World Winter War Games sports. World Winter War Games. What it is? Sports of winter military sports games

On the fourth day of the VII Summer Military World Games in Wuhan (China), 28 sets of awards in eight sports will be played: fencing, judo, water rescue all-around, sailing, swimming, wrestling, athletics and shooting.

In fencing on this day, two sets of awards will be played: in the team foil among men and in the team sword among women. The captain will fight for the "gold" Alexey Cheremisinov, lieutenant Timur Safin, lieutenant Dmitry Zherebchenko and senior lieutenant Tatyana Andryushina, ensign Tatyana Gudkova, ensign Anastasia Soldatova.

In judo, on the fourth day of the VII Military World Games, team sets of awards will also be played. Male (ensign Islam Khametov(66 kg), an ordinary sports company of CSKA, St. Petersburg Armen Aghayan(73 kg), senior lieutenant Alan Khubetsov and lieutenant Aslan Lappinagov(both - 81 kg), ensign Mikhail Igolnikov(90 kg)) and women's (lieutenant Julia Kazarina and ensign Daria Bobrikova(both - 52 kg), lieutenant Anastasia Konkina(57 kg), ensign Kamila Badurova and ensign Daria Davydova(up to 63 kg), ensign Alena Prokopenko(70 kg)) Russian national teams will compete for the title of the best team of the Games.

In the water rescue all-around, five sets of awards will be played: 200 m hurdles for men (ensign Nikolay Skvortsov, ensign Evgeny Kulikov), 100 m towing mannequin for men (senior lieutenant Pavel Kabanov) and women (Private Navy Elizaveta Klimentieva, Private Maria Patlasova), 4x50 m medley relay for men (captain Nikolay Poturaev, senior lieutenant Pavel Kabanov, an ordinary sports company of CSKA, Samara Daniil Markov, ensign Nikolay Skvortsov) and women (ensign Anastasia Lyazeva, enlisted in the Navy Elizaveta Klimentieva, private of the Navy Daria Ermakova, ensign Valeria Baranovskaya).

Also, the sailing team of the Russian Armed Forces will compete for medals on this day - Ensign Ludmila Dmitrieva, senior lieutenant Alisa Kirilyuk, Lance Sergeant Angelica Chernyakhovskaya, senior lieutenant Denis Gribanov and ensign Pavel Sozykin. The Russians will compete for two sets of awards: Women 470-Class Class (course race) and Mixed 470-Class (course race).

Swimmers today will have to fight at once at 9 distances: 100 m freestyle for men (ordinary sports company of CSKA, Moscow Evgeny Sedov), 50 m butterfly for women (lieutenant Svetlana Chimrova), 50 m on the back for men (sergeant Roman Larin), 200 m complex for women (lieutenant Victoria Belyakova and junior sergeant Irina Krivonogova), 400 m freestyle for men (ensign Petr Zhikharev), 200 m breaststroke for women (sergeant Maria Temnikova), 200 m breaststroke for men (ensign Anton Chupkov). Who will swim the 4x100m medley relay for men and the 4x200m freestyle relay for women is still unknown.

In wrestling on this day, sets of awards in weight categories up to 97 kg for men will be played (lieutenant Vladislav Baitsaev) and up to 53 kg for women (ensign Milana Dadasheva).

Athletes will fight for victories in the shot put (Ensign of the Russian Guard Alexander Lesnoy and ensign Maxim Afonin), high jump (ensign Ilya Ivanyuk and ensign Daniil Tsyplakov), running 400 m (ensign Polina Miller and ensign Ksenia Aksenova) and hammer throw (ensign Elizabeth Tsareva and ensign Sofia Palkina).

The shooters will compete in two events - the women's team will compete for awards in 50m three-position rifle shooting.

User: Alexander Petrich


The Ice Cube Arena is hosting the opening ceremony of the III Winter World War Games. Hundreds of athletes from dozens of countries participate in large-scale competitions - they are called the Olympics for the military. The ceremony is attended by the Prime Minister and the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Everyone is waiting for the culmination of the celebrations - the lighting of the fire. Meanwhile sport competitions began even before the official start of the games.

