Lugol spray official instructions. Lugol spray: instructions for use and composition. Lugol: special instructions

Lugol- an old, time-tested medicine that is most often used as antiseptic for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oropharyngeal mucosa in children and adults. That is, for chronic and acute tonsillitis, for sore throats and stomatitis.

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Composition of the drug

Main active substance Lugol's is molecular iodine, which has a locally irritating, antiseptic, bactericidal effect on both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Even the staphylococcal flora, which is more resistant, is also destroyed with long-term treatment. Potassium iodide, which is part of the drug, promotes the dissolution of iodine in water, and glycerol has a softening effect.

Use of Lugol for sore throat

The use of this antiseptic is very effective at the onset of the disease in the complex treatment of sore throat. For high fever and severe inflammation, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics. Otherwise, no one can guarantee that the patient will not get sick with rheumatism, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis in the next week.

Until recently, the pharmaceutical industry produced this product only in the form of a solution, but in last years You can buy Lugol spray at the pharmacy. For sore throat, the use of a spray has greatly simplified treatment with this wonderful remedy.

How to use Lugol's spray

For tonsillitis, the drug is used topically to irrigate the mucous membrane of the pharynx, mouth, and pharynx 2 to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. Spraying is done with one click on the spray head. Before injection, it is recommended to inhale and hold your breath. After irrigation, it is advisable not to eat or drink for 30 minutes. If the drug accidentally gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed well with a sufficient amount of water and then with sodium thiosulfate solution.

How to use Lugol's solution

For a sore throat, it is most convenient to use tweezers with a cotton swab attached to it; you can simply wrap the cotton wool around a pencil and lubricate the oral cavity and tonsils. There is another old way to use Lugol - dip a sterile piece of cotton wool in the solution and suck on the cotton wool for several minutes.

Otolaryngologists use this antiseptic for washing supratonsillar spaces and lacunae, for purulent lesions of the tonsils in the amount of 4-5 procedures every 2-3 days.

Benefits of using Lugol:

  • Most patients report the high effectiveness of this remedy, since it has a pronounced antiseptic property. It also has economical consumption, both the solution and the spray last for a long time. And what is important is that many people are satisfied with its low price.
  • The average price for Lugol in pharmacies is: solution 10 rubles, spray 100 rubles.
  • The advantages of a spray compared to a solution are: precise dosage, ease of use, and also the possibility of use for children, since lubricating the throat of children is not always possible.
  • Another plus in favor of this remedy is that its use helps prevent thyroid diseases due to the iodine content.
  • The solution has a stronger effect than the spray.

Disadvantages of Lugol:

  • This drug has a rather specific taste and smell, and often causes lubrication in the throat of children. vomiting reflex. After treatment or irrigation, the throat burns unpleasantly, which causes crying, whims, and reluctance to continue treatment in children.
  • Pediatricians also warn about the dangers of using it in young children, since laryngospasm may occur during injection into the oral cavity.
  • The solution is quite a thick liquid, so it is not convenient to lubricate the skin, especially for children.
  • The spray sprays with a fairly powerful jet, which also does not provide uniform irrigation.
  • There is an opinion that Lugol's solution for angina is not effective when there is a strong purulent process, since the thick solution prevents the release of lacunae from pus and does not have an effective effect.
  • For many children, and even adults, Lately There are allergic reactions, iodine and other ingredients included in the drug are no exception. Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of swelling of the respiratory tract, rash, and itching.
  • If the drug gets on clothes, and when treating a child this is very difficult to avoid, it practically does not wash off, leaving dark marks, which is a significant drawback.
  • Lugol should be used with caution for children with sore throat. When processing and when injecting, you should be very careful not to touch the back wall of the throat, because the reflexes in babies are unpredictable, and this can easily cause the child to vomit.

Side effects of Lugol:

  • iodism - salivation, angioedema, urticaria, rhinitis, acne
  • skin irritation
  • tachycardia
  • skin allergic reactions
  • nervousness
  • excessive sweating
  • sleep disorders
  • diarrhea in people over 40 years of age

Lugol contraindications:

  • adenomas
  • sensitivity to iodine
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • nephrosis
  • acne
  • furunculosis
  • pregnancy
  • hemorrhagic diathesis
  • chronic pyoderma
  • hives
  • with caution in children under 5 years of age, with decompensated liver and kidney diseases, with thyrotoxicosis

Lugol usually does not cause serious side effects, is well tolerated and helps many people cope with sore throat. If unwanted side effects of the drug occur, inform your doctor, who will replace it with another antiseptic.

Indications for use of the drug Lugol

Release form of the drug Lugol

100 g of solution for external use contains 1 g of iodine, 2 g of potassium iodide, 94 g of glycerin, 3 g of purified water; in bottles of 25 g.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug Lugol

Elemental iodine has pronounced antimicrobial properties. Elemental iodine preparations are characterized by a pronounced local irritating effect on tissue, and in high concentrations - a cauterizing effect. The local effect is due to the ability of elemental iodine to precipitate tissue proteins. Preparations that remove elemental iodine have a much less pronounced irritating effect, and iodides have local irritating properties only in very high concentrations.

The nature of the resorptive effect of elemental iodine and iodides preparations is the same. During the resorptive effect, iodine preparations have the most pronounced effect on the functions of the thyroid gland. In case of iodine deficiency, iodides help restore impaired synthesis of thyroid hormones. With normal iodine content in environment Iodides inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones, the sensitivity of the thyroid gland to pituitary TSH is reduced and its secretion by the pituitary gland is blocked. The effect of iodine preparations on metabolism is manifested by increased dissimilation processes. In atherosclerosis, they cause a slight decrease in the concentration of cholesterol and beta-lipoproteins in the blood; in addition, they increase the fibrinolytic and lipoproteinase activity of blood serum and slow down the rate of blood clotting.

