Examples of cannibalism in animals and the reasons for its occurrence. Cannibals big and small. Why do animals and people eat their own kind? Animals are cannibals

Cannibalism is the eating of members of its own phylum or species by animals. Despite the fact that many species of animals are predators, it is the intrigue of cannibalism that causes us disgust, and at the same time great curiosity. This article sheds light on the mystery of "cannibalism". Most animals commit the act of cannibalism for certain reasons, which we will explore in this article.


Since his birth in wildlife animals begin to fight for survival. In some species, the fight begins with the destruction of their own brothers and sisters, in this way they provide themselves with enough food. Cannibalism is a demonstration of dominance over other species.

Great white sharks

This is an example of creatures indulging in cannibalism to show dominance. Often smaller white sharks found dead will have bite marks on them, indicating an attack by larger sharks.

Golden eagle

This bird lays two eggs several days apart. The chick that hatches first turns out to be stronger and always hungry. If there is a shortage of food, the stronger chick will not hesitate to eat its less developed relative.

Born ferocious, they begin to practice their hunting skills on their blood relatives. This prepares youth to develop leadership skills.

White bears

Polar bears becoming cannibals is a new natural phenomenon that is not at all natural. Scientists believe this may be due to global warming. The theory is that as polar ice melts and seals become less available, male polar bears eat their cubs out of desperation.


When snakes are very hungry, they may eat their own kind or even take a bite out of themselves. In one case, a rat snake ate two-thirds of its body. Scientists suspect that overheating may be a cause of self-destructive behavior.

Sexual cannibalism

This is consumption by a partner before or after sexual intercourse. It is the females who most often make a snack out of their partner. It is rare compared to survival cannibalism and occurs mainly in spiders and scorpions.

Female praying mantis

When the female mates on an empty stomach, she will happily bite off her friend's head. Although this does not happen as often as we used to think. Mantises are also known to engage in elaborate courtship rituals, with males going to great lengths to woo a lady. In most cases, males are cautious enough to avoid courting a hungry young lady.

Spider Black Widow

The Black Widow spider gets its name from an act of sexual cannibalism. These females are known to take advantage of their size advantage to turn their mate into dinner. However, in this case, males willingly sacrifice themselves. Males that easily become food end up fertilizing more eggs. And having absorbed the male, the female no longer enters into a mating union.

Filial Cannibalism

Filial cannibalism is when parents eat their offspring. In this case, the offspring can be eaten completely or partially. Destroying the entire brood relieves them of parental obligations, and they soon become more frisky and give birth to healthier offspring. We already know that the female Mantis is an experienced cannibal who feasts on her mate after copulation. She is also not above eating her eggs, especially if she has spent a lot of energy protecting them. Extremely contradictory behavior!

a lion

These cats are very aggressive. To such an extent that the main lion eats other people's cubs in order to spread his offspring and eliminate others. Killing the young of other males gives them the opportunity to mate, especially when available partners are difficult to find. However, it should be noted that they eat cubs extremely rarely.


Hamsters don't kill other people's children. They only kill their children. The reasons they do this are due to scent confusion (such as human touching babies), situations of extreme stress, and/or food shortages. And sometimes mother hamsters just don’t want to be parents. Although many animals kill their young for sacrificial purposes, especially if they appear deformed or sick, hamsters are one of the few animal species that eat them.


When earwigs are born, they often eat their mothers. Research shows that this grotesque behavior does not occur against the mother's will, and that self-sacrificing earwig moms have healthier babies. What an incredible maternal sacrifice, especially compared to hamsters.

Intrauterine Cannibalism

Intrauterine cannibalism in simple words can be called eating eggs. While the embryo develops, it begins to eat unfertilized eggs, thereby feeding itself.

Tiger sharks

The endangered sand tiger sharks are not known to attack humans unnecessarily. However, they have a little secret; sharks eat their brothers or sisters in the womb, as soon as they have developed sharp teeth and a good appetite.



The chicken community may be the only place in the animal kingdom where cannibalism is contagious. Since chickens are not the smartest animals on Earth, they survive by imitating each other. According to experts, chickens eat their own children without understanding what they are doing. They simply notice the egg and discover that it is safe for consumption. It doesn't matter that their children are inside. They are hungry for more and soon enough they begin to set an example for the other chickens who blindly follow them and eat their eggs too.



