What kinds of sports are included in the Olympic Games? Summer Olympic Sports Summer Glove Sports

Experienced athletes and coaches know how important physical activity is for adults, children and adolescents. The ability to play, move for fun and compete is necessary for growth and development, maintaining the body in good physical shape. Sports games for children are the greatest gift that adults can give to children. While playing, the child improves his health, develops coordination, learns to act in a team and receives a lot of positive emotions. It is especially useful for everyone to play together - children, parents and teachers. This The best way create friendly and trusting relationships.

Types of sports games

Team sports arose in ancient times. On the frescoes Egyptian pyramids and the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, the vases of ancient Greece and the wall paintings of ancient Crete depict many figures engaged in outdoor games. Every nation has national sports entertainment. There are universal games that are popular in all countries of the world.

Any sports game is characterized by:

  • Availability of rules;
  • Interaction with partners;
  • Competitiveness;
  • Physical activity;
  • Simplicity of content;
  • Strong emotional impact.

All game activities in sports can be divided into several groups. This:

  • Pair games with a small variety of movements;
  • Team activities with a wide variety of movements;
  • Team games with great physical activity;
  • Military sports games;
  • Mind games.

Types of the first group - table tennis, badminton, etc. Team sports are football, basketball, and volleyball. Hockey and rugby require increased load. Examples of military sports games are paintball, laser tag. Intellectual games - chess, checkers.

Multi-level competitions in team sports are held in different cities, regions and countries.

The benefits of sports games

Sports and outdoor games are useful for people of any age. Physical activity coupled with competition and excitement provides incomparable pleasure. Even into old age, adults feel vigorous and young if they play tennis, golf, and badminton. For children, playful physical activity provides additional incentives for growth and development.

Playing sports is important for improving:

  • Movements (walking, running, throwing, catching, balancing);
  • Fine motor skills (fine movements when eating, drawing, writing, dressing);
  • Speech and communication;
  • Thinking skills (learning, understanding. Problem solving, reasoning, memorization, reading, counting);
  • Social and emotional interaction (family, friends, teachers).

Vigorous physical activity is necessary for normal bone growth. Normal motor load on the skeleton helps keep the bones strong, durable, and make them resistant to pressure and shock absorption. Activity helps bones and muscles develop proportionately and efficiently. Games help avoid the phenomenon of overtraining, which is often present in non-game sports due to excessive stress during training.

Participation in team sports helps a person maintain correct body proportions from childhood and throughout life.

Sport allows you to prevent the accumulation of excess fat, strengthen muscles, and strengthen ligaments.

Outdoor games develop sensory perception, namely: reaction speed, spatial orientation, peripheral vision, hearing, and touch.

Many motor skills improve when a person plays. Running, jumping on one and two legs, throwing, fast walking, turns are practiced much better than in everyday life. IN play activity there are no differences in age and gender. Boys and girls, young and old, everyone becomes equal. This is the advantage of the game.

Mental skills - speech, memory, communication, concentration also improve during sports activities. Fast, requiring instant reaction and calculation, the game sharpens all the senses and forces the brain to work at an accelerated pace.

Participation in sporting eventsgreat way expand social connections for adults and shape social behavior for children. Sports team games encourage a person to feel like a member of a community, teach him to empathize, help, and compete.

Rules of sports games

Sports games are competitions in a playful form, based on certain techniques and tactics. The fight can take place between two partners or two teams. In many games, a goal is defined - a goal, a ball, a shuttlecock, a court. Each competition has a set of rules. Without knowing them, it is difficult not only to participate, but also to observe the progress of the competition. There are general rules for all sports activities. This:

  • Safe behavior;
  • Fair wrestling;
  • Compliance with the rules of the game;
  • Teammate support;
  • Respect for opponents;
  • Anti-doping.

The popularity of different sports is not the same. Statistics collected in 200 countries show the following:

Percentage of popularity, sports games: football – 8.4%.

Basketball – 5.7%.

Volleyball – 5.4%.

One of the oldest sports. Traditionally it is believed that football was invented in England in the Middle Ages. But Chinese chronicles of the 3rd – 2nd centuries BC describe the “Tsu Chu competition”. Its purpose was to kick a leather ball stuffed with feathers and hair into a net stretched on a bamboo base. Approximate descriptions are found in ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek authors. Consequently, the British did not invent football, but only developed and popularized it. The rules of this sport have changed over time.

The main principles of football:

The game involves two teams, each consisting of 11 players. The goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal. Football players direct the ball only with their feet and head; using their hands is prohibited. The team that manages to score the ball the most times wins.

Here are the roles:

  • Goalkeeper;
  • 4 defenders;
  • 3 midfielders;
  • 3 forwards.

Equipment: ball, two goals with a net. All players are advised to wear cleats and shin guards. Usually each team has the same color uniform. The goalkeeper's clothing is different in color; this player must have special gloves.

Football attracts a huge number of people, both adults and children, because it is a very passionate, emotional sport. The result remains intriguing until the last moment. Unlike hockey, anyone can play football.

When listing popular sports games, basketball is called second after football. Unlike football, the origins of this game are known with certainty. Basketball was invented by an American doctor, coach and priest - James Naismith. The basis of the new sport was the school entertainment “duck on a rock”. The very first basketball competition in 1891 used peach baskets and a soccer ball. The game was liked by the general public and soon spread throughout the world. Naismith's original rules have changed since then.

