How to get fat quickly: detailed menu, the best ways to gain weight. Quick weight gain: getting the desired shape Your daily diet should include

It has been clinically proven that for the full functioning of all human organs and systems it is necessary normal weight. It just so happens that obesity or overweight negatively affects human health. However, lack of body weight is fraught with much more dangers than its excess.

How to gain weight in a week? This is a very interesting and at the same time strange question, since many people have been trying to lose weight for years. overweight: for some, only 1-2 kg interfere, but for others this figure reaches all 10 kg. However, there is a group of people for whom the 2 kg set is worn exclusively positive character, and if you gain 10 kg, it means becoming more beautiful. After all, any woman or man doesn’t really want to have a bony body.

Lack of body weight is harmful for absolutely every person. On the one hand, a thin physique allows a girl to wear revealing outfits, adhere to a dietary diet and not waste time in the fitness center, but if you look at it from the other side, being underweight can trigger the occurrence of a huge number of gynecological diseases, including infertility. It’s even more difficult for a guy with a thin body - he’s considered a skinny and wimpy person. After all, almost any girl likes a toned and pumped up male body.

Therefore, today we will talk about how to quickly recover at home, without causing harm to your own body.

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It is important to remember that gaining weight quickly means harming your health. A rapid gain of missing kilograms can provoke the occurrence of diseases of the organs and systems of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system and other equally dangerous ailments.

And in order for the dietary system to help you gain weight quickly, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Increasing the number of calories consumed.
    To ensure that the calories consumed are not completely consumed by the body throughout the day, it is necessary to increase their volume. The energy value of the daily menu should be several times greater than energy consumption.
  2. The diet should be based on slow (complex) carbohydrates and protein products.
    Only such food will help you quickly gain the long-awaited 5, and maybe even 10 kg.
  3. Small and frequent meals.
    Ideally, the daily diet should consist of at least six main meals: 2 breakfasts, lunch, afternoon snack and 2 dinners. Thanks to this, the body will receive all the necessary substances, and the walls of the stomach will not stretch too much.
  4. As an additional stimulant for weight gain, you can use protein shakes, thanks to which you can very quickly gain, for example, 10 kg.
  5. Despite the fact that many people do not welcome physical activity while gaining weight, it is strictly forbidden to exclude it from your lifestyle.
    The only thing you should not do is aerobic exercise, since it is they that contribute to active weight loss. As for weight gain itself, it is recommended to switch to strength training, because thanks to them you can quickly burn fat tissue, building up instead muscle mass. As a result, you will get a voluminous and beautiful body.
  6. Healthy and deep sleep is the key to a healthy body.
    It has been proven that a person's weight increases during sleep. A full sleep can be considered when its duration is 6-8 hours a day.
  7. Less stress.
    We all know that nervous stress almost always affects our body weight. Therefore, try to avoid all kinds of stressful situations and emotional stress.

If you follow all these instructions, you can gain a lot of weight in a week. Yes, there is no talk of 10 kg, but 3-5 kg ​​are quite realistic numbers.

What should your diet consist of to gain weight?

As mentioned above, the basis of the daily diet should be slow carbohydrates and proteins, so the menu should be abundant the following food products:

  • meat and meat products;
  • bird;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • fermented milk products with increased calorie content;
  • bakery products and pastries;
  • rich first courses: borscht, soups, broths, okroshka, fish soup, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, etc.;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fruit and vegetable juices, berry fruit drinks, compotes, jelly;
  • cereal porridges and pasta made from durum wheat;
  • mushrooms;
  • fats of animal and vegetable origin;
  • weak teas, coffee, cocoa made with milk.

In order to increase your appetite, you can add all kinds of seasonings, sauces and spices to your dishes. Sometimes you can drink a glass of dry wine or beer (but don’t abuse alcohol). As for sweets, you are allowed to eat cakes, desserts, chocolate, honey, preserves, jams, etc. only in the morning.

The last meal should take place 2 hours before bedtime, otherwise it will only complicate the functioning of the digestive tract, which can lead to disruption of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sample diet for weight gain

In order to competently create a dietary nutrition system, you need to completely forget about all the advice of friends and abandon existing stereotypes.

