Remedy for low acidity. Reduced acidity of the stomach: how to determine, nutrition and diet. What is stomach acidity, acidity rate

Remedies for low stomach acid are not as well known as the well-publicized remedies used for high hydrochloric acid. Many of us think that the second situation is much worse and must be dealt with. However, low acidity is a much more serious condition, indicating mucosal atrophy in the stomach. Doctors say that such patients have one step to oncology. What can be done in such a situation, how to increase the acidity of the stomach, let's try to figure it out.

The human gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is single system, in which food is processed to useful substances necessary to provide all cells of the body with energy and building material. The stomach in this scheme is central. He receives a "relay" portion of food from the esophagus, then for three hours he is engaged in warming, moisturizing and processing the accepted food lump with gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen, bicarbonates and mucus.

The acid in this list is the main component, it is produced by special cells of the gastric glands located in the body and bottom of this organ. In one day, a healthy person produces about 2 liters of hydrochloric acid, in response to the arrival of a new portion of food, its amount increases.

For neutralization aggressive environment there is protection in the stomach - this is a layer of mucus and neutralizing bicarbonates, which are produced in other parts of the mucous membrane of this organ in order to reduce the influence of the acid factor.

What are the functions of hydrochloric acid:

  • activating pepsinogen and converting it to pepsin is the main enzyme that digests proteins;
  • partial denaturation and swelling of proteins;
  • stimulating the further movement of food into the duodenum;
  • bactericidal action against pathogenic microbes;
  • improved iron absorption;
  • stimulation of the production of pancreatic juice;
  • ensuring the optimal value of the pH of the stomach, may change upward or downward under certain pathological conditions(gastritis, ulcer, etc.).

What you need to know about low acidity

A decrease in the concentration of hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid leads to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice.

This can happen for various reasons, the main ones are:

  • heredity - features of families where there is a gene that lowers secretion;
  • malnutrition - a constant violation of the diet, poor-quality food, abuse of spicy foods, spices, citrus fruits, tomatoes, caffeinated foods, alcoholic beverages;
  • long-term treatment hormonal means, drugs from the group of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), iron preparations, antidepressants;
  • uncontrolled passion for drugs to reduce acidity without a doctor's prescription;
  • frequent stress;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the stomach (gastritis, gastroduodenitis) caused by Helicobacter pylori infection.

All these causes gradually lead to damage to the protective barrier in the stomach, followed by hypo- or atrophy of the gastric glands that produce hydrochloric acid.

What are the symptoms of this condition?

The stomach reacts to this with an inflammatory reaction, gastritis develops (its name is hypoacid), which over time can provoke a malignant tumor.

How to treat

Therapy includes a set of measures aimed at solving the main problems:

  • elimination of the cause of the disease;
  • restoration of the secretion of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach;
  • improvement of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • complete normalization of the process of digestion of food.

The main components of the therapeutic complex are diet, cessation of tobacco and alcohol, folk recipes and medicines.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. Medicines for low acidity of the stomach can only be prescribed by a doctor after an examination and clarification of the diagnosis. These can be tablets, preparations for parenteral administration, suppositories, vegetable bitterness at the discretion of the doctor.

All medicines must be taken regularly, following the recommendations of the doctor and not forgetting about the diet and diet.

The expression "low acidity of the stomach" has been heard by many, but only a few know what this concept means. Is this condition dangerous to health or is it within the normal range? How to solve a problem? What pills are needed? Let's figure it out together.

Violation in the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach requires immediate treatment.

What is acidity?

The breakdown of food into trace elements, nutrients is the main purpose of gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid is the main component of gastric juice. It ensures thorough digestion of food, and its amount affects the level of acidity. A healthy digestive organ is able to produce up to 2 liters of the saturated component of digestive juice.

On the surface of the stomach there are many glands, including the fundus. They are responsible for increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid. A clear number of glands is necessary for normal level produced secretion. Thanks to the alkaline components, it is neutralized before the contents of the stomach enter the small intestine. The division of the stomach into two parts contributes to two processes:

  • in the first (bottom and body of the stomach) acid is formed;
  • in the second (antrum) it is neutralized.

