What to eat every day. The correct diet is a schedule for every day. Proper nutrition during pregnancy


According to everyone, a healthy diet is something that does not contain fat at all, is low-calorie and tasteless food. In reality, everything is somewhat different, and even healthy food can turn out to be very tasty. How to properly create a schedule and regimen, what are the principles of a balanced diet?

Healthy eating rules

Organizing a proper diet is very important. Scientists have proven that adults who use high-quality products for cooking live longer and get sick much less often than others. If you are seriously concerned about your health or the diet of your loved ones, then first learn the basic rules of nutrition:

  • Be sure to include protein in every meal. However, this does not mean that you should eat exclusively meat and fish all day. Dairy products, legumes or eggs are also excellent sources of protein.
  • Create a routine and proper daily routine. Try to eat strictly at certain hours and do not skip lunch or dinner.
  • Try to eat as little fat as possible. If you cook food in oil, then use products that contain no more than 10% fat. This rule does not apply to the so-called healthy fats, which are found in avocados, nuts, and seafood.
  • Eat whole grain cereals. They will have to be boiled a little longer more thoroughly, but they contain more vitamins.
  • Drink mineral water. You don’t need to do any special calculations, just replace your regular drinks during the day with a glass of drinking water.

List of foods for proper nutrition

In addition to following the basic rules of nutrition and regimen, you will have to learn about the correct ratio of foods, and also learn how to combine them. Conventionally, all food is divided into three types. This:

  • protein;
  • neutral;
  • starch.

Each category is absorbed by the body differently: some foods require more energy to process, while others pass almost immediately from the stomach into the intestines. In order not to put unnecessary stress on the body, the exact compatibility of products for proper nutrition is very important. The following table will help you combine ingredients. At one meal you need to eat foods from the first and second columns or from the second and third columns:

Protein food

Neutral food

Starchy food

Nuts and seeds


Cream and butter

Vegetable oils


Vegetables and mushrooms (carrots, beets, celery, legumes, cabbage, etc.)

Fermented milk products

Sour fruits (oranges, lemons, strawberries, cherries, apples, others)

Sweet fruits (bananas, pears, Jerusalem artichokes, raisins)

Sauces and dressings for dishes based on vegetable oils, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, mayonnaise

Tomato juice

Salad dressings: sour cream, cream.

How to cook food correctly

To preserve all the beneficial substances in vegetables, it is better to fry or stew them at a temperature no higher than 60 degrees. Steaming, baking or frying at 100 degrees will help not to lose the nutritional value of meat, poultry and fish. At the same time, the process of baking a kilogram of beef tenderloin itself is long - from 60 minutes to two hours. Marinades help reduce this time. High-temperature cooking of foods with proper nutrition is unacceptable, and fried foods can be eaten extremely rarely.

Proper nutrition regimen

Even an adult on a diet should follow a reasonable diet:

  1. Ideally, food should enter the body once every four hours, but if this does not happen, digestive disorders begin, ultimately leading to more serious problems.
  2. Correct mode meals - five times a day: three main meals and snacks.
  3. The diet must contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.
  4. Every day you need to drink water in the amount of 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

Diet for weight loss

The basic rule for those who want to reset excess weight– the diet must be balanced. The total calorie content of meals per day for those losing weight is 1700 kilocalories. It is advisable to eat three times a day:

  • Eat within half an hour when you wake up. At breakfast, the body should receive approximately 25% of the daily kcal value, so the food should be dense: porridge, muesli, cheese, eggs, dairy products and fiber.
  • At lunch, calories should be 50%. The plate should be filled a quarter with protein foods (meat or fish), the same amount with a side dish of carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat or potatoes), and half with fiber (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • For dinner, target 25% of your calories. A good option is seafood with vegetables, cottage cheese, lean fish dishes. Don't eat carbohydrates at night: while you sleep, they will turn into fat.
  • A proper diet for weight loss cannot do without snacks. The first time you can eat a light snack 2 hours after breakfast, the second time after lunch. Any snack should be within 100 kcal.