Accumulating in syphilitic gums, iodine promotes their softening and resorption. However, the accumulation of iodine in tuberculosis lesions leads to an increase in the inflammatory process in them. The release of iodine by the excretory glands is accompanied by irritation of the glandular tissue and increased secretion. This is due to the expectorant effect and stimulation of lactation (in small doses). However, in large doses, iodine preparations can cause suppression of lactation.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug Lugol

Upon contact with skin or mucous membranes, 30% is converted into iodides, and the rest into active iodine. Partially absorbed. The absorbed part penetrates tissues and organs and is selectively absorbed by the thyroid gland. It is secreted mainly by the kidneys, intestines, sweat and mammary glands.

Use of Lugol's drug during pregnancy

Contraindications to the use of the drug Lugol

Side effects of the drug Lugol

Method of administration and dosage of the drug Lugol

When applied externally, iodine is used to treat damaged areas of the skin.
Topically used for washing lacunae and supratonsillar spaces - 4-5 procedures at intervals of 2-3 days, for irrigation of the nasopharynx - 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months, for instillation into the ear and rinsing - for 2-4 weeks; in surgical practice and for burns, gauze napkins applied to the affected surface are moistened as needed.

Overdose of Lugol's drug

Interactions of the drug Lugol with other drugs

Special instructions when taking Lugol's drug

Storage conditions for the drug Lugol

List B: In a cool, dark place.

Shelf life of the drug Lugol

The drug Lugol belongs to the ATX classification:

R Respiratory system

R02 Preparations for the treatment of throat diseases

R02A Preparations for the treatment of throat diseases

R02AA Antiseptics

LUGOL- Latin name medicinal product LUGOL

Registration Certificate Holder:

ATX code for LUGOL

R02AA20 (Other preparations)

Analogues of the drug LUGOL according to ATC codes:


Before using LUGOL you should consult your doctor. These instructions for use are for informational purposes only. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions.

LUGOL: Clinical and pharmacological group

31.001 (Antiseptic for topical use)

LUGOL: Release form, composition and packaging

Excipients: potassium iodide 2 g, glycerol 94 g, purified water 3 g.

25 g - bottles (1) complete with dispenser and sprayer - cardboard packs. 30 g - bottles (1) complete with dispenser and sprayer - cardboard packs. 50 g - bottles (1) complete with dispenser and sprayer - cardboard packs .60 g - bottles (1) complete with dispenser and sprayer - cardboard packs.

LUGOL: Pharmacological action

The main active ingredient is molecular iodine, which has an antiseptic and local irritant effect. It has a bactericidal effect against gram-negative and gram-positive flora, and also acts on pathogenic fungi (including yeast); Staphylococcus spp. more resistant to iodine, however, with long-term use of the drug, suppression of staphylococcal flora is observed in 80% of cases; Pseudomonas aeruginosa is resistant to the drug. When applied to large surfaces of the skin and mucous membranes, iodine has a resorptive effect: it participates in the synthesis of T3 and T4.

Potassium iodide, which is part of the composition, improves the dissolution of iodine in water, and glycerol has a softening effect.

LUGOL: Pharmacokinetics

When the drug is used in recommended doses, iodine resorption through the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity is insignificant. Upon contact with mucous membranes, 30% is converted to iodides. If accidentally swallowed, iodine is rapidly absorbed. The adsorbed part penetrates well into tissues and organs and accumulates in the tissues of the thyroid gland. It is excreted by the kidneys (mainly), to a lesser extent with feces and sweat. Penetrates into the milk of lactating women.

LUGOL: Dosage

The drug is applied 4-6 times a day to irrigate the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, pharynx, spraying the spray with one press of the spray head. It is recommended to hold your breath at the moment of injection. Do not allow the drug to get into your eyes. If this occurs, the eyes should be rinsed with plenty of water or sodium thiosulfate solution.

LUGOL: Overdose

Symptoms: irritate the upper respiratory tract (burn, laryngobronchospasm); if ingested - the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of hemolysis, hemoglobinuria; lethal dose- about 3 g (about 300 ml of the drug).

Treatment: gastric lavage with 0.5% sodium thiosulfate solution, sodium bicarbonate solutions, 30% sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously - up to 300 ml.

LUGOL: Drug interactions

Iodine is inactivated by sodium thiosulfate. The iodine contained in the drug oxidizes metals, which can lead to damage to metal objects. Pharmaceutically incompatible with essential oils, ammonia solutions. An alkaline or acidic environment, the presence of fat, pus, and blood weaken the antiseptic activity.

LUXOL: Pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended. Use during breastfeeding is possible if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the child. You should consult your doctor.

LUGOL: Side effects

Allergic reactions. With long-term use - the phenomena of “iodism”: rhinitis, urticaria, angioedema, salivation, lacrimation, acne.

If the following or other symptoms occur when using the drug: side effect You should consult your doctor.

LUGOL: Storage conditions and periods

In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date. 3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

LUGOL: Indications

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx in adults and children.

LUGOL: Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to iodine or other components of the drug.

Carefully. Use in patients with decompensated liver and kidney diseases, thyrotoxicosis, and dermatitis herpetiformis.

LUGOL: Special instructions

Sunlight and temperatures above 40°C accelerate the breakdown of active iodine.

LUGOL: Use for impaired renal function

Use with caution in patients with decompensated kidney disease.

LUGOL: Use for liver dysfunction

Use with caution in patients with decompensated liver diseases.

LUGOL: Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

LUGOL: Registration numbers

spray for local approx. 1 g/100 g: fl. 25, 30, 50 or 60 g per set. with applicator LP-000119 (2028-12-10 – 2028-12-15)

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Lugol represents

antiseptic for local and external use, intended for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the structures of the oral cavity, nose, pharynx and skin. Lugol is available in the form of a solution placed in a bottle with a dropper or with a spray device (spray). To treat infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx or on the skin, Lugol is applied to the affected areas several times a day.

Composition, names and release forms of Lugol

Currently, Lugol is produced in the only dosage form is a solution for external (for the skin) and local (for the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and nose) use. The solution is poured into dark glass bottles equipped with a dropper or a spray nozzle. Of course, Lugol's solution in a bottle with a spray device (spray) is more convenient for use, since it can be applied to any surface

or mucous membrane quickly and accurately by simply pressing the existing mechanism. And Lugol in a bottle with a dropper must first be applied to a cotton swab, which is then used to lubricate the affected areas of the mucous membranes or skin, which is certainly not as convenient as using a spray.