Any violation of the process that occurs in the stomach affects digestion. Fundal cells secrete at precise intervals of time, at a constant rate. Acidity is lowered - the result of the death of the glands, an increase in quantity - increased. The process of neutralization also contributes to the normalization of the level of the main component of gastric juice.

In the case of a complete loss of parietal cells, a critical situation occurs, leading to the development of irreversible processes. The pH value is a unit of measure for the acidity of the stomach. The level of normal acidity in an empty stomach, according to medical research, is between 1.5 and 2.0 pH.


Problems in the work of the fundic glands arise against the background of various diseases:

  • stomach cancer;
  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis.

During diseases, a change occurs in the work of the glands, with complications - complete atrophy. There are rare situations where visible reasons, disrupting the work of digestion, is not detected.

The normal level of concentration acts as a guarantee of a protective function in the body, preventing the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the digestive tract. Factors that lower concentration provoke the development of inflammation. Low acidity is a significant threat to human health.

Symptoms and signs

Decreased acidity contributes to indigestion

Reduced acidity is the cause of a violation of the digestive process. Causes that reduce the activity of enzymes stimulate the fermentation process in the intestines. The patient increasingly has a stomach ache and the following signs appear that worsen the functioning of the digestive tract:

  • the smell of rot;
  • belching a rotten egg;
  • stool problems (diarrhea, constipation);
  • rumbling, bloating, flatulence accompany pain;
  • undigested food particles in feces;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • anemia;
  • dry skin, hair.

It happens that after eating there are additional symptoms of low acidity of the stomach:

  • heartburn;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • it hurts, the stomach is bursting;
  • the intestine hurts.

Heartburn appears in the absence of the functions of the parietal cells of the stomach, disruption of the sphincter. The above situations lead to the formation of a lump of food, which presses on the mucous membrane of the organ, causing heartburn. Pain, weakness lead to loss of appetite. It can be difficult to force yourself to eat when every meal brings pain, discomfort and inconvenience.

Appetite has disappeared, several similar signs have appeared, accompanied by pain, it is necessary to immediately seek advice from a gastroenterologist. Only after a thorough examination will the necessary course of therapy be prescribed.

Diagnosis of low stomach acid

In medicine, there are several methods for determining the concentration of hydrochloric acid:

Methods of treatment

The insidiousness of the complication lies in the calm flow. A number of signs without diagnostic confirmation cannot confirm the presence of a low concentration of enzymes, and the loss of time is not in the patient's favor. In modern medicine, an integrated approach is widely used, including treatment with both pills and herbs.


There are not many drugs used in the treatment of low acidity, but it is necessary to start drug therapy immediately. In no case should you choose medicines on your own, the appointment should be made by a specialist. The doctor approaches each case individually, taking into account the results of the examination, the absence of complications.

The main task is to choose the right drugs that reduce the level of concentration, restore the necessary amount of enzymes for the proper digestion process. Treatment of low acidity of the stomach is carried out by three types of drugs:

  1. Preparations containing hydrochloric acid. The following drugs are used under the close supervision of the attending physician (Acidin-pepsin, Panzinorm, Pepsidil).
  2. Tablets that act on the glands of the stomach, stimulating the production of the main component of gastric juice (Ranitidine, Rennie, Denol, etc.). Preference is given to tablets, coated capsules in order to prevent a destructive effect on the mucous membrane.
  3. Based on the test results, the doctor uses drugs - antacids, which neutralize the most important component of gastric juice ("Almagel"). The neutralizing effect of "Almagel" for a long time provides an increase in the main component of gastric juice to an optimal level. In addition, anestezin, which is part of Almagel, removes pain. Violation of the kidneys may be a contraindication to the appointment of "Almagel".

A positive result of therapy is impossible without a course of vitamin preparations that stimulate the work of the gastric mucosa.

