Prevention of diseases leading to infertility. Causes and prevention of infertility. Infertility and the nature of sexual life

Infertility in the Czech Republic affects 15-20% of married couples. This applies to both sexes equally. About 40% are problems in men. The rest: 40% - for women and 20% - both partners are to blame. Male fertility is influenced primarily by the quality and quantity of sperm. Sperm is produced continuously from puberty to the end of life, so men are not limited in the age at which they should become a father. However, at an older age, various defects are possible that can be passed on to offspring. Female fertility, in turn, is affected by the quality and quantity of eggs. They are not produced throughout life, like men, their number is determined at birth. Over the course of life, their quantity decreases and their quality deteriorates. For example, a twenty-year-old woman who regularly has sex has approximately a 25% chance of becoming pregnant in one menstrual cycle. After 40 years, only 5% will become pregnant.

Prevention of infertility in women

The best prevention of infertility is to conceive and give birth to a child on time. As mentioned, the chances of getting pregnant decrease with age. A healthy lifestyle also plays an important role in female fertility. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your weight. Obesity is one of the risk factors for infertility and is at the top of the list. The number of obese women in our population continues to rise. Obesity is a risk factor not only for pregnancy, but also for high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In case of infertility, weight loss is often a necessary condition for successful treatment. Exhaustion also contributes to infertility. In case of insufficient quantity subcutaneous fat in exhausted women, ovulation does not occur, or the egg matures in the middle menstrual cycle. It is ideal when your BMI, or body mass index, from the English body mass index is from 20 to 25. Simply divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters, multiplied by two (body weight in kg / height x2 in meters).

Smoking also plays a role in the prevention of infertility. If both partners smoke, the likelihood of conception is reduced by 3 times. It is also important for women to monitor their overall health. A known risk factor for infertility is also the number of men with whom a woman has had sexual intercourse during her lifetime. This increases the risk of contracting chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and AIDS. It is also important to treat any gynecological as well as other diseases, such as thyroid diseases, diabetes and infectious diseases. For these reasons, it is necessary to undergo regular preventive medical examinations and adhere to the specified treatment.

Prevention of infertility in men

Infertility in men can be prevented in several ways. In early childhood, it is necessary to monitor the descent of the testicles in boys. If the correct lowering does not occur, then this situation must be resolved in time. When the testicles do not descend into the scrotum or into the leathery sac under the penis, but stop along the way in the abdomen, they become heated and damaged. The testicles are designed to produce sperm and require a temperature of 2 degrees below body temperature to function properly. Therefore, nature preserved the testicles in the scrotum, and not in the body. For this reason, it is also important to wear loose underwear, preferably shorts, while tight-fitting boxers or trunks are inappropriate. Men should also avoid frequent saunas, showers and swimming in hot water. Sperm quality is also harmed by the use of alcohol and other recreational drugs. They are toxic to testicles and sperm. It is also important to prevent various infections. Risk factors are also sexually transmitted diseases and mumps, but fortunately the Czech Republic has had vaccinations since 1987, so this disease is not widespread in the population. It is recommended to consume various vitamins that act as antioxidants and improve sperm quality, such as vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid. Natural vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables. As for systemic diseases, the same rules apply here as for women. It is necessary to keep all diseases in the compensation stage and regularly visit a therapist.

What can a couple who is trying to conceive do to prevent infertility? Trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, not be influenced by stress, maintain a reasonable weight, limit alcohol consumption, stop smoking and have regular unprotected sexual intercourse 2 - 3 times a week. This improves the quality of sperm and increases the chances of conception. If you want to have a child, but have not yet conceived, there is no need to worry, most couples do not succeed right away. However, you can consult your general practitioner or gynecologist ahead of time. The doctor will recommend the necessary examinations and prescribe treatment to correct possible infertility.

Reasons for male and female infertility there may be several, however, venereological and infectious diseases, inflammatory chronic processes most often provoke. Is it possible to avoid infertility in the future, and what preventive methods should be carried out in a timely manner?

Female infertility differs from male infertility in symptoms and intensity of manifestations. However, it is based on the main problem - the inability to conceive and give birth to a child.

