Business at a pharmacy kiosk in the village. Pharmacy business plan: how to open a profitable pharmacy in your city Ready-made pharmacy business plan

People tend to get sick, some resort to folk remedies to heal, but many prefer proven medications. Therefore, we can safely assume that our ready-made pharmacy business plan will have priority among the city’s population. In addition, you can purchase not only medicines in pharmacies; there are a number of related products that will help develop immunity and protect against viral infections healthy body person.

An example of a pharmacy business plan with calculations can be used not only as a guide for, with its help you can get a loan from a banking institution or attract investment funds from the state as support for small businesses.

Characteristics of the future project

A typical pharmacy business plan from scratch includes general information, namely:

  1. This pharmacy business plan can be implemented in any city, even if its population does not exceed 250 thousand people.
  2. The premises to be used as a pharmacy must have a total area of ​​85 square meters. Of this, 65 square meters should be designated for retail space.
  3. It is best if the project is implemented in a residential area.
  4. The pharmacy will be built from scratch by the owner of the future business; the land for construction will be leased.
  5. You can make sales using a counter type.
  6. The pharmacy's opening hours are from 9-00 to 19-00.
  7. It is planned to hire five employees.

To open, you must have an amount of 2 million 857 thousand rubles. Of this amount, we plan to issue 2 million as investments to support small businesses, the rest of the amount can be invested by the business owner.

Performance indicators

If we consider the pharmacy business plan from an economic point of view, then every month the profit will be 116 thousand 579 rubles, and the return on funds invested in the business will occur no earlier than in two years.

Means for implementation

At the implementation stage of the future, the project needs to invest:

  • Buy everything necessary equipment for trade – 97 thousand rubles. This amount will include the purchase of shelves for goods, a display case, a refrigerator for storing medicines, as well as a safe for storing narcotic drugs.
  • Carrying out construction work on the construction of a building intended for a pharmacy - 1 million 500 thousand rubles.
  • The interior decoration of the premises will cost about 80 thousand rubles.
  • You will also need to install water supply, heating, sewerage system, electricity - 100 thousand rubles.
  • There must be a fire protection system and air conditioning - 60 thousand rubles.
  • To carry out activities, you need to go through the registration process and obtain a sales license medicines– 80 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of a cash register and equipment for employees – 40 thousand rubles.
  • To purchase an assortment of goods for the first time - 650 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses are also possible in the process; it is worth setting aside 50 thousand rubles for them.

Thus, it will cost 2 million 857 thousand rubles.

We will register our future organization as “LLC”. Only one person will act as a founder. When registering a pharmacy, you will need to indicate the OKVED code, in this case we select only one code - 52.31 - sale medicines, retail.

Taxation system

For the system it is worth choosing an imputation - UTII. The percentage from this system will not be taken from profit or income, but depending on the total area of ​​​​the premises in which the organization is located. Since the area of ​​our premises is 65 square meters, monthly contributions to the tax fund will amount to 16 thousand 522 rubles.

Project implementation stages

  1. The organization will be located in a residential area and carry out its activities from 9:00 to 19:00.
  2. At the moment, a ready-made pharmacy business plan with calculations has begun the implementation process in the following points:
  3. The business registration process with the tax service has been completed.
  4. In order to rent a plot of land, with total area in 105 square meters, which is owned by the city administration, all the necessary documents for this have been collected. The municipal property management committee has already agreed on the location where the pharmacy is planned to be built. The lease agreement is planned to be long-term, for a period of five years, with the possibility of purchasing the land plot and re-registering it as the property of the business owner. It is planned to pay 80 thousand rubles per month under the lease agreement.
  5. Suppliers of modular buildings were found and a supply agreement was concluded.

