Oscillococcinum during pregnancy. Doctors' opinion: harmless and useless. Oscillococcinum during pregnancy: is it really a safe drug? Oscillococcinum for pregnant women can be either

When carrying a baby, the mother’s body is most vulnerable to viral attacks: natural mechanisms of decreased immunity are triggered. Therefore, pregnant women often catch colds. However, any diseases during this period are undesirable. ARVI is especially dangerous at the beginning of the period, when the organs are just being formed and the baby’s systems are being established. Most drugs in the “interesting” position are prohibited, but there are also harmless ones. Oscillococcinum is considered safe during pregnancy, 1st trimester, 2nd or 3rd - there is an opinion that the drug can be taken at any stage of gestation. But is it? Is the popular remedy really harmless?

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Oscillococcinum is a well-known homeopathic medicine. This remedy is intended not only for the treatment of flu/colds, but also for the prevention of these diseases. It is used in the treatment of the most vulnerable groups - children and pregnant women.

The product is produced in a large French laboratory, but it was not invented by modern pharmacists. The creator of the medicine is Joseph Roy. Back in 1919, at the height of the Spanish flu epidemic, a French doctor saw specific bacteria in the blood fluid of people with influenza - they fluctuated. The homeopath gave them the name “oscillococci”. The scientist came to the conclusion that this is where the cause of the disease lies. He began looking for similar bacteria in the blood of animals and birds and found it in the liver of a Barbary duck. The entrails of birds became the main component of the medicine. Rua concluded that such an extract in minimal concentration gives a pronounced antiviral effect.

Today, extracts of the main ingredient are obtained in laboratory conditions. Supplements include sucrose and lactose. The drug is produced in the form of granules. They taste sweet. Single-dose pills are contained in a minitube (capsule).

When to use

Oscillococcinum, although it is a homeopathic medicine, is best used after medical consultation. Medicine may be prescribed:

  • for the treatment of influenza (except for severe forms, in which case the most effective drugs are required);
  • for the treatment of ARVI;
  • to relieve colds;
  • after contact with a sick person;
  • after hypothermia, to reduce the likelihood of catching a cold;
  • during the epidemic season (for preventive purposes).

Oscillococcinum enhances the body's protective properties. Thanks to this, a resource appears to fight viruses. The drug stops inflammatory processes. The medicine reduces the severity of flu/ARVI symptoms: eliminates muscle pain and headaches, relieves body aches, and reduces fever. The active substance contributes to a general improvement in well-being. The medicine accelerates the course of the disease, brings the moment of recovery closer, and prevents the development of complications.

The drug and the “interesting” situation

Oscillococcinum is considered a completely safe drug. It is allowed for pregnant women. However, is it possible to turn to homeopathic medicine without first consulting a doctor? The expectant mother must remember: taking even the most harmless medications should always be discussed with a personal doctor.

Fresh greens must be present in the menu of the expectant mother

Colds can have serious consequences: complications for the mother, disruption of fetal development and the appearance of abnormalities. You can avoid danger if treatment is timely and effective. By taking Oscillococcinum without permission and hoping for its effect, the expectant mother may miss the moment when much more serious drugs are required to treat the disease. Therapy should be selected by a doctor. He will choose the safest drugs. Often the list also includes Oscillococcinum, which has proven itself to be an effective and extremely safe remedy. It is used to treat viral diseases and is prescribed for prevention during epidemics.

Beginning of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the laying of the organs of the future person occurs, the mechanisms of functioning of vital systems are formed. During the first 12 weeks, the expectant mother should take special care of herself. Viral diseases arising from initial stage gestation may lead to various anomalies. Often, if a mother suffers from the flu in the first trimester, the fetus develops pathologies of the heart and nervous system.

During this period, effective and timely treatment is especially important. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that most medicines, aimed at treating acute respiratory viral infections and relieving cold symptoms, is taboo at the beginning of pregnancy. Pharmacological agents provide negative impact on the cells of the developing fetus, which can cause the baby to develop defects.

