Optimizing the page for the request. How to effectively optimize one page for several keywords. Results: Is my approach to page optimization still working?

Optimizing a website for search queries is the basis for successful promotion. Selecting keywords and filling the resource with them is an obligatory part of SEO work. Placing promoted phrases on the page allows you to make it clear to the search engine that the information in this section is relevant to relevant user queries.

Stages of optimization for queries

  • Working with internal factors. This is improving the resource itself, filling its pages with unique content containing keywords, writing meta tags and much more. Most of the work to optimize a website for queries is carried out at this stage.
  • Working with external factors. It involves building up a high-quality link mass. Working with requests for at this stage comes down to the correct inclusion of such phrases in anchors (texts of the active part of the link structure).

What can be optimized for requests on the site?

Page URL

You can include promoted queries in the page link title. In this case, so-called CNCs are created - human-readable URLs. They contribute not only to promotion, but also to increased usability: the visitor can determine its approximate content by the page address. You can enter the URL manually, but when working with a multi-page site it will take a lot of time. In this case, it is convenient to use automatic address setting. Thus, the URL can be formed based on the content of the h1 header.

Meta tags

Optimizing a site for search queries involves adding keywords to the main meta tags.

  • Title. This is the page title that is displayed in the browser and on the search results page (above the snippet). The maximum meta tag length is 70 characters including spaces. Due to limited space, the title includes one key phrase.
  • Description. This meta tag succinctly describes the content of the page. Google uses this short text as a snippet without modification. Yandex has a different principle for forming a block of information in search results, but the snippet will still be partially based on the content of the description. When optimizing your site for queries, you can add 1-2 keywords with non-overlapping words to this meta tag. The page description must fit into 170 characters.

When creating meta tags, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • include promoted queries in the title and description of each page;
  • avoid repeating the same keys;
  • do not include words in meta tags that do not relate to the content of the page;
  • enter keywords into a meaningful phrase - a simple listing of queries is not allowed;
  • write according to the rules of the Russian language, without mistakes.

Heading h1

When optimizing your site for search queries, you need to include relevant keywords in the main page title. At the same time, the text in h1 should not completely duplicate the title. There can only be one main heading per page. Usually the highest frequency query is included in it, and an occurrence in a natural word form (morphology) can be used.

Subheadings h2–h6

These tags are intended to structure the content and simplify navigation on the page. When optimizing a site for queries, key phrases are also included in the subheadings. It is advisable that they are not duplicated with those used in h1. Repeating the same keys may be considered spam. Subheadings do not have to include promoted queries. The main thing is that h2–h6 reflect the essence of the information that will be disclosed in the block below.

Text content

It is necessary to fill the site with informative texts containing keywords. Moreover, it is not the number of queries used that is important, but the quality and usefulness of the content. When creating texts for promoted pages, you should follow the following rules:

  • add only those keys that relate to the topic of the page;
  • avoid spam (no more than 2-3 phrases per 2000 characters);
  • for commercial pages, try to include the words “sale”, “buy”, “price”, etc. in the text;
  • use subheadings, lists, tables, i.e. make the content easy to read;
  • use keywords only in forms that are natural for the Russian language; you can include occurrences diluted with other words if required by the logic of constructing the phrase;
  • add LSI phrases to the text (words from the keyword environment or its synonyms, often used in this topic);
  • Highlighting promoted queries with the strong tag is optional: this does not affect the ranking of the page.

Alt attribute for images

To make the site as informative as possible, it is advisable to add images: product photos, infographics, etc. This content can also appear in the search results when searching for images. For all images that complement the overall content of the page, you must include an alt tag. The phrase should reflect the essence of the photograph or picture. You can include keywords in alt, but only as part of a meaningful sentence. It is undesirable to use commercial queries in the meta tag text (with the exception of a scan or photograph of a price list).