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pharmacy business investment competitor

1. General information

2. Goals and objectives of the business plan

3. Summary of the business plan

4. Marketing plan

5. Marketing strategy

6. Market analysis

7. Spending plan

8. Organizational plan

9. Sales plan

10. Financial plan

11. Types of risks


1. General information

Name of the business plan:

Pharmacy "Siberian Health"

Name, address and telephone number of the founder, indicating the share in the authorized capital:

Svyazhina Yulia Sergeevna, Langepas, share in the authorized capital 100%.

Last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the organization ( individual entrepreneur), telephone:

Svyazhina Yulia Sergeevna.

The essence of the business plan:

Organization of provision of quality medicines to the population of Langepas.

Direction of investment:

1. Purchase of premises

2. Purchase of equipment

3. Purchase of necessary medications

2 . Goals and objectives of the business plan

Pharmacy in the format of a mini-market "Siberian Health".

Pharmacy goals:

1. Organize production;

2. Achieve maximum profit and repay loan funds ahead of schedule;

3. Complete the payback of the project in 3 years, then receive a net profit;

4. Increase sales volume by expanding the range;

5. Earn a reputation as a reliable supplier of medicines and gain the trust of customers;

6. Ensure the availability of the most complete medical base (drugs, devices, etc.) for patients with diabetes mellitus;


1. Get investments;

2. Find a suitable premises in the central part of the city for rent;

3. Registration of a license for medicines to open a pharmacy;

4. Purchase the necessary equipment;

5. Staffing;

6. Preparation of documents with resource supply organizations.

3 . Business Plan Summary

This document is a business plan for the Siberian Health Pharmacy. This document developed for organizing the sale of medicines in the city of Langepas, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra.

The pharmacy business is a tempting business for a future entrepreneur: the need for medicines is no weaker than for food or water, but the medicines themselves take up little space, so a pharmacy requires significantly less retail space than a regular store. Small in size, medicines cost no less, and often much more, than any product in a regular grocery store, so selling medicines is a very profitable business. Features of the pharmacy business include licensing and strict adherence to the requirements of the Ministry of Health and other standards.

The proposed plan for creating a pharmacy describes the purpose and objectives, ways to achieve the goals, and also contains the main financial indicators of its proposed activities.

The goal of the Siberian Health Pharmacy is to make a profit thanks to rapid growth sales volume, high quality service and low production costs.

The key to the success of the Pharmacy is proper marketing, teamwork of employees, high quality service and competitive prices.

All organizational measures will be carried out from September to December 2011, the opening of the Pharmacy is planned for January-February 2012.

Approximate the financial analysis activities of the proposed enterprise confirms favorable forecasts. The main factors contributing to the company's success are high demand, extensive staff experience and competitive prices.

All financial calculations are made in accordance with international standards requirements for the calculation of business plans.

This project is designed for 3 years. To implement the business plan, investments in the amount of 6,105 thousand rubles are required, of which 1,105 thousand are personal funds, 5,000 thousand are taken on credit at 12% per annum for 3 years.

An indicative financial analysis of the Pharmacy's activities confirms favorable forecasts. The main factors contributing to success are high demand, extensive staff experience and competitive prices.

4 . Marketing Plan

Target: meet the needs of the population for high-quality medical products, as well as provide the necessary medications to patients with diabetes.

Market Description:

1. Minimum plan: Pharmacy "Siberian Health" Langepas

2. Maximum plan: Chain of pharmacies "Siberian Health" in Langepas.

1. Analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state and development of pharmaceutical business markets.

2. Development of pricing policy.

3. Study of service needs and mechanisms for satisfying them.

Additional services provided to buyers of medical drugs (difference from competitors):

1. The existence of an individual order system for rare, unavailable medications.

2. Providing quality medicines for people with diabetes. pharmacy business service medicine

3. The Pharmacy will provide online consultations (on-site in case of emergency) by an endocrinologist and diagnostic therapist.

5 . Marketing strategy

The Pharmacy's marketing strategy in the first three years is aimed at gaining a stable market position and maintaining competitiveness.

The selling price of the products will be 5% lower than that of competitors. Potential buyers of products are divided into 2 groups (market segments). Segment A - people with diabetes, Segment B - people purchasing other medications, depending on their needs.