Alternative to synthetic drugs - homeopathic remedies. They are safe: they contain no chemical components. Considering the risks that other medications can provoke, doctors often prescribe Oscillococcinum for the treatment of ARVI at the initial stage of gestation. This remedy does not cause complications, which is important during the period when the fetus is most vulnerable.

However, experts do not advise taking the drug uncontrolled. In an “interesting” situation, the body is able to react unpredictably even to natural ingredients. A doctor can assess the possibility of such a reaction, so the first step is a consultation.

Mid term

After the 13th week, the “golden” time of pregnancy begins. Mommy feels better, there is less risk of harming the baby. However, the baby continues to develop, so you need to be careful when taking antiviral drugs. Oscillococcinum during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is often prescribed for the prevention of ARVI. But it is better not to take it yourself: the doctor must first assess the mother’s condition.

During pregnancy, a woman gets tired faster

The product is especially effective in the treatment of viral diseases in initial stage. Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He monitors the work of the homeopathic medicine. If it does not help, the specialist will quickly find a replacement, which will help quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the least risk to the fetus.

Oscillococcinum does not affect uterine tone. This is important in the second trimester. Tone can cause miscarriage or premature birth, so you should avoid drugs that can cause this condition. The homeopathic remedy does not affect concentration. In the middle of the term, most mothers are still working: it is especially important for them to maintain “clarity of mind.”

Last trimester

The transition to the 3rd trimester is accompanied by a decrease in immunity. Preparations are underway for the upcoming labor, which requires additional resources from the body. The result is that protective functions are reduced, which opens the way for various viruses. As at the beginning of pregnancy, the risk of developing ARVI increases significantly. Closer to childbirth, Oscillococcinum is prescribed as a preventative against colds. It is also used for therapy, but the third trimester opens up more opportunities for selecting medications, so homeopathy is rarely limited.

In favor of using Oscillococcinum on later says its natural composition. Although it is more difficult for chemical components to affect a fully formed baby, some can affect the course of labor. On last weeks You should avoid drugs that tone the uterus. This can trigger premature labor. Oscillococcinum does not have this effect. It can be used at any time. But, of course, it is always advisable to get specialist advice.

Therapy, prevention: features of application

It is better to learn the nuances of using Oscillococcinum from the doctor observing the expectant mother. This will help avoid risks, because the course of pregnancy is an individual concept. But there are also general instructions for using the drug. The product should be drunk a quarter of an hour before meals or sixty minutes after finishing the meal.

Take a bath with extreme caution

How to take the product? It's simple: the contents of the capsule need to be poured under the tongue and wait until it is completely dissolved. The dosage depends on the purpose of administration:

  • Prevention. Take one capsule tube once a week. The course usually lasts throughout the period of increased risk of developing ARVI - autumn/winter. Preventive treatment begins only with the permission of the gynecologist. The specialist determines the duration of the course.
  • The first signs of the disease. If you feel unwell, have a sore throat, chills, that is, there is a suspicion that the expectant mother has caught a cold, you need to immediately start taking the drug. The speed of recovery depends on this. It is usually recommended to take a dose of Oscillococcinum, wait six hours - repeat, and so on twice/three times.
  • Acute stage of the disease. In case of severe symptoms, the medicine is taken in a packaged dose-tube in the morning - in the evening. This scheme must be followed for three days. Next, the doctor focuses on the patient’s condition.

The treatment plan may change if your health worsens or your symptoms increase. The expectant mother is not able to independently determine when the treatment regimen needs to be changed or supplemented. That is why even homeopathic remedies must be taken under the strict guidance of a specialist. “Amateur activity” is always dangerous, even when it comes to a harmless natural remedy.

Are there any side effects?

