"Safe days": Should you trust the calendar contraception. Prevention of pregnancy by the calendar method Prevention of pregnancy by the calendar method

A woman is able to conceive only 1-4 days a month. The life span of an egg, like that of a butterfly, is short, and in order for conception to occur, spermatozoa must have time to meet it alive. Therefore, if you correctly determine the period of ovulation (it usually falls somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycle), the risk of unwanted pregnancy can be minimized by being careful on the "fertile" days and enjoying unrestricted sex on all other days.

Not just mechanical counting

“We know, we know,” some will chuckle, “we tried to calculate all these days according to the calendar, and nothing good came of it.” And they will be right. The so-called calendar method, which even previous generations tried to resort to, cannot be relied upon. If only because there are many women with an irregular menstrual cycle, and its fluctuations due to certain circumstances can occur in everyone. We will talk about a method based on the signs of fertility. Often it is also called symptothermal, because it includes observing some external symptoms and measuring temperature. At the same time, it is not necessary to refuse the calendar method, just its role will be rather auxiliary.

How to apply?

The task of the method is to determine the beginning and end of the fetal period in a woman. For this you need:

Excretion monitoring. Shortly after the end of menstruation, women develop mucous discharge. Their traces can be seen on underwear or on a paper napkin while visiting the toilet. If a woman feels moisture at the entrance to the vagina, it's time to take precautions - although ovulation has not yet begun, the vaginal environment is already suitable for the survival of spermatozoa (and they can live 3-5, or even 7 days under suitable conditions). The closer to ovulation, the brighter the character of cervical mucus appears: at the most fertile time, it is plentiful, transparent and extensible (similar to raw egg white). Flexibility can be tested by taking a little mucus between the thumb and forefinger. Conception is possible until 4 days have passed after the peak of these signs. Then the discharge becomes dryish or stops altogether, which means absolute safety.

Monitoring the condition of the cervix. This is easy to learn, especially for those women who are used to using sanitary tampons. The condition of the neck is best checked with the middle finger (it is the longest). On fertile days, the cervix is ​​high, soft to the touch, like lips, and wet. On the day of ovulation, these signs reach their peak. After ovulation, the cervix drops down and becomes firm. 3 days later, we can assume that the fetal period is over.

Measurement of basal body temperature. Every morning, before getting out of bed, a woman should measure her basal body temperature during the cycle in the same way (in the rectum or in the vagina) and with the same thermometer. During ovulation, a woman's body temperature rises by 0.2-0.5 degrees. If the temperature has stayed at an elevated level for 3 days, you can afford to relax.

Additional signs of ovulation. Specific sensations in the abdomen, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, a sharp change in mood.

How to behave in a "dangerous" time?

What to do when “you can” does not need to be explained, because everything is possible. When “you can’t”, you will have to change your sexual behavior. Each couple does this according to their preferences. Strict adherents of naturalness can:

  • refrain from vaginal intercourse, switching to other forms of sexual intercourse for a while;
  • resort to the technique of interrupting sexual intercourse;
  • take a break from your sex life.

The rest can use condoms, diaphragms and/or spermicides.

Errors are possible

According to the American Johns Hopkins University, the probability of error with this method of protection varies greatly: from 20 to 99%, depending on the correct application. Unfortunately, mistakes are possible here due to inattention, especially in the first year of using the method, when the woman has not yet learned to observe herself.


  • None side effects.
  • Inexpensive or completely free.
  • The method has no medical contraindications.
  • Sometimes this is the only possible method of family planning for those who, for religious reasons, do not allow other methods of contraception.
  • Instant restoration of fertility.
  • The method can be used not only to prevent, but also to plan conception.
  • The couple gets an idea about the structure of the female reproductive system.
  • Men are involved in the family planning process.


  • The effectiveness of the method directly depends on the correct definition of the phase of the cycle.
  • It will take 2 or 3 menstrual cycles to master, and at this time, other means must be used for safety net.
  • Interferences such as high fever, vaginal infection, recovery from childbirth, breastfeeding, and other conditions that affect discharge and body temperature can complicate the determination of fertility signs, making the method unreliable or difficult to perform.
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.


Get into math. The calendar (or rhythmic) method is a mathematical calculation of the fertile phase.

Write down the number of days of each menstrual cycle for at least six months. The first day is always considered the day of the beginning of menstruation.

