The best landing pages: expert selection. Landing Design Trends Residential Complex “Park Flora”

Selling sites. What it is? Every second person will say: “Of course, these are landing pages!” They are one-pagers, they are landing pages, they are selling pages.

I will not convince you otherwise, because there is a great deal of truth in these words. Therefore, in this article we will analyze which landing pages can be called the best and why.

Once upon a time I started looking for the best selling sites, where to look at their examples, ratings and how to evaluate them in principle. After all, a one-page website was originally invented in order to increase company sales.

Lately, a lot has changed. The ones that were relevant before are gone, websites began to be made of higher quality, more beautiful, with a lot of animation, pictures and various enticing features.

Criteria for evaluation

By what principle to evaluate? Which ones to take as a basis? How to rank the TOP 10 sites? Where can I get websites for the competition? All this makes it difficult to create a real and honest ranking of the best sites.

In addition, we do not know how many sales companies make through such sites. You can’t call them and ask: “What is yours?” or “How many applications do you receive from?”

I am sure no one will answer such a question, since either no one believes or will say that this is confidential information.

Yeah, we're daydreaming!

So I made it simpler. I started searching and viewing ratings and selections of the best landing pages. And guess what?

The rating, of course, is subjective, since we do not have indicators for all pages, and we physically cannot study all Internet sites. We rely on our experience and those sites that we have encountered on the World Wide Web over the past 5 years.


TOP 10 one-page sites

Do not take the numbering as a distribution of prizes. Since all landing pages have different tasks, which means comparing them with each other is not only unprofessional, but also stupid. So just enjoy the works.

1. Residential complex “Park Flora”

The site is absolutely amazing. It’s immediately clear that a cool designer and a top marketer had a hand in it. You look and want to come and see everything for yourself.

Moreover, there is a complete absence on the site, there is no form to fill out, only a phone number. And this is correct in their case, although it may seem strange to many.

Residential complex “Park Flora”

The only negative we give to the layout designer is for poorly optimized animation and .

The site takes a long time to load, and this can greatly affect the bounce rate. People don't like to wait and will leave faster than they see the offer.

2. Workshop “Dinero”

This is not a website, but a whole film about one “character” - a wooden wallet. If it had cost 1,000-2,000 rubles, then the site would have failed, since there are no obvious ones: offer, description, capture form, etc. But in the Luxury segment, everything works differently, and this one-pager is proof of that.

The main disadvantage of this site is the attempt, as they say, to sit on two chairs, namely, to sell goods both retail and wholesale on one page.

You need to search for dealers on a separate website, since retail and wholesale buyers have different selection criteria, which means they need to show different images and benefits in a different sequence.

Workshop “Dinero”

3. Alfa-Bank vacancies

This red and white bank is our partner. We are the authors of their blog for the client club.

But their site is not here because of “family ties”, they really did good decision to find employees for your company. Moreover, they did it in a completely original way.

Alfa-Bank vacancies

The only thing worth telling them (and we will tell them) is that they should not take the client away from this site, and do all the interaction within it. Thus, a person will be more willing to leave a request due to the familiar arrangement of elements and a logical chain of actions.

4. Sports corset “Loni-corset”

This site was developed by us, and it’s somehow stupid to do a rating and not say that we think our sites are cool.

Moreover, all our sites are at their best, you can see this here -> . But since most of the audience of this page are men, we decided to show the site with girls :)

Sports corset “Loni-corset”

The site performed 4+. The only block that we were unable to add is social proof of the existence of the sending company.

The customer decided not to show this information. Therefore, we can safely say that the result could have been higher if buyers had seen the warehouse, team, office and others. But it is what it is.

5. Admission from SRO “Gralnik Licensing”

At first glance, this site should make you wonder why it is on the top list. There is nothing special about it: simple design, ordinary blocks, standard texts.

BUT! Believe me, when you are their target client, you will understand that this is a great site that is completely created for the client. And even a simple one is made so ordinary for a reason.