Depending on the complications and stage of the disease, certain measures are used to restore reproductive function: surgical treatment, medication or restoration. But such actions are not always effective; as a result, irreversible processes occur.

Over the past 15 years, infertility as a diagnosis has changed its pathogenesis. If previously it was believed that the problem was in the woman, today the World Health Organization has published statistics according to which in 60% of cases of inability to conceive, men are to blame due to low sperm quality.


To avoid complications such as the impossibility of procreation, it is necessary to know the reasons that provoke the occurrence of this pathology. These include:

  • injuries and physical abnormalities resulting in surgery to remove parts of the reproductive organs;
  • chronic untreated inflammatory processes of the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • frequent abortions in women;
  • past venereological diseases;
  • genetic incompatibility of partners;
  • complications after infectious and viral diseases(rubella, mumps, chickenpox, FLU);
  • congenital anomalies of the development and structure of the internal organs of reproduction: saddle uterus, bends of the tubes;
  • hormonal disorders as a result of illness or poor nutrition (anorexia is a common cause of infertility in girls).

In some cases, it is a consequence of advanced inflammatory processes, which need to be treated in a timely manner for both men and women.

How to avoid

Prevention of infertility complications begins in early childhood, when girls and boys are told about contraception options, the quality of sexual life and personal hygiene.

In 80% of cases the cause of the complication is the presence inflammatory process genital organs, infections and venereal diseases.

85% of female infertility is the result of early abortions and frequent changes of sexual partners. This happens due to the fault of parents who did not have a timely conversation with the child about the quality of sexual life and the value of reproductive health for future offspring.

Treatment of infectious diseases in a timely manner

To avoid consequences in the form of impaired reproductive function, it is necessary to have diseases of infectious pathogenesis in time. Inflammation of the mucous membranes and infections that lead to the formation of adhesions in women become causes of unsuccessful reproduction. For men, advanced infectious diseases pose a risk of decreased sperm quality.

Sex life

Since the main diseases that provoke complications of the reproductive organs are sexually transmitted, it is necessary to monitor the quality of personal hygiene and sexual life. Frequently changing partners is a risk for both men and women.

In addition to the fact that the likelihood of infection increases, there is also a change in microflora, which, in turn, weakens local immunity. When pathogenic flora enters, the body does not provide adequate resistance, and the disease progresses rapidly.

The main reasons why modern youth have problems with pregnancy are weak immunity, weak physical activity and poor nutrition. Healthy image life, moderate physical exercise and a balanced diet with the required amount of proteins, fats and fiber increase the likelihood of becoming a happy parent healthy child.

Anorexia provokes irreversible processes in the body that reduce and eliminate the possibility of conception. Thus, most of the estrogen in women is synthesized using subcutaneous fat, which is not enough due to poor nutrition.

How to prevent pathology

Basic prevention is compliance with the following rules:

  • timely treatment of infectious diseases, venereal diseases;
  • exclusion of unwanted pregnancy, abortion;
  • proper lifestyle with balanced nutrition;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • infrequent change of sexual partner;
  • food containing fish oil, fiber, and proteins.

In each case, there are certain conditions that make procreation impossible. But, in the overwhelming majority, the main cause of complications is untimely elimination of symptoms and ignoring basic hygiene rules.

Preventing infertility is a healthy lifestyle. There can be a large number of causes for the anomaly, but timely diagnosis and elimination of pathogenesis increases the chances of giving birth to a healthy child without health complications.

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Primary infertility in women is a condition in which a woman has never had a pregnancy, and we are talking about any pregnancy (ectopic, spontaneous miscarriage, abortion or childbirth). Prevalence of this pathological condition is growing steadily, leading to serious socio-medical consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the couple in order to determine the cause of infertility and carry out targeted treatment.