Grand opening in full swing. The stands are full of guests. The time for the start of the ceremony was chosen symbolic - it began exactly at 20.17 with a colorful theatrical show "Sochi welcomes guests." At the climax, the luminous elements fold into a star - this is a symbol of the games. Then the drummers and the military band of the Russian Ministry of Defense performed. Solemn parade of athletes from 26 countries. Yelena Isinbayeva, Dmitry Sautin, Svetlana Khorkina and other famous soldiers brought the flag of our country to the stadium. The cloth of the International Council of Military Sports was entrusted to be carried by the guards of honor of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The head of government and the Minister of Defense addressed the participants of the competitions and spectators.

“I believe that Sochi will bring you good luck and give you a bright, spectacular holiday. Russia hosts war games for the first time. For us, this is both a great honor and, of course, a responsibility. We are happy to meet military athletes from more than 20 countries and strive to do everything so that a kind of army Olympics takes place in the most high level», Dmitry Medvedev said.

Minister Sergei Shoigu read out a greeting from Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Dear friends! I greet you on the occasion of the opening of the Third Winter Military World Games. I would like to note that the honor of holding this responsible, large-scale event has rightfully gone to Russia. Our country is deservedly proud of the established traditions of army sports, has extensive experience in organizing such representative international competitions. Moreover, the Games are held in Sochi, where the most modern, high-tech sports infrastructure has been created.”.

In the Olympic Park is The final stage fire relays. A particularly valuable cargo was delivered to Sochi tonight from Moscow. This fire was lit in various parts of Russia: on Sakhalin, on the Lopatinsky lighthouse, in the Kaliningrad village of Yantarny, on the top of Elbrus. The relay passed through the cities where the headquarters of the military districts are located - St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk and Severomorsk. From all these points, capsules with flames were brought to Moscow the day before, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, to be united there and then sent to Sochi. Brought just in time for the first starts, which took place this afternoon, even before the official opening ceremony.

Our team already has two gold medals! Aleksey Chervotkin came first in the 15 km cross-country skiing race, and biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov showed the best result in the 10 km sprint with two firing lines. Silver and bronze were brought to our team by female biathletes, we have two more bronze medals in short track. The stands are filled to capacity. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited sports facilities today.

These competitions are analogous to the Olympic Games. They are also held every four years, only athletes are in uniform. Motto: "Friendship Through Sports". More than a thousand participants from 26 countries. A lot of them are members of the national teams, the world's leading athletes, so the fight for medals promises to be spectacular. And the Olympic infrastructure will help: Sochi has everything for holding competitions of this level. Ski mountaineers, cross-country skiers and biathletes trained on the ski slopes the day before.

“The tracks are organized very well, and the games in general. I think it will be a good championship. We have very strong competitors from Russia and Slovenia. We must not lose sight of them,- said biathlete Piqueras Garcia Roberto.

Especially for the World Military Games, the arena of the "Big Ice Palace" was redesigned. Now, in place of the ice, there is a professional climbing wall, which was built specifically for these competitions according to the highest international standards.

The mood of all our athletes is truly fighting.

“It’s a rather important start for me, because I play for my club CSKA. I just recently joined these troops and, of course, I want to show the most worthy result, as well as enjoy these competitions, ”- said Sofya Prosvirnova, a member of the short track team.

On May 22, 2015 in Kuwait, at the 70th General Assembly of the International Council of Military Sports (CISM), Sochi was given another Olympics, which will be held exactly three years after the iconic (but already spoiled by doping history) Games in 2014. From February 22 to February 28, 2017 in the resort city, the World Winter Military Games are an analogue of the real Olympic Games, but exclusively for the military.

SCAPP understands what these games are and what you can expect from them.

