Dragon age inquisition inner lands quests. Inland lands. Letter from Beloved

The developers from BioWare planned to please players with a considerable number of different mounts in their role-playing game. It turned out that this project features more than thirty “little animals” on which players can explore the game world of Thedas and its huge locations.

As for Inquisition, at first the developers only announced that gamers would be able to ride horses. However, then it became known that users will have a considerable choice of other mounts. According to some members of the BioWare team, the decision to expand the list of such beasts was made due to the significant increase in the game world, which was supposed to be much larger than in previous parts of the series.

As we already know, players will have a lot of space to explore if they want to get their hands on unique items or find new quests to complete. Mounted animals will help you overcome these distances. Alas, dreams of riding a giant will remain dreams. The only thing you can do in the game is fight with the highest dragons. However, riding monsters similar to dragons are still present in the game.

Types of mounts in Dragon Age: Inquisition

We remind you that the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition took place in mid-November this year on game consoles of the current and previous generations, as well as on personal computers. So, let's take a closer look at the riding "partners". There are 4 types of similar animals in the game:

  1. Horses
  2. Deer
  3. Dracolisks
  4. Exotic Species (Best in Inquisition)

It should be understood that the difference is not only appearance, but also endurance. The simplest horse “dies” (don’t worry, it will be reborn later) from a couple of blows not the most strong enemies, and the strongest creatures will withstand even the onslaught of the same giants. The most powerful mounts are exotic species. Here, by the way, is an extract from the game code about riding animals:

« Have you ever seen a proud rider on a royal horse? It's your own fault. These are quite ordinary animals, but they are worth a lot, so it is worth protecting them from filth, thieves, robbers - anything that can harm. These are not some heavy horses without fire in their eyes, suitable for harnessing to a plow - these are creatures of a pure and violent spirit. A good steed is not an aristocrat's hunting toy, it is your everyday companion, and you had better be worthy of it».

How to get mounts? Where can I find them?

To get the opportunity to ride through the vastness of the animal game world, you need to hire a master rider named Dennett. He lives in the Hinterlands, in the Redcliffe Farms area. You should know that the quest is not the easiest. The fact is that not every character is able to persuade Dennett to join the Inquisition. Take Cassandra, Vivien and Dorian with you. Video to help:

Did you manage? Now you can change your horse in the stable. And in the Vault and then in Skyhold. By the way, when you mount a horse (or any other pet), you will find yourself alone. During the trip, your companions disappear. They appear after you leave the saddle.

So, let's figure out what animals are available to us. There are more than 30 of them!

Horses of Dragon Age: Inquisition

The simplest and most common type of animal in the game. The horse significantly increases the speed of exploring locations, but is rather weak.

« About horses: I bet you've never had such a horse as Ferelden's Forder, a hardy half-breed. Don't let their size deceive you: these animals are not for working in the fields. Over centuries of careful selection, a miracle was raised from ordinary stock. They feel great both in hot fights and on a multi-day journey from one country to another. But for all their endurance and speed, they only condescendingly allow themselves to be commanded. Overdo it and you'll end up in the mud upside down. Horses know their role and expect you to know yours. I warned you and everything».

  1. Fereldan Riding Horse: The most common type of horse in the lands of Thedas. Your first horse.
  2. Taslinsky road: Fast, hardy horse of the Antivan breed . You can get it in the stables (only in the Vault) for free.
  3. Zelenodolsk Savage: A breed descended from herds of wild horses that escaped the Qunari invasion to the north . Can be obtained from Skyhold Stables.
  4. Dalish Multibreed: Rare horse. It's hard to get around. We buy from Skyhold.
  5. Orlesian Racehorse: An expensive breed used by the nobility. We buy from Skyhold.
  6. Amaranthine Steed: A proud and strong horse. We buy from Skyhold.
  7. Marchan Ranger: Horses come from the cities of the Free March. We buy from Skyhold.
  8. Anders Racer: A breed created for the Gray Wardens. We buy from Skyhold.
  9. Imperial Half-Blood: A breed descended from the horses of Tevinter. We buy from Skyhold.
  10. : The best armored horse in Dragon Age. One of a kind . Included in the Deluxe Edition.

Now let's turn our attention to the Dracolisks.

Dracolisks Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dracolisks bear little resemblance to dragons, except in the shape of their heads.

They do not have any wings, but they move like horses, on four legs. They look quite monstrous... I have rough skin covered with spikes, horns, claws, fangs and a tail.

  1. Hunting: Used for hunting
  2. Deep Foldtooth: Lives in the Western Reach
  3. Longma Sissy: Willful but resilient
  4. Blueberry Bane: This breed is rarely ridden
  5. Desert Lightning: Very fast
  6. Sharp-tailed: Hardy and interesting looking

« About the dracolisk: I've heard about them. I even saw it several times. They're not as rare as you think, but they're very, very difficult. The words "willful" and "stubborn" suggest some reasonable measure of resistance. And this one is just plotting evil. Spur it a little harder and it will smear against the tree. If you push him the wrong way, he will chop off his leg. However, there is also a useful side: in terms of speed and strength, it is not inferior to others, and the rider who can cope with it will make a good showing. Not just “I can do what you can’t”, but almost “I can do what you don’t dare.”».

Stags and Gauls in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Very beautiful and graceful creatures.

Previously, they were used by elves, and even now they are ridden in the forests. These are fast, dexterous and strong animals that are second only to exotic species.

