Diet for weight loss before summer. Summer diet for weight loss. Special summer diet for weight loss, menu from American nutritionist Jackie Nugent

Did you know that summer is the time when you can lose weight quickly and effectively. It is during these summer months that we move more, even if you previously led a normal lifestyle. Thanks to a large number of vegetables and fruits, herbs, berries, you can get the figure you have long dreamed of. In addition, if you also do some kind of exercise, then the weight loss effect will not take long to appear.

You need to start losing weight immediately after reading our article, and not tomorrow or next Monday. I knew one girl who kept putting it off until Wednesday, arguing that Monday is a hard day, after the weekend you need to come to your senses, and on Tuesday give yourself some slack in your diet, so that on Wednesday you can stop eating many “harmful” foods. goodies. Well, what can I say, these are just excuses and nothing more. So now go and pour yourself one and a half liters of water, which you should drink throughout the day. Firstly, your appetite will decrease, and secondly, drinking plenty of fluids promotes rapid metabolism in your body, which means removing toxins from the body and thus cleansing. In the end, the result of such actions will be weight loss and nothing more. By the way, in hot weather you need to drink much more water, but less than 1.5-2 liters per day. And my advice to you is that it is advisable to drink most of the water in the morning, and not at night. You’ll simply have to get up to go to the toilet several times during the night, as everyone has already guessed.

Summer diets for weight loss are very diverse, we can talk about them endlessly. Everyone chooses what they like. I have selected several interesting diets that you can take note of.

1. Diet based on consumption salads. Summer diet salads are a must-try dish throughout the summer. And not only among young ladies who decided to lose weight, but also among those who do not need it. By receiving only beneficial substances from fresh foods, you thereby ensure long-term health for your body.

A girl trying to lose weight should always have cabbage, cucumbers, onions, spinach and other vegetables in her diet, the dishes from which can be made differently every day. But there is a special salad diet designed for two weeks. That is, if you are going on vacation, then it’s time to start taking care of yourself. This diet helps you reduce your weight by as much as 7 kg.

What needs to be done?

Week one.
Throughout the day you can drink 1 liter of 1% kefir.

Breakfast should consist of a glass of water with lemon half an hour before eating the main meal. Next, prepare a fruit salad from a green apple, orange, pear and 1% fat yogurt.

For lunch and dinner prepare any two salads from vegetables, but do not include potatoes in the dish. It's also worth refilling olive oil or lemon juice, but not with mayonnaise or other high-calorie dressings.

Week two. You continue to adhere to the diet, but you can now add 100 grams of lean meat without salt to your diet. Yes, it’s tasteless, but you remember what goal you are striving for, which means you have to be patient and tune in.

During this diet, you can only drink green tea and water, which should first be infused with lemon. And don’t forget, large doses of the dish are not for you.

2. There is another type of diet called extreme. And all because many girls remember that it’s time to lose weight only when it’s already summer in full force and it’s time to undress, it’s time to go to the beach. You only need to spend the whole day on this type of diet, and you are guaranteed to lose a few kilograms.

On the first day, eat 4 apples, one lemon, 100-200 grams of lean boiled meat and three unsweetened crackers. On the second day you should eat exactly the same in order to achieve the desired effect. As a result, if you hold out, you will immediately lose 1.5-2 kilograms. If you want to repeat it to get a greater effect, then after a couple of days of break you can repeat the procedure.

3. Help you lose weight quickly summer diet soups, among which the most effective are cabbage and from. Eating cabbage soup daily can help you lose significant weight in just a week. The most amazing thing is that you can eat this soup at any time of the day, even after 18:00.

This diet contains mainly only green vegetables, on the digestion of which the body spends a significant amount of energy, unlike the rest. But don’t think that you have to eat only one soup all day; in addition, you can add vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, but only in a certain sequence.
Surely someone is interested in this diet, and therefore we offer a recipe for that same cabbage soup. You need to take: onions, bouillon cubes, parsley root, sweet peppers, cabbage, a can of tomatoes and fresh tomatoes, carrots. All vegetables are cut at your discretion and placed in a pan with boiling broth, cook for 1 hour, not forgetting to add salt and other spices to taste.

Menu This diet looks like this:

First day:
You can eat all fruits, except bananas and soup, and in any quantity. If you can maintain this diet every day, then you can lose 1.5 kg every day.

Second day: continue to eat soup, adding fresh or boiled vegetables to your diet, except legumes.

The third day: repeat the first day, also excluding potatoes from the diet.

Fourth day: Today you eat 5 bananas, skim milk, and don’t forget to eat soup.

Fifth day: today you can add boiled meat (beef or chicken breast), fish and tomatoes in large quantities.

Sixth day: Today you eat soup and vegetable salad again, and also add boiled beef. No fruits today.

Seventh day: If you made it to the seventh day, you are great, continue to eat soup, you can also add boiled rice without oil, but with salad. You can eat any vegetables and fruits in large quantities, and also drink juices.

While you are on a diet, you can only drink tea and coffee without sugar, mineral water and vegetable juice. Naturally no alcohol!

4. Among the wide variety of diets, there is raw food diet. The diet of people watching their figure includes only fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, and only in raw form. Sometimes you can add vegetable oils to your food, but only cold-pressed ones.

