Soft roof: do-it-yourself repair technology. Roofing burner - necessary equipment for the installation of built-up roof Equipment for roofing soft roofing

When some roofing work is carried out, laying of materials is often used to isolate from water. The materials used for coating are based on bitumen and mastics. For all roofing work using such materials, a burner that runs on gas is used.

Burners are also used for some other work:

  1. heating to high temperatures of any products and blanks;
  2. for drying various surfaces;
  3. for soldering and cutting metal;
  4. for firing outdated paint from coatings, which requires high degrees.

What is this equipment?

A roofing burner is a metal container that is equipped with a nozzle and a wooden handle. The handle is attached to the body. The glass on the burner is made in such a way as to avoid the damping of the flame from the wind during operation. Gas is supplied to the glass through a tube. Propane gas is used. The tank is under pressure. The burner has a valve that allows you to easily supply the right amount of gas for combustion. You can also directly adjust the length of the flame.

In order for the fuel consumption in the gas burner to be balanced, a reducer is installed on the device. It also allows you to control the flow of gas. Each gas burner is equipped in such a way that additional air is sucked in from environment. To start the device, you need to open the gas and set it on fire with matches and or a lighter.

Each gas burner has a device for adjusting modes. Most burners have a standby mode. This means that during pauses in operation, the burner switches to economy mode and saves gas.

The roof gas burner is made of the most durable and high quality materials, as it heats up to high temperatures during operation. The length of the handle itself is about 1 meter. This ensures convenient operation of the device. The weight of the burner itself reaches one and a half kilograms.

It is important to know! To avoid burns during operation, a durable heat-resistant handle made of wood or plastic is installed on the device. In addition to gas, liquid fuel can be used as fuel in the burner. This is a different type of burner.

The device of such burners is slightly different. They run on fuel oil or diesel fuel. In such burners, fuel is supplied under pressure to the chamber, after which it turns into an atomized substance. Fuel burns with an even flame. It can also be ignited with matches or a lighter. The advantage of a diesel appliance is that, unlike a gas burner, it can be operated in cold weather conditions.

When laying roofing felt to cover the roof, it is impossible to do without such a device as a roofing burner. This is how modern welded materials are laid.

So, all work is conditionally divided into several stages.

To begin with, a base is being prepared for laying any material. The coating is cleaned of excess debris and, if necessary, leveled with a concrete screed. The area is covered with roll material. In this case, adjacent sheets should overlap one on one. The width of the overlay must be at least 9 centimeters. Then it is necessary to mark and roll the rolls back, first fix them at the base of the roof with a burner.

The burner is used to heat the bottom of the roll and roll it slowly over the floor. It is necessary to press the material to the base of the surface.

Press down the material with a hand roller. It is important not to leave air under the roofing material layer. Creases are not allowed. In the end, all seams are heated with a roofing burner. After that, the seams are rolled again.

You need to know that you can work using a gas burner on the street only when the air temperature is not below 15 degrees below zero. If the temperature is below 15 degrees, then a burner is used that runs on diesel fuel or fuel oil. It should be noted that both gas burners and diesel fuel burners are perfectly adapted to work in not the most favorable climatic conditions.

It is worth noting that it is best to carry out roofing work in the warm season. This will provide greater adhesion of the deposited material to the surface. However, work experience shows that under any weather conditions, work performed with a roofing burner is of high quality.

The highest quality burner allows you to lay up to 600 meters of roofing material in one working day. At the same time, the quality of work will be quite high. Such good equipment should allow the burner to operate even in strong winds without blowing. All work is carried out outdoors.

Roof burner models

There are a large number of gas burners for roofing. Some of them need to be considered. The most widely applicable devices that are used in roofing are presented to the attention.

  1. GG-2. Propane is used as fuel in this burner. It is of high quality and low price. This is a great model for home scale roofing. Ideal for garage work.
  2. GG-2u. This is almost the same model as the first one. The only difference is the tube length. This design of the device is convenient for work in hard-to-reach places for heating the seams.
  3. GG-2S. Such a model is quite considered professional roofing equipment. The strongest wind will not be terrible for this gas burner. The burner has two bodies and two valves. With such equipment, you can quite accurately regulate the desired mode of operation.
  4. GGK-1. This burner model uses a large glass.
  5. GRG-1. This burner is used for roofing work when using diesel oil or fuel oil as fuel.
  6. GGS1-1.7. With this universal model, you can quickly and efficiently perform all work. The burner weighs little.
  7. GV-500, GV-900. It's practically same models. The difference lies in the length of the torch. GV-900 has a torch 90 centimeters long. It is convenient to work with it on the roof itself, since you can stand in full height. GV-500 is used a little less often, mainly for adjacent surfaces.

Most gas burners (or diesel burners) can be purchased at building supply stores. feature this tool is ease of maintenance and operation. In order to work with this equipment, you do not need to have special knowledge. It is important to carefully read the instruction manual and strictly follow all safety rules, which will be discussed further.

Safety rules for working with gas burners

When using a gas burner on a roof, all safety regulations must be observed. All work must begin with the selection of the right clothes. Shoes should not be slippery. Special clothing is required. For greater safety, you need to use belts, bridges and other devices.