  1. Red deer
  2. Brecilian wayfinder
  3. Tirashan carminative
  4. Pride of Arlathan
  5. Wild gall
  6. Royal stag, Southern branch

« About the red deer: I was glad to see him and not get acquainted with the antlers. The real pride of the stable. Any stable. Even a Dalish elf, whom I was lucky enough to ask, said that it was luck to see them from afar. Those few who managed to tame them and adapt them to riding - there really are not many of them! - they say that there is no other animal that holds the road so confidently, is sensitive to the rider and inspires just by looking at him. Do you want to compete with the charm of this creature? Then immediately grow your wings».

Exotic Animals in Dragon Age: Inqusition

Exotic animals are the toughest and most interesting mounts in the game. These types include, for example, Nagolopy. These creatures are best suited for mountainous terrain. They look peculiar...

« Great mountain head or "nadishche": He has arms. He may be taking something. This unsettled me more than anything else. What the hell is this? I don’t argue, the brute’s physique is impressive, and he has a lot of tenacity - what are your combat horses... He knows his strength. And she knows that you know her. I was expecting something snotty and puffy, only larger in size, and here... hands. Moreover, the eyes are meaningful. Be careful, fasten the buckles on the saddle - I think he will clearly make it clear that he is tired under you. No matter what I say, he doesn’t get tired. Oh, hands. Hands».

  • Large head: Excellent cross-country ability
  • Bony Thunderer: Powerful and fast
  • Gwaren Stomper
  • Battle Naga
  • Big piss

Yes, you can get Nagolop after completing the task " Command Headquarters: Large?".

Also in the game there are:

Avvar heavy truck half-breed

Only available in DLC AMD Radeon In-Game Gift Pack.

In order to saddle an animal, you need to complete the quest "Avar Heavy Truck Half-Breed".

Swamp Unicorn

I played on such an animal. Also appears with DLC, available only to owners of the Deluxe edition of the game. It's an ugly horse back from the dead. Not at all the beautiful unicorn that we imagine when it comes to fantasy worlds. The fact is that the local Unicorn is not a Unicorn at all. And an ordinary horse that was once killed with a blade that sticks out of his head.

« About the “swamp unicorn”: I still don’t really understand what you dug up. I asked the magician about him - he, as always, said something about the Shadow. Don't understand anything. I asked this pacified one of yours again - the answer gave me goosebumps. To put it simply, there is some kind of spirit and all sorts of other things. Now I don’t call this horse anything other than “freedom”. But it turns out that he is somehow a demon?.. A demon is an undesirable side... and what is the undesirable side of freedom? Chaos or just “mayhem”? Something like that. Okay, whoever he is, in his own way he is gorgeous, a real Orlesian drill horse, well-groomed, no chevalier would be ashamed to ride such a horse. Judging by the scars, he fell in some kind of battle with demons or something like that, and then his owner finished him off out of pity. Whatever spirit of loyalty or freedom animated him, it had curious consequences: he wants to serve. I have no doubt that it’s great to ride him, I’ll put him in the stable, but I won’t go more than ten steps. the charm of this creature? Then immediately grow your wings».

And a few more animals:

Primal-Trained Longma

A unique Dracolisk available to owners of the Collector's Edition of the game.

Light-Torn Steed

Included in the NewEgg Logitech Promotional DLC: The only flying creature in the game!

Computer game in the RPG genre, the third part of the series Dragon Age, was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher is Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for the platforms Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One. After the events of the first part, the world Thedasa plunges into the abyss of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, unusual rifts are opening up in different parts of the world, allowing demons to enter Thedas. The main character receives a mark and after closing several faults in Temple of the Sacred Ashes receives leadership of the Inquisition to eradicate the chaos that has arisen.

Inland lands. Part 1

On at this stage your main task is develop a squad, completing simple tasks and killing weaker creatures. Enemies and resources are constantly generated, with the exception of some places that main character may be appropriated by the Inquisition. It is worth noting the presence in the north of the location of a large dragon In order to defeat this formidable enemy, your squad must have a level greater than or equal to 12. Also, near some gaps (Dwarven Pass and Ditch of the Burnt), demonic creatures will offer serious resistance.

Breaks in the Suburb

In the hinterland Redcliffe(in the area of ​​the Outskirts camp) The Herald must close two gaps, we move to the north of the location and engage in battle with demonic creatures. Your task is to withstand several waves, and after clearing the area, close the shadow portal.

Next, we go to Redcliffe Road and destroy the demons again. Having closed the last rift, we complete the task and receive influence points. Despite the closure of several portals, more gaps will be discovered in the interior lands, which should also be closed.

Holding interior lands

Once the Herald reaches the Hinterlands, the Inquisition creates a small camp. The main character must find a few more places for camps, this will strengthen the influence of the Inquisition in the area (you can also quickly move between camps). By opening new transshipment bases, the Herald receives new tasks to destroy gaps in a new area.

Blood Brothers

Located in the Suburb area mill, inside which the main characters find a note. One of the locals named Britis joined the apostates, while his brother became a Templar and wants to punish the apostate. We move to the meeting place of the two brothers (the Redcliffe Road area) and engage in battle with Templars. We search the corpse and get the mercenary's blade.

Renegades in the Witch's Forest

In the Outskirts area there is the corpse of an apostate, next to which the Herald finds a letter to his brothers. The content of the message contains information about renegade camp in the Witch's Forest.