The World War Games are Olympic Games among active military personnel. By analogy with the Olympics, there are winter military games and summer ones. At the same time, participating countries often field professional athletes who are in the armed forces, but are actually exempted from the valid military service(serve one month a year for 10 - 12 years). For example, throughout the history of the Winter War Games, famous athletes such as Martin Fourcade, Ariana Fontana, Dario Cologna, Evi Sachenbacher-Stele and Natalya Korosteleva have taken part in the competition.

For the whole story?

Do they have a history?

Yes. The first (summer) games were held in 1995 in Rome and were dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. As for the Winter Games, they began to be held much later: the first competitions were held in March 2010 in the Italian city of Aosta. Then athletes from 43 countries of the world took part in the games.

  • 1995 - Rome, Italy
  • 1999 - Zagreb, Croatia
  • 2003 - Catania, Italy
  • 2007 - Hyderabad, India
  • 2010 (winter) - Aosta, Italy
  • 2011 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 2013 (winter) - Annecy, France
  • 2015 Mungyeong, Republic of Korea


And who is the organizer? IOC?

No, the International Olympic Committee has nothing to do with it. Organizer - CISM - International Military Sports Council. The organization was founded in 1948 in French Nice and now unites 134 countries. Considered one of the largest international sports organizations, second in size only to the International Olympic Committee and the International University Sports Federation. By the way, CISM is officially recognized by the IOC and the UN.


So the games will be hockey, figure skating and all that?

No. And although the sports included in the competition program sometimes change, figure skating and hockey are not held as part of the military games. For example, the program of the Winter Military Games in Sochi-2017 includes 8 sports:

  • Biathlon
  • Ski race
  • Skiing
  • Ski orienteering
  • Ski mountaineering
  • Patrol Race
  • Indoor sport climbing
  • Short track


And how do ours perform at these military games?

Better than the Olympic team. The Russian team participated in all summer games(except for 2011, when Russia refused to participate), where she took a confident first place in the team (not counting 2003, when they overtook China in the total number of medals, but lost in gold). And in 2015, the Russian team generally set an absolute record for the summer military games, winning a total of 135 medals (of which 59 were gold). While we don't have any problems in the summer, the situation with the winter games is worse: both times (in 2010 and 2013) - 4th place.

What will happen in Sochi?

And where will it all take place?

The III World Military Winter Games will be held in Sochi from 22 to 28 February 2017. It is planned that more than 4,000 athletes from 60 countries will take part in the competition, who will compete for 44 sets of medals. For comparison, 850 athletes from 40 countries came to the last winter games in Annecy.

The opening ceremony will take place on February 23 (yes, on Defender of the Fatherland Day) at the Bolshoi Ice Palace. For the sports part, Olympic facilities will be involved: the Bolshoy Ice Palace (sport climbing), the Iceberg Winter Sports Palace (short track), the Gazprom STC (cross-country skiing, biathlon and ski orienteering), Rosa Khutor Group of Companies » (alpine skiing and ski mountaineering). The closing ceremony of the Games will take place on February 27 at the Bolshoi Ice Palace.

In addition, a military-sports torch relay is planned (again, by analogy with the Olympic torch), the installation of a countdown clock before the start of the competition (on the main city squares) and the participation of the CSKA helicopter aerobatic team.

At the games in South Korea, Russia confidently won the team event

VI Summer Military World Games SISM were held from 2 to 11 October in the Republic of Korea at the sports grounds of 8 cities: Mungyeong, Sangju, Kimchen, Yongkhon/Taegu, Yohon, Yongju, Andong, Pohang.

7045 sportsmen from 117 countries of the world took part in the Games. Athletes competed for medals in 24 sports.

Russia at the VI Summer Military World Games was traditionally represented by servicemen of the Central Sports Club of the Army. They fought for awards in 17 sports: boxing, wrestling, cycling, international military pentathlon, judo, athletics, marathon, international naval pentathlon, parachuting, sailing, swimming, shooting and clay shooting, modern pentathlon, orienteering, triathlon, taekwondo and fencing.