No negative consequences were identified after taking Oscillococcinum. The product is safe any week, but be sure to follow the dosage recommended by your doctor. The only side effect that may occur is an allergic reaction. Although it is rare. The drug should be used with caution if:

  • having an allergy to poultry meat;
  • any eating disorders;
  • lactose intolerance.

Oscillococcinum can be combined with other drugs approved under “interesting” status. However, you should consult your doctor about “combinations” to be sure to avoid trouble. If after taking the drug the condition worsens sharply, it is important to stop treatment and immediately consult a specialist.

Homeopathic analogues and what to replace from a traditional first aid kit

If Oscillococcinum is not suitable for the expectant mother for some reason, a replacement is selected. There are no complete analogues (in terms of active substance) among the drugs on the market. Homeopathic remedies Aconite, Baptisia, Bryonia are considered close.

There is a list of traditional medications that can be used for cold symptoms without fear of harming the baby. The most famous are Aflubin, Immunal, Viferon. Naturally, the selection of medications should be done by a doctor. Much depends on the symptomatic picture and the general condition of the mother. Even those products that are considered as safe as possible should be taken only with the permission of a specialist. This is a guarantee of the baby’s health, because the mother does not know how this or that substance affects the embryo.

While expecting a baby, you should not miss the body’s signals: the reaction to them must be timely. At the first manifestations of ARVI, you should consult your doctor and begin treatment with recommended medications. Oscillococcinum and other antiviral drugs quickly relieve symptoms when the disease is at an early stage. Bed rest plays an important role in recovery: it is strictly forbidden to endure the disease “on your feet,” especially in an “interesting” position. From the very moment of conception, we must not forget about prevention: a competent diet, daily routine, avoidance of stress, moderate activity - all this strengthens the immune system and does not give viruses a chance.

Acute respiratory viral diseases pose a particular danger to pregnant women. The risk of joining the main disease to a secondary one bacterial infection and subsequent development inflammatory process during pregnancy the child increases significantly. The situation is also unpleasant because the treatment of pathologies of this kind requires the use of strong antibiotics, which can harm the unborn baby. The use of safe homeopathic medicines partly solves this problem. One of these medicines is Oscillococcinum, which is used during pregnancy for both therapy and prevention of seasonal viral diseases.

Efficacy and safety of using Oscillococcinum during pregnancy

The principle of homeopathy is “to treat like with minimal doses of like.” In the case of the drug Oscillococcinum, this principle is implemented as follows: each dose of the drug contains a very small amount of extract of the liver and heart of a Barbary duck infected with the influenza virus. For an expectant mother who is extremely concerned about not harming the fetus, this sounds, frankly, quite scary. However, there is nothing to be afraid of in this case: there is so little biological material in the preparation that the likelihood of it entering the baby’s bloodstream is almost zero. Oscillococcinum can be used during pregnancy at any stage.

Despite the fact that the drug has been known for quite a long time, to date there are no cases of its overdose or negative effects on health. However, the possibility of developing an allergy to Oscillococcinum cannot be excluded. The medicine should be taken with caution in patients suffering from:

  • Pathological reactions to egg white;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Diabetes mellitus (a dose of the drug contains about 1000 mg of sugars).

As for the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against viral infections, everything is ambiguous. Oscillococcinum during pregnancy, according to some patients, has proven itself to be excellent and has become a real salvation for them during the flu season. Other women say that taking the drug did not reduce the risk of infection and had no effect on the course of colds. The opinions of experts are also divided. Many doctors who are supporters of traditional methods of treatment believe that the positive results of taking Oscillococcinum are due to the placebo effect. Homeopathic doctors, on the contrary, claim that the remedy is very effective and actually protects against seasonal viral infection; They explain cases of ineffectiveness of the drug by violations of the regimen of its administration.

Be that as it may, the following is obvious: the use of Oscillococcinum during pregnancy does not harm either the woman or the fetus.

