Dai runes in the forgotten temple card. Sacred Plain. From the underworld

Sixth part of the walkthrough Dragon Age Inquisition could be called "Dragon Slayer". For the first time I killed a dragon, and not just one, but four at once. Although it is worth noting that the most difficult dragons are yet to come. Let’s also go through the plot a little. I didn’t write down some episodes: Sera and Vivien’s quests, clearing the “Brown Mire” area, collecting fragments, etc. So if something is missing in the walkthrough, it doesn’t mean that I missed some points. But the most important thing in the description, of course, will be.

Storm Coast - Winsomer the Dragon

At the command headquarters I activate a new task - “Red Templars”. Now at the westernmost point of the map Stormy Coast the entrance will open. Inside, as you can guess from the name, there are templars... red... You can also find the Black Lotus plant here, as well as a locked door (the door requires a “red templar key”, but it’s unknown where to get it). We kill the enemies, of which there are not so many, and go to the shore with the boat. You can use this transport to get to Dragon Island.

Winsomer settled on the island. This dragon, despite its level 19, is a fairly formidable opponent due to its strong electrical damage. My party of a robber (the main character), a mage (Dorian), an archer (Sir) and a tank (Blackwall) scattered quickly. Of course, Blackwall showed miracles of durability, but with his damage, it would take a week to kill the dragon. As a result of the confrontation, it was decided to return to this animal later. You need to gain an advantage in level, craft equipment not only for yourself, but also for your allies, and also upgrade your tincture of protection from electricity. Then we will definitely win.

How to defeat a dragon - Northern Hunter

In Dragon Age Inquisition 10 dragons can be found. If it doesn’t work out with Winsomer or another strong dragon, then you need to find someone easier. The Northern Hunter from Crestwood would be a great fit. This dragon also uses electricity magic, but he is only level 13, which is quite capable even without the use of protective potions.

Loot from dragons is the best: in addition to weapons, armor and blueprints for crafting, such unique items as dragon iron, saturated dragon blood, dragon tooth, dragon membrane (level 4 fabric), dragon scale (level 4 leather), dragon bone (level 4 metal).

Also in Crestwood are the heads of the assassins' guild. I just needed one sign to create a knife for the killer’s path. In addition to the signs, you also need a special book, which can be found next to Cole. There should be another one at the bookseller in Val-Royeaux, but in my case there was none (I bought all the books).

Crestwood Head Girl, Josephine, Leliana

No that's not love triangle, but only brief retelling video content. We judge the headman of Crestwood, build a relationship with Josephine, consult with Leliana, who for some reason does not like this whole story with Josephine. At the same time, Leliana herself does not want to enter into a vicious relationship. It’s a pity, I was expecting to see serious showdowns between the girls for the Inquisitor! In general, the options are as follows.

Possible Romantic Interest for Female Inquisitors:

Blackwall, Sera, Josephine, Iron Bull

Possible romantic interest for female Inquisitors (Elf characters only):

Cullen, Solas

Possible Romantic Interest for Male Inquisitors:

Cassandra, Josephine, Dorian and for those who like it tougher, the Iron Bull! OMG.

Forgotten Temple of Dirthamen

Here is a complete walkthrough of the mission “God of Secrets”. All runes and remains have been collected. At the end, we perform the ritual, summon and kill the demon, and collect loot from the chest.

The Whistling Wastes

The first of several videos on a new large location - the Whistling Wastes. Here I also did almost everything, including searching for mosaic elements (except for the quest “Notes in the Wasteland”). The main task is to find 5 gnome graves, and pick up part of the key from each of them. The first grave found is at the 25th minute. The main thing is to light the torches in the correct order, and there will be happiness.

A map of the area with all the graves can be seen in the video “Whistling Wastes - Fairel's Tomb” (from 30 seconds).

The Whistling Wastes - Part 2

We continue the wasteland. I found a store with weapons and armor, where for only 6100 I bought a very good level 22 helmet for the robber class - the Draska Helmet. Armor level 44, as well as bonuses to defense and agility.

The Whistling Wastes - Part 3

We wander through the desert at night, close the gaps, chop down spiders, rob korovan tombs, collect a rare plant - the vandal's aria. It is found in such large quantities only in the Whistling Wastes. Useful for improving potions.