Of all recorded cycles, choose the shortest and longest. Subtract 18 from the number of the shortest cycle. The resulting number is the first day of the fertile phase. Subtract 11 from the longest number. The resulting number is the day it ends.

That is, if the shortest cycle is, for example, 26 days, and the longest is 32, it will look like this: 26-18=8; 32-11=21. This means that unprotected sex is safe until the 8th and after the 21st day of the cycle.

Despite the fact that the calculations are made "with a margin", the calendar method helps more to determine the beginning, rather than the end of the fetal period.


Are you afraid to take risks? Some consider menstruation to be a natural contraceptive. In fact, it does not always serve as an obstacle to conception. Although unprotected sex is considered safe in the first 5-6 days of the cycle, sometimes the fetal period begins earlier. During menstruation, the appearance of cervical mucus is difficult to notice, and therefore, if you do not want to take risks, start using protection from the first day.

Each couple chooses their own way of protecting against STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

The calendar method of contraception (Onig-Knaus method) refers to natural methods of protection. The responsibility for the effectiveness of this method lies with the girl.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what calendar contraception is.

What is the point?

When using this method, girls need to calculate the day of ovulation and build on it.

Fertilization of the egg can only occur within 24 hours of ovulation. in the vagina for several hours, and in the cervix up to 5-8 days. Based on this, the most dangerous days for having sex are a few days before ovulation and 2 days after.

How to calculate?

For the calendar method to be effective, you need to keep a calendar of menstrual cycles for 12 months. In addition, your cycle should be regular.

Fertile (favorable for conception, or, as they are called by those who do not want to get pregnant, “dangerous”) days according to the Ogino-Knaus method can be calculated using this formula:

  • start of fertile period = duration of the shortest cycle minus 18 days
  • end of fertile period = length of longest cycle minus 11 days

For example, based on the last 12 cycles, you figured out that the shortest cycle = 26 days and the longest = 32 days. This means that the days from 8 to 21 days of the cycle are fertile (there is a high probability of conception). In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy these days, you should refrain from sexual intercourse or use additional methods of contraception: barrier (condoms) or spermicidal. From 1 to 8 days and from 21 days until the end of the cycle, you can not protect yourself.

ATTENTION! The first day of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. The last one is the day before the next one.

Is contraception according to the ovulation calendar reliable?

The smaller the difference between the longest and shortest menstrual cycles in the last 12 months, the more reliable the calendar method will be.

ATTENTION! If your cycle is irregular, then this method is not for you!

Reviews about the effectiveness of the calendar method are quite polar. Someone thinks that this is a relic of the past, and it is much more reliable to use modern facilities contraception. Someone says that the method is quite effective.

Of course, it all depends on how seriously and responsibly you will approach this issue. However, even in this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to determine with 100% probability exactly when ovulation will occur.

Statistics say that the effectiveness of calendar contraception ranges from 10% to 40%. Therefore, this method is more suitable for those couples for whom unplanned conception is not a problem.

The calendar method can only be effective if you carefully keep count of cycles (calculator) and at the same time your cycle is less stable. Doctors and the girls themselves talk about this on the forums.

ATTENTION! With incorrect or inconsistent use of this method of contraception, the risk of becoming pregnant increases by 4 times!

How to improve efficiency?

  • Study all the nuances and strictly follow the instructions, observing discipline
  • Sex only with a regular partner
  • Use protection during ovulation


  • No side effects and contraindications
  • Suitable for most women
  • Can be used both as a means of preventing NB and as a means of planning conception
  • Free


  • Does not protect against STDs (STIs)
  • The period of abstinence from sexual intercourse can reach up to 16 days
  • On "risk" days, additional contraception should be used.
  • Less effective than other remedies
  • Requires constant monitoring
  • It is difficult to calculate the contraceptive calendar when approaching menopause, in adolescence, as well as at breastfeeding(the cycle is influenced by hormonal changes occurring in the body)
  • Both partners need to be screened before starting to put this method into practice.

Who does not suit

The calendar method is not suitable under the following criteria:

  • If you have multiple sexual partners
  • If the partner is against this method
  • If you are not disciplined and will not be able to fulfill all the conditions and calculations with 100% probability
  • If you are not ready to abstain from sexual intercourse for 10 days or more, or use other methods of contraception during these days
  • If you are taking medications that cause cycle fluctuations
  • If you or your partner refuse to be checked regularly by a specialist and tested for STDs (STIs)

Among natural methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, the calendar method of contraception is popular. At first glance, it seems that this is a simple solution that does not harm health. But by force different features not suitable for all women.

