon return to civil service in the regional administration.

In 2010, Kotyukov, a loyal member of Alexander Khloponin’s team, moved to the capital with his boss, becoming the head of the department of budget policy in the social sphere and science of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, Kotyukov became deputy head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, overseeing the financing of the social sector, including science, reports the Ros-Register portal. Since 2013, Mikhail Kotyukov became the head of the newly formed Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO).

In this position, Kotyukov was involved in developing principles for evaluating performance scientific institutions Russia, as well as an inventory of property, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Such interference in the affairs of the academy provoked a huge flow of negative criticism against Kotyukov. He was accused by RAS academicians of excessive bureaucracy and interference in scientific affairs.

In addition to his activities as head of FANO, Kotyukov was also involved in reforming the pension system and the work of the Olympstroy corporation, which was engaged in the construction of structures for the Sochi Olympics.

Thus, by the age of 41, Mikhail Kotyukov has a very extensive work list, which is replete with departures and returns of the new Minister of Education of Russia in 2018 at public service. Whether this is good or bad, only time will tell. As the experience of the previous government shows, Kotyukov has every chance of staying in the civil service for another 6 years.

Media news

Partner news

The government has submitted to the State Duma a bill on changing the procedure for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school Order of November 12, 2019 No. 2986-r. In particular, it is proposed that instead of federal state educational standards in the areas of training highly qualified personnel in graduate school, federal state requirements for the training of highly qualified personnel in postgraduate programs are established and, as a result, abolish state accreditation of educational activities in postgraduate programs. The requirements for final certification for postgraduate programs are also being clarified.

December 4, 2019, Awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology for 2019 Order of November 29, 2019 No. 2846-r. 131 applicants became award winners in 2019. Prizes were awarded for work in the fields of medicine, energy, geology, production technology, materials science, mechanical engineering, transport, information technology, ecology and agriculture.

December 2, 2019 About the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Order of November 30, 2019 No. 2854-r

October 12, 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development Awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology for young scientists for 2019 Order of October 7, 2019 No. 2323-r. 25 applicants became award winners in 2019. The prizes, in particular, were awarded for the development and implementation of methods and systems for intelligent robot control different kind and purpose, an integrated system for ensuring the sustainable life cycle of buildings and structures, forevacuum plasma electronic sources for processing and modification of dielectric materials.

October 3, 2019, Economic relations with foreign countries (except the CIS) on a bilateral basis The Government of the Russian Federation approved the draft Agreement between the governments of Russia and Cuba on scientific, technical and innovative cooperation Order of September 30, 2019 No. 2242-r. The purpose of the Agreement is to expand and strengthen ties between scientific and educational organizations, as well as other organizations in Russia and Cuba engaged in cooperation in the scientific, technical and innovation fields.

September 20, 2019, Migration policy The government has submitted bills to the State Duma on improving the procedure for conducting a comprehensive exam in the Russian language for foreign citizens Orders of September 18, 2019 No. 2084-r, No. 2085-r. The adoption of bills will make it possible to ensure uniform approaches to the procedure for conducting a comprehensive exam in Russia and abroad, improve the quality of its implementation, more effectively monitor and supervise the activities of educational organizations during the examination, and eliminate the risks of possible falsification of certificates.

September 11, 2019, Road transport. Road safety On decisions based on the results of the meeting of the Government Commission on Ensuring Road Safety On increasing the protection of children from road accidents and their consequences.

September 7, 2019 Awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education for 2019 Order No. 1944-r dated August 31, 2019. 10 applicants became award winners in 2019. The prizes were awarded for the development of a digital educational complex in theoretical and engineering mechanics, textbooks and scientific and practical manuals on geotechnics, as well as for educational and scientific publications in the field of modern information, measuring and control radio-electronic systems.

September 7, 2019, State policy in the field of scientific research and development The size of Russian Government awards in the field of science and technology for young scientists has been increased Resolution of August 31, 2019 No. 1121. Since 2020, the amount of the monetary part of the Russian Government awards in the field of science and technology for young scientists has been increased from 500 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles.

August 23, 2019 , State policy in the field of research and development Indicators for the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development have been established, the dynamics of which is subject to monitoring Order dated August 15, 2019 No. 1824-r. 11 indicators have been identified that reflect the progress of the implementation of the Strategy in the following areas: the impact of science and technology on the socio-economic development of Russia, including due to the transition to a model of great challenges; the state and effectiveness of the sphere of science, technology and innovation; the quality of state regulation and service provision of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities.

August 23, 2019 , Social innovations. Non-profit organizations. Volunteering and volunteering. Charity The rules for the functioning of the unified information system in the field of volunteer development Decree of August 17, 2019 No. 1067. The decisions taken are aimed at providing information and analytical support for volunteer activities, and will allow the formation of a single platform for the interaction of institutions of volunteer activity.