We often admire the amazing social systems of great apes, but we miss one particularly bloody detail: cannibalism. Throughout history there have been rare cases of cannibalism among these social primates, and at least one event resulted from social policy. In 2005, scientists in Senegal began observing the chimpanzee community, but no one expected what would happen next. In 2007, the community's leader, a chimpanzee whom scientists named Fuduko, was overthrown and exiled into isolation. The once beloved chimpanzee tried to reunite with his community a few years later and they not only killed him, but also ate him. Such ritualistic political slaughter has never been recorded before, and the scientific community is still trying to make sense of it all.

Often in our minds, a cannibal is a person who existed far in the past, when the planet was inhabited by wild primitive tribes. Is it so? Can ruthless devourers of their own kind exist in our civilized world?

Cannibal - who is this? Meaning and interpretation of the word

Very often cannibalism is called cannibalism, although this is not entirely true. What's the difference? A cannibal can be any creature that eats people. These are mainly large predatory animals that are capable of attacking and eating humans, for example, brown and polar bears, sharks, wolves and others.

A cannibal is a creature that eats members of its own species. That is, the terms “cannibalism” and “cannibalism” are equal only when it comes to humans. Unfortunately, this is also possible in modern realities. History knows many cases where people ate each other.

The word was formed from the name “caniba”. Before Columbus discovered the Bahamas, the inhabitants of Haiti were called this name. Eating people was commonplace for the Aborigines. In the Herero tribes, canibal means "brave". In Russian, it is figuratively interpreted as “a rude or cruel person.”

Cannibalism in animals

In nature, a cannibal animal is not uncommon. More than a thousand species of mammals, fish, insects and arachnids eat their fellow creatures. Strange behavior is explained as a manifestation of This is how population regulation occurs.

Cannibalism increases when living conditions become too harsh and animals suffer from a lack of any resources, especially food. In this case, eating “our own” helps the rest to survive and maintain the population.

Females are usually more prone to cannibalism than males. For example, females eat their partners immediately after mating. This is observed in praying mantises, some species of mosquitoes, and flies. To avoid death, males sometimes bring other insects to the female as their replacement.

Cannibals are found among lizards, snakes, turtles, rodents and primates. Some fish eat all the small individuals in a row, sometimes without distinguishing between their own offspring. A young lion, having displaced the aged leader of the pride, eats his offspring. Wolves and lynxes are also capable of eating their young.

Cannibalism in humans

Previously, people were less picky about food, and they began to practice cannibalism since the Stone Age. At first it was associated with a lack of food, but over time it began to acquire religious significance. Many cannibals believed that eating the brain, heart and other parts of the enemy would give strength and courage. Due to the lack of heat treatment, they often developed various diseases.

Medieval sailors periodically discovered tribes of cannibals. One of them was supposedly eaten by James Cook. Cannibalism was discovered in the Malay Archipelago, Asia, Africa, and North America. Some researchers claim that it spread to Europe.

Greek, Scandinavian and other myths tell about cannibalism. Greek god Kronos, for example, devoured his children. Among ancient tribes, cannibalism was part of the ritual of sacrifice, which was later replaced by the killing of an animal rather than a person.

Modern cannibal tribes

Not all people got rid of this tradition. Currently, there are quite a few tribes left that have not been touched by civilization. Some of them still practice cannibalism. Members of the Aghori community in northern India believe that eating people slows down aging, although they only feed on volunteers for now.

The cannibals of Guinea believe in dark magic and witchcraft, which can only be gotten rid of through cannibalism. The news periodically publishes reports of missing tourists in the south of Papua New Guinea. Once they even kidnapped and ate voters during elections.

Tribes use cannibalism as revenge against their enemies. Examples of cannibalism are found among the tribes of Brazil and Congo. At the end of the 20th century, a tribe was discovered in West Africa that wore leopard skins and believed that cannibalism gave strength and speed. Later they were inherited by the Human Alligator community.


Cannibalism is the eating of creatures similar to oneself. It is widespread in the wild and is the primary mechanism that controls population size. Wild human tribes eat people not only for food; they often attach spiritual or religious meaning to their actions.