Meal times with proper nutrition

After you have mastered all the rules and purchased the necessary products, you will need to draw up a schedule where to write proper nutrition by hour:

  1. Remember that healthy carbohydrates will enter the intestines after 4-6 hours. Therefore, it is better to eat dishes such as cereals, pasta and bread for breakfast so as not to feel hungry longer. Be sure to make your proper breakfast tastier; add fruits, berries, and honey to regular cereals.
  2. It is advisable to have lunch around 12 o'clock, and the diet should include all types of foods: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In the middle of the day, be sure to eat the first course and a small lean side dish. Avoid fast food packages, crackers, chips and fast food.
  3. It is better to have dinner around 5-6 pm with protein foods. It will be digested in the stomach in just 2-3 hours, so it will not disturb your sleep. Prepare lean fish or meat, eat a piece of chicken or a cup of cottage cheese.

Intervals between meals

Snacking is an important part of a healthy diet. A light lunch will feed you at the stage of slightly noticeable hunger, and at lunch or dinner you will not exceed the norm. For good health, the interval between meals should be 2-3 hours, and when a person takes long breaks from eating, his blood sugar level drops and his health worsens. To prevent this from happening, nutritionists advise having snacks. There are several options for nutrition that are healthy for the body:

  • eat one or two fruits or a glass of berries in the morning;
  • After lunch, you can have a snack with a plate of salad or a glass of smoothie;
  • a quarter glass of seeds or 20 grams of nuts will satisfy hunger in the interval between breakfast-lunch or lunch-dinner;
  • Half a pack of cottage cheese, a glass of milk or kefir will be an excellent afternoon snack or after-dinner snack.

Healthy nutrition schedule for every day

Even if you stick to four meals a day, it is worth resorting to rational distribution of calories. If you schedule your meals correctly, your stomach will not be overloaded, and your body will gradually get used to this routine. Violating the regime is strictly prohibited even when losing weight. Even if you don’t have time to have lunch, you shouldn’t eat a double portion for dinner: it’s better to have a hearty breakfast.

A rough daily routine should look something like this:

  • 8.00 – 9.00 – breakfast. You need to try to eat more carbohydrates and less protein foods.
  • 12.00-14.00 – lunch. Here, on the contrary, you should protect yourself from carbohydrates and pay attention to nutritious dishes: cream soups, vegetable broths, stews, poultry.
  • 16.00 -17.00 – afternoon snack. Avoid fatty foods, flour or sweet confectionery.
  • 19.00 – dinner. Lean fish would be appropriate on the menu, vegetable stew, dairy products.

Sample healthy nutrition menu

If you follow the right diet and a clear schedule, you can get your body into excellent physical shape in a few weeks. It is important not only to eat healthy food, but also to exercise and be sure to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Beginners can create a proper nutrition menu for the day, and the next day they can make minor adjustments to it. Rough plan should be like this:

  • In the morning, organize a hearty breakfast. Eat milk porridge, muesli with yogurt, a piece of tofu with an egg, or some lean fish.
  • After two hours, have a snack at work: drink a glass of milk or make a smoothie.
  • At noon, treat yourself to seafood soup, a piece of beef and rice.
  • For lunch, dried fruits, nuts, a bun.
  • In the evening, give preference to chicken with vegetable salad, and you can drink a glass of red wine.

Proper nutrition– this is a whole set of rules and recommendations, if followed, you can increase your performance, level up your metabolism, lose excess weight and improve your health.

The main thing in the article

The main aspect of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition.

By eating right, you take care of your body for years to come, because with a stable menu of “good” foods, your metabolism works like clockwork. Also, proper nutrition is a panacea for almost all diseases:

  • Diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Premature skin aging, dermatological problems (acne, pimples), allergic reactions.

Proper nutrition, in addition to preventing diseases, gives the body a feeling of lightness, you will no longer remember about excess weight, forget about swelling and morning bags under the eyes.

To switch to proper nutrition, you need to prepare your body: giving up light carbohydrates and heavy fats occurs gradually. You should also create a balanced menu, which will contain the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and the chemical composition of the diet will meet the needs of your body.

