Dream interpretation of dreams: why do you dream about a mirror? Why do you dream about a mirror (seeing yourself in the mirror). Mirror according to the dream book of a modern woman

mirror as described - Seeing a mirror in a dream is a harbinger marriage soon, and for married people such a dream means betrayal. Looking in the mirror means increased illness for the sick and illness for the healthy. Seeing how someone looks in the mirror foretells many doubts and a depressed mood due to unhappiness in the family. Seeing yourself in the mirror is a harbinger that you will meet evil, deceptive and false friends. Seeing the reflection of your face in the mirror portends dissatisfaction with yourself due to your inability to organize your affairs in such a way that they bring the desired result. If in a dream you look at the freckles on your face in the mirror, in reality this foreshadows that your short-lived happiness will be overshadowed by a sad ending: you will lose your lover. To see a bruise on your face in the mirror that you don’t actually have - such a dream means that you can, without any fear, participate in the entertainment that will present itself to you in the very near future. Seeing yourself ugly and shaggy in the mirror means quick enrichment and fame. Seeing other people in the mirror instead of yourself foreshadows their unfair actions towards you. If you saw some kind of animal in the mirror, looking into it, in reality this foreshadows disappointment and loss. A mirror showing a pale and exhausted lover in a dream is a sign of his imminent death or your failed engagement. If he is healthy and looks cheerful, it means that there will simply be a break in the relationship between you, but after a while you both will become happier than ever. Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a sign of an unsuccessful friendship and a completely unsuccessful marriage. Breaking a mirror in a dream means receiving news that your beloved relative is dying. Seeing someone breaking a mirror is a harbinger of imminent deception or insurmountable obstacles for unmarried people, and for married people - domestic battles that can lead to divorce. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

freckles by description - Seeing yourself in the mirror with a face covered with freckles - in Lately for some reason you are very unhappy with your skin on your face, and it doesn’t give you peace., Dream Interpretation by Grishina

face as described - Seeing in a dream a beautiful open face with an ingenuous look - means that you can, without any fear, participate in the entertainment that will befall you in the near future. But seeing an ugly, gloomy and angry face portends undesirable events. If you dream that you are admiring the beautiful color of your face, this promises good luck and unexpected but pleasant events. A poor complexion foretells disappointment. Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone's face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Pleasant smiling full lips - portends harmony in relationships and abundance in the home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the upcoming difficult situation. Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires, deprivation and illness of someone you know. Happy faces around you in a dream are a very favorable dream, but being surrounded by gloomy faces is a sign of future anxiety. An unfavorable dream in which you see your face or the face of a stranger - it promises you sorrow. Seeing the reflection of your face in the mirror is a sign of imminent dissatisfaction with yourself due to the inability to organize yourself and complete what you planned., Miller’s Dream Book