We move towards the target mark and find ourselves in the forest, you will have to destroy several small combat groups of the order that are distributed throughout the area. To find the entrance to the fortress you need to look for signs orders (applied to the rocks using blue lyrium).

The entrance to the fortress is located in the north of the forest, we destroy the guards and destroy the fiery barrier(Solas has a staff with cold damage, which will remove the obstacle). Next, you will have a skirmish with a large group of renegades, we will clear the area and complete the task.

Renegade Farmer

In the Suburb area there is a small farm, Widow Maura asks to find the Templars and avenge the death of her husband, and at the same time return the wedding ring.

We move to the target mark in the area of ​​the Dwarf Pass and engage in battle with two Templars, clear the area and pick up a wedding ring from the corpse of one of the attackers, it is also worth paying attention to letter, information in which we describe the location of the Templar camp (Task Templars in the West).

Unusual duet

In the Outskirts area you can find a concerned scout who talks about a missing partner named Rits in the area of ​​the renegade camp. We move to the mark on the map in the area of ​​the Dwarf Pass and enter into battle with the Templars who attacked Rits. Next, we return to the scout and complete the task.

Rips: Dwarven Pass

After the camp is in Dwarf Pass will be broken, scouts report finding three gaps in the area. The messenger and his squad must close the portals using the mark. Near one of the gaps a confrontation with demon of wrath. The main feature of the new enemy is the use of fire damage, while being vulnerable to cold (Solas and his spells are great for exterminating the demon from a distance). To close the last gap, you must complete the task " Glory to Herald Andraste».

Glory to Herald Andraste

Near a small fortress (location - Dwarf Pass), the main characters meet a preacher Anais, who asks to demonstrate the power of the mark by closing the rift inside the sect’s fortress. We move into the courtyard and close fault, after which we talk with Anais and complete the task.

Beloved's amulet

Near Winter watch tower there is a corpse of a Templar, near which there is a letter. The main characters must go to the crossroads area and give the amulet to Ellendra. We move to the target mark at the Crossroads and find the sorceress in a small cave.

Conscientious underground worker

In the area of ​​the gnomes' pass, on the top of one of the hills, next to a small altar, lies the corpse of an elf. We select letter and we get information about a cache in the mountains.

We move to the Crossroads and go to Witch forest, the hut is located in the western part of the location. We get inside the room and engage in battle with the demon, after victory we search the chest and complete the task.

Love can wait

Inside the Winter Watch Tower on the second floor there is Lord Berand, who asks to find his beloved by name Vellina.

We move towards the target marker not far from the camp in Gnome Pass. The main characters find the corpse of a noblewoman, we return to the Lord and report Vellina’s death. After completing this task, the Herald can recruit a nobleman as Agent of the Inquisition, which will increase influence in the region.

Shallow breathing

At the Crossroads, one of the refugees gives additional task, you need to find the NPC's son and bring potion for a relative. We go to the Winter Watch Tower and on one of the towers we find Hindel. Next, we return to the refugee and give the potion.

Hunger pangs

At the Crossroads, one of the refugees asks to replenish food supplies, the Messenger must go into the forest to hunt and get lamb for the local residents. Having received the required amount of food, we return to the Hunter and complete the task.

Bandits: Eastern Road

Not far from the Crossroads there is recruit Belleta, a scout reports that the road has been seized by a gang of fugitives. The main characters must go to the location and eliminate the threat. Near the first camp special problems will not occur, however, near the second parking lot ( Rebel Queen's Gully) the squad is expecting a clash with the thug.

Dimension of the Veil

Solas wants to study the mysterious artifact in the cave, in the area of ​​​​the Eastern Road (it will allow him to resist the opening of new gaps in the future). Near the cave, the main characters meet a sorceress Miiris, we talk with the stranger and go in search of an elven artifact.

Solas can use Shadow magic to clear away rubble and use curtain fire(however, the magician cannot attack the enemy). We go down into the cave and engage in battle with a group of demons, after clearing the area, we activate the artifact and complete the task.

Dreams about stone

In the Redcliffe Road area, there is an old parchment in a hut. The resident of the hut went in search of a mysterious stone. We pass to the Dwarven Pass and move towards the cave. Destroy the ice barrier with a fire weapon or spell and kill apostate.

Not up to the vein

In the area of ​​the gnomes' pass, the main characters can discover a small smuggling cave, inside which is the corpse of a gnome. There is a letter next to the body; the message contains information about red lyrium ore. In the south of the Dwarven Pass we discover a cave with a barrier, eliminate the obstacle with the help of a fiery weapon and begin to explore the cave. After the renegade camp, the main characters will discover ore red lyrium.

Templars in the West

When completing the task " Renegade Farmer"From the corpse of one of the Templars, the main characters pick up a letter that contains information about the camp in the west. We move to the Western Road area and go in search of the Templars’ parking lot.

The entrance to the shelter is located in the south of the designated area (upstream of the river to the waterfall), we clear the area from the presence of the Templars and complete the task.

Disruptions in the bridgehead

After the Herald opens a new camp on Lake Luthium, scouts report two ruptures in the Witch's Forest and at the Calenhad Bridgehead. The main characters must suppress the resistance of the demons and close the gaps to strengthen the influence of the Inquisition.