Calendar contraception- This is a contraceptive method based on determining fertile days (when there is a chance to conceive a child) and then abstaining from sexual intercourse on such days. During the fertile period, you can also conduct sexual life but only with contraceptives such as condoms.

When using the calendar method, a woman first of all needs to determine the dangerous days of her cycle, when there is a possibility of fertilization of the egg. This requires rigorous calculations and subsequent record keeping.

It should be remembered that even a mistake in one day can lead to the conception of a child. This is evidenced by statistics, according to which there are 10-15 pregnancies per 100 women per year, that is, the effectiveness of the calendar method is quite low - only 85-90%.

The reason is an unstable menstrual cycle. Failure is caused by diseases, overwork, stress, physical exercise and climate change. It should also be borne in mind that there is a small chance of getting pregnant immediately after menstruation, and a woman does not always correctly calculate fertile days. To avoid such a mistake, I advise you to use the following table.

Table for calculating dangerous days of the cycle

Shortest cycle (days)First fertile (dangerous) dayLongest cycle (days)Last fertile (dangerous) day
21 3 21 10
22 4 22 11
23 5 23 12
24 6 24 13
25 7 25 14
26 8 26 15
27 9 27 16
28 10 28 17
29 11 29 18
30 12 30 19
31 13 31 20
32 14 32 21
33 15 33 22
34 16 34 23
35 17 35 24
21 3 21 10

The longest and shortest menstrual cycle determined on the basis of observations over the past 8-12 months. This means that it will not be possible to immediately use the calendar method, since the risks will be too great. In addition, the results need constant adjustment.

Calculation example: if a woman's menstrual cycle lasts from 27 to 33 days, then the first dangerous day will be the 9th, and the last - the 22nd after the onset of menstruation. It is during this period that you should refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse.

Advantages of the calendar method of contraception:

  • naturalness - does not require taking pills and other hormonal drugs, so there is no risk to health;
  • cheapness - no material costs.

Disadvantages of calendar contraception:

  • not suitable for everyone - this method can only be used by healthy women with a regular and stable menstrual cycle;
  • does not protect against STDs - you need to be confident in your partner;
  • short contraceptive effect- the risk of getting pregnant is 10-15% per year;
  • requires constant calculations - a woman needs to constantly monitor her cycle and make adjustments to the previously obtained results.

Conclusion: supporters of contraception without pills can pay attention to the calendar method if an unplanned pregnancy does not become a tragedy. In other cases, it is better to trust more reliable contraceptives.

Despite the variety and availability of modern barrier and hormonal drugs contraceptives continue to be very popular natural methods protection. According to the observations of gynecologists, more than half of the women surveyed use them to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Although such methods differ in their physiological nature, their effectiveness is extremely low.

Typical representatives of this group include two options - the calendar method and interrupted sexual intercourse. But we are only talking about the first correct application it can be really effective. The whole problem is that women, using it, are guided by dubious sources - the advice of relatives or girlfriends. Therefore, obtaining reliable information will allow you to protect yourself “wisely”.

Since it is simply impossible to eliminate the calendar method of contraception, it is therefore important to modify it as much as possible, making it possible to use it. Therefore, an important direction is the maximum obtaining of information about it. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages will allow a woman to reconsider her views on contraception or make an effective addition to it.


The calendar method can be called not only physiological, but also completely natural - its implementation does not require additional means or devices. Its whole essence lies only in the commission of sexual intercourse on certain days of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Despite its historical nature, the method was recorded in the literature only at the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, his study had a completely opposite interest - finding out the fertile interval (days with the maximum probability of becoming pregnant).
  2. Accordingly, observations have given another fact - in the menstrual cycle of a woman there is a period characterized by a minimum possibility of conception.
  3. The starting point for the assessment was the determination of the moment of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary. Therefore, a period consisting of several days before and after this event has a high probability of pregnancy.
  4. But closer to the next menstruation, cyclic hormonal changes reduce the likelihood of fertilization. Therefore, sexual intercourse during this period will not lead to conception - there are no conditions for its commission.
  5. If we take approximate numbers, then safe days take a gap of about two weeks (with a menstrual cycle consisting of 28 days). At the same time, it is almost divided in half by the first day of the onset of the next menstruation.