There is no need to consume large amounts of food. Believing that eating a lot will help you gain weight, people unwittingly harm their own body: abundant food does not have time to be digested by our body, after which it begins to rot and ferment in the intestines, contributing to the development of many diseases.

Excessive consumption of too fatty foods will not help you gain weight, but will provoke the appearance of fatty tissue on the stomach, hips, sides and buttocks, which will not look very nice.

So, if you are ready to gain weight, then we offer to your attention a five-day menu, thanks to which you can gain 5-10 kg of additional weight at home.

The first day

  1. Breakfast No. 1 – fried eggs with vegetables, vegetable salad, toast with butter and a piece of cheese, a cup of tea.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 – a portion of homemade yogurt with the addition of fresh fruits and berries.
  3. Lunch – borscht cooked with beef, rice with vegetables, a piece of boiled fish and a cup of cocoa.
  4. Afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole with the addition of 10% cream and a cup of jelly.
  5. Dinner No. 1 – buckwheat with butter, chicken cutlet, vegetable salad and a cup of tea.
  6. Dinner No. 2 – a glass of fermented baked milk and a few gingerbread cookies.

Second day

  1. Breakfast No. 1 – a couple of boiled eggs, vegetable salad, a piece of boiled fish, a bun and a cup of tea
  2. Breakfast No. 2 – fruit salad and a glass of classic yogurt.
  3. Lunch – cereal soup cooked with beef (pork), chicken and vegetable stew, a couple of slices of bread and a glass of milk.
  4. Afternoon snack – semolina porridge with 10 grams of honey and butter, a cup of cocoa.
  5. Dinner No. 1 – mashed potatoes, chicken chop, vegetable salad, a couple of apples and a cup of jelly.
  6. Dinner No. 2 – a glass of kefir and biscuits.

Day three

  1. Breakfast #1 – oatmeal, a couple of meatballs, fresh vegetables and a cup of tea with milk.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 – a couple of baked apples.
  3. Lunch – soup with meatballs, rice with vegetables, chicken cutlet and a cup of jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack – cheesecakes with sour cream and a cup of compote.
  5. Dinner No. 1 – corn porridge with meat goulash, a couple of tomatoes, a bun and a glass of juice.
  6. Dinner No. 2 – a glass of warm milk.

Day four

  1. Breakfast No. 1 – wheat porridge, a couple of slices of ham, vegetable salad, a bun and a cup of tea.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 – cottage cheese with the addition of sour cream, dates and dried apricots, a cup of cocoa.
  3. Dinner - vegetable soup, cooked in chicken broth, boiled potatoes with butter, a couple of slices of boiled chicken fillet, one cucumber and a cup of jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack – homemade yogurt with nuts and fresh fruit.
  5. Dinner No. 1 – stewed cabbage with mushrooms, a few slices of cheese, a bun and a glass of juice.
  6. Dinner No. 2 – a glass of fermented baked milk and biscuits.

Day five

  1. Breakfast No. 1 – omelet with bacon and vegetables, toast with butter and cheese, a cup of tea.
  2. Breakfast No. 2 – vegetable cutlets with cream sauce and a glass of juice.
  3. Lunch – chicken noodle soup, boiled vegetables and chicken fillet, a cup of compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – pumpkin porridge cooked in milk with the addition of rice and a cup of jelly.
  5. Dinner No. 1 – buckwheat porridge, a piece of boiled fish, vegetable salad, a couple of gingerbread cookies and a cup of cocoa.
  6. Dinner No. 2 – a glass of kefir and a handful of biscuits.

Bon appetit and be healthy!

Not many people dream of increasing their weight. There are many more who are trying to get rid of it. However, being too thin is sometimes more ugly and unattractive than being too fat. Angular and bony guys and girls would give a lot for the opportunity to have a round dense body and not be known as herrings and scum. And, of course, they are concerned about the question, how to gain weight to get rid of ridicule and feelings of inferiority. Nutritionists believe that it is more difficult for thin people to increase body weight than for their counterparts to lose the same amount. In both cases, weight change occurs under the influence of two factors: nutrition and physical activity.