Before using the gas burner, make sure that it is in good working order. It is important to check the connection of the hoses to the cylinders. When working, you need to use only one bottle. Several times check the tightness of the connections. Set fire to the nozzle, standing on the side, and not in front of it.

The burning nozzle should not be directed at people, hoses or a gas cylinder. This may cause a fire or explosion of the pressurized cylinder.

Welding materials should not be overheated to avoid fire. When the material is heated, it is necessary to ensure that only the lower layer is heated. Do not allow the material to completely warm up. It is impossible to carry out ignition from random objects. Use only matches or a lighter. Before igniting the gas in the burner, it is necessary to blow the hose with gas several times, and then ignite the fuel. After 10 seconds, the modes begin to adjust.

With a burning burner in your hands, it is not recommended to walk near flammable substances and materials. The burner can be extinguished by shutting off the gas and lowering the locking lever. During work breaks, extinguish the burner. After completing the work, it is important to completely shut off the gas on the cylinder. If the nozzle or nozzle is quite clogged, it is necessary to carry out cleaning, and then resume the operation of the device. This will help avoid accidents.

In case of severe overheating of the cylinder or other part of the burner, it is necessary to immediately stop working and cool the apparatus in water. Then the problem must be identified.


A gas burner or a liquid fuel burner is a tool without which it is impossible to carry out a quality roof waterproofing. Without a burner, it is impossible to use weld materials. With the help of a video lesson, you can understand how the burner is used correctly. You can see how professionals work with the device.

Every year more and more advanced roofing materials enter the construction market. They may differ in their appearance, shape, size and density, but the strongest breakthrough is always carried out by new products. Polymer roofing materials have become one such example. Some developers immediately decided to try this coating in action and did not fail. The only difficulty they faced was the search for equipment for welding polymer soft roof. Such an apparatus costs quite a lot, therefore, when covering the roof on your own, you will have to rent it or use the services of teams.

What is a polymer roof?

For many centuries, the construction field was dominated by gable roof systems, but in modern world, people are striving for changes that will help decorate their lives with new colors. That is why flat roofs have become popular in Russia. In addition to novelty, their creation does not require serious costs, it can be built for about half the cost of a pitched system. Well, what clever man refuse such savings?

Of course, the polymer membrane does not belong to cheap types of coating, but such a price tag is not without reason. The membrane will lie on a quality foundation for more than 50 years and will not require absolutely any attention to itself, it has high rates of elasticity, strength, resistance to both mechanical damage and the vagaries of the external environment. As for its maintenance, it can be carried out with the inventory that is completely familiar to you.

Experienced developers say that the most important thing in the construction of a roof is its durability and environmental friendliness. I, as a roofer with experience, fully support this opinion. All this can be achieved with just two components: proper installation and the use of high-quality and clean materials. The polymer membrane can be safely attributed to such products. In addition, the elasticity of this material plays a significant role when laying, because the membrane can be laid on roofs of any configuration.

The soft roofing material for the roof in rolls has a large width, so the surface can be covered quickly and easily. Besides, minimal amount seams will favorably affect both the waterproofing properties of the roofing carpet and the soldering of the seams. As you already know, soft roof welding is carried out with special equipment, which is most advisable to rent, so the quick execution of work plays into your hands.

IMPORTANT: The seams are soldered together with warm air, so this procedure can be classified as practically safe.

To date, there are only 3 types of membranes:

These abbreviations are the names of the formulas of the main components that make up the product.

Polymer coatings are not afraid of exposure to direct sunlight and easily endure all the vagaries of nature. When using these materials, it is possible to create a breathable roof, which will easily remove the resulting condensate inside the roofing pie. Thanks to high-quality ventilation, all materials and elements will be dry, which means that they may well exist in this state for more than 50 years.

The load from 1 square meter of any kind of polymer membranes is very small, so they can be laid on lightweight structures, for example, flat roofs, which are based on corrugated board. Despite their relative high cost, membranes are acquired with high activity. The secret of popularity is that with the help of this material you can create a high-quality and interesting roof, and a variety of colors will make it unique.

The main component for creating an EPDM membrane is synthetic rubber. This product has been used in construction for quite a long time and before it simply did not pay any attention. Perhaps today you can still find roofs where EPDM was laid as an experiment. It is worth noting that glue or a special adhesive tape is used for the rubber coating.

Now, let's look at PVC membranes. Immediately you need to highlight their quality, it is very high level, so there is no doubt about the service life. In the manufacture of this product, a reinforcing polyester mesh is used, it does not affect elasticity in any way, but gives good strength to break. PVC strips are soldered using hot air.

Some developers claim that for durability it is necessary to coat the surface with an adhesive, and only then roll the membrane over the surface. I can only say one thing about this, if you have the time, money and energy, then you can do the same, otherwise skip it. It is worth noting that PVC membranes can be distinguished by the presence of a protective layer that easily tolerates solar radiation and any type of precipitation.