hair as described - Seeing in a dream that your hair has become surprisingly beautiful, combing it, admiring yourself in the mirror, means that in reality you can goof up so much that you won’t know where to go from shame for making a mistake. If, on the contrary, you see your hair in a deplorable state, disheveled and thinning, your foolish behavior will lead to losses and disappointments. Seeing gray hair in your hair in the mirror means grief will befall you in reality. Seeing yourself with black hair means the man you are eyeing is unworthy of your attention. Golden hair means a love affair with a person who answers you in all respects. Redheads mean changes in relationships with your loved one. Chestnut - annoying failures in business. Being a blonde in a dream means comforting news, exciting trips and meetings. Successfully styled hair is a sign of a successful turn in your affairs. A stunning short haircut indicates that you should be more careful to avoid an accident. An elegant hairstyle that harmonizes with your evening dress - you will experience incomparable happiness. Seeing your hair, from which the dye has partially come off, revealing strands of natural color, is a sign of great doubts about the upcoming choice of your chosen one. A tangle in the hair is a sign of unexpected wealth, although generally tangled and untidy hair is a sign of failure, and combing it is a sign of a love affair. A cowlick standing upright on your head means receiving an urgent task from your superiors. Curly hair means change; caring for it means infidelity, passion for others. A braid is for conversations; braiding it or unraveling it is for agreement. Flowers in your hair foreshadow the approach of troubles, which, however, will not unbalance you or frighten you. A wreath in your hair means fame, wealth and honors... If the flowers in it are white, you should prepare yourself for serious trials, which, however, will not last too long. Bows in the hair are an unexpected proposal. Dandruff - gain a significant condition. Hairpins - rumors and gossip. Papillotes are bitter discoveries in love. Perm your hair in a dream - an upcoming celebration for unmarried people, and for married people - a cooling towards married life caused by vile deception on the part of the husband, family discord and troubles. Seeing someone curling their hair in a dream means a quick marriage for young people, and again adultery for married people. Seeing gray-haired people in a dream is also a sign of unfavorable changes. For lovers, this foreshadows the appearance of a rival, and for others - loss and illness as a result of their own carelessness. Seeing young people with gray or falling hair in a dream means trouble at work. Stroking someone's hair in a dream means a favorable turn in your affairs of the heart, for young people - a worthy lover. Seeing your chosen one have overgrown temples means you will be honored, and sideburns mean pleasure and unexpected profit. Cutting or shaving sideburns means an annoying loss and, in general, all sorts of losses and troubles. Seeing yourself completely covered with hair means receiving forgiveness and mercy. For a woman in adulthood, this means that she will shift all her attention to her own person and, perhaps, begin to indulge her whims to the detriment of generally accepted norms of behavior. Hair growing from the nose, as well as on the nose, is a harbinger of extraordinary enterprises that will be possible thanks to the strength of your character and will. Seeing hairy arms in a dream foretells success in business and money, legs - one way or another you will remain the head of the family and will twist your husband as you please. Cutting your hair in a dream means an important moment in your life will soon come. Getting your hair done at the hairdresser - having become happier and luckier than you are now, you will remember the present time as the best in your life. Wearing a wig and hiding your hair under it is real life the changes you are going to make in the near future will turn out to be unfavorable. Washing your hair with shampoo in a dream means that in reality you will take part in unworthy scams in order to please someone. Washing your hair in a bathhouse means you may get sick far from home. Drying your hair with a hairdryer in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant story that will make a lot of noise. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

face as described - Seeing in a dream a beautiful face with delicate features and charming smile means that your children will be happy thanks to your tireless efforts and concern for their future. A youthful, rosy-cheeked face suggests that you will have social entertainment and a carefree pastime. An ugly face with traces of illness portends anxiety and mental anguish. A pale, haggard face is a sign of malaise; a dissatisfied and angry expression is a sign of loss and regret. A sad and melancholy look from a spiritualized face is a sign of unexpected and upsetting events. A face turning purple in anger promises grief, suffering and humiliation. A face smeared with something means you will experience relief after completing painstaking and time-consuming work. A face with a smooth clean skin portends success in the professional field. Covered with a painful rash - to losses, pitted with smallpox - to a serious illness, a face with scars - you will be held accountable, burned - you will attract the fire of criticism, but will be able to avoid the consequences. Happy, joyful faces around you are a sign of positive changes; faces distorted by anger and hatred portend serious concern about the health of loved ones. The face of a stranger with a repulsive look is a sign of a failed date. Seeing your face reflected in a dream clean water portends a long life, marked by signs of recognition of great merit. Seeing your face in the mirror beautiful and joyful means a new addition to the family; if you are gloomy and exhausted, you will receive the money owed to you with great difficulty. To cover your face in public, hiding your ugliness from their eyes, you will be shocked by the message about the tragic events in which your good friends suffered. If you wash your face in a dream, it means that in reality you will have to regret your rash action. Putting makeup on your face means you will be successful with men; a medicinal mask on your face portends a lot of fans without serious intentions, putting it on your face cosmetical tools- to disappointment in love, to have plastic surgery on the face - to favorable changes. If you see a harelip on someone’s face, in reality this may be reflected in the fact that you will make a hasty and rash decision in a matter that requires a comprehensive approach. Too thin lips - show efficiency and ingenuity in an unexpected situation. Beautiful full lips – harmony in family relationships and mutual love for the young. A face with a sagging lip means that in real life you will have to go through a serious test. Seeing a cute girl's face with plump rosy cheeks in a dream is a sign of a successful enterprise. Overly rouged cheeks on your face - you will feel ashamed of your own children. Sunken cheeks on an emaciated face indicate sad events. An old face with sagging skin and sunken cheeks means an improvement in your financial situation. Huge gumboil on the face means trouble at work. Seeing a face with a purulent boil portends being robbed or robbed. A bruise on your face means that you will succumb to temptation by entering into a fleeting intimate relationship with a man completely unfamiliar to you. Seeing a face with a broken nose bridge in a dream means that in reality you will receive news of someone’s death. A swollen, falling chin in folds on a fat, flabby face is a sign of well-being. Chin with a dimple - you will not achieve success if you do not get rid of your inherent shortcomings. Seeing a clean-shaven male face means that you will soon fully enjoy peace by sending your family to distant relatives for a few days. A face covered with stubble indicates that sex-related problems will arise in your married life. A face covered with freckles means that your happiness will be somewhat overshadowed by the interference of envious friends in your private life. Seeing freckles on your face portends the loss of a loved one. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

