Treatment table number 2. Stuffed bell pepper

Indications for prescribing a therapeutic diet number two are

- chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency with a mild exacerbation and in the recovery stage after an exacerbation;

- acute gastritis, enteritis, colitis during the recovery period, the diet is used as a transition to rational nutrition;

- chronic enteritis and colitis after and without exacerbation and without concomitant diseases of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas or gastritis with preserved or increased secretion.

The diet is also indicated during the recovery period after acute infections and operations.

Basic diet rules

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of nutrition begins after the exacerbation of the disease has been removed. In the first three to five days, a fruit diet is recommended, in particular apples, pears, grapes, peaches and melons. Fruit should be juicy and fresh. You can and should drink freshly squeezed fruit juices.

After a few days, it is allowed to include porridge, mashed soups, low-fat cottage cheese in the diet.

Therapeutic diet number 2 involves the consumption of large amounts of fluid, about 8-10 glasses of water daily. But you can not drink during meals, as the liquid dilutes the digestive juices and slows down the digestive process.

What is prohibited

With a therapeutic diet, tobacco and alcohol are prohibited. In extreme cases, when the patient is unable to give up smoking, then smoking is possible only after eating. Meat food, pepper and other seasonings, strong tea and coffee, sweets and cookies, cakes and sparkling water are also prohibited. Fats, pork fat, beef and mutton fats are strictly prohibited.
  • fresh bread and flour products from rich and puff pastry;
  • milk soups, pea soup, bean soup, millet soup, okroshka;
  • fatty meats (pork and lamb) and poultry, duck, goose, smoked meats, canned food (except dietary);
  • fatty and spicy sauces, mustard, pepper, horseradish;
  • fatty fish, salted and smoked fish, canned fish snacks;
  • hard boiled eggs;
  • legumes, millet, barley, barley, corn grits;
  • raw raw vegetables, pickled and salted vegetables, onions, radishes, radishes, sweet peppers;
  • coarse varieties of fruits and berries in their raw form, berries with coarse grains (raspberries, red currants) or rough skins (gooseberries), dates, figs;
  • sweet, chocolate and cream products, ice cream;
  • alcohol, grape juice, kvass.

List of allowed products:

  • Wheat bread should be from flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grade, yesterday's baking or dried. You can also eat lean sweet or meaty baked goods and cookies.
  • Soups are cooked on a weak, fat-free meat and fish broth, on decoctions of vegetables and mushrooms. Vegetables need to be finely chopped or wiped, potatoes, cereals, vermicelli, noodles and meatballs are allowed.
  • From meat you can only varieties without tendons, and be sure to cut off all the skin. Meat can be boiled, baked and fried, breading is prohibited, but it can be smeared with an egg. Cutlets from beef, veal, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, young low-fat lamb and meat pork, as well as boiled tongue and milk sausages are allowed. Veal, rabbit, chickens, turkeys can be cooked in pieces.
  • Low-fat types and varieties of fish are boiled, baked, stewed or fried. The main thing - no breading.
  • Dairy products are allowed, you can safely drink kefir, yogurt and other sour-milk drinks, eat fresh cottage cheese in any form, cheese is allowed in grated form or slices. Sour cream can be in portions up to 15 g per dish. Milk and cream are added to dishes or drinks.
  • Eggs are cooked soft-boiled, steamed, not overcooked scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs are allowed.
  • Porridges are prepared on water or with the addition of milk.
  • Of vegetables, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, cauliflower, if tolerated, white cabbage and green pea. Vegetables are boiled, stewed or baked. You can also ripe tomatoes, finely chopped greens.
  • Fruits and pureed berries, compotes, kissels, jelly, mousses, baked apples. With tolerance, you can tangerines, oranges, watermelon, grapes without skin, 100-200 g per day.
  • Sweets: you can creamy caramel, toffee, marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallows, sugar, honey, jams, preserves.
  • Sauces: you can sour cream and white with lemon. When preparing sauces, you can use vanillin, cinnamon, a little bay leaf, dill, parsley, celery.
  • You can drink tea with lemon, coffee and cocoa on the water and with milk, vegetable, fruit and berry juices, slightly diluted with water. Decoctions of wild rose and bran are allowed.

Table number 2 is one of those diets that require strict adherence to all the rules and do not tolerate deviations. Only in this case, you can expect a therapeutic effect from it. In order not to get confused in the list of prohibited foods and make a competent menu, you need to carefully study all the rules of this therapeutic diet.