Based on marketing research, it was determined that the physical sales volumes for these segments are: Segment A - 38%, Segment B - 62%. The population suffering from this disease will be provided with a professional examination, as well as the necessary treatment.

In the future, it is planned to open a network of pharmacies, providing services of a similar nature in remote parts of the city.

6 . Market analysis

Market conditions are the current economic situation, including the relationship between supply and demand, price movements and inventories, the order portfolio by industry and other economic indicators. In other words, market conditions are a specific situation that has developed in the market at a given moment, or a limited period of time, as well as a set of conditions that determine this situation.

The main goal of studying market conditions is to establish the extent to which the activities of industry and trade affect the state of the market, its development in the near future and what measures should be taken to better satisfy the population's demand for goods and to more rationally use the capabilities available to the production enterprise. The results of the study of the situation are intended for making operational decisions on the management of production and sales of goods.

The geographical boundaries of the sales market are the city of Langepas, Khanty-Mansk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

Annual production volumes were projected based on forecasts of market capacity (annual customer demand for a given product).

Having analyzed the market situation in Langepas, you can see that the niche of the pharmacy business in this city is not completely filled:

1) There is no 24-hour pharmacy;

2) There is no pharmacy specializing in medications for diabetics (the number of people with this disease is growing every year).

It should be noted that the entire population is in need of medicines. In addition, the city is equated to the regions of the Far North; the majority of the population are working people, which means the people are solvent. In addition, in Langepas, 40% are children who get sick quite often.

Over the past 5 years, there have been no openings of new pharmacies.

7 . Spending plan

Article title

Amount, thousand rubles

Purchase of premises

Room renovation

Retail store equipment

Refrigeration equipment

Cash equipment

Medicine licenses

Org. technique

Communal expenses. Electricity

Purchase of medicines

other expenses


8 . Organizational plan

The Director is responsible for the work of the Pharmacy and manages all management activities.

The accountant will conduct daily calculations: how much was sold, how much was left, what is in greater demand, etc.

3 pharmacists will be hired. The work schedule is 24 hours a day, every other 2 days. General monitoring of the condition of medications will be carried out by 2 pharmacists.

Also, a technician is needed to keep the room clean.

The Pharmacy will provide professional medical services endocrinologist, therapist-diagnostician.

The structure of this organization is reflected in Appendix 1.

9 . Sales plan

On average, a person spends 300 rubles when going to a pharmacy. In the first year, it is planned that 30 clients will come in daily. Thus, in a week - 210 people, in a year - 10,080 people. Expected revenue is 3,024,000 rubles.

In the second year, an increase in customers per day is expected by 5 people, that is, 35 customers. Per week - 245, per year - 11,760. Revenue will be 4,704,000 rubles.

In the third year, the increase in services will be increased - 500 rubles. The number of customers will also increase - 40. Per week - 280 people, per year - 13,440. Expected revenue - 6,720,000 rubles.

10 . Financial plan

Opening a pharmacy requires large investments Money. The table shows the financial justification for the investment.

From this table it is clear that 5,000,000 rubles are required. In the first year it will be possible to return 1,000,000, but the company will incur a loss.

In the second year, 2,000,000 loan funds will be deposited. The company's losses will be reduced.

In the third year, the Pharmacy will begin to generate income. The loan will be repaid in full.

11 . Types of risks

During the risk analysis, it was revealed that many factors influence work efficiency.

Possible risks

Impact on expected profit

Measures to reduce the impact of risks

1. Economic risks are associated with instability of demand, price reductions by competitors

Decrease in income

Constant work with clients, expansion of the range of goods, a system of discounts, the highest quality of goods.

2. Production risks

Declining profitability

High organization of work, work around the clock without interruptions

3. Financial risks

Decrease in income

Development of investment and financial policy, getting into the zone of profitable operation

In connection with the listed risk opportunities, the management of Siberian Health has developed a number of measures to minimize risks.