Admission from SRO “Gralnik Licensing”

Of course, they have room to grow. Their layout flows in some blocks, and, by the way, there are 15 of them. They also hyphenate words incorrectly, and the main elements are poorly highlighted.

But all these are trifles, because fundamentally everything is done correctly and written from the point of view.

6. Project “Big Drying”

Most women (their target audience) have heard about the “Mad Drying” project. Their launch ads are flooding the internet. And this is not surprising when millions are invested in traffic.

But without a good website, you won’t be able to get tens of millions in revenue, so their website is also included in our TOP.

Project “Big Drying”

It is clear that the creation was approached thoroughly, as the texts alone are worth. But they did make one big mistake - they didn’t add a call button at the very end. This greatly affects the outflow of visitors, since they do not see the logical closure of the entire story.


We ourselves use the Bitrix24 customer relationship system. But since our topic is not “,” the Megaplan system website exceeded all expectations.

Through him they conveyed all the main points of their system, after which you understand that this is the best thing for business.

CRM “MegaPlan”

Our wish for improvement is to add a video review of the system, since all direct competitors have it. And also make clearer calls, namely, replace the headings (not buttons) with “Start using for free” or something like that.

By the way! If you want to use it as your CRM system, then I advise you not to forget the promo code “Megastart”. This way you will receive a 10% discount on your first purchase and 14 days of free use.

8. Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

This landing page from the bank receives an award for its originality. This page is sent to your friends as a referral link.

To enhance the effect, we would add a few more blocks that put pressure on the logic. Nowadays the site is more focused on emotions, and in some cases this could be the right decision. But we still have a choice of bank, and emotions alone cannot do it.

Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

9. “Goodfit” gym equipment

An interesting transition of the site from black to white with blue. But besides the original design solution, this landing page uses a great game of headlines. Here they are not a lead to the block, but independent elements, after reading which you can already create a complete picture.

For a complete package, a video presentation from a person is not enough general director. Surely he is in excellent physical shape.

To all this it would be great to add numbers to the cases. That is, how much does the hall the client received cost? This is not critical, but simply desirable, because specificity adds persuasiveness and is simply convenient for visitors.

Equipment for gyms “Goodfit”

10. Shopping center “METROPOLIS”

This is by far the coolest shopping center landing page I've ever seen. The colors are beautifully chosen, the main meaning is conveyed, excellent usability - all this is immediately visible when you go to this landing page. So, click and explore.

But, I’ll put in my 2 cents anyway. I, of course, understand that people who are familiar with this center should get to this site. But besides them, it will be visited by those who see it for the first time.

Therefore, it was logical to make a small description (a few words about the company) so that the visitor would immediately know where he was and what awaits him there.

Shopping mall“METROPOLIS”

Why Only Runet sites

Yes, in my review I mainly focused on the best one-page RuNet sites, although there are many worthy options in the world.

Moreover, the most important thing (and also the most surprising thing) is that the landing page in the bourgeois internet uses not only small, but even large wear.

For example, one of the most famous taxi services in the world, Uber, took the following option as its main website - a multifunctional landing page or, as they also say, a multi-page landing page.

This is a site consisting of many landing pages. Almost a multi-page site, but still a landing page.

But I deliberately did not post their landing page here, because they are different. Let everyone say that we are repeating everything after the West, but in this case I think differently.

We Russians are different. We have a different type of thinking because we live in a different country. For example, an American has almost no fears in his head that the company will take the money and dissolve. Since they have everything protected for ten rows, it costs only one PayPal.

Here, in Russia, this fear is at the forefront. That’s why they have few blocks on their website that convince people to trust the company, while we have a ton of them.

I can give dozens more arguments that we will have different and better landing pages. Therefore, I apologize, but their options will not be here.

Better enjoy our Russian solutions, model our texts and blocks. And in foreign sites just take good ideas for design.

Briefly about the main thing

Now that you have looked at all the applicants, I do not urge you to blindly focus on them, but it is definitely worth looking at the best landing pages for example.