Indications for the appointment of table No. 2

Table number 2 is usually prescribed for:

  • acute gastritis, enteritis, colitis during recovery;
  • chronic gastritis, colitis with insufficient acidity;
  • during preparation for operations;
  • after infections.

Basic diet rules

The diet should be introduced strictly after the exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has been removed. Entrance to the diet (3-5 days) - nutrition fresh fruit. Preference should be given to apples, pears, melon, grapes and peaches. It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices, preferably slightly diluted with water. The next week, viscous cereals, low-fat cottage cheese and mashed soups can be introduced into the diet. During the diet, you need to drink plenty of water every day (2-2.5 liters per day), but it is forbidden to drink during meals.

This dietary table strictly prohibits the use of alcohol and smoking.

Table No. 2 excludes many foodstuffs completely, some - with reservations.

Completely excluded:

  • meat and poultry with a high fat content;
  • high fat fish salty fish;
  • smoked products;
  • alcohol, sour and carbonated drinks, including kvass;
  • raw vegetables;
  • peas, legumes;
  • garlic, onion, radish, radish, turnip, bell pepper;
  • spicy dishes, spices and seasonings (especially mustard);
  • mayonnaise;
  • lard, pork, mutton and goose fat;
  • cucumbers.

Allowed with reservations:

  • eggs (only soft-boiled or in the form of an omelette);
  • sweets (marshmallows, marmalade, jams, honey, toffee are allowed);
  • milk (not in its pure form - as part of other dishes and drinks, light fermented milk products without sugar);
  • bread and bakery products (only slightly stale bread and products made from lean dough).

The general principle of table number 2: avoid products that are somehow capable of irritating the gastric mucosa. Cooked food should be at a neutral temperature and have a soft or liquid consistency. Fried foods can be consumed, but strictly without breading - it can injure the stomach walls.

The diet should contain broths from meat, fish and vegetables. Soups are allowed, except for dairy and okroshka. Borsch and cabbage soup are allowed if they are well tolerated. From seasonings, dried herbs, vanilla, cinnamon are allowed. Salt - strictly up to 20 g per day.

You can add lemon to tea, but do not abuse it.

You can use low-fat sour cream, but in limited quantities, only as a seasoning for food or a base for sauce (up to 15 g per dish).

Give preference to chopped products that have undergone various heat treatments - boiled, stewed, fried without breading.

Meals should be fractional, 4-5 times a day. The total daily calorie content of food with this dietary table should average 2500-3000 kcal.

Sample menu for the week for table number 2


Breakfast: stale bread, squash caviar, protein, cheese and milk scrambled eggs, coffee.

Lunch: light cottage cheese, jelly.

Dinner: rice soup in meat broth, schnitzel without breading, any vegetable puree, compote.

Dinner: steamed chicken cutlets, vegetable side dish of your choice, green tea.

Second dinner: savory bun, yogurt.


Breakfast: omelet with steamed milk, cottage cheese with jam, tea.

Dinner: mushroom soup, baked fish, compote.

Afternoon snack: inedible cheesecake, pear, tea.

Dinner: vermicelli, chicken breast, beetroot salad with prunes, tea with milk.

Second dinner: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast: milk buckwheat porridge, protein omelet on the bar, coffee.

Dinner: vegetable stew of pumpkin, zucchini, carrots and potatoes, fish casserole, a slice of stale bread, jelly.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with honey, low-fat kefir.

Dinner: carrot puree, milk sausage, compote.

Second dinner: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast: protein omelet, oatmeal cookies, tea.

Dinner: vegetable soup, meatballs, a slice of stale bread, compote.

Afternoon snack: unsweetened yogurt, bun.

Dinner: vegetable mixture with turkey, sweet tea.

Second dinner: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast: milk oatmeal with raisins, cottage cheese with honey, orange juice.

Dinner: minced meat schnitzel with vegetable garnish.

Afternoon snack: curd cheesecake, tea.

Dinner: noodles, baked fish, a slice of stale bread, dried fruit compote.

Second dinner: low-fat kefir.


Breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs, a sandwich of stale bread with butter, weak coffee.

Dinner: mushroom soup, fish casserole, compote.

Afternoon snack: cookies, kefir.

Dinner: pumpkin porridge, apple baked with honey, herbal tea.

Second dinner: yogurt.


Breakfast: oatmeal pancakes, jam, herbal tea.