Working with external factors: keys in the anchor list

Anchor links are necessarily taken into account by the search engine when ranking pages. A correctly compiled anchor list increases the chances of reaching the top search results. Exact and diluted keywords, as well as non-promoted phrases (“here”, “on this page”, “here”) can be used in the link text. The options should be as diverse as possible to make the link mass natural. Links can also come from images. The percentage of anchor types will depend on the page being promoted, key phrases and other factors. Natural anchors should be at least 10%.

As a novice SEO specialist, you have probably heard a lot of advice and judgments more than once on the topic that it is not recommended to optimize one page for more than three keywords. to you at initial stage all keywords should be equally important, because you still have to figure out all the nuances of SEO. If you are an experienced optimizer, I think you will undoubtedly want to learn how to use all SEO tools online. The article itself provides an opportunity to understand the optimization process using several keywords.

The main criteria for ranking sites have been and remain search authority and relevance. Relevance is determined by the content's relevance to the search query, and authority is what keeps your site at the top of the SRRP. Relevance is the sorting of sites' results when composing a search query using keywords. All search engines operate according to an algorithm, providing options for a search query. In order for your page to be in a leading position when issuing search queries, you should optimize the page. One of the simplest and effective ways optimization is the ability to create your own optimization dictionary of terms, phrases from which will become more relevant in the search query. Rewrite the text using optimized phrases and achieve the desired effect.

How to correctly place keywords on a page.

Of course, the easiest way to achieve an increase in traffic to your site is through , but this is not always possible, so sometimes you have to optimize a page for several requests.

First, you need to decide on three priority keywords from which you will later create phrases. Remember that long phrases should be assigned to the low priority list. The shorter the phrase, the more relevant it is.
Determine whether it is possible to write a short, easy-to-read article according to the words you have chosen; if so, feel free to include your phrases in the list with medium priority. When dealing with the complexity of keywords and phrases, it is important to remember that working with a low and medium priority list much easier than with high-priority words and phrases.

In order to correctly place keywords on a page, it is important to know several nuances. Place your main keywords at the beginning of the title. However, don't try to cram all three keywords into your title tag, as that will be difficult and won't meet your expectations. No matter what the sentence in the title tag looks like, the search engine will only show an excerpt with the keyword in the SERP.

Remember that clear headings are perceived better than a bunch of incoherent words, so in the h1 tag, try to play with and complement the keywords, because this heading has a special meaning.

Try to write your own paragraph of text for each key phrase. Don't be afraid to use everything available methods optimization copywriting. If possible, add low-priority words to the text, and rewrite sentences that, in your opinion, sound clumsy, thereby making your text more readable. The title enclosed in the h2 tag is also of no small importance, because this tag itself not only carries considerable search weight, but also gives you the opportunity to enclose your entire article in it using medium-priority keywords.

The highest skill of an optimization copywriter is the ability to write clear, readable text that will encourage the reader to take action and at the same time ensure that this text is optimized for a specific keyword. Learn to write not ordinary content, but interesting and informative articles filled with keywords.

But search engine promotion is not a panacea and not the only direction for promotion on the Internet. There are sites that are promoted by organizing various promotions and competitions. You can also post information about your site on special sites (like the Groupon site) where information about all the discounts and sales that exist in your country is collected.

Since now there is competition in almost all areas of the Internet, you need to use all available technologies for promotion.

The article was “created for people” (according to the precepts of Yandex)). But it’s too early to post it on the site. In order for the same Yandex to come, see, win and show users, the article needs to be optimized. This is what we will do.

Step 1. Select relevant key queries

We want the article to bring targeted search traffic to the site. To do this, it must get into the top 10 search engines for queries that can lead to this traffic. Moreover, when moving from a search to an article, the user should be satisfied with the information received.

