Interesting facts about flight attendants. Secrets from flight attendants Interesting facts about airplanes and flight attendants

Each profession has its own nuances, and the more unusual this profession is, the more interesting it is for everyone else to learn its secrets. Especially when it comes to your own life- after all, at an altitude of several kilometers, it can be really important to know secrets that flight attendants usually never share with anyone.

1. club 10 meters.

Actually, there is no law that would prohibit you from being alone in the bathroom with a friend. But they will definitely notice your tricks - flight attendants were not born yesterday. It is unlikely that they will kick you out right away, but don’t count on long games: firstly, everyone needs a toilet, and secondly, the flight attendants can open the door from the outside.

2. electronics during takeoff.

The flight attendants themselves use their phones in vain. The request to turn off all electronic devices is needed for another reason: according to statistics, most disasters occur precisely at this time, and it is better that passengers have a chance of salvation rather than mindlessly sticking into screens.

3. fragile but strong.

This paragraph should be read especially carefully by those who firmly believe in the need to get ready before takeoff and shout “Tagil” at an altitude of a couple of kilometers. Flight attendants are required to take self-defense courses and, if necessary, can break a brawler’s nose.

4. death on top.

It’s unpleasant, but you may well find yourself on the same page as a person who suddenly died. This happens - rarely, but it happens. The charter of many airlines spells out an action plan in this regard: passengers are simply asked to change seats, and a passenger who does not reach their destination alive remains in the seat.

5. treacherous autopilot.

Autopilot is not a panacea for possible disasters, as many believe. Pilots may look like bored slackers while flying, but without them the plane will fly, mind you, in only one direction - down.

6. dirt and horror.

Try to touch as little as possible with any surfaces on the plane, and after the flight, be sure to change clothes and take a shower. Blankets and pillows? It would be better to make do: after each flight they are not washed, but simply folded again.

7. life hack with space.

Wanted to fly by the window, but didn't have time to book the right seat? There is still a chance. Take your time to board and let all passengers through. And now, when the doors are already closing behind you, choose any free place. The plane will not pick up fellow travelers along the way.

8. no need to clap.

The completely idiotic habit of clapping for pilots at the end of a flight is annoying not only normal people, but also flight attendants. Firstly, the pilots cannot hear anything outside the control room door. Secondly, do you get a clap in the office after a successfully completed task? It's exactly the same job.

Have you ever wondered whether airplane pilots stay awake during the entire flight? How about a free pillow - do you think you're the first to sleep on it? Airline professionals (flight attendants, pilots, engineers) have revealed some interesting facts about airline operations. Some of them will be useful to travelers, others will unpleasantly surprise you. In any case, it is worth knowing this before you go on an air trip.

Dim lights on the plane are needed to prepare for evacuation.
When a plane lands at night, dim lighting is turned on to prepare passengers for evacuation. Your eyes will adjust to the darkness and you will be able to see better outside the plane.

You can unlock the toilet from outside.
The toilet door locking mechanism is usually hidden behind the “No Smoking” sign. You simply lift the flap and move the bolt to unlock the door.

You are breathing air from the engine.
The air you breathe on an airplane is compressed air from the engine. The majority (from 25% to 50%) is blown out, while the rest is breathed by passengers. The air exits through a small hole at the rear of the fuselage.

It doesn't sound very pleasant, but if you look at it technical side, it turns out that you are breathing air from the engine compressor, and not from the engine itself.

The Boeing website explains that the air passing through the engine compressor is warmed and then sent into the cabin, ready for breathing.

No one has washed your blankets, and baby urine may remain on the tray table.
A flight attendant at the budget American airline Southwest said that free pillows and blankets are simply folded back after a flight rather than washed or disinfected.

In addition, people often change children’s diapers on food tray tables, and the tables are not disinfected after that either. If you spill food on such a table, think twice before putting it in your mouth.