The Whistling Wastes - Part 4

I don't think I need to explain what's going on here :)

The Whistling Wastes - Part 5

At the 20th minute there is a grave in which I did not immediately notice the door (why are the gnomes’ doors so narrow in Inquisition?). In general, always try to follow the wall so as not to miss anything.

How to Defeat the Dragon - Sand Weeper

Sand Weeper is a level 20 fire dragon in the Whistling Wastes. The battle took a quarter of an hour (starts at the 7th minute and ends at the 21st). He quickly removed all his health and relaxed a little, considering that the job was done. But it was a big mistake. The dragon at some point knocked out everyone except Blackwall and spawned its cubs, which did not give To the Gray Warden revive comrades. The situation became critical when Blackwall had virtually no health left. The computer enemy seemed to have acquired a human mind and, out of spite, poured fire without stopping. The prospect of a quick reboot and wasted time was not at all pleasing, but we still managed to get through the battle.

The Whistling Wastes - Fairel's Tomb

Behind the dragon is the Tomb of Firel, which must be opened using the key parts. But as I said above, I missed one part, so I had to go back. In the tomb you can find the drawing “Excellent Rune against Demons”.

How to Defeat a Dragon - Fereldan Hellebore

Despite its name, Frostbite uses fire magic. This level 12 dragon can be found in the northeast of the location Hinterlands(video 2:20).

Varric's Story

This video is entirely dedicated to completing Varric's quest. We return to Vallamar, kill the bad gnomes, watch the cut-scene. It took 10 minutes to do everything. I spent about the same amount of time on upgrading Bianchi (Varrick's crossbow). In one of the previous parts I was already in Vallamar. At that time it was not possible to open the 3rd level of the card. So it will only be available in this mission.

How to defeat a dragon - Deep high dragon

This level 14 dragon can be found in the Western Reach (in the southern part). We approach the researcher Frederic and take on the quest to lure the dragoness. We set traps, wait, kill. The Deep High Dragon, like Frostbite, is a fire dragon, so if you plan to go to her early, it makes sense to stock up on fire protection potions.

Arbor Wilderness

Corypheus plans to find and appropriate an ancient elven artifact - Eluvian (then it turns out that he needs a certain Source of Sorrow), and we plan to stop him. The bottom line is that we run through the forest to the desired marker, you can turn on invisibility and not be distracted at all by the showdown between the templars and the soldiers of the Inquisition.

We run to the Mythal temple, watch the cut-scene and solve first-class level puzzles primary school- walk on the tiles without stepping on the same tile twice. The task is simple, but the implementation is such that sometimes for some unknown reason the “double click” still works, so you have to repeat the procedure again.

Mythal Temple and bugs

So, we are still in the elven temple. The main task is to prevent the leader of the Red Templars, Samson, from reaching the Source first. The commander jumps into some hole and then the first choice appears: jump after him or solve several puzzles with tiles as Morrigan advises. In this case, I listened to the advice and went to run on the tiles. I think that you can go through this episode in both ways, but if you don’t go through the temple test and immediately go after Samson, then he will most likely get to the source first, which is not very good from a plot point of view, besides, I would not get the achievement “ The fruits of pride." But just in case, before the tiles, I decided to make a manual save, which later played a very important role.

The puzzles are solved and the door to the inner hall is open. I go in and don’t smell any trickery. But if I had passed this place more than the first time, I would have known that a cut-scene should trigger immediately at the entrance, and inside the halls there should be battles between the templars and the ancient elves. In short, there was a serious bug. I ran throughout the temple and even found a waterfall, where Samson was supposed to be.

It gets worse. Not understanding the meaning of what was happening, I decided to jump into the waterfall... And then suddenly I realized that all this time my mind had been inside the matrix, and now it was free. In front of me is a real, gigantic real world and an open field. With all my might I ran towards the horizon, leaving Corypheus and the elves behind. And everything would be fine, everything would be fun, but then the autosave icon in the corner of the screen painted a not very rosy picture of the early end of the passage. How lucky I was to manually preserve myself on the tiles...

