Official representative of the Russian Federation to the UN. List of representatives of the Russian Federation to international organizations. Belonogov Alexander Mikhailovich

    The article presents a list of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Russian Federation in European countries. After the date of appointment or dismissal there is the number of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Under the Vatican and... ... Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Asian countries. After the date of appointment or dismissal there is the number of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Embassies,... ...Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to African states. After the date of appointment or dismissal there is the number of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Embassies,... ...Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the states of America. After the date of appointment or dismissal there is the number of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Embassies,... ...Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Australia and the states of Oceania. After the date of appointment or dismissal there is the number of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.... ... Wikipedia

    The Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation (USSR) to the UN is an official official representing the Russian Federation in all bodies of the United Nations. The permanent representative has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. In... ... Wikipedia

    The article presents a list of deputy ministers of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation (the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR was formed in 1944, since 1946 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR). After the date of appointment or release from ... ... Wikipedia

Vitaly Churkin has served as Russia's permanent representative to the UN since 2006. He died on February 20, one day short of his 65th birthday. According to preliminary data, the cause of death was a heart attack that caught the diplomat at work. Churkin's first deputy, Pyotr Ilyichev, was appointed acting Russian permanent representative. Ilyichev will manage the work of the representative office until a new permanent representative is appointed.

Pyotr Ilyichev was born in 1966. He graduated from MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked as a diplomat in Soviet diplomatic missions in Mauritius, Kenya and the USA. Ilyichev has been working at the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN since 2012. On December 5, 2013, he received the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 2nd class. After Churkin’s death, it was Ilyichev who spoke at the UN with words of condolences.

“The Russian delegation is grateful for the warm words and expressions of sympathy in connection with the irreparable loss that Russia has suffered. Being at the forefront, working in the most intense positions, Vitaly Ivanovich firmly defended the positions of our country for more than 40 years,” Ilyichev said.

The memory of Vitaly Churkin was honored with a minute of silence in the State Duma on Wednesday, February 22, Russian Ministry Foreign Affairs and the UN Security Council. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, as well as UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres, the new US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, expressed condolences to their families and friends. former ambassador USA in the organization Samantha Power, heads of diplomatic departments of Iran, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Serbia and other states.

The farewell ceremony for Vitaly Churkin at the Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN took place on February 22, and the next day his body was delivered to his homeland. On Friday, February 24, a farewell ceremony for Vitaly Churkin was held in the Great Funeral Hall of the Central Clinical Hospital. Sergei Lavrov gave the widow of the permanent representative Irina Churkina the Order of Courage, which her husband was awarded posthumously, according to the decree of President Vladimir Putin.

Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova told reporters that Vitaly Churkin was a principled person and a bright, extraordinary personality.

“Principled in everything. Difficult. The word “simplicity” does not apply to it. Bright. Extraordinary. Fighter. Professional. Personality,” said Zakharova. - He was a star. And the reaction not only in our country, but the reaction all over the world proved this: when people who were his fiercest opponents cried out loud - I’m not exaggerating. Because he was a star, a personality and a professional."

Vitaly Churkin was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow. As RIA Novosti notes, several dozen colleagues, acquaintances, relatives and friends of Churkin attended the funeral. The diplomat was given military honors: the funeral cortege was greeted by a guard of honor, and a military band played. The honor guard fired three shots into the air.

He reacted harshly to the words of British Permanent Representative Matthew Rycroft, who, during today’s Security Council meeting, said that Moscow is providing “shameless support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar, who is a murderer and a criminal.”

In addition, the British foreign policymaker accused Russia of abusing the right of veto in protecting the current government in Syria and supporting chemical attacks on civilians, for which London blames Assad. At the end of his speech, Rycroft explained that “Moscow has lost confidence,” but “it is not too late for the Kremlin to change course and influence Damascus to comply with the ceasefire.”

In response, the Russian diplomat said that Rycroft's speech showed his strong intentions to complicate the work of UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura to de-escalate the conflict in the Arab country. Also, according to Safronkov, the British representative plans to bring confrontation to the Security Council and hinder the development of the Syrian political process.

“But the whole point is, and many people at the UN already know about this, that you were scared, you lost sleep, that we will cooperate with the United States. You are afraid of this, you are doing everything to ensure that this interaction is undermined. Look at me, don’t look away, why are you looking away?” - he addressed Rycroft directly.

Safronkov also pointed out that the British diplomat “did not say anything about the political process” during his speech and instead made “insulting demands” on Russia, Iran and Turkey, which are the guarantors of the ceasefire in Syria.

“You spoke today, Mr. Rycroft, not according to the agenda of the meeting, you insulted Syria, Iran, Turkey, and other states. Please follow the order of development of the meeting if some are irresponsible, offensive, and using slang, regarding their place in the meeting. Don’t you dare insult Russia anymore!” - said the employee.

The Russian representative went on to say that while Moscow is fighting terrorists, Paris and London are hosting illegal armed groups, “many of whom are slaughtering Christians and other minorities in the Middle East, carrying out terrorist attacks on Orthodox cathedrals on Palm Sunday.”

“Do you care about them? We are completely confused by your anti-regime ideas. Western countries must abandon their pride and arrogance and think about the future of Syria, which must be preserved as a unified and secular state. Russia, in turn, takes a responsible approach to its obligations to maintain the ceasefire in Syria,” the Russian diplomat explained.

Toward the end of his speech, Safronkov recalled Moscow’s proposal to create a coalition to clear mines in Syria, and also called the statements of Western partners that to do this, first change the ruling regime in Damascus, “blackmail,” reports.

Last week, Rycroft said the US strike on a Syrian government airbase was a proportionate response to a chemical attack in Idlib.

“If Russia had not used its veto power seven times in the Security Council, opposing the views of other members of this council, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would have faced sanctions and justice,” he said.

At the end of February this year, Russia and China in the UN Security Council vetoed the adoption of a resolution to impose sanctions on Syria for chemical weapons attacks in 2014 and 2015, which were blamed on official Damascus. Bolivia also refused to support the draft resolution; Egypt, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia abstained from voting.

The reason for introducing restrictions in the document was the final report of the UN investigative commission, which states that containers with chlorine were dropped from military helicopters onto residential areas of Damascus by security forces subordinate to the official Syrian government.

Before the vote, Rycroft called on all Security Council members to vote for the draft resolution, and then expressed regret that it was not adopted. At the same time, Rycroft sharply criticized Moscow, accusing it of “connivance with the crimes of the Syrian government.”