This fact was confirmed by another flight attendant - in her airline, fresh pillows and blankets can only be seen on the first flight, in the morning. On all subsequent flights they are simply removed and issued again, without washing or disinfection. As for the tables, they are simply washed once a day, which is clearly not enough if a used diaper has been on such a table.

The captain may arrest you mid-flight.
When an airplane door closes, the captain of the aircraft is given unlimited authority. He can arrest a passenger, issue a fine, and even accept the last wish of a dying person.

Of course, he doesn't have full legal authority to arrest someone, but he can restrict your freedom on board the plane and hand you over to the authorities once you land. That is, the police will directly arrest you, however, on board you will be limited in movement.

You may be upgraded to first class after takeoff.
Flight attendants can upgrade a person to business class after the plane's doors close. Of course, this does not happen so often, since sometimes they need to submit reports about such events and reasons.

But still, people who pay for economy sometimes fly first class. Most often they are well dressed, nice people, pregnant women, very tall passengers, and, of course, friends and acquaintances of flight attendants.

Pilots may fall asleep during the flight.
Around 43-54% of pilots working in the UK, Norway and Sweden admitted to falling asleep while flying a passenger aircraft.

Experienced flight attendant Tracy Kristof said that on long flights, pilots are given a rest period when the co-pilot takes control.

Be that as it may, the pilots participating in the survey admitted that they fell asleep involuntarily, that is, not during the required rest. Sounds scary.

People steal life jackets.
Sometimes passengers steal life jackets placed opposite or under the seat. They take the vests as souvenirs, although this is a serious and punishable offense.

However, during the day the availability of life jackets is not checked before each flight. Therefore, before the flight, you should check yourself whether you have a life jacket, and, if you do not have one, inform the flight attendant about it.

There are special handles on the plane in case a flight attendant is pushed out of the plane.
Next time you're on a plane, pay attention to the handles on the doors inside the plane. What are they for? That's right, they act as handrails, but for what?

In the event of evacuation and panic on board, when flight attendants are preparing the door to the plane, passengers, in a panic, wanting to leave the plane as soon as possible, can push the flight attendant out of the way, simply push her onto the landing strip.

The handrail is needed so that she can hold on and remain on board the aircraft.

You can ask for a whole can of Coca-Cola.
If you're thirsty, you can get more than a little soda. Just politely ask the flight attendant to bring you a whole can of Coke, and she'll probably be happy to help.

The mask will give you only 15 minutes of oxygen.
The oxygen masks on the plane last only 15 minutes of breathing, but this is more than enough time for the pilot to lower the plane to the desired altitude where he can breathe normally.

Generally, when the masks fall out, the pilot lowers the plane as much as possible and looks for the nearest airport to land.

In general, finding an altitude at which you can breathe relatively normally takes from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the altitude at which the aircraft is at the time of depressurization.

Sometimes flight attendants don't serve dinner, hoping you'll fall asleep.
On night flights, flight attendants sometimes delay serving food as long as possible. They hope that passengers will fall asleep and not have to bother with serving food.

You shouldn't even touch the water on the plane.
Never drink water on a plane unless it comes from a bottle. Better not even touch her. In ports, toilet cleaning and filling clean water is done almost side by side, and sometimes both are done by one employee.

The water replenishment process may vary between airlines, but one Wall Street Journal study is concerning.

In 2002, water samples were taken from 14 different flights and bacteria levels were found to be tens, sometimes hundreds, of times higher than the US standard.

Employees are only paid when the plane takes off.
Some airlines only pay their employees when the landing gear leaves the ground. So, delay hours are not paid, although sometimes the difference between the time an employee spends in the air and his actual work time, including delays on the ground, is simply colossal. For airlines this is great way save.

Of course, this is not the case at all airlines; some pay from the moment the plane door closes, and employees are paid for the hours the plane waits to take off.

Pilots receive different food in case of poisoning.
Some airlines serve pilots different types of food that they cannot share among themselves. This is done in case something causes food poisoning.

In this case, there will always be a co-pilot in full health who will be able to fly the plane normally.