Dinner: baked chicken breast, carrot puree, stale bread, coffee.

Afternoon snack: bun, green tea.

Dinner: carrot casserole, boiled chicken, peach juice.

Second dinner: low-fat kefir.

Despite the large number of prohibitions and restrictions, dietary table No. 2 gives a lot of room for culinary imagination, allows you to choose foods to your liking, eat tasty and full. Strict adherence to all dietary rules in most cases has an excellent therapeutic effect and speeds up recovery.

- chronic gastritis in lung stage exacerbations or during convalescence;
- acute colitis, enteritis and gastritis in the recovery stage, as a rational transition to a full-fledged proper nutrition;
- chronic colitis and enteritis after and without exacerbation (without accompanying diseases of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas);
- gastritis with increased and preserved acidity.

General description and principles of Diet No. 2

The second table provides our body with all the necessary elements, proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates for normal activity and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. All foods, fried, stewed and boiled, are crushed, thereby stimulating the secretion of the digestive organs and mechanically sparing the gastrointestinal tract. Those foods that contain coarse fibers, rich in fiber or connective tissue, undergoes complete grinding and grinding. Fat and smoked products should be excluded from the diet, because such food is very difficult to digest and absorbed by our body. You should not eat excessively hot or cold food, as well as sour, spicy or highly salted foods, which irritate the gastric mucosa. The temperature of the dishes should be between 15-60 degrees Celsius. Meals should be fractional, five to six times a day and in small portions.

What foods are allowed to be consumed during Diet No. 2

1. Bakery products and bread: wheat bread, from flour of the first, second or highest grade, yesterday's pastries or dried, inedible pastries and dry biscuits, cookies, it is allowed to eat cooled pies with meat, boiled fish, eggs no more than twice a week, apples, jam, rice, lean cheesecakes with cottage cheese.
2. Liquid soups: on fat-free, non-rich meat or fish broth, on mushroom, vegetable broths, with pureed or finely chopped vegetables, homemade noodles or noodles, boiled cereals, potatoes, meatballs. With tolerance, it is allowed to use pickle with vegetables (necessarily mashed) without pickles, borscht, beetroot, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage.

3. Poultry and meat: milk sausages, fresh meat without skin, films and tendons, baked, boiled or fried meat dishes without oil and breading, boiled tongue, baked pancakes with meat, minced rabbit fillets, beef, veal, chickens, lean pork, turkey, young lamb. The meat of turkeys, veal, chickens and rabbits is allowed to be cooked in a whole piece.

4. Fish: various types of fish without fat. Cooked without breading, fried, boiled or stewed, chopped or whole.

5. Dairy products: kefir, curdled milk and other fermented milk products, grated or sliced ​​cheese, fresh cottage cheese as part of dishes (soufflé, pudding, dumplings, cheesecakes) and in its pure natural form, milk or cream as part of dishes.

6. Fats: vegetable refined, ghee and butter.

7. Eggs: steamed, baked, soft-boiled, fried but without crust, omelets.

8. Vegetables: finely chopped greens in dishes, potatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, beets, zucchini, ripe tomatoes and carrots, if tolerated, cabbage and green peas are allowed. Stewed, baked in pieces, boiled, in the form of puddings, casseroles and mashed potatoes. Baked and fried vegetable cutlets without a crust.

9. Cereals: cereals in water (sometimes with the addition of milk) or meat broth, including well-boiled and crumbly (except for millet and pearl barley), steam, baked puddings, fried without crust and oil or steam cutlets, fruit pilaf, hard vermicelli flour varieties.

10. Various snacks: mild cheese, soaked herring, jellied fish, meat or tongue, low-fat beef jelly, lean ham, sturgeon caviar, liver pate, dairy, dietary, doctor's sausages, salads from boiled vegetables and fish, eggs, fresh tomatoes and meat, vegetable caviar.

11. Fruits and berries, sweet dishes and a variety of sweets: ripe fruits and berries mashed, sometimes very sweet and ripe apples, kissels, jelly, compotes, mousses. Add oranges and lemons to jelly or tea. Watermelon, skinless grapes, tangerines and oranges are allowed if these fruits are fully tolerated. Jams, sugar, marshmallows, honey, creamy caramel, marshmallow, jam, toffee, marmalade..

12. Drinks: coffee, cocoa, rosehip decoction, bran, berry, fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water, tea with lemon.