Rules for using the drug

The medicine is available in the form of homeopathic pellets, enclosed in transparent tubes (one tube contains a single dose). The regimen for taking Oscillococcinum depends on the purpose of its use (prevention or treatment of ARVI), as well as on the phase of development of the disease:

  • When the first symptoms of a viral infection appear, you should take one dose of the drug (the sooner this is done, the more complete the therapeutic effect will be). In the next 24 hours, it is necessary to repeat the dose 2-3 times with an interval of at least 6 hours;
  • To treat a disease in the active phase, Oscillococcinum should be taken for 1-3 days, one dose in the morning and evening;
  • To prevent influenza and ARVI, the medicine should be used throughout the entire “dangerous” period, one dose once a week.

According to the instructions, Oscillococcinum during pregnancy is taken 15 minutes before or an hour after meals. A portion of homeopathic balls is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

Oscillococcinum is combined with all medications traditional medicine. Considering the harmlessness of the drug, a woman can decide for herself whether it is worth using it to protect against viral infections. You just need to remember that the treatment of infectious diseases cannot be delayed for long, and if the symptoms of illness do not subside, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The wonderful nine months of pregnancy pass very quickly, but always fall in the fall or winter. These seasons are the time of colds and viral diseases, since a favorable environment is created for the spread of these diseases. To protect yourself and your baby, you need to spend less time in crowded places and follow the rules of hygiene. But if crowds of people cannot be avoided, then preventive measures should be taken as much as possible and you should know which drug to start taking at the first signs of the disease.

It is difficult to choose a safe antiviral drug for pregnant women. In such a situation, homeopathy comes to the rescue. Oscillococcinum is one of the few approved antiviral drugs for pregnant women. We will talk further about whether Oscillococcinum can be used during pregnancy as an alternative to classical drugs.

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine for the prevention and treatment of viral infections and influenza. It stimulates the body's nonspecific resistance to respiratory viral diseases.

The main active component of the product is a multiply diluted extract of the heart and liver of Barbary duck. Additional components are sucrose and lactose.

Why is it prescribed to pregnant women?

The official instructions for the drug do not give a comprehensive answer to the question of whether Oscillococcinum can be taken by pregnant women, since homeopathic drugs are not clinically tested. When preparing such preparations, its components are carefully crushed and diluted with liquid many times. Water “remembers” the information possessed by the substance.

Eventually, There is practically no original component left in the finished medicine - only information about it. This information is transmitted to the patient’s organs that need treatment. Therefore, most homeopathic medicines are approved for pregnant women, lactating women and children from birth.

Oscillococcinum during pregnancy 1st trimester

The advisability of prescribing Oscillococcinum in the first three months of pregnancy is determined by the doctor. But since homeopathy acts differently than chemical drugs, it has no effect on conception and embryo formation.

After all, its action is not aimed at suppressing the symptoms of the disease, but at activating one’s own defenses. Also, the drug does not increase the toxicosis characteristic of the first trimester.

Oscillococcinum during pregnancy 2nd trimester

If necessary, specialists prescribe the drug in the second trimester, when the embryo continues to form important organs and systems. Since homeopathic medicines do not contain real molecules of plants, minerals and substances of animal origin, the possibility of their influence on the fetus is unlikely.

Oscillococcinum during pregnancy 3rd trimester

In the last trimester of pregnancy, doctors prescribe Oscillococcinum to pregnant women, since homeopathic preparations have virtually no side effects, because the active substances are present in very small dilutions. Therefore they theoretically cannot cause heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, dizziness, do not affect the tone of the uterus, and the likelihood of premature birth is excluded.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to taking Oscillococcinum may be intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, mostly additional ones - sucrose and lactose. Homeopathic granules are not prescribed to people with diabetes. Side effects homeopathy does not have. Allergic manifestations to one of the components of the drug are extremely rare.

The almost complete harmlessness of homeopathy leads to the fact that many people take it without consulting a doctor. In this case, another effect is possible - the drug may simply not work. Therefore, all homeopathic medicines and their dosages must be prescribed by a specialist in this field.