Thin and delicate people, as a rule, eat a lot, but do not gain weight. The absorbed food goes into them, like into a black hole - muscles do not grow, subcutaneous fat does not appear. You can eat it at McDonald's even every day - but you will gain the coveted kilograms. If all a person’s attempts to increase the size of his body have not been successful, it’s time to turn to.

Perhaps thinness is a consequence of the disease:

  • First of all, you need to check the functioning of the hormonal system, the function of the thyroid gland. With its hyperfunction, the metabolism becomes energy-consuming, the lion's share of which is spent by the body on internal problems. A situation arises: the more a person eats, the more energy is spent on digesting it. It will not be possible to gain weight quickly in such a situation.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases almost always cause increased thinness: these are worms, which get most of our diet; gastritis, colitis, in which food is poorly digested and absorbed.
  • Under stress and strong feelings, the body functions in a mode of increased readiness to deal with troubles. Maintaining such a state requires large energy expenditures; gaining additional body weight becomes an impossible problem.
  • Thinness in adolescence– a consequence of the rapid development of the body, when the increase in muscle mass lags behind the growth of bones and internal organs. The teenager does not get better, does not mature, and begins to complain about this.

The first rule for everyone who wants to increase weight is to establish the cause of negative changes in your figure, to find out what is preventing you from gaining (or losing) the notorious kilograms.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

The author wrote very correctly about diseases that can lead to excessive thinness. The cause of low body weight is very often helminthic infestations and gastrointestinal diseases, in which the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients is disrupted. As a result, the body does not receive vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This leads to weight loss.

I would also like to add that in old age, sudden weight loss can be caused by oncological pathology (cancer).

But even if you are young, be vigilant. Especially if you have always had normal body weight, and then you suddenly lose weight. Such weight loss may indicate serious health problems. Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

But if you have always been thin/thin, there is no need to panic and run to the hospital in horror. Most likely, you just have such a constitution. In this case, the tips given in this article will be very useful to you. And you can gain the treasured kilograms if you follow them. But before that, still consult a nutritionist. Advice from a professional will definitely not be superfluous.

Ways to increase body weight

For skinny people, absolutely healthy, who just want to gain weight and become more attractive, there are several useful tips, how to gain weight at home, without the help of doctors and medications.

These methods include:

  • balanced in terms of nutrition and nutrition aimed at gaining weight;
  • drugs and vitamin supplements for weight gain;
  • elements of high-calorie sports nutrition.

Proper nutrition

The basis of proper nutrition is healthy image life, when bad habits do not disrupt metabolism, and physical activity, on the contrary, speeds it up.

Practical advice: Breakfast is the main moment of nutrition; the body’s daily metabolism starts. Ectomorphs and asthenics (people prone to thinness) can eat sweet foods, high-calorie rolls, chocolates and candies for breakfast.

But the ideal breakfast menu for those who want to gain weight would be something like this:

  • Porridge – oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice.
  • Tea with honey or coffee with cream.
  • Sweet pastries.

After a couple of hours, you need to make a second breakfast: a snack of kefir or yogurt with a sandwich.

Lunch, as a rule, consists of 3 courses; basically, this is the time of predominantly consuming protein foods with side dishes of potatoes, vegetables or cereals.

Note. When gaining weight, it’s good to… fast. Yes Yes. Arrange a fasting mono-diet for one day several times a month (apple, cucumber, kefir or buckwheat). The diet will put stress on the body; it will begin to put aside reserves for a “rainy day” that will help round out the figure.

For dinner, even for thin people, sweets and high-calorie foods are prohibited. You can’t tease your body, which is preparing for rest, with carbohydrate foods. It instantly turns into unnecessary energy at night. For some people this energy becomes fat, for others it brings insomnia. In any case, the metabolism is upset. Eggs, cottage cheese, a glass of kefir are a worthy end to the daily diet.

What foods will help you gain weight?