1. if additional financing is necessary, the conditions for providing a loan have been agreed upon with a bank that has a stable position.

2. all settlement transactions have reserve funds.

3. taking fire safety measures.


Staff of the Pharmacy "Siberian Health"

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The pharmacy business is one of the most successful investments today. The need for drugs not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases every year.

But not every establishment can be profitable. For a successful start, it is necessary to carry out organizational activities correctly and develop a competent business plan.

Location assessment

Similar points can be located:

  • On streets with high traffic(street pharmacies). The key to the success of such an establishment is the proximity of a grocery supermarket or shopping center, a major stop or traffic intersection. The markup here is quite high. Patency monitoring should be carried out three times a day. Every woman passing is considered a potential buyer, two men are one, a group of people is one. If you take every passing person as a future visitor, the figure will turn out to be unreasonably high.
  • In shopping centers or supermarkets on the way to the grocery department. Such points are characterized by quick access to the break-even point. This is due to the fact that people who come here are in the mood for shopping and have a supply of money. Trade turnover can be predicted by the number of grocery supermarket receipts. The peculiarities of these pharmacies are quite large capital investments for opening, high profitability, and lack of competition (landlords, as a rule, allocate space for one such establishment).
  • In large residential areas. Here it is necessary to assess the presence of competitors or places for their potential location. The markup is usually low. To quickly reach the break-even point, it is necessary to reduce the cost of opening. The premises should have low repair costs.

Format options

It is necessary to decide on the format of the future establishment:

  • Self-service pharmacy. Option for supermarkets, points on streets with consistently active traffic. With a daily traffic of more than 10,000 people.
  • Counter format It will be appropriate in a residential area and on streets with good traffic.

Interesting information about the organization of such activities is presented in the following video:

Premises assessment

The optimal choice would be a room with a set of all the necessary rooms, regulated by the requirements of the licensing conditions. The reconstruction will increase the costs of construction work and permitting documentation, since the reconstruction must be legalized.

We need to evaluate the entrance group. The presence of a large number of steps will become an obstacle for certain group buyers. Large stained glass windows will provide an opportunity to place visual advertising. The presence of a parking lot will increase the number of visitors, since they will include those who, in its absence, would simply drive by.

Analysis of the competitive environment

When opening, it is necessary to correctly and objectively assess the competitive environment around the establishment (approximately within a radius of 1 km). Competitors are divided into several categories:

  • Local pharmacy chains. Points located throughout the city allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of prices and quickly respond to their changes. Suppliers provide their regular customers with discounts on goods. This allows us to keep prices low.
  • Large national pharmacy chains. The assortment here is formed by marketing departments, so local specifics are not taken into account. Purchases of goods in large quantities provide significant discounts provided by suppliers. Centralized purchasing does not allow working “to order” and leads to the frequent loss of in-demand goods before the expected delivery.
  • Classic type points. Buyers of the older and middle age categories trust these pharmacies, as they have used their services for a long time. Prices here are higher than in the first two groups, the range is wide, but the quantities are insufficient.
  • Online pharmacies. The level of trust in this type of service is still low.

Consequently, the main competitors will be establishments of local and national chains.


The preparatory period includes a number of costs that are necessary to bring the enterprise to the point of opening.

The main articles are:

  • Costs of searching for premises.
  • Repair work (including building materials).
  • Obtaining permits (BTI, SES, license and others).
  • Costs for installing fire and security alarms. The cost of a security alarm depends on the operating mode (24-hour operation or not).
  • Purchase of pharmaceutical equipment (furniture for industrial, commercial and domestic premises).
  • Installation and connection of communication lines (telephone line, Internet).
  • Automation of the establishment (purchase and installation of office equipment, M-Pharmacy complex).
  • Advertising and marketing costs:
    • production and installation of signs, flashing crosses - outdoor advertising;
    • interior design of the premises;
    • advertising directly during the opening process - discount program, promotional products, etc.