13. Sauces and spices: sauces on vegetable, meat, fish or mushroom broths, sour cream and white sauce. Parsley, celery and dill are allowed from the greens. A little vanillin, cinnamon, vanilla and bay leaf.

What foods are forbidden to eat with Diet number 2.

1. Bakery products and bread: fresh bread, rich pastries from puff pastry.

2. Soups: okroshka, millet, pea, milk and bean.

3. Poultry and meat: duck, goose, smoked meats, and any canned food (except dietary), fatty meat rich in connective tissue, pork and lamb, it is advisable to eat occasionally.

4. Fish: smoked and salted fish, canned fish snacks, fatty fish.

5. Dairy products: natural-looking milk and heavy cream.

6. Fats: beef, cooking and beef fat, lard.

7. Eggs: hard-boiled eggs, fried eggs with a crust.

8. Vegetables: radishes, onions, radishes, bell peppers, cucumbers, garlic, mushrooms and rutabagas. Pickled, pickled and salted, not pureed raw vegetables.

9. Cereals: legumes, limited quantities of barley, corn, pearl barley and millet

10. Snacks: smoked and canned food, spicy or fatty snacks.

11. Fruits and berries, sweet dishes and sweets: figs, cream and chocolate products, chocolate, dates, berries - red and black currants, raspberries, gooseberries, raw fruits containing coarse fibers.

12. Drinks: grape juice and kvass.

13. Sauces and spices: fatty or spicy sauces, mustard, horseradish, hot peppers.

Sample menu of Diet No. 2 for a week


First tomorrow: soft-boiled egg, semolina pudding and coffee with cream.
Second breakfast: fruit jelly.
Lunch: noodle soup with beef broth, boiled meat, mashed potatoes, sour cream sauce and berry jelly.
Afternoon snack: decoction of wild rose.
Dinner: cottage cheese with sour cream, a glass of compote.
Before going to bed: a glass of kefir.


First breakfast: mashed potatoes, salted herring, butter, a glass of tea.
Second breakfast: a glass of rosehip decoction.
Lunch: borscht with meatballs, potato casserole with lean meat, a glass of tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: one baked apple.
Dinner: cottage cheese dumplings with sour cream, honey tea.


First breakfast: rice pudding with sour cream, cocoa or lemon tea.
Second breakfast: blueberry jelly
Lunch: soup with potatoes in chicken broth, meatballs baked in sour cream with noodles, dried fruit compote.
Afternoon snack: baked apples.
Dinner: steamed potatoes with fish, a cup of cocoa.
Before going to bed: a glass of kefir.


First breakfast: steamed omelette, noodles with cheese, low-fat ham, coffee.
Second breakfast: baked apples.
Lunch: carrot puree soup with rice in meat broth, buckwheat porridge with meat,
Afternoon snack: a cup of rosehip jelly.
Dinner: fried fish, potato soufflé with sour cream, compote.
Before going to bed: a glass of curdled milk.


First breakfast: boiled rice, butter, fish stew in sour cream, coffee.
Second breakfast: baked apples.
Lunch: pickle in meat broth, chicken cutlets, boiled pasta with white sauce, currant tea.
Afternoon snack: a glass of fruit juice diluted with water.
Dinner: krupenik with buckwheat with cottage cheese and sour cream, jelly.
Before going to bed: a glass of kefir.


First breakfast: semolina pudding with milk and butter, boiled milk sausages or sausage, tea with lemon.
Second breakfast: apple juice diluted with water.
Lunch: cauliflower and carrot soup, potato casserole with meat, a cup of compote.
Afternoon snack: one marshmallow, a cup of tea.
Dinner: boiled tongue, mashed potatoes with tomato sauce, tea.
Before going to bed: a glass of kefir.


First breakfast: oatmeal with milk, soft-boiled egg, butter, cheese, cocoa.
Second breakfast: fruit mousse.
Lunch: potato soup with meatballs and vermicelli, baked chicken, white sauce, jelly.
Afternoon snack: 50 grams of marmalade.
Dinner: steamed meat, boiled rice, sour cream sauce, kefir.
Before going to bed: a glass of curdled milk.

For a long time, it is allowed to adhere to this type of diet. You can do this while in the hospital or at home. During the period of exacerbation, in order to unload the digestive organs and stomach, one should adhere to a more fractional diet. Food should be consumed seven to eight times a day.

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Diet 2 is considered the most sparing and beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologists say that the treatment of the digestive tract will not be quite effective if you do not adhere to a special diet.