Calenhad Bridgehead

In the Outskirts area there is the corpse of an apostate, next to whom lies a map. The map shows a castle on the ridge and a mark in the area of ​​the destroyed wall; your task is to find the marked place.

We go to the Kalenhad bridgehead and climb the destroyed fortress wall, you need to go down to the base of the security tower and examine the small embankment(for the treasure to become active, the Messenger must come point-blank).

Map of the route to the waterfall

Near the camp on Lake Lutium you can find a tree (with a chair nailed down), and there will be a map on the ground nearby that shows a waterfall under the tree.

We move to the Templar camp in the west and head to the waterfall, in a small cave we explore a small embankment and discover a treasure.

Return Policy

In the area of ​​the Western Road near the bridge you can find a dead elf, there is a letter near the body. The messenger and his squad must go to the fortress in the southwest and return the items stolen by the thief. We move towards the target mark and find Velikolesskaya estate, it is not necessary to go inside at this stage (considering that there are many bandits in the estate). We return the decoration to the small pedestal near the mountain and engage in battle with demon of wrath, after clearing the area, the task will be completed.

Failed delivery

Not far from the bridge in the area of ​​the Western Road there is an overturned cart, next to the body of a refugee lies a letter. You need to find a parcel on the farm territory. Box is under a stone, the main character must use a search to obtain the contents.

Measures against looters

On Redcliffe Farms, in one of the abandoned houses there will be an old parchment, which contains information about the refuge of a certain Hessla in the north (the NPC has secret documents with him). We go north through the Forannan ravine and find ourselves in Wolf Hollow, where we engage in battle with a pack of wolves. After clearing the area, search the box and complete the task.

Where does Druffalo roam?

In the Redcliffe Farms area there will be a message on the fence, local residents are asking for it to be returned Druffalo(a pack animal similar to a buffalo). We move east and find an animal between the rocks. We return to the farm (Druffalo will follow your squad) and inform the owner about the completion of the task.

Bergrit's Claws

In the hills to the north of Redcliffe Farms there is a small camp, next to the sleeping place lies a letter from a deceased hunter. The messenger and his squad must go to Hafter's Thicket and receive bear claws. Large bears are serious opponents, have strong armor, are resistant to cold and physical influences, but are vulnerable to fire damage.

Breaks on the farm

After establishing a camp near Redcliffe Farms, the Messenger and his squad must close two gaps in this area. In the Ditch of the Burnt, your squad will have to face a more serious group of demons than before (level more than 10).

The danger is not over

We move to the crossroads and clear the area of ​​the presence of renegades. Next, the main character meets Mother Giselle, which suggests turning to the church for help. Despite the accusations, he gives the names of the priestesses who can help in this complex political game. Next, we talk with Corporal Vale about the state of affairs in the Inner Lands; the NPC asks to provide assistance to refugees at the Crossroads. At this stage, your squad needs to complete various tasks in order to receive influence points, which are necessary for reconnaissance of a new area (in particular, the Herald is interested in Val Royeaux ) The Hinterlands - Part 2 This article is part of the series Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: dragon age inquisition, inquisition, herald, mark, rifts, cassandra pentagast, solas, varric, leliana, the hinterlands, rifts in the suburbs, holding the hinterlands, blood brothers, renegades in the witchwood, renegade farmer, unusual duo, rifts : Dwarven pass, glory to the messenger Andraste, amulet of the beloved, conscientious underground fighter, love can wait, shallow breathing, pangs of hunger, robbers: the eastern road, the Veil dimension, dreams of stone, not up to the veins, templars in the West, gaps in the bridgehead, Calenhad bridgehead, map of the route to the waterfall, return conditions, unsuccessful delivery, measures against marauders, where the druffalo roams, bergrit's claws, breaks in the farm

The victorious march of the Inquisition across the lands of Denerim and Orlais in Dragon Age: Inquisition will begin with a small detachment. The power of the order will grow gradually, over time it will enlist the support of the nobility, apostates (magicians or templars), Gray Wardens and other allies, but before this happens, many problems will have to be solved that will fall on the head of the main character along with the demons from the hole in the sky . Responsibilities in the Inquisition are strictly divided between advisors: Josephine responsible for diplomacy Lelliana- reconnaissance, Cullen- troops. The order is managed from the command headquarters, where all important requests are received and key events are marked on the map. Each of the advisors has their own approach to solving assigned problems. The outcome of the assigned task and the time spent depend on the choice: you can act with words, cunning or brute force (there are no absolutely losing solutions).

Agents who can be recruited in all corners of Thedas help speed up the process of completing tasks; they are also able to open new specializations without spending points. Agent Recruitment in Dragon Age: Inquisition it usually begins with communication with a potential candidate, but not everyone agrees to join the Inquisition right away, everyone has their own reasons: some are busy, some don’t trust, some are waiting, some are simply afraid of the consequences of their choice. In such cases they come to the rescue satellites, which are able to convince the intractable (additional lines appear in the dialogue). If the companions' attempts are unsuccessful, the only way to recruit an agent is performance small task for loyalty. It is important not to miss the right moment for recruitment, otherwise the agent may disappear as the plot develops. Recruited agents are added to the advisors tab in the specialization selection window.