Gaining weight requires more than just high-calorie foods. We must not forget about vitamins and minerals - without them, metabolism is impossible. Sweets and baked goods can deposit a couple of kilograms of fat on the stomach or waist, but sweet food will not create the sculpted muscle mass that all guys dream of.

To do this, you need protein foods and foods with slow carbohydrates:

  • Eggs - contain protein that is optimal for absorption, vitamins A, and folic acid.
  • Milk porridge is the best energy drink for the first half of the day.
  • Meat (chicken, turkey, beef) - supplies the body with amino acids for muscle growth. Meat is a source of iron and vitamin B12, without them hemoglobin in the blood decreases and anemia develops. A person loses energy, weight, melts before our eyes.
  • Pasta has a high carbohydrate content, their consumption is very useful for asthenics and ectomorphs, in whom energy quickly evaporates. Navy pasta is doubly useful: as a source of protein and energy.

Diet for weight gain

To get better in a short time, you need to have a properly composed diet, in which foods are balanced in energy value, vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements.

Sample menu for 1 day

How to gain weight for an ectomorphic man

Many guys and young men of asthenic build (tall, thin with long limbs, with poorly developed muscles) pin their hopes on bodybuilding. And they are absolutely right: strength training combined with proper nutrition can transform the puny figure of an ectomorph. Sculpted muscles appear on the arms, the muscles of the back and chest grow, and the coveted abs appear on the stomach. No one would call the owner of such a figure shabby.

Successful exercise in the gym should be supported by proper sports nutrition and regimen:

  • High calorie food; frequent appointments;
  • Regular consumption of proteins and gainers;
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially during training;
  • Sleep should occupy 1/3 of the daily time

The effect of brewer's yeast on weight gain

Brewer's yeast is a source of B vitamins, which together participate in various metabolic processes. By themselves, they have no calories, they do not contain proteins, fats, or carbohydrates.

Please note: Yeast promotes the fat burning process. In their presence, proteins are digested faster and absorbed into the blood, therefore, muscle tissue is built and weight is gained faster.

Brewer's yeast can be bought in different forms: tablets, powder, flakes, you can simply add it to food, mix it into protein shakes, or gainers. But you should not mix brewer's yeast and beer. Alcoholic beer will cause negative weight gain: beer belly and female obesity.

Types of protein

A dietary supplement made from protein – pure protein – should definitely be used by people who experience increased stress on the body, spend a lot of energy, do physical work – and at the same time want to gain weight or at least maintain the same. Combining protein with strength training is a way to gain muscle mass. Athletes use it daily, and those who want to improve their figure should definitely add this supplement to their diet. The best way to consume protein is in shakes. In this form, it is absorbed almost without loss, it is convenient to take in any situation. Can be purchased different types protein, but which one is better for a particular case, you will have to find out with a nutritionist.

There are the following types of sports cocktails:

  • Whey protein.
  • Casein.
  • Soy protein.
  • Protein from egg whites.
  • Protein isolates, etc.

The problem of a woman's weight during pregnancy

Typically, women do not have problems with weight gain during pregnancy. During this time, her body adapts to feeding the fetus, and her body weight normally increases by a couple of tens of kilograms. But if future mom does not gain weight well, the baby risks being born premature and weak. So, once pregnant, a woman simply must eat well to ensure a healthy and normal body for her child. The diet must contain all the necessary nutrients healthy eating, and if they are missing, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Nutrition rules for expectant mothers:

  • Complete food rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Sufficient oxygen supply - frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Introduction of infant formula into the diet.

During lactation

Sometimes, after giving birth to a child, a woman begins to rapidly lose weight. Health problems during pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, overexertion, fatigue and stress have an impact. First of all, you need to try to establish a diet and rest regime, attract relatives to help and care for the baby in order to be able to fully rest. The absence of menstruation, which provokes insufficient weight, should cause alarm.

To find out what the reason is, you will have to examine:

  • Check the stomach;
  • Get tested for intestinal pathologies;
  • Eliminate the influence of endocrine diseases.