Unfortunately, cannibal people are found not only among savages. There is a whole list of maniacs who killed and ate their victims. Many of them did not differ from other people either in appearance or behavior. The famous Russian cannibal maniac Andrei Chikatilo had a family, worked as a teacher and more than once helped the police as a vigilante.

Cannibalism- eating by animals of their own species. This behavior is characteristic of about 140 species living around the world.

Baby-killing lions

Among higher mammals with a penchant for cannibalism, lions have become widely known. There are many documented facts indicating the killing of lion cubs by males. In some cases, lions even eat killed cubs.

In most cases, the motive for murder is not hunger or even excessive population density, which is often an explanation for cannibalism among rodents. Lions brutally deal with other people's offspring. Only the cubs of the pride leader remain alive. It should be noted that lions usually do not eat killed lion cubs, so their behavior can be called infanticide rather than cannibalism.

This phenomenon most often occurs when the leader of a pride is replaced by a new young male. The incredible cruelty of lions, from a human point of view, is also associated with long periods of pregnancy and raising offspring. The lioness is ready to mate only after the lion cub becomes independent.

Destruction of offspring by primates

Lions are not the only animals that kill the cubs of their fellow tribesmen. This behavior is also characteristic of some primates, for example, hamadryas. Thus, flocks of male hamadryas attack mixed groups, killing males and young, and then mate with the conquered females. The behavior of hamadryas is similar to that of lions, which kill other people's cubs, but rarely eat them.

This behavior is characteristic not only of Hamadryas, but also of frilled baboons. There is reliable material proving that these primates also destroy their young. Frilled baboons may kill cubs if they suspect they were fathered by another male.

Darwin considered such actions of males to be an important way of controlling the population of these animals.

Cannibalism is common among both vertebrates and invertebrates. Predatory animals attack individuals of their own species, seeing them as prey. This behavior is typical not only for mammals, but also for some birds.

What is "cannibalism"

The word "cannibalism" comes from the name of an island tribe of cannibals. The people of this tribe had a custom of eating enemies whom they killed or captured. A similar custom existed among other tribes.

There are two types of cannibalism: active and passive. Active cannibals devour those they have captured and killed themselves. Passive cannibals limit themselves to eating dead individuals of their own species. In some species, cannibalism was developed among peers, while others eat their own or other people's offspring.

Many animals under favorable environmental conditions are not cannibals, however, in the event of a threat to their existence, they become so. Mice and rats are prone to cannibalism when the population becomes overcrowded. their high fertility often creates conditions for the development of bloodthirsty tendencies in adults; they satisfy their hunger by killing the young.

Animals kept in captivity in unnaturally small spaces often become cannibals. For example, there is a case where a short-nosed bandicoot, which was kept in a cage overnight, killed a larger long-nosed bandicoot and ate it, leaving only one inside-out skin. However, it is known that under natural conditions, animals of these species also become killers in stressful situations.

Cannibalism is also common among birds, especially among crows: adult birds eat both strangers and their own chicks. Lack of food and population growth contributes to cannibalism.

Many seagulls also feed on the chicks of their neighbors. Avian cannibalism is a reaction to unfavorable conditions, in this case such a condition is the overpopulation of a bird colony. Other birds are skuas - they feed on the eggs and chicks of gulls and gulls.

Cannibalism is a special form of eating behavior, which tends to destroy individuals of its own species. Often cannibalism is a reaction to lack of food. Predatory animals simply do not distinguish individuals of their own species from others.

The female praying mantis eats the male immediately after mating, providing her body with the substances necessary for the development of fertilized eggs. This behavior is also typical of ladybug larvae - they are cannibals by nature. Spotted hyena cubs see each other as competitors and fight for survival, killing rivals with whom they should share food. Cannibalism is also characteristic of wolves and tigers.

The benefits of cannibalism

At first glance, cannibalism appears to be a meaningless phenomenon. However, in this case, predators would have ceased to exist long ago.

Cannibalism of animals whose population numbers are justifiably alarming is more justified. In this case, cannibalism is a chance that allows individuals and species as a whole to survive. Overpopulation leads to a rapid reduction in food sources and is the main reason for the extinction of the species in this area.

In severe winter or drought, the survival of a small number of animals eating their fellow tribesmen is more profitable than the existence of a large number of hungry individuals with their subsequent death from lack of food. The young of fertile animals often destroy each other. For example, cannibalism is an innate instinct of spadefoot tadpoles.