At a minimum, you can take an idea from someone for an interesting animation. Or, for example, one of the creators knows theirs perfectly and uses it throughout the entire landing page. In general, it’s worth studying, drawing conclusions and adopting.

And by the way, if you are looking for ideas for your first landing page, you can try to create it yourself. This way you will understand what you need and that it is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Use for this, for example, PlatformaLP , Tilda , Bloxy. And only then, we are waiting for you to visit us for joint development.

In this article we will look at 5 examples of the best landing pages taken from, recognized by world designers as the most popular website for web design, foreign customers for finding developers and the best for inspiration and drawing new ideas.

Below are the best landing pages that were selected directly by our web studio. We took the TOP works on the site and chose a landing page with the most effective selling structures, because it is the selling structure that is the main advantage of a landing page.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet the coolest and best selling landing pages of 2019-2020 according to the version of the popular site

Examples of the best landing page

To organize examples of the best landing pages, we decided to break them down into blocks specific to the sales page. We will look at the USP, description of the product, benefits and benefits, trust block and CTA using examples of selected landing pages. You will be able to see design and structure options, gaining valuable information and new ideas.

Unique selling proposition

The first example of the USP of the best landing page of 2020 is a company selling chairs.

The first thing that catches your eye is the photograph of the product. A stylish chair really attracts attention, which is fueled by a unique selling proposition. Please note that the USP in this case is non-standard; there are no facts about the company or the benefits of the purchase. But at the same time a powerful selling text and high quality image They do their job - they increase the visitor’s interest, which is the principle of the selling structure. It’s worth saying right away that the very same advantage of the product is placed on the second and third slides of the first screen.

Each slide contains photographs of the product from different angles and a description of it. A very powerful move that motivates the reader to scroll down the page. See more examples of landing pages and get new ideas for your project.

The next example of the best, in our opinion, landing page is the landing page of a company selling honey

Juicy, bright, interesting. Very cool first screen design. At the same time, the unique selling proposition reveals the main advantage - the environmental friendliness of the product. The USP is written in a soft form, but at the same time inspires confidence.

The following example of the best landing page

The first screen combines a USP that provides value to a potential client, as well as a short list of short benefits. A very interesting photo was taken of a product that subconsciously makes you want to place an order. Which, in general, is what an effective landing page offers on the first screen.

The first screen with the USP contains text that arouses interest, 3 advantages of the manufacturer, a CTA with a button and a video that allows you to find out more information about the company. The screen is decorated beautiful photo furnished interior, emphasizing the exclusivity of the product.

Another example of a cool landing page

One immediately notices the absolute unreadability of the text. Why the developers designed the text in white on a white background remains a mystery. But, we repeat, the best landing is the one that has a clearly developed selling structure, and this example of work is one of those. A stylish screen with a not very effective, barely visible USP. Unfortunately, the photograph of the company's services does not give an idea of ​​its activities - a big mistake by the developers.

Want to know more about USP? Read the article with recommendations for creating a USP on the Impulse Design website.

Product Description

In the first example, the visitor is given the opportunity to view product variations and select its type. The block is very convenient to use. All photographs from the catalog are placed in the form of sliders, there are buttons for choosing the color of the box and examples of finished works are given. The visitor visually understands what is being offered to him. If he decides to order a product, the “Order” button will help him with this.

The following example of a product description of the best selling landing page contains large and bright photos and categories.

In addition, for the convenience of the visitor, a lead generation button is provided. She “kills” two birds with one stone. The visitor receives the information he is interested in, and the company receives the client.

The selling structure of the landing page should include user friendliness. Convenience in everything: making a decision and its implementation, viewing the product. In the case of the following example of product descriptions, ease of use is revealed by 100%.

Firstly, the types of products are presented, and secondly, under each type there is a lead-generating button. When you hover the mouse over the chair, the photo changes and the product is presented in a different position, which helps the user understand the principle of operation of the product and its appearance.

The following sales landing page contains a complete catalog of products provided by the company. A separate plus is the beautiful design and colors that match the general theme of the site.

Conciseness - best friend landing page. And the following example of the best landing page confirms this.