wrinkles as described - Seeing your skin flabby and furrowed with senile wrinkles in a dream means that you will safely reach old age. If your skin is smooth, elastic and without a single wrinkle, this means that in reality you will be the object of adoration of a wealthy and independent person. If in the mirror you notice emerging wrinkles around your eyes, on your forehead and neck, this indicates a danger threatening your honor, you will have to stand up for yourself very, very much so as not to allow your good name to be tarnished and to overcome all obstacles on the path to success ., Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

nudity by description - A dream in which you see yourself naked means that you will appear in an unsightly light in front of your friends and loved ones. Putting your nakedness on display while walking down the street like this is a controversial issue between relatives. If in a dream you see yourself performing in a striptease, in reality you will easily get what you want and live without any problems. Seeing naked girls with a slender, beautiful body in a dream means you will achieve prosperity after overcoming many obstacles. A thin, fat or ugly naked body is a sign that ill-wishers will put a spoke in your wheels at every opportunity. Seeing naked men bathing in a river in a dream foretells many admirers. Naked men washing in a bathhouse - a jealous admirer will cause a lot of trouble for you and your parents. Admiring your young and beautifully built body in a dream, naked in front of the mirror, foretells that you will be constantly surrounded by the attention of men, but things will not go further than this with any of them. Seeing yourself naked with an old and flabby body - such a dream in reality foreshadows a scandal and a tarnished reputation among colleagues. Finding yourself naked in a crowded place and being ashamed of it, trying to cover your nakedness, means that in reality you will succumb to the temptation of secret passion. If your clothes are torn off by an angry rival, this is a sign of frustration. love relationship, if a man, you cannot resist the seducer. Seeing yourself naked on a women's beach portends an aggravation of relations with your husband or lover. If you find yourself on a nudist beach, in real life you will face financial difficulties; If at the same time you pay increased attention to masculine virtues, you are in danger of poverty and despondency from constant adversity. Running away naked from a naked man suggests that your coquetry and slyness will serve you poorly in seducing the man you like. If in a dream your husband caught you naked in bed with your lover, it means that in reality you cannot avoid a family quarrel. Seeing yourself naked in a bathhouse is a sign of joyful events. Seeing naked children is a sign of great fear. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

mirror as described - Looking at your reflection in a mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are very interested in what other people think about you. You very often look at your life as if from the outside, trying to analyze your actions and deeds. If you look in the mirror but do not see your reflection, then such a dream suggests that you are in the power of an evil spirit that is doing evil with your hands. Turn to God, for you have a hard life ahead of you. Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a prophecy of great grief. Suffering and tears await you. Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: whether you will live richly and happily, how many children you will have, whether others will respect you, and even the day of your death. Remember that “the ways of the Lord are mysterious” and no one living today can answer all your questions with exact certainty. Constantly turning to various predictors and guessing yourself, you only attract the attention of evil spirits., Vanga’s Dream Book

age as described - Seeing yourself in a dream in the mirror as a very old woman means illness., Family dream book

neckline as described - Seeing yourself in a dream in the mirror with a deep neckline - for going out., Family dream book

flabby cheeks as described - Seeing flabby cheeks in a mirror in a dream means illness., Family dream book

retracted stomach as described - Seeing a sunken belly in a mirror in a dream, although in reality this is not at all the case, means some kind of injury., Dream Interpretation by Grishina

bridge of the nose as described - Seeing the bridge of your nose in the mirror means lack of self-confidence., Dream Interpretation by Grishina