Recipes of folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies - effective method requiring discipline. You can increase the acidity of the stomach at home using decoctions of herbs with peppermint, calamus, wormwood. Drugs effectively increase the production of gastric juice:

  1. Calamus, wild rose, dill. All components are mixed in equal parts. 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 400 ml of boiling water, infused in dark place. It is convenient to prepare the tincture in the evening and leave to settle overnight. Take infused herbs 70 ml 4-5 times a day, 30 minutes after eating. Treatment is carried out for 1-2 months.
  2. Honey is an excellent natural acid regulator. 0.5 teaspoon of honey, diluted in a glass filled with a third of water, is taken half an hour before meals.
  3. Olive oil on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. You need to start with a third of a teaspoon, gradually increase to 1 tablespoon.
  4. As decoctions, you can take the following collections of herbs: motherboard, yarrow, straw-colored flowers, dandelion root; blueberries, rose hips, lingonberries, cumin, mountain ash; flax, thyme, chamomile, tansy, coriander.
    It is necessary to take a decoction half an hour before meals, 1/3 of a glass 4-5 times a day.

It is important to know that herbs are not only a medicine that relieves pain, inflammation, they can become poison if used improperly. You can not begin to treat the causes that reduce the production of "fermentation" at home with folk remedies without consulting a specialist.

Decreased stomach acid is a serious problem that prevents many people from living a full life. In fact, it is a fairly common condition and is associated with other diseases such as stomach cancer, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms and danger of the condition

If you are experiencing symptoms such as acid reflux, heartburn, gas, bloating, nausea after eating, then it is very likely that you have an acid stomach problem.

People who have been diagnosed with gastrointestinal disease have a higher risk of stomach acid problems. If you're following a healthy diet, making lifestyle changes, and still not seeing the results you want, low stomach acid may be the problem.

Why low acidity is undesirable

Normal gastric acidity is necessary for adequate absorption of many nutrients, including minerals (iron, copper, zinc, and calcium), vitamin B12, folic acid and proteins.

Stomach acid is also an important part immune system. The acid barrier of the stomach, in normal health, easily and quickly kills bacteria that enter the body. It also prevents bacteria from multiplying in the intestines, migrating and colonizing in the stomach.

Without an appropriate level of gastric acidity, our body's defense system is completely broken. Even worse, you can eat right and eat only organic foods, but still suffer from malnutrition, since the body cannot absorb nutrients. Today we will talk about what are the main signs of low stomach acid.

Do you feel bad when you eat meat?

This feature is more common in women than in men. So what's going on? This problem has two parts. First, the physiological problem of low acidity. Second, a belief system that is designed to deal with the symptoms of a physiological problem.

Here is a typical scenario: a girl takes care of her health. For as long as she can remember, she cannot eat red meat, like any meat in large quantities. When it comes to this, she replies that she just doesn't like meat and tells how she feels after eating it.

Her feelings are completely justified. She really gets sick, she feels lethargic and nauseous when she eats a lot of meat. And the reason is that her body is not able to digest it. She needs more stomach acid to break down protein structures. And without it, red, white or any other type of meat will make her feel worse than when she eats other foods that contain less protein.

If you also think that you do not like meat because it makes you feel bad, then you need to get tested for the level of gastric acidity.

Statistics show that with low acidity accounts for about a quarter of all cases of gastritis with which patients consult a doctor. If an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa is detected for the first time in a person during fibrogastroduodenoscopy, then, as a rule, he is diagnosed with “superficial”. And when an acute inflammatory process turns into a chronic one, then high levels of acidity remain for a long time.

But if chronic gastritis progresses over the years, then in about 60% of cases there is a decrease in acidity values. In this case, there are already signs of low acidity of the stomach. That is why this condition is more typical for people of age.

Definition of what is acidity of gastric juice , the following: is the concentration of hydrochloric acid in its composition. This indicator is measured pH units, respectively, in the study is determined pH gastric juice.

How to check the stomach if certain problems appear and there is a suspicion of the development of gastritis? If the patient complains of pain and fermentation in the stomach, then initially a specialist gastroenterologist suggests that he conduct an FGSD study, as well as an analysis . Such an examination makes it possible to determine the state of the gastric mucosa and what acidity is.

Normal acidity is important for the digestion process. In order for the digestion of food to occur as it should, it is necessary. The main enzyme is pepsin , which is produced and functions correctly only in an acidic environment. But further, for the contents of the stomach to enter the intestines and its proper assimilation, neutralization of the acid is necessary.

That is why two zones of the stomach are determined - the body and the bottom, in which the formation of acid occurs, and the antrum, in which it is neutralized. When gastric acid and its concentration in the composition of gastric juice are examined, these points must be taken into account.