Video about how to eat better to have a normal weight:

How to gain weight after childbirth

Firstly, you should not strive to change your figure super quickly. You need to get back into shape gradually, since sudden jumps and changes in diet and physical activity may lead to long-term metabolic failure. And then instead perfect figure you will get a bunch of intractable problems.

Important! Quickly increase muscle tissue physiologically impossible, so rapid weight gain will only lead to fat gain.

In the future, such experiments can trigger the mechanism of obesity, which is very difficult to rebuild. Therefore, the main rule for those who want to quickly gain weight is a balanced, moderate diet. Harmonious physical activity, patience and good mood. And the timing will be determined by the body itself, gradually restoring health and normal weight.

Girls who suffer from excessive thinness, in order to figure out how to gain weight without negative consequences for the body at home, need to study the principles and rules of weight gain.

Human body may gain weight by increasing the amount of food consumed, but sudden changes in body shape are usually not sustainable.

The key to healthy weight gain is choosing nutrient-dense foods. Consuming high-calorie foods such as soft drinks, candy, and chips is not a successful way to build muscle, strengthen bones, or repair tissue after surgery.

To gain weight wisely, you need the nutritional strength of all food groups:

Sleep for harmonious weight gain should be at least 7–8 hours, but also nap should not be forgotten either.

To get better in a short period of time, you need to follow the right diet and change your lifestyle.

How to adjust your lifestyle

Emotional condition. Weight loss in thin girls directly depends on their psycho-emotional state. Constant stress and bad mood do not contribute to weight gain. For weight gain to be permanent, you need more positive emotions. Against the background of a positive emotional state, the body will rebuild itself much faster and begin to gain physical mass.

Abuse bad habits . When fighting for every kilogram, the damage caused by bad habits is very often underestimated. These habits lead to a constant feeling of stress and thereby speed up metabolism. Quitting smoking will speed up the gain of the desired kilograms.

Physical activity accompanied by physiologically unjustified energy expenditure. Aerobics, dancing and other types of aerobic exercise do not affect muscle growth. This means that a person expends a large amount of energy and loses even more weight.

Therefore, it is worth abandoning this kind of physical activity and giving preference to those sports that help increase muscle mass (fitness, swimming).

Target. Self-confidence and a positive attitude are a significant part of success in the fight against thinness. It is impossible to achieve results without believing in yourself. You won’t be able to achieve a healthy, beautiful body in a couple of weeks, but every positive result will bring a feeling of joy and promote desire further work above oneself.

How to quickly gain 5 kg for a skinny girl

A girl can quickly gain 5 kg of weight at home if she follows a simple formula - sports plus diet. The diet should be high in calories, but since refined food is empty, i.e. It contains few useful substances and should be excluded.
Deciding on the type of products that provide maximum weight gain can only be done individually.

But the menu must certainly meet the following requirements:

To gain weight, you need to eat at least 3 times a day and don’t forget about snacks.

Strength exercises will speed up weight gain and improve your figure. To make sure that excess calories go into muscles and not just into fat cells, you need to visit the gym 2-4 times a week.

When and how to eat

Stable weight gain without reviewing the diet and further correction is not possible. Weight gain occurs when there is an excess of nutrients in the body. However, if nutrition is uncontrolled, fat folds will begin to appear on the body, which will significantly spoil the figure. To avoid this, you need to watch your diet and do strength exercises.

How to gain weight for a girl at home - stick to a diet based on energy-intensive foods. These are foods that contain a lot of calories compared to their weight. You should eat at least 4 times a day, and portion sizes are also increased. If there are not enough calories, you will not be able to gain weight in a short time.

Snacking at night will help you gain weight, but don't overload your stomach. At night, it is advisable to eat dairy products with a high percentage of fat. Protein intake is required to increase muscle mass, not just fat. Carbohydrate-containing products should be included in the menu of dishes in the first half of the day.

What to eat: foods

Nutritionists advise how to gain weight for a girl at home. They recommend eating foods high in calories.

Here are some high-energy foods that are suitable for weight gain:

It's best to eat plenty of protein, fat, and carbohydrates at every meal.