Operating expenses in the preparatory period:

  • Maintenance of the premises during the period before opening and carrying out renovation work. This includes rent, security payments, public utilities. Payment for this may also be included here. last month rent.
  • Communication services (telephone, mail, internet).
  • Personnel selection. This is the job of recruitment agencies.
  • Administration salary during the opening period.

Fixed and variable costs

Knowledge of fixed and variable costs will allow you to calculate the break-even point at which the business should reach. It is achieved at the moment when the sum of fixed and variable costs equals the income from the sale of a certain amount of product.

Variable costs– these are costs that change in proportion to changes in the establishment’s turnover. These include transportation costs, packaging costs, commission expenses, etc. It is impossible to plan them by amount; they are planned by level:

  • % of distribution costs = Amount of distribution costs / Amount of turnover

Fixed costs– these are those expenses, the amount of which does not depend on the structure and volume of trade turnover. The level of these costs is inversely proportional to trade turnover. These include remuneration of employees, social contributions for wages, rent, wear and tear of basic, low-value equipment and work clothing, and others. They can be planned based on the actual amount of costs.

The classification of costs as fixed or variable must be considered for each item separately. For example, if an employee’s salary is constant, then a change in turnover does not affect it. And if the wage formula includes a percentage of sales, then this value becomes a variable.

Marketing plan

  • Facade design and outdoor advertising. When assessing the facade, its visibility for those passing and passing is taken into account. The entrance must be clearly visible, for which it must be highlighted and illuminated. Outdoor advertising can be used to communicate pricing policies and changes that are attractive to customers. This may also be information about additional services or products.
  • It is necessary to study the trading area within a radius of 1 km for the flow of people, competitors, and potential partners. In areas of the main flows, it is necessary to place billboards, signs with painted or illuminated arrows in the direction of the establishment. It is necessary to start working with those who can become a potential client - doctors from the nearest clinic or hospital, optical and cosmetics stores, sports clubs, and other stores.
  • The use of “client magnets” - additional services. This is, for example, a doctor's consulting room.
  • When opening, it is necessary to place in the hall drugs that are actively promoted by the distributor or manufacturer and currently have a powerful advertising campaign in the media. It is necessary to avoid disorder and redundancy of advertising structures and materials on the territory of the establishment. This distracts the visitor’s attention and leads to a loss of individuality.
  • Pharmacy zoning will play a huge role - display cases should be located in such a way as to maximize the number of “hot” zones and reduce the number of “cold” ones.
  • Using external communications that are effective in the early stages of development:
    • distribution of leaflets by promoters;
    • distribution of leaflets to addresses;
    • if the point is not the first in the network, you can send a newsletter about the opening of a new pharmacy on Cell phones clients;
    • posters in the nearest health care facilities, shopping centers;
    • placement of advertisements in print, on the Internet, and in local media.


Personnel selection is carried out with the aim of creating a qualified team of specialists to achieve the goals set by the management of the enterprise. The structure can be of several types.

Self-service pharmacy:

Counter type establishment:

In order for staff to be interested in constantly increasing turnover and quality of service, it is necessary to introduce interesting motivation.

Motivation can be of several types:

  • Material:
    • Salary of the chief executive = salary + bonus + % of individual gross profit.
    • Manager's salary = salary + (bonus + % of individual gross profit)*Kzav.

    The formula can be compiled individually. If maximum trade turnover is required from the chief capital officer, then the formula should include the indicator “% of individual trade turnover.” When the formula includes “% of individual gross profit,” profitability will increase due to the fact that the pharmacist will strive to sell high-margin products. You can enter the inventory turnover ratio into the manager's salary formula.

  • Intangible- certificates, valuable gifts.