Stylish and modest, on a white background, the emphasis is on the photo and a small description of the service with a lead-generating button. The remaining services are made in the form of active links, when clicked on, other photographs with descriptions corresponding to the services are opened.

Benefits and advantages of a one-page website

The benefits and advantages of the company for the client are an effective motivation. Typically, benefits are placed at the beginning of the site to spark user interest, and benefits are placed towards the end, pushing the visitor to the target action. Both blocks should contain valuable information, answer questions, and suppress the fears of a potential client. Let's look at examples of cool landing pages.


Both blocks reveal the values ​​of the company and a specific product. The reader understands where the product can be used and its quality characteristics. As an addition, the competitive advantages of the company itself are demonstrated.

The next landing page combines advantages and benefits. By reading and viewing the content, the user is convinced of the professionalism of the manufacturer, which suppresses his main fear - receiving a low-quality product. This trigger demonstrates the best example of a conversion landing page.

In the same block, a feature has been introduced that increases user confidence in the company - a video that will tell you more about the manufacturer.

The following landing page shows a similar combination of benefits and benefits.

In this case, fears are eliminated. The potential buyer knows that natural honey- a wild rarity. In the case of a one-page website, the naturalness of the product is confirmed with numbers. In addition, the user can obtain information about the product by clicking on a button and contacting company representatives.

Another block of advantages has a very stylish design and, in general, is quite interesting. The professionalism of the designer is visible, which definitely attracts attention.

It would seem that the advantages can be described in 4 words “Delivery throughout Russia,” but the graphics card adds uniqueness to the landing page. In addition, the map itself has a thematic focus, which makes the landing very cool.

The TOP of the best landing pages contains interesting and effective solutions. The next landing has a small block of advantages, which is located immediately below the block with the USP. The benefits block is designed separately and answers the client’s questions about cost, and also increases desire through discounts.

And another selling landing page that reveals the company’s advantages and benefits for the client. The company's operating principle, which suppresses existing fears, is described as advantages.

Increased desire thanks to a small block of benefits

At the same time, the company demonstrates the benefits for the client not only by using high-quality products during the procedure, but also by hinting that cosmetics are on sale. This is what the button with CTA testifies to.

Trust block on landing page

The trust block is not a mandatory requirement for a landing page, unlike, for example, a call-to-action block. However, it helps the user decide on the target action. After all, the landing page, based on its specifics, does not provide a large amount of informational text about the company. Therefore, it is better if the trust block is implemented in other ways. Let's see how the TOP landing pages dealt with this.

Option 1. Reviews

The review block on the website is very practical and convenient. A separate plus is the photos of real people: not models, not pictures of people, openly taken from the Internet.

Option 2. Video

Perhaps the video is one of the most effective ways influence a person. Video messages always increase trust due to direct contact with users who have already become clients and convey their emotions “live.”

Option 3. Photos

Very often, to increase trust, photographs of real specialists who work in the company are posted. In our case, we decided to post real photos of the interior. Looking at them, one gets the impression of elitism. And elite cannot be low-quality. Consequently, trust in the company increases.

For dessert. Call to Action (CTA)

The first landing page has a “juicy” CTA, designed in the same style as the website. The desire to place an order is enhanced by a discount.

The only negative is that the block is placed in the middle of the page. Ideally, there should have been another call at the very end; instead, small buttons were added that are not immediately obvious.

The following call to action contains not only a lead generation button, but also additional benefits for the client. A very thoughtful call.

Our review ends with another call to action, designed in rich colors that attract attention.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, the selling structure of the selling page is the main and mega-important tool for increasing website conversion. It is impossible to say which of the structures given in the best landing pages will be the most effective. Let's just say one thing: each structure must best meet the needs of the target audience and maximize the advantage of the company/product/service. Add to this a stylish and vibrant design, and you are sure to get stunning landing page conversions. Well, if you are not yet able to create your own selling one-page website, you can always order a landing page from us.

That's all! Like and subscribe to our blog so you don't miss the most interesting things.