Causes of infertility

A history of primary absence of pregnancy may be associated with the following causative factors:

  • endometriosis and infertility is a common tandem, as it has a complex mechanism of fertility disorders (it is associated with the development of adhesions, immune shifts, hormonal imbalance, etc.);
  • consequences of previous abortions, in which cervical and uterine infertility factors often occur;
  • hormonal disorders that develop after emergency contraception(postinor is a drug with a large dose of hormones that prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg);
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs in women;
  • consequences of previous operations that lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • immune infertility, which may be associated with damage to the egg, sperm or fertilization processes;
  • hormonal disorders due to various genital and extragenital reasons, in which there is no ovulation;
  • idiopathic infertility, in which to establish possible reason this pathological condition is not possible. In this case, most likely, we are talking about the absence full examination women and men as a result of various reasons (imperfect diagnostic base).

Diagnostic search for infertility

Anovulation (lack of ovulation) is the most common cause infertility. Therefore, the diagnostic search for primary infertility begins with this causative factor. Based on this feature, three fundamentally different forms are distinguished, which determine one or another treatment tactics. With this in mind, it is customary to highlight:

  • normogonadotropic anovulatory infertility - the level of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones produced by the pituitary gland remains within normal limits;
  • hypogonadotropic anovulatory infertility – the level of pituitary tropic hormones is reduced;
  • hypergonadotropic anovulatory infertility, in which there is an increase in the level of hormones synthesized by the pituitary gland.

Therefore, at the first stage of diagnosing infertility, it is recommended to determine the blood levels of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, as well as progesterone and estradiol, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disorders are usually associated with certain clinical and anamnestic data. This may be a postinor taken for the purpose of emergency contraception, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Principles of infertility treatment

Primary treatment depends on the causative factor. Taking into account the main treatment tactics, it is advisable to distinguish the following categories of primary infertility:

  • anovulatory, including postinor-associated infertility;
  • infectious-dependent;
  • adhesive;
  • endometriosis-associated;
  • idiopathic infertility.

Let's look at what infertility treatment looks like in each of these groups. For anovulatory infertility, which also develops if postinor is taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy, treatment is based on the following principles:

  • correction of existing hormonal changes;
  • after this, ovulation is stimulated so that several eggs mature and one of them is released;
  • support of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and also when pregnancy occurs, it is recommended to continue taking hormonal therapy.

Treatment of infertility caused by infectious and inflammatory processes involves the use of the following drugs:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics, taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamin preparations;
  • hormonal drugs, if there are certain disorders in hormonal background, especially if Postinor was previously taken after unprotected intercourse.

In the event that there is adhesive obstruction of the fallopian tubes, laparoscopic intervention is indicated. Its purpose is to cut adhesions that compress fallopian tube from the outside, and plastic surgery is also performed for deformations of the fallopian tube. The effectiveness of the treatment in this case depends on the degree of the adhesive process. The higher it is, the less chance of pregnancy.

Primary infertility associated with endometriosis involves complex therapy aimed at eliminating existing disorders. The main principles of treatment in this case are:

  • treatment of hormonal disorders (combined oral contraceptives, purely progestin drugs, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, antigonadotropins may be prescribed);
  • dissection of adhesions, if any;
  • stimulation of ovulation and support of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, since there is almost always a relative or absolute progesterone deficiency.

However, the greatest difficulties arise in the treatment of immune and idiopathic infertility. Typically, in such a situation, the use of assisted reproduction methods is indicated.

Prevention of infertility in women

A large place in preserving women's reproductive health is given to preventive measures. These include the following:

  • treatment of concomitant diseases in women;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • protection from unwanted pregnancy (postinor is not recommended for this purpose; preference should be given to planned contraception);
  • prevention of abortions (both medical and traditional), the consequences of which in relation to reproductive function are extremely negative;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • adherence to a sexual culture that reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area;
  • timely treatment and observation by a gynecologist and other specialists.

To summarize all of the above, it should be noted that primary infertility is a serious problem that has serious medical and social consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to begin a diagnostic search as early as possible, which allows us to clarify the possible cause of this pathological condition. Having identified the underlying disease, it is possible in most cases to carry out effective treatment.

Infertility is a common problem of our time, which is diagnosed not only in women, but also in men. It causes physical and psychological discomfort. Treatment of pathology is carried out different ways, but it’s better to try to prevent it from appearing at all. Prevention of infertility begins in early childhood.