Opening schedule

In order to set the opening date, you must try to most accurately calculate the time for each stage of the preparatory work:

  • Making a decision and concluding a lease agreement.
  • Repair and decoration of premises.
  • Installation of fire and security alarms.
  • Concluding agreements with fire safety authorities and security companies.
  • Preparation and departure of the licensing commission to inspect the facility.
  • Meeting of the licensing commission and receipt.
  • Ordering, manufacturing and installation of equipment.
  • Purchase and installation of office equipment.
  • Advertising and marketing activities:
    • ordering, production and installation of outdoor advertising;
    • interior design of the room.
  • Selection and training of personnel. Approval of staffing.
  • Assortment approval. Concluding agreements with suppliers.
  • Determination of the point's pricing policy. Coordination of terms and conditions with major suppliers.

Price question - how much does it cost to open?

Let's give an example of a calculation (approximate figures). Initial costs:

Amount, rubles
Total2 110 000
Trade equipment (refrigerators, furniture, display cases, safe)90 000
Repair1 500 000
Interior decoration60 000
Communications: electricity, heating, gas (if necessary), water, sewerage90 000
Security and fire alarms50 000
Licensing and obtaining other permits90 000
Cash register equipment, office equipment90 000
Formation of assortment for opening90 000
Other costs50 000

Sum monthly expenses. In this example, the premises are owned, so there is no rent:

Name of cost itemAmount of monthly expenses, rublesAmount of annual expenses, rubles
Total165 000 1 980 000
Staff salary80 000 960 000
Insurance deductions24 000 288 000
Security18 000 216 000
Public utilities10 000 120 000
Fare10 000 120 000
Advertising8 000 96 000
other expenses15 000 180 000

With such monthly costs and a trade margin of 30%, the break-even point will be 858,000 rubles per month. It will be achieved by the end of the second quarter.

  • The average bill is 160 rubles. Number of checks - 250 per day.
  • Consequently, the revenue will be 40,000 rubles per day or 1,200,000 rubles per month.
  • In the first quarter, daily revenue will be 15,000 rubles, in the second – 30,000 rubles, in the third – 40,000 rubles.

The establishment will reach revenues of 50 thousand rubles in approximately 6 months, when all marketing solutions have been implemented, a qualified staff has been finally completed, and a base of main clientele has been formed:

  • Revenue for the year will be 11,250,000 rubles.
  • Cost of sales is 9,000,500 rubles, which includes:
    • Material expenses - 7,020,500 rubles.
    • Staff salary is 960,000 rubles.
    • Insurance deductions - 288,000 rubles.
    • Security - 216,000 rubles.
    • Utilities - 120,000 rubles.
    • Transport costs - 120,000 rubles.
    • Advertising - 96,000 rubles.
    • Other expenses - 180,000 rubles.
  • Gross income before tax is 2,249,500 rubles.
  • The amount of tax payments (UTII) is 236,500 rubles.
  • Net profit - 2,013,000 rubles per year. Per month – 167,752 rubles.

In this situation, for full business recoupment 12 months required.

The calculation was made for a pharmacy, which is located in its own premises. If the premises are rented, then experience shows that for complete self-sufficiency it will take 24-36 months with sales of 30-40 thousand per month.

Opening a pharmacy today is a responsible and risky business. And this is due to great competition in this business segment. All-knowing statistics give the example that today in cities with a population of over 500 thousand people, one pharmacy serves only 2,500 residents, whereas ten years ago this figure was 8-10 thousand. Nevertheless, it can be argued that the development of the business segment under consideration is proceeding by leaps and bounds: the population is getting sick more and more seriously, the rise in prices for medicines is noticeably faster than inflation, and people have become more concerned about their health and strive to keep themselves in good shape.

A pharmacy business plan for an average Russian city with a population of 500 thousand people begins with a description of the social significance of opening an establishment. Serving up to 200 people a day and employing three pharmacists, the pharmacy plays an important role in maintaining and promoting public health. And given the wide range of dietary supplements and prophylactic agents - also prevention healthy image life.

No less interesting is an example of the rationale and benefits of opening an establishment for an entrepreneur: the pharmacy’s business plan declares serving 170 clients per day, the average cost of a check will be 360 ​​rubles. At the same time, up to 70% of pharmacy products have an expiration date of within 2 years, which means there are no losses due to the write-off of expired drugs.