TPO products are created from a mixture of polypropylene and rubber. They, like the previous material, have a reinforcing mesh in their arsenal, although they can be without it. The strips are connected by the same heat welding. However, as you can see, there are no serious differences here, so TPO and PVC membranes are the most popular. They meet the requested strength, and laying them is quite simple and fast. In addition, these materials meet all safety requirements.

Soft roof accessories

There are more and more materials for soft roofing every year, but all the same elements and fixtures are used to create a high-quality coating.

All soft pitched roofs must necessarily have a gutter, which is mounted on special brackets. As you know, drainage systems are a mandatory system that must be present on any residential building. Thanks to the removal of atmospheric precipitation, the foundation remains intact, so we can say with confidence that such a house will stand for a long time.

When installing, for example, soft tiles on a cornice overhang, it is not completed. The fact is that this does not make any sense, because drips are arranged on the edges of such roofs. They contribute to better transportation of precipitation flowing down the slope into the drainage system.

If the building will serve as a dwelling, then a chimney will necessarily be led to the roof. Since soft materials are used as a coating, an abutment bar is used to join the two planes. It looks like this. The roofing material is brought onto the vertical element up to a certain height, where it is fixed with this bar. It provides the highest quality docking to a wall or pipe and does not allow moisture to penetrate into roofing cake.

When removing pipes, it is best to use through elements. You can buy them at any specialized store at a fairly low price. These elements perform the same role as the abutment bar, so I will not describe it again.

If the attic space is equipped as a living room, then a hatch or skylight can be installed on the roof. However, you can do without it if a sufficient amount of light enters through the gables.

As for a flat roof, aerators and deflectors can be used here. Such devices allow you to create ventilation of the roofing cake, which significantly extends the "life" of all roofs. They are installed at the rate of 1 piece per 25 squares, but it does not make sense to mount one element, so the minimum number is two.

Installation of a membrane roof

Before considering the installation methods, it is worth noting that the device of any type of membrane will not take much effort and time. Work can be done in absolutely any temperature, the main thing is that it is dry outside. You can lay the material on both wood and concrete. Despite the fact that this material was created exclusively for flat roofs, practice has proven that it can be laid on any truss system.

IMPORTANT: A continuous crate must be used as the base for the soft cover. In addition, a litter carpet is laid on it, which acts as an additional waterproofing and levels the unevenness of the slope.

There are three ways to attach the membrane to the base:

  • Glue. The name itself speaks for itself. This method is best suited to EPDM membranes. For high-quality fastening of the material to the base, a special glue is used. It is applied to the base and smeared with a suitable tool. If the roofing system has a lot of height differences, bends and other irregularities, then it is best to use this particular technology.
  • Mechanical. This method of fastening is suitable for frame buildings, where the roof cannot give strong loads. Mechanical fastening is best suited to PVC and TPO membranes. For fixing the material to the base, special self-tapping screws are used. The coating strips are overlapped by 10-12 centimeters with the device of special elements that will protect this joint from moisture penetration. Among other things, the seams are welded.
  • Ballast. This method is only suitable for flat roofs. For reliable fastening, before laying the ballast along the edges of the roof, the membrane is attached to the base with adhesive or mechanically. And then any suitable load is laid on the roofing carpet, the main thing is that its weight is about 50 kilograms per square meter of surface. The most famous materials as ballast can be distinguished: crushed stone, tiles, blocks and soil.

IMPORTANT: If you use the ballast method of fastening, then distribute the bulk materials as evenly as possible. Due to the uniform load on the base, there will be no zones dangerous for operation.

If you plan to do the work yourself, then you should know that the work on laying the membranes begins along the perimeter of the roof itself. The edges of the roofing are attached to the parapet, and only then the material is rolled out over the surface. You can create a secure mount using a special plastic sleeve with a hole made for a self-tapping screw. In the case when the polymer coating is laid on concrete base, then the self-tapping screw is replaced with a dowel-nail. The number of fasteners on each object will be different, it depends on the direction of the prevailing wind, its strength and the shape of the roof.

Now that you have learned so much about this material, you can consider the equipment for welding polymer soft roofs. To date, there are quite a few different variations of equipment, but the best is considered to be a welding dryer. It is produced by almost all developed countries, so choosing quality products can be quite problematic. To bypass the problem, it is better to ask experienced roofers what devices they prefer.

If you wanted to ask my opinion, then I can answer you the following. First, decide for what purpose you plan to purchase a welding device. If a polymer membrane is being used as a repair material, then a hand dryer is best considered. It is small and easy to work with. I tell you this with confidence, since I myself have dealt with such a device.

There are only three ways to fasten the strips of polymer membranes together:

  • Diffusion welding in which a solvent is used. The whole process consists in applying a special substance to the roofing and creating a strong pressure that can be achieved with any weight. If you have ever glued a bicycle or car tire, you can say with confidence that you know how to do diffusion welding. In this work, you need to be extremely careful, because the minimum width of the overlap that such a docking can withstand is 3 centimeters.

IMPORTANT: Work with volatile substances should only be carried out outdoors. When working in indoors follow the safety instructions.