With the purpose of saving you time and effort on the creation of a landing page, we have decided to share this compilation of 30 responsive landing page templates, which are ready to go, out of the box. Some of them were even enhanced with live drag-and-drop builders, which will make your web development much faster and worry-free.

Look through the list, maybe your perfect landing page design is included here?

1. Mobile Repair Service (Page builder included)

This fully responsive landing page template was built in a clean, flat style, which allows you to bring your content to the forefront. Bold colors and retina ready images make it easier to separate different content blocks from one another. Readable typography and bold headlines provide for better readability on the page.

Best suited for entertainment and holiday planning web pages, the template looks really impressive. An abundance of high-quality images create a festive atmosphere on the page. Neat icons and readable fonts make it easier for the web audience to scan your content and understand your objectives. It’s one of the most stylish landing page templates by TemplateMonster.

3. Education (Page builder included)

The header of this landing page template welcomes visitors with a simple sign-up form. The clean layout has been enhanced with the smart use of white space, providing for better readability of your content. Flat icons and clear pricing details guide the users through the basic education programs that you provide. The theme is fully integrated with social media, which frees you from the necessity of manual installation of third-party plugins.

4. Real Estate (Page builder included)

This landing page template is intended for effective presentation of your latest projects and new offerings on the web. A large hero area, integrated with blurred video background, serves as a great attention getter. Neat icons added on top have been enhanced with hover effect. Photo galleries, built-in contact form and Google map support are intended to provide the web audience with explicit information about your business.

5. Financial Advisor (Page builder included)

Financial, business and accounting projects can benefit from this professionally built landing page template. If you have loads of content that you would like to present in a logical and well-balanced way, then the clean and concise layout of this financial advisor landing page template is just what you need. Fully customizable, responsive and crossbrowser compatible, it will present your business in a most favorable way.

Special Offer (Expires on May 20, 2016)

Each of the aforementioned 5 landing page templates is available for $19, but the good news is that these five templates are included in one bundle, which you can download for as low as $39 by entering a coupon code LANDING.

Important: the coupon code will expire on May 20th, 2016.

By the way, each template in the bundle is pre-loaded with a drag-and-drop builder, which helps you tweak the layout without touching a line of code.

6.Car Repair

This fully adaptive landing page template has been pre-loaded with a number of smart customization options, which will help you get started in no time. HTML plus JS animation will help you create a truly remarkable web presentation. Parallax scrolling background and lazy load effect will not only enhance your page’s visual appeal, but also speed up its loading.


The functional yet effective look of this theme will fit hotels, travel, real estate, exterior and interior design web projects perfectly. Scrolljacking technique, which was integrated into this template, makes it both trendy and user-friendly. The users do not need to scroll up or down the page in search of desired content. Instead, they can reach any sought after data with just a click.

8.Construction Company

Non-standard layout of this theme and eye-catching color palette will appeal to every visitor. The theme's framework is highly adaptable and can adjust flawlessly to any screen size on which it is being viewed. Packed full with multiple customization options, the theme is also very versatile – you can pick it for any project that you have in mind.

9.Home Repairs

Maintenance service companies can create a professional business image on the web by means of this well-coded landing page template. Flat style makes the page easy to scan. While directing the main focus on content, the theme’s developers enhanced the layout with handy booking and contact forms.

10. Flooring

Creativity and style – this is how the template can be described in two words. In fact, the layout has been created in a way that will exude professionalism and a non-standard approach to your interior design company. Images and texts make up a perfect balance on the page, letting users enjoy your creative works while running through the easy-to-follow texts.


A sticky menu in the template’s left sidebar facilitates the page’s navigation to a great extent. Providing the users with a quick overview of all the key pieces of content that you share, it also allows your visitors to navigate to any desired information with a click. A built-in contact form has been added to the theme’s header, inviting every visitor to reach out to you for more details.

12. Corpexa

Professionally designed and built with clean, valid code, this business landing page template demonstrates usability across a variety of devices. Equipped with a usable admin panel, the theme also features a variety ofadvanced customization options, which will make it easy for you to adapt the template to your specific needs. Google web fonts, online chat and subscription form have also been added to the pack.