Instructions for use

Oscillococcinum is taken orally. The contents of one container must be placed under the tongue and left there until completely dissolved. This should be done at least 15 minutes before meals or an hour after.

  • To prevent ARVI during an epidemic, 1 dose of the drug is prescribed once a week until the epidemic situation normalizes.
  • At the onset of the disease, you should take 1 dose of the drug and repeat the dose 2-3 times with an interval of 6 hours.
  • At an advanced stage of the disease, it is necessary to take one dose in the morning and evening for 1-3 days.

Features of taking homeopathic medicines

The method of application and storage of homeopathic medicines is very important to follow. After all, the effectiveness of such drugs on the body largely depends on it.

Since these points are rarely prescribed in medical instructions, and doctors do not always focus on the peculiarities of taking homeopathy, we present the most important nuances which must be observed:

  • You should not swallow homeopathic “cereals”. It must be slowly dissolved under the tongue. If the medicine gets into the gastrointestinal tract, the body will not receive the maximum effect of treatment;
  • Homeopathic medicines should be taken between meals, ideally an hour before or a couple of hours after meals. In addition, you should limit drinks 15 minutes before and after taking medications;
  • It is not recommended to combine drinks that contain caffeine and mint with homeopathy, do not use mint toothpaste or chewing gum, do not overuse chamomile and mint tea or other herbal teas with a strong aroma and strong taste, do not use hot spices, reduce smoking;

  • Homeopathic medicines do not need to be touched with your hands. You can use a clean teaspoon to take the medicine. If the medicine falls on the floor, it should be thrown away;
  • Opened packages of homeopathic medicines must be stored in a dry and cool place without access to sunlight. This place should be free of strong odors and magnetic fields.

Oscillococcinum acts faster and more effectively if treatment is started immediately after the first symptoms appear. Early use of the drug can prevent complications and eliminate use. Thus, for the treatment of ARVI during pregnancy, in addition to Oscillococcinum, you can limit yourself to rinsing the nose with saline solution or using it, as well as drinking plenty of hot drinks.

If viral disease during pregnancy is accompanied by a high temperature, it is necessary to monitor its indicators and, in case of a significant increase, use an antipyretic (Panadol).


  • suppositories (Vitaferon, Viferon, Genferon, Laferobion, Laferomax, Laferon);
  • nasal drops (Laferobion, Laferon, Nazoferon);
  • tablets – Anaferon, Ergoferon.

Choosing what to treat during pregnancy is not so easy, since many medications can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby. This is where the homeopathic drug Oscillococcinum comes to the rescue. Homeopaths claim that this remedy is very effective, in addition, it will not cause any harm to the child.

Efficacy of the drug

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine manufactured by a French pharmaceutical company called "Boiron". The active components of the drug are contained in small granules and are produced in cylindrical tubes.

The medicine contains only three components:

  • sugar;
  • milk sugar;
  • extract from the heart and liver of a musk duck infected with influenza viral agents.

The extract from the internal organs is an active component with an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect.

Experts still cannot come to a consensus on how effective this remedy, and whether it can help at all. Official medicine states that the drug contains only sugar, and so small dose Muscovy duck extract, which is not capable of therapeutic effects.

The French doctor, who is the inventor of the drug, claims that the drug is highly effective due to the presence of dead bird viruses in it. When they penetrate human body, then they provoke increased production of antibodies to pathogens of ARVI and influenza. And thanks to the minimal concentration of the main substance, the drug cannot cause harm to humans.

Let's look at the properties of this medicine:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to activate the body's own defenses;
  • destroys influenza and ARVI viruses;
  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • reduces the severity of disease manifestations.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

This medicine may be prescribed during pregnancy under the following circumstances:

  • during an epidemic of viral origin;
  • for preventive purposes or for the treatment of influenza;
  • for preventive purposes or for the treatment of colds, ARVI, which is accompanied by body aches;

If you use the drug correctly, you can shorten the duration of the disease, reduce the severity of symptoms, lower body temperature, and also improve the general condition of the body.