This means that we need to optimize the article for queries that:

  1. They are in demand (they are looked for in searches).
  2. Relevant to the content of the article.

Using the logic and the Yandex.Wordstat service (see instructions for Wordstat), we get the following options:

Query statistics were looked at only by promotion region (Moscow and region). In the Russian Federation, the frequency will be higher, but users from Novosibirsk, for example, are not interesting to us, so we do not count them (and all others):

We look at the statistics both with the operator “” (quotes) and without it. In the first case, the frequency of the exact request is shown - how many times the phrase “custom sofa” was searched and not a word more. In the second case, the overall query frequency is shown - how many times phrases that included the phrase were searched custom sofa. These could be the phrases “custom-made sofa Moscow”, “custom-made sofas inexpensively”, “sewing custom-made sofas”, etc.

Why do we need 2 statistics values ​​(with and without the “” operator)? If we correctly optimize the article for the request “custom sofa,” then there is a high probability that by typing this phrase into the search, the user will see our article, because it will be completely relevant to the request. But, if he types the phrase “tailoring sofas to order,” then sites that contain this exact phrase will be shown first. Our article, in which there is no such combination at all, may or may not get into the TOP - it depends on the level of competition. Thus, we look at how many impressions we are “guaranteed” and how many are potentially possible. In the case of “custom sofa,” when optimizing the article for this request, we set a goal to receive a minimum of 449 impressions per month, a maximum of 3,464.

Based on this, we rank the key queries in our table from the most interesting to the least interesting:

It makes sense to optimize each page for 3, maximum 4 keys. Therefore, for optimization, we select the first 4. We also keep the remaining 5 in mind. If possible, we will weave them into the text.

And that's not all =). To avoid wasting time, make sure that the selected queries are not in the TOP. After all, if your site is already shown for the query “kitchen sofa,” then why all this dancing with optimization?

If there are few requests, you can simply enter each one into the search and see what position your site ranks. Just remember to turn off personalized results, otherwise you will see something completely different from your potential client. Instructions - how to disable personalization.

I preferred to use one of the position checking services (full selection). The breakdown of positions, of course, is made by region of promotion:

One of the keywords we are interested in, “custom sofa,” is in the top of Google. There is already a landing page on the site for this request. Let's not create confusion and exclude this key from our list. We simply recommend that the site owner carry out additional optimization of this page in order to bring it to the TOP of Yandex, and not just Google.

For other keys, the site is neither in the Yandex top 100 nor in the Google top 100. Let's try to get there =). Moreover, there are no pages on the site that conflict with our article.

So, the approved list of keys for an article looks like this:

The hardest part is over. They identified the keys and did it consciously, understanding why and why. All that’s left to do is optimize the article.

Step 2. Optimize tags

We write the title tag

I won’t go deep into the theory. You will find details and secrets in the book. In short, the title tag should look like this:

  • The basic information of the tag is contained in 70-75 characters with spaces.
  • The title begins with an important key query (preferably an exact entry).
  • There is no keyword spamming, just 1-3 queries are enough, for which the page is optimized.
  • The title should reflect the content of the page.
  • Minimum stop words: conjunctions, prepositions, interjections and particles. But if their absence violates the logic and norms of speech, it is still better to include them in the tag text.
  • There are no special characters (= ()/ \ | + _) and punctuation marks (- . ! ?).
  • There is no company name because it is not a meaningful keyword. But if you have a well-known brand, then you can indicate it. Also, you should not write such useless words as “Home page”.
  • Compose the title tag for people according to all the rules of the Russian language; the title should be catchy and attractive.

The title of the article that we came up with for users in the first part of the manual is: “ " It seems to meet the requirements. But let's leave it for h1 and discuss it a little later.

The following might work as a title tag for our article:

  1. Sofa for the kitchen: solving the problem of lack of sleeping places.
  2. The ideal sofa for the kitchen: 19 ideas for organizing a sleeping area.
  3. Sleeping place in the kitchen, or how to choose a sofa.

If you remember, we selected these headings while writing the article (part 1). In general, all options meet the above requirements. But, looking at the table with the keys, we decided to combine the first two and replace the keys. Like this: Kitchen sofa: 19 brilliant ideas for organizing sleeping space in the kitchen.

Shall we check?