Against the Elves

I rebooted safely, ran through the tiles again and entered the hall. This time a cutscene triggers! A pretentious elf with a tree tattoo promises to help defeat the enemy, but after that we must leave the temple and never return here. Morrigan advises us to think carefully, since we ourselves may need the Source that Corypheus is hunting for. In the end, I choose the option against the elves - “We may need the Source.”

In this situation, I get a lot of negative reactions from allies. In the temple you will have to fight both elves and templars. And in the end, Morrigan kills the main elf so that he cannot destroy the Source. The option is not very optimistic, but if this is the price of an important elven artifact, then I am ready to accept it. Just in case, I save in this place and reboot to go through this episode again, but with the support of the elves.

For the elves

The third time I had to run over the tiles. We go into the hall and listen to the elf. I renounce my claims to the Source and choose the pro-elven option - “Let’s help each other.”

In this situation, I receive approval from the allies. In the temple there is no need to fight with anyone at all, since the elven guide will lead you in a different direction. At the same time, you can find runes on the walls and chests that are inaccessible when passing against the elves. In addition, Morrigan does not kill the elf, since he allows the source to be used. In short, this option goes under the hippie slogan - “Make Love Not War”.

The fight with Samson itself is very simple in any case. This boss has level 21 and a very painful blow, but in both cases he aggressed against the Blackwall tank, to whom he cannot inflict damage in principle. We calmly stand aside and watch as Sera shoots arrows into the carcass. In the video it may seem like the fight is difficult, but in reality I just didn’t try very hard, since the outcome was known in advance.

Samson's trial

I turned on the recording because I planned to carry out the first execution and cut off Samson’s head with my own hands. I haven’t executed anyone yet, but when I decided to do it with a notorious villain, I wasn’t given that option. But since I recorded the video, then let it be. That's all for now.

We receive the task when we first find ourselves in Skyhold. To complete the quest, explore a new territory - the Sacred Plain, completing the mission of the same name on the command headquarters table, and then go to the location.

Dead men in the west

Go west straight along the road from the starting camp. There will be fortifications on the right side, and on a small bridge you will see a soldier of the Orlais army - Corporal Rosselin, fighting a demon. Help him in battle and then talk to him. This will complete the quest.

Rest of the Dead: West

We receive a task from Corporal Rosselin after completing the quest “Dead men in the west." We go to the location marked on the map, move forward along the fortifications and simultaneously clear them of the dead. Having reached the first pit with corpses – we destroy the barrier with a magician, and then burn the corpses. Next we go to the second pit and do the same, after which we blow the horn. Then we return to Corporal Rosselin and turn in the quest.

No news

We receive it automatically when we approach the landmark of the River Garrison. Close the gap located underground. Then blow the horn. The quest will end.

Other story

Automatically activated after completing the quest "Rest of the Dead: West". Go to Fort Revasan, located to the northeast and talk to Marshal Pru there, completing the quest.

Right to mourn

To receive the quest, talk to Sergeant Meursault on the second level of Fort Revasan. The quest requires you to find seven soldiers' letters. We go to the indicated locations and focus mainly on broken carts. We look at the letters lying next to them. Having collected all the letters, we return to Sergeant Meursault and turn in the quest.

Rest of the Dead: East

" Go to the indicated camp, destroy the barrier and set fire to the pit. Then blow the horn to complete the quest.

Victory over the dead

We receive a task from Marshal Pru after completing the quest “Another Story”" Performed similarly to "Rest of the Dead: West." After you burn two pits and blow two horns, the quest will be completed.

Dalish Perspective

After completing the quest “Another Story”, Marshal Pru will give you a task to find the elf camp. We go to the location indicated on the map. When you get closer to the camp, the quest will automatically complete.

Familiar ring

During the quest "Victory over the Dead" an exclamation mark will appear on the map. We go down into the trench and open the door. There will be a dying chevalier. You cannot help him, but you can fulfill his last request - take the ring to Commander Jehan in the citadel. However, you won't be able to get there right away. We need to fix the bridge Pont - Agur. To do this, we approach him and open the operation. Then we go to Skyhold and restore the bridge on the command table for 5 influence points. Then we return to the Sacred Plain and clear the citadel of enemies, simultaneously completing the quest “For the Empire.” To complete the quest, you must give the ring to Zhean.