13. Medical

Easy-to-reach contact details and an integrated contact form, easy to scan content, user testimonials, and a list of programs – this landing page template features everything that you need to build trust and attract the web community. The vivid red color scheme is a great attention getter, which evokes curiosity and a thirst for new information.

14. 87 Landing Theme

Breathtaking animation makes this business landing page template more spectacular. Though the color scheme of the layout looks traditional for this type of web project, the parallax scrolling and hover effects that appear as you move your mouse on the page, simply cannot leave anyone indifferent. Enumerated content blocks provide for better page readability.

15. Dance Studio

This responsive one-page template will work well for representing dance, sport, adventure and travel projects on the web. Rich in visuals, it captivates the users with storytelling. The main navigation panel remains fixed to the top of the page, letting the users navigate to any content with a click. Thanks to the integration of lazy load effect, the users will enjoy the speed of your page’s loading on any device.

16. Psychologist

The calm and relaxing atmosphere on the page, that was achieved mainly through full-width video integration and pleasing-to-the-eye color scheme, makes it a perfect fit for medical and healthcare websites. Google map integration, as well as easy to reach contact details, make it very easy for the audience to reach you. Social sharing options provide them with a quick way of getting in touch with you through social media.

17. Steelworks

This landing page template is best suited for industrial websites. The clean and concise layout was enhanced with parallax scrolling backgrounds. Rhombic shapes and non-standard content positioning allow you to create a more eye-catching presentation of your company, its products and services. Readable fonts and large headings make the page more user-friendly.

18. IQ Business

Creative and innovative, the template is intended to present your business project with style. Running on a fully responsive framework, it will adjust all content to multiple screen resolutions flawlessly. Developed with valid HTML/CSS practices, the theme is also SEO-friendly, which guarantees you high page ranking in the search results.


The pixel-perfect design of this landing page template, with the integration of flat style elements, will work really well for presenting accounting, financial and business projects on the web. In addition to some quick information about the company, the header has been enhanced with a full-width video background. Making contact is easy to accomplish. To add a feeling of confidence to the presentation, the theme features user testimonials and a list of accepted payment methods.


If you are looking for a ready-made solution to present your software project effectively to the web community, then consider the following theme. Metro style enhances its visual appeal. Direct download links were put in the theme’s header, inviting every visitor to try it out on their own. Stunning animation and lazy load effect make the theme more user-friendly. Video integration and interactive photo gallery will help you introduce your offerings to the audience in a better way.

21. Travel Agency

The template was created specifically to present hot tours and beautiful destination points in a captivating way. An integrated booking form was placed in the theme’s header, inviting every visitor to make a quick reservation on the site. Stunning hover animation and parallax scrolling images will get the web audience immersed in the atmosphere of your agency.

22. Real Estate Agency

This fully featured landing page template will work well not only for real estate but also for design and hotel businesses. A photo heavy layout is best suited for presenting this type of content in the most favorable light. Advanced animation, parallax scrolling effect, image hovers and lazy load effect have all been integrated into the package. If you wish to tweak the layout, this can be achieved easily from the theme’s dashboard.


Fashion studios and creative photographers can use this theme to present their talents to the online community in an outstanding way. A full-width video background in the header serves as a great attention getter. A contact form above it invites every visitor to approach you for details. Clean and minimalist layout with plenty of white space brings the users’ attention to your portfolio.

24.Car Dealer

Full-width photo backgrounds featuring the parallax scrolling effect let web users get into the atmosphere of your business once they land on your page. Scrolljacking effect adds a sense of interactive functionality to the layout. By clicking any of the items in the theme’s vertical carousel, the users will be taken to the various types of content in the blink of an eye.

25. Home Remodeling

This template is ideal for creating landing pages for construction and industrial companies. Clean and concise design adds more professionalism to their online presentation. Valid code and a fully responsive framework will make the page run flawlessly across a variety of devices.