This diet is quite complex, since foods such as meat, fish, poultry and milk are completely excluded from it. Sometimes such a diet is prescribed to women who have gynecological diseases, including chronic premenstrual syndrome and pain during menstruation.

Even though you need to remove all animal products from your diet, in any case, within a few weeks of a raw food diet, you can easily lose weight, cleanse your digestive tract, and the immune system will become stronger, and as a result, your vitality will also improve. The main thing in this diet is to survive the first few days - the most difficult ones. Because you may have headaches, but soon it will all pass and, on the contrary, you will begin to feel lightness and freshness.

To make it easier for you, we have selected sample menu, which you can stick to and which you can adjust.

For breakfast It is best to eat almonds (they must first be soaked overnight), and also eat one and a half cups of cereal shoots.

Before lunch
You can also drink one glass of juice made from bananas and carrots, or you can replace it with orange juice.

For lunch Prepare a large salad with lettuce, tomatoes, fresh green vegetables and half a cup of sunflower seeds. Season the entire salad with lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil.

For afternoon tea
drink a glass of juice from celery, beets and carrots.

For the first dinner you can eat half a glass of raisins or apples, while for the second dinner again prepare a large portion of salad from dry seaweed, avocado, vegetables and lettuce leaves. You also season with vinegar, citric acid and vegetable oil.

To remove the feeling of hunger before bedtime you can eat carrots or some fruit.

In addition to the fact that you will only eat raw vegetables and fruits, for beginners you can add some bread, porridge (preferably oatmeal), seeds, legumes and grains (sprouts), also do not forget to add a complex of vitamins and minerals, so that along with kilograms of vital elements have not left the body.

5. At number five we want to talk about diet for 5 days. The diet is designed for the summer, when even if you eat certain foods allowed in this diet, you still lose weight. In the summer, the heat makes you want to drink more, which means you reduce your appetite and, accordingly, lose weight. Thus, with this diet you can lose 1 kg of weight every day. But don’t be alarmed by these numbers, due to the fact that the diet includes only summer dietary dishes, you will saturate it with useful substances necessary for normal life. By the way, if desired, such a diet can be extended for 10 days if you want to get a greater effect and lose not 5, but 10 kilograms.


1 day:- breakfast – tea without sugar with crackers or toast (only eat rye bread),
- second breakfast – skim cheese- 200 grams,
- lunch – fish soup with cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes and tomatoes,
- dinner - steamed vegetables (you can stew, but do not fry!!!) with a slice of bread. You can combine vegetables at your discretion.

Day 2:
- breakfast - coffee without sugar and with walnuts,
- second breakfast – low-fat kefir and half a banana,
- lunch – beef broth soup with cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes,
- dinner - any steamed vegetables (stewed without oil) with a slice of bread.

Day 3:- breakfast – coffee without sugar with crackers,
- second breakfast – a glass of kefir (low-fat, of course) and half a glass of berries (strawberries, currants),
- lunch – chicken soup with vegetables,
- dinner - any steamed or stewed vegetables without adding butter with a slice of rye bread.

Day 4:- breakfast – green tea without sugar and crackers,
- second breakfast – fresh cabbage salad and two sawn eggs (can be replaced with one chicken),
- lunch – fish soup with vegetables and a slice of bread,
- dinner - any steamed or stewed vegetables without adding butter with a slice of rye bread.

Day 5:
- breakfast – tea without sugar and half a glass of berries,
- second breakfast – low-fat kefir and two walnuts,
- lunch – beef soup with vegetables and a slice of bread,
- dinner - steamed or stewed vegetables without adding butter with a slice of rye bread.

The 5-day diet has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, I would like to note, first of all, the rapid effect of losing weight in a short time; many girls can try such a diet and will understand that it has long been easy to tolerate, and all because you will not experience a lack of vitamins and other important elements for the body. The presence of a second breakfast is also noted as an advantage. But the disadvantages of such a diet are that its use is possible only in the summer, while at other times of the year the effect will be much less noticeable. In summer they also rise physical exercise, plus high air temperature - all this contributes to rapid weight loss, while in winter we lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Summer is a great opportunity to take charge of yourself in terms of losing weight and think about diets for the summer. In theory, in the heat you don’t really feel like eating, and the prospect of fiddling around the stove, creating multi-faceted breakfasts, lunches and dinners is not impressive. And that’s all true, but for some reason, in the summer, instead of losing those hated pounds, we watch in horror as the scale arrow goes right-right-right... What kind of misfortune? It's simple - we don't eat right in the summer. And it’s not even a matter of incorrect selection of products and an unbalanced diet, but of snacks “on the run,” fast food, ice cream, lemonades and beer. How nice it is to sit down in a cozy cafe on a hot day with a glass of ice cream and ice-cold lemonade or a kebab with beer! Meanwhile, all these products consist of many harmful substances and have bad habit be converted into fat. So, if you don’t want your weight to rapidly increase, give up all unhealthy foods, and at the same time, baked goods and fried foods. By doing this, you will make the life of your liver much easier; it will only thank you.

Now let's talk about how to plan diets for the summer and make you lose weight. You can, of course, torture yourself with some kind of super-diet that promises “minus a certain number of kilograms in a week.” True, with all the effectiveness of such diets, there is one “but”: after you decide that you have achieved the desired result, you will immediately return to your usual diet, and with it your lost kilograms will return to you. Because any diet is to some extent self-abuse and many restrictions. Therefore, the best option would not be a strict diet, but changing your entire lifestyle for the better, healthier way. And the result will not keep you waiting!