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The concept of cannibalism comes from the word “canniba”. This is exactly what in ancient times they called those tribes who ate the bodies of enemies killed in battles. However, it did not have to be a killed enemy. Quite often they ate the corpses of their fellow tribesmen. Depending on this, cannibalism was divided into two types - passive and active.

Cannibalism, as a phenomenon, is inherent not only to humans, but also to animals. To a greater extent, it manifests itself in them when there is a shortage of classical food, and goes to a minimum when it is abundant. This phenomenon also occurs if the number of offspring born goes beyond acceptable limits. With the help of cannibalism, for example, rodents regulate the number of babies born. Birds begin to engage in cannibalism when there is a shortage of food. They simply eat their chicks. If, for example, the number of the same seagulls exceeds the permissible limit, then they begin to engage in cannibalism. Not only chicks are destroyed, but also eggs. So it turns out that in animals and birds, cannibalism is a natural reaction to an acute shortage of food and overpopulation of the habitat.

Cannibalism also exists in insects. The same black widow, after mating, eats the male. The female praying mantis does the same. The reason for this behavior here is somewhat different, and lies in the lack of protein, which plays an important role in the process of bearing future offspring.

The larvae of the well-known ladybug. Their appetite is excellent. They eat everything they find, including their newly born brothers. The tadpoles of the spadefoot frog also left not far from them. However, in frogs the phenomenon of cannibalism occurs quite often. Larger individuals can eat smaller ones. As a rule, those who suffer are aliens who accidentally wander into foreign territory.

In the primate animals closest to humans, the phenomenon of cannibalism is also observed. For example, a hamadryas can devour its relatives. As a rule, this happens during a fight. The stronger one kills and eats the weaker one.

Cannibalism, as a phenomenon, is characteristic even of the cubs of some animal species. For example, in hyena puppies it is genetically determined. From birth they begin to fight. The stronger one kills the weaker one and eats him. The baby shark, which was born first, does the same. He attacks his newly born brothers and devours them. Wolves, tigers, and lions suffer from cannibalism. Lions, for example, tend to kill lion cubs belonging to someone else's pride. At the same time, they do not touch their offspring.

This behavior, as we have already found out, can be caused by various reasons: overpopulation, food shortage, the presence of danger, struggle for territory, etc. In any case, its meaning is the struggle for survival and maintaining the population at the required level.

Does cannibalism occur in animals? and got the best answer

Reply from User deleted[guru]
Cannibalism (from French cannibale, Spanish canibal) - in biology - eating by animals (cannibals) of individuals of their own species. It is usually observed when the population is overcrowded, there is a lack of food, water, etc. (for example, female wolves and lynxes can eat their offspring, flour beetles can eat their eggs).
Cannibal squirrels, devouring other squirrels, save nuts and trees, thereby maintaining the balance of vegetation and the squirrel population.
Ecologists associate the cannibalism of polar bears with global warming, as a result of which the area of ​​ice from under which bears get their food has noticeably decreased.
Constant cannibalism is also known, which arose in the process of evolution (female karakurts and mantises eating the males that fertilized them).
Sexual cannibalism is a feature of the sexual behavior of some insects (mantises, some types of flies and mosquitoes) and many spiders, which consists in the fact that the female eats her partner during the mating process or after its completion.
One meaning of this behavior is obvious: the female accumulates strength to raise offspring, in which the deceased male is also interested. Some researchers also see this as the selection of the best males to produce offspring.
Females of all species that are characterized by sexual cannibalism are much larger than males (see sexual dimorphism). A widespread theory is that they simply do not select males from the multitude of animals that serve as their prey (that is, they eat them as if “by mistake”).
For a male, the benefit is less obvious, since the specificity of the male sex is the ability to fertilize several females. There is quite a lot of evidence that males try to minimize the risk of being eaten. For example, males of some species of flies slip insects they have killed to females, using the time for mating when the female is distracted by eating the “substitute.” The situation is complicated by the fact that the male can be eaten before he fertilizes the female, and accordingly serve as a resource for someone else's offspring. Slipping a “substitute” prey to the female often does not save the male from death, but allows him to perform sexual intercourse.
The minnow fish is a real cannibal: adult fish devour their offspring, or at least try to do so. “They try” - because nature prevents these heartless parents from destroying their family. When an adult fish attacks a young fish and barely scratches its skin, the latter secretes some substance that causes horror in the aggressor. He immediately retreats. A similar odorous substance was found in another genus of the same group of fish - the famous goldfish.
Source: h ttp://aqua-room.com/2008/03/06/golyan-i-shhuryata-kannibalizm/

Answer from Denis Denis[active]
I think so

Answer from Running on the waves of life....[guru]

Answer from Klim.[guru]
Of course, especially in winter, when there is nothing to eat...