Flight attendants do not follow cell phone rules.
After a flight attendant tells everyone to turn off their electronics, it is quite possible that she herself will be using her smartphone.

Nowadays, no plane trip is complete without flight attendants or stewards, and once upon a time their functions were performed by the co-pilot. Which, of course, was not very safe, since he also had his own responsibilities. The world turned upside down in 1928, when the crews of German passenger planes began to include a third member - a steward.

Fact 2

The first stewards were men, but in 1930 American nurse Ellen Church changed this tradition. She learned to fly an airplane and then offered her services to Boeing Air Transit. The carriers thought: “Why not?”, because this is an excellent advertising ploy: since young, fragile girls are not afraid to fly on an airplane all the time, it means that it is completely safe for other passengers.

In addition, the girls weighed significantly fewer men, and at that time everyone extra kilos was important for maintaining the stability of the aircraft. So on May 15, 1930, Ellen Church, the first flight attendant in human history, made her first working flight - Cheyenne.

Fact 3

In general, according to the requirements of that time, the candidate had to be no older than 25 years, no heavier than 52 kg, no higher than 160 cm and not married. In addition, she had to complete nursing courses. For their work they received $125 per month.

Today, each airline puts forward its own requirements for applicants, but there are also general rules. A potential flight attendant must have a pleasant appearance, fluent speech without defects and good health. Her height can range from 160 to 175 cm, and her weight must correspond to her height according to medical standards.

The age of accepted trainees varies from 18 to 29 years, in general, you can work as a flight attendant somewhere up to 45 (if all the above conditions are maintained). It is not at all necessary to have a nursing diploma: everything necessary - from opening an airplane door to giving birth - is taught in special courses.

Fact 4

Despite the fact that the average retirement age for a flight attendant is 45, Iris Peterson managed to work for United Airlines until she was 85. Her work experience was exactly 60 years. In addition, it was she and her colleagues who ensured that in 1968 flight attendants received the right to be married.

Fact 5

Although flight attendants are not required to know how to fly an airplane, sometimes this skill turns out to be extremely useful. For example, in 2008, one of the flight attendants, who had a license to fly a commercial aircraft, helped land the plane Air company Canada in place of the co-pilot who had a nervous breakdown over the Atlantic.

Fact 6

In general, preparedness for unforeseen situations is one of the responsibilities of flight attendants. So, for example, they can tie up an inadequate passenger with a seal (as in the professional jargon of workers air transport called a trolley rack) or even hit it to temporarily disable it. And on each flight, they come up with a special code word, known only to the crew, so that in the event of an aircraft being hijacked or an accident, the captain can be discreetly notified.

Fact 7

Being a flight attendant is sometimes very pleasant and profitable. Flight attendants are entitled to a long vacation - sometimes up to 70 days, a free flight to anywhere in the world once a year and a significant discount on other tickets for themselves and family members. Also, flight attendants can officially earn extra money right on the flight, offering passengers goods from Duty Free and receiving a percentage of their sales. However, this profession is not without difficulties: the lack of clearly defined days off, the occurrence of chronic diseases, stressful situations, etc.

Fact 8

Another advantage of working as a flight attendant is the opportunity to find a worthy husband. Thus, it was on board the plane that Russian flight attendant Irina Malandina met her future husband Roman Abramovich, and Dutch flight attendant Annita van Leersel met Paul Keating, the Prime Minister.

Fact 9

The profession of a flight attendant allows you not only to marry the Prime Minister, but also to become one yourself. The previous Prime Minister of Iceland, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, got into politics thanks to her involvement in the trade union movement while working as a flight attendant on Icelandic airlines.

Fact 10

Well, the most extraordinary flight attendant of our time is billionaire Richard Branson. After losing a bet, the founder of the Virgin corporation, Tony Fernandez, owner of AirAsia, had to work as a flight attendant on a 13-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur. It must be said that he approached the reincarnation with all seriousness.