But the main principles remain the same:

  • Two teams of 12 people each participate;
  • From 3 to 5 people can play on the site at the same time;
  • Players must throw the ball into the opponent's basket, and not allow balls to be thrown into their own basket;
  • All actions with the ball are performed only with the hands;
  • You cannot hit the ball with your fist;
  • The ball is moved only by hitting it on the floor.

Basketball is played in open areas and in gyms. It is popular because of its excitement, swiftness and external aesthetics. Professional basketball players are tall, slender, long-legged. Everyone wants to be like them. Moreover, women can play basketball too.

This sport, like basketball, was invented artificially in the USA. Christian Association coach William Morgan came up with an original mix of basketball, tennis, handball and baseball. In 1895, the first game took place, at which the modern name was invented. Volleyball requires a court with a net stretched across it. The net is placed at a height of 2.43 m and 2.25 m for men and women, respectively. Teams have 5 people. Players change places as the ball is served. The goal of the game is to land the ball in the opposing team's territory. Volleyball players use only their hands. It is prohibited to touch the net with your hands. No more than five games of up to 25 points each are played.

Children and adults all over the world love volleyball, as it develops reactions, gives a feeling of friendship and team support. Characterizing various sports games, volleyball can be called the most democratic. This sport is available everywhere - in the yard, on the beach. Anyone can play; no special preparation is needed.

Sports games with ball

Ball games, as seen in the example of football described above, basketball and volleyball are the most dynamic and popular. Balls were invented at the dawn of human civilization. Many national sports and yard children's games use large, small, leather, rag, wooden, and alabaster balls. Modern ball sports are mainly team games.

Actions with the ball can be varied:

  • Hitting the ball into a goal (football, polo, basketball, handball).
  • Hitting the ball with a special instrument - a racket, a bat (lapta, baseball, etc.).
  • Throwing a ball over an obstacle (volleyball, tennis).
  • Non-team games with hitting a target (bowling, billiards).

There are many exciting outdoor activities for children with a ball, which are common in yards, camps, and also in physical education classes. For example:

  • Potato. Players standing in a circle throw the ball to each other as quickly as possible. The one who did not manage to catch or hit the ball sits in the center of the circle. He can get out of there if he manages to intercept or hit the ball from another player.
  • Bouncers. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 5 meters from each other. The players stand between the lines, on which two bouncers take positions. The bouncers take turns throwing the ball towards each other, trying to hit the players with the ball. If the ball does not touch anyone, it is caught by the opposing bouncer and the players must run back. When the last player is eliminated, the first ones eliminated take the place of the bouncers.

Military sports games

Nowadays, they have become widespread military sports games, suggesting the inclusion of elements of combat tactics. Weapons are used here and army methods of moving around the game space are used. Teams are formed according to military principles: squad, platoon, etc. The scope of action is close to that usual for real combat operations - a field, a forest. Teams can conduct defense, attack, reconnaissance. Military sports strategy involves the interaction of team members and creates a combat situation. The group that defeats all members of the opposing team wins.

The following games are the most famous in our time:

Paintball. Rival teams shoot paintballs at each other with air guns. The balls crash against a live target and “mark” the achievement of the goal.

Hardball. This competition uses pneumatic recreational weapons with a bullet speed of 180 meters per second

Laser tag. A laser emitter is used as a weapon, hitting touch sensors.

Airsoft. Weapons - pneumatic and electro-pneumatic with plastic balls (caliber - 6 mm).

Olympic Games: sports

Many of the games listed are featured at the Summer and Winter Olympics. The list expands every year. IN last years The following were considered Olympic sports:

  • badminton;
  • basketball;
  • water polo;
  • volleyball;
  • Beach volleyball;
  • handball;
  • table tennis;
  • tennis;
  • football;
  • field hockey.
  • curling;

Many games are not included in the official program of the Olympics, although they are not inferior in popularity to Olympic sports.

  • Rugby;
  • Golf;
  • Billiards;
  • Darts;
  • Squash.

Yard outdoor games

Nowadays, many children and teenagers are attached to computer games. This addictive hobby can perfectly develop imagination, thinking and determination, but sharply reduces physical activity and reduces sociability. Parents of modern teenagers remember the wonderful children's sports games that they played for hours summer camps, school sports sections and just in the courtyards.

  • Russian lapta;
  • Ali Baba;
  • Breaking chains;
  • Aram-shim-shim;
  • Santiki-candy wrappers-limpompo.

Parents, camp counselors and physical education teachers must necessarily involve children and adolescents in active physical activity. Playing together fosters friendship and mutual assistance, aims for victory, develops the habit of active leisure time and improves health.

Unlike winter summer olympic sports have more variety. After all, here we present not only those sports in which competitions can only be held in the summer, but also all-season sports. In addition, the process of accepting new disciplines into the Olympic Games program is constantly underway.

It involves throwing a shuttlecock (game equipment) over the net using racket strikes. The shuttlecock must touch the ground on the opponent's field. Both two people can play against each other, or four people can play two against two. It has been an Olympic sport since 1992 (XXV Olympiad, Barcelona, ​​Spain).