Of course, it won’t work without any restrictions. But these restrictions are only for the good. Well, you really won’t protest against the fact that preservatives, dyes, flavors and other “approved for use” chemicals will forever disappear from your refrigerator? All kinds of lemonades, cola, store-bought kvass can be replaced with tasty and healthy drinks: homemade kvass, herbal teas and infusions, compotes from fresh and dried fruits - you just need to put in a little effort (and not only physical, sometimes you have to wiggle your brain). Or, say, make cocktails: squeeze juice from apples (pears, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines or a mixture of fruits) and mix with a banana chopped in a blender - it turns out something like a milkshake, but much tastier and healthier. Or this recipe: put bananas (kiwi), apples, lemon (lime) juice and herbs (parsley, dill, celery, spinach) into a blender and blend. If it is too thick, add clean cold water. These cocktails are just the perfect breakfast or pre-dinner snack.

The most simple diets for the summer, which can start the process of losing weight - these are fasting days. They come in different varieties: fruit, vegetable, curd, “hungry” (water) - they all literally shake the body. Algorithm fasting days simple - once or twice a week, eat only one product (cucumbers, watermelon, apples, cottage cheese) and drink only clean water. Not tea, not mineral water - just water. A “hungry” fasting day is generally just water in all its manifestations during the day. Some people find it easier to spend a fasting day at home, when they are not distracted by co-workers for eternal get-togethers with tea and sandwiches. For some, on the contrary, it is easier to spend this day at work, because they do not have to stand at the stove and inhale the tantalizing aromas of cooking food. The main thing is not to get scared yourself and not to frighten your body, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste.

Nutrition experts have come up with the most varied diets for summer. A two-day “Minus 2” diet, 3-4-7-day diets, a two-week diet that promises to lose 7 kilograms, and many, many more, from simple to exotic. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

"Minus 2"

An extreme diet for those who did not have time to tighten their tummy before the holidays. You will lose one and a half to two kilograms, that’s for sure, the main thing is not to gain them again! The menu for every day consists of 1 lemon, 4 apples, 1 cracker and 100 g of boiled lean meat. Mockery clean water, fortunately it’s short.

"Four for Four"

As the name suggests, minus 4 kilos is guaranteed.

1 day: You can eat any fruit in any quantity. The only exceptions are grapes and bananas due to their calorie content.

Day 2: fasting day on herbal teas.

Day 3: vegetables in any quantity. You can eat both raw vegetables and boiled and stewed without oil.

4 day: fasting day on vegetable decoctions.

The basis of this diet is vegetable soup, which can and should be consumed in any quantity. And even at night at the computer or watching your favorite TV show. In addition to soup, you can eat other foods. It is advisable to drink clean water, green tea no sugar, juices. Alcohol is prohibited. By following this diet you can lose up to 5 kg.

Soup recipe simple: 6 large onions, 4 large carrots, 4 medium tomatoes, 2 sweet peppers, ½ head of cabbage, chop the parsley root, add water so that it is not very thick, and cook for 1 hour.

1 day: fruits in any quantity (except bananas and grapes) and soup.

Day 2: vegetables in any form (except legumes and peas) and soup.

Day 3: fruits and vegetables (except bananas and potatoes) and soup.

4 day: 5-6 bananas, skim milk and soup.

5 day: 300-400 g of animal protein (boiled beef, skinless chicken or fish) and soup.

Day 6: beef and vegetable salad in any quantity and soup.

Day 7: boiled rice (without oil) with salad, vegetables, fruits, juice without sugar, tea or coffee without sugar and soup.

Another week diet for the summer - “Cucumber”

Cucumbers - without restrictions, but fatty, sweet, smoked and salty foods are excluded. Instead of salt you can use soy sauce(without fanaticism, it is also salty!) or sea (or regular coarse) salt, ground with sesame seeds 1:1. This diet allows you to lose up to 4-5 kg ​​by “draining” fluid (cucumbers are a known diuretic plus salt-free nutrition).

Breakfast: cucumbers with black (ideally homemade) bread.

Dinner: 100 g lean boiled meat or fish, cucumber salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. unrefined oil.

Dinner: cucumber salad.

"Salad Diet"(two weeks)

After following this diet, you can lose 7 kg excess weight, and at the same time eat your fill of vitamins to your heart’s content. During the diet, you can drink green tea without sugar, herbal infusions or water with lemon. Or just clean water.

First week

Breakfast: Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water with lemon. Fruit salad, seasoned with 1% yoghurt.

Dinner: vegetable salad from any ingredients except potatoes, seasoned with lemon juice or 1 tsp. olive oil.


During the day you are allowed to drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir.

Second week

The food is the same, only 100 g of lean boiled meat without salt is added to lunch.