Sample menu for the week

A correct and balanced menu will allow you not only to gain weight in the shortest possible time, but also to maintain it. This type of diet for girls will be a good reason to forget about all prohibitions and pamper yourself with high-calorie foods.








The main thing in weight gain is diet and food.

What to consider when creating a menu

The most important thing when creating a menu for quick weight gain is that all dishes should be high in calories. and contain vitamins and amino acids. The weight of portions is increased by 2.5 times. Snacks before bed are also encouraged by nutritionists, and dairy and meat products should be of the highest fat content.

This calorie table will help you create a menu that will make it easy for a girl to gain weight at home.

The problem is that people on a diet with a monotonous menu are much more likely to experience nervous tension and loss of strength. Therefore, the menu for increasing body weight should be diversified with various variations of dishes, using spices, sauces and seasonings. The tastier the food, the easier it is to eat large quantities of it.

How to gain weight with a fast metabolism

By following simple rules, you can notice a positive result in a short period of time.

Rules for gaining weight with gastritis

Gastrointestinal diseases complicate the task of gaining weight, but following simple rules for gaining weight during gastritis will make this task easier:

Sports supplements for fast weight gain

Weight gain supplements provide the body with calories that will help create a positive energy balance. If you have weight problems, an extra 1,000 calories a day will help you gain weight quickly. However, choosing a truly high-quality and suitable drug is difficult.

  • Amino acids

Amino acids are involved in the construction of muscle mass in the human body. The human body generates most of the amino acids independently, but there are those that cannot be synthesized in the body. They promote rapid weight gain and have a general strengthening effect.

  • Protein

Synthesized proteins (proteins) accelerate the growth of muscle mass, while reducing the amount of fat deposits. The more amino acids are included in the protein chain, the faster and better the kilograms are gained.

  • Gainer

The gainer, in addition to protein compounds, includes carbohydrate-containing components for more fast increase masses. This excellent remedy for people who have difficulty gaining weight. Gainer, unlike protein, promotes overall mass growth, not just muscle tissue.

Manufacturers also include vitamin and mineral complexes in sports supplements to improve the overall performance of the product.

Weight gain pills - which ones to take

Weight gain pills are divided into two groups. The first group includes drugs that contain protein compounds, proteins and various vitamin complexes. This type of medication can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Drugs of the first group:

Second group medicines is a mixture of hormones that help increase appetite and maintain body weight. They are prescribed only in extreme cases, when the total mass is at a critical level. Self-administration of hormone-containing medications can cause severe side effects.

Drugs of the second group:

  • Dexamitazone. In addition to gaining muscle mass, this drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, but has a large amount side effects.
  • Diabetes. Increases the body's secretion of insulin. If you follow all your doctor's instructions, this drug will help you gain weight and will also reduce the risk of unwanted effects from accelerated weight gain.
  • Duphaston. Provokes rapid weight gain.

Folk remedies for weight gain

To increase body weight, girls can use recipes at home traditional medicine, such as:

Exercises for gaining weight

Gym training should be based on complex exercises that involve several muscle groups at the same time. These exercises are suitable for rapid weight gain in women. Muscle is denser than fat, and by pumping it up, you can gain weight faster.

Squats. The barbell squat is one of the best exercises for muscle training. To perform this exercise, you need to lift the weight while holding the barbell with your hands with the back of your shoulder.
If necessary, use a gasket for convenience. You need to squat slowly. Having reached the point when the buttocks are parallel to the knees, they return to their original position. Squats will help increase muscle mass in your lower extremities.

Barbell press. This exercise will help you gain weight in your chest area. By lifting weights while lying down, you can not only increase your weight, but also correct pectoral muscles.

Deadlift. The right solution for weight gain, as well as for the prevention of spinal diseases. This exercise can be combined with pull-ups on the horizontal bar. After a month of hard training, the result is noticeable.

Exercises for the abs. It is better to do this type of exercise in the first half of the day. By raising your limbs from a lying position, you can get rid of fat folds, replacing them with elastic muscles in the abdominal area.

You can increase body weight either by increasing muscle mass or by increasing the amount of adipose tissue. Thin girls should stick to the golden mean at home. Here is a rule that will help you gain weight quickly.