This team game. The goal of each team is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket and prevent the opposing team from doing the same. Two teams of five people play at the same time. Participates in the Olympic program since 1936 (XI Olympiad, Berlin, Germany).

This is a type of contact combat sport. Rivals strike each other with their hands wearing special gloves. The goal is to deliver as many accurate blows to the opponent as possible, or to knock him down with a blow so that he cannot continue the fight for 10 seconds (knockout). A similar type of martial arts (fist fighting) was in the program Ancient Olympic Games. Modern boxing (English boxing) has become an Olympic sport since 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA), and a permanent participant in the Olympic Games program since 1920 (XII Olympiad, Antwerp, Belgium). The question of participation in the Olympic Games of women's boxing was considered. The IOC issued a positive verdict, and at the XXX Summer Olympic Games in London (2012, Great Britain), women boxers have already received their first Olympic medals.

This is a combat sport between two athletes. Various throws and techniques are allowed. Impact techniques are prohibited. Wrestling was on the program ancient olympic games. Then it was one of the components of the pentathlon (pentathlon). Depending on the restrictions and rules, Olympic wrestling is divided into Greco-Roman (classical), which has been participating in the Olympics since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), and freestyle, which is included in Olympic program since 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA) - men, and since 2004 (XXVIII Olympiad, Athens, Greece) - women.

Cycling is included in the Olympic program from the 1st Olympics. It is divided into types that were included in the Olympic program in different years. In addition, there is a bicycle race over a distance of 40 km. is a component discipline of triathlon.

  • Cycling highway. Long distance race. 239 km. - men, 120 km. - women. The first race took place in 1896 (I Olympics, Athens, Greece).
  • Cycling track. Race on an artificial track in a circle. Also differs by different kinds. There are women's (not all events) and men's races. This type of competition was included in the program of all Olympic Games, with the exception of the 1912 Olympics (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).
  • Mountain bike. Another name is mountain bike. Since 1996 (XXVI Olympiad, Atlanta, USA), a variety called cross-country has been an Olympic sport. This is a cross-country race consisting of a certain number of laps.
  • Bicycle motocross (BMX). Competitions are held on small bicycles with great maneuverability and the possibility of great acceleration. First presented at the 2008 Olympic Games (XXIX Olympiad, Beijing, China).

Team sport. Two teams of seven people participate, each of which strives to throw the ball into the goal of the opposing team. The entire game is played in a pool of water. It has been an Olympic sport since 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France).

Team game with the ball. The goal is to throw the ball over the net so that it touches the floor on the opponent's court. 6 people play on each side. Game included Olympic Games since 1964 (XVIII Olympic Games, Tokyo, Japan).

This is also a team game with a ball. The goal is to throw as many balls as possible into the opponent's goal. But at the same time, you cannot step beyond the 6-meter line in front of the goal. Throws into the goal are mostly done by hand. There are 7 people playing on each side. The Olympic tournament was held in 1936 (XI Olympiad, Berlin, Germany). Then, there were demonstration performances in 1952 (XV Olympic Games, Helsinki, Finland). Handball has been a constant presence at the Olympic Games since 1972 (XX summer games, Munich, Germany).

Competitions in boats on the water. The boat is accelerated using oars. Rowers sit with their backs facing the direction of travel. Depending on the discipline, there may be one, two, four or eight rowers in a boat. The Olympic program has included men since 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France), and women since 1976 (XXI Summer Games, Montreal, Canada).

This is a type of rowing on various types of boats. The rowers sit facing the direction of travel. Only men (singles and doubles) participate in canoe competitions. In kayak competitions - men and women (singles, doubles and fours). The types of competitions are sprint - a race along a flat track marked with buoys (a race on smooth water), and slalom - a race through a certain number of gates, and during the distance both the speed and direction of the water flow changes. Sprint was first introduced in 1924 (VIII Olympiad, Paris, France), and has been an Olympic sport since 1936 (XI Olympiad, Berlin, Germany). Slalom was included in the Olympic program in 1972 (XX Summer Games, Munich, Germany), but has been constantly participating in the Olympics (the construction of the track is expensive) only since 1992 (XXV Olympic Games, Barcelona, ​​Spain).

Sports gymnastics.

This is a sport that includes several disciplines. Men compete in vault, floor exercise, rings, pommel horse, parallel bars, and horizontal bar. Women compete on the balance beam, uneven bars, vault and floor exercise. Competitions among men at the Olympic Games have been held since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), among women - since 1928 (IX Summer Games, Amsterdam, the Netherlands).

Rhythmic gymnastics.

In this type of competition, various dance, acrobatic and gymnastic exercises are performed to music. They can be performed both with objects (hoop, ball, jump rope, clubs, ribbon) and without objects. It has become an Olympic sport since 1984 (XXIII Summer Games, Los Angeles, USA). For now, competitions are held only among women. But the appearance of men in the Olympic arena is not excluded.

It is a martial art that originated in Japan. In the 20th century, the sport of judo appeared, in which striking techniques were prohibited. At the Olympics, judo is presented as a combat sport. Judo has had its Olympic history since 1964 (XVIII Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo, Japan). Women began to participate in the Olympic Games in 1992 (XXV Olympic Games, Barcelona, ​​Spain).