  • The next welding method is to use a welding machine. This device suitable for large areas. Working with this unit is quite difficult and limited. This is due to the large mass of the machine, so you can only work on flat surfaces. In order to carry out the work, you must first create the necessary conditions: fix the coating strips on the parapets, and create a good overlap.
  • For minor procedures and work on pitched roofs it is best to use special roofing hair dryers. They can be both with a flat and a round nozzle. When working with such an apparatus, a roller is used, they are passed immediately after heating the material.

Welding is used in most cases, so if the roof has slopes, then you should definitely decide on one of the options described above. For work on small planes, it is better to use hand-held hair dryers, and for high volumes - welding machines. In the first case, the width of the nozzle should be 40 millimeters. This distance is considered the most optimal and is welcomed by all experienced roofers.

IMPORTANT: Do not start welding material with a cold device. First turn on the device and bring the temperature to 550 degrees, only then get to work.

If you are doing this procedure for the first time, then it will not be superfluous to practice. To do this, you can cut a meter of material from the purchased roll, divide it into parts and bring your skill to an acceptable level. Training will allow you not to spoil the main canvas during installation, so a meter of material will definitely not be wasted.

As you already know, the minimum overlap should be 10-12 centimeters, but this value can be reduced to 6 if the canvas runs entirely along the entire length of the roof. After determining with the optimal overlap distance, they are passed through with a hair dryer and the material is pinpointed in several places. It is worth noting that you need to hold the hair dryer at an angle of 45 degrees. An indicator of the correct process will be a small trickle of white smoke.

Almost everything will depend on the heated equipment, except for this, it must also be installed in the right place. When soldering, it is very important to use a roller that rolls the surface immediately after removing the equipment from the heating zone. The whole process should be carried out without sudden movements, as this will undoubtedly lead to a rupture of the web or to other, more serious consequences. After soldering, you will definitely want to check this connection, this can be done in the following ways:

  • If, when tensioned, the membrane immediately dispersed along the seam, then you obviously overheated the material.
  • If a characteristic seam did not form during heating, then the surface simply stuck together, therefore, the temperature was not enough.

Polymer coatings have greatly strengthened their positions in the construction market and today they cover almost all industrial buildings.


Very often in the communication of builders you can hear and read on specialized forums that soft tiles are the same flexible roof, flexible tiles or shingles, which is fundamentally wrong. In order to clarify, consider the difference between a soft roof and the materials listed above and get acquainted with the technology of its installation.

Soft roofing: purpose and installation

Soft roofing is presented in the form of a reliable material endowed with impeccable waterproofing ability, which differs from other types of similar materials in unique designs, ease of operation, and affordable cost. Due to the special characteristics, as well as production using modern technologies and developments, the demand for soft roofing is constantly growing.

The traditional technology for installing soft tiles is based on the use of fiberglass sheets impregnated with a rubber-bitumen composition, which gives the material excellent tightness. To prevent defects, as well as protect against ultraviolet radiation during production, a special layer of stone chips is applied on top of the material.

Due to the simplicity and low cost of installation work, soft roofing has become popular even among independent developers who first encountered it. The main thing is to have special equipment for a soft roof at hand, corresponding to the design features.

The undeniable advantage of using this type of soft tiles is the absence of a large amount of waste.

List of required tools

The installation of the roofing sheet is carried out using tools that are used in ordinary carpentry.

You just need to prepare:

  • simple pencil;
  • ordinary hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • sharp utility knife.

All this, as a rule, is in any man. Additional accessories include a trowel for sealing joints, it must also be prepared in advance for a soft roof, which greatly facilitates the arrangement of the roof.

Preparing the base for a soft roof

Improvised means, for example, a chalk rope, are suitable for marking. Experts recommend working with gloves, as this way hands will be reliably protected from various substances included in building materials.

Now you can start processing and preparing the roofing base. First of all, you should clean, level and dry the surface as best as possible, where a new roof will soon appear. Using a wet or uneven base will reduce the quality of the future design.

As a rule, the roofing base for flexible tiles is made of OSB boards and, of course, moisture-resistant plywood. It is important to lay the materials so that they do not sag, otherwise rainwater will penetrate into the roofing cake from the first days of operation.

There will be no particular difficulties when lifting tile sheets to a roof with a large slope, since the sheets are made of lightweight materials, and their weight ranges from 1.5-3 kilograms.

Pay attention to the color of the coating from different packages - it happens that it is slightly different. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to get the required number of sheets in advance and carefully examine them in good light. A monochromatic roof is much more attractive than a multi-colored one. In case of a strong difference, you can mix the canvases so that the light ones alternate with the dark ones.

Performing roof insulation

According to manufacturers, and even experienced builders, one of the best waterproofing materials is the soft roof itself - its installation technology still implies additional waterproofing of the tiles.

The creation of a high-quality hydro- and vapor barrier layer of the roof is possible using rolled self-adhesive films, the structure of which is represented by a layer of polyethylene and an anti-adhesive material, as well as bituminous impregnation of both of these components.

The sheets are placed on the prepared roof structure so that the first row is parallel to the eaves, the second and all subsequent rows - with a small vertical (at least 20 cm) and horizontal (10 cm is enough) overlap on the previous one.

The difference between internal and external pressure should also be taken into account by a soft roof - the technology implies the possibility of preventing swelling with the help of special ones.