Father's instructions

To activate the quest, you should find the book in one of the destroyed houses located strictly west of the pits for the quest “Rest of the Dead: West”. Go to the place indicated by the marker and search the chest, thereby completing the quest.

Golden galla

We receive the task from the hunter Itiren in the Dalish camp. Go to the indicated area and look for a galla with golden horns. Approach her, and then, when she runs away from you, simply follow her to the camp, killing, if any, those who try to attack her. As soon as the Galla reaches the camp, a new task will appear in the upper right corner - talk to Itiren. We approach him and complete the quest.

From the underworld

The quest is given by Keeper Haven. We go to the cemetery and destroy the demons there. After clearing the area, turn in the quest to Haven.

Got someone to lose

We take the quest from Emalien in the Dalish camp after completing “From the Underworld.” Using the marker, we find the brother's body.

Show and prove

The quest automatically starts when you find the body of your brother in the quest “You have someone to lose.” Then, guided by the marker, we pick up the amulet in the temple from the quest “Scattered Signs”. We return to the Dalish camp and give the amulet to Emalien.

Scattered signs

The quest is either activated when one of the signs is found, or it will be given by the keeper of Haven after completing the quest “From the Underworld”. We go to the Syleyz temple and destroy the barrier with the help of a magician. Inside we pick up the amulet according to the quest “Show and prove" We light the curtain fire, use it to create a torch, and look nearby for ancient elven writing. Let's explore them. Now we need to find the rest of the letters. Having found all the signs, we go to Skyhold and on the command headquarters table we carry out an operation to study the signs, spending 5 influence points. This will give us access to the ancient temple.

Gilannain Grove

Before starting the quest, we first need to open the operation to open the passage to Gilannain Grove. The entrance to it is located in the northwest of the Revasan fort. Then go to the new location and kill four Gurguts.

For the empire

The quest starts after the opening of the Pont-Agur bridge. We move to the other side of the bridge, burn two pits with corpses. We kill all enemies in the du Corbeau citadel. Then we open the gate using the lever. Then we talk with commander Zhean and complete the quest.

Supply shortage

We receive the task from Commander Zhean. We find 10 boxes in the indicated locations and mark them.

Equipped camp

The quest is given by Nissa in the Dalish camp. Read the book next to it and take what you need to the box marked with a marker on the map. Then we read the book again and put what we need into the box. We repeat until the Dalish have everything they need: five spindles, ten elven roots, ten pieces of dog skin, five pieces of iron and three large bear skins.

Dalish Condescension

Automatically activated when completing any order from the elves in the Dalish camp or after talking with Lauranil there. Complete quests from the inhabitants of the Dalish camp and earn a reputation. When the gauge is completely full, talk to Keeper Haven to allow Laurenil to join the Inquisition, thereby recruiting another agent.

Blasphemy and sacrilege

In the cemetery for the quest “From the Underworld,” break the graves to find three fragments of the key. Having collected the key, open the door shown on the map and complete the quest. There will be some loot inside, but the attitude of the Dalish will worsen.

God of secrets

You receive the task after you examine the ancient elven writings from the quest “Scattered Signs”. It is better to have a mage and a robber in your squad. Go to the temple. Light a curtain fire inside and a torch from it. We take the remains from the altar. We fight off the dead, and then take the key from the body of one of them. Next, we look for the remaining parts of the remains, and at the same time 7 runes using a torch with a curtain fire. To get the last part of the remains you need to use three levers. The first is on the left side of the temple, the next is at the end of the room on the right side of the temple (opened with the key found on the corpse), the third is at the beginning of the room opened with the key. Having collected all the parts of the remains, we approach the altar and place them in the right place. We kill the summoned creatures, and after that we go to the Oracle's hall and examine the chest, thereby completing the quest.

/ Answer to the game: / How to complete the “God of Secrets” quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

How to complete the God of Secrets quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition?


To complete the “God of Mysteries” quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you should take a robber and a mage with you on the mission in your squad - they will help you get all the things without exception.

You are required to explore the forgotten temple of Dirthamen, in which for the time being there will be few dead, but when you start collecting ingredients for the altar, get ready for fun.