Agent locations for the Inquisition in Dragon Age: Inquisition:

  1. Clemens pacified(task “In Secret”) - awaits a meeting with the Inquisitor in the Redcliffe tavern in the Hinterlands. To recruit, just talk to him. Access to the village opens according to the plot, when you need to make a choice between magicians and templars. Helps Cullen with his work.
  2. Vail Volunteers- for recruitment, it is necessary to complete, at the request of Corporal Veil, from the Crossroads in the Hinterlands, several tasks for refugees: mark 5 hiding places of renegades at the request of recruit Vitl, who stands near the cave in the western part of the settlement, in the task “At the Power of the Elements”; get 10 pieces of lamb at the request of a refugee hunter in the task “Pangs of Hunger” (sheep are found in the forest); persuade the healer from Redcliffe to move to the Crossroads in the task “The Healing Hand” (you need to be an elf or have Solas in your party); deal with renegade magicians and templars in the missions “Renegades in the Witchwood” and “Templars in the West.” Moving to Skyhold will automatically block access to quests. Returning to Corporal Veil, we ask him to “Hire the most skilled.” Companions will have a positive attitude towards accepting volunteers into the ranks of the Inquisition.
  3. Alexius(task “Tempting Whispers”) - to recruit you need to take the side of the magicians and save the life of the master in order to decide his fate at the trial in Skyhold. Before the process, you need to learn “Secret Knowledge” on the command table (the “Secrets” tab), which will expand your knowledge of magic and add a new item to the dialogues. In the future, Alexius will issue tasks to strengthen the influence of the Inquisition and will stop acting in favor of Corypheus. Helps Lelliana with her work.
  4. Blades of Hessarian(task “Placing Order”) - at the order table on the Stormy Coast, you need to make the “Coat of Arms of Mercy” amulet from the skin of a deep hunter (found in the caves opposite “Morrin’s Heights”) and two serpentines (hanging on the rocks along the shore), then put it on through the inventory and come to the Hessarian camp in the eastern part of the location, where you fight the leader. The blades help Cullen in his work.
  5. Laurenil(task “The Condescension of the Dalish”) - lives in the Dalish camp in the Emerald Graves, in the southwestern part of the location. Upon meeting, the elf will be asked to join the Inquisition, but without the permission of the guardian he will not be able to leave the clan and carry out his plans. Quests given by Loranil's tribesmen will help you gain the trust of the Dalish. After the introduction, he begins to help Callen.
  6. Frederic de Cero(quest “Deep High Dragon”) - the scientist is busy searching for information for his new job, dedicated to dragons, in the Western Reach, south of the southern Inquisition camp. After completing several of his orders and killing the deep high dragon he will agree to join the Inquisition, where he will help Lelliana.
  7. Smuggler Tanner(exercise " Business relationship") - in the Hinterlands south of the Crossroads, where the refugees took refuge, on a hill stands an oval wooden house, inside there is a note hanging on the bulkhead that activates the task “Blood Brothers”. We reach the marker from the task (northwest of the Inquisition camp near Sunset in the eastern part of the location), clear the camp from bandits, the bodies of two templars lie around the house, from the first we select a sword, from the second a letter that activates the task “Business Relations”. We are waiting for the moment when the plot opens access to the village of Redcliffe, we find Tanner in the camp in front of the entrance to the church. To recruit an agent, we use Cassandra, Varrick or the knowledge of the underworld, available for study for Inquisition points at the command table in the Vault or the castle in Skyhold in the Troops section, after which Tanner will begin to help Lelliana.
  8. Fairbanks(task “Nobility in heart and deeds”) - we find the rebel camp in the southern part of the Emerald Graves, talk to Fairbanks, carry out all his tasks to clear the area from templar robbers and free citizens. The new agent speeds up Lelliana's work.
  9. Lord Berand(task “Love Can Wait”) - we find the body of a woman in the gorge southeast of the Inquisition camp in the Suburbs, from where the exploration of the territory of the Inner Lands begins (we run past the astrarium and always stick to the rocks on the left side). We select the letter from the body and deliver it to Lord Berand at the sectarian fortress, which is indicated by the marker on the map. While he is stunned by the news of his beloved’s death, we invite him to join the Inquisition.
  10. Michel de Chevin(task “Call me Imshel”) - at the exit from the destroyed village, which is under the protection of the Inquisition in Emprise du Lyon, we find the former knight of Empress Selina, accused of treason and demoted. In the conversation, he will talk about his desire to defeat the demon Imshel, who has settled in the Suledin fortress. We do all the dirty work for him, after which the Inquisition will be replenished with a new agent who will help Cullen.
  11. Ser Barris(task “Defenders of Justice”) - you need to side with the templars, refusing the support of the magicians. When searching for veterans and lyrium while defending the hall, we try to prevent the new ally’s health level from falling below 30%, otherwise he will die. After improving Skyhold, it will be possible to appoint Barris as a knight commander who will help Cullen.
  12. Jenna- on the way from the Inquisition camp to Crestwood we help Gray Wardens to deal with the revived corpses, we save the elf, who can later be found in one of the village houses. In the conversation, she will mention her desire to join the ranks of the Gray Guardians; if Solas or a nobleman Inquisitor is in the squad, then Jana can be recruited into the Inquisition. If you send her to the Gray Wardens, she will be sacrificed during the assault on Adamant.
  13. Looking up to the sky(task “Cracks in the Mire”) - in the swamps of the Brown Mire on the way to the Avvar fortress we find a giant in a bear skin, open and close the Crack before his eyes. After defeating the Hand of Kort in the Avvar fortress and freeing the Inquisition soldiers from captivity (languishing in a side room in the fortress), Skygazer will wish to join the Inquisition, where he will help Josephine. The liberation mission disappears after the headquarters moves to Skyhold.
  14. Leader of the Avvars(task “The Trial”) - having returned from the Brown Mire after the victory over the Hand of Kort and the release of the Inquisition soldiers from captivity, in the throne room of Skyhold the trial of the Avvar leader Movran the Poddatiy will take place, who will be recruited as an agent when sent to Tevinter.
  15. Preacher Anais(task “Glory to the messenger Andraste”) - in the Hinterlands we find a sectarian castle, located on a hill south of the Inquisition camp on the Dwarf Pass, in the southeastern part of the location. We ask you to let us in, close the gap in the Veil in the courtyard and talk to the preacher Anais, if you ask her to listen to what people say, then the help of the new agent will be sent to Lelliana, if you ask her to spread the news about the Inquisition, then to Josephine.
  16. Enchantress Ellandra(task “Amulet of the Beloved”) - on the right side of the entrance to the fortress of the sectarians, led by the preacher Anais in the Inner Lands, on the hillside lies the corpse of a templar with a phylactery, which must be taken to Ellendra from the Crossroads, where the refugees have taken refuge. After delivering the amulet, Vivienne will help convince the sorceress to choose in favor of the Inquisition; you can also use the knowledge of magic, unlocked for Inquisition points on the command table in Skyhold in the “Secrets” section.
  17. Tricky Ritts(task “An Unusual Duo”) - north of the Inquisition camp on the Dwarven Pass, in the southeastern part of the Inner Lands, we find an excited scout at the crossroads. We receive a task to search for the missing Ritts, we reach the marker at the fortress of the sectarians, led by the preacher Anais, we help the scout fight off the templars, we explore the place of the attack with the [V] key, we find the body of the dead magician, we talk to her again. Varric will help convince her to join the Inquisition, and this can also be done without anyone's help if the Inquisitor is a gnome.
  18. Bugman Dennett(task “Horses for the Inquisition”) - we get to the Inquisition camp near the Redcliffe farms in the northwestern part of the Interior, we find Dennett in the village, and complete several tasks for the farmers. Vivienne or Cassandra will help you recruit a new agent to the Inquisition; you can also use the knowledge of the underworld, unlocked for Inquisition points on the command table in Skyhold in the “Troops” section, in the conversation.
  19. Duchess Florianne(task “Court”) - after visiting the Halamshiral Palace in the task “ Evil eyes, Evil Hearts,” the Duchess will be brought alive or dead to Skyhold, where a trial will take place, following which she may be recruited as a new agent of the Inquisition, which will affect the speed of Josephine’s work.
  20. Nobleman, captain of Gaspard's mercenaries(task “Evil eyes, evil hearts”) - while completing the task in Halamshiral, we eavesdrop several times on the conversation of two nobles in the courtyard with a grate on the wall leading to the library on the second floor of the palace. It is important to stand on the balcony exactly above the targets; when they start talking about templars and magicians, we go down to them and start a conversation; if you support one of the nobles, he will become an agent. Knowledge of the underworld, available in the “Troops” section on the command table in Skyhold for Inquisition points, will help you recruit the mercenary captain Gaspard.
  21. Belle(task “The danger has not passed”) - after clarifying the relationship between the templars and the church servants, in the main square of Val Royeaux we find the trader Belle, who wants to join the Inquisition. It is important not to leave the city, otherwise Belle will disappear and Josephine will lose her assistant.
  22. Samson(task “Judgment”) - to recruit a red templar, you need to support the magicians in Redcliffe in the task “Defenders of Justice”, defeat Samson in the Mythal temple and bring him to trial in Skyhold, where, as punishment, give him for study to Cullen, under whose command he and will fight on the side of the Inquisition against Corypheus.