Performing roofing installation

Among modern technologies erecting roofs of residential and industrial buildings that differ in the use of different materials, you need to choose the most practical option.

The main rule for laying a soft roof is the presence of favorable conditions for installation, in particular, the materials will stick together firmly only in the warm season. Also, attention is paid to design differences roofs different type premises. For example, to perform high-quality installation of the garage roof, you must adhere to the installation requirements for this type of room, and not those intended for a residential building or insulated attic (read: ""). The roof of the garage is different in that there is no cornice in its design, and if there is one, it is completely different from the one installed on the roof of residential buildings. There is also a difference in the magnitude of the slope of the slope - it is smaller at the roof of the garage.

When working with roofing materials, attention should be paid to their drying - for this, a soft roof burner is suitable, with the help of which cutting and firing of sheets is also performed.

Proper laying of a soft roof is possible only if all the main steps are followed, in particular:

  • fixing the first sheet and the cornice row;
  • installation of the remaining rows;
  • installation of sheets near the ridge elements.

In a word, there is nothing complicated in arranging soft roofing even for beginners (read: ""). To overcome your own uncertainty, you need to familiarize yourself with the proposed recommendations in detail, as well as purchase the necessary equipment for the production of soft roofs, and then perform the work in stages. The most difficult and responsible is the laying of the first row. If the coating sheets are fixed correctly, then it will be much easier to work with all subsequent ones.

The service life of a roof covered with soft roofing materials is 15 years. But the roof will last this period only if it is properly maintained and sometimes repaired. Therefore, today we will talk about how to properly repair a soft roof. What nuances should be paid attention to in order to increase the quality of the final result. Accordingly, so that the roof lasts longer.

Soft roof repair Source

Soft roof defects

Understanding that a roof needs repair is easy. It will just start flowing. Therefore, first of all, you need to climb the roof and determine its possible defects. True, you should not allow situations with leaks. It is recommended that the soft roof be inspected periodically. Experts advise doing this twice a year.

So, what defects can be found:

    cracks and breaks in roofing material;

    its swelling from the penetration of moisture under the canvas;

    delamination of material at the joints of the strips;

    the appearance of mold, fungus or moss, which indicates the collection of moisture in these areas;

    depressions or grooves from mechanical pressure where moisture collects.

Soft roof defects Source

The choice of repair material

To cope with all of the above flaws, it is necessary to prepare a material for repairing a soft roof, as well as a fastening compound. Since the structure of a soft roof consists of two applied layers: internal and external, respectively, the repair material for each of them must be selected separately, taking into account the characteristics of the products.

For the lower layer, roll coatings with high thermal properties and increased elasticity are usually used. This group includes such materials as technoelast, glass-elast and bireplast. They are smooth with a thickness of 3-3.5 mm. For the top layer, they try to use a material with high waterproofing qualities. For example, uniflex, isoplast or isoelast with a thickness of 4-4.5 mm.

We must immediately make a reservation that the top coating requires products sprinkled with stone chips on top. It protects the roof from the sun's rays. Basically, this is distinguishing feature, which becomes the basis for the selection of materials for the bottom layer and outer cover.

Uniflex roll Source

Choosing a bonding agent

More recently, ordinary bitumen was used to repair soft roofs (roofs). It was heated in a barrel on a fire and served hot at the place of laying soft roofing material. We must pay tribute to the fact that this technology has not yet become obsolete. There are areas where bitumen is still used for roof repairs.

Modern restoration of a soft roof is the use of bitumen-based mastics. At the same time, mastics can be used both hot and cold.

Bituminous mastic Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer a turnkey roof repair service of any complexity. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Repair Features

The first stage is the determination of defects in the roofing and the amount of work to be done. According to the complexity and volume, repairs are divided into three categories:

    current, when minor flaws are found on the surface;

    capital, when it becomes clear that sealing cracks is indispensable;

    emergency, when the roof began to simply leak.

Let's consider each situation separately.


The easiest way to repair cracks. They are simply filled with mastic or hot bitumen, and a patch cut from roofing material is laid on top. After that, the place of repair is completely filled with a fastening compound. The main thing is that the mastic also covers the junction of the patch with the main roofing material.

If it is required to close a crack on the roof ridge, then for this a patch is cut out, which is glued to the place of the defect with mastic and additionally pierced with nails.

How to patch a crack on a skate Source

Peeled joints are also repaired, but for this they additionally use a building hair dryer or gas burner. Both types of equipment are used to dry the space under the outer layer of a soft roof.

    The latter is lifted, the inner surface of the upper flooring and the upper plane of the lower layer are dried.

    Bituminous mastic is applied between the layers.

    Lay the top layer on the bottom and press it well, using, for example, a spatula or roller.

    The joint must be coated with mastic.

A defect in the form of a depression where water collects is repaired using a special technology.

    To do this, the place of the flaw is cut with a sharp knife in the form of a cross. It is better to make cuts to a solid base.

    Here the hole is filled, for example, with cement mortar.

    After drying, the base is treated with a bonding mixture, on which the cut ends of the lower layer are laid.