Basic rules of healthy eating

There are 10 rules of healthy eating, which are as follows:

  • A variety of food daily. You can’t eat only apples or meat; your diet should contain products of plant and animal origin. also in chemical composition heavy carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein.
  • Caloric content of the diet. Reduce the calorie content of your diet by excluding animal fats and light carbohydrates from it - white bread, flour products, and it is better to replace sugar with honey.
  • Fractional meals. You have 5 meals a day, the last one 3-4 hours before bedtime. Get into a routine, eat at the same time every day, spending 15–20 minutes.
  • Say "No!" snacks and dry meals. Snacking is the main enemy of a slim figure, and it is better to stock up on a handful of hazelnuts than candy. And once a day you should eat a liquid dish with meat or vegetable broth.
  • Vegetables and fruits. By eating vegetables and fruits with skins, you fill your body with fiber, vitamins and minerals that improve digestion.

  • Water. Maintain a drinking regime by drinking 2.5 liters of free liquid per day.
  • Protein for breakfast and lunch, fish or vegetables for dinner. Protein is perfectly absorbed in the first half of the day, and it’s better to have something light for dinner, not forgetting a bowl of vegetables. A bowl of vegetables is vegetable salads in every meal, carrots, beets and cabbage are especially useful.
  • Fasting days. One fasting day a week will be enough, but under no circumstances go hungry. Choose 1 product, for example, kefir, buckwheat porridge or apples, and eat it throughout the day. A fasting day helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Movement. Try to move more, because your diet now contains a lot of protein, and it is the “building blocks” for building muscle mass.
  • Substituting food and giving up alcohol. Proper nutrition cannot be combined with alcohol, so we eliminate the latter from the diet forever. And replacing foods will help you replace your favorite sweets or dishes with similar ones, but less high in calories and more healthy.

Healthy eating for weight loss: basic principles and menu

When planning a healthy nutrition menu, you need to write down the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for each day.

The diet is compiled based on the body’s daily calorie needs, taking into account the need for weight loss. You can calculate the norm using an online calculator. Typically, we subtract 500 kcal from the recommended 1800 kcal for women, reducing it by a third.

The basic menu looks like this:

Breakfast 7.00–8.30: 1 dish, fruit and tea

  • Porridges cooked in water with the addition of butter, nuts, dried fruits. Porridge is a source of fiber, will energize the body and start the metabolism.
  • Cottage cheese, curdled milk or kefir, which contains animal protein.
  • Tea without sugar and 1 fruit. The fruit will “give” light carbohydrates to the body, and tea will help them assimilate.
  • Second breakfast at 11.00: 1 apple, natural fruit jelly or 200 ml of fermented baked milk.

Lunch at 13.00: first and second course with side dish, juice

It is recommended to cook the first course in vegetable or meat broth. If the second course is fish with vegetables, then the first is vegetarian borscht or bean soup. After lunch, drink a glass of fruit juice made from unsweetened apples and berries.

Afternoon snack between lunch and dinner: in between, you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink, eat a handful of nuts or fruit.

Dinner at 18.00: meat, side dish, unsweetened tea and dessert

Suitable for dinner light dish– this could be fish with stewed vegetables, tea and dry biscuits. Another menu option consists of porridge, a piece of chicken breast and juice.

Healthy eating for children and teenagers

A healthy diet for a child under 16 years of age should consist of 4 meals, and the results of the daily calorie intake are divided according to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast – 25%.
  • Lunch – 40%.
  • Afternoon snack – 10%.
  • Dinner – 25%.

Chemical composition of a healthy diet calculated based on the child's body weight. For 1 kg of weight you need:

  • 2 g of protein, of which 50% plant and 50% animal origin.
  • 15 g carbohydrates.
  • 50 ml of clean liquid. The need for water in children is higher than in adults. Therefore, offer your child teas, compotes, juices and decoctions.
  • Regardless of weight, the menu is enriched with 100 g of fat, of which 30% is animal and the rest is vegetable.

Healthy eating program for every day

Of course, if you are on a strict diet, your fortitude is strengthened, not your health. But if you follow proper nutrition, you need endurance and composure - the regime becomes an important part of your life.

The healthy eating program does not have significant restrictions, but dictates certain conditions, for example, refusal of purchased ready-made food. You should approach proper nutrition gradually, adjusting your menu day by day.

If you suddenly stop eating, you will give your body a signal, and it will begin to actively store fat. There is not enough food, we need to save ourselves! And a gradual rejection of light carbohydrates and flour products will help reconfigure the body in the right way.