Due to the fact that the drug has not undergone special studies, it is not possible to claim 100% safety for women carrying a child. However, many medical workers react positively to treatment with Oscillococcinum, since according to reviews, it does not harm the fetus and does not disrupt the course of pregnancy.

Oscillococcinum at different stages of pregnancy

The manufacturer himself medicine states that the drug is safe to take in the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy. No problems or complications can arise for both the expectant mother and the baby, because the tablets consist exclusively of natural substances.

During pregnancy the immune system weakened, and viruses can easily infect the body. With the help of Oscillococcinum you can quickly overcome a cold and remove unpleasant symptoms.

However, women expecting a child are prohibited from self-medicating and being treated with the drug without permission. This is due to the fact that no one knows how the body of a woman or baby may react to the active substances of the drug.

How to take Oscillococcinum

When a doctor prescribes this drug, important point is strict adherence to the instructions. The dosage does not depend on the stage of pregnancy. Half an hour before eating, the capsule with granules is placed under the tongue and kept there until completely dissolved. A little later you can drink it with water.

The dosage of the drug depends on the purpose for which it is taken:

  • if the disease is just beginning to develop, then it is enough to take one capsule per day;
  • when a cold or flu progresses in an acute form, it is recommended to take one capsule twice a day, immediately after waking up and before going to bed at night;
  • To prevent the development of flu or colds, the drug should be taken once a week.

In the case when, after one day of treatment with the drug, the symptoms only intensify, and the condition as a whole becomes worse, you need to stop taking it and consult a doctor.


Since the drug contains exclusively natural substances, it has virtually no contraindications for use, which means that it can be used by all pregnant women. The only exceptions are those women who have hypersensitivity to the components contained in the drug.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the drug contains milk sugar, this makes it impossible for pregnant women with the following diagnoses to take it:

  • milk sugar intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • deficiency of enzymes that break down milk sugar.

Side effects and cost of the drug

Oscillococcinum in pregnant women almost never causes side effects. At the same time, the body does not become accustomed to the medicine, there is no drowsiness or inhibited reaction, it does not affect internal organs and systems. However, if the medicine is taken if you are intolerant to components such as lactose or sucrose, then the woman may experience an allergic reaction.

You can buy a homeopathic medicine in any pharmacy kiosk, and there is no need for a doctor's prescription. The cost of the medicine depends on the dosage. You can purchase a package containing 6 doses for 280 rubles; when purchasing a drug containing 12 doses, you will have to spend from 420 to 450 rubles.

This homeopathic medicine is widespread and in great demand. Women who took it during pregnancy leave extremely positive reviews about it. This is due to the fact that it has a rapid therapeutic effect, safety for the body and the absence of side effects.

Human physiology is designed to lower immunity when carrying a child. This helps prevent fetal rejection. But, as you know, weakened protection is often regarded by viruses, bacteria and fungi as an open invitation. As a result, it is pregnant women who regularly suffer from flu, colds, etc.

That is why doctors strongly advise women in this position to take care of themselves, not to communicate or to reduce contact with sick people to a minimum, and not to travel to distant countries (acclimatization will further affect the immune status). However, it is not always possible to protect yourself. It is impossible not to communicate with family, you need to go to work, etc.

As a result, a significant number of expectant mothers are faced with a cold. And, what is most difficult, with the selection of medications. For most drugs, pregnancy is a direct contraindication. This is why doctors often recommend Oscillococcinum. But what is it? What is known about this remedy? And is it possible to take Oscillococcinum during pregnancy, or are there any pitfalls here?