    The bottom flooring is treated with mastic from above.

    Lay the cut ends of the outer covering.

    Another layer of mastic is applied, which is immediately sprinkled with stone chips on top.

How to repair a cavity on a soft roof Source

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

If the soft roofing material was laid on a continuous crate of lumber or wood-based panels, then the cavity is sealed with the mastic itself or hot bitumen by pouring onto the bottom layer.


Now let's talk about the technology of repairing a soft roof, where simple operations in the form of patches are indispensable. The essence of the overhaul is that the old roofing is partially dismantled in those areas where the defects are significant. For example, the photo below shows the condition of the roof covered with shingles. This area needs a major overhaul.

Roof defect requiring major repairs Source

The essence of the technology lies in the fact that the soft roofing material is carefully removed from the installation site. The main thing is not to damage areas that are in good condition. If rolled material was used to cover the roof, then it is cut along the boundaries of the defective area. It is better to do this in straight straight lines, even if you have to dismantle part of a good site.

If you are repairing a roof covered with soft tiles, then you will have to remove shingles that have actually become unusable.

Ideal - cut the coating to the base. If the roof is insulated, then check the condition of the heat-insulating material. If it was expanded clay, then it is simply dried with a building hair dryer. If the slab material is made of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene boards, then they are dismantled and replaced with new ones. Because the moisture that has passed through the roofing has probably ruined the insulation.

Be sure to check the base. As in the case of a cavity, it will have to be cleaned and leveled.

The repair process itself is carried out using the technology of installing a soft roof. That is:

    mastic is poured onto the repaired base;

    the bottom layer of roofing material is laid;

    on top of another layer of mastic;

    outer cover.

Capital repairs of a soft roof Source

It is important to make sure that the new layers overlap the old ones. And at the docking points, mastic is sure to be used. It performs the functions of both a bonding composition and a waterproofing material.

It should be noted that the repair of a soft roof with insulation is the most difficult process. This applies especially to flat roofs where plate materials were used for thermal insulation. It requires a special attitude to the docking of sites (new and old) with each other. Therefore, the gaps between the laid plates are filled with mounting foam. This is an old technology that is rarely used today. It is better to fill it with a special sealant, which is also available in cans in the form of foam. It's just that the latter of the sealant does not expand in volume and lasts a long time.


It makes no sense to argue here for a long time, because emergency roof repair (its technology) is commensurate with the technology of roofing with a soft roof. That is, they completely dismantle the roofing material, remove the heat-insulating layer, and check the base for technical condition. And based on the results of the research, they decide whether to repair the base of the roof or not.


All other operations are carried out in the following sequence: repair of the base, laying the heat-insulating cake, installation of the roofing material. Essentially, you get a new roof.

We add that today in the construction market you can buy special mastics based on bitumen and polymers. They cost more than rolled and piece soft-type roofing materials, but in all respects it is better. Yes, and laying them on the roofs is easier, because it is a mastic, which is applied with a conventional spatula. At the same time, a seamless coating with high mechanical strength and heat resistance is obtained on the roof surface.

Video description

Modern roofing mastics for the repair of soft roofs in the video:

Conclusion on the topic

The degree of difficulty in repairing a roof covered with soft roofing materials lies in the type and number of defects. Sometimes craftsmen decide to completely re-lay the structure, just not to mess around with a lot of cracks. In many cases, this is a justified decision, because a cracked surface is a sign that the roofing material is at its limit.

When choosing a material for arranging a roof, many prefer a soft roof. There are a number of good reasons for this. This light and financially available material consists of bitumen, plastic or rubber, reinforced with synthetic mesh, and is characterized by simple installation, good performance, as well as the possibility of using on all types of flat and pitched roofs.

Preparing the roof for the installation of a soft roof

Before proceeding with the preparation of the roof for the installation of a soft roof, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with the properties of materials of this class.

General information about the soft roof

The material that today is known as "soft roofing" has become widespread since the end of the last century. Its domestic counterpart is the well-known rolled roofing material. The difference lies in the release form - a soft roof is made in the form of small plates: up to 100 cm in length, 25–40 cm in width and from 2.5 to 4.5 mm in thickness. This form facilitates the installation and lifting of the material on the roof, and also simplifies repairs in case of damage. The weight of a standard package is 25–35 kg, depending on the number of layers in the plates. The highest quality tiles are three-layer with additional bituminous impregnation.

Cutting the bituminous sheet into identical plates - shingles - was first started in the USA. These were hexagonal or rectangular "patches" of gray color, impregnated with waste from oil production - cracking. They began to be called tiles in Europe.

The structure of the shingles is characterized by increased strength, since they are based on synthetic high-strength materials - fiberglass or non-woven polyester. On the inner surface there is a layer of waterproof glue, which is protected by a silicone film. Before installation on the roof, the film is removed. The outer plane is covered with fine gravel, consisting of basalt or shale. For long-term storage in cardboard boxes, the sheets are sprinkled with fine sand between themselves - this prevents sticking.

The bituminous tile consists of several layers glued together.