Remember that proper nutrition is food without a crispy crust, fried in a lot of oil. Prepare meat, fish, vegetables and dietary desserts by steaming, baking or stewing.

Regardless of your goal - losing weight or restoring health - the basic diet consists of 5 groups of mandatory products:

  1. Vegetables and fruits contain fiber, vitamins and microelements.
  2. Fermented milk drinks and products– protein and unique bacteria.
  3. Meat, eggs and fish– protein and Omega-3.
  4. Porridge– an invaluable source of fiber.
  5. Nuts– an irreplaceable source of fats.

From this basic set you can cook absolutely anything, we bring to your attention several delicious and healthy recipes.

Healthy eating - recipes

Vegetables under a cheese cap in the oven

  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 PC. potatoes.
  • 100 g colored tomatoes.
  • ½ half a large carrot.
  • Low-fat sour cream.
  • 50 g cheese.
  • Butter.

Cut the vegetables into cubes of the same size, then grease the pot or mold with oil and lay the vegetables in layers: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and peppers, and pour sour cream on top, cheese on top of the sour cream. Cover the future dish with 2 layers of foil and place it in the oven at 220C for 40 minutes.

Vegetarian rice with pineapple

  • 250 g boiled rice.
  • 4 pineapple rings.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of corn.
  • 150 g hard cheese.
  • 80 g feta cheese for piquancy.

Grate the cheese, mix 40 g of feta with 80 g of hard cheese. Now take the rice and corn, the remaining cheeses and carefully move them around, adding a little salt. Cover a baking dish with foil and lay out the rice-corn mixture, sprinkle cheeses on top and cover with a “cap” of a whole pineapple circle. Bake in the oven at 180C for 20 minutes.

Meringue crumbs

  • 4 squirrels.
  • 2 tsp. sweetener.
  • Vanilla, lemon zest.

Beat the whites with sugar until an elastic foam forms, at the end add the zest and vanilla. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, spoon out the meringues, and place them in the oven at 110C for 1 hour. After cooking, do not pull out the dessert; let it sit in a warm oven for 20 minutes, otherwise it will fall off.

There are many dietary systems that help you lose weight. After all dietary food- this is a purely individual moment, it helps to lose 10 kg, but after finishing the diet they return with friends. If you really decide to take the path of fighting excess weight, then proper nutrition will help you. As you can see, it is not only healthy, but also very tasty!

Almost every person is familiar with starvation diets, grueling workouts and magic diet pills. But despite the cult of a beautiful body, the problem of excess weight does not lose its relevance. Are you looking for an effective and safe way that will lead you to the ideal? Having mastered proper nutrition for every day, you can easily get in shape and maintain the desired volume for life.

Eating healthy every day is easier than it seems!

Eating right is not only healthy!

  1. Complete absence of hunger. You no longer have to endure stomach pain, fatigue and headaches. You'll always have healthy snack options when you're suddenly hungry.
  2. The ability to independently plan your healthy food menu for every day. You will no longer have awkward situations in a cafe or at a party. You can always find something that fits within the scope of your program.
  3. Lack of rigid frameworks. The program does not imply categorical prohibitions. Despite the existing list of recommendations, you can always adapt it to suit your taste preferences.

But proper nutrition for every day also has disadvantages, oddly enough. The only drawback of the system presented below is its long-term nature. Healthy diet does not imply haste. She won't help you reset everything overweight in a short period of time, but will allow you to consolidate and maintain the achieved results. If you want to speed up the process a little, or take a course of a special massage.

Planning a healthy menu

A healthy diet for every day means having 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat in your menu.

What is healthy eating every day? Modern nutritionists consider a correct diet to include 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fat with a total calorie content of 1800 kcal for women and 2100 for men, depending on the level of daily activity. In addition, such a menu should include all vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities.

Such recommendations do not mean at all that you need to immediately start a notebook, pick up a calculator and scrupulously calculate the nutritional value of each piece you eat. It is much more convenient to use the ideas given below. Just choose one of the meal options. Try to make your healthy meals every day as varied as possible. Do not repeat your favorite dishes more than once every 3 days.