This includes types of competitions where there is interaction between rider and horse. There are three disciplines represented at the Olympic Games. Dressage, jumping (jumping) and eventing, which takes place over three days and includes riding in the arena, field riding and jumping. Equestrian sport has been represented at the Olympic Games since 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).

This concept includes many disciplines. This includes running over various distances, walking, high jump, long jump, pole vault, triple jump, hammer throw, javelin throw, discus throw, shot throw, as well as several types of all-around events combining various disciplines. In principle, athletics is considered the most popular sport. Unofficially, she is even called the “queen of sports.” Athletics competitions take their roots from the Ancient Olympics. Modern lightweight athletics has been present at the Olympic Games since their very beginning - 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece).

Table tennis (ping pong).

It is a sports game that involves throwing a ball over a net on a gaming table. The goal is to create a situation where the opponent will not be able to hit the ball back onto the opponent's field. Opponents can play one on one, or two on two. It has been considered an Olympic sport since 1988 (XXIV Olympiad, Seoul, Republic of Korea).

This sport includes racing on all types of transport, where the driving force is wind and sails. The program of the Olympic Games includes yacht racing. Sailing was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). Except for 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA), he is present at all Summer Olympics. Often, sailing competitions are held away from the city hosting the Olympic Games - where there are suitable conditions for this.

This is a type of human movement in water without touching the bottom. Competitions are held at various distances and different styles. It has been an Olympic sport since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece). Women began to compete at the Olympics starting in 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).

Beach volleyball.

Since 1996 (XXVI Olympiad, Atlanta, USA), Olympic beach volleyball tournaments have been held. Here, unlike classic volleyball, the team consists of two people, and the court is sandy. Points are awarded only when a team wins the service.

They were first presented in the program of the Olympic Games in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). It has been considered an Olympic sport since 1904 (III Olympiad, St. Louis, USA). Includes springboard and platform jumping. Both men and women participate. At the Olympics, competitions are now held in jumping from a 3-meter springboard and a 10-meter platform. During the jump, the athlete performs various acrobatic elements. Since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia), synchronized jumping has also been held in the same disciplines.

Jumping on a trampoline.

This discipline belongs to artistic gymnastics. Athletes jump on a trampoline consisting of metal frame with a stretched net, and perform various gymnastic and acrobatic elements. In the program of the Olympic Games since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia).

Includes elements of acrobatics, gymnastics and swimming. Although men competed in the late 19th century, it is now an exclusively “female” sport. Duets and groups compete at the Olympics. It has been present in the Olympic program since 1984 (XXIII Summer Games, Los Angeles, USA).

This sport consists of five disciplines that each participant must pass. These are shooting (20 shots from an air pistol), fencing (1 minute on swords), swimming (200 meters freestyle), horse riding (jumping), running (3000 m, they start based on the difference in points in previous events) . The founder of modern pentathlon is considered to be the great Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin. This type of competition has been present in the program of the Olympic Games since 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden).

Shooting competitions are held with pneumatic and firearms. Bullet shooting takes place at a shooting range, where athletes shoot at targets using rifled weapons. Skeet shooting takes place at open ranges and is carried out from smooth-bore weapons at flying saucer targets. Present in the program of the Olympic Games since 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). Separate competitions for men and women began to be held in 1984 (XXIII Olympiad, Los Angeles, USA).

Individual and team championships are held. This sport was first presented at the Olympics in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). From 1924 (VIII Olympiad, Paris, France) to 1968 (XIX Olympiad, Mexico City, Mexico), archery competitions were not held at the Olympic Games, although the IOC recognized this sport as an Olympic sport in 1958. The reason for this break was the lack of uniform competition rules. Competitions are held between men and women.

The goal of the game is the same as that of table tennis - in this case, throw a tennis ball using a racket onto the opponent’s playing field so that he cannot return it back. The game is played in an indoor or outdoor area and can be individual - one on one, or team - two on two. He was present in the program of the Olympic Games from 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece) to 1924 (VIII Olympiad, Paris, France), and then, starting in 1988 (XXIV Olympiad, Seoul, Republic of Korea) permanently.

This sport requires fantastic endurance. The participant first swims 1500 m, then rides a bicycle for 40 km, and after that runs 10,000 m. There are no breaks between stages. Triathlon competitions at the Olympic Games have been held since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia).

This is a type of Korean martial art. At the Olympic Games there is a sports version of it, which is developed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). In 1988 (XXIV Olympiad, Seoul, Republic of Korea), taekwondo was present at the Olympics as a demonstration sport, and since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia) it has been an Olympic sport. Competitions are held between men and women.

It is a sport in which athletes compete in lifting weights. The two main exercises are the clean and jerk and the snatch. Weightlifting has been present in the program of the Olympic Games since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), but at the Olympic Games in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France), 1908 (IV Olympiad, London, Great Britain) and 1912 (V Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden) there were no weightlifting competitions. Since 2000 (XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia), women have been participating in the Olympic program.

At the Olympic Games there are individual and team championships. Men fencing with sabers, rapiers and epees. Women fencing with swords and rapiers. Fencing with sabers and foils has been included in the Olympic program since 1896 (I Olympiad, Athens, Greece), and in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France) epee fencing was added here.