When planning a roof covering with a soft roof, the angle of inclination of the slopes is taken into account. The technology is designed for a minimum tilt angle of 12 degrees. With a smaller slope, there is a high probability of stagnation of water and, as a result, a violation of the tightness of the coating.

The shape of cutting tiles is very diverse:

  • hexagonal;

    The hexagonal shape of the soft roof resembles a honeycomb of bees

  • diamond-shaped;

    The diamond-shaped soft roof looks very restrained and creates the impression of an absolutely flat cover

  • ;

    The material outwardly resembles a wooden roofing - shingles, but is much easier to install and lasts longer.

  • rectangular;

    When installing rectangular bituminous tiles, plates are used different colors, so the roof of it is somewhat reminiscent of paving stones

  • under the brick;
  • dragon tooth;

    "Dragon's teeth" are used on roofs with a large slope

  • beaver tail.

    Beavertail shingle shape fits well with hip roof exterior

The color scheme depends on the type of bulk crumb, which is easily amenable to any coloring. Manufacturers offer a wide range of colors - from blue and gold to fiery red.

In addition, the shape of a flexible tile differs in the number of petals, which can be from one to five. However, inexpensive types of coatings can also be produced in the form of an uncut shingle, which is cut before direct laying.

The service life of the material declared by the manufacturers is from 50 to 60 years. Subject to the rules of operation and the implementation of timely Maintenance the period of use can be much longer. The unique property of bituminous tiles is that under the action of solar radiation, the sheets are sintered together and form a durable waterproof shell.

Preparatory work before laying bituminous tiles

The main steps required when using soft roofing for roofing are as follows:

Video: preparing the roof for a soft roof

Features of installation of a soft roof

Due to the ease of installation, soft roofing has gained great popularity among those who are engaged in construction on their own. High-quality installation does not require special skills and high professionalism. Accuracy in cutting and compliance with technological standards are sufficient conditions for correct installation this roofing.

Soft roof installation tool

The installation of a soft roof is carried out using conventional plumbing tools. For work you need:

If the roofing occurs in the cold season (temperature below +5 ° C), it is necessary to use a building hair dryer to heat up the adhesive composition.

A building hair dryer is used to heat up the bituminous layer at low air temperatures.

Of course, as with any construction, the master needs measuring tools - a tape measure, construction thread (lace), pencil or marker.

Of the consumables you will need:

  • roofing nails with a flat head;
  • screws with a wide thread pitch;
  • bituminous mastic.

The main stages of laying shingles

Laying of flexible tiles is carried out in three stages.

  1. Removing silicone protection from inside shingle.

    Before laying, the protective silicone film is removed from each shingle.

  2. Installation of ordinary tiles on the base of the roof.
  3. Additional fastening of the upper part with nails. Fixation is carried out in such a way that the next row hides the nail heads.

    Nails are hammered in so that the next row of tiles hides their installation sites.

The layout starts from the line of the eaves and is carried out parallel to its horizontal axis. Sheets are glued to the joints of the ends. Upon completion of one row, the next one begins to be laid, forming a given overlap in width. Its size is determined by the design of the shingles. The decorated part, treated with mineral chips, should remain open, and everything above is hidden by the next row. Details of the laying method are described in detail in the technical documents accompanying the tiles. Since there are a great many varieties and manufacturers, there are no general rules other than those given above.

Using an automatic nailer when coating large areas roofing with flexible tiles noticeably speeds up the work

Video: installation of RUFLEX bituminous tiles

Separately, we note that roofing material and only formally also belong to the class of soft roofs, therefore, by and large, they can be used not only as waterproofing, but also as an independent roof. However, in recent decades, this method has been practiced exclusively in the construction of utility rooms in the private sector. This is due to the fact that the service life of a rolled roofing material as a finishing coating is limited to five to seven years. After that, it becomes necessary to replace it. But for those who intend to use this material for household needs, let's say that:

  • on pitched roofs with a slope of more than 10 o, the roofing material is laid in several layers perpendicular to the eaves with an overlap between the canvases of 10 cm;
  • on more gentle roofs, it is laid parallel to the eaves with an overlap of 5 cm. At the same time, the canvases are arranged so that the upper element goes onto the lower one, but in no case vice versa;
  • with any method of installation under the roofing material, a continuous crate is assembled and the material is glued to it using bituminous mastic.

Depending on the angle of inclination of the roof, the roofing material is laid along or across the slope

Features of the installation of adjoining elements on the roof of bituminous tiles

When covering the roof with a waterproofing carpet and gluing tiles, it is necessary to properly process those places where there are roof elements protruding from the common plane of the slopes. First of all, this applies to pipes - chimney and ventilation. Special technologies have been developed to create a harmonious connection.

Installation of a soft roof at the exit of the chimney

If there is a chimney pipe on the roof slope, special preparatory work is carried out. The goal is to create conditions for reliable sealing of the installation site of ordinary tiles on the surface of the pipe. To do this, use plywood or OSB, from which the casing frame is mounted. Its configuration copies the shape of the pipe, but is 2-3 cm away from the brickwork. Plywood serves as the basis for fixing the lining layer, on top of which tiles are glued or a metal casing is put on.