Breakfast options

  1. Oatmeal with water or low-fat milk with dried fruits and a small handful of nuts. Alternate with buckwheat, rice and millet porridge.
  2. Sandwich made from whole grain bread, boiled chicken breast or lightly salted salmon, lettuce, tomatoes, low-fat cheese and herbs. A glass of yogurt or any other fermented milk drink.
  3. Omelette of 4 whites and 2 yolks with herbs. Fruit salad.
  4. A large portion of cottage cheese with sour cream, jam and fresh fruit.
  5. Fruit soup made from seasonal fruits and light sour cream.


  1. Soy meat goulash. Boiled whole grain pasta with low-fat cheese.
  2. Baked cauliflower breaded with semolina, 10% cream and egg white.
  3. Low-fat vegetable lasagna.
  4. Vegetable cream soup with rice.
  5. Low-fat rolls or a few slices of vegetarian pizza.


  1. Stewed vegetables with pieces of boiled chicken breast.
  2. Seafood with boiled brown rice.
  3. Vegetable omelet of 4 whites and 2 yolks with herbs.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole and vegetable salad.
  5. Boiled beef with baked vegetables.

Snacks (you can choose any 2 items)

  1. A glass of kefir with 1 tsp. honey or jam.
  2. 20 g dark chocolate and green apple.
  3. 2 rice or buckwheat bread with cottage cheese and herbs.
  4. A handful of nuts and dried fruits (should fit in the palm of your hand).
  5. 3 pieces of homemade oatmeal cookies.

Eat natural foods and avoid processed foods.

What is better to refuse

As you already understand, the main advantage of proper nutrition for every day is the ability to independently create your own menu. But this does not mean at all that you can replace a healthy breakfast option with a chocolate bar of similar calorie content. Moreover, there are foods that you will have to avoid.

Healthy eating every day prohibits:

  • dry breakfast mixes, including most types of muesli (read the ingredients carefully);
  • white bread and pastries;
  • chocolate bars and confectionery;
  • crackers, chips and other fast food;
  • ready-made sauces;
  • nectars and unnatural juices;
  • carbonated drinks and their dietary substitutes;
  • alcohol (only one glass of dry wine is allowed for dinner 1-2 times a week).

This list of products is advisory in nature. If you have a sweet tooth and absolutely cannot imagine your life without your favorite buns, start small. Replace them with homemade cakes with reduced amounts of butter and sugar. The situation is the same with fast food. Try to find healthy alternatives!

If you fall off your diet, don’t quit what you started and don’t think about starting over on Monday. Continue the program as if nothing had happened, slightly adjusting the fat and calorie content of the following meals.

Thus, healthy eating every day is a real way to achieve the figure of your dreams without harm to your health!

Would you like to prolong your youth and health? Then you just need to know how to eat right. It is worth starting to study the basics with the words of Hippocrates: “Food should be our medicine.” Plus, proper nutrition allows us to stay healthy, which means beautiful, young and not face problems of excess weight, cellulite or premature aging.

A balanced diet recharges the body with energy, and physical work or exercise makes it strong, able to resist viral infections and other sources of disease.

The foundation of health is laid in youth. It can be strong like a stone or fragile like sand, then in adulthood people become weak and sick. If you dream of a healthy life without disease, learn to eat right.

3 rules of proper nutrition

  • First rule: proper diet nutrition consists of many different foods from each level food pyramid. Eating monotonously does not provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. The daily menu should include foods of all colors (the more of them, the better for health).
  • Second rule: the menu for each day includes the correct amounts of products from each level of the food pyramid. This is the only way to get all the calories and nutrients needed for normal growth and development.
  • Rule three: you can’t eat too much of one type of food. This leads to digestive disorders or other complications.

A balanced diet, what is it like?

How to eat properly to provide the body with everything it needs? Let's start with the main thing. Fruits and vegetables enrich us with vitamins and antioxidants, dairy products with minerals, meat, beans, beans with protein, and grains with dietary fiber and healthy carbohydrates.

A balanced diet for each day includes 30% vegetables, 20% fruits, 20% carbohydrates (starches such as wheat, rice and corn, etc.), 20% protein (which is found in meat, beans, legumes, etc. .) and 10% dairy products.