Location and price issue

Considering that the modern market is full of similar establishments, the lion's share of success will be determined by the location of the future establishment. Experts do not recommend buying a ready-made pharmacy business; it is much more productive to approach the issue creatively and open an establishment from scratch within walking distance from a shopping center, public transport stop or medical facility. Most likely, in an average Russian city, such places will already be “captured” by competitors today, but it makes sense to try to rent a suitable premises, even at a slightly inflated price.

The costs of opening a pharmacy, including design and decoration in a corporate style, hiring experienced pharmacists, beautiful retail equipment and advertising support, in our case will amount to 1.5-1.7 million rubles. However, if in the business plan the pharmacy is positioned as an example of a socially significant facility, there is a high probability of receiving a subsidy from the state for its opening.

Price policy

When planning a pharmacy business, it is very important to prescribe the pricing policy of the establishment - in some cases, only this allows you to gain the upper hand in the competition. An example of an unsuccessful pricing policy is inflating prices in the hope of “recouping” your investment as quickly as possible. On the contrary, setting markups of 10-20% on medicines and 20-30% on dietary supplements and related products will make it possible to attract additional buyers.

Not less than important point in obtaining competitive advantages is the search for a competent pharmacy consultant and reliable suppliers. If the chain of intermediaries between drug manufacturers and you is not too long, and the advertising campaign is well thought out, even with a low price markup, it is possible to achieve “net” income within the time frame indicated in the table:

Term 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year
Income, thousand rubles 38-40 43-45 50-60 80-100


Only a good knowledge of the relevant areas of legislation and the specifics of the pharmacy industry can ensure such dynamics. The most appropriate form of pharmacy organization today is a mini-market: the client moves around the sales floor as if in a self-service store, and the pharmacist-consultant helps him choose the right product. There are still few pharmacies of this format, but it is in great demand. The example of a business plan we are considering assumes that the pharmacy owners obtain permission to sell not only medicines, but also cosmetics, dietary supplements, products for children, medical equipment, sports nutrition.

Please note that not all types of pharmacies are allowed to sell prescription drugs. Therefore, before you start processing documents and hiring personnel, you need to decide on the form of the pharmacy establishment, and then submit to the relevant authorities an example of a list of drugs that will be offered for sale.

After the premises have been selected and made ready for work, it is worth starting the process of licensing the pharmacy. Practice shows that this stage is the longest in the paperwork process: for a beginning entrepreneur, passing local, Moscow, and then federal licensing commissions, obtaining permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection can take from two months to six months. This point cannot be specified in a business plan, since it is subjective. The remaining activities will take no more than a month.

Nuances of choosing a room

In addition to the advantageous location, the business plan states that to open a pharmacy mini-market, you need a premises with an area of ​​at least 50 square meters. m., divided into several zones: sales area, consulting and cash desk, medicine storage and staff rest. It should be bright, well ventilated and have two entrances.

Half of your success will come from the location of the pharmacy, another 25% - experts say - from the professionalism of the employees, approximately 15% can be attributed to the subjective factor of competition. As for advertising and pricing policies, it all depends on you.


As shown above, the literacy of employees, their work experience, as well as the ability to do one common thing can provide you with a good portion of the profit. This means that it is necessary to provide people with such working conditions so that they have the desire to sell more and better for you. Please note that it makes sense to outsource the vacancy of a cleaner.

A driver vacancy is needed for cases where you plan to work with home-delivered medication orders. In some cases, it is advisable to hire a security guard or sales floor controller with a salary of 12,000 rubles.

Components of successful business

The first and main component is the constant expansion of the assortment (in the example of a pharmacy, it includes 210 positions of medicines and 214 positions of other goods). Moreover, it is important to offer not only expensive drugs, but also their affordable Russian analogues. Don't ignore the discount system for regular customers.