  • Number of characters: 71 (+)
  • The keyword is present, and at the very beginning (+)
  • There is 1 more key phrase at the end " sleeping place in the kitchen» (+)
  • The title is not spammy, the keys are repeated only once (+)
  • There are no special characters (+)
  • The title is compiled according to the rules of the Russian language, reflects the essence of the page, attracts attention (+)

So, the title tag for the article: Kitchen sofa: 19 brilliant organization ideas sleeping place in the kitchen .

Add a description meta tag

The requirements for the description tag are something like this:

  • The tag length should not exceed 150-200 characters including spaces.
  • The tag must describe the content of a specific resource page.
  • Provide the most important information by placing keywords at the beginning of the tag.
  • Description should not repeat title.
  • Must be written for people.

19 ways to organize a sleeping area in the kitchen: photos of 10 ready-made kitchen sofas and 9 individual interiors. Find out in the article what requirements to present and how to choose a sofa for the kitchen.

Seems not bad. But it's better to shorten it, it's a little hard to read. What if so:

19 ways to organize sleeping place in the kitchen: 10 ready kitchen sofas and 9 individual interiors. We'll tell you what to look for when choosing sofa in the kitchen.

We check:

  • Length 162 characters (+)
  • Contains short description articles (+)
  • There are 3 keys from our list (+)
  • No match with title (+)
  • Clear and easy to understand when reading (+)

Great, description is ready. Let's move on to headings and subheadings.

We place tags h1-h6

These tags show the search robot that the text contained in them is a heading or subheading, and reflect the structure of the entire text. The robot takes this into account when determining the relevance of the page to the user's request.

We wrote in detail about h1-h6 tags in the article. The basic requirements for headings are:

  • Use the keywords you want to promote your article in your headings and subheadings.
  • Heading