mirror as described - If you saw yourself looking in a mirror in a dream, disagreements and experiences await you. Someone else's illness may be the cause of your suffering. If you see someone else in the mirror, beware of unfair actions towards you. A broken mirror foreshadows the sudden death of a relative. For a young woman, a broken mirror promises an unsuccessful friendship and a not very happy marriage. Seeing a lover in the mirror, pale and emaciated, means a failed engagement. If he looks happy, then there may be a slight distance between you, which will soon disappear. Just seeing a mirror in a dream is a sign of possible imminent deception or obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts or divorce. Nostradamus interpreted dreams about mirrors as follows: A mirror is a symbol of duality and mystery. If you see your reflection in a mirror in a dream, then in reality you will receive unexpected news. If you broke a mirror in a dream, in reality you will worry about the treachery of a person close to you. A dream in which you saw a monster in a mirror image indicates the insincerity of your promises and inner emptiness. Seeing a huge mirror with a cloudy surface means becoming a victim of intrigue and slander. Not seeing your reflection in the mirror in a dream - bad sign. Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream means fear, doubt, and inability to make decisions on your own. Vanga believed that if a person looks at his reflection in the mirror in a dream, then in real life he is very interested in what other people think about him. “You very often look at your life as if from the outside, trying to analyze your actions and deeds. If you look in the mirror but do not see your reflection, then such a dream suggests that you are in the power of an evil spirit that is doing evil with your hands. Turn to God, because a hard life awaits you,” advised the Bulgarian soothsayer. According to Vanga, seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a prophecy of great grief. Suffering and tears await you. Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: whether you will live richly and happily, how many children you will have, whether others will respect you, and even the day of your death. Remember that “the ways of the Lord are mysterious,” and no one living today can answer all your questions with exact certainty. Constantly turning to various predictors and guessing yourself, you only attract the attention of evil spirits. And D. Loff wrote in his dream book: “In dreams, mirrors convey a clear reflection of something, display objects, introducing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland, they serve as a door to another reality. The mirror often causes anxiety because of its ability to show us unvarnished what lies ahead, forcing us to interpret what we see and think about whether we like it or not. If a mirror inconsistently reflects objects, adds or removes details, then it represents a reflection of the perception of life against the backdrop of the real state of affairs. In this case, the dream indicates to you an incorrect interpretation of the motives driving others, which manifests itself in a reluctance to accept these motives “at face value” (who or what was added or removed from the mirror?). Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually a fantasy generated by the subconscious." Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

Right now they are looking at dream interpretations on the website:

see yourself in the mirror


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Lover's daughter


Daughter of a loved one


Watch fish being caught in nets


woman's penis

, ,

Dead body"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A mirror in a dream is a symbol of change. Seeing him in a dream means that you are thinking about changing your life. Seeing a dressing table is a sign of a secret being revealed, as a result of which you will have a scandal, the consequences of which are difficult to predict. In a dream, wanting to see yourself in the mirror, but not seeing it, means a desire for change. In this case, the mirror warns you of obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. Cracks in the mirror in this case mean that the bad feeling will come true and what you fear most will happen. If you are hoping for a happy marriage, then such a dream predicts that this marriage will not be successful or happy. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows separation from a lover or divorce. See yourself in the mirror full height- to marriage or to a big change in life. A rich frame on a mirror predicts a prosperous married life and honor. The more modest the frame, the poorer you will live alone or with your spouse. Pay attention to how you are dressed in the mirror. See clothing. This will help you get a true picture of what awaits you in your family life.

Looking in the mirror in a dream, but not seeing your face, means illness. Seeing someone else's face instead of your own means big changes. The changes will be the same as the face you see in the mirror. For those who cheat on their spouse, this dream predicts the birth of illegitimate children. For a patient to see himself in the mirror - a harbinger of imminent death. Seeing others in the mirror in a dream is a sign that your opinion about this person will soon change. Seeing your beloved in the mirror means a quarrel with him. A broken mirror in a dream predicts that your intentions and desires will not come true. Sometimes such a dream can predict the unexpected death of a relative or the betrayal of a friend. Throwing away a mirror is a sign that you yourself will refuse to change something in your life. Seeing yourself ugly in the mirror means grief, annoyance, illness and vice versa. If you dream that you have spots on your face (in the mirror), then expect grief because of your children. Hearing a conversation about a mirror in a dream means quick changes. Good or bad - you will find out from the conversation. Seeing a mirror is a sign of coquetry or a love affair. Breaking a mirror in a dream means loss of virginity, a dangerous relationship, shame and gossip.

Why do you dream of a mirror according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Looking in the mirror in a dream:
Looking at your reflection in the mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are very interested in what other people think about you. You very often look at your life as if from the outside, trying to analyze your actions and deeds.

Broken mirror in a dream:
Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a prophecy of great grief. Suffering and tears await you.

Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream:
Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream is a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: whether you will live richly and happily, how many children you will have, whether others will respect you, and even the day of your death. Remember that “the ways of the Lord are mysterious” and no one living today can answer all your questions with exact certainty. Constantly turning to various predictors and guessing yourself, you only attract the attention of evil spirits.

Why do you dream of a mirror according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A mirror in a dream reflects your essence; you worry about your image, about how people perceive you. For a woman: the witch in the mirror is yourself. Breaking a mirror means losses, failures. Seeing yourself in a mirror in a different form is a sign of change; What kind of changes these are, the image in the mirror will tell you. Looking in the mirror means marriage; for those who are married, it means betrayal. A mirror in a rich frame means a quarrel. A mirror covered with dust or curtained is a sign of sadness. Seeing other people in the mirror instead of yourself - this foreshadows their unfair actions towards you.

Dream interpretation mirror

Over time, human habits and customs change. The ancient population of the planet was wary of surfaces reflecting faces. For our ancestors, a mirror was a magical object, since there was an opinion that through its surface one could get to the other world.

Medieval magicians and healers used mirror surface for carrying out ceremonies and rituals. For modern man the reflection that appears in dreams is identified with the inner world. How to choose the appropriate providence among the many meanings? Why do you dream about a mirror?

As the dream book says, a mirror is a sign of impending changes, and the appearance or action shown by the surface will indicate possible development events, will warn about the occurrence of obstacles.

There is also a belief that such dreams represent hopes and innermost desires.

A secretive person immersed in own world who is up to something, for example, wants to fulfill a childhood dream or achieve unprecedented heights in the working path.

General value

The symbolism of vision, due to the uniqueness of human perception of images, will certainly be special. Many years of experience of folk interpretations, together with the omens of dream seers, provide several of the most popular options for analyzing secret signs.

I dreamed of a large and bright piece of furniture

  • If the reflection in dreams showed a stranger, then in reality the dreamer will meet a new love.
  • Seeing kind eyes means boundless happiness, but a distorted face warns of impending troubles and an existing threat to health.
  • Why do you dream about a big mirror? A sign of this kind hints at inflated self-esteem that does not correspond to reality.
  • Seeing a mirrored floor means facing a difficult choice.
  • A broken mirror surface is a symbol of troubles, emotional unrest, suffering, and worries.

When in the story you had a chance to look at your own reflection, the action personifies the desire to know your inner world, achieve harmony with your inner “I”, and make sure that your actions and choices are correct.

Characteristics of dreams according to dream books

To see a mirror from the outside in dreams, according to the minor interpreter Velesov, means gaining freedom, getting rid of parental care. The one who observed the movements of the reflection will have to fight the disease. The vision also predicts unpleasant news that will make the sleeping person worry.

According to the female interpreter, a mirror is a unique sign that will hint at possible deception and betrayal of loved ones, dishonest intentions of others, and betrayal of a spouse.

Magnetti recommends listening to your desires, being guided not only by your mind, but also by your heart, after dreams of large reflective planes.

Cracked dreams of conflicts

Because of disagreements, a tense atmosphere will reign at home, oppressing all household members, this is how a family interpreter analyzes the image of mirrors. A broken dressing table symbolizes the sudden death of a loved one.

The French interpreter warns about the insincerity of a person who shows interest in your person if the day before you dreamed of a cracked mirror, and the esoteric interpreter classifies such dreams as joyful harbingers, promising an interesting pastime and relaxation.

Psychoanalytic analysis of visions by Miller

Some interesting interpretations provides Miller's dream book. Taking into account the peculiarities of human perception, the psychoanalyst considers signs during sleep as the most exciting life situations for a person.

  • Did you have to watch the reflection? There are disagreements between the opinion of the sleeping person and her environment.
  • The fear of growing old, of being left alone and helpless, is personified by nightmares where the dreamer sees himself suddenly growing old.
  • Seeing a broken mirror in a dream is a bad sign, predicting the loss of the most valuable. This may turn out to be trust in the other half, while others will lose authority.
  • It will be difficult to overcome obstacles, but hard work and perseverance will give a positive result - this is how Miller interprets the image of a clean surface without reflected objects.
  • A huge hall of mirrors and glass represents fears that fetter a person in reality, preventing her from revealing her creative potential and demonstrating leadership qualities.

Financial difficulties await those who had to see the reflection of a dead person in their dreams.

Providence Vanga

The Bulgarian seer interprets such ambiguous signals of the subconscious, taking into account the accompanying full picture of the vision.