The drug, which is officially called “Lugol”, is often referred to in everyday life by several different names, such as “Lugol solution”, “Lugol spray” and “Lugol with glycerin”. All of the names listed refer to the same drug - Lugol.

The name “Lugol's solution” is used to refer to the drug packaged in a bottle with a dropper. The name "Lugol spray" is used to refer to the drug packaged in a bottle with a spray nozzle. That is, in fact, there are no differences between “Lugol solution” and “Lugol spray” except for packaging.

The name “Lugol's with glycerin” is widespread, but, in fact, does not reflect any particularity of the drug and does not refer to a separate type of drug. The fact is that Lugol's solution always contains iodine as an active component, and glycerin as an auxiliary substance. Therefore, the name "Lugol's with glycerin" is an example of excessive specification that is completely unnecessary. That is, “Lugol” and “Lugol with glycerin” are the same drug, designated by different names. But since the name “Lugol’s with glycerin” is widespread, it is actively used by patients, pharmacists, and doctors.

In the further text of the article we will refer to this drug as “Lugol”. However, you need to know that all the information provided applies to both “Lugol’s solution”, “Lugol’s spray”, and “Lugol’s with glycerin”, since these are the names of the same drug.

In Lugol's composition as an active ingredient iodine is included in dissolved form. As the main excipient Glycerin is added to the solution, which provides a milder effect of iodine. Other excipients of Lugol's are the following:

  • Potassium iodide, which ensures better dissolution of iodine;
  • Water in which iodine is dissolved.

Currently, Lugol is available in two dosages - with an iodine concentration of 1% and 1.25%.

The solution and spray are available in dark glass bottles of 20 ml, 25 ml, 30 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml and 60 ml. Lugol's solution is a translucent, thick liquid colored bright orange-brownish.

Therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effects of Lugol are provided by the elemental iodine included in its composition, which has an antiseptic and locally irritating effect on the mucous membranes and skin. The antiseptic effect of iodine is that it has a detrimental effect on various opportunistic and pathogenic


(including the genus Candida), which cause infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and nose. By destroying pathogenic microorganisms, Lugol stops the further progression of the infectious-inflammatory process.

The spectrum of action of Lugol on microorganisms is very wide. This means that Lugol’s solution has a detrimental effect on a large number of varieties of microbes, and therefore can be used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes and skin in almost all cases. Unfortunately, different kinds staphylococci are relatively resistant to the action of iodine, but with prolonged and regular use, Lugol also destroys these microorganisms. But Lugol's solution is not effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Lugol does not develop addiction, which distinguishes it favorably from antibiotics, and allows it to be used for as long as desired and as often as necessary.

The local irritating effect of iodine is to increase mucus secretion and provoke a cough reflex and sneezing. This effect is very useful in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, since a large amount of mucus washes away pathogenic microbes and disinfects their surface with special biologically active substances contained in it.

Lugol's solution is absorbed into the systemic circulation from both the mucous membranes and the skin. When applying the drug to large area mucous membranes or skin, a small amount of iodine is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, which is excreted from the body mainly in the urine. But if Lugol’s solution is applied to large areas of the skin or mucous membranes, then a significant amount of iodine is absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, which accumulates in the tissues of the thyroid gland and takes part in the metabolism of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4).

If, when treating the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx or nose, a certain amount of Lugol's solution is accidentally swallowed, then iodine is also quickly absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and accumulates in the tissues of the thyroid gland.

In addition, iodine, absorbed into the bloodstream from the skin, mucous membranes, or after accidental ingestion of Lugol's solution, penetrates into breast milk nursing women.

Indications for use of spray and Lugol's solution

Lugol's solution is indicated for use in the treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx, such as tonsillitis, laryngitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.;
  • Atrophic rhinitis;
  • Purulent otitis;
  • Infectious and inflammatory skin lesions, such as erysipelas, boils, purulent cuts, scratches, etc.;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Ulcerated varicose veins;
  • Wounds on the skin;
  • Burns complicated by associated infection;
  • Fresh thermal burns of 1st and 2nd degrees;
  • Myalgia (muscle pain).

Instructions for use Lugol spray - instructions for use

The spray is sprayed onto the affected, inflamed and painful areas of the skin or mucous membrane of the throat, pharynx, pharynx, mouth and nose 4-6 times a day until complete recovery or until the condition improves. The spray is sprayed by pressing the spray head.

Before applying Lugol's spray, place the bottle in a vertical position, direct the extended tube of the spray mechanism to the affected area and, holding it, press the mechanism with your thumb once. The tube is then moved to another affected area and the spray mechanism is pressed again. There is no need to try to treat a large area of ​​the affected mucous membrane or skin with Lugol's solution at once, since the spraying mechanism releases the drug not in a cloud, but in a stream. Therefore, it is recommended to treat all affected surfaces with Lugol in parts, spraying it first on one area, then on another, etc.

When applying Lugol's spray to the mucous membranes of the throat, pharynx or nose, while pressing the head of the spray mechanism, you should hold your breath so that the solution does not accidentally enter the bronchi and lungs.

After applying Lugol to the throat, nose or pharynx, it is necessary to abstain from drinking and eating for half an hour so that the solution remains on the mucous membrane and exerts its therapeutic effect. If for some reason it is impossible to refuse to drink and eat within 20 - 30 minutes after applying Lugol to the throat, pharynx or nose, then it is recommended to drink or eat warm drinks and dishes, rather than cold or hot.

In addition, Lugol's spray can be used to irrigate the nasopharynx with atrophic rhinitis and to relieve the inflammatory process with purulent otitis media. To irrigate the nasopharynx, you must insert the tube of the spray mechanism into the nasal passage and press the head once. Then perform exactly the same manipulation in the second nasal passage. Irrigation of the nasopharynx is performed once a day every 1 - 2 days for 2 - 3 months in a row.