Safe composition

This drug is classified as homeopathic. It is based on an extract of the liver and heart of a barbary duck or musk duck, as it was later determined scientifically. The developer of this medicine at the beginning of the 20th century, observing the death of a huge number of people from the Spanish flu, decided to create effective remedy. He settled on a duck, which wildlife is a carrier of the virus. And according to the principle of homeopathy, I decided to treat like with like.

However, it is worth noting that science has not found any evidence that the flu can be stopped in this way. And that is not all. We are talking about a drug with a very high level breeding. As Professor Vlasov noted, theoretically, all the volumes of Oscillococcinum sold in total do not contain even one duck liver.

The drug is currently produced by the French company Laboratory Boiron. Her representative was asked if the product was safe. An employee of the organization answered in the affirmative, explaining that there was nothing there. Thus, Oscillococcinum can be taken calmly for prophylaxis during pregnancy: the medicine will definitely not cause harm. Another thing is that it does not cure.

Doubts about effectiveness

Clinical trials have been repeatedly conducted in Russia, as well as in the homeland of the drug itself, that is, in France. However, the effectiveness of this remedy has not been proven. And although many patients speak positively about it, doctors themselves say that the effect can be explained by a banal placebo.

But what about those who openly doubted that the medicine would help, but it still gave relief? Official medicine believes that this is a simple coincidence. The body itself is capable of coping with the disease, especially if you calm down (which is what happens when the patient believes that he has taken the medicine) and allow the defenses to fight the infection on their own.

It should be added that there have been several lawsuits regarding this drug in the United States. The Americans considered that this was a matter of elementary fraud. They also pointed to the lack of evidence that the drug is effective. He is criticized quite often in Russia as well.

Do homeopathic remedies help during pregnancy?

When studying research materials regarding such drugs, you may come across references to the fact that homeopathy cannot have evidence of effectiveness. Or that such drugs don’t work at all, it’s all just self-hypnosis.

But what about those for whom homeopathic medicines still help? On the Internet it is not difficult to find stories of real people who were skeptical about such medications, and then took them... And felt relief. And since the action was repeated, it cannot be attributed to a simple coincidence.

Moreover, some people say that they drank some kind of medicine, without even knowing that it was homeopathic, but the drug always worked. And after receiving the relevant information, the tool did not stop working.

Some experts explain that homeopathy and homeopathy are different. If dilution occurs to such an extent that it is impossible to detect in the composition active substance, then there is no need to talk about any effect. But normally, an appropriate approach to drug creation should simply lead the drug to the state in which it will be after a series of chemical reactions inside the body. In fact, the burden of processing the product is removed from our body.

Thanks to the described mechanism, homeopathic medicines begin to act faster. In addition, only the active substance remains, which works against the infection, everything else, which often causes side effects, is removed. As a result, the process is accelerated, and there is much less harm.

In addition, preparations without dilution at all (or with weak, that is, in a fairly high concentration) made on a natural basis are often classified as homeopathic. They may contain herbs, essential oils, various minerals. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of such means. Therefore, it is clearly not worth giving up all homeopathy at once. But it still wouldn’t hurt to take a critical approach to choosing a drug.

Taking Oscillococcinum

But let's get back to Oscillococcinum. From all of the above it follows, at a minimum, its complete safety. Therefore, doctors still sometimes prescribe this medicine, especially when there are no alternatives. The only contraindications to Oscillococcinum during pregnancy are individual intolerance, which relates to the excipients: lactose and sucrose.

It is often prescribed as a prophylactic. Manufacturers note that this way it has the best effect, but even if there is a disease, it may not work. This is why many doctors recommend Oscillococcinum when planning pregnancy: to protect expectant mother from experimenting with drugs.

What is meant? Often women who decide to conceive a child begin to worry greatly about their health. And many, against the background of this anxiety, uncontrollably take a large number of drugs designed to boost immunity, for example, multivitamin complexes, all kinds of dietary supplements.