    must not match tag , but may contain the same keyword (if these headings match, then Yandex can display the page as quick links in snippets; in the case of our blog article, this is not necessary).</li> </ul><p>We have already developed the main heading “for people” earlier. Here he is: <i>Sleeping place in the kitchen: where to accommodate unexpected guests?</i> In the text structure, this is a tag <h1>.</p> <p>We have included the key in the main header <i>Sleeping place in the kitchen</i>, the same key is repeated in the title tag. Let's leave it like that.</p> <p>Now let's look at the level subheadings <h2>. The article is structured and divided into small semantic blocks. Each block has a logical subtitle, which we wrote intuitively, without the goal of optimizing the text, but to really reveal the structure of our article. And by itself it turned out that these subheadings already contain the keyword we need. True, there is only one thing everywhere:</p> <p><h2>What do we need from <b>sofa in the kitchen</b>?</h2></p> <p><h2>Method number 1. Ready <b>sofa for kitchen</b>(10 options)</h2></p> <p><h2>Method number 2. <b>Sofa for the kitchen</b> to order</h2></p> <p>To avoid overspam for this keyword and add weight to others, we slightly adjust one of the subheadings without losing meaning:</p> <p><h2>What do we need from <b>sofa in the kitchen</b>?</h2></p> <p><h2>Method number 1. Ready <b>sofa for kitchen</b>(10 options)</h2></p> <p><h2>Method number 2. <b>Kitchen sofa to order</b></h2></p> <p>Ready! The article is short, so the headings are lower <h2>are not appropriate here. There’s no point in inserting them just “to be there.”</p> <h3>Tags <strong>, <b>, <em>, <i></h3> <p>The epic with tags is not over yet =). For SEO benefits, you can use tags in texts <b><strong> </b>, <b>, <i><em> </i>, <i><i> </i>. The first two highlight the text <b>bold</b>, the second two - <i>italics</i>. The text enclosed in these tags attracts special attention from robots, so optimizers often highlight keys with these tags.</p> <ul><li>Do not overuse tags, maximum 3-5 times per 2000 character text. Any longer looks ugly and smells like spam.</li> <li>Do not nest similar tags inside each other. Option <i><strong><b>key</b></strong> </i>- spam, don't do that.</li> <li>We also do not recommend including these tags in subheadings. <h1>-<h6>.</li> <li>If, when formatting text, you want to highlight some non-keyword in bold, then it is better to use CSS style <b>font-weight:bold</b>, but not the specified tags.</li> </ul><p>Now let's get back to our article. To be honest, there is no need to highlight any fragments of text. In the original version “for people” we did not plan this. But to show how this is done, let's add a couple of tags <b><strong> </b>:</p> <h2>Step 3. Optimize the text</h2> <p>Optimizing the body of the text involves including the necessary phrases in the text itself. To understand whether we should still add keys to the text or not, we must first check the current nausea of ​​the resulting option.</p> <p>For those who are in the know and are now preparing to be indignant, I will immediately make a reservation - yes, nausea is not the most important indicator; yes, it can be higher than the recommended 10%. But now we're trying to create <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/bending-and-cutting/mozhet-li-on-izmenitsya-menyayutsya-li-muzhchiny-kak-peredelat-lyubimogo.html">perfect article</a> and use all known SEO recommendations.</p> <p>As can be seen from the screenshot, nausea is exacerbated by the frequent use of the words “sofa” and “kitchen”. Which is logical - that’s what the article is about =). But so that search robots do not consider us spammers and filter out the article, we will reduce the number of occurrences of these words. By the way, it’s not difficult: in the “Ready-made sofas” section, for each model we have a postscript with the link “ <i>More about the sofa</i>" Shortened it to " <i>More details</i>" Plus a little more editing and this is what we got:</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/1ps.ru/files/blog/2016/how_optim_4.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Academic nausea became 10.3%. It's not so scary anymore. I don’t see any point in cleaning out the keys anymore; they fit harmoniously into the text and replacing them with synonyms looks ridiculous. Once again we will check the nausea of ​​the page with the article after posting it on the site, and if there is a strong spam, we will correct it on the spot.</p> <h2>Step 4. Optimize the images</h2> <p>Pictures are also content that can be optimized. Our article contains images. It's worth taking advantage of this. We wrote about image optimization. What do we need to do? Add an alt tag attribute to each image in the article. <img>.</p> <ul><li>Use the key phrases you are promoting in the alt attribute. Let these be refined mid and low frequency requests.</li> <li>Avoid spam; do not enter keys separated by commas.</li> <li>When composing your text, describe the picture as you would describe it to a human, not a robot.</li> </ul><p>There are a total of 19 images in the article, alt attributes for each are described. We used the keys from the previously accepted table, but added tails to them:</p> <ol><li>Kitchen sofa "Giovanni".</li> <li>Sofa bench for the kitchen.</li> <li>Amelie kitchen sofa.</li> <li>Kitchen sofa Suite.</li> <li>Modular sofa Julia.</li> <li>Corner sofa for the kitchen.