To relieve the inflammatory process in otitis, Lugol's spray is applied to the ears by inserting a tube from the spray mechanism alternately into the external auditory canals of the right and left ear. Lugol should be injected into the ears once a day every 1 - 2 days for 2 - 4 weeks in a row.

Lugol can be applied to the skin in two ways, depending on the type and severity of the inflammatory process. If the inflammation affects a small area of ​​skin and its course is not severe (for example, a deep scratch, cut, etc.), then Lugol is applied directly to the affected part, having previously removed necrotic masses, pus and mucus from the surface of the wound. After treating the skin with Lugol, the inflammation site should be left in the open air for 15 to 30 minutes so that the solution is well absorbed. When there is practically no Lugol's solution left on the surface of the inflammation, you can apply a bandage to it or leave it open. Lugol can be applied 2-6 times a day until recovery.

If infectious inflammatory process affects a relatively large area of ​​skin (more than 5 cm by 5 cm) and its course is severe (for example, burns, multiple boils, erysipelas, traumatic wound, postoperative suture, etc.), then first apply napkins to the affected area, and then moisten generously with Lugol's solution. The napkins are moistened periodically - several times a day, so that they remain constantly moist and well soaked in Lugol.

Lugol's solution (Lugol's with glycerin) - instructions for use

Lugol's solution is used for application to skin affected by an infectious-inflammatory process, ear cavities and mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and pharynx. In addition, lacunae and spaces located in the tonsil area can be washed with Lugol's solution.

To apply to the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and throat, Lugol's solution is first poured onto a cotton swab, and then the affected areas are carefully treated with it. The mucous membranes are lubricated with Lugol 4–6 times a day, until recovery or until the condition improves. When treating the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat or pharynx with the solution, it is recommended to hold your breath to minimize the possible irritating effect of iodine.

If it is necessary to apply Lugol's solution to a large area of ​​the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx or throat, then several cotton swabs should be used. That is, first pour the solution onto one tampon and treat a small area of ​​the mucous membrane with it (as long as the solution available on it is enough). Then take another, clean swab, moisten it with Lugol's solution and treat another small area of ​​the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat or pharynx. Thus, each time taking a new tampon, a large affected area of ​​the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat or pharynx is treated with Lugol's solution. The same tampon, which has already been in contact with the affected mucosa once, should not be re-wetted with Lugol’s solution and used again to treat areas of inflammation, since the pathological process may be aggravated due to the transfer of microbes from one area to another.

After treating the throat, pharynx or oral cavity with Lugol's solution, it is recommended to abstain from drinking and eating for 20 - 30 minutes to ensure that the drug remains on the mucous membrane. If for some reason it is impossible to give up drinking and food, then you should drink and eat only warm foods or drinks (neither cold nor hot).

In addition, Lugol's solution can be used to rinse lacunae and spaces in the tonsil area. To do this, the solution is drawn into a syringe and a washing procedure is performed. For one course of treatment, 4–5 rinsing procedures are performed, observing intervals of 2–3 days between them.

Accidental ingestion of a small amount of Lugol's solution is not dangerous, since iodine from the stomach is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and partially excreted in the urine, and partially deposited in the tissues of the thyroid gland.

In the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process on the skin, Lugol can be used in two ways, depending on the severity of the disease and the area of ​​affected tissue. If the inflammation affects a small area of ​​skin and its course is not severe (for example, a deep scratch, cut, etc.), then Lugol is applied directly to the affected part with a clean cotton swab, having previously removed necrotic masses, pus and mucus from the surface of the wound. After applying Lugol, the affected area is left open for 15 to 30 minutes so that the solution is absorbed. After this, a bandage is applied to the wound or left open. Lugol's solution is applied to the wound 2-6 times a day until complete recovery.

If the inflammation is localized over a large area of ​​skin and is severe (for example, burns, a postoperative suture, a traumatic wound, etc.), first cover the affected area with sterile gauze. Then Lugol's solution is poured directly onto these napkins. Subsequently, the wipes are periodically re-wetted with Lugol's solution, keeping them constantly moist and well saturated with the drug.

special instructions

When using a spray or Lugol's solution, you must be careful not to let the drug get into your eyes. If Lugol accidentally gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them first with a large amount of

clean water

And then with sodium thiosulfate solution.

Lugol's solution and spray must be stored in a cool and dark room, since sunlight and temperatures above 40oC lead to accelerated destruction of iodine, which is the active component of the drug, which, accordingly, significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

When treating large areas of skin and mucous membranes with Lugol's solution, absorption into the bloodstream with subsequent deposition of significant amounts of iodine in the thyroid gland is possible. This should be known and caution should be exercised when using Lugol for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

In addition, iodine, absorbed into the bloodstream from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes treated with Lugol, is not only deposited in the thyroid gland, but also penetrates into breast milk. Together with mother's milk, iodine enters the baby's body and is deposited in his thyroid gland. And since such amounts of iodine are too high for a child, he may develop thyroid diseases. Therefore, nursing mothers should use Lugol with caution or avoid using it altogether.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Lugol's solution and spray do not affect the functions and functioning of the central nervous system, therefore, while using it, a person can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring high concentration and speed of reactions.


An overdose of Lugol is possible due to the fact that iodine can be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. An overdose of Lugol usually develops with its prolonged and frequent use.

In case of an overdose of a spray or Lugol's solution, the following symptoms are noted:

  • Irritation of the upper respiratory tract (laryngospasm, bronchospasm, burn of mucous membranes);
  • If Lugol gets ingested - irritation of the stomach and intestines, hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), hemoglobinuria (hemoglobin in the urine).

The lethal dose of Lugol when ingested is 300 ml of solution.

To treat an overdose, it is necessary to sequentially rinse the stomach first with a 0.5% solution of sodium thiosulfate, then with a solution baking soda. After this, a 30% sodium thiosulfate solution is administered intravenously in the required amount (up to 300 ml). Then symptomatic treatment is carried out aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs.

Interaction with other drugs

Iodine is inactivated by sodium thiosulfate. Therefore, with the simultaneous use of Lugol and sodium thiosulfate, the effectiveness of the former is reduced to almost zero. Fat, pus or blood on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes will reduce the effectiveness of Lugol.