If you have obsessive visions where the sleeper constantly examines your face in the mirror, then in reality the person depends on the opinions of others, the person is driven by the fear of not living up to the hopes of others, be it parents, spouse, bosses or children.

Get carried away magical rituals, attract evil spirits, people who have a dream: “fortune telling in front of a mirror” are trying to contact otherworldly forces. Visions of this kind warn of unpleasant consequences after actions committed, and help will come only after atonement for sins.

Seeing fortune telling in a dream

Evil thoughts haunt you neither day nor at night, when you dream of an old mirror without a reflection.

What awaits the dreamer according to Freud

Sigmund Freud identifies the reflection in the mirror with the innermost desires of a sleeping person, which the brain does not allow to think about or fantasize about in reality.

  • As the dream book assures, problems with sexual life will affect a person who tried to clean dust from a dirty surface.
  • Dreams will remain only at the level of fantasy; they are not destined to come true if the mirror cracks or breaks according to the scenario.
  • The dream book will tell you why you dream of a small but neat mirror. Seeing this way speaks of satisfaction with life, satiety, and self-confidence.

Try to remember the words spoken by the reflection in dreams, especially if it was an otherworldly guest, since the dream will reveal the secrets of the future for you.

Interpreter Hasse

The medium Miss Hasse is sure that the person standing in front of the dressing table in dreams is ready for the upcoming changes.

A clear face speaks of the sincerity of others and good intentions towards the sleeping person’s family.

Seeing your reflection while dancing

Material well-being and all kinds of other benefits await the one who danced pirouettes in front of the mirrors. The meaning will change when black outfits appear along the way. Such dreams are bad omens, promising adversity and poverty.

If you happened to stand in front of a mirror in your dreams, then the time has come to take stock, look at yourself from the outside, admit your shortcomings and begin a new stage of life purified.

Plot features

When interpreting, not only the person of the sleeping person is important, but also all the accompanying events. From seemingly insignificant details, the meaning changes dramatically.

When you dreamed of a mirror given by a friend, then in reality you will receive a lucrative offer, a wonderful business idea will come to your mind, and your career will take off.

Dream books interpret an object given by an enemy in a dream in a completely different way. Hostility and quarrels will reign between spouses, relationships will cool due to misunderstanding.

Those who dressed up in front of the mirror will have to experience a love adventure, and bare areas of the body symbolize places vulnerable to disease.

What was the reflection like?

Did you see your face in the mirror in a dream? Think about it: perhaps in reality you offended a loved one, and now your dreams hint at the feeling of guilt you feel.

Seeing beautiful hair in the reflection

  • The desire to change a boring string of events, to experience unforgettable sensations, haunts the sleeper if he carefully examines his face in the mirror.
  • Beautiful and well-groomed hair in reflection is an extremely favorable symbol, hinting at long-awaited changes.
  • It's time to engage in self-knowledge if there was no reflection in the plot.
  • The more terrible the face appears, the more serious the violations between the inner world and the environment.
  • The person who sees a tired look in the mirror surface will have to worry about parents or children.

Do not worry when you dream of wrinkles or gray hair, because this sign symbolizes acquired experience and wisdom.

Meaning for women

The fair half of humanity is endowed with a more emotional perception of events, both in dreams and in reality, for this reason the interpreter provides unique interpretations for the ladies.

  • If you had to paint your lips, expect a date, after which the dreamer will plunge into the abyss of passion and lose her head from the surging feelings.
  • The person who in her dreams tried on chic outfits in front of the dressing table will be able to establish herself as a reliable employee and loyal friend.
  • For married ladies, seeing a mirror in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing the resurrection of feelings for their spouse.

The meaning of sleep for men

Committing frivolous acts is typical for young girls when they dream of combing their curls in front of their reflection in the mirror.

Interpretation for men

For the stronger sex, visions of looking at one’s face and hairstyle are a subconscious fear of baldness and loss of attractiveness for women.

By paying attention to business, a man will achieve recognition in the eyes of his colleagues, his opinion will become authoritative when, in the story, he happened to observe gray hair appearing on his head.

As the dream book says, mirrors and a lot of glass shards are a symbol of self-doubt. The fear of not satisfying the ladies' requests makes the guy constrained and detached.

The one who, in the story, broke the mirror and accidentally dropped it, will have to sort things out with his wife, and the acquisition of a new dressing table in dreams is a symbol of victories that accompany the success of the undertaking.