These are the diets for the summer, as they say, choose according to your taste. But, as you know, losing weight is much easier than maintaining your position. Very often the kilograms return, and they even take a couple with them - just in case, you never know what kind of savage diets you’ll decide to torture yourself with? Therefore, any honest nutritionist will tell you that it is not your diet that needs to be changed, but your lifestyle. Yes, yes, calls to lead stuck in the teeth healthy image life is not an empty phrase. And not so many sacrifices need to be made in order to improve your diet and improve your body’s health (and a healthy body is a slim body, you can’t argue with that!). After all, fat is essentially a preservative for those toxins and wastes in our body that have settled in it due to our disregard for food. Mayonnaises that do not contain eggs, ketchups made from starch, semi-finished meat products from who knows what, yoghurts with a 6-month shelf life and other “delicacies” stuffed with God knows what have taken up permanent residence in our refrigerators. And the worst thing is that you get used to all this “chemistry”, like a drug. Therefore, giving up all harmful foods and switching to a normal, balanced, healthy diet is often accompanied by real withdrawal symptoms, which many simply cannot withstand.

The best way to switch the body to the right lifestyle can be strict adherence to Orthodox posts- both great and weekly. This is where the wisdom of our ancestors manifested itself millennia before the research of nutritionists! Judge for yourself: of the seven days of the week, two are non-strict fasting days (fish days) and one is a “hungry” fasting day. Add four posts to this and you end up with almost 200 fast days per year. Isn't this healthy eating? And those who honestly endured at least one long fast always talk about an extraordinary lightness in the body, which, unfortunately, goes away as soon as you return to ordinary cutlets and dumplings. That is why, after fasting, the ranks of vegetarians - strict and not so strict - are steadily growing.

Perhaps the most extreme way to lose weight over the summer can be called. Cheese has nothing to do with it. Raw foodists do not eat it. And they eat all those foods that do not need to be cooked using fire. That is, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, cereals (soaked, sprouted), honey, carob (chocolate substitute), seeds, dried fruits, dried seaweed, unrefined vegetable oil... Instead of animal milk, raw foodists prepare milk from almonds, coconut and others nuts are a very nutritious product known since ancient times. Almond milk, for example, is rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese.

Almond milk

1 stack Soak almonds overnight. Grind in a blender to a mushy mass, gradually add 2.5 cups. water. Strain the resulting milk through cheesecloth, add 2-3 tsp. honey. You can drink this milk just like that, or you can whip it with any berries and you will get a wonderful cocktail. The cake left over from making milk can be used to make sweets, or added to salads or baked goods.

Remove the coconut from the shell, pour the liquid into a separate cup, and remove the brown skin. Grate, put in a blender, add coconut liquid, a little water (depending on the desired consistency), and beat. The pulp can be squeezed out or left as desired. Add seeds, banana or whatever you like.

This soup is also called “liquid salad.” It can be a good alternative to regular cold borscht and okroshka.

300-400 g dried white bread
1.5 kg tomatoes
500 g cucumbers
1 large red bell pepper
1 large onion
150 ml olive oil
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 stalk of celery
a few cloves of garlic (to taste)
pinch of coriander

Cut the bread into small cubes and place on plates. Peel the tomatoes, chop them, put them in a blender and grind until pureed. Peel the peppers, remove the peels from the cucumbers, and grind in a blender along with the garlic and onion. Combine with tomato puree, add coriander, olive oil and lemon juice, continuing to whisk. Cool the finished gazpacho soup in the refrigerator for an hour. When serving, sprinkle with bread cubes and chopped celery.

Raw cashew cheese

First you need to prepare a wheat starter: pour 100 g of sprouted wheat into 400 ml of clean water and leave for 24-48 hours until air bubbles appear, like in soda. The liquid should taste tart, but without a putrid odor. You can drink it like kvass.

250 g cashews
100 ml starter
Pour plain water over the nuts and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the remaining water, put the nuts in a blender, pour in the starter and grind to a paste. You can add a pinch to this mixture sea ​​salt, herbs, spices to taste. Cover the strainer with gauze, lay out the resulting mass, and leave for a day in a warm place. After this time, you can make cheese from the mass and leave it in the refrigerator. Serve with grain breads.

Raw food dishes are very tasty and nutritious, but perhaps they do best in sweets.

Candies with nuts

½ cup almonds
½ cup walnuts
¾ stack. figs
¾ stack. dates
½ coconut flakes
¼ tsp. ground ginger
¼ tsp. ground cinnamon

Soak the almonds and remove the skins. Fold in the dried fruits, half the coconut and walnuts into a blender and blend until smooth. Divide the resulting dough into a number of pieces equal to the number of almonds, form it into balls, press the almonds inside and roll in coconut flakes.

Soak the buckwheat overnight. Grind, add honey, walnuts - this is the base. You can eat it this way, or you can add chopped poppy seeds, sesame seeds, dried fruits, coconut flakes, any nuts, seeds, carob to taste (in this case you will get “chocolate” halva). Place in a mold and refrigerate.

Another version of halva

2 stacks ground sunflower seeds, 1 stack. ground poppy seeds, 1 cup. Mix ground sesame seeds, add honey, place in mold.

As you can see, it all comes down to fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts. Effective Diets for the summer, it is imperative to include a large number of plant elements and a minimum of animal products.

Larisa Shuftaykina

In the summer, dieting is a pleasure! It’s not at all difficult to limit yourself, because the dishes offered on the summer diet can be tasty and very appetizing. At this time, there is an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are so important for weight loss. Even if you simply eat more of them than usual, and remove completely unnecessary and frankly harmful sausages, mayonnaise and high-calorie sweets from your diet, you will already get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

If you stick to a certain summer diet for some time, you can lose significant weight and achieve the desired slimness. In addition, seasonal vegetables and fruits will perfectly cleanse the body of toxins, improve intestinal motility, and refresh the skin. Let's not prolong the pleasure and get acquainted with 7 options for the best summer diets for weight loss.