The second point specified in the business plan is optimizing the employees’ workplace and updating the software. You should not spare money on air conditioning systems, air ventilation, couches and other amenities for clients.

When developing a pharmacy business plan for your business, it is important to approach the issue competently and professionally. There are a lot of nuances in the medicine trade, but we will look at the most important things that can be useful when opening such a store.

Making a business plan for a pharmacy

Summary of a pharmacy business plan

As you know, for a small business such as a pharmacy, it is very important to initially draw up a plan with calculations. This year in 2019, as in previous years, the level of demand for medical supplies remains high. Therefore, having set the goal of opening a pharmacy, a businessman is highly likely to become the owner of a profitable business.

In order to open a good pharmacy from scratch, you will need an investment of 2 million rubles. Some of the money can be borrowed, and some can be invested from your own funds. The profitability of a pharmacy business is high, therefore, by drawing up a competent plan, you can achieve full payback in 3-4 years.

General description of the enterprise

The ready-made pharmacy will be located in rented premises and in a place where there are no other similar retail outlets in the area of ​​several blocks. The enterprise will start working at 8 am and end at 21 pm. The project will expand in the future and it is possible to organize a whole network of retail outlets throughout the city. You need to offer customers a product at a low markup so that they don’t want to buy it elsewhere.

Goods and services

For more successful sales of goods, you can create a website for our pharmacy and sell medications via the Internet with delivery. The online pharmacy and the retail outlet itself in the rented premises will offer customers the following range of medicines:

  1. Anti-allergenic;
  2. Antiviral;
  3. antibiotics;
  4. Antiseptics;
  5. Products for primary care;
  6. Vitamins and dietary supplements;
  7. Cosmetical tools;
  8. Diagnostic products;
  9. Diuretics;
  10. Immunomodulators;
  11. Painkillers;
  12. Hormonal;
  13. Other drugs;
  14. Other goods for medical purposes.

Marketing plan

A herbal pharmacy would be a good idea to attract a narrow circle of clients. In addition, as mentioned above, you need to create a website with goods, as well as a group in a social community on the Internet to advertise your outlet. It is also necessary to beautifully design the pharmacy sign and the premises itself inside for the comfort of customers. It is necessary to regularly hold promotions and provide discounts on products.

Production plan

Below is a sample calculation, but now let’s decide how much of the product we plan to sell. We will assume that we will serve approximately 100 people per day, each of whom will spend an average of 500 rubles on purchases with a markup on goods of no more than 30%.

Management organization

To properly organize the work of a pharmacy, it will be necessary to hire, for example, the following employees:

  1. Cleaning woman;
  2. Courier with personal car;
  3. 2 pharmacists.

Sales pharmacists will work on a schedule of 2 every 2 days, as well as the courier.

Financial plan

For 2019, the following financial plan can be presented for this business.

The costs will be as follows:

  1. Purchase of goods - 700 thousand rubles.
  2. Furnishings and decoration of the premises - 1 million rubles.
  3. Other expenses (website, advertising, etc.) - 300 thousand rubles.

Monthly on wages employees, the purchase of new goods, transportation costs, as well as providing an online store and depreciation of the business will cost about 1.2 million rubles.

The average income will be 50 thousand rubles per day And 1.5 million rubles per month. From this you can easily calculate that the profit per month for the owner of the pharmacy will be approximately 300 thousand rubles, which is quite good if the business is properly organized.

All figures can be considered approximate, because each individual entrepreneur will decide for himself what he needs to purchase for the functioning of his business and what costs to bear. Your final profit may be more or less, it all depends on you.

Today the market is represented by a large number of pharmacy outlets. Therefore, everyone who is going to open their own needs to have at least one visual pharmacy business plan in order to imagine what they may encounter and what may be required of them. We hope that our brief financial plan for organizing a business selling medical products will help you better navigate and get started.

In addition, if you are serious about opening a network of your own retail outlets, we recommend that you read specialized literature and approach the organization very competently.