Iodine in Lugol's composition oxidizes metals and is therefore not compatible with any medications containing metal compounds as active or auxiliary components.

Lugol's is not compatible with essential oils and ammonia solutions.

If accidentally swallowed, Lugol reduces the effect of medications that suppress the thyroid gland.

Lugol, when applied externally and locally, can enhance the irritating effect of other drugs on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Is it possible to cure chronic tonsillitis in a child with Lugol? Is local application of Lugol effective - video
Is there any benefit from using Lugol - video
After Lugol

Many people note that after treating their throat with Lugol, a sensation of soreness, burning, tingling, etc. appears. Typically data discomfort go away on their own within 1 – 3 hours and are due to the fact that Lugol has an irritating effect and very dry out the mucous membranes. To minimize discomfort, it is recommended to lubricate the throat sea ​​buckthorn oil or rinse with decoctions of herbs that have a softening effect, for example,

chamomile calendula

However, in some cases, the discomfort in the throat that occurs after using Lugol does not go away within several hours. In such cases, we are talking about severe irritation or burns of the mucous membranes of the throat with iodine contained in Lugol. To eliminate burns and irritation, it is necessary to gargle with soda, lubricate with sea buckthorn oil and constantly suck on lozenges or throat tablets that have a soothing effect (for example, Isla-Moos, etc.).

Lugol for childrenInstructions for use of the drug in children

Lugol is effective and safe drug, and therefore has been used for a long period of time to treat sore throat, pharyngitis and


in children of any age.


in the countries of the former USSR, Lugol is prescribed to children from birth, since a long period of observation (several decades) of the use of the drug made it possible to verify its safety and effectiveness.

Lugol can be used to treat sore throats, pharynx and tonsils due to viral and bacterial infections in children. For viral infections, Lugol can be used as an independent medicine, and for bacterial infections - as part of complex therapy in combination with systemic use of antibiotics. The throat, pharynx or tonsils are treated with Lugol's solution 4 to 6 times a day until recovery.

For children over one year of age, it is optimal to use Lugol in the form of a spray, since it is easy to dose, convenient to use, and you can ask the child to hold his breath while the medicine is injected into the throat (so that the composition does not enter the bronchi and lungs and cause irritation). In addition, when using the spray, the risk of injuring the mucous membrane is minimal and, thereby, causing its irritation, manifested by soreness, burning, tingling and soreness.

For children under one year old, only Lugol's solution should be used, since it is impossible to explain to an infant that it is necessary to hold their breath while the medicine is injected into the throat. And if a child inhales the solution at the time of injection, it will enter the bronchi or even the lungs, and provoke severe irritation with broncho- and laryngospasm, severe coughing and copious mucus secretion, which can be fatal for the baby.

To lubricate the throat with Lugol's solution, it is necessary to use a soft cotton swab so as not to scratch or irritate the delicate and sensitive mucous membrane. Also, to minimize the risk of irritation of the mucous membrane by rubbing cotton wool, to treat the throat, it is necessary to moisten the swab very generously with Lugol’s solution so that the medicine literally oozes out of it. Then, with this tampon, carefully, without pressing, lubricate the mucous membrane (you need to move the tip of the tampon along the mucous membrane, like a brush on paper, without pressing on it).

At what age can Lugol be used for children?

The instructions for use indicate that Lugol's solution and spray can only be used by children from the age of five. This is due to the fact that children are more early age may swallow the solution orally, often swallowing saliva in order to quickly get rid of the unpleasant taste of the medicine in the mouth. And ingestion of Lugol's solution can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, as well as the absorption of large amounts of iodine into the thyroid gland, which negatively affects


and the child's well-being. It is precisely because of the risk of ingestion of Lugol's solution that it is not recommended for use in children under 5 years of age.

However, in practice, such a risk is very small, and therefore almost all pediatricians prescribe Lugol to children of any age, and parents use it accordingly. In fact, Lugol can be used for children of any age, being careful and trying to explain to the baby the need to tolerate an unpleasant taste in the mouth for half an hour, after which it will pass as the iodine is absorbed into the mucous membranes of the throat. In addition, when using Lugol for children, you should not treat the throat with it more than 4 times a day and use a large amount of solution at a time.

Of course, the specified precautions in the use of Lugol for children under 5 years of age are not complicated, however, drug manufacturers prefer to indicate in the instructions that Lugol is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age in order to protect themselves from possible claims.

Lugol during pregnancy

use during pregnancy

Since iodine absorbed into the bloodstream can negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, the normal functioning of which is critical for bearing a child. After all, if the thyroid gland does not function fully, then, as a rule,


interrupted due to


Fetal death, development of fetal deformities, etc.

At breastfeeding You should also avoid using Lugol, since iodine, absorbed from the mucous membranes or skin into the bloodstream, also enters the milk. As a result, with mother's milk, the baby's body receives a large amount of iodine, which accumulates in its thyroid gland and can provoke various diseases of this organ.

Side effects

When applied to the skin and mucous membranes as a side effect, Lugol can cause irritation on them.

With long-term use of Lugol for treating large areas of mucous membranes and skin as side effects, iodism may develop, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Runny nose;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Lethargy;
  • Excessive drooling;
  • lacrimation;
  • Acne on the skin.

If ingested The following side effects may occur:

  • Allergic reactions on the skin;
  • Tachycardia (palpitations);
  • Nervousness;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Sweating;
  • Diarrhea.

Contraindications for use

Lugol's solution and spray are strictly contraindicated for use only in the presence of increased individual sensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug.

In addition, there are relative contraindications for use, in the presence of which Lugol can be used, but with caution and under medical supervision. Relative contraindications to the use of Lugol include the following conditions or diseases:

  • Hyperthyroidism (the concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood is higher than normal);
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Severe liver and kidney diseases;
  • Dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • Chronic pyoderma;
  • Age under 5 years.

Currently, on the pharmaceutical market of the CIS countries there are drugs that are analogues of Lugol's in terms of therapeutic effect. This means that analogue drugs contain other active substances, but have almost the same therapeutic effect as Lugol.