The work of all organs and systems in the body is interconnected. And therefore, any, even the most insignificant violations of those processes that occur in the stomach, lead to a violation of the digestion of food as a whole. As a result, symptoms of stomach problems appear.

hydrochloric acid produce cells of the fundic glands, they are called parietal. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is produced by these cells constantly and equally intensively. What kind of acid in the human stomach depends on these cells. If they gradually die off, acidity indicators decrease, if their number increases, the person is worried about the symptoms. hyperacidity. Signs of increased or decreased acidity are also noted if the degree of acid neutralization changes in the antrum of the stomach.

If the number of these cells gradually decreases, then over time, the fundic glands also atrophy. As a result, the likelihood of developing atrophic gastritis . This condition is unsafe, as in patients with atrophic gastritis, the risk of developing oncological processes in the stomach increases dramatically. In order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner and prevent such a serious disease, a patient with atrophic gastritis should regularly visit a gastroenterologist.

After all, the first signs of stomach cancer very often the patient perceives as an exacerbation of gastritis or its seasonal manifestations.

The rate of acidity of the stomach

Normal indicators of stomach acidity are as follows:

  • Normal fasting in the body - 1.5-2.0 pH.
  • The maximum indicator is 0.86 pH.
  • Minimum - 8.3 pH.
  • Acidity in the antal region - 1.3-7.4 pH.
  • Acidity in the epithelial layer - 7.0 pH.

How is acidity determined?

If a person is worried about stomach pain, he is interested in how to find out if the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased.

The most physiological method for determining whether a person has increased or decreased acidity is intragastric pH-metry, which allows you to determine the level of acidity directly in the gastrointestinal tract. This study is carried out using acid gastrometers - special devices pH equipped with probes and sensors. This method is suitable for determining the acidity in different parts of the stomach. Depending on the task that the diagnostician sets for himself, determining what kind of environment is in the stomach can be:

  • short-term - continues for several hours;
  • express assessment – within 20 minutes;
  • daily – assessment of acid production during the day;
  • endoscopic - the study is carried out with endoscopic diagnostics.

The aspiration method is also used. When using it, the contents of the stomach are taken using a fractional probe, which is used to collect gastric secretions from the stomach and intestines. However, in the process, the contents of the stomach from different zones are mixed, and as a result, the diagnostician receives a distorted result, which is only approximate.

How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home

If a person is concerned about unpleasant symptoms, you should think about how to determine on your own, without gastroscopy, the level of acidity in a person. Of course, in any case, you should visit a doctor, but determining the acidity of the stomach at home will help you quickly adjust your diet and help your stomach and intestines work normally.

How to find out the acidity of the stomach at home and check if it develops antacid gastritis ? First of all, be attentive to the signals that the body gives. With low acidity, the following symptoms appear:

  • Most characteristic symptom- appearance belching with the smell of rotten eggs and putrid odor from the mouth.
  • In the stomach, acid provides a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, and if it is not enough in the gastric secretion, the defense mechanisms become very weak. As a result, the intestinal microflora changes. As a result, this condition is characterized by recurrent diarrhea and.
  • Due to a decrease in gastrointestinal motility, provoked by a lack of acid, permanent constipation may develop. And even if the patient strictly follows the diet, and he understands what not to eat, constipation still continues to bother the person.
  • Due to fermentation, gases accumulate in the intestines, bloating is disturbing and constantly growls in the stomach.

Since proteins are not completely digested, an increased concentration of decay products is created in the stomach. They have a toxic effect on the entire body, as a result of which work deteriorates. immune system . As a result, the body's resistance decreases, and pathological processes begin in various organs and systems. Most often, a person in this condition is worried about the "attacks" of various - the fungus affects the mucous membranes, skin, nails. Also much more often the body is affected by viral diseases. Increased chance of developing oncological processes .

In addition to the disturbed process of protein breakdown, the absorption of minerals and vitamins in the intestine also deteriorates. Consequently:

  • A deficiency of a number of vitamins in the body leads to the fact that the condition of the hair worsens - they become very brittle and dry. The nails exfoliate and crumble, the skin on the hands and face dries up, peels off.
  • Developing anemia - one of the indirect signs that the acidity is lowered is. If this condition is combined with atrophic gastritis , then we are talking about the development Addison-Birmer disease . With the development of autoimmune gastritis, it is noted B12 deficiency anemia .
  • With low acidity and, accordingly, a lack of vitamins, a pronounced one often develops, dilated vessels are visible on the nose and cheeks.