The inability to have children does not come out of nowhere. It is provoked by external and internal negative factors. The diagnosis is made if a married couple is unable to conceive a child within 1 year of regular unprotected sexual activity.

Causes of female infertility

The cause of female infertility is:

  • abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • congenital pathology of the reproductive system;
  • endocrine or hormonal disorders;
  • injury genitourinary system, as well as a history of surgical intervention;
  • venereal infection;
  • abortion (infertility develops in a young girl after damage to the mucous layer of the uterus);
  • benign or malignant tumor;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • stress, increased emotionality;
  • early onset of menopause;
  • lack of nutrition, adherence to strict diets (they lead to ovulation disorders).

If a woman cannot conceive a child, the reasons need to be clarified as quickly as possible. After 35 years of age, the chances of getting pregnant naturally decrease. Therefore, preventing infertility in women is important during the growing years.

Causes of male infertility

Childlessness is a problem not only for the fair half of humanity, but also for men. There are reasons for this:

  • endocrine and hormonal problems;
  • diseases of internal organs (both reproductive and other systems);
  • genetic disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • dilation of the veins in the area of ​​the testicles and spermatic cord (male infertility, the degree of infertility depends on the functionality of these organs, and when they overheat, the quality of sperm deteriorates);
  • injury to the genital organs;
  • inflammatory diseases, as well as sexually transmitted infections;
  • premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction;
  • undergoing chemotherapy;

Bad habits can provoke a deterioration in reproductive ability. However, the development of infertility can be avoided if early prevention is undertaken in men.

Prevention of female infertility

Prevention of infertility in women should be carried out from childhood. Such measures should be followed.

  1. Do not have sex with different partners, as they may be infected with sexually transmitted infections or even HIV.
  2. Maintain daily personal hygiene (the same applies to sexual intercourse).
  3. Do not have sex during menstruation (discharge in this case is thrown back into the uterus, provoking the development of endometriosis).
  4. Stop smoking and do not abuse alcohol.
  5. Use medications only after being prescribed by a doctor in the indicated dosage.
  6. Eat properly and balanced.
  7. Avoid stressful situations, strong emotional outbursts or nervous tension.
  8. Promptly treat any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system - they can cause uterine infertility.
  9. Avoid too intense physical activity, as it destabilizes the menstrual cycle.
  10. Do not douche with chemicals.
  11. Take contraceptives prescribed by your doctor to prevent unwanted pregnancy and reduce the risk of abortion.
  12. Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist (twice a year).

Avoid excessive gain or loss of body weight. This provokes hormonal imbalance and infertility. As a preventative measure, you can also limit your coffee consumption throughout the day.

Prevention of infertility in girls

Here, the prevention of infertility and diseases of the female genital organs consists of preventing pathologies such as measles, scarlet fever, rubella, influenza, and diphtheria. All of them negatively affect the formation of follicles, and the formation of the reproductive apparatus is disrupted from childhood. For this purpose, children are vaccinated. You should also strengthen your immune system by taking vitamins and microelements.

It is important to treat inflammatory processes in the cerebral cortex and avoid traumatic brain injuries. Parents of girls need to pay attention to the formation of early sexual characteristics and a delay in the menstrual cycle. If a girl started bleeding for the first time at 10 or 16 years old, she needs to be seen by a doctor. This situation may indicate problems with the development of the reproductive system, which will lead to infertility in later life.

You need to be wary if the discharge is too strong or scanty, menstruation is irregular, accompanied by severe pain. IN adolescence girls make strict demands on their appearance and go on different diets, which is absolutely not allowed. This leads not only to the loss of fatty tissue, but also to a narrowing of the uterus and shrinkage of the ovaries. In this case, there is no talk of pregnancy. In this case, parents bear full responsibility for the prevention of infertility.

Girls should not be allowed to have sexual intercourse before the age of 18, since their reproductive system is not fully formed until that time. The explanatory work of parents is important here.

How to avoid infertility in adulthood

Prevention of female infertility is important not only at a young age. The possibility of conceiving may be lost, even if the couple already has children. Early menopause is harmful to health. It can be caused by insufficient treatment of diseases of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, the presence of polyps in the uterus, which often develop after the age of 40 years.