Lugol's analogues include the following drugs:

  • Aquazan solution for local and external use;
  • Betadine ointment and solution for external and local use;
  • Iodovidone spray for local and external use;
  • Iodoflex solution for external and local use;
  • Octasept aerosol for local and external use;
  • Sulyodovisol aerosol for local and external use;
  • Braunodin B. Brown solution for local and external use;
  • Iodine-Ka solution for local and external use.

Lugol and Lugol spray - reviews

Most reviews of the Lugol solution and spray (80 - 85%) are positive, due to the high effectiveness of the drug. Moreover, the percentage of positive reviews about the spray is the same as about the Lugol solution.

Positive reviews note that Lugol quickly relieves sore throats and accelerates the recovery process for various respiratory infectious and inflammatory diseases (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, etc.). People consider the advantages of the drug to be low cost, ease of use, as well as a quick and pronounced therapeutic effect. The disadvantages of Lugol include an unpleasant taste and the risk of developing irritation of the mucous membranes, due to which soreness, burning and other unpleasant sensations persist in the throat after using the drug.

Negative reviews about Lugol are few and, as a rule, due to unsuccessful experiences with the drug. Thus, such reviews indicate that Lugol, after application to the mucous membrane of the throat, caused severe irritation of the mucous membranes and bronchospasm, due to which it was impossible to breathe for 1 - 2 minutes, which, naturally, frightened the person very much. Because of the fear they experienced, people naturally left negative reviews of Lugol, warning others of the potential danger.

In addition, negative reviews of Lugol are due to its unpleasant taste and the associated difficulties of use in children. Such reviews indicate that the drug is, of course, effective, but inconvenient and unpleasant for the child, and therefore not ideal.

Lugol (solution and spray) – price

Lugol's solution and spray are manufactured by pharmaceutical factories in different countries the former USSR, and each enterprise sets its own selling price for the medicine. This is what determines the fairly wide range of prices for Lugol.

In the pharmaceutical market of European CIS countries, Lugol produced in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine or Lithuania is most often sold. Lithuanian Lugol is produced in the form of a spray, therefore, as a rule, it is the most expensive compared to solutions produced by factories in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Currently, the cost of Lugol spray and solution in pharmacies in Russian cities varies within the following limits:

  • Spray Lugol, 50 ml – 89 – 105 rubles;
  • Lugol solution, 25 ml – 8 – 15 rubles;
  • Lugol solution, 30 ml – 45 – 56 rubles.

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results.

Lugol's solution is far from a new remedy, well known to everyone from early childhood. It has been and continues to be widely used as a good, inexpensive and readily available iodine-based antiseptic. It comes in aqueous form and contains glycerin. Like iodine, glycerin is in most cases harmless to health, because it is used not only in medicines and cosmetics, but also in the food industry as a component of a number of products, for example, as a sweetener.

The appearance of Lugol's solution in the form of a spray significantly simplified its use, since lubricating a sore throat with the drug, especially in young children, is far from the most pleasant procedure in the world.

Lugol spray: composition, properties and release form

Most often, Lugol's solution in a spray is used as an adjunct to local treatment. This drug helps fight the disease faster. At the same time, one should not forget about the basic treatment, as well as the fact that a child with throat diseases needs bed rest, proper nutrition- high in calories, but without irritating substances, an abundance of salt and spices, in a ventilated room with fresh, humidified air, drinking plenty of heat and taking special medications prescribed by a doctor.

Lugol can also be used to treat cracks in the corners of the mouth, which very often occurs in young children.

Do not risk your baby’s health, do not treat it yourself, especially if the child’s condition is severe, high fever and difficulty breathing. What you mistook for may turn out to be diphtheria, and these are deadly diseases.

Dosage for children and rules for using the spray

Lugol's solution in spray can be used as prescribed by a doctor for children over 5 years of age. The usual Lugol's solution is used from the age of six months. This is due to the fact that a young child is not able to understand what is required of him.

Lugol's spray should be sprayed onto the affected area of ​​the throat or nasopharynx while holding your breath completely, otherwise the iodine preparation will get inside and can lead to a number of side effects. A small child cannot control his actions and does not understand what they want from him, so he can inhale the drug and cause a burn in the respiratory tract.

Lugol spray is used for children 2 - 6 times a day, depending on the age of the child and the degree of the disease. Spraying should be done by pressing the tip once, since an overdose of the drug can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, their dryness, and also increase the absorption of the drug.

The duration of treatment with Lugol's solution in a spray is determined by the doctor and depends on how effective the drug is and how well the child tolerates it. The spray can be used as an independent medicine for uncomplicated diseases, or as part of complex therapy for more serious diseases.

More information about how to treat pharyngitis in children can be found in the video:

Only the child’s attending physician can select and prescribe any of the listed drugs. He will definitely take into account his age, state of health, the presence of other diseases, including chronic ones, as well as individual characteristics body, a tendency to unpredictable reactions and allergies. Only with such a careful and thoughtful approach can the baby be cured quickly and without harm to his health.

At the very beginning of the development of throat diseases, they can still be stopped by using local remedies, which include a budget antiseptic Lugol , used in world medicine for about two hundred years.

Lugol It is considered an external remedy and is used primarily for lubricating or irrigating the mucous membranes of the throat, although its use internally for the treatment of certain diseases of the thyroid gland is also justified.

The drug is available in two forms: solution and spray .

How to use Lugol, instructions for use are described below.

What is Lugol

The solution was named after the French physician Jean Lugol, who developed the drug in 1829. Lugol's solution is a thick, translucent liquid of a bright orange-brown color. It contains iodine as the main substance and glycerin as an auxiliary substance.

To be more precise, 1 part of iodine is used, 2 - potassium iodide, 94 - glycerin, 3 - water. Glycerin softens the effect of iodine, potassium iodide promotes faster dissolution of iodine in water.

Lugol is produced in 2 dosages - with an iodine concentration of 1% and 1.25%.