The surface reflects another person

How to interpret dreams if you had to see another person in the mirror? A modern interpreter will help to understand such strange visions.

According to a modern interpreter, a child’s look in the mirror is a person’s desire to once again feel a sense of carelessness, calmness, and the desire to free himself from the shackles of work.

Actions of a sleeping person

The dreamer will have to struggle alone with the hassle after dreams of washing a mirror surface. What other actions will help a sleeping person look into the future?

  • As the dream book says, buying a new mirror means starting a new stage in life.
  • Did you have to get rid of an antique dressing table or mirror cabinet? You will be able to get away with it, you will be able to cope with troubles without consequences.
  • Covering mirrors with a cloth in dreams means hiding insidious plans from loved ones.
  • As the dream book assures, washing a mirror means trying to justify your own actions.

The sleeping person who bought a dressing table in a dream will have to recognize the falsity in the words of a loved one and be disappointed in the other half.

1. Mirror- (Modern dream book)
If you dreamed that you saw yourself in the mirror, then many stunning events will happen to you, and illness will become the cause of your failures and troubles. Seeing a broken mirror is a prediction of the unexpected or violent death of one of your friends or loved ones. Seeing others in the mirror foretells that some people will behave unfairly towards you to achieve their own benefit. Animals seen in the mirror are an omen of disappointment and failure. A dream in which a young woman breaks a mirror foreshadows insincere friendship and an unhappy marriage. If she sees her lover in the mirror pale and emaciated, then this predicts misfortune or separation. If he looks happy, then expect only a short spat. For a young woman to see a mirror in a dream, it prophesies that she will soon be faced with deception and disagreements, which will lead to tragic consequences and separation.
2. Mirror- (Miller's Dream Book)
To see yourself looking in a mirror in a dream means that you will encounter many discouraging disagreements; the cause of your suffering will be someone else's illness. Seeing a broken mirror in a dream foretells the sudden death of a relative. Seeing others in the mirror foreshadows their unfair actions towards you. Seeing animals in the mirror means disappointment and loss. For a young woman, seeing a broken mirror in a dream promises an unsuccessful friendship and a not very happy marriage. Seeing a lover in the mirror, pale and emaciated, means his death or a failed engagement. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will grow. But after some time, agreement will reign in your hearts again. Just seeing a mirror in a dream is a sign of possible imminent deception or difficult obstacles to overcome. For a woman, this dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts or divorce.
3. Mirror- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
To break - losses through betrayal, separation; to see your face - to lead from afar, personal profit, the birth of children; no face - illness; an unfamiliar face means big changes. Also see Face, Break.
4. Mirror- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The images in the mirror are your fantasies, desires. In the mirror you see yourself as you want to be. You have manifestations of narcissism. If you see a mirror in a dream, then you are inclined to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that you do not dare to commit in real life. A dirty or foggy mirror symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sex life. Washing or wiping a mirror symbolizes sexual intercourse. A broken mirror symbolizes your collapsed and unfulfilled dreams. A mirror facing the wall symbolizes your sexual fears. See Face.
5. Mirror- (Esoteric dream book)
Looking without seeing your face is a sign of fun. To break is unfortunately a tragedy in love. To give is to give up your own happiness. Receive - expect a catch, gifts not from the heart. There are many mirrors - you will get confused, lost, and will not know who to believe.
6. Mirror- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
A mirror is a symbol of duality and mystery. If you see your reflection in a mirror in a dream, you will receive unexpected news. If you broke a mirror in a dream, in reality you will worry about the treachery of a person close to you. A dream in which you saw a monster in a mirror image indicates the insincerity of your promises and inner emptiness. Seeing a huge mirror with a cloudy surface means becoming a victim of intrigue and slander. Not seeing your reflection in a mirror in a dream is a bad sign. Fortune telling in front of a mirror in a dream means fear, doubt, and inability to make decisions on your own.

This dream has several different interpretations. And, if you had to see yourself in the mirror in a dream, then you should not ignore the dream, as it means important events and change.

From time immemorial, the mirror world has been considered the line between the past and the future. They used fortune telling on mirrors to see not only their betrothed, but also to find out what would happen.

Therefore, if you dream of a reflection, even if you look completely different from yourself, it means that you will soon find out what will happen next.

To understand what the looking-glass world reveals, pay attention to your feelings and emotions, what your image is associated with. This is what dreams of seeing yourself in the mirror most often mean.

Real reflection

It suggests quick changes in life and various enterprises, sometimes success in some business. It all depends on where exactly you started looking in the mirror.