An effective and tasty summer diet

The very first rule: regardless of your diet, drink plenty of plain water throughout the day.

Water calculation is simple:

  • for beginners: 30 ml per kilogram of weight,
  • optimal: 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

Drink water 30 minutes before. before each meal and 1.5 hours after.

If the weather is hot and you sweat a lot, the amount of water you drink increases by 20%.

Why is it so important to use when losing weight? The thing is that when cells lack fluid, metabolism slows down, plus the cells do not receive the vitamins and minerals they need. The level of toxins in the body increases, swelling appears due to fluid retention in the intercellular space, lymph flow is disrupted and problems arise with the balance of electrolytes. Under such conditions, the body simply cannot lose weight normally. Because Necessarily increase the amount of water you drink per day!

Summer diet on proteins and carbohydrates

Promises a loss of 10kg in 10 days. The advantage is that the amount of food eaten during the day is not limited. However, the diet itself is quite strict, its main condition: impeccable compliance. It cannot be made in the form of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, even apples and especially chocolates.

For the first 7 days, you are allowed to change the menu sequence and vary the recommended options, but for the last three days, meals should be exactly the same, in the sequence as recommended:

  1. Day: food only boiled eggs.
  2. Day: food only boiled fish.
  3. Day: only cottage cheese from food (you can add a little honey for taste).
  4. Day: only boiled chicken fillet to eat.
  5. Day: only jacket potatoes for food.
  6. Day: food only boiled veal or beef.
  7. Day: eat only vegetables (potatoes are excluded).
  8. Day: eat only fruits (grapes and bananas excluded).
  9. Day: only kefir from food.
  10. Day: nothing to eat, drink only rosehip decoction all day.

If you wish, you can repeat this diet after 15-20 days.

Fruit and vegetable summer diet

It belongs to cleansing diets; reviews about it say that you can get rid of 2-5 kg ​​in a week. Salt and sugar are prohibited, salads are seasoned with lemon juice, if you need to sweeten your tea, use a small amount of honey.

  1. Day: food only raw vegetables, drinks: non-carbonated mineral water, green tea.
  2. Day: from food only fruits (grapes and bananas are excluded). If you feel hungry in the evening, drink a glass of natural yogurt or low-fat kefir.
  3. Day: food only berries, drinks: mineral water, green tea.
  4. Day: one low-fat fermented milk product of your choice: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt. You can also eat 200g of low-fat cottage cheese at lunchtime (do not add sour cream, but you can add honey).
  5. Day: only vegetables that were not eaten on the first day of the diet, boiled (or baked) potatoes are allowed for lunch, drinks: non-carbonated mineral water.
  6. Day: some berries (some dried fruits and apricots are also allowed), kefir at night.
  7. Day: some fruit juices.

In this video you can watch about the features of the summer fruit and berry diet:

Two-component summer diet: onions + zucchini

A loss of 1.5-2 kg per day is promised. This diet is carried out for 3 days, and can be repeated no earlier than two weeks later. Zucchini will perfectly cleanse the body; due to its high potassium content, it will act as a diuretic, actively removing excess fluid from the body.

  • The diet is simple: for three days in a row, the diet includes only boiled (baked, stewed) zucchini with onions, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil. The number of products and frequency of administration are arbitrary.

Two-component summer diet: tomatoes + cucumbers

The loss of an extra 250-300g per day is promised. This diet can be used for a week without a break. If you wish, you can repeat it, but not earlier than a month later.

  • Nutrition plan for a week: tomatoes and cucumbers can be eaten without restrictions, preparing mixes with natural yogurt or 2.5% kefir.

Cucumbers will help remove excess fluid, while tomatoes will help speed up metabolism and help burn fat deposits more actively. In combination with fermented milk products, your body will receive what it needs to speed up metabolism and growth muscle mass protein.

  • The nutrition plan is as follows: divide 1.5 kg of berries into 5 doses and eat during the day. For the 2nd and 4th servings, add natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream to the berries.

Remember that berries that grow low to the ground must at least be doused with boiling water before eating in order to protect your body from helminth eggs entering it.

You can repeat this fasting day on berries weekly.

This diet is contraindicated for diseases of the intestines and stomach, diabetes mellitus and kidney stones. Problematic kidneys have increased levels of uric acid, and berries contain a lot of fruit acids - this interaction leads to the formation of sand in the kidneys. This means that new stones can form and there is a risk of movement of those stones in the kidneys that already exist.

One-component summer diet: only legumes

A weight reduction of 500g-1kg per day is promised. This diet can be followed for two days and can be repeated weekly. Due to their fiber, legumes are an excellent means for removing excess fluid and toxins, plus they provide the body with such an important component as protein.

The nutritional plan is also simple: young beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, peas or mung beans, boiled or fresh, are eaten. A small amount of olive oil is placed in the dish.

This diet can cause bloating, which indicates a deficiency of enzymes for digesting legumes. If you encounter this condition, avoid this diet.