According to the above document, from May 15, 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science is divided into 3 separate departments:

  • Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
  • Rosobrnadzor

History of divisions and mergers of the Ministries of Education in Russia?

  • 1946: It is necessary to focus on the very name of the future ministry. In the history of Russia, the department dealing with education issues was called the “Ministry of Education” 2 times: in tsarist Russia (Ministry of Public Education - since 1802, in Soviet Russia (Ministry of Education of the RSFSR) - since 1946.
  • 1988: In 1988, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR appeared in Russia. For this purpose, two departments were united: the RSFSR State Committee for Vocational Education and the RSFSR Ministry of Education.
  • From 1988 to 1996 in Russia, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, and then the Russian Federation, was responsible for primary and secondary (including secondary specialized and vocational) education in the Russian Federation.
  • The Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation (and then the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education) was responsible for higher and postgraduate education and science.
  • 1996: From 1996 to 1999 - Ministry of General and vocational education Russian Federation
  • year 2000: From 2000 to 2015 - Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science)

Division of the USSR education sector into several departments

As for the division of departments at the all-Union level, the education sector of the USSR was supervised by 3 separate departments:

  • Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education(Ministry of Higher Education) USSR,
  • Ministry of Education of the USSR,
  • Ministry of Vocational and Technical Education of the USSR.

What will the Ministry of Education do?

From May 15, 2018, the new Ministry of Education will implement state policy and legal regulation in the areas of:

  • general education,
  • secondary vocational education
  • vocational training,
  • additional education children and adults,
  • education.

According to preliminary information, the post of Minister of Education will be occupied by former minister education Olga Vasilyeva.

What will the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation do?

Functions for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of

  • higher education,
  • relevant additional professional education,
  • scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities,
  • nanotechnology,
  • development of federal centers of science and high technology,
  • state scientific centers and science cities.

Ministry of Education through the prism of history

Before the revolution in Tsarist Russia, the Ministry of Education was headed by 29 ministers.

After the revolution, the People's Commissariat of Education was created, headed by the people's commissars:

  • 1917 – 1929 : Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilyevich, the only one from the government who held office for 12 years, founder of the journal “Bulletin of Education”.
  • 1929 – 1937 : Bubnov Andrey Sergeevich, introduced universal elementary education, shot in 1938
  • 1937 – 1940 : Tyurkin Petr Andreevich, holder of the Order of the Red Banner, arrested in the “Leningrad case” and posthumously rehabilitated in 1954.
  • 1940 – 1946: Potemkin Vladimir Petrovich, professor of history, organizer of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR.

Since 1946, the People's Commissariat for Education was reorganized into the Ministry of Education.

  • 1946 - 1947 : Kalashnikov Alexey Georgievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.
  • 1947 – 1949 : Voznesensky Alexander Alekseevich, academician, rector of Leningrad University, shot in 1950 in connection with the “Leningrad case”. Rehabilitated in 1954
  • 1949 – 1956 : Kairov Ivan Andreevich, President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.
  • 1956 – 1967 : Afanasenko Evgeniy Ivanovich, was a supporter of anti-academicism, which led to a decrease in the quality of education.
  • 1967 – 1980 : Danilov Alexander Ivanovich, the transition to universal secondary education has been completed.
  • 1980 – 1990 : Veselov Georgy Petrovich, variable curricula have been introduced.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Ministry of Education became known as the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Since 2000 – Ministry of Education and Science (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia).

  • 1990 – 1992 : Dneprov Eduard Dmitrievich , first minister of education modern Russia. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • 1992 – 1996 : Tkachenko Evgeniy Viktorovich, sought to return Russian science onto the international stage.
  • 1996 – 1998 : Kinelev Vladimir Georgievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, one of the founding fathers distance learning in Russia.
  • 1998 Tikhonov Alexander Nikolaevich, initiator of the development of Russian scientific and educational networks included in the Internet - RunNet, RBNet, Relarn-IP, etc. One of the first ideologists distance education in Russia.
  • 1998-2004 : Filippov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Implemented a computerization program for rural schools.
  • 2004 – 2012 : Fursenko Andrey Alexandrovich, translated high school on the principles of the Bologna system (bachelor's and master's degrees), the Unified State Exam was introduced.
  • 2012 -2016 : Livanov Dmitry Viktorovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, reformed the Russian Academy of Sciences, united universities, initiated investigations into “fake” dissertations among officials.
  • 2016 – 2018 : Vasilyeva Olga Yurievna, doctor historical sciences, the first woman to be the Minister of Education, if you don’t count Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, who was not officially the People’s Commissar of Education, but actually led educational policy in the country.

WITH In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was divided into 2 main departments:

Appointed Minister of Education former leader Department – ​​Vasilyeva Olga Yurievna.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Kotyukov, former head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, was appointed Minister of Science and Higher Education. In the past, Kotyukov M.M. held positions such as Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance of the Siberian Federal University, Head of the Department of Finance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Minister of Finance of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Deputy Minister of Finance A. Siluanova.