As for ease of use, the solution produced in the form of a spray is much more convenient for use, especially in children, due to the fact that the therapeutic component is very simply and quickly delivered to hard-to-reach places in the pharynx.

Lugol, produced in the form of a solution, must first be applied to a cotton swab, which can then be used to lubricate diseased or affected areas of the body.

How does Lugol work?

The therapeutic effect of Lugol is due to the iodine included in the composition, which has an antiseptic effect against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Lugol's spectrum of action is quite broad, but it is ineffective against staphylococcal infections and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Iodine, which is part of Lugol's composition, also acts as a local irritant, which is expressed in increased mucus secretion, as well as in provoking sneezing and cough reflex.

This is a useful effect for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, as it allows a large volume of mucus to wash away pathogens.

Lugol's solution is absorbed into the bloodstream from the mucous membranes and skin. If Lugol is applied to a large area of ​​the skin, iodine will accumulate in the thyroid tissues and can take part in the metabolism of thyroid hormones.

Unlike antibiotics, addiction does not develop to Lugol.

Indications for use

Lugol is indicated for the treatment of:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat - sore throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.;
  • Purulent otitis;
  • Atrophic rhinitis;
  • Skin lesions - erysipelas, boils, purulent scratches and cuts;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Ulcers of varicose veins;
  • Fresh burns and burns with infection;
  • Myalgia.

Instructions for use of Lugol

Instructions for use of Lugol's spray

Directions for use: spray on affected and inflamed areas of the skin or mucous membranes of the throat, pharynx, mouth, nose, 4 to 6 rubles. a day before the condition improves. After spraying, you need to not eat or drink anything for half an hour so that the medicine has a therapeutic effect longer.

If you accidentally swallow a little solution during manipulation, nothing harmful will happen.

How to apply the spray? First, you need to remove the cap from the bottle and put the sprayer on it, then make a couple of presses so that the solution enters the mechanism. The bottle must be placed in a vertical position, the spray tube must be directed towards the painful area, held there and pressed on the mechanism once with your thumb.

Then the tube is directed to another area and sprayed as well. The spraying mechanism sprays the drug in a stream, so the diseased surface is treated in parts.

If a stream of medicine is directed to the throat, you need to hold your breath while spraying so that iodine does not enter the bronchi.

The spray can be used to irrigate:

  • Nasal passages - once a day every 1 - 2 days for 2-3 months in a row;
  • Ears - in the same dosage for no longer than one month;
  • Skin - depending on the severity of the disease: if the inflammation is minor, Lugol is applied directly to the cleaned surface for 15 - 30 minutes 2 - 6 times a day until recovery. If the inflammatory process affects a large area, then napkins are placed on the affected area and moistened with Lugol. Wipes need to be moistened several times a day.

After the first use, the spray nozzle is no longer removed so that the solution does not dry out inside it.

Instructions for use of Lugol's solution

Lugol's solution is also used for external application to inflamed skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, and ear cavity. The spaces in the tonsil area are also washed with the solution. To apply Lugol's solution to the mucous membranes, it is poured onto a swab, which is used to treat the affected areas.

The mucous membranes are lubricated with the solution up to 6 times a day until the condition improves.

While processing mucous membranes, you need to hold your breath to reduce the irritating effect of iodine. One swab should be used to treat one area. If you need to apply the solution over a large area, you need to use several swabs.

This is necessary to avoid transferring germs from one area to another. After treating the throat, it is recommended not to drink or eat anything for half an hour so that the drug is as effective as possible.

To use Lugol's solution to rinse spaces and lacunae in the tonsil area, the solution is drawn into a syringe, which is used for rinsing. Washing must be done every 2-3 days. One course involves 5 washes.

To treat the inflammatory process on the skin, Lugol's solution is used in 2 ways, depending on the area of ​​the lesion. If a small area of ​​skin is inflamed, the solution is applied to the affected part with a cotton swab, having first removed the pus and mucus from the wound.

After tamponing, the treated lesion is left open for half an hour so that the Lugol is absorbed. The wound can then be covered with a bandage or left open. You can apply the solution to the wound up to 6 times a day before recovery.

If the inflammatory process has affected a large area of ​​the skin, as, for example, with burns, injuries or in the presence of a postoperative suture, then the affected area is covered with napkins and Lugol is poured onto them. Then the napkins are re-wetted, keeping them well soaked.

Instructions for using Lugol in children

For children, instructions for use with Lugol remain the same as for adults. The only limitation that requires parental caution is that children cannot hold their breath, so the drug is not recommended for the youngest children.

Instructions for using Lugol during pregnancy

Since iodine crosses the placental barrier, pregnant women should be treated with this remedy with caution.

The course of treatment with Lugol for pregnant women should not exceed 4 days in a row.

Instructions for use: special instructions

  1. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the eyes. If Lugol gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water, then sodium thiosulfate.
  2. Lugol's should be stored in dark place, since sunlight and temperature increases above 40 degrees lead to the destruction of iodine, which reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. When large surfaces are treated with Lugol, iodine is absorbed into the bloodstream and retained in the thyroid gland. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution by people suffering from thyroid diseases. Iodine can also penetrate into breast milk, and with it into the baby’s thyroid gland, which may not be able to cope with such an amount. Therefore, women with breastfeeding should refuse to use this treatment method or use it under medical supervision.



An overdose of Lugol develops with its frequent and prolonged use. It is characterized by the following symptoms: bronchospasm, laryngospasm and burn of mucous membranes.

If Lugol is ingested in large quantities, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, destruction of red blood cells, and hemoglobin may appear in the urine. The lethal dose of Lugol when drunk is 300 ml.

If symptoms of overdose are observed, you need to rinse the stomach with a 0.5% solution of sodium thiosulfate and a solution of baking soda. Then a 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate is injected intravenously, which inactivates the effect of iodine. Next, symptomatic treatment is carried out.