The list of star members of the team included Olympic champions in Greco-Roman wrestling Alexei Mishin, Islam-Bek Albiev and Jamal Otarsultanov; gold medal winner in fencing Anna Sivkova, Olympic medalists Inna Deriglazova (fencing), Antonina Krivoshapka (athletics), Natalya Paderina (shooting) and Yevgeny Lagunov (swimming). In addition, the team included world champions in athletics - Maria Kuchina, Ekaterina Koneva and Ksenia Ryzhova.

As a result, the Russian team confidently won the team event, winning - 59 gold, 43 silver, 33 bronze medals. The army team beat their own twenty-year-old record set at the First Military World Games in Italy. Then they won 127 awards.

The III Winter Military World Games, which started at the resort on February 22, ended today in Sochi. Despite the fact that Russia hosted the "army Olympiad" for the first time, the tournament that took place in our country has already been called the best in the history of games.

In terms of the organization and readiness of sports facilities, this best games for the history of all Winter War Games,” said Abdulhakim Al-Shino, President of the International Council for Military Sports (CISM). - This is a serious challenge for Germany, which will host the Games in 2021. In the current world situation, Russia opens its heart to all countries. Such competitions inspire delegations to come here and communicate and maintain contacts.

In turn, the project manager of the military games, Guilherme Keyes, said: "After the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, perhaps, there is everything for the good organization of large-scale sporting events, and most importantly, the Olympic facilities are functioning perfectly."

More than 600 military athletes from 26 countries were able to appreciate all this sporting splendor, many of them are recognized leaders in their disciplines. The program of the Sochi Games included seven sports: biathlon, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski mountaineering, short track, ski orienteering and indoor rock climbing.

And yet, it was our team that took the first place in the medal standings, confidently outperforming the French (second place in the standings) and Italians (third place) in the number of awards.

Even before the official opening ceremony of the military games, the first "gold" of Russia was brought by the skier Alexei Chervotkin, who performed best in the distance ski race with a separate free style start. An hour later, the piggy bank was replenished with the gold medal of the 2017 world champion Maxim Tsvetkov in the 10-kilometer biathlon sprint. In total, during the first day of the competition, the Russian team won 11 medals: six gold, two silver and three bronze.

The second day of the competition was not so successful, despite a good start. In the morning, Russian fans were pleased with two “golds” in the men's and women's ski orienteering races, but later fortune turned away, pushing our biathletes (in fact, the strongest in these competitions) to third place in the mixed relay. Surprisingly, our athletes had as many as five penalty loops on their account.

Before that, in the individual race, the guys gave their best and, apparently, did not have time to recover for the mixed relay. Plus, the bronze medalist of the 2017 World Cup junior sergeant Tatyana Akimova could not participate in the competition due to poor health. In addition, a strong wind made its own adjustments: only one athlete from the French team, Colin Varchin, did not make a single mistake, - Nikolai Pankratov, CSKA senior winter sports coach and coach of the RF Armed Forces, told reporters. - Unfortunately, our team became the worst in this component - we used 14 extra rounds.

The most successful were the last two days, which brought the Russians more than 15 awards of various denominations in individual and team competitions.

We proved in practice that we can be friends. We can honestly fight on sports grounds, prepare and hold together international games on such a scale. Our main result is the ability to make friends and communicate, - Nikolai Pankov, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, is sure.

By the way, the cultural program of the games was no less interesting. For example, in addition to the daily evening concerts of famous Russian performers, the guests of the "Army Olympiad" could see unusual art objects - D-30 howitzers painted in Khokhloma and Gzhel style. Moreover, as it turned out, all combat, they are in service with the Russian army.

Guns in white and blue Gzhel patterns and red and gold Khokhloma still lifes made a splash among tourists. As the organizers admitted, with their help the Russian side decided to acquaint foreign guests with the national flavor. The display of these guns made it possible to look at the formidable military equipment like a work of art.

Help "RG"

Military games under the auspices of the International Military Sports Council were first held in 1995, then they were held only in the summer. Seven summer military games have passed, in which Russia has become the champion four times. Winter competitions were first organized in 2010 in the Italian Valle d'Aosta, and three years later they were held in Annecy, France.