Another characteristic symptom is the regular appearance of undigested food residues in the feces.

Those who are interested in how to determine gastritis should take into account that people suffering from this disease feel heaviness in the stomach, fullness, they are worried. Sometimes there is a dull pain in the abdomen, either immediately after a meal, or 20 minutes after eating.

If the concentration of acid in the stomach decreases, due to the inactivity of pepsin and other enzymes, protein digestion is significantly impaired. This is very badly displayed on the body as a whole.

What diseases cause low acidity

If a person constantly exhibits the symptoms of low stomach acid described above, and the study confirms that the acidity is low or zero, then this is fraught with the development of the following diseases:

  • stomach cancer;
  • antacid gastritis or low acidity. Should be taken into account if diagnosed anacid gastritis what is this condition when the acidity in the stomach is more than 5 pH. Signs of low acidity of the stomach in this condition are accompanied by constant discomfort and pain in the stomach.

Define , gastritis and other pathological processes can the doctor after the study.

How to treat low acidity

If a patient is diagnosed with such a condition, it is worth learning how to increase the acidity of the stomach at home and cure gastritis caused by this condition.

Provided that the patient is diagnosed with gastritis without erosion, the following treatment is practiced:

  • substitution treatment helps to normalize acidity gastric juice , Pepsidyloma ;
  • if there are indications, apply antacids ;
  • in order to get rid of helicobacter pylori accept according to indications, .

Only a gastroenterologist can confirm the diagnosis of "gastritis with low acidity". Therefore, those who constantly notice the symptoms of gastritis with low acidity in themselves should definitely contact a good specialist and describe to him all these signs.

Currently, drugs that treat gastritis with low acidity are not produced in such a wide variety as drugs for the treatment of high acidity. If not only a diet is needed, but also medication, as a rule, drugs and medicines are prescribed that stimulate its production. Used for treatment and herbs - peppermint, calamus, wormwood.

A specialist must supervise the treatment, while periodically monitoring the patient's condition in dynamics. After all, low acidity causes oncological tension. Self-medication without the supervision of a doctor is not allowed, as this is fraught with a serious deterioration in the patient's condition.


It is very important for the normalization of the state of correct diet . Correction of nutrition is necessary both with low acidity, and for those for whom the question of how to lower the acidity of the stomach is relevant. Nutrition should be dietary, especially at a time when the patient is experiencing periods of exacerbation. In parallel, you need to take those drugs that the doctor prescribed.

Those for whom it is important how to reduce the acidity of the stomach should completely exclude very spicy, cold, hot foods from the diet, do not eat too fatty foods, as well as those foods that can provoke fermentation in the body. With low acidity, you should not use milk, fresh pastries, apricots, grapes, pears. It is necessary to exclude canned food, smoked meats, sausages and sausages.

Eat often and in small portions. At the same time, one should not forget that the medications prescribed by the doctor can reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms and, in combination with the diet, alleviate the condition.

It is recommended to eat different cereals for breakfast, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, as well as white bread crackers. Can you eat with gastritis? mashed potatoes, soups on vegetable and weak meat broth, lean meat and fish. Useful consumption of fermented milk products, you can sometimes eat cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs. From fruits, apples should be preferred, but any fruits except grapes and melons can be eaten periodically and in small quantities. Juices are best diluted with water. It is allowed to drink coffee and tea, but in small quantities. Moderate consumption of honey is also acceptable. And, of course, it is worth completely eliminating alcohol, which additionally irritates the mucous membrane.

The stomach is a hollow organ muscle tissue, which is part digestive system human and necessary for the accumulation and digestion of food. The acidity of the stomach is determined by the concentration of hydrochloric acid - an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, which is produced by parietal cells. Parietal gastric glandulocytes are also responsible for the synthesis of complex peptide compounds, which consist of pepsin (a proteolytic enzyme of the hydrolase class) and mucoid, a mucous secretion secreted by mucocytes (cells of the epithelial lining of the stomach).