Bad and good eating habits

Don't skip breakfast. In the morning hours, the body needs food to provide it with energy. If you don't eat in the morning, your metabolism slows down, which means you gain excess weight (not in the form of muscle tissue, and the fat layer).

Get into the habit of drinking a lot of water and a glass or two of freshly squeezed juice, this habit will have a positive effect on your health and appearance. Still, other drinks are considered harmful, especially store-bought fruit juices, which contain only dyes, sugar and a lot of other chemicals.

Don't buy chips, margarine, frozen foods, white bread, candy, etc. All of them lead to weight gain and destroy health.

How to eat healthy - menu for 1 day

A good day starts with a good breakfast, which should include a healthy source of protein and plenty of fiber. This combination will help satisfy your hunger and keep you feeling full until lunch. Protein can come from low-fat dairy products and nuts. Eggs are a good source of protein. High fiber content is found in foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Best source fiber - oatmeal.

Breakfast menu.

  • Hard-boiled egg.
  • Whole grain toast.
  • Mug of fruit juice.
  • Oatmeal with skim milk and strawberries (bananas).
  • A tablespoon or two of chopped nuts.
  • Orange juice.

When you don't have time for breakfast, drink a glass of yogurt at home, and an hour later, at work, snack on an apple and a handful of nuts (walnuts or pecans).

Menu for lunch.

  • A sandwich made from two slices of grain bread stuffed with a small piece of turkey fillet, lettuce, mayonnaise, tomato sauce or mustard.
  • Grated carrots (200 - 300 gr.)
  • Fruit juice 1 tbsp.

If you want to eat between lunch and dinner, snack on one apple and a glass of milk or drink water (1 - 2 glasses).

Menu for dinner.

If your diet was poor during the day, then there is a high probability of overeating during dinner. To prevent this from happening, mentally divide a small plate into four quarters.

1. One part of it should be filled with a protein source (baked chicken breast);

2. Second part: one small baked potato with low-fat sour cream;

3. Third and fourth parts: green and colored vegetables or vegetable salad.

4. Eat fruit for dessert.

5. Kefir - before bed.

The interval between meals for an adult should be 4 - 5 hours, and for children - 3 (4) hours.

To implement the idea of ​​proper nutrition in your life, you need to create a menu for every day. For those who have not yet succeeded in this matter, we suggest ready plan for 5 days.

Healthy diet: menu for 5 days.

  • 2 eggs (hard-boiled)
  • 1 plate of oatmeal with honey,
  • 50-100 grams of fresh spinach (cut into small pieces, you can add a little salad),
  • a glass of green tea.
  • Salad recipe (if you don't like spinach).
  • 2 oranges, 3 - 4 cloves of garlic, fresh basil - to taste, olive oil - 3 tablespoons.

Gourmet salad,

1 glass of green tea.

Gourmet salad recipe.

Ingredients: arugula and goat cheese, almonds and pears, 2 tablespoons olive oil and apple cider vinegar (about half a glass).
Place arugula on a plate and add goat cheese.

Cut the pear into small pieces and chop the almonds, place them in a frying pan, adding a spoonful of oil. Simmer for about 5 minutes (the pears should remain crisp). Place on a plate with cheese and arugula.

Prepare the sauce: take apple cider vinegar and pour it into a frying pan, add a little oil. Simmer over low heat for 1 minute. Pour this sauce over the salad and add the chopped turkey pieces.


Dinner should be light, in order to eat properly, it is recommended to eat 5 - 6 hours before bedtime. If you can't sleep because you feel hungry, drink a glass of hot tea.

Assorted salad - try to include as many as possible different vegetables and fruits such as spinach, arugula, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, fresh basil, apple or pear, etc.

Also add a piece of beef, chicken, turkey or fish to the dish.

One decaf coffee or green tea.

  • Omelette with oatmeal and eggs.
  • 200 - 300 grams of raw vegetables,
  • Orange juice.

Omelette recipe.

Half a cup of oatmeal, two eggs, two tablespoons of olive or coconut oil, salt to taste.

Heat a frying pan over low heat and add a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Place cereals and fry them for about 5 minutes, stirring until they turn golden brown. Salt them and move them to the edge of the pan. Add the rest of the oil to the empty space and break the eggs into it.