Video on how to gain weight

How to gain weight:

How to gain weight and gain weight quickly:


Someone is facing a problem excess weight, others dream of gaining at least a kilogram. The reasons for excessive thinness can be very diverse. For example, genetic predisposition or. Experts have developed a huge number of exercises aimed at combating excess weight, but how to quickly gain weight without harming your own health? The task is not easy, but doable.

Causes of thinness

Before choosing methods that help you gain weight quickly, you need to identify the reasons that provoked excessive thinness. Here are the main factors that get in the way of weight gain:

How to gain weight quickly at home

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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How to recover quickly at home

Find out if it's possible to gain muscle mass in a couple of weeks. What kind of training plan and diet should you follow to get pumped up in such a short period of time?

The content of the article:

It is generally accepted that only men want to gain muscle mass. However, today girls are increasingly starting to visit gyms. Thanks to cardio exercises, you can get rid of fat, but this is not enough to create an ideal figure. If a person, regardless of gender, decides to start lifting, then he should prepare himself for hard work.

In addition to a competent training process, it is necessary to follow a regimen and a specific nutrition program. Unfortunately, many people lack patience or desire as a result. Beginning athletes often make mistakes and their progress is not as fast as expected. As a result, many simply stop playing sports. Today we will tell you how to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks.

What does a novice athlete need to know?

There are several axioms in bodybuilding that must be strictly observed. Now we will talk about some of them:
  1. You need to start leading a healthy lifestyle and eating right. Only in this case can you achieve your goals. However, the results will become noticeable only after a couple of years of active training.
  2. Give up tobacco and alcohol.
  3. Food must be consumed at least five times throughout the day. You should give up fast food and use only high-quality products to create your diet.
  4. During snacks, the food should also be “correct” and you should stop eating chips, crackers and other similar foods.
To gain weight, you need to increase the energy value of your diet, but this should be done wisely. It is important to remember that excess calories will inevitably be converted into fat. To determine the required energy value of the diet, you should carry out simple calculations. First, multiply your body weight by 30 and add 500 to the result. For example, your weight is 75 kilos. Using the above formula, we get the following number - 75 * 30 + 500 = 2750 calories.

Of course, not every person can easily switch to five meals a day. However, if you show sufficient fortitude, you will get used to such a regime. It is also necessary to start studying the theory of bodybuilding. Don’t think that in this sport it’s enough to just lift weights. If you want to know how to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks, then be sure to familiarize yourself with the processes of muscle fiber hypertrophy.

One of the main principles of bodybuilding is load progression. It assumes the need to periodically increase the intensity of training. This is achieved by increasing the working weight, as well as changing the number of sets and repetitions in them. In order for your muscles to grow, you first need to inflict microtrauma on the fibers. After this, the body will begin to restore them with a small reserve, which is muscle growth.

For the first few years you will only be working with free weights. Most simulators will not give the desired result and, working on them, you will simply waste time. Remember, only performing basic movements in accordance with the technical nuances will allow the muscles to grow. It is no coincidence that we mentioned technology now. You should increase the working weight only after you have mastered all the intricacies of performing the exercises. This may take you about two months.

Your training schedule should be designed so that your body has enough time to recover. We already said above that first the fibers must be injured and for this we train. However, muscles can only grow while resting. If you train too much, you will only slow down your progress.

Each muscle group recovers over a certain period of time. This is primarily affected by its size. Of course, the speed of regenerative processes depends on other factors. Watching your progress, you will have to make adjustments to your training process. Let's say that the chest muscles recover on average in four days. However, for you this process may take a little longer and take up to seven days.

Based on your well-being, you need to create a competent training program. For the first six months, it is enough to exercise two or three times a week, working out the whole body during each workout. However, as you progress, this training regimen will at some point stop producing positive results. As soon as this happens and progress slows down, switch to a split system.

It involves a conditional division of the body into several groups. At first, it is enough to alternate training the top and bottom. Gradually, the muscles will become larger and for their further growth it is necessary to increase the intensity of pumping for each specific group. This suggests that in the future you will have to divide your body not into two, but into three or even four parts.