</li> <li>Kitchen sofa Olaf.</li> <li>Cluny kitchen sofa.</li> <li>Corner sofa for the kitchen Barbados.</li> <li>Modular sofa for the kitchen Super Roy.</li> <li>Kitchen sofa according to an individual project.</li> <li>Non-standard sofa.</li> <li>Classic kitchen with sleeping area.</li> <li>Sofa for a small kitchen.</li> <li>Red kitchen sofa.</li> <li>Corner sofa for the kitchen.</li> <li>Non-standard sofa.</li> <li>Soft kitchen corner.</li> <li>Sleeping place in the kitchen.</li> </ol><p>This concludes the internal optimization of the article. This is what we got in the end: About sofas - third edition</p> <p>It's time to submit your article for publication. We will also write about this in detail. So look forward to the continuation of the series and don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter"</p> <p>P.S. In general, experienced SEO copywriters write and optimize text in parallel. I deliberately divided this work into two stages in order to sort everything out and show “closer” how and what is being done. We hope you found the information useful.</p> <p>Over the past few years, the SEO industry has evolved from promises of “getting your site on the first page of Google” to integrated internet marketing, where the main goal is to grow your business and increase sales. Now at conferences or over a cup of coffee, SEOs talk not only about how to increase rankings and traffic, but also how to increase conversions and get visitors to place that magical “order.” Optimization plays one of the key roles in this process. <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/varieties/luchshie-landing-page-ekspertnaya-vyborka-trendy-dizaina-lendingov-zhiloi-kompleks.html">Landing Page</a>.</p> <p>In the days of “ancient” SEO, Landing Page optimization came down to writing meta tags and placing keywords in the text (the word “saturation”, so familiar from SEO childhood). Google, taking these factors into account, determined the relevance of the page to the user's request. You may have noticed that the last sentence is written in the past tense. This approach to landing page optimization is already outdated and does not take into account new realities and ranking algorithms. Here are some answers to the question of what has changed since these very “ancient times”:</p> <ul><p>Google uses more complex algorithms to determine the relevance of a page, such as Topic Modeling Algorithms, semantic analysis, which allow the robot to “understand” what the material is about. In addition, the main task of the new Hummingbird algorithm is to analyze texts and, accordingly, improve search results.</p> <p>Behavioral factors become more significant in the ranking algorithm, and the presence of texts mindlessly filled with keywords certainly affects the bounce rate, time spent on the site, etc.</p> </ul><p>Let's talk about the structure and optimization of the Landing page more comprehensively, taking into account the points stated above.</p> <h3>Indexing</h3> <p>And although the search robots that are used for indexing have become more sophisticated and have more capabilities for analyzing the structure of the site, the optimal solution remains to do everything to simplify this process. Here are some tips:</p> <ul><p>do not allow the same page to exist, only under a different URL;</p> <p>use static URLs rather than URLs with get parameters (example: site.com/index.php?cat=10&product=25);</p> <p>make sure that all URLs are no more than 115 characters (not a rule, rather a recommendation);</p> <p>when migrating a page, use a 301 redirect rather than other types of 30[x] redirects;</p> <p>implement competent linking between website pages.</p> </ul><h3>Unique content value</h3> <p>In the world of SEO, you often hear the phrase “unique content,” but what does this phrase mean? Words arranged in an order that doesn't appear anywhere else on the internet? However, you need to approach filling the page from the user’s point of view, determining the value of the content for him.</p> <p>For example, if you have a page dedicated to laser hair removal, then having on it not only a description of the procedure, but also photos and videos is even more than desirable. The search robot understands this very well. <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/repair-and-maintenance/ne-mogu-zabyt-pervuyu-zhenu-kak-zhit-dalshe-posle-izmeny-zheny.html">Good advice</a>— stop measuring the “number of characters” of “keyword occurrences” with templates, and strive to answer the user’s request with the most relevant and useful information.</p> <h3>Usability</h3> <p><b>5. Alt attribute of images.</b> Availability <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/water/chertezhi-po-chercheniyu-kak-sdelat-chertezh-poshagovaya-instrukciya-sovety-i.html">high-quality images</a> on the page not only increases its value for the user, but also affects the ranking. Photos can appear in image searches and, as a result, bring additional traffic. For a search engine, title images, file name, alt attribute and wrapping text play an important role. You should also remember that if a picture is used as a link, the alt attribute is perceived by the search engine as an anchor.</p> <p><b>6. Level of nesting.