This sport needs no introduction - it is the most popular in the world. Football was the first team game included in the Olympic program. This happened in 1900 (II Olympiad, Paris, France). Since 1996 (XXVI Olympiad, Atlanta, USA), Olympic women's football tournaments have been held. It is noteworthy that the Olympic football tournament starts even before the official opening of the Olympic Games.

The game is to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal using a stick. It is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands or feet (the goalkeeper is an exception). The number of athletes playing on the field in one team is 11 people. The field surface must be grass or artificial. Field hockey has been participating in the Olympic Games since 1908 (IV Olympiad, London, Great Britain). Women's tournaments have been held at the Olympic Games since 1980 (

Sports in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games

Classification of sports

The development of sports throughout the world has led to the emergence and development of many individual sports, of which there are currently more than 200. Each of them is characterized by its own subject of competition, special composition actions, methods of conducting competitive struggle and competition rules.

The most common sports are included in the program of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. Therefore, in the theory of sports, the “Olympic Classification of Sports” is mainly used. This classification is based on taking into account the basic patterns of competitive and training activities in various sports, as well as the rather similar specifics of several sports. In this classification, sports are divided into six groups.

1 group- cyclic sports (running disciplines of athletics, swimming, rowing, cycling, skiing, speed skating, etc.)

2nd group- speed-strength sports (track and field sports, throwing, sprint programs in various sports).

3 group- complex coordination sports (artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, diving, etc.).

4 group- martial arts (all types of wrestling, boxing, fencing).

5 group- sports games (football, hockey, volleyball, etc.).

6 group- all-around events (cross-country skiing, track and field decathlon, modern pentathlon, etc.).

Summer Olympic sports

The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer sports (41 disciplines). Two of them (golf and rugby) were not competed at the last Olympic Games, and for the first time after a long break they will be presented in the program in 2016. When classifying sports, the IOC follows the principle of “one federation, one sport”. After the name of the sport, the name of the corresponding sport is indicated in parentheses. international federation. The item indicates the type of sport, and the subitem indicates the discipline.

Summer olympic events sports

1. Rowing (FISA)

2. Badminton (BWF)

3. Basketball (FIBA)

4. Boxing (AIBA)

5. Wrestling (FILA)

5.1 Freestyle wrestling

5.2 Greco-Roman wrestling

6. Cycling (UCI)

6.2 Track cycling

6.3 Mountain bike (Mountain bike)

6.4 Road cycling

7. Water sports (FINA)

7.1 Water polo

7.2 Swimming

7.3 Diving

7.4 Synchronized swimming

8. Volleyball (FIVB)

8.1 Volleyball

8.2 Beach volleyball

9. Handball (IHF)

10. Gymnastics (FIG)

10.1 Artistic gymnastics

10.2 Gymnastics

10.3 Trampoline

11. Golf (IGF)

12. Kayaking and canoeing (ICF)

12.1 Kayaking and canoeing

12.2 Rowing slalom

13. Judo (IJF)

14. Equestrian sport (FEI)

14.1 Dressage

14.2 Show jumping

14.3 Eventing

15. Athletics (IAAF)

16. Table tennis (ITTF)

17. Sailing (ISAF)

18. Rugby (IRB)

19. Modern Pentathlon (UIPM)

20. Shooting (ISSF)

21. Archery (FITA)

22. Tennis (ITF)

23. Triathlon (ITU)

24. Taekwondo (WTF)

25. Weightlifting (IWF)

26. Fencing (FIE)

27. Football (FIFA)

28. Field hockey (FIH)

Summer sports

1) Rowing is a cyclic sport, racing on water. One, two, four or eight rowers in a crew complete the course in boats with their backs facing the direction of travel (unlike rowing in kayaks and canoes).

2) Badminton is a game sport in which players are located on opposite sides of an area (court) of a certain size divided into two parts and throw the shuttlecock over the net with hits of their rackets, trying to win the match.

3) Basketball is a team sport in which players throw the ball into a “basket” (a metal ring covered with a net without a bottom) located 10 feet above the floor (just over 3 meters).

4) Boxing is a fist fight between two athletes, held in the ring. Boxing should be done in special soft gloves weighing 8 ounces (about 227 g), striking the front and side of the opponent’s head and torso.

5) Wrestling is a single combat between two unarmed athletes using a set certain techniques. The goal of the fight is to pin down the opponent or win on points. The fight can take place both in a standing position and in other positions; strikes are prohibited.

6) Road cycling race is a type of cycling race held on highways and well-paved roads at high speeds over long distances. A maximum of 200 athletes can participate in each race. Cycling track is a race on an artificial track in a circle.

7) Water polo is a team game with a ball on the water. It is played by two teams of 7 people on a rectangular water platform.

8) Volleyball is a team game in which two teams compete on a playing court divided by a net. The goal of the game is to send the ball over the net to land on the opponent's court and prevent the opponent from making the same attempt.

9) Handball is a sports game in which two teams try to throw the largest number of balls into the opponent’s goal from a distance of no closer than 6 meters.

10) Golf is a sports game in which individual participants or teams compete by driving a small ball into special holes using clubs, trying to cover the allotted distance in the minimum number of strokes.