Remember, the girls at school answered the question: “Who will you be when you grow up?” — they answered dreamily, “I’ll be a flight attendant.” They are…

I dreamed too. Wear a cap and a tight pencil skirt. This is such a romance. This is exactly what these Aeroflot beauties look like.

The best profession

What kind of work do these beauties actually do? What are the opportunities? How do they choose uniforms for them in different companies around the world? Why is this harmful and at the same time the best?
Interesting Facts And unexpected discoveries from the everyday life of flight attendants in the article today.

Being a flight attendant is one of the most in-demand jobs in the world.

Who wouldn't want to travel around the world completely free?

Learn new cultures, discover cities and countries, continents and continents?

The benefits of the profession far outweigh the costs and disadvantages.

What picture comes to mind when you hear the word stewardess?

  • Blinding smile
  • Charm and charm
  • Pencil skirt and uniform blazer

Everything is correct!

Dress code and stylish modest appearance is a mandatory requirement. This has always been the case. Then and now.

Flight attendants are the face and indicator of the company’s level and quality service. Each one tries to distinguish itself and dresses its flight attendants with special chic.

Famous designers around the world are developing uniforms for flight attendants and crew members.

Why is it so amazing to be a flight attendant?

Nice bonuses

  • You can get paid to fly and explore new places. Who wouldn't want a free vacation?
  • Sometimes, not very often, but from time to time, girls are invited to try new and fashionable hotels for service. If you're lucky, you can wake up on silk sheets in a 5-star mansion. Where the doors have silver handles and they bring champagne for breakfast. The job is a dream!
  • The job involves polite treatment and the ability to smile charmingly. And also, serve food and drinks, help sort things into compartments and joke with the children. Provide instruction and assistance as needed.

  • For your family members, during vacation, you can. Or even completely free.
  • Flexible work schedule. You can change shifts depending on the circumstances. Everything is, of course, at the discretion of the airline they work for.
  • Having started a career in a small airline, there is an opportunity to climb the career ladder. Having learned many languages ​​and constantly improving your skills, you will find yourself in the coolest airline in the world. In 2017, it became Emirates. The research was carried out by the consulting company Skytrax. Aeroflot, by the way, ended up in 40th place.
  • The opportunity to meet famous athletes or artists, celebrities or just interesting people. Alternatively, get married successfully.
  • There are no problems with food and housing issues. The airline provides its employees with free accommodation and daily meals.

Abroad, this profession is paid much more favorably than others on average in the country. For example, the average salary of a flight attendant per year in the USA is $39,000.

This is what flight attendants look like in Indonesia

Production costs

  1. A lot of time is spent on your feet.
  2. There must be a quick response to solve problems in unexpected situations. Girls undergo special courses to develop skills to work with any, even the most problematic, passengers.
  3. They are specially trained to solve logic problems. Automatically find a way out of any critical situations.
  4. Key professional skill: multitasking . Wikipedia explains this word as the ability of a system or environment to process multiple tasks in parallel.

Did you notice during the flight that they will always answer any question? the best option solutions. Otherwise it can not be. It is simply impossible to take them by surprise with a request.

Interesting video

About how they are briefed on a plane flying to the Philippines, Cebu.

Behind Lately this profession has changed a lot.

Some interesting facts from the past:

Until 1920, only men worked on airlines. Flight attendants were called “couriers.” Often these were the sons of airline owners.
In the 1930s, United Airlines became the first company to hire women. The church mandated that all flight attendants be registered nurses.

In the 30s, professional selection took place according to the following parameters:

  • Maximum weight allowed is 118 pounds (1 English pound = 0.45359237 kg). If you recalculate it turns out to be no more than 53.5 kg.
  • Height from 5 to 5.5 feet (1 foot = 30.48 cm) respectively up to 168 cm.
  • Age from 20 to 26 years.

Currently, restrictions are due to security reasons only.
This profession has its own norms and rules. According to the Association of Flight Attendants or (AFA), flight attendants can work (fly) between 65 hours and 95 hours per month.

This is the best profession in the world - a dream job!

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