You can watch 5 more options for summer diets in this video:

A common problem with strict summer diets is the almost certain return of lost pounds later. And the reason for this is an unbalanced diet. In addition, a person, having left such a diet, usually returns to his usual diet, and after a while, stepping on the scales, he understands that he needs to lose weight again now for the New Year, and then by March 8, etc.

The optimal way to lose weight and stay slim is a proper and balanced diet, from which the body receives a sufficient amount of protein, enzymes and other nutrients.

Yes, with a balanced diet you don’t “lose weight” so quickly - about 2-4 kg per month, but at the same time the body does not fall into a state of shock, you do not feel disappointed because of the returned kilograms and you can look at your rejuvenated face with pleasure and fit figure in the mirror. To learn how to eat a balanced diet to lose weight, read my article “”. That's all for me today.

Dermatologist, cosmetologist-esthetician, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Summer time is the most awaited time of the year for every woman. After all, you can dress brightly and beautifully, showing your individuality and refined taste. But what to do if the perfection of forms is far from the images on the covers of glossy magazines, and the process of losing weight in winter and spring did not bring the desired results? Don't despair and panic. There is an excellent solution to this problem. These are summer diets.

How to properly organize your food system in summer?

Everyone knows that in the summer we are not so hungry and can get by with less food compared to cold periods. This feature of the body has long been used by nutritionists around the world when developing diets. Indeed, in such cases, you can easily achieve good results in getting rid of extra pounds.

Affordable low-calorie foods in the form of seasonal berries, vegetables and fruits also benefit weight loss in warmer weather. They are especially valuable fresh and have a minimum calorie content, a maximum content of fiber, and fiber, which allows a person to remain full for a long time and at the same time lose weight.

There is nothing easier than losing weight and getting healthier in the summer. Nature itself creates all the conditions for this. But, as in any other case, the use of a diet in the summer should be reasonable and comply with certain rules so as not to harm your health.

It is best to develop a specific system healthy eating, which can be used every day even after the main weight loss course with minor changes. Here are important principles that should be taken into account when organizing meals in the summer in order to get rid of excess weight and lead a normal lifestyle without special restrictions:

  • drink at least 2.5 liters of water every day;
  • Before each meal, drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal;
  • eat at least 0.5 kg of vegetables and 0.5 kg of fruits;
  • do not eat after 19.00;
  • do not drink alcohol during the diet and limit its consumption after finishing it;
  • adhere to daily caloric intake;
  • eat legumes, lean fish, various seafood and poultry;
  • move more and engage in outdoor activities (swimming, sport games, hiking);
  • do not eat pickles, smoked foods and marinades;
  • refuse or reduce to a minimum the consumption of sweets, flour and confectionery products.

By adhering to these principles, you can lose weight by 3-4 kg per month consistently. If you need faster results, then you should choose stricter diets. But it must be remembered that their use requires the assessment of specialists to determine the effectiveness in your particular case.

Summer diet menu options for 7, 10 and 5 days

There are many varieties of effective summer diets. The most common and proven ones will be presented below.

Summer diet for 10 days (minus 10 kg)

This summer diet minus 10 kg is designed for 10 days, in each of which you can lose 1 kg of excess weight. This course is quite tough and should be taken with full responsibility. You should strictly follow the menu for every day.

Summer diet menu for 10 days

  • First day is protein-rich and its food is boiled eggs, preferably in a “bag”. In this form, all the beneficial substances of the yolk are optimally absorbed by our body.
  • Second day consists of boiled, not very fatty fish.
  • On the third day you need to eat low-fat cottage cheese with honey.
  • Fourth day consists of boiled chicken meat. Before preparing the dish, remove the skin and add spices and herbs.
  • Fifth day consists of jacket potatoes.
  • During sixth day Boiled beef is eaten.
  • On seventh day You can eat fiber-rich vegetables - cabbage, celery, carrots, beets in the form of salads with lemon juice, tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Eighth day- fruity. You can eat any fruits and berries that are not saturated with sugars.
  • Ninth day carried out on kefir.
  • For tenth day you should just drink. Rosehip decoction should be used as a drink.

All foods and drinks can be consumed in any quantity, but you need to eat each serving slowly over half an hour and drink in small sips.

Reviews of the 10-day summer diet say the following:

  • the effect exceeds all expectations;
  • it is quite easy to cope with the feeling of hunger due to an irregular diet;
  • there is no desire to overeat permitted foods;
  • It is psychologically difficult to tolerate the restriction of food variety in the first three days until the body is rebuilt;
  • sometimes there is dizziness and “midges” before the eyes;
  • For the last three days it’s been hard to fight the desire to finish the course faster.

Summer diet for 7 days is very simple and easy to use. It is based on eating one type of food on each day of the week, selected taking into account your own nutritional priorities.