26. Italian Restaurant

The key purpose of any food-related website is to stimulate the appetite of every user who reaches it. For landing pages, this factor is of tremendous importance as well. This Italian Restaurant template has been pre-loaded with mouthwatering dishes on the menu, which demonstrate your refined cuisine at its best. Following your restaurant’s menu, a quick reservation form and integrated Google map allow you to establish contact with your prospective clients.

The clean and professional style of this theme will help you create a trustworthy business presentation on the web. Spacious layout and a neutral color scheme provide for better readability of your content. Though the page is not rich in various types of content, it introduces the users to the key data that they need to know about you – a couple of words about your company story, services and contact details.

29. Cafe and Restaurant

The stylish and elegant design of this landing page template is intended for presenting singers, music bands and other creative professionals on the web. The layout is diverse in multiple types of content. Here you can share a playlist of your latest singles. The theme has plenty of space for sharing your upcoming tours’ schedule and even highlighting some of the top-selling branded clothes.

Final Words

These have been 30 of the coolest landing page template s that we recommend you consider using for creating a stunning presentation of your business on the web. Feel free to try how each of them looks and feels by checking out their live demos.

If you think that there are other cool landing page templates that are worthy of being mentioned in this list, feel free to share your thoughts below this post. Your feedback is highly appreciated!

The first impression is very important! Therefore, it is always necessary to be aware of trends and trends in the development of landing page web design.

The trend of posting full-screen videos and images has long been used in various areas of business. A video or large image better attracts the visitor’s attention, and most importantly, it allows you to convey the main idea of ​​the site faster.

If there is a video on the first screen of your landing page, then the visitor is unlikely to immediately press the “back” button in their browser. An example is the Walabot website

3D parallax

Parallax is one of the main trends in web design at the moment. It gives a sense of dimension when a visitor views your page. A giant like Sony has used this effect to surprise visitors while talking about their brand.

Navigation should always strive to be the most convenient for the visitor. However, there is nothing wrong with trying different ways of displaying scrolling.

No navigation menu

The menu, of course, makes navigation easier and more understandable for site visitors. It becomes easier for them to find what they are looking for. But removing the navigation menu or changing its appearance will force your guests to spend more time on your resource.

This will help them avoid being distracted by different navigation icons while concentrating on the theme of the site.

Extremely simplified design

This trend is here to stay. Ease of use is the key to success, right?

Although there are many other ways to attract attention as discussed above, keeping your design simple will ensure that your guests' attention is focused on.

Split screen

Often a site has different target audiences and The best way convey the idea - split the screen. A good example is Muck’s Rack’s landing page, which split the screen for marketers and bloggers.

Evidence of the company's reliability

Before making a decision, a person usually wants to find out the experience of interacting with the company of other people or organizations.

The only downside to this is that the last thing the company on whose website the person is on would want is for him to follow a link to another site.

Hamburger menu

More and more designers are using this type of menu to include as much information as possible on a cluttered landing page.

A large number of landing pages in RuNet are very monotonous, and it is always necessary to create something new and unusual.

Below we will look at the TOP 10 selling landing pages that are well composed and worth analyzing, and then applying the tricks to your selling landing pages.

There is a certain landing page structure that works. These can be either long landing pages or fit into 2 screens.

There is no consensus and there cannot be. In each case, it is necessary to proceed from the target audience on the site.

So, here are examples of 10 selling landing pages that you should definitely study:

I don’t have access to landing page statistics, so I can’t say how well they convert visitors into subscribers, and subscribers into buyers.

This is more of a company and the selling elements on the pages are well developed, so it’s worth conducting detailed analysis these selling landing page.

If you want to not only make a beautiful picture from your website, but also have it work, then I recommend studying it. It can produce more applications with a smaller budget. Be sure to study!

Examples of the best selling Landing Pages

1 Shopify

A very short landing page that offers to try a product for free for 14 days.

Title: short and succinct, consists of several words.

Advantages: presented in the form of 3 points, where there are numbers (this is very important because it attracts attention and gives specific data, without “water”)

Step-by-step application form: they don't show the form right away.