However, increased protection is fraught with miscarriage. In addition, such self-medication can in itself become a serious threat to health. So it's better not to experiment. And that’s why doctors prescribe something that definitely won’t harm.

How to drink it?

If you still decide to take the drug, then the first thing you should do is figure out how to take it. Look at the instructions for Oscillococcinum during pregnancy: the scheme is indicated there. In most cases, it is common for everyone: at the first sign of illness, 1 capsule is taken every 6 hours.

The usual dosage of Oscillococcinum during pregnancy is 1 capsule per day 15 minutes before meals in the morning and evening. Drink with the required amount of water. As in all other cases with medications that can cause allergies, at the first signs of malaise, the appearance of a rash, cough, or tearfulness, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Oscillococcinum at different stages of pregnancy

Expectant mothers are often interested in the specifics of taking medication for different dates bearing a child. As a general rule, doctors recommend refraining from taking various medications in the 1st trimester, when all major organs are formed. In this case, such a requirement also works, because the product can cause allergies.

In principle, since we are talking about a drug that does not contain the main active ingredient, it can be taken throughout pregnancy. But keep in mind that the product contains lactose, and it is a common allergen.

How harmful is it to try to be treated with Oscillococcinum during pregnancy?

This question may be surprising, because it has already been discussed above that the drug itself is safe. But a harmless remedy can threaten health precisely because it does not have any effect proven by science and official medicine. Roughly speaking, instead of receiving adequate help, you will accept a potential “dummy”.

It’s good if the body copes with the infection on its own. What if this doesn’t happen and the pregnant woman wastes time? The development of influenza while pregnant is very dangerous. Firstly, there is a risk that the pathogen will reach the fetus. Secondly, do not forget about complications, including bronchitis and pneumonia. And the latter, with a weakened immune system, can even kill.

In addition, if you start treatment immediately, you can get by with proven and safe medications that have minimal negative effects on the fetus. Or turn to medications that do not pose a very high risk. But with an advanced disease, it will no longer be possible to get by with “little blood”.


Oscillococcinum is a rather expensive drug. Therefore, the question of replacement arises. There is a medicine with a similar composition, Anas Barbaria, but it costs very little. If you look at the similar mechanism of action, then Sandra is also present on the drug market, some recommend the Russian Kagocel. True, there is no information about its effectiveness either.

In general, it is best to select analogues for Oscillococcinum during pregnancy with a doctor. He will be able to tell you which option is best for you. It will also take into account the issue of compatibility with other drugs, especially when it comes to complex therapy. And finally, doctors take into account possible allergic reactions.

Arbidol or Oscillococcinum during pregnancy?

Doctors often prescribe both, both help against the flu, both drugs are recommended to be taken at the first signs of the disease, so pregnant women are often confused. What's the best? In fact, Arbidol is preferable, because although the drug is criticized, there are studies regarding this drug that prove its effectiveness.

At the same time, the experiments themselves cause skepticism. Nevertheless, the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, well-known in the scientific community, recognizes the antiviral effect of the drug. And not only him. Moreover, the Netherlands has released its own generic version, which proves the effectiveness of the product. In addition, WHO has included it in the list of drugs that have a direct antiviral effect.

Grippferon or Oscillococcinum during pregnancy?

Grippferon is widely known on the pharmacological market. Manufacturers have repeatedly stated it as a product that contains interferon, effective against various types influenza and against cancer. However, most scientists are skeptical about such reports.

Official medicine draws attention to the fact that there are no proven mechanisms of action of interferon against influenza. Moreover, we are not talking about the effect of the drug on the body, but about the use of the substance itself directly on the cell. Thus, most researchers believe that in this case we are simply talking about the placebo effect.

Oscillococcinum is a widely advertised medicine created at the beginning of the last century, but with unproven effectiveness. It will not cause harm because it does not contain significant doses of the active substance. However, taking Oscillococcinum alone may waste time. Therefore, doctors advise not to limit yourself, in any case, exclusively to this drug.