The quest will begin after you find a letter on the body of a dead gnome in a small cave southeast of the original camp. We go to the place indicated on the map and encounter a magical barrier blocking the entrance to the cave. To destroy it, you need to attack it with “opposite” magic (in this case, the ice barrier), so we take the fire staff and shoot it at the barrier. Inside we deal with the enemies and go to the very depths of the cave. There we find a vein of red lyrium.

Renegade Farmer

To the south of the original camp you can find a lonely hut. We go inside and talk to the widow Maura. She will ask you to find the ring that the templars took after killing her husband. We go to the place marked on the map and kill all the templars, and from the body of one of them we take the ring, which we return to Maura.

Love can wait

To the southeast of the original camp, in the gorge, we find a letter on the corpse of a woman. It follows from it that she was heading to her lover in a settlement where followers of a certain cult live (“Lornan’s Link”). We go to the area marked on the map. After passing through the gate, go right and go up the stairs. We find Berand and report that his beloved Vellina has died. In gratitude, this noble may join the Inquisition.

Glory to Herald Andraste

Talk to Anais at the entrance to the cult settlement (Lornan's Link). She doubts that you are not who you say you are. We go to the farthest part and go down into a small cave, where we close the gap. We return back to Anais, who will offer several options for how the sect can help the Inquisition.

Unusual duet

We take the quest from the scout, who is located north of the camp at the Dwarven Pass. We go south to the marked area and kill the templars as quickly as possible. Depending on whether Ritts died or not, we report to the concerned intelligence officer.