</b> An important page should be accessible in no more than three clicks from any other page on the site. Another interesting nuance is external links. Many SEOs previously believed that when using them, the weight of the page was “overflowed” and minimized the number of such links. I believe that links to trusted resources not only reduce page weight, but also serve as a positive factor in ranking. And this is absolutely logical: recommending interesting material to a visitor on another resource should be rewarded, and not vice versa (if you have 50 external links from a page, then the question arises how natural and useful this number is).</p> <p><b>7. Description.</b> If Description is not directly used in the ranking algorithm, this does not mean that this element is not important. The main purpose of the Description is to interest the user, to make sure that he chooses the “correct” one from all the search results.</p> <p>The snippet shows that Google highlights the user’s request in Descriotion, which serves as another argument in favor of clicking. If there is no Description, the search engine selects the most relevant piece of text and displays it. Sometimes, even if there is a meta tag, Google gives preference to the text of the page. Some tips:</p> <ul><p>Description volume: no more than 180 characters.</p> <p>The description should contain key information - a kind of small advertising text.</p> <p>Use keywords that are important to you in the Description.</p> </ul><h3>Placement of social network buttons on the page</h3> <p>Content sharing in <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/fittings/vozmozhnosti-socialnyh-setei-zachem-nuzhny-socialnye-seti-chem-mogut.html">in social networks</a>, the number of likes, +1 are perceived by the search engine as a positive ranking factor. In addition, the social proof factor works here - social proof of the value of your content.</p> <ul><p>Place on your website only those social buttons that your target audience uses. “More” is not always “better”, and a list of 15 buttons only raises questions for designers and site owners, as well as reluctance to click;</p> <p>do not use Cyrillic URLs, which encode unreadable characters when copied/pasted;</p> </ul><h3>Adaptability for mobile devices</h3> <p>More and more users are searching for information on the Internet using mobile devices, even while at home with a laptop or computer at hand. Correct page display on all types of devices with different screen sizes has become not just an additional option, but a critical necessity. If your page is not adapted to <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/pipe-connection/outlook-dlya-android-polnyi-obzor-prilozheniya-nastroika-pochty-outlook-na-mobilnyh.html">mobile devices</a>, you are voluntarily giving up a huge audience of potential clients, and every day their number will only grow.</p> <h3>Implementation of authorship mechanism and structured data (Rich snippets)</h3> <p>The use of structured data does not directly affect the ranking of a site, but it does affect CTR, an increase in which is already regarded as one of the positive factors.</p> <p>Here are the main forms of structured data that can be used:</p> <ul><li>Authorship mechanism rel=author and rel=publisher for displaying a photo or brand logo in the snippet.</li> <p>Micro Data markup format for describing products, events, people, recipes, etc. Using this mechanism, Google determines what exactly is posted on the page and displays a snippet that is more useful to the user. To create structured markup, it is recommended to use the schema.org dictionary.</p> </ul><p>Taking into account modern Google ranking algorithms, Landing Page development is no longer limited to writing meta tags and saturating texts with keywords, but includes a number of actions related to marketing and usability. Modern SEO is not only about optimizing for search engine requirements, but also optimizing for user expectations.</p> <p>In this article, I described the main points that you need to pay attention to first. If you have questions, feedback or suggestions, please leave them in the comments.</p> <p>Correct <b>page optimization</b> per request - this is the main work on internal optimization, not counting linking and weight distribution across pages. Only an optimized page has a chance of getting to the top for a particular keyword. If the page is not optimized, then promoting it with external factors will be much more difficult.</p> <p>Pages need to be optimized in good lighting. LED screens and media facades are the most productive way to illuminate a room or outdoor area.</p> <p>So to get it right <b>optimize the page</b>, the following factors must be observed.</p> <h2>How to optimize an article:</h2> <p>1. Number of characters on the page.</p> <p>The characters must be 1000 or more. Ideally, of course, 3000 characters without spaces. This is the ideal page size when <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/cranes/poiskovaya-sistema-bez-cenzury-nigma-rf-intellektualnaya.html">search system</a> will be satisfied, and the user who comes to the site will have something to read about. Moreover, this size of the article reveals its essence without “water”. Also, there will be no problems with the article if the article is of an impressive size. We have decided on the size of the content on the page.