The first in line is the curtain fire - open the door and take the first ingredient from the altar, simultaneously getting rid of the dead. From one of them you will pick up a decorated elven key. Next, look at the seven runes from the curtain fire, you will find them in the same place as the necessary ingredients.

Now is the time to use the found key, which will open the gate on the right side. The last ingredient is already nearby: on the way to it, pull three levers (first to the left of the Sanctuary, then at the end of the hall, and then at the beginning of the hall).

Now we have all the ingredients in our hands, go to the altar and place them on the pedestals. So call the Elder and the servants who need to be eliminated, go to the Oracle Hall and take all the contents of the chests. The God of Mysteries quest in Dragon Age: Inquisition has been completed.

A very small quest that is automatically given to you when you arrive in the Plains. Talk to Corporal Rosselin at the western fortifications near your first camp to find out what's going on there. He will tell you about the problem of the undead, which will complete this quest and give you the next one.

Rest of the Dead: West

You receive this quest when you first talk to Corporal Rosselin. A detachment of undead captured the fortifications and all the efforts of the troops to knock him out were unsuccessful. You need to set the corpses on fire so that they stop rising as undead. There are two such places with corpses on the fortifications, each guarded by a group of undead led by a Secret Horror and protected by a magical barrier. After you have dealt with the enemies and set fire to both piles of bodies, you need to blow the signal horn, letting the troops know that the fortifications have been liberated.
After this, talk to Corporal Rosselin. This will complete this quest and give you the next one.

Fort Revasan

Make your way to Fort Revasan through the undead and free citizens of Dolov besieging it and talk to Marshal Bastien Proulx. This will complete this quest and give you the next two.

Rest of the Dead: East

Marshal Proulx will complain to you that because of the bandits and the walking dead, his troops abandoned the eastern fort. Go there and set fire to the dead bodies in the same way as you did at the western fortifications or Fort Victory. The only difference is that these fortifications are captured not by the undead, but by the so-called “free citizens of the Valleys”, and near the magical barrier you will have to fight not with the Secret Horror, but with a mini-boss magician - that same Gordian, one of the commanders, about which you have probably already heard and read before. These fortifications are somewhat more intricate than the others, and in order to clear them completely, you need to enter them from both sides, since both parts are not connected to each other (I did not find where, in any case).

No news

Marshal Proulx sent a patrol of soldiers to establish contact with the garrison on the river, but no one returned from this mission. Find out what's going on.

Having reached the garrison, you will understand why no one reported back to the marshal - one of the Gaps had formed there. The rift is located in the basement, although some demons seep to the surface. You need to go down the stairs to close it. After closing the Rift, blow the signal horn, which will close the quest and give you another fast travel point

Fatherly Instructions

To the northwest of the Orlesian fort, in the ruins of a burnt house, you will find a letter that mentions a cache in a hollow tree. The quest marker only indicates the approximate location of the treasure, but there is one tree there and a large one - so use it as your guide.

Friend's Ring

The quest is given to you by the dying lady chevalier at Fort Victory. You need a robber to get to her, as she is behind a locked door. Take her ring to Commander Jehan at Fortress du Corbeau in the northwest of the map.

Lack of Supply

Issued by Commander Jehan at the Citadel du Corbeau. Supplies for the soldiers of the fortress disappeared somewhere on the way to it. Find all 10 boxes and mark their locations so that Orlesian soldiers can find them and deliver them to their destination. All boxes are marked on the map.

Victory over the Dead

Twin quest of Clear the Western Fort. Destroy the two groups of undead led by the Arcane Horror guarding the bodies of the dead in Fort Victory, set them on fire, and then blow the signal horn. You can receive this quest automatically when you come across the fort, and if you haven't reached it yet, this quest will be given to you by Marshal Pru in Fort Rivasan.

Right to Mourning

This quest is given to you by Sergeant Meursault at Fort Revasan. Many soldiers simply disappeared and she does not know what happened to them or what to tell their families. Find information about the missing people aka 7 farewell letters scattered across the Plains. Quest markers only indicate an approximate location, and not an exact location, but letters usually don’t just lie on the road, but are located next to something - a broken cart, a gallows, an abandoned parking lot, etc., so it’s basically possible to find them not that difficult.