If its location is indicated in a dream or is familiar to you, then the dream book writes that such a vision means finding oneself in some field of activity.

If you want to find success in something or dream of some kind of work, then seeing yourself in the mirror in a store, office or even in a theater - good sign. He says that you will be able to settle down in a new place or get the job you want or support in life.

Why dream of looking in a cosmetic mirror that you always carry in your purse? The dream book writes that this dream shows as an answer to your question about your personal life.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror shows your true self. Or the answer is the impression you make on other people, including your loved one.

What is the meaning of the dream? Pay attention to your impression. If you liked your reflection in the mirror and you were satisfied and happy in the dream, then what is this dream for? The dream book writes that the dream predicts positive changes and good news for you.

If you dream of a tired look and an unpleasant appearance, then the dream book indicates that in reality you are not making the best impression on your loved one or your old acquaintance. He sees you as you see this reflection in the mirror.

It also shows you not only your image, but also changes in your life. Therefore, seeing yourself in a dream with tears in your eyes, crying, is always a bad sign, which often means troubles and bad changes for you.

What does it mean to look in a mirror with a crack and see your real face the same as in real life? The dream book writes that such a dream means various troubles and even troubles.

In general, you should not look in a mirror if it is broken, and the same sign works in a dream. A person who looks will simply fail both in his personal life and in other areas. The dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of an accident, catastrophe, illness, divorce or complete internal breakdown.

The dream book of seeing oneself in a broken or damaged mirror means illness, various troubles, disasters and danger. Therefore, after such a vision, anything can happen. Often a broken cosmetic mirror that you looked into means minor troubles or a collapse in your personal life.

Looking into such a mirror in a dream for a young girl means trouble. Often such a dream indicates that she may get sick, lose her attractiveness, or the image she holds at that moment will be destroyed. Big troubles can only await you if you had to see yourself in a large broken mirror while you were sleeping.

The dream book writes that such a dream predicts various troubles, big changes and the destruction of your own health and attractiveness. Especially, as the dream book writes, if the reflection in the mirror was beautiful and you liked yourself.

Such a dream often predicts a sharp destruction of your well-being. But to see yourself without excesses is more beautiful than in life, why dream?

The dream book writes that if the mirror was without cracks and you were pleased to look at yourself, this means good changes. Especially if you saw yourself in full growth.

Seeing yourself ugly and sick in an ordinary reflection is a bad sign. He predicts very bad changes for you, as well as various kinds of illnesses. The dream book writes that seeing yourself as sick or old means significant trouble. This dream always predicts bad changes. It’s even more bad to see yourself in a mirror in a coffin or dead.

Unusual Reflections

Very often in such dreams you feel a feeling of fear, bewilderment or surprise. Seeing someone else’s reflection instead of your own is a sign of change. Whatever they are, that’s what your changes will be.

If a woman sees herself as a bright and flirtatious blonde, then in the near future various changes will come in her life. Perhaps she will become as relaxed and playful as her reflection in the mirror.

Seeing an evil face in a dream means bad changes. And seeing a celebrity in a dream means that soon you will be able to become somewhat similar to this person or show off your abilities. The dream book writes that the area in which this actress or singer has succeeded will be successful for you too.

To see instead of your reflection the face of a friend or girlfriend of the same sex, why do you dream? Soon you will commit an act characteristic of this person, or the same thing will happen in your life as with him or her.

This dream predicts significant changes in your life or similar circumstances to those occurring in the life of this person.

If you dreamed that instead of your reflection you see a face and an image completely unknown man or women? If this is a person of the same sex as you, then soon you will find yourself in a situation in which the qualities of this character will be needed. For example, a girl seeing a bright and fatal person instead of herself means that she will behave very boldly and beautifully. If you dreamed of a person of the opposite sex, soon similar person will appear in the dreamer's life.

Not noticing any reflection in the mirror means illness. The dream book writes that this dream predicts troubles for you, sometimes even death from an accident.

But more often than not, such a dream predicts significant changes in which you will no longer recognize yourself.

Losing a mirror or breaking it means great grief or a bad deed that you will later wish for. If you accidentally looked into someone else's broken mirror in a dream and saw your reflection, this is a sign of misfortune and long-term troubles and grief.

Sometimes such a dream symbolizes meanness and deceit from other people. Throwing away or covering up the pieces of a broken mirror means hiding your defeat or starting life from scratch.