  • avoid negative emotions, avoid stress;
  • maintain daily intimate hygiene;
  • after 35 years, it is desirable to maintain regular sex life, but frequent changes of partners are contraindicated;
  • periodically undergo examination by a gynecologist, even if nothing hurts;
  • monitor the ovulation process and if it subsides, consult a doctor.

It is necessary to dress warmly in cold weather and not stay in a draft for a long time.

Prevention of male infertility

Problems with conceiving a child often occur in men. This is facilitated by a lack of sperm, which are characterized by good mobility and carry intact genetic material. To find out exactly the cause of this situation, you need the results of examinations and tests, thereby preventing infertility in men.

Male infertility can be prevented if you follow these recommendations:

  • avoid promiscuity;
  • monitor your diet, exclude beer and other alcoholic drinks (they have a bad effect on sperm quality);
  • expose the body to daily physical activity (it should be moderate);
  • give up cigarettes;
  • do not take hot baths too often;
  • avoid stressful situations, excessive nervous tension;
  • do not cross your legs while sitting;
  • From early childhood, prevent mumps through vaccination;
  • take tests on time during a preventive examination, as well as in the event of symptoms of an infectious pathology;
  • rest and sleep should be complete;
  • have regular sex life with a stable partner (every 3-5 days).

Both women and men need to monitor their body weight. Wearing tight underwear contributes to reproductive dysfunction, so it is better to avoid it.

Treatment and its features

Depending on the cause of infertility, the patient is prescribed treatment. It can be medicinal or surgical. In some cases, it is enough to adjust your body weight and lifestyle to be able to conceive a baby (the functioning of the endocrine system improves).

Success increases with timely treatment of infectious diseases in spouses before they cause complications. If the problem natural pregnancy remains, then the couple may be prescribed the following procedures:

  • stimulation of ovulation with medications;
  • insemination (probability of success - 17%) - direct transfer of sperm from a partner or donor into the uterine cavity;
  • in vitro fertilization (40-60%) – the most effective method when a woman is implanted with a ready-made embryo;
  • use of a donor egg;
  • use of surrogate mother services.

Such methods are used if the chances of natural fertilization are sharply reduced.

What not to do

Patients are strictly prohibited from using drugs to stimulate the ovulation process on their own. This can disrupt the functionality of the endocrine system even more, causing ovarian wasting syndrome. You should not use different folk remedies if the cause of infertility has not been established.

Alternative Methods

If the problem of infertility is caused by menstrual irregularities or nervous shock, then they will help to cope with it unconventional methods prevention and treatment.

  1. Homeopathic remedies. The patient is offered herbal extracts and minerals. Some of them are prescribed to stimulate the ovulation process, while others calm the nervous system.
  2. Acupuncture.
  3. Reflexology. Here a massage is performed on the active points located on the feet. The patient feels better and the functionality of the reproductive system is normalized.

You can't rely only on alternative ways therapy. They will be effective only in a comprehensive treatment regimen.

When and which doctor to go to

It is necessary to go to a specialist when within six months life together the couple is unable to become pregnant naturally (provided that contraceptives were not used). You should consult a specialist if there are signs of an infectious or inflammatory process affecting the reproductive system.

You will have to be examined by different specialists: urologist, gynecologist, andrologist, endocrinologist, reproductologist. Consultations with other doctors are necessary: ​​therapist, venereologist, nutritionist. In most cases, only a comprehensive approach can overcome infertility. But timely prevention of infertility is a more rewarding endeavor.

Our great-grandmothers got married early, stayed home and had children. Modern women completely different - they strive to make a career, get married much later, postponing motherhood until later. Today, the incidence of sexually transmitted infections is also increasing. Many girls start smoking in adolescence without thinking about the consequences. Quite a few of them are overweight. Are all the problems listed above related to infertility? Yes, definitely! In our article we will talk about what factors influence a woman’s ability to get pregnant, and also talk about methods of preventing infertility.