11) Rowing on kayaks and canoes - kayaks are rowed while sitting, with an oar with two blades, which is used alternately from different sides. The canoe is rowed with a single-blade oar while standing on the knee. Since the strokes are performed from one side, so that the single canoe does not move in a circle, but goes straight, at the end of the stroke it is necessary to perform a complex technical element - steering.

12) Rowing slalom is an Olympic sport that involves sailing a boat through sections of a mountain river or rough water with natural and artificial obstacles for a time.

13) Judo is a type of martial arts in which, along with throws, choking and painful holds on the arms are allowed. Athletes perform in a kimono (loose jacket with a belt and pants) on special mats - tatami.

14) Equestrian sport - in dressage competitions, the rider and horse must perform exercises that are scored by judges on a 10-point scale. The team championship is determined by the sum of the scores of the top three team members out of four.

15) Athletics - athletes compete in the 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5000 and 10,000 m, marathon (42 km 195 m), 110 hurdles (women's 100) and 400 m, steeplechase - 3000 m steeplechase, 20 and 50 km race walking (men only), high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump, shot put, discus, hammer and javelin throw and all-around - decathlon for men and heptathlon - for women.

16) Table tennis is a game the essence of which is throwing a special celluloid ball over a net stretched over a special table. The table measures 9 x 5 feet (2.74m x 1.525m) and is 30 inches (76 cm) high.

17) Sailing - 9 classes of vessels take part in the Olympic races, the races take place along a triangular Olympic course, the length of which is determined in accordance with ocean currents, prevailing wind directions, weather conditions and the number of competing vessels.

18) Swimming is a sport that involves overcoming a competitive distance from 50 to 1500 m in a pool or open water with a certain style.

19) Beach volleyball is a game played on a sandy court divided by a net, in which two teams, located on opposite sides of the net, throw the ball over it with their hands in order to land it on the other side and prevent the ball from falling on their side of the court.

20) Diving is carried out from a springboard (1 m and 3 m) and a platform (5 m, 7.5 m and 10 m). The competition consists of a series of jumps, the winner is determined by the sum of points for each of 5 attempts.

21) Trampoline - men and women compete in individual trampolining - the competition includes preliminary and final exercises. The trampoline consists of a metal frame holding a springy net from which athletes push off.

22) Rugby is a contact team sport that originated in the 19th century in England. A rugby match is a competition between two teams. The main task of each opponent is to perform effective actions, that is, hitting the goal or bringing the ball into the opponent’s end zone.

23) Synchronized swimming - a women's sport, synchronized swimming requires athletes to have a wide range of skills - to move horizontally and vertically in the water, on the chest, on the back and on the side; combine different types of movements and movements into a single composition; have choreographic and acrobatic training.

23) Modern pentathlon is an all-around sports competition consisting of 5 disciplines: show jumping, epee fencing, shooting, running and swimming. Athletes earn points based on their performance in each event.

24) Artistic gymnastics – 14 sets of Olympic medals are played in artistic gymnastics. The modern all-around gymnastics program consists of: floor exercises, vault, exercises on the pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and horizontal bar for men and exercises on uneven bars of different heights, beam, vault and floor exercises for women.

25) Olympic shooting can be bullet and skeet. Bullet shooting is carried out from pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber weapons.

26) Archery - hitting the smallest inner ring with an arrow on a round target with a diameter of 1.22 m. Modern bows are made of fiberglass, arrows are made of aluminum and carbon fiber.

27) Tennis - a game with a ball and rackets on a special court (a court 23.77 m long and 8.23 ​​m wide), divided by a net fixed at a height of 1.07 m. The mesh is stretched over square and round posts with a side and diameter of no more than 15 cm.

28) Triathlon is a 1500 m swim, a 40 km bike ride and a 10 km run around the stadium. There are no breaks between disciplines - therefore triathlon is considered one of the most, if not the most severe sports in the world.

29) Taekwondo (“the way of the fist and foot”) is a modern Korean martial art created on the basis of Japanese karate. Its main difference from karate is the large number of kicks.

30) A weightlifting competition involves the snatch and clean and jerk. The snatch is an exercise in which the athlete lifts a barbell from a platform to full arm length overhead in one motion. When lifting a sports equipment, your legs may be apart or bent, and the bar may slide along your hips and knees.

31) The goal of the fencer is to inflict a thrust on the opponent and avoid the thrust himself. Victory is awarded to the one who is the first to inflict a certain number of injections on the opponent in accordance with the rules or inflict more such injections in a set period of time.

32) The essence of football is that 2 teams of 11 people each try to score a goal against the opponent by kicking or heading the ball.

33) The essence of field hockey is for the players of two teams of 11 people each to hit the ball into the opponent’s goal with a stick as many times as possible and not let it into their own.

34) Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport in which female athletes compete in the technical skill and expressiveness of performing complex body movements combined with the manipulation of objects to music.

What can playing chess and boxing have in common? It turns out that it’s a lot, if we are talking about a sport like chess boxing or chess boxing. Haven't figured out how to play it yet? Now we will explain everything to you. We’ll also tell you about 14 more amazing and sometimes stupid, but very funny sports that were invented by people to compete and have fun at the same time.