Don't mix the eggs with the oats right away; let them absorb the oil first. Then, after 2 - 3 minutes, you can mix them, close the lid and simmer over low heat until completely cooked.

  • Whole grain tuna sandwich,
  • 1 serving of raw vegetables,
  • cranberry or lingonberry juice.
  • Palm-sized chicken breast
  • 200 gr. raw vegetables,
  • flower tea.

A balanced diet, using the example of the given menu samples for every day, will help maintain the health and beauty of the body, affect weight, improve mood and increase immunity. Try eating healthy for just a few days to see a big difference in how you feel and look great.

We present a proper nutrition menu for every day for weight loss with recipes! This menu and recipes will help you lose weight and eat right every day without any problems!

There are more and more enemies of diets among professional nutritionists. Many experts are convinced that in order to bring your body into the required condition, it is not at all necessary to torment your body with diets or grueling mono-diets. It is necessary to influence not the symptom of the problem, but its cause. And in 90% of cases the reason is the same - incorrect lifestyle and diet!

In attempts to lose extra pounds without professional support, many people, especially women, develop chronic diseases of internal organs. Agree, this price is too high and not worth a slim figure. This doesn't mean at all that beautiful figure It shouldn’t be, quite the opposite, but there should be a rational and thoughtful approach to everything!

Principles of healthy eating

Following the principles healthy image life and healthy eating, you can not only achieve the desired result, but also, most importantly, maintain your health! Of course, the result will not be quick, but, as they say, patience and work will grind everything down!

You should not expect that the extra pounds accumulated over several months, or even years, will go away in a couple of days. Know that if someone promises you instant results, they are simply deceiving you, or they are putting your health at serious risk. Whether you need it or not - decide for yourself! In order not to expose your body to severe stress, you should gradually change your diet and lifestyle! Only by following the principles of proper nutrition can you painlessly normalize your metabolic processes and easily get your figure into the desired shape!

Let's look at the basic principles of proper nutrition:

  • Fractional meals. You shouldn’t overeat in one sitting, it’s better to eat less, but more often!
  • Mandatory breakfast. Forget about drinking a cup of coffee on an empty stomach. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the entire day!
  • Give dinner to the enemy. There's no need to give it away at all. A light dinner 3 hours before bedtime is ideal.
  • Water is our everything. 1.5 - 2 liters of water is exactly how much a healthy person should drink every day.
  • Sweets only for dessert. A sweet snack is the most useless, and even harmful, meal. Reduce your intake of sugar and fast carbohydrates to a minimum.
  • Remove from your diet fried fatty foods, minimize the consumption of alcohol and salt.
  • More fiber. It is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.
  • Don't drink while eating. Are you used to drinking tea with your food? It's time to get rid of this habit! Drinking is allowed only 15-20 minutes after eating.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. Do not swallow chunks of food, this will not only complicate the digestion process, but can also lead to oversaturation. The feeling of fullness comes some time after eating food, so never rush while eating.

At first glance, it seems that there are a lot of restrictions here, and at the same time you need to follow a bunch of rules. Habit will do the trick! Remember that the main thing is to start. You don’t have to start following everything at once if it’s difficult for you. Move from point to point, moving it from the “rule” category to the “habit” category.

By following these principles of healthy eating, you will normalize your digestive and metabolic processes, tone your body, and fill it with strength. In addition, proper nutrition is the most important key to losing weight without harm to your health!