If the acidity of the gastrointestinal environment is lowered, inflammation of the walls of the stomach occurs, which is called antacid gastritis (gastritis with low acidity). The disease can cause the formation of peptic ulceration, atrophy of the mucous membranes, degenerative changes inner surface of the stomach. Secondary prevention of such complications is the timely treatment of the provoking disease and adherence to a therapeutic and prophylactic diet. In order to start the necessary therapy on time, it is important to know the signs of low stomach acid, as well as understand the basics conservative treatment antacid gastritis.

Hydrochloric acid is produced by the parietal cells of the stomach, the functioning of which is controlled by three components:

  • gastrin- a hormone synthesized by the pyloric section of the stomach, cells of the pancreas and duodenum;
  • histamine– a mediator of allergic reactions of immediate type;
  • acetylcholine- a neurotransmitter that controls neuromuscular transmission.

The synthesis of hydrochloric acid occurs as a result of stimulation of specific receptors. The aqueous hydrogen chloride formed as a result of stimulation performs many functions, the main of which is the provision of digestive processes. Hydrochloric acid in small quantities is necessary for the curdling of milk and dairy products and the release of casein - complex protein molecules. It also causes swelling and denaturation of nutrients from food (proteins, fats) for further breakdown and digestion by digestive enzymes.

Hydrochloric acid supports the acid reaction of gastric juice, necessary for the activation of pepsin, participates in the excitation of the glandular cells of the stomach, affects the functioning of the small and large intestines and further digestion of food. Hydrogen chloride is also necessary for the prevention of infectious diseases of the digestive tract, as it has bactericidal properties and destroys bacteria that enter the human body through the mouth (for example, pathogens contained in sputum that a person swallows when it is impossible to expectorate).

Video: The mechanism of secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

The rate of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

The normal concentration is considered to be the content of hydrochloric acid not more than 0.5%. The relative norm can be considered indicators from 0.4% to 0.6%: this concentration corresponds to pH=0>9-1.5. Deviations from these values ​​indicate increased or decreased acidity of the stomach and are one of the main clinical signs chronic gastritis.

Table. The content of hydrochloric acid in various diseases of the stomach.

Note! To determine the acidity of the stomach, intragastric pH-metry is used, which makes it possible to assess the level of hydrochloric acid not only in the stomach cavity, but also in the esophagus, as well as in the duodenum.

Signs of low acidity

Since low acidity of the stomach is one of the main prerequisites for the formation of malignant tumors, it is important to know how the pathology clinically manifests itself, and whether its symptoms can be determined at home. Despite the fact that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after the initial diagnosis, some signs can be detected independently.

This symptom with antacid gastritis and other diseases that develop against the background of reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid is detected in almost 90% of patients. The smell from the mouth with low acidity of the stomach becomes putrid, sharp, has a high intensity, may be accompanied by a rotten eructation. Symptoms are aggravated after eating, as well as after prolonged fasting (more than 6-8 hours).

You can understand that an unpleasant odor is associated with digestive disorders by the following signs:

  • the patient does not have caries, diseased teeth, gingivitis, periodontitis and other dental diseases;
  • the smell appears within 1-2 hours after brushing your teeth;
  • rinses, balm, mouth fresheners cope with the problem for short periods of time.

Note! The maximum intensity of breath odor with low acidity reaches in the morning due to a long night break between meals.

Chair instability

Alternating constipation and diarrhea is another possible symptom of decreased secretion of hydrogen chloride in the stomach. Stool disorders result from a lack of pepsin and other digestive enzymes whose activity is stimulated by hydrochloric acid. This leads to disruption of the digestive processes and poor absorption of beneficial and nutrients in the intestines. Insufficiency of the secretory function of the parietal gastric cells also leads to a decrease in the amount of detritus in the intestine, as a result of which the feces become dry, and their evacuation from the intestine is difficult.

Pathology can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • change in the color and smell of feces, as well as its consistency (caused by a violation of the gastric and intestinal microflora);
  • prolonged absence of bowel movements, accompanied by intestinal spasms and tenesmus (false, painful urges for bowel movements);
  • functional diarrhea, which begins suddenly and can persist for several days against the background of normal health of the patient and the absence of signs of intestinal infections.