1. Chess boxing or chess boxing. This is not only a game of muscles, but also of brains. Opponents in this hybrid sport play boxing and chess in alternating rounds. Officially, chessboxing fights have been held since 2003. In the light heavyweight division, Dymer Agasryan from Armenia became the world champion. (Photo: Ray Tang/Rex Features)
2. Carrying wives. This game was invented by the Finns... Men taking part in the competition win beer in an amount corresponding to the weight of their wife. Pictured: Finnish couple Ville Parviainen and Janet Oksman, who won the race last year. (Photo: EPA).
3. Toe wrestling. It's an interesting fight with the big toes. Opponents squeeze their fingers and the one who presses the opponent's foot to the floor wins. Alan "Nasty" Nash (left) from Great Britain is the reigning champion. (Photo: DARREN STAPLES/Reuters)
4. Rolling cheese. This traditional British competition has been held annually for over 200 years. The point of the game is to catch up with the circle of cheese rolling down the mountainside. The current champion is Chris Anderson. (Photo: REX/London News Pictures).
5. Downhill racing on a sled with wheels in the city is a bit like the Winter Olympic sport of luge. Its participants can accelerate on the asphalt to a speed of 157 kilometers per hour. The current world champion is Denis Araugo from Brazil. For those who prefer not extreme, but traditional winter views sports, such as skiing or alpine skiing, you should think about buying equipment now. Get your skis ready for summer! You can find out which ski model is right for your style and place of skiing on the pages of the E-Sport online sports store, and also select and order the ones you like. (Photo: AP Photo).
6. Timed hot dog eating competition. This sport is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. The current record holder is Joey Chesnut (center), who ate 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes. (Photo: AP Photo).
7. Swamp diving. In this competition, competitors must swim two lengths of trench, without normal diving equipment. Only snorkel and fins are allowed. The record for marsh diving belongs to Kirsty Johnson, who covered the “muddy distance” in 1 minute and 22 seconds. (Photo: Rebecca Naden/Reuters)
8. Antics competition. There is no other way to call it, because in this competition the winner is the one who can make the strangest faces with his face. This competition has been held in Great Britain... for over 700 years. And Tommy Mattinson has been the undefeated winner in the contortion game for 15 years in a row. (Photo: John Li/Getty Images)
9. World Championship in shooting... peas. This competition requires the participant to have a bit of wits and engineering ability to make his own weapon, and deadly precision to hit the target. The world champion in this strange sport is Rob Bresler from Great Britain. (Photo6 Neil Hall/Reuters).
10. World Underwater Kissing Championship. The current champions are Xu Jun and Zhang Wenqing from Shanghai, whose kiss lasted 1 minute and 20 seconds. (Photo: Daniele La Monaca/Reuters).
11. Frog jumps. The winner of the competition is the participant whose frog makes the longest jump. This year's winner was Riley Kitchell from California. (Photo: REX/KPA/Zuma).
12. The shin kicking competition dates back to the Middle Ages. Two participants in this competition hold each other by the shoulders and try to kick each other in the shin to knock each other to the ground. This year's champion was Ross Langill from Vancouver. (Photo: Robert Hallam/Rex Features)
13. Sepak Takraw is an Asian sport in which participants try to throw a ball into the opponent's field using only their legs, head or torso, and never their arms. Team Thailand is the defending champion. (Photo: AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
14. Regatta boats made from beer cans. This competition takes place every year at Mindil Beach in Australia. According to the rules, race participants must float only using beer tanks; no other ballast is allowed. This year the Tipanic boat won. (Photo: Newspix/REX).
15. International cherry pit spitting championship. This competition, which was created in 1974 to celebrate the cherry picking, is still held annually in Michigan. The 2014 winner was Brian "Young Gun" Krause. (Photo: AP Photo/Don Campbell)

Why do hockey players need a broom, and skiers need a horseman?

Are you used to the fact that summer means football, swimming, badminton, and winter means skating, skiing, and sledding? Get out of the habit. There is no longer a clear division between winter and summer sports. Do you like kayaking? Welcome to the mountain. Are you into kiting? Go to the frozen lake. Put the bike on skis and off you go.

In the middle of last December, snow volleyball was officially recognized as a sport in Russia. A year earlier, the status of this game was confirmed by the European Volleyball Confederation, and the first European tour had already been held. The rules are the same as in beach volleyball, only the game is played to 15 points. Yes, you can’t play in swimsuits: you need a tracksuit, gloves and sneakers with non-slip soles (while most people use football boots). The first Russian competitions within the Eurotour will be held in Sochi on March 15 - 17. Why do we need all this? Yes, because we have good chances to get ahead in this sport. We are not Brazil with kilometers of sandy beaches. In Russia it is much easier to find a flat snow playground, where you can tighten the net and leave the ball. In addition, it is possible that snow volleyball will be included in the Olympic Games program in ten years.

The fashion for this fun arose in European ski resorts as an additional and, importantly, inexpensive form of active recreation. However, not only for volleyball. Fans of sports entertainment have long stopped paying attention to the seasons and successfully mix summer sports with winter ones.