It takes quite a long time to follow this diet. Although this does not cause much discomfort for patients, because the variety of dishes and products of this dietary table is quite diverse.

Diet 2 excludes foods that are difficult to digest and heavy on the stomach. It is designed in such a way that food does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but, on the contrary, stimulates its secretory activity.

Photo: Diet 2 is used for gastritis

Due to the peculiarities of the diet table number 2, intensive metabolic processes resulting in natural weight loss.

Diet table number 2 is prescribed for such diseases:

  • gastritis
  • secretory insufficiency
  • enteritis
  • colitis
  • obesity

With an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, gastroenterologists recommend following a diet of 2 for at least six months.

Photo: diet table number 2

The energy value of the ration diet table number 2 ranges from 2500 to 3 thousand kcal.

When compiling the menu, the following biochemical indicators of food are taken as the basis:

  • carbohydrates - 500 grams;
  • fats - 120 grams;
  • proteins - 200 grams;
  • salt - no more than 10 grams;
  • purified water - 1.5–2 liters.

What is possible, what is impossible with diet number 2 in the table

Diet number 2 excludes the use of: sour, fried, smoked, spicy, excessively hot or cold foods. Diet table number 2 involves a fractional diet - from 4 to 8 times a day.

Photo: fractional diet - 4 to 8 times a day

Grated dishes that do not have coarse fibers in their composition are steamed, boiled, stewed, baked in their own juice.

Food table - what is possible, what is not, diet number 2:

Acceptable Foods
  • any varieties of sea and river low-fat fish (can be fried, but without breading);
  • daily bread, homemade crackers, biscuit cracker, crispbread;
  • rabbit meat, turkey, chicken, calf. Meat is desirable to stew, bake or boil;
  • dairy and dairy products. In small quantities, you can use cream and whole milk;
  • all cereals with the exception of: corn, wheat and pearl barley;
  • All vegetable crops. Except for: garlic, fresh onions, horseradish and legumes;
  • broths from meat, fish and vegetables;
  • jelly;
  • sweets: jams, preserves, natural honey, marshmallow, lollipops, marshmallows, marmalade;
  • drinks: tea, weak coffee drinks, rosehip broth, herbal preparations.
Invalid food
  • hot and sour sauces and mayonnaise;
  • fatty meats: pork, goose, duck;
  • confectionery: cakes, pastries, etc.;
  • any smoked dishes;
  • products containing preservatives: fermented, pickled, pickled vegetables;
  • canned food: fish, meat;
  • lard, cooking oil;
  • berries and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment;
  • figs, dried bananas, dates;
  • grape juice;
  • chocolate and ice cream;
  • mushrooms and dishes with them;
  • drinks: carbonated, alcoholic, with excessive sugar content.

Sample menu for the week

  1. Monday:
    • first breakfast: hard boiled egg, cottage cheese pudding, weak coffee drink with milk.
    • second breakfast: berry jelly.
    • lunch: chicken soup, mashed potatoes with meatballs, berry jelly.
    • snack: boiled fish, rosehip broth with honey.
    • dinner: vegetable stew, steamed cheesecakes, tea.
    • before bedtime: warm milk.
  2. Tuesday:
    • first breakfast: oatmeal with butter, steamed scrambled eggs, tea with honey.
    • second breakfast: apricot juice with pulp.
    • lunch: chicken broth with vegetables, baked turkey breast, mashed broccoli, fruit compote.
    • snack: banana.
    • dinner: fish stew with vegetables, milkshake, tea.
    • before going to bed: kefir.
  3. Wednesday:
    • first breakfast: a slice of cheese, rice casserole, bread, tea.
    • lunch: cottage cheese casserole with berry puree.
    • lunch: Vegetarian borscht, steamed meatballs, buckwheat porridge, kissel.
    • snack: fruit jelly.
    • before bed: yogurt.
  4. Thursday:
    • first breakfast: oatmeal porridge with milk, a slice of suluguni cheese, a coffee drink with milk.
    • second breakfast: fish casserole.
    • lunch: Weak meat broth with vegetables, steamed turkey meatballs, vegetable puree, jelly.
    • snack: biscuit cookies, plum jelly.
    • dinner: boiled potatoes, boiled chicken breast, green tea.
    • before going to bed: kefir.
  5. Friday:
    • first breakfast: hard-boiled egg, vegetable salad with chicken, weak coffee drink with milk.
    • second breakfast: apples baked with honey.
    • lunch: vegetarian borsch with daily bread or crackers, boiled potatoes, fish casserole, jelly.
    • snack: low-fat cottage cheese with berry jam.
    • dinner: rice casserole, rose hips with honey.
    • before going to bed: ryazhenka.
  6. Saturday:
    • first breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, scrambled eggs, bran bread, tea.
    • second breakfast: soup with chicken meatballs and vegetables, jelly.
    • lunch: cottage cheese casserole, boiled fish, vegetable puree, compote.
    • snack: peach jelly.
    • dinner: pumpkin soup, baked fish, tea.
    • before going to bed: curdled milk.
  7. Sunday:
    • first breakfast: hard pasta with cheese, stewed vegetables, coffee drink with milk.
    • second breakfast: berry jelly.
    • lunch: vegetarian borsch, stewed rabbit in vegetables, rosehip broth.
    • snack: carrot fresh with crackers.
    • dinner: baked fish, vegetable salad, tea.
    • before bed: yogurt.