Answer from Oliya Antonova[active]

Answer from Tatyana Dyachkova[guru]
Cannibalism is widespread in nature - predatory animals happily feast on their relatives, brothers, sisters, and children.
If we remove the already not very deep cultural layer from a person, we get the same wild animal with the habits of a predator.
Primitive tribes living in the jungle today South America and the islands of Oceania, the deserts of Africa and Australia, devoid of the morality of a civilized society, with their primitive cults, see no reason to refuse easily accessible animal protein during times of famine.
As a rule, no animal eats members of its own species unless there is another food source, otherwise cannibalism would lead to the death of the entire species.
Hunger is the only reason that explains, so to speak, “normal” cannibalism. The instinct of self-preservation, one of the main ones, is aimed at preserving the life of an individual at any cost. Cannibalism during famine is the voice of dying flesh. This is a way to stay alive, cruel, but in its own way logical and rational.
When the European traveler first met the Indians living on Tierra del Fuego and became acquainted with their life and customs, he learned about the cannibalism accepted in the tribe. A traveler asked one Indian why, during times of famine, old women are the first to be eaten, and not dogs, the only domestic animals known to the tribe. The Indian looked at the white man as if he were an idiot and replied: “Dogs catch otters, but old women don’t.”
In the civilized world there are outbreaks of famine worse than those primitive people, despite the developed Agriculture, trade, communications. All the positive achievements of civilization are balanced by money invented for some reason, world wars and politics.
Suffice it to recall the famine in Ukraine in the early thirties and the besieged Leningrad. Numerous cases of cannibalism due to hunger have been recorded - from simply eating the corpses of deceased neighbors and relatives, to episodes of murder. These people, who have sunk to the level of animals, cannot be blamed - their body simply wanted to survive.
The strong eat the weak, the useful useless. Man to man soup. This was the case before God and religion appeared in people’s lives. belief afterworld forced to bury the dead rather than eat them. This is the beginning of civilization.
Man rose above his animal nature, but at the same time fell even lower. Cannibalism outside of hunger is a product of the human mind. An animal is not capable of eating another similar animal by magical ritual or due to sexual problems, only a person can do this.
Cannibalism (from French cannibale, Spanish canibal) - in biology - eating by animals (cannibals) of individuals of their own species. It is usually observed when the population is overcrowded, there is a lack of food, water, etc. (for example, female wolves and lynxes can eat their offspring, flour beetles can eat their eggs). Constant cannibalism is also known, which arose in the process of evolution (female karakurts and mantises eating the males that fertilized them).
In biology, the concepts of “cannibal” and “cannibal” are not identical. A cannibal is an animal that eats animals of its own species, while a cannibal is any predator that eats a person.

Answer from S-e-r-g-i-n-i-o[guru]
A female praying mantis eats her boyfriend after lovemaking.

Answer from Brush[guru]
of course... in hamsters for example. they eat each other for nothing (

Answer from WerWolf_Wlad[guru]
Rats, hyenas, many fish. Spiders (females eat males).
So this is not a personal human invention %-((

Answer from Veronica Morozova[guru]
often, for example in polar bears. males kill cubs. they even eat the dead

Answer from Alexander Davydov[newbie]
of course yes

Answer from Postal[guru]
Yes, I saw a friend’s dog gnawing on the corpse of another dog O_o! And they said that dogs don’t eat their own!!!

Answer from Alex[guru]
There are even entire taxocenes built on the fact that large individuals feed on small individuals of their own species. These are perch and pike lakes. The small ones feed on plankton, and the large ones feed on small fish. In broods of large birds of prey, the younger chicks usually serve as food for the older ones on hungry days.