  • So, in Monday, it is recommended to eat only one type of your favorite vegetables. For example, these are tomatoes. From them you can prepare a fresh salad with lemon juice, but without salt, with ½ teaspoon of oil per 200 g of product.
  • Tuesday should be a fruit day, during which only one type of such product is consumed. For example, it could be apples. You can eat them in unlimited quantities. When an attack of severe hunger occurs, you are allowed to drink a cup of kefir or 100 g of yogurt.
  • IN Wednesday We eat berries. They can be anything. It is advisable to prepare a berry mix. This will replenish the body with a good composition of vitamins, pectins, fiber and minerals.
  • Thursday should be carried out on fermented milk products. This is cottage cheese and kefir. The consumption of such products in the middle of the diet is associated with their composition, which contains a sufficient proportion of protein, calcium and easily digestible fats, which the body really needs by this period. In addition to these components, fermented milk products are rich in beneficial bacteria that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Friday is again a vegetable day. This time, a vegetable is chosen that has not been eaten for a week. For example, cucumber. You can use it to make a salad without salt, eat it whole, or make okroshka with kefir. Also on Friday you should drink two glasses of mineral water the day before.
  • Saturday the day is spent again on berries in the form of simple desserts, mixes, smoothies or whole foods. You can drink kefir drinks made from berries.
  • Sunday is the completion of the entire course and during it you can drink only fruit juices without sugar. To prepare them, any fruit or combination thereof is used.

An important point of the 7-day diet is the drinking regime. It must be in the form of water of at least 2.5 liters. You are also allowed to drink a cup of green tea or a decoction of their herbs between meals.

This course should not be used for diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines, because a large amount of fruit acids can provoke an exacerbation of diseases. It is also not recommended to use the diet for people with blood and vascular diseases and those who have recently undergone surgery.

Summer is a great time to get rid of everything unnecessary and start a new life. Overweight is no exception. In the heat, several prerequisites for losing weight arise at once: first, we start eating about half as much, second, we drink and move more. It would seem that this is already enough to enter autumn slim and transformed. However, everyone has their own idea of ​​the right way to spend time on the hottest days. Some people spend days and nights on the beach, while others try new dishes while traveling and inevitably gain new pounds due to their tendency to indulge in excess.

On the Internet you can find many of the most effective, fastest and simply the best summer diets that promise to get rid of 10 kg in 10 days, but in reality none of them work, since each option, no matter how attractive they may be, operates on the same principle - restricting the diet and reducing the calorie content of dishes by excluding vital nutrients.

At the Slavic Clinic, restrictions when losing weight are unacceptable - with a sharp decrease in calorie intake, they create the effect of starvation, lead to exhaustion and slowdown of metabolism. In addition, self-experimentation can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this article, we'll look at the main summer diets, detail why they don't work, and give tips on how to proper nutrition during the heat.

We eat less, we weigh... more

Nutritionists unanimously recognized the period from June to August as the best for getting rid of extra pounds. However, there is one caveat - only those who find a rational approach to creating a menu can lose weight.

Most methods are based on the exclusion of one component from the diet. For example, giving up baked goods and all flour products, and carbohydrates. But if our body can tolerate the first, then the second will not be an easy test for it. We've talked about this several times in our articles and we'll say it again: carbohydrates are an integral part of a healthy diet. True, you need to decide for yourself what they should be. Slow ones are a priority - they maintain a long-lasting feeling of fullness, and also contain substances that inhibit the absorption of sugar into the blood. So a plate of pasta made from durum wheat will definitely be healthier than a bun. The main thing is to know how and when to eat this plate.

The main mistakes of those losing weight in the summer were and remain:

Critical reduction in caloric intake

It would seem that nutritionists have repeatedly said that eating less does not mean losing excess weight faster. But practice shows that only a few follow the advice of experts. Most strive for serious restrictions. The nutritionist at the Slavic Clinic reminds us: in the summer, our body needs long-term “cooling.” However, this does not mean that underestimation of caloric intake can reach the point of hunger strike. Any changes are possible only under the supervision of a specialist. And the permissible figure itself is assigned strictly individually, taking into account age, gender, the presence of chronic diseases, and the results of bioimpedance analysis, which can be performed in our clinic.

Skew towards mono power supply

Most of the summer diets that are called the best are bad because the proposed menus lack variety. One involves switching to berries and fruits, the second - giving up carbohydrates and predominant proteins in the diet for a period of five days to a week. We remind you that such extremes can lead to metabolic disorders and digestive problems, as well as to exhaustion, increased load on the kidneys, lack of B vitamins, intoxication and even intestinal cancer.

Physical activity is beyond my strength

Don't forget that activity will only help you burn fat if it is moderate. You should not spend days and nights in the gym - excessive zeal can lead to injuries, weakening of the body and a plateau effect. This is what nutritionists call the period when weight loss stops for a certain period of time. This “delay” is most often caused by hormonal changes or changes in metabolism - its slowdown. And this is exactly what happens when we live from training to training - in a state of stress.

All diets lead to the same effect - we lose excess weight for a while, and then gain it back with a vengeance. Or we don’t lose, but only gain, because the body turns on the saving mode and begins to save every calorie, turning it into fat.

Specialists at the Slavic Clinic advise:

    Don't follow advice you hear from friends, read on the Internet or in magazines. You should only trust professionals who are well aware of the pros and cons of popular methods. Contact our nutritionist if you want to lose weight without harm to your health and maintain the results for a long time.

    Play sports without fanaticism. We will help you choose the type of activity that will benefit you. The best options for those who do not want to torture themselves are Pilates, yoga, aerobics, swimming, walking.

    Say “yes” to variety and “no” to monotonous and poor nutrition. All methods with the prefix “mono” are potentially dangerous. They lead to a deficiency of vitamins and important microelements, anemia, exhaustion, exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, bulbitis, duodenitis, colitis.