For the Empire

Find out what happened in the citadel du Corbeau, where Selina's troops are located. To get to the citadel, you need to unlock the Restore Pont-Athur operation at the destroyed bridge and then complete it at your command headquarters. This will cost you 5 influence points. After this, you can cross the bridge and deal with the walking dead, as before, by setting fire to the clusters of bodies in the citadel.

When you have destroyed the two piles of bodies, you can proceed to the fortress building. A revenant (raised from the dead in the local translation) will run out of the gate towards you - if you played DAO or DA 2, then you probably remember these creatures. Deal with him and move on. Your goal is to reach the fortress wall, breaking through a horde of walking dead, and at the same time several demons. You will come across a dying soldier. Open the grate near him and move on, heading up. On the fortress wall, turn the wheel to deactivate magical protection fortresses After this, you can go inside and talk to Commander Jehan, who will explain to you what exactly happened here.

Gilannain Grove

Very small task. After you clear the blockage to the Gilannain grove at your herd at the command headquarters, you need to destroy the groups of Gurguts, a subtype of wyverns, who have settled there. After you deal with them, the quest will be completed.

Enavuris Map

First, you need to find the cache map from Enavuris. The map is located in Fort Victory. You probably noticed the quest exclamation mark on one of the trebuchets. This sign points to the map, and the entrance to it lies through a door a couple of levels below this trebuchet. Go down the trenches to reach it.

The treasure itself is located on a boulder near the elven ruins north of the Dalish camp.

Sketch of the Enavuris River

Not far from the Gap on the Riel Plain you will find a corpse, and on it is a map of the cache on the Enavuris River. The most convenient way to get to it is from the Dalish camp - go from there to the ancient baths, and then go down the river from them. The treasure is located on the very shore.

Halinsulan Map

The map is on a corpse at the northernmost point of the swamps - where the dragon lives. The sketch shows a waterfall and a statue of Fen Harel. This waterfall is located not far from the Dalish camp - go to it along the right bank, turn right almost at the waterfall itself. The treasure is located almost at the edge of the valley.

Dalish Elves Quests

Dalish Perspective

Issued by the elf Olafin near the western fortifications. Find his clan and tell the Guardian that Olafin is still trying to find a safe path through the walking dead.
If you have already laid to rest the western fortifications, then you will not receive this quest - apparently Olafin found his way when the stray corpses stopped wandering around the area and getting underfoot.

Dalish Condesce

During this quest, you must gain the trust of the elven clan located in the Valley in order to

A) they started trading with you
B) allowed a clan member, Laurenil, eager to help the Inquisition, to become your agent

After receiving this quest, a Dalish benevolence bar will appear in your journal. It can be easily completed by completing quests given to you by clan members (see below).

There's Someone to Lose

The elf Emalien is worried about her brother Valorin, who was very upset when the Guardian chose another as his student, and disappeared to an unknown location. Go to the location marked with the quest marker. Alas, nothing can help Valorin, but from his letter it will become clear that the young elf wanted to get a certain lost elven artifact for the clan. The artifact is located in the temple of Silais, in the same place as one of the elven glyphs, behind a magical barrier that only a magician can destroy. If you have already been there, then most likely you have already found this little thing, and all that remains for you is to return to Emalien.

Return to Emalien, tell her about the fate of her brother and give the artifact. This will complete this quest.

Equipped Camp

Elf Nissa is worried about the lack of supplies for the camp. Read in her inventory book what exactly she is missing. The book will be updated several times after you deliver what Nissa needs. When you have collected everything you need, click on the supply chest near Nissa, and then check to see if a new entry has appeared in the book.

In total Nissa needs:

1. Five pieces of spindles.
2. Ten elven roots.
3. Ten dog skins.
4. Five pieces of iron.
5. Three skins of a large bear. Large bears, unlike everything else listed above, are very rare and, moreover, are not found on the Plains themselves; you will have to get them somewhere else (for example, at the Emerald Graves). But you don’t have to complete all of Nissa’s orders to get 100% of the clan’s favor, so you can easily come back here later when you find the necessary skins.

Golden Galla

Ichiren, who is repairing the aravella, will ask you to find a golden galla. She walks not very far from the clan and will run in the right direction when you approach her, you just need to stay behind so as not to lose sight of her and make sure she doesn’t go astray (sometimes the Galla runs straight to the right place, sometimes for some reason it starts to loop).