It says here approximate menu for a week of diet table number 2. If you wish, you can easily swap dishes. But, when compiling your menu, it is first advisable to consult with your doctor!

Dish recipes

Despite some food restrictions, Pevzner's diet No. 2 is quite balanced, and has in its arsenal a lot of useful and delicious meals. We bring to your attention the recipes for dietary table number 2:


Photo: meatballs


  • milk;
  • White bread;
  • low-fat minced meat;
  • butter.
  • yolk.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak about 200 grams of bread crumb in milk.
  2. Mix the crumb with 400 grams of minced meat.
  3. Add 20 grams butter and one yolk, salt and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Formed meatballs can be boiled or steamed.

Liver paste

Photo: liver pate


  • parsley root and celery;
  • chicken liver;
  • vegetable oil;
  • butter;
  • yolk.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the roots of celery and parsley and chop with a blender.
  2. Grind the boiled liver with a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Mix the chopped products, add the remaining ingredients to them, salt and mix.
  4. Store the dish in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
  5. Take out of the refrigerator half an hour before use.

Remember: dishes should not be too cold or hot!

Sandwich fish oil

Photo: sandwich fish oil


  • slightly salted herring;
  • milk;
  • onions, greens;
  • butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the herring into fillets and soak in milk for an hour.
  2. Separately pass the onion with herbs and chop in a blender.
  3. Pass the herring through a blender, combine with vegetable passivation and mix 1/1 with butter.

fish pate

Photo: fish pate


  • lean fish fillet;
  • carrot;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Add sautéed greens and boiled carrots to the boiled fish fillet.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a blender, add salt.


Photo: crispy potatoes


  • Potato;
  • Salad;
  • Sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil a few potatoes and mash with butter.
  2. Chop a couple of juicy lettuce leaves and stew in sour cream, half mixed with water.
  3. Combine mashed potatoes and stewed salad.
  4. Form small thin potato slices.
  5. Put them on a baking sheet and pour sour cream sauce. Bake on low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. When serving, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Carrot and rice zrazy

Photo: carrot-rice zrazy


  • milk;
  • carrot;
  • semolina;
  • egg;
  • butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute 200 ml of milk with the same amount of water and boil a glass of rice in this mixture.
  2. Grate medium carrots on a fine grater and simmer in a small amount of milk.
  3. When the carrots begin to soften, add a teaspoon of semolina to it and bring the composition to a thick state.
  4. In the cooled rice porridge, add 1 egg and mashed carrots. Mix the mass, salt and form zrazy.
  5. Such zrazy are prepared for no more than 10 minutes in the oven or for a couple.
  6. Immediately before serving, zrazy can be flavored with a small piece of butter.

Carrot-apple syrniki

Photo: carrot-apple syrniki


  • cottage cheese;
  • apple;
  • carrot;
  • egg;
  • flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the peeled apple and carrots in sugared water.
  2. Cool and soften.
  3. Beat 1 egg with a blender, add half a glass of water, carrot-apple puree, 250 grams of cottage cheese, a little flour.
  4. Knead the dough and form cheesecakes.
  5. Bake cheesecakes in the oven, serve with jam, jam or sour cream.

Diet number 2 is able to quickly improve the condition of a patient with acute, subacute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity.

But, nevertheless, there are some contraindications. For example, with gastritis with increased secretion, the diet should be somewhat different.