Find out more about our weight loss programs:

Berry mood: pros and cons

This technique is one of the most popular, because if we want something in the heat, it’s something juicy and bright. Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants – the season is rich in unforgettable tastes from childhood. The advantage of such nutrition is that you will not look at the menu with disgust for the main products. But this does not mean that you will not get tired of the monotonous, albeit bright, filling of your plate.

The basic rules of this diet are:

    You should eat at least 500 g of berries per day, dividing the portion according to calorie content.

    Small meals throughout the day are encouraged. This means that you eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

    Berries should be eaten in the morning, as an afternoon snack, and before bed. The disadvantage of this recommendation is that each organism is individual, as is the digestive system. For people suffering from gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis or gastric ulcer, this regimen is contraindicated.

  • Other foods are not prohibited, but their consumption is subject to the idea of ​​reducing overall caloric intake.

Proponents of this juicy diet say that this approach helps you get rid of 3 kg in a week. The advantages of this method are that berries are much healthier than chips, crackers, fast food and other junk food and can become good option for a snack for every day. The disadvantage is the risk of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases and allergies. So if you want to switch to a bright menu, consult a specialist at the Slavic Clinic so that the result does not bring you disappointment and deterioration in your well-being. It is preferable to include berries in the diet, but in a smaller volume, individual in each case.

More greens for a thin waist

The second option that we will consider is based on the belief that switching to green vegetables can lead to rapid weight loss. You should eat half a kilogram of greens per week, which must be thoroughly chopped, eaten raw or heat-treated - stewed, baked. It is possible to add chicken to the menu. To fully absorb vitamins and valuable microelements from vegetables, it is necessary to combine plant foods with vegetable oil - flaxseed, olive, sunflower.

In this case, the main disadvantage of the diet is the limitation of protein foods. If we want our body to spend, rather than save, we need to normalize metabolism, and this is impossible to do without switching to a varied, balanced diet.

Advice from a nutritionist at the Slavic Clinic

The creators of this technique understand that without vegetables our diet will become poorer. But they do not take into account the main requirement for the menu for those who want to lose weight in the summer - losing excess weight does not force us to turn into a vegetarian or eat only chicken at lunch every day. It is necessary to remember that there should be both fish and meat on the table - you can alternate fish and meat days. The main condition is that the food should not be excessively fatty. It is for this reason that rabbit is better than lamb, and herring is worse than cod.

Effective, balanced and easy diets for the summer: myth or reality

Are all the restrictive measures that the fighters for thin waist, dangerous? It is important to understand and accept one simple truth: weight will begin to decrease only if your body works correctly, receiving the minimum that is necessary for active life. If we fast or drink only juices (by the way, such options are also widely discussed on the Internet), we will not only deny ourselves valuable nutrients, but we will literally force ourselves to save calories in reserve.

All summer diets for quick weight loss, recognized as effective in anonymous reviews, and menus that involve eating a single product, lead to the opposite result. We eat very little, experience a constant feeling of hunger, and are not far from a breakdown. The result is predictable - a day in an embrace with a box of chocolates, a cake, or evening gatherings in fast food restaurants. And it’s easy to provoke indigestion using such methods - an abundance of raw vegetables, fruits and berries can lead to problems with the pancreas, stomach and intestines, and cause diarrhea.

How to eat in the summer to lose weight: why you don’t need a diet

If in winter we need more calories, then in summer the norm decreases. However, we should not forget that the “I don’t want” signal coming from our stomach and brain is not a reason not to eat anything at all. If it's lunch time and you can't get a piece down your throat, wait. But if the feeling of hunger does not come, eat anyway - little by little, combining proteins, polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates for the proper functioning of all systems.

Specialists at the Slavic Clinic are confident that a categorical refusal of most of the necessary products that diets are famous for can only lead to adverse consequences associated with disruption of the body’s functioning. Follow our tips to make your weight loss in the summer effective and safe:

    The menu must include sources of protein. It can be lean beef, chicken, rabbit, veal or steamed fish. It is better to eat them not for lunch, as we are used to, but for dinner. Don't forget that you need to have an evening snack no later than three hours before bedtime.

    Preference should be given to plant foods - vegetables, fruits and berries must be on your table. They can be raw (with restrictions for patients with gastritis, ulcers, colitis), stewed, boiled or cooked in the oven, on the grill. It is better to dress vegetables in salads with olive oil or low-fat yogurt.

    Remember that water is your best assistant in losing weight in the summer. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters per day. It is much easier to do this in the heat - the hand itself will reach for the glass with life-giving moisture. But do not drink immediately after eating - this will send undigested food straight to the intestines and upset the stomach.

    Don't give up baked goods. Eat whole grain bread instead of buns. It contains cereals that are rich in zinc - an essential microelement that protects our skin from dryness, normalizes hormonal background and strengthening the immune system.

To find out how to lose weight in the summer, there is no need to follow a trendy diet and search for a menu for quick disposal from excess weight. All you have to do is contact the Slavic Clinic. We will tell you how to change yourself without rushing from one extreme to another, we will create an ideal diet for hot days, taking into account the characteristics of your body, and we will tell you what physical activity is acceptable in your case. Don't be afraid to start new life with us - without prohibitions and harm to health.