Some drugs have an effect similar to Lugol's:

  1. Vialine does not contain iodine, and its antiseptic effect is provided by the antibiotic triclosan.
  2. Iodinol contains iodine and alcohol in its composition. Alcohol prolongs the antiseptic effect of iodine, but the absence of glycerin reduces the analgesic effect.
  3. Yoxa contains iodine in a complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone; in addition, the drug contains an anesthetic component and alcohol, which prolongs the effect of iodine. When choosing Yox or which is better, you need to take into account the cost of the drug, which is higher than Lugol's.

Lugol's solution became widely known due to the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in 1986. Then it was drunk to protect the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine isotopes. Currently, some people are independently trying to “preventively” take this drug for the same purpose, which can do them more harm than good.

Compound. Lugol's standard solution is an aqueous solution of iodine (1%) and potassium iodide (2%). The remaining 97% is distilled water. Pharmacies usually sell Lugol's solution with glycerin, which adds viscosity to this product and at the same time acts as a solvent instead of water.

Also, the solution can be more concentrated and contain, for example, 2 or 5% iodine.

Origin story. Lugol was developed by the French physician Jean Lugol in 1829. But in the vastness of the CIS and in neighboring countries became widely known only in 1986, during the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. Back then, Lugol's solution was given to people (especially children) to reduce the effects of the radioactive cloud.

Some believe that the drug actually has a positive effect in reducing the effects of radiation. However, there are those who associate the consumption of iodine solution with the development of a number of diseases, including thyroid cancer.

Benefits of Lugol's solution

Use of the drug

Lugol's has antibacterial properties, so it can be used externally to cleanse skin, abrasions, minor scratches and wound edges. More often it is used to treat wounds and inflammations inside the oral cavity, because there are other equally effective means for disinfecting wounds of other external parts of the body.

A solution with low iodine concentration can be used as a mouth rinse.

Lugol's solution and spray for sore throat

Lugol's solution is most widely used in our country in the fight against sore throat. This happened due to its low cost and high effect, which is noted by most patients.

Previously, I always had to use the usual Lugol's solution with glycerin to lubricate the throat, after moistening the cotton wool. Accordingly, it is wound around a finger or some device if this is done at home.

Lugol's spray is now popular, as it is more convenient to use. The use of a solution with glycerin is not suitable for many due to suspiciousness and fear, but the spray does not have such disadvantages. Although it is approximately 10 times more expensive, it is also quite affordable.

Internal use of Lugol's solution

There is Lugol's food solution, which is used in the treatment of thyroid diseases - to inhibit or increase the secretion of thyroid hormones. For example, in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. And in some people with dyshormonogenesis (congenital disorders of thyroid hormone biosynthesis), inorganic iodine suppresses the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones (Wolff-Chaikoff effect).

The drug is also taken for 7-10 days before thyroidectomy, which is a radical treatment for hyperthyroidism (involves cutting out the entire thyroid gland or part of it).

Lugol's solution is also prescribed for patients before scintigraphy, a diagnostic method in which radioactive isotopes are introduced into the body. In this case, the drug should be taken in a diluted form - it is usually recommended to dissolve 5 drops of solution in 1 glass of water (200 ml).

The use of Lugol's solution after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

The purpose of using Lugol's solution after the Chernobyl disaster was to prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing the radioactive isotope of iodine from radioactive fallout. A large dose of iodine supplied to the body along with the solution causes a condition in which the thyroid gland is no longer able to absorb the radioactive element. This is very important because if the thyroid gland absorbs large amounts of this radioactive isotope, it can lead to the development of thyroid cancer.

Interestingly, the scientists who recommended the use of Lugol's solution in 1986 admit many years later that they would not make the same decision today. Because it is now known that this was not necessary - the scale of contamination was too low in those areas where this drug was actively used.

Other uses

In addition, an aqueous solution of iodine and potassium iodide is used in starch research. Adding iodine to a liquid containing starch causes its color to change to violet-black, and at low concentrations to blue-violet. This phenomenon is often demonstrated in schools during biology or chemistry lessons.

Harm of Lugol's solution


Lugol's solution is contraindicated (in any form) for:

  • patients with hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • patients with tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers.


Lugol's solution is sold in pharmacies without a prescription and is not intended for internal use. It should be used externally only. If you drink it, it may cause gastrointestinal upset or different types allergies.

The use of Lugol's food solution (intended for drinking) can only be recommended by a doctor, and only a pharmacist is responsible for its preparation. Experts note that parents should not buy iodine and dissolve it themselves to prepare Lugol's solution and then give it to their children. Independent experiments can end tragically.

Side effects

Drinking liquid can be harmful to health, since iodine is not indifferent to the body. Should not exceed permissible dose, as this can lead to activation of the thyroid gland and its overactivity. This is the main one by-effect which can occur after drinking Lugol's solution. It should be noted that hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, in some cases, can pose a threat to life (this applies, in particular, to persons with disorders of the cardiovascular system).

The use of drugs with iodine can sometimes also cause a local or general allergic reaction. Consumption of high doses of iodine by people suffering from endemic goiter can lead to the development of thyrotoxicosis (excess thyroid hormones in the body).

Topical use of Lugol's solution in people with an allergy to iodine can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, inflammation of the skin with the appearance of blisters, itching, and erosion. Sometimes they may appear general symptoms fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, and even life-threatening shock.

Antiseptic for local use

Active substance


Release form, composition and packaging

Side effects

Allergic reactions. With long-term use - the phenomena of “iodism”: rhinitis, urticaria, angioedema, salivation, lacrimation, acne.

If this or any other side effect occurs when using the drug, you should consult your doctor.


Symptoms: irritate the upper respiratory tract (laryngobronchospasm); if ingested - the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of hemolysis, hemoglobinuria; lethal dose - about 3 g (about 300 ml of the drug).

Treatment: gastric lavage with 0.5% sodium thiosulfate solution, solutions, 30% sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously - up to 300 ml.

Drug interactions

Iodine is inactivated by sodium thiosulfate. The iodine contained in the drug oxidizes metals, which can lead to damage to metal objects. Pharmaceutically incompatible with essential oils. An alkaline or acidic environment, the presence of fat, pus, and blood weaken the antiseptic activity.

special instructions

Sunlight and temperatures above 40°C accelerate the breakdown of active iodine.