Important! Similar symptoms can appear with any diseases of the digestive system, therefore, independently make a diagnosis based only on these clinical manifestations it is forbidden.

functional dyspepsia

This symptom complex can manifest itself in various ways. The most common are flatulence (increased accumulation of gases in the intestines), pain in the upper abdomen, rumbling in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness and fullness that occurs after eating, even if a person eats in moderation and eats small meals. In the feces, particles of undigested food may be present, since digestion is disturbed if the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach drops to 0.3% or less. Most often these are dairy products, meat, fish, eggs and other foods rich in protein.

Many patients are concerned about heartburn, belching, a feeling of gas moving in the lower abdomen.

Video: How to know if the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased

Indirect symptoms

Indirect manifestations of reduced hydrochloric acid synthesis are conditions that develop as a result of impaired digestion and breakdown of proteins and other nutrients. Pathology can be manifested by external changes, for example, skin rashes ( acne, boils, comedones), dullness and fragility of hair, changes in the structure and color of the nail plates. With a long absence of adequate treatment, the skin becomes dry, covered with red spots, flaky, acquires an earthy hue.

Against the background of insufficient splitting of substances entering the body and the accumulation of toxic products of decay and fermentation in the intestine, the patient may develop immunopathological conditions, for example:

  • colds;
  • intestinal infections;
  • fungal infections (onychomycosis, candidiasis, systemic mycosis);
  • skin diseases (urticaria, eczema);
  • decreased visual acuity and hearing.

If the concentration of hydrochloric acid is not more than 0.1% (or zero), the patient may experience problems with blood vessels and capillaries: they become brittle, their elasticity and wall strength decrease.

Chronic gastritis with low, normal and high acidity

Important! Iron deficiency anemia associated with insufficient activation of digestive enzymes (against a background of low acidity) necessary for the absorption of iron from food can also be regarded as a possible symptom of impaired secretion of hydrochloric acid. To detect anemia, it is necessary to pass general analysis blood. Pathology is diagnosed if the hemoglobin level is below 120 g / l (for women - 110 g / l).

Treatment: drugs for basic therapy

Basic therapy for low stomach acid includes treatment inflammatory process in the stomach, which, against the background of existing disorders, occurs in 96.3% of patients. To select an adequate treatment regimen, the patient is prescribed full examination, which allows not only to measure the acidity of gastric juice, but also to identify the presence of ulcers, erosions, and also to determine the quantitative composition of the gastric microflora. If bacterial culture reveals the presence of spiral-shaped bacteria Helicobacter pylori in the mucous membranes of the stomach, initial stage therapy will eradicate the pathogen.

For this, three protocol lines are used, which include the use of antibiotics (Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Azithromycin), vermouth preparations (De-nol), antacids (Maalox, Rennie) and proton pump blockers (Rabeprazole, Omeprazole).

The most important task in the treatment of low acidity of the stomach is the stimulation of secretory function. For this, some antispasmodics (for example, products based on papaverine hydrochloride), caffeine, potassium and calcium preparations (Calcium Gluconate, Asparkam, Panangin) can be used. Gastric juice preparations ("Betacid", "Acidin-pepsin") are used as replacement therapy. They must be taken strictly with meals, dissolving the tablets in boiled water.

Medication may also include the ancillary medications listed in the table below.

Table. Auxiliary therapy for antacid (anacid) gastritis.

Drug groupPreparations
Regulators of metabolic processes and tissue metabolism "Riboxin", "Thiamin", "Cytochrome C", "Nikospan"
Probiotics and prebiotics to restore gastric and intestinal microflora and normalize digestion "Bifidumbacterin", "Narine", "Normobakt", "Yogulakt"
Drugs for stopping the inflammatory process from the group of sucralfates Venter, Antepein
Digestive enzymes "Mezim forte", "Festal", "Creon"
Antihistamines Tavegil, Loratadin, Diazolin
Antispasmodics to reduce pain and relieve spasms "Papaverin", "Spazmol", "Drotaverin"

To normalize the general condition of the patient, improve the immunological status, correct deficient conditions, the patient is selected vitamin-mineral complexes and supplements. Treatment for low stomach acid also includes special diet aimed at reducing the protein load, stimulating the secretory function and providing the body with the missing vitamins and mineral elements.