The calendar method requires a high responsibility from a woman - she should not know the approximate duration of the cycle, but strictly maintain a monthly calendar, be sure to determine the day of ovulation.


It was the absence of any extraneous manipulations that determined the high popularity of the method - a woman just needs to know when she has safe days. The advantages of this method of contraception are best considered in comparison with other possible options:

  • Unlike hormones, birth control pills, it completely lacks a systemic effect on the body. Therefore, the method is characterized by the complete absence of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, along with interrupted sexual intercourse, this method of protection is the most physiological and safe.
  • There are also a number of advantages over barrier methods, and the main one is the lack of connection with sexual intercourse. Immediately before sex or after it is not required to carry out any activities that have a distracting effect. And the most important factor - the calendar method does not affect the sensations, which change significantly when using condoms or spermicides.
  • The generalized point for both options is the material side of the issue. Not every family or couple is able to allocate a stable amount of money for effective protection. Therefore, such contraception is the most budget option for such people.

But all the pluses are almost completely covered by the minuses - it is not for nothing that natural methods are considered the most ineffective in gynecological practice.


But the calendar method already has its own negative points, and it makes no sense to list them in comparison. Each of them should lead the woman to the idea that it is better to choose a different method of protection:

  • Immediately it is worth mentioning the Pearl index - it was specially designed to evaluate the effectiveness of contraception. Its value shows how many women out of 100 became pregnant, being protected by this method. For the calendar method, it ranges from 9 to 40 (slightly lower than that of coitus interruptus).
  • It is only suitable for women with regular and steady menstrual cycles. To correctly determine the safe interval, it is required that its duration be approximately the same at least 12 months.

  • Spermatozoa in the vaginal cavity die quickly, but in the cervical mucus they can persist for up to 6 days. Therefore, with a short menstrual cycle, the probability of fertilization remains throughout its duration.
  • The method does not protect a woman from possible infection with sexually transmitted diseases, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases. A person who is protected in this way should always be aware of the possible risk. Therefore, it is by no means suitable for casual sex.

At present, the calendar method has not lost its relevance, but it should only be used in combination with other options - barrier or hormonal contraception.


To correctly determine safe days, two prerequisites are required - keeping a diary of menstrual cycles, as well as using special formulas. Such a competent approach will minimize the likelihood of pregnancy:

  1. A diary should be kept even before the use of such contraception - to assess the regularity of menstruation. With it, a woman determines the main parameter - the total duration of the cycle. Currently, it is possible to purchase simplified versions - ready-made calendars in which you only need to mark the necessary days.

  2. Then, using the first formula, the beginning of the fertile period is determined. To do this, 18 days are subtracted from the duration of the shortest cycle.
  3. The second formula allows you to calculate the end of the days during which the maximum probability of conception remains. It is necessary to choose the longest cycle, and subtract 11 days from this figure.
  4. The resulting gap is considered safe - during it, sexual intercourse is least likely to end with fertilization. For convenience, its duration is also better noted in the diary of cycles.

The moment of border safe days is important (three days at the beginning and end of the period) - it is believed that during them it is better to use barrier contraception.


Recently, the Austrian gynecologist Maria Hengstberger has developed a special pocket device for daily monitoring of the course of the menstrual cycle. Outwardly, it looks like a necklace consisting of multi-colored beads:

  • The ratio of the balls roughly corresponds to the division of the cycle into several parts.
  • A few red ones (from 3 to 5) represent periods, blue beads characterize the fertile period, and yellow beads indicate the safe period.

  • The number of balls in the necklace is 28, which is typical for the average duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • It also has a special device - a rubber ring that can move through the beads. A woman must move it forward daily, independently determining the onset of a safe period.
  • The first red ball is taken as the starting point - it corresponds to the beginning of menstruation.

A special necklace is an alternative to the calendar only if the length of the cycle matches the number of beads in it.

Combined variant

Since the calendar method itself is limited in time, its combination with barrier methods of contraception is optimal. Their combined use will allow you to have an active sex life during the fertile period:

  • After determining the safe interval, it is important to immediately subtract three days from it at the beginning and end. They are considered borderline - when the probability of getting pregnant remains high.
  • As a result, about 7 days remain, during which the probability of conception becomes extremely low. In this interval, you can not use additional means used for protection.
  • But in the borderline and fertile period, determined using the calendar, it is better to use barrier methods of contraception. Their choice is now diverse - these are condoms, as well as spermicides in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, gels or foams.