The first step is to fill out the email field:

The second step - they ask you to fill in 2 more fields with a password and the name of your online store:

Please pay attention to the filling order. They don’t show you all the fields at once, because this reduces the conversion, but gradually show you more fields, like in a quiz.

What else is there: at the end of the page there is another call to action:

2 Duolingo

Our next test subject is the language learning service Duolingo.

Title: A very short title, just like the previous example.

Step-by-step application form: the first one also has 2 buttons.

The first button allows you to immediately start studying (but soon we will see how they involve you in the process) and create an account, and the second to log in for those who have registered in the system.

And now the fun begins when you click on the “Start” button:

You get to the question where you need to choose a language.

This question is very natural and easy to answer when you have the intention of studying a foreign language.

Then you need to choose the goal of learning the language:

Depending on this, a training program will be built for you.

The next question is how much time per day you can devote to studying:

Another question where you need to answer whether you are a beginner or have already learned something:

They don’t show you a form where you need to answer 7-8 questions on one page, but gradually involve them in the process and show you the questions.

What is also important is that the questions are written in a logical order and there are no misunderstandings; they are very easy to answer.

Quiz quizzes on websites are used anywhere, it is only important to see them. Read also ours. So you will understand what it is and how to apply it to your business.

3 Airbnb

As you already understand, any information on the landing page can be presented in a very convenient step-by-step form.

But not only selling information, but also when you want to tell and show your product.

Many people still force you to read a lot of text on sales pages (and this is not in the form of storytelling).

With this example from Airbnb, you'll see how you can concisely show a person a lot of information and conduct a short training course.

This is one of the Airbnb services where you can give your guests more than just a tour (they call it an “Experience”).

To register for this program you need to click the “Get Started” button and you will be redirected to the very beginning:

And only then they offer to register and create your “Impression”:

The same information could be placed in the form of text, which is divided into points, but it is much easier and more interesting to study in a step-by-step format.

4 Black Negative

A distinctive feature of this site over all others is its non-standard scrolling. As you may have noticed, it is horizontal. Also, movement occurs by dragging content to the left. But what’s even more impressive is the number of effects in each block: , , as well as the vertical scrolling of the blocks. The video in the background is a little confusing, but still everything is done quite original and unusual.

5 Super Top Secret

Here I want to draw your attention not to the hover effects, but to the background. After the site has fully loaded, when you move the mouse cursor, streaks appear in the background, like water. Also, with a click, stains are created, and this effect makes an excellent impression. You won't see this on every site.


As you scroll, various icons and headings appear (draw) on the page. Without realizing it, you begin to look at the drawing process and wait for what will appear there at the end, thereby reading the text that was drawn. If you are interested in how this effect is created and you want to create the same effect on your website or landing page, then study these articles: and.



9 The Boat

If, when reading a book, it’s hard for you to imagine what’s happening there, then this site is for you :) Because here you can immediately read and see the plot, because what is written in text happens in the background. That is, as you scroll the page and read the text, the background of the site changes.

Interesting idea. Who knows, maybe in the near future such stories will begin to appear on a large scale. Of course, there are pros and cons to this approach, but there are no complaints about the fact that it was done creatively.

Bonus landing page

*An deiner Page

This is not exactly a selling landing page, but to inspire you a little and direct your thoughts towards creativity, this clip is a must-watch!

When you get to this site you need to hold down the spacebar to start.

There are 2 stories told here and you need to collect all the elements in order to find out the truth :) You are like a detective, where you need to not only see a beautiful picture, but also understand what is hidden behind it.

I won’t tell you anything more, go ahead and see for yourself. The idea is great, be sure to write down in the comments whether your assumptions matched at the beginning of watching and at the end.

And yes, to see different endings, you will have to watch this video several times 😉 .


You saw 9 sites that differ from those that we all see on the RuNet. They are created by a professional team of designers. Websites have many interactive elements that interact with the user and make him stay on the page even longer. I hope that with the help of these sites you will find inspiration for your projects.