</p> <p>2. Selection <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/valves/klyuchevye-frazy-roberta-kiiosaki-citaty-i-aforizmy-roberta-kiiosaki-rabota-ne.html">key phrase</a> to tag <strong></p> <p>Keywords need to be highlighted. On a page with a character size of 3 thousand, it will be enough to highlight the keyword 3-4 times. Moreover, it is necessary to highlight not only direct occurrence, but also word forms in various cases. Using this article as an example, i.e. query How to optimize a page, I should take keywords such as “Page Optimization” “Page Optimization for Query” and others. Those. don’t bother with direct exact entry, the machine will understand what you wanted to say.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/deadwork.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/optimozaziya-stranizy.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>3. H group tags.</p> <p>A very important factor when optimizing an article. H1 should contain the main request, which will be duplicated in the Title. Roughly speaking, H1 is the title of the article. In H2 it is necessary to place the second most important word, which will also generate traffic. Below, i.e. H3-H6 can not be used, they do not carry any special value.</p> <p>4. Linking. Link to articles with similar topics and meaning. A content link not only increases the weight of the page you are linking to, in addition you get clicks on it, the user stays on the site, thereby increasing your behavioral factor and remaining a regular visitor. The main thing is that the link is relevant to the topic and interesting to the user. Otherwise, it is better not to bet.</p> <p>5. Description and Keywords.</p> <p>After optimizing the page for the request, be sure to fill out the description and keywords fields. Description is important for ranking, and also affects the CTR of your site in the search results. Keywords are no longer a fundamental factor in ranking, and their effect is almost reduced to zero. But still, for the complete picture, fill it out too.</p> <p>These are the basic factors that determine the quality of on-page optimization. Taking them all into account, you can quite well optimize the page for the request and get traffic for it. The main thing is that the article reveals the essence, because... if the user leaves, the page will eventually crash anyway due to low behavioral factors. <br><span class="6tGu2rVHo0U"></span></p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class='yarpp-related'><div class="yarpp-related-title">Similar articles</div><div class="yarpp-thumbnails-horizontal"> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://cdodra.ru/en/polymer/ugolok-metodista-v-dou-oformlenie-osnashchenie-metodicheskogo-kabineta-trebovaniya.html' title='Methodological room equipment'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/2737b13d7f68da0c1952ad85d81bd780.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Methodological room equipment" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Methodological room equipment</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://cdodra.ru/en/repair-and-maintenance/moi-shchenok-moi-shchenok-kto-napisal-shchenok.html' title='My puppy Who wrote puppy'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/9d25f6ce7e50fc4b83609f75ac5cbd63.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="My puppy Who wrote puppy" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">My puppy Who wrote puppy</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://cdodra.ru/en/fittings/zanyatiya-v-dou-igra-chto-gde-kogda-konspekt-nod-podgotovitelnaya-gruppa-intellektualnaya-igra-chto.html' title='Abstract of GCD (preparatory group) Intellectual game “What?'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/f88d535cdc707ad68a523264618c4852.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Abstract of GCD (preparatory group) Intellectual game “What?" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">Abstract of GCD (preparatory group) Intellectual game “What?</span></a> <a class='yarpp-thumbnail' href='https://cdodra.ru/en/materials/chto-gde-kogda-dlya-podgotovitelnoi-gruppy-igra-chto-gde-kogda-v.html' title='What where when for the preparatory group'> <img width="120" height="120" src="/uploads/527dcca01909641ead0f1658e2d2e2e6.jpg" class="attachment-yarpp-thumbnail size-yarpp-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="What where when for the preparatory group" / loading=lazy loading=lazy><span class="yarpp-thumbnail-title">What where when for the preparatory group</span></a> </div></div> </div> <div class="sidebar"> <div class="categories-menu"> <ul> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/repair/" >Repair</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/service/" >Service</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/elements/" >Elements</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/plumbing/" >Plumbing</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/smoke/" >Smoke</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/insulation/" >Insulation</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/products/" >Products</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/connection/" >Compound</a></div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="title"> <div class="icon">   </div> <div class="name"> <a href="https://cdodra.ru/en/category/fittings/" >Fitting</a></div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="sidebar-ad2" style="text-align:center;"> </div> </div> </div><a href="#" class="back-to-top"><i class="back-to-top-icon"></i></a> <div id="footer"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="copyright"> <p>© 2023 cdodra.ru.</p> <p>Insulation of pipes. 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