Video: Diet table number 2 What can you do? What is impossible? Nutrition menu for gastritis

Therapeutic nutrition programs are necessary for patients for a quick recovery. Often, a specialized diet has a therapeutic effect no less than drug treatment. The second table according to Pevzner significantly alleviates the condition of patients with many pathologies of the gastrointestinal system.

Indications for diet number 2

Each has its own testimony. Gastroenterologists prescribe a second table for pathologies like:

  1. The recovery period after the form;
  2. Minor exacerbations of the chronic course of gastritis;
  3. As a safe transition from strict diet therapy, prescribed for a severe exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal pathology, to a complete diet;
  4. Gastritis of the hyperacid type;
  5. The first manifestations of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the intestinal sections or gastric mucosa, as well as signs of the development of gallbladder and liver pathologies;
  6. Also, diet therapy number 2 is indicated for delayed defecation that has arisen against the background of the above pathological factors.


The second table refers to nutrition programs that require the strictest adherence to the rules. The purpose of such diet therapy is to spare the gastrointestinal structures from aggressive influences of mechanical, thermal or chemical origin.

In acute clinical cases with gastrointestinal pathologies, compliance with the first table is shown, but when the recovery phase begins, the Pevzner diet number 2 is prescribed, for which an abundance of easily digestible and quite tasty food is typical.

Nutrition according to Pevzner No. 2 is selected by a specialist individually, in accordance with the patient's vital activity. For different categories, the corresponding daily calorie is shown:

  • 2.8 thousand kcal - for patients with a normal daily routine and light physical exertion;
  • 2.4 thousand kcal - for patients whose physical activity limited only to quiet walking;
  • 1.88 thousand kcal - shown to patients staying on strict bed rest in a hospital.

The therapeutic diet involves the use of mushy, but not always pureed food, warm temperature. It must be prepared in gentle ways, such as steaming or boiling.

Hot meals or too cold food are prohibited, because such a diet irritates the gastric mucosa, and such food is much more difficult to digest.


The second table is a physiologically complete nutrition program with a moderately gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract and reduced stimulation of digestive secretion. The diet includes food of various processing and grinding. These are stewed, boiled, sometimes even fried dishes (but without oil and breading), baked, but without a crust.

Diet therapy number 2 requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. Food is not rubbed, grinding requires only food with a high fiber content (for example, coarse vegetables) or indigestible connective tissues (meat of a sinewy structure);
  2. It is required to limit salt, consuming no more than 10-12 g per day;
  3. Nutrition should follow fractional principles, there should be about 4-5 meals per day with a 3-4 hour interval, while the serving size should not exceed 300 ml;
  4. The restriction concerns not only the daily calorie content (1880-2800 kcal), but also chemical composition food consumed. You need to consume 400-420 g of carbohydrates per day, about 90-100 g of proteins (of which 40% plant origin), as well as 90-100 g of fat (70-75% animal fat);
  5. On the day you need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of free liquid (that is, not as part of soup or vegetables, but only drinks, water, tea, juices).

What can and cannot be eaten?

The second table according to the Pevsner program involves the use of a variety of dishes, thanks to which it is possible to create a rational and balanced menu for the patient. So, according to diet number 2, you can:

  • Vegetables and dishes prepared from them in acceptable ways, for example, zucchini and tomatoes, cauliflower and pumpkin, beets or carrots, potatoes;
  • Cereal products like buckwheat, oatmeal or white rice and semolina;
  • Fruit and berry fruits like strawberries and watermelons, apples and apricots, bananas or peaches, nectarines, melons;
  • Crackers, yesterday's bread or dried slices of fresh bread;
  • Milk for pathologies of the gastrointestinal system is always useful, so patients on the second table are advised to eat whole milk, non-acidic and fresh kefir, acidophilus or homemade yogurt, natural yogurt and sour cream, low-fat cream, soft and fresh cottage cheese;
  • Meat, poultry and fish are also possible for such patients, but you will have to limit yourself to veal without fat, rabbit or beef tongue, turkey or chicken without skin, as well as herring, black or salmon caviar;
  • Sweet tooths are also lucky, because diet therapy No. 2 allows the use of marshmallows or marshmallows, fondant or milk candies, jams and fruit jellies, marshmallows, meringues or fruit and berry marmalade.

Also, the second table is recommended to eat eggs, drink juices from carrots, apricots and pumpkins, mineral water or tea and coffee diluted with milk. In limited quantities, the use of vegetable and butter is allowed, milk sauce, sugar or honey.