Beloved's amulet

In the southwest of the camp on the Dwarven Pass, near the hill we find the body of a templar, from which we select an amulet. We take it to the beloved of this templar - the sorceress Ellendra. She will be standing near the altar north of the crossroads (where we met Giselle's mother).

Shallow breathing

In one of the huts near the crossroads we meet a refugee who asks us to find a potion for his seriously ill wife. We go to the settlement of cult followers (“Lornan’s Link”). Having passed through the gate, we go left, into the tower, and climb the vertical stairs. We tell everything to Hindel, he gives the necessary potion, which we take to the refugee.

Hunger pangs

We speak with the hunter at the crossroads. He will ask you to bring sheep meat. To complete the quest, kill sheep and collect lamb from their bodies. When you have accumulated 10 pieces, return to the hunter.

Blood Brothers

In a hut near the original camp you can find a note in which the templar challenges his brother to a duel. Go to the indicated place in the north and kill everyone there.

Renegades in the Witchwood

The quest begins when you find a letter in a hut north of the crossroads. Go west to the ice formations sticking out of the ground. Next we find a cave, the entrance to which is closed by a fire barrier. We use a staff that attacks with cold against him. Inside we kill all the enemies.

Templars in the West

The quest does not have a clear starting place, because... the required letter can be found anywhere on the corpse of the templar you killed. We go west to the broken bridge, then south. There you will find a templar camp. As soon as you kill them all, the task will be accepted.


We will find out from the officer at the crossroads that they can provide us with horses. We go to the indicated area and talk with the crawler Dennett. He will not want to offer his help to the Inquisition until you complete two quests that are activated automatically: “Safety for Farmers” and “Trouble with Wolves.” After completing the indicated quests, return to the crawler. However, immediately, before completing these two tasks, you can take a personal horse next to Dennett’s house.

Conscientious underground worker

You need to search the corpse on the hill marked “Tempter on Fire,” which is located southeast of the camp at Dwarf Pass. Go to the hut marked on the map. As soon as you open the door, the Great Horror will appear. After killing him, we go into the hut and examine the chest.

Playing with fire

We pick up a letter from the corpse in the southwest of the upper lake, which says that you need to go around the statue three times clockwise. In this case, you need to be very close to her. The statue is located to the south. As soon as you do as written in the letter, “Grandfather” will appear, or rather a dead man. We kill him and the quest is over.

In the saddle

After completing the quest “The Outrider,” you need to talk to Sheina, who is standing or sitting near the stables, not far from Dennett’s house. You need to take part in horse racing. The required places will be marked by two pillars, between which you need to drive, and a blue light will burn nearby. The points will also be shown on the mini-map. In the upper right corner the time for which you need to cover the distance will be indicated. A total of three circles will be offered, after which the quest will end.

Mercenary Fortress

After talking with the corporal near the intersection, go to the indicated location on the map. There will be a fortress (Velikolesskaya estate). To complete the quest, you just need to find this place, you don’t even have to kill anyone inside.

Failed delivery

After reading the letter, which can be found northwest of the broken bridge, go to the area indicated on the map north of the camp near Redcliffe Farms. There, use the [v] key to find the item you are looking for.

Where does the Druffalo roam?

The quest will begin if we read the notice on the fence east of the house of the huntsman Dennett. We go to the gorge shown on the map. There we see a missing animal. Having killed the wolves that attacked him, we return on foot. Make sure the druffalo follows you. After you bring Druffy into the pen, inform her owner about it.

Bergrit's Claws

To start the task, you need to find a letter to the west of the house of the scout Dennett, on the rock (we are guided by the exclamation mark on the map). Then we go to the indicated area in the south and kill three large gray bears. We take their claws away. There is no need to give them to anyone, and the task is considered completed.

Return Policy

After reading the letter found on a dead body west of the broken bridge. Go to the marked area on the map, south of the Velikolesskaya Estate. There we activate the altar and deal with the summoned demon.

Bandits: Eastern Road

It starts if you talk to recruit Beletta, standing northeast of the crossroads, at the gate. Next, we go to the area shown on the map east of the intersection and kill the bandits there. After this, we return to the recruit and turn in the quest.

Measures against looters

To start the quest, you need to find a letter in a hut near the camp near Redcliffe Farms. Then we go to the cave marked on the map (one of the stages of the quest “Trouble with Wolves” is also completed in it). There we climb to the top level and go to the farthest corner. There will be a large wooden box there. Search him and the quest will be completed.

Trouble with wolves

After talking with the tracker Dennett, approach his wife Elaina. She is working in the garden nearby. Afterwards we go to the indicated area, to the cave, where we kill the wolves and the demon. Then we return to Elaina.

Safety for farmers

After talking with the patrolman Dennett, we go to the house located northeast of Dennett’s house. There we talk with Bron. Then, we visit the three places shown on the map and mark them. Then we return to the shelter and complete the task “Watchtowers for farmers” on the command headquarters table there. Then we return to Bron and complete the task.

Horses for the Inquisition

After completing the quests “Trouble with Wolves” and “Safety for Farmers,” we return to the tracker Dennett and ask him to provide horses for the Inquisition. Also, if you have Cassandra on your team, you can recruit him.