Fair wind

Many people know about kitesurfing. But snowkiting is still new in Russia, although it originated in the 70s - in the Alps. Although the only difference is: in the first case it is water, in the second it is snow or ice. With the help of a kite, a controlled kite, a skier or snowboarder develops high speed without any effort. For extreme sports enthusiasts - just the thing.

What do you need: kite; skis, board or skates; mountains, snowy plain or frozen pond.

Where to ride: Amateurs usually master snowkiting on the ice of lakes; most competitions are also held on reservoirs. In Russia - on Lake Onega, the Zhigulevsky Sea, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula, in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Kazan.

Born to fly

Thrill-seekers - paragliders and parachutists - came up with entertainment: high-speed flight from a mountain using a glider (a wing, a type of parachute). This sport is called speedflying or speedgliding. Some people add alpine skis to the wing and go down with mountain peaks, now rushing through the snow, now soaring in the air. The speed reaches up to 100 kilometers per hour.

What do you need: glider; skiing; courage and determination.

Where to ride: In Russia, speedflying is still developing in Crimea as a summer species. How popular in winter in the Alps: in Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany, France.

Did you lubricate your ski? Pedal off!

Who among you as a child was not upset that you couldn’t ride your bike in winter? Now everything is available. IN Lately Special winter tires are produced, even studded ones. They also convert an ordinary bicycle into a winter one by replacing the front wheel with a short ski.

Where to ride: wherever there is snow.

Puck! Puck!

Underwater hockey - in a pool or warm body of water - appeared in Britain back in 1954. The winter version originated in Austria. The match is played under an ice platform 6x8 meters. Dressed in warm wetsuits, athletes dive into the water without oxygen tanks, so they come up for air every half a minute. Their task: to drive a wooden puck (it’s larger than a hockey puck) into the enemy’s goal (the distance between the goals is 15 meters). The period lasts 10 minutes.

What do you need: insulated wetsuits; clubs; special washer; gates; frozen pond; four divers with oxygen tanks who monitor the condition of the players.

Where to play: in Russia competitions are held on Lake Baikal. The world's main ice hockey venue is the Austrian lake Weissensee. This year the fifth championship will be held there.

Quiditch without magic

And again, a type of hockey, or rather bandy, however, less extreme. Everything is the same, only the ball is kicked with a broom. It's called broomball. Funny and exciting.

What do you need: hockey equipment; sneakers with non-slip soles; ball; broom (for serious athletes it is already far from the usual shape and more and more resembles a stick. Amateurs play with hard plastic brooms).

Where to play: the game is quite common in Europe, USA, Japan and Australia. In Russia, broomball is played by expats (foreigners who live and work here), and competitions have been held in Moscow for several decades. The teams are mixed, they also accept Russians.

Yacht on skates

Yachtsmen also don’t want to get bored in winter. That's why they came up with the iceboat. This is a platform mounted on steel skates, with a rudder and a sail, almost like a yacht. Only sailing sleds move faster because there is no water resistance.

What do you need: buer; ability to control a yacht.

Where to ride: on any frozen bodies of water. Entertainment is very popular in Poland and the part of Germany adjacent to the Baltic Sea. In Russia they race on Lake Baikal, on Lakes Senezhskoye and Onega, and on reservoirs in Karelia and the Far East.

Downhill on a boat

Races down the mountain in kayaks (single-person boats) take place at many ski resorts. From summer kayaking there is only a small hole with water where the route ends. True, athletes, having accelerated to a decent speed, fly through it, often only touching the surface of the water. They steer with an oar, as befits real kayakers.

What do you need: kayak; paddle; mountain route, preferably with a pond at the finish line.

Where to ride: if there is no water hole - any available slide.

On slippery ice

For those who want to feel Lewis Hamilton, icekarting will do. Everything is like in a regular karting, only on ice and with studded tires. True, in this case you won’t go much faster: the ice won’t give you any.

What do you need: specially equipped area; kart; protective helmet; height of at least 140 centimeters (these rules).

Where to ride: There are ice karting sites in Finland, Sweden, and Norway.


How I envied my friends who had a big dog as a child! After all, she could give the owner a ride while sitting on a sled or standing on skis. Probably, the person who invented skijoring had the same dreams. In this sport, a rider on a horse pulls a skier behind him. At the same time, he must go around the flags or have time to perform certain actions with his hand. Let's say, thread a rod through a series of rings on the track.

What do you need: horse and rider; skis.

Where to ride: popular in northern Canada and the USA, as well as in the Nordic countries. In Russia, this fun has not yet been mastered; you can become a pioneer.

Icicle in the ocean

What do you think of when you hear the word “surfing”? A muscular tanned guy and his chocolate girlfriend with boards under his arm from an American film about sweet life in Miami? It's vulgar and banal. Or our Russian Far Eastern surfers, who catch waves in the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean in winter.

What do you need: insulated wetsuit; surf; cold wave.

Where to ride: European surfers boldly go to the shores of the Bay of Biscay or the North Sea. In Russia, winter surfing is actively developing in Kamchatka.

Flying frying pan

* Shovel races have become traditional at American ski resorts. Moreover, the handle should provocatively stick out between the participant’s legs. Each person is given two attempts and is chosen best time.

* And in Germany they decided to parody bobsleigh and came up with the idea of ​​sliding down a real professional track on woks - enlarged analogues of a Chinese frying pan.