Proper nutrition menu for weight loss

We present to you a menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for every day. The diet can be very flexible and change according to your preferences and tastes. In addition, if you wish, you can create 2-3 similar menus for yourself to alternate between them. This will help you diversify your diet so that the food, so to speak, does not become boring.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
MondayA glass of buckwheat porridge, 1 hard-boiled egg, carrot salad with olive oil. AppleBoiled beef or chicken breast 150 g, fresh cabbage or broccoli salad. A portion of dried fruits with tea, or an apple. Stewed vegetables, steamed beef cutlet, a glass of kefir.
TuesdayOatmeal porridge 200 g, traditional with water or skim milk, berries. Favorite fruit or beet salad with bread. Steamed fish - 100 g. Salad of tomatoes, fresh cabbage and herbs. Apple or low-fat cottage cheese. Buckwheat or rice - 100 g. Boiled chicken fillet - 100 g.
WednesdayOatmealApple.Boiled buckwheat without salt - 200 g, chicken fillet AppleSteamed fish and vegetables, kefir.
ThursdayOmelette of 2 eggs with onions and herbs. Carrot salad with olive oil. Apple or grapefruit. Potato soup with zucchini. A portion of dried fruits with tea. Low-fat cottage cheese or pilaf with champignons. Green salad.
FridayOatmeal 1 cup. Favorite fruit.Low-fat pea soup, 1 stuffed pepper or chicken breast of your choice, 2 diet bread. Stewed cabbage with vegetables. Fresh cabbage salad. Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g. Kefir.
SaturdayBoiled eggs 2 pcs, stewed carrots with apple. Fresh fruits.Tuna with vegetables. Mushroom cream soup. Vegetable salad or a handful of dried fruits with tea. Stewed White cabbage, cottage cheese or kefir.
SundayPearl barley porridge 1 cup. A handful of nuts or dried fruits. Fresh fruits.Turkey or chicken breast, baked in the oven - 200 g. Vegetable soup and fresh vegetable salad. Skim cheese. Boiled or steamed fish. 1 glass of kefir.

Depending on your initial weight, or rather its excess volume, you can adjust the portions of this menu. Accordingly, the more you want to lose weight, the smaller the portions should be, but without fanaticism! The body must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals from your food. You shouldn't risk your health for the sake of the desired numbers on the scales!

What foods can you eat?

What foods should you not eat?

Try to eliminate or minimize your consumption of the following foods:

Principles of nutrition for weight loss

In order to eat not only right, but also to lose weight, you must follow one most important principle - you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Everything comes from this principle; you need to build your menu from this principle.

If you are used to consuming, say, 3000 kcal per day, without having any physical activity and ask the question “where does excess weight come from?”, then you just need to look at things objectively. At a minimum, you need to get active and engage physical exercise, bring your diet into line with permitted and prohibited foods, and gradually reduce the number of calories consumed daily.

Don't do this in one day, otherwise it will be a lot of stress for your body! Consistently adjust your diet step by step until you begin to lose excess weight.

Recipes: proper nutrition for weight loss



  • Chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • Onions - 50 g;
  • Carrots - 100 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Greens to taste.


  1. Rinse the fillets well under cold water;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, put on fire;
  3. Peel the vegetables, place in boiling water along with the chicken fillet;
  4. Cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat;
  5. Remove the fillet, cut into pieces and serve with vegetables.



  • Buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • Low-fat minced meat - 450 g;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Creamy horseradish - 2 tbsp;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper a pinch;
  • Sugar a pinch;
  • Grapeseed oil for frying;


  1. Boil buckwheat until crumbly;
  2. Grind the lean minced meat through a meat grinder with onions, season with sugar and black pepper. Knead the resulting mass thoroughly;
  3. Mix buckwheat porridge and minced meat;
  4. Meanwhile, boil the eggs, grate them on a medium grater, finely chop the garlic and dill, mix everything with creamy horseradish. The resulting mass is the filling for the cutlets;
  5. Divide the minced meat into portions, form flat cakes into which we put 1 spoon of filling;
  6. Make cutlets, roll them in flour;
  7. Fry the cutlets in grape seed oil. We do this over low heat on both sides. If necessary, finish cooking in the oven. Bon appetit!



  • White cabbage - 500 g;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Processed cheese - 50 g;
  • Sour cream - 300 ml;
  • Greens - 1 bunch;
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Allspice - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;


  1. Wash the cabbage and chop it;
  2. Lightly fry the cabbage in a frying pan with oil;
  3. Peel the carrots, grate them, and then add them to the cabbage;
  4. Peel the onion, chop it finely and add to the pan;
  5. We wash the tomatoes and herbs. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and chop the greens. Add ingredients to the pan. We continue to fry.;
  6. Beat sour cream, eggs and cheese in a container until smooth;
  7. Pour the contents of the pan into a baking dish and pour the resulting sauce. Bake for 20 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. Bon appetit!
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