It is important to pay attention to prohibited foods, which include muffins and fresh bread.

  • Under a special ban is fatty fish and meat, poultry, and not only in cooked form, but also smoked meats, dried meat, lard, canned food, salted fish. The second table, in general, prohibits the use of animals and cooking fats.
  • You can not eat soups like okroshka, beans and peas, as well as dairy or wheat first courses.
  • It is forbidden to use milk at the second table (it is allowed to add to tea) and heavy cream.
  • Contraindicated the use of legumes, pearl barley and eggs, millet and corn.
  • When appointing a second table, you will have to give up hard-boiled eggs and snacks like canned food, spicy pickled dishes. Banned sauces and spices like mayonnaise, tomato sauces, horseradish or mustard, hot peppers.
  • Vegetables for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies are useful, but not all. Diet therapy number 2 prohibits eating onions or radishes, garlic and radishes, cucumbers and mushrooms, peppers. Also, you can not eat pickled, pickled, salted and raw non-mashed vegetables.
  • From drinks, you need to abandon the use of grape juice and kvass.
  • Excluding the second table requires ice cream and chocolate products, confectionery creams and figs, dates, as well as berries with small grains like gooseberries, raspberries, currants, etc.

Cooking features

The second program requires special attention to the method of cooking. Food should be boiled or stewed, baked and steamed. Sometimes even fried food is allowed, but only without oil and without the use of breading like crackers or flour.

Menu for the week

The approximate menu for nutrition program number 2 is not much different from the first table, but there are still some indulgences in this diet.

  1. For breakfast, oatmeal with soft-boiled egg, cheese and butter sandwiches, semolina pudding with a sausage sandwich, boiled rice with lean fish stew, scrambled eggs and macaroni and cheese, rice pudding with sour cream, porridge on the water with butter and milk and soft-boiled egg. From drinks for breakfast, weak coffee or tea with milk, tea with lemon, cocoa is recommended.
  2. You can have a snack with fruit jelly or rosehip broth, berry yogurt, baked apple, fruit and berry mousse or a glass of juice.
  3. For lunch, you can choose noodles in meat broth, beetroot and potato casserole with white sauce, potato soup in poultry broth with meatballs and pasta, cream soup with croutons and buckwheat with steam cutlets, vegetable soup in meat broth and vermicelli with meatballs, mashed carrot and cauliflower soup, potato casserole with meat, meatball soup and baked chicken with cauliflower. You can drink such a variety of dishes with compote.
  4. For an afternoon snack, you are allowed to drink a glass of fruit or rosehip jelly, yogurt or a baked apple, tea with marshmallows or orange juice, marmalade.
  5. You can have dinner with cottage cheese with berries and sour cream, dumplings with sour cream, fish stewed with carrots and mashed potatoes, a piece of steam fish with potatoes, buckwheat groats, chicken steam cutlets with mashed potatoes, boiled meat with rice. From drinks, rosehip broth or berry jelly, juice or tea, compote is recommended.
  6. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk.

Dishes are presented as an example, they can be replaced with other food, as long as it is from permitted products and cooked properly.

Dish recipes

For a change, you can cook one of the following dishes, which are allowed on the second table.

  • Soup with meat dumplings. You need to pass 100 g of veal through a meat grinder, add a little boiled rice, add 40 ml of milk and make quenelles. Dip them in boiling meat broth (1 l). Then add pepper and salt to the saucepan, and before serving, decorate the soup with fresh herbs.
  • Fruit mousse. You need to peel 2 sweet apples, cut them into small cubes, pour 2 glasses of water and put on the stove for half an hour. When the apples are boiled, you need to mix them with a large spoonful of semolina and half a large spoonful of sugar. Boil the mixture for another 5 minutes, then pour it into molds.
  • Porridge with dried apricots from rice cereals. Rice (200 g) is poured into 600 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Dried apricots (100 g) should be washed well and cut into strips, sent to porridge, which should be boiled for another 5 minutes, adding sugar and salt to taste. When the dish is cooked, add butter.

These are only exemplary dishes, but they will help to diversify the treatment menu of any patient.


In general, there are no contraindications. In patients with chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it prevents the development of exacerbations and helps to quickly normalize the condition. But this is recommended for those characterized by low acidity.

In case of inflammation, food that enhances secretion should be excluded from this menu (in fact, the first table is assigned). In other cases, i.e. when low acidity gastric secretion, the second table has no contraindications, but it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist before observing it.