At the junction of the soft roof to the chimney, a casing frame made of plywood is arranged, on top of which a metal apron is then mounted

Installation of aerators on a soft roof

One of the elements of under-roof space ventilation is an aerator. The device is made of durable plastic, resistant to temperature extremes and the influence of ultraviolet radiation. According to the design features and the principle of operation, two types of aerators are distinguished:

The upper part of the device has filters and grooves that prevent the penetration of insects, dust and precipitation from the outside. The number of aerators on a slope or ridge is determined by the size of the space under the roof and the performance of the used ventilation ducts. Depending on the power, one aerator is able to circulate air over an area of ​​10 to 90 m2.

The higher the aerator is located, the more thrust it creates. The length of the pipe ranges from 0.3 to 0.6 m. The accepted distance from the roof ridge is 0.6–0.9 m. Often, in addition to standard equipment, a deflector is used, which is located on top of the aerator. This combination accelerates air flow and prevents snow grains from entering during storms and heavy winds.

Video: what aerators are for

Installation of aerators is carried out before installation of shingles.

  1. In the allotted place, using an electric jigsaw, an oval hole is cut out in the shape of an aerator pipe. An additional layer of hydroprotection is mounted on the crate around the hole.

    The place where the aerator passes through the roof is additionally insulated with a layer of lining carpet

  2. Next, a passage element is mounted on the roof, which is pre-lubricated with bituminous mastic.

    The aerator passage element is installed on bituminous mastic and additionally fixed with roofing nails

  3. At the end, the device is completely assembled by passing a ventilation pipe into the passage element.

Video: instructions for installing an aerator on a soft roof

Installing a dropper on a soft roof

The cornice strip, or drip, serves to compensate for the surface tension of water and the wetting of the end elements of the cornice associated with this phenomenon. It is a plate made of galvanized sheet metal (rarely made of plastic), bent at an angle. Some masters neglect this element, believing that installation is enough downpipes. But practice shows the opposite. The service life of a wooden roof structure with the use of a drip is significantly extended.

The dropper protects the frontal board from getting wet and helps to remove condensate from the under-roof space

Installation is carried out after the completion of the waterproofing carpet. The dropper is nailed and additionally fixed with flat head screws. At the junction of two plates (the length of which is usually 2 m), the joining angle is cut off. The size of the overlap is about 5 cm. The location of the lower part of the dropper is the receiver of the drainage system. With a total length of the apron of 35-40 cm, ¼ remains straight, and ¾ is bent in the form of letters U or V. The bend angle is from 100 to 130 degrees.

The shape of the dropper is selected based on the configuration of the cornice or overhang

It is not recommended to cut metal droppers with a grinder or an electric jigsaw. The high temperature during cutting melts the polymer protective layer, so favorable conditions for the development of corrosion arise at the cutting site. The best option for cutting galvanized sheet is to use metal shears.

Several types of cornice strips are available. This is due to the fact that there are various soft roof systems, including materials such as roofing material, roofing felt and PVC membranes.

Video: installation of eaves and end strips

Ventilated ridge on a bitumen roof

The problem of ventilation of the under-roof space is solved in two ways. The first is the installation of ready-made aerators, and the second is the independent manufacture of a ventilated ridge for a soft roof.

When installing a ventilated ridge at the points of contact between the ridge strip and the roofing, it is necessary to lay a special sealant that allows air to pass through and retains snow, dirt and foreign objects

The ventilated ridge performs the following functions:

  • ensuring the necessary air circulation under the roof;
  • removal of vaporous moisture;
  • prevent water condensation.

With well-organized ventilation, negative phenomena associated with seasonal climate changes are minimized:

  • ice buildup on roof overhangs and cornices in winter;
  • the accumulation of hot air masses in the attic in the summer.

When manufacturing and installing a ventilated ridge, the procedure is as follows.

Previously, an indent of 150–200 mm is made from the edge of the ridge, and a slot 25–50 mm wide is cut out along the entire length of the ridge run at the base of the tile.

Thus, the ventilated ridge is an additional small "roof" over the junction of the roof slopes.

Video: how to install roof ventilation

Installation of lightning protection on a roof with a soft roof

Every house, especially a wooden one, needs lightning protection. For different types roofs have developed all kinds of lightning protection. Soft roofing is no exception, for bituminous coatings either use a mesh of metal wires (located every 6 or 12 meters) passing along the ridge, or mount masts with a stretched cable.

Strictly speaking, lightning protection consists of three parts:

  • lightning rod located on the roof;

    Using a megohmmeter, measurements are taken resistivity grounding section, as well as the resistance of the spreading of electric charge

    If there is an act on the conducted tests of lightning protection, insurance companies estimate the structure much higher and lower the coefficient of possible risks. Cables from the home electrical network are also connected to the ground loop. This reduces the possibility of a fire.

    Video: installation of lightning protection on the roof of a house

    Taking into account the above features, the installation of a soft roof is not very difficult. Labor costs and the number of workers are minimal. However, do not forget about personal safety measures when assembling the roofing. It is extremely dangerous to perform high-altitude work without safety ammunition and a partner. You need special shoes with non-slip soles. Installation is recommended to be carried out in the summer season in clear weather.