Contrary to misconceptions, douching now does not belong to any group of contraceptives. Therefore, its implementation should not be made an alternative to the listed barrier methods.

Modern medicine knows many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy: intrauterine devices, permanent, hormonal, barrier, chemical, natural contraception. The methods of the latter include the calendar method of contraception. Next, we will talk about what its reliability is, about the pros and cons of the method, and about who it can suit.

This method of contraception refers to the methods of natural family planning, based on the principle of determining the fertile days of the menstrual cycle. The technique was introduced to the world 90 years ago by the Austrian gynecologist Hermann Knaus, who, in turn, relied on the works of the Japanese gynecologist Kyusaki Ogino.

Currently, the World Health Organization classifies the calendar method of contraception as a traditional method of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Calendar method of protection - how to calculate fertile days

To carry out the calculation, data on the duration of menstrual cycles for the last six months or longer are required. For the convenience of using the calendar method of protection, there are calculators that allow you to calculate the fetal period online.

The beginning of the fertile period is calculated by the formula: the minimum length of the menstrual cycle minus 18 days. To determine the end of the fertile period, subtract 11 days from the maximum length of the menstrual cycle. In the resulting period of time, it is necessary to refrain from vaginal intercourse or additionally use other methods of contraception.

Calendar method of contraception - safe days, calculation example:

  • With a cycle length of 28–30 days, to determine the beginning of the fetal period, it is necessary to subtract 18 from 28, to determine the end of the fetal period, subtract 11 from 30. It turns out that from the 10th to the 19th day of the cycle, vaginal intercourse will most likely lead to pregnancy. Days 1–9 and 20–30 of the cycle will be considered conditionally safe.
  • With a cycle length of 33–35 days, the period from 15 to 24 days of the menstrual cycle will be “dangerous”. From days 1 to 15, 25 to 35 of the cycle, the probability of pregnancy is relatively low.

Calendar method of contraception - pluses

  • No health risks associated with the use of the method.
  • No effect on fertility.
  • Easy to use. For greater convenience, you can use special applications or carry out the calculations necessary to use the calendar method of protection online.
  • Availability.
  • Preservation of natural sensations during intercourse.
  • Positive perception by most world religions.

Calendar method of protection - cons

  1. Lack of protection against infections transmitted through intercourse. Only condom and femidom can prevent the transmission of venereal diseases.
  2. Not suitable for women with a short cycle.
  3. Information on the website of the World Health Organization states that the calendar method of contraception has the lowest efficiency among all methods that are used today. During the year, with the correct use of the method, 9 women out of 100 become pregnant, with normal use - 25 women out of 100. There are several reasons for the low degree of protection:
  • viability of spermatozoa. Male gametes can live in a woman's body for up to 8 days, so vaginal intercourse, committed shortly before the onset of "dangerous" days, can lead to pregnancy;
  • ovulation is not on schedule. The release of the egg from the follicle occurs mainly 12-16 days before the start of a new menstrual cycle. It is difficult to say more precisely: subjective sensations and the use of special test systems give an approximate result; to accurately determine the time of ovulation, it is necessary to resort to folliculometry. There are many factors due to which the release of the egg from the follicle can occur in a different period of time. In this regard, the calendar method is not suitable for women with an unstable menstrual cycle, adolescents in the first years after menarche, women in the premenopausal period. After childbirth or abortion, you can use the calendar method no earlier than after 3 menstrual cycles. Long-term use of a number of antibiotics, antidepressants affect the time of onset of ovulation. Even taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen and others can lead to failure. Nervous shocks, climate change, overheating or hypothermia and other stressful situations can also affect the time of ovulation.
  • Multiple ovulations per cycle. Infrequently, but it happens that there are 2-3 ovulations per menstrual cycle. They can occur both simultaneously or up to 7 days apart, in the same or in different ovaries.

Calendar method of protection - reviews

The reputation of being the least reliable method of family planning is fueled by testimonials from women who have used it. "Punctures" do happen, and often. However, there are also couples who have been successfully using this method of contraception for years, or even decades.


The calendar method captivates with its safety, accessibility, ease of use, natural sensations during intercourse. But it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, and the effectiveness of preventing unwanted pregnancy, unfortunately, is not very high. Therefore, this method can be recommended only to those couples who, in the event of a potential “misfire”, are ready for replenishment in the family. Otherwise, it is better to give preference to OK, IUDs or condoms.