Application for puzzle boxes

The quest is given by the quartermaster as soon as you arrive in the Hinterlands. To complete the quest you need to collect 3 dragon stones, 5 obsidians, 5 ram skins and 1 crystal grace. You can find all the components, except obsidian, in the Hinterlands simply by traveling around the location. To collect the required amount of obsidian, you need to either wait until it falls out of enemies or is found in a chest, or go to the northeast, to the location with the dragon, where it can be found in large quantities. To complete the quest, collect the box on the quartermaster's desk.

healing hand

By asking the officer at the crossroads, you can learn that the refugees need a healer, and that one can be found in the village of Redcliffe. You can get to the village only after completing the story quest. Using the marker as a guide, we go into the desired hut and persuade the elf healer to help the refugees (take Cassandra or Solas with you). You can also take three quests from her by asking her if there is a shortage of herbs: “Common Treatment”, “Improved Treatment” and “Rare Treatment”.

Conventional treatment

Starts after talking with the healer in the village of Redcliffe. She will say that she is missing some herbs, and she has marked them all off on the list on the table nearby. We read the note and collect the necessary herbs (2 spindles and 4 elven roots). We give them to the healer and complete the quest.

Improved Treatment

Taken after completing the quest “Ordinary Treatment” and performed in the same way: you need to bring the healer 1 royal elven root and 6 elven roots.

Rare treatment

Taken after completing the quest “Improved Treatment” and performed in the same way: you need to bring the healer 2 crystal graces and 5 spindles.

Spirit of the Lake

Taken from the Storyteller in the village of Redcliffe. We go to the point indicated on the map and place the bloody lotus on the yellow bowl. The quest will be completed, and you will be given a sword as a reward.

Flowers for Senna

We speak with the Widower standing by the lake in the village of Redcliffe. We go to the grave, guided by the marker on the map and put flowers. Then we return back to the Widower and turn in the quest.

The Ballad of Lord Sherstley

We talk with One-Eyed Jimmy in the village of Redcliffe. He will ask you to return his unique ram. We go to the marked area on the map and look for a brightly colored red and yellow ram. There are two options for the development of events here. First: we run up to the ram and run after it a little. Lord Sherstley will then agree to return. We go to One-Eyed Jimmy and complete the quest by talking with him. Second option: kill the sheep. Then he will turn into... you will see for yourself who. We kill him again and tell Jimmy everything.

Big trouble

The quest starts when you find the key in the mercenary fortress (Velikolesskaya estate) on the balcony on the top floor. Then we go to the secret shelter of the charter near Lake Superior, the entrance to which is covered by a waterfall and located on a small hill. We unlock the door using the found key and get inside. Having passed through the bridge, we go up the steps and go right to the very end. There will be a staircase down there. Having gone down, we kill all the enemies, and then open the door next to the stairs we just went down. There we kill everyone again, including the bandit leader. This will complete the quest.

Valammar Vault

The quest starts after you pick up the mechanism (looks like a large gear) lying on the table in the room where the bandit leader was located for the “Big Trouble” quest. The other part of the mechanism is on the other edge of the abyss. We leave the room and go straight across the bridge and then into the locked room on the right. In order to open the door to the room, there must be a robber in the squad. Then we return again to the room where the bandit leader was in the “Big Trouble” quest. We install the gears in the illuminated places on both sides of the door. We open the door. To do this, hold down [RMB] on the lever and hold it until the hero lets go. Then we do the same with the second lever. Once the door opens, the task will be completed. Inside we kill the enemies and take the loot.

Business relationship

The trigger for starting the quest will be a letter found on the templar’s ​​body (it lies near the hut northwest of the camp near Sunset, where the battle for the quest “Blood Brothers” is still taking place). After this, we go to the village of Redcliffe and find Tanner dressed in church robes (standing next to the church). We talk with her and choose what will happen to her next. Can be recruited as an agent.

Relationships: Hinterlands

First you need to get into the cave of old Simeon, which is located west of the camp in the forest in the southwest of the Inner Lands. There is also a gap in it. Passing in the opposite direction its entrance is the end, you will see an exclamation mark appear on the map. Having walked towards him through a narrow gap in the mountain, you find a letter on the hunter’s body that needs to be put in the mailbox. Its location will be marked on the map. Once you do this, the quest will end.

Letter from my beloved

There is a camp in the lowland to the northwest. There is a letter in it on the table (highlighted by an exclamation mark on the map). After reading it, we learn that we need to take a certain felandaris to the tree next to the stone lady. Felandaris is a plant that is not native to the Hinterland, but can be found in Emprise du Lyon. The place of the altar where the plant should be taken is marked on the map. After placing the felandaris in front of the statue, a ghost will appear that must be killed, and the quest will end.

At the mercy of the elements

The task is taken from recruit Vitla, standing west of the intersection. To complete it, you need to search 5 areas marked on the map. There are boxes, barrels, bags, etc. in the right places. Between them the place for installing the banner of the Inquisition is illuminated. After we mark the location of all the caches, we return to recruit Vitl and hand in the task.

Dreams about stone

The quest is activated after we read “A Letter Found in an Abandoned House.” This house is located north of the Crossroads in the Redcliffe Road area. From the letter we learn that its author decided to hide in a cave somewhere in the hills. Focusing on the marker on the map, we go to the Dwarf Pass area in search of a cave. (Completing this task can be combined with three other quests: “Not up to the veins”, “At the mercy of the elements”, “In red”). Having found the cave, we discover a magical barrier blocking the entrance to it. With the help of a magician and a staff (fire), we destroy the barrier. We go inside and encounter a not very friendly apostate and his assistants. After their destruction, the quest will be completed.