From the Underworld

Given by the Clan Guardian. Destroy the demons at the tombs of Val Bellanaris. The keeper will be much more pleased with you if you do not open the graves located there in the process. If you do not touch the graves, then after completing the quest he will share with you information about the strange glyphs scattered throughout the Valley. This will give you the quest Scattered Signs. It is optional, as you can get it another way, and does not give you Dalish respect.

You don't have to refrain from grave robbing to get this quest. You will receive it automatically when you find the very first glyph.

If you decide to do the robbery, then this will give you a small subquest to enter the tomb, the key to which has been broken into pieces, and they themselves are in various graves. Keep in mind that in this case, the Keeper will not give you Dalish approval when turning in the quest.

Scattered Signs

Glyph Locations:
On the wall in the ancient baths located near the clan’s location. From the torch of the curtain fire, go down the stairs (you will need to break the wall with a warrior to do this, although you can simply go around and jump from the balcony), the glyph will be on the right wall.
For some reason, this glyph did not appear on my map as a quest mark, unlike the others.

The second glyph is located almost exactly to the east of the ancient baths, near a covered passage, literally three steps from the torch of the curtain fire.

The third is in the temple of Silais, southeast of the elven clan, behind the waterfall with the statue of Fen Harel. The glyph is painted on the wall near the entrance.

The final glyph is found in ruins almost directly north of the clan.

Once you find all four, you will have a new mission for your command headquarters, “Explore Elven Glyphs.” If you complete this mission, you will open a new location - the Temple of Dirthamen.

The Riddle of the Stone Hand

Not far from your camp in the Gilannain Grove, behind the Gap, there is an entrance to a small dungeon. If you go down there, you will find a statue with a bow surrounded by four pedestals topped with orbs. There is a pillar in front of three of the pedestals.

Your task is to make the statue shoot at each of these spheres. A nearby lever moves it clockwise and forces it to fire every time it does so. The problem is that the pillars are blocking three of the four spheres. You need to find a way to somehow lower the pillars.

One of the pillars is easy to remove - in the corner of the hall there is a tile that will glow blue when someone steps on it. You need to put one of the group on it, while the second one pulls the lever to make the statue shoot.

The third pillar is a little more problematic - mainly because your teammates don't particularly obey commands to stand still. You need to light all the torches around on the walls - every time a torch is lit, the pillar in front of the pedestals lowers a little. However, this is temporary; after a couple of seconds it returns to its place. Place your teammates near the torches. One of the torches is behind the grate - it is removed with a lever nearby. One of the group should be standing at the lever that controls the statue. Quickly activate all the torches, wait for the pillar to go down, and immediately activate the lever for the statue.

The last pillar is removed using a pair of levers that are quite difficult to see in the dark. In the little room where the torch is located behind the bars, there are also side bars. Behind one of them there is a lever. You need to put one of your comrades in the room, then activate the lever to close the grate, blocking his path back to the main hall - this will raise the side grate. Go behind it and lower the lever. This will give you access to the last structure behind the bars on the other side of the room - a small mechanical wheel. Rotate it all the way while holding down the right mouse button and the last pillar will go down, allowing you to fire a fourth shot. Go to the one that opens secret room, take the loot and read the codex.

In the same dungeon there is a piece of mosaic. Another one lies on the surface a couple of steps from the entrance to the dungeon on a piece of a broken statue.

Regions of the Sacred Plain

Visit all 21 regions of the Sacred Plain.

Shards on the Sacred Plain

Find all 16 shards in the Sacred Plain. I was able to get one of the fragments, which lies on a dilapidated bridge, by jumping onto the bridge from a hill on horseback.

Holding the Sacred Plain

Set up four camps in the Sacred Plain. To complete this quest, you need to complete the mission at your command headquarters, Gain Access to Gilannain Grove, as one of your camps should be located in this grove. Activate the "open operation" pole at the grove blockage to receive this mission.

Landmarks on the Sacred Plain

Find all 18 landmarks on the Sacred Plain

Rips in the Swamp

Close 3 Gaps in the swamps.