Age and fertility

Fertility in women is the ability to become pregnant and bear a child. Those between the ages of 20 and 30 are more likely to conceive a child. It is known that approximately a third of women over 35 years of age have problems with pregnancy, and by the age of 40 this figure rises to 50%.

Of course, the decision to have a child and start a family is a very personal choice, but every woman should understand: the older she is, the more difficulties may arise when trying to get pregnant.

The most common causes of female infertility

Infertility is a diagnosis given to a woman who is unable to become pregnant within a year. Experts consider one of the symptoms to be atypical menstrual cycles, which may be too short (up to 21 days) or too long (35 days or more).

There are many reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant naturally, but doctors highlight:

  1. Ovulation disorder. Characterized by irregular ovulation cycles (the release of an egg into the fallopian tube). Occurs due to polycystic ovary syndrome, premature ovarian failure, hypothalamic dysfunction, excess prolactin, etc.

  1. Endometriosis. With this disease, the endometrial tissue lining the uterus begins to grow greatly and prevents the fertilization of the egg.
  2. Poor patency of the fallopian tubes.
  3. Benign tumors (fibroids), scars and inflammation in the uterus.
  4. Unusual shape of the uterus from birth.
  5. Narrowing or stenosis of the cervix caused by injury or a hereditary malformation.
  6. Thick cervical mucus that does not allow sperm to pass through.

  1. Poor egg quality. It is mainly determined in women over 35 years of age.
  2. Obesity, which often causes irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Diagnostics and tests

If you cannot get pregnant for a long period of time, contact a gynecologist-reproductologist and endocrinologist. A qualified doctor will prescribe:

  • Ovulation testing, in which a blood test is performed for hormones: LH (luteinizing hormone), progesterone, prolactin.

  • Hysterosalpingography is a procedure that involves examining the genital organs using X-ray or ultrasound scanning. The resulting images may highlight abnormalities or blockages in the fallopian tubes.
  • Laparoscopy. A thin optical tube is inserted into the organs through a small incision, which gives an idea of ​​what is inside. It can be used to detect adhesions, irregularities in the fallopian tubes or scars due to endometriosis.

What will help improve reproductive health

When discussing infertility in women, one cannot help but say that to increase fertility, sometimes it is enough to change your lifestyle.

Here are a few simple tips to preserve the functional state of the female reproductive system:

  1. Support normal weight . A balanced diet, moderate exercise, good dream in combination they will help get rid of excess body weight, restore thyroid function and regularity of the menstrual cycle, as well as improve overall health.

  1. Reduce your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol. Simply reducing or eliminating caffeine-containing and alcoholic drinks may have a beneficial effect on a couple's ability to become pregnant.
  2. Do not smoke. We've all heard that smoking can lead to cancer and heart disease, but this bad habit negatively affects the ability to have children. Thus, studies conducted in the UK showed that 13% of female infertility is caused by smoking. Women who smoke increase the risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
  3. Practice safe sex and personal hygiene. Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are major causes of infertility. Using condoms during sex with a casual partner will help prevent contracting STIs.

Home remedies for prevention

To enhance fertility, you can use traditional methods:

  • Pomegranate helps maintain the normal condition of the uterine mucosa and improves blood flow. To restore fertility, stir half a teaspoon of finely ground seeds and fruit bark into a glass of milk and drink the resulting mixture twice a day.

  • Cinnamon is useful for polycystic ovary syndrome. The plant powder is eaten 1 teaspoon per day or mixed with a glass of milk for oral administration.
  • Blueberry tea is used to treat infertility in women. To do this, brew 1 teaspoon of fruit in a glass of boiling water, strain and drink once a day for several weeks.

  • Dates are a delicacy that is eaten for better conception and nutrition of the fetus throughout pregnancy. From 6 to 8 dates are consumed every day as a snack or in the form of a smoothie or additive to yogurt.
  • Yoga classes improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and help improve the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin D is synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight. Spend 10 minutes in the sun every morning and eat foods rich in vitamin D: eggs, cheese, fish and grains.

Infertility is a very exhausting problem to deal with, both emotionally and physically. It is important to consult a doctor on time, follow preventive measures and believe that you will definitely be able to conceive and bear a healthy baby!