Every novice athlete must remember that weight gain is only possible if the body receives a sufficient amount of energy. If you gain one kilogram of weight every week, this is an excellent result. Moreover, along with muscle mass, you will also gain fat.

It should also be remembered that progress is discontinuous. Periods of growth will alternate with stagnation. In such situations, the main thing is not to despair, but to continue studying.

We have already noted that the intensity of training should constantly increase. Lifting light weights is not effective. Each session should be a little harder than the previous one. Work until a burning sensation appears in the target muscle. If you are no longer able to perform a new set, you can safely go home and give your body the opportunity to act. The number of sets in each exercise should be from three to six with 8-12 repetitions in each.

How to eat right to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks?

Most beginning athletes believe that the speed of their progress depends solely on the quality of the training session. However, every professional will say that more than half of success lies in proper nutrition. If you become more familiar with physiology human body, then the reason for this will become clear. When an athlete consumes fewer calories than he expends, then there can be no talk of any weight gain.

But you also can’t eat everything. We have already mentioned this in passing, but now it’s time to talk in more detail about the intricacies of creating a competent diet. This determines how much fat you gain. Unfortunately, you won't be able to increase muscle mass exclusively if you train naturally. Thanks to food, we receive energy, which is consumed by the body for all biochemical processes without exception. Even while you sleep, a certain amount of calories will be burned.

During weight gain, you need to receive more energy than you expend during the day. This is the main rule you should remember. In order for the body to build muscle mass, it requires energy and building materials. Carbohydrates are used as energy carriers, and the second role belongs to protein compounds. The attentive reader probably noticed that we did not remember fats. This nutrient is also needed by the body, but in smaller quantities. Let us remember that fats are the starting material for the synthesis of one of the most important anabolic hormones - testosterone.

Most beginner athletes make the same mistakes over and over again. In terms of nutrition, this is a small number of meals. Most people eat three times a day, but if you want to know how to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks, then this will not be enough. Throughout the day, you should have three full meals and at least two snacks.

Many novice bodybuilders are interested in the need to use sports nutrition. On initial stage career, with a properly organized diet, you can easily do without these supplements. I would immediately like to draw your attention to the fact that sports nutrition must be considered solely from the point of view of supplementing the main diet. As your muscles grow, your body will require more and more energy, and at a certain point you simply will not be able to consume the required amount of food.

In this situation, you will need sports nutrition. Unlike conventional products, supplements for athletes are quickly processed by the body and do not burden the digestive system.

Here are the main types of sports nutrition that may be useful for you to gain muscle mass in one or two weeks:

  1. Protein supplements is one of the main additives used in sports. Moreover, it is recommended to use protein mixtures not only during the period of weight gain, but also when losing weight.
  2. Amino acids- BCAA are especially popular among bodybuilders. This is a group of amines, consisting of three substances, which can significantly speed up your progress.
  3. Gainers- this supplement will definitely be needed by lean athletes who always have difficulty gaining weight. If you are prone to obesity, then you do not need a gainer.
  4. Creatine is another supplement that is used by almost all bodybuilders. With its help, you will increase the body's energy reserves.
Since the diet of each athlete must be unique, we can only give a few tips on creating a nutrition program. As we said above, you first need to calculate the energy value of your daily diet you need. The first meal should contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Also include sources of protein compounds in your breakfast.

Lunch should also include a combination of these nutrients. An excellent choice would be meat or a fish dish, with a side dish and complemented with vegetable salad. But during dinner, preference should be given to sources of protein compounds. Since you won't need much energy in the evening, limit the amount of carbohydrates. For snacks, you should use fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, and dried fruits.

In conclusion, it should be said that the principles of gaining muscle mass are the same for men and girls. However, representatives of the fair half of humanity do not have great strength and they need to train less intensely. In fact, girls only need to tighten their muscles. We recommend that women combine strength training with cardio exercise. This will help you lose fat and strengthen your muscles.

For more information on how to gain muscle mass, watch the video below: