Storing potatoes in the kitchen. How and where to properly store potatoes at home: useful tips. Preparing potatoes for long-term storage - photo

Greetings dear readers of the magazine!

Everyone undoubtedly loves potatoes. We eat it all year round, so storing it during the winter is so important for us. Today we will look at how to store potatoes at home: what to do to prevent potatoes from spoiling in winter, how to prepare tubers for storage, where to store them and what conditions to observe so that their taste does not disappear.

Which varieties are best stored?

Medium and late ripening varieties store well.

  1. Early varieties: Timo, Impala, Borodyansky, Khozyayushka, Rocco, Aurora, Pirol.
  2. Mid-early varieties: Nevsky, Russian Souvenir, Odyssey.
  3. Mid-late and late-ripening: Skarb, Slavyanka, Kolobok, Chaika, Temp, Gatchinsky, Atlant.

Harvesting time for storage in winter

The tubers ripen in about 90 days from the moment of planting - the collection time depends on the day of planting. Of course, everything is relative, focus on the weather and your preferences.

Generally accepted harvest times for potatoes:

  • At the end of July and beginning of August, early potato varieties are harvested.
  • From August 10 to August 30 – medium ripening varieties.
  • From the end of August to September 15 - late varieties.

You can dig up potatoes after the 15th, but there is a danger of exposing the tubers to excess moisture due to autumn rains.

Preparation for storage

Let's look at several steps to prepare fruits for storage.

Step 1: Sort

Large ones are for food, medium ones are for planting next year, small ones are for animal feed or destruction.

Step 2. Select affected tubers

Rotten, diseased, infected with fungal bacterial infection tubers must be destroyed to prevent diseases from spreading.

Step 3. Remove soil and dry properly

Do not dry potatoes in the sun: they may turn green. Choose a place in the shade or in a dark room. The tubers need to be kept in a scattered state for 7-12 days so that they are completely dry and ready for long-term storage.

Step 4. Wash in manganese water solution

This procedure is not necessary, but it helps to significantly improve the preservation of tubers. I always do this. I pour warm water into 2 basins and dissolve manganese in it until bright Pink colour. I wash the potatoes first in one basin, then in another. Afterwards, you need to dry the tubers very well, scattering them so that they do not touch each other and turning them over every day.

Potatoes washed in manganese last all winter, “like new.” It is pleasant to use because it is clean and does not rot.

To prevent potatoes from rotting and getting sick, follow these four tips:

  • store different varieties separately;
  • dig up potatoes in dry weather;
  • Destroy damaged potatoes immediately;
  • make sure that the potatoes are well ripened and have strong skins; to do this, you need to mow the tops 2 weeks before digging up the tubers.

Storage conditions

Let us now look at the conditions that you must comply with.


Try to keep the storage temperature approximately the same at all times. If you do not comply with this requirement and allow the temperature to drop sharply and rise sharply, the potatoes will begin to freeze, therefore, they will spoil faster and beneficial features will decrease.

To slow down potato germination, place 2-3 apples in a box.

Cover the potatoes with a cotton rag or burlap. Uncovered potatoes can freeze if the temperature drops suddenly.

The optimal storage temperature in winter should be from +2 to +4 degrees, up to +10 C is acceptable, but no more. At higher temperatures, the tubers are stored for about a month, then they lose moisture, shrink and begin to germinate.

To monitor your temperature, install a thermometer and monitor changes constantly. When the temperature drops, cover the potatoes; when the temperature rises, turn on the ventilation or open additional air vents.

If the temperature in the storage drops to -1 degree or lower, the potatoes freeze and become sweet, and then quickly spoil.

Potatoes may “depart” from freezing. To do this, you need to bring it into a room with a temperature of +10 degrees for 2 weeks - the taste will gradually be restored.

Air humidity

The air humidity in the storage should be 70-85%. To measure it, purchase a special device - a hygrometer. To combat excess moisture, you can cover the floor with moisture-absorbing materials - quartz sand, pebbles.

Beets absorb moisture very well - spread them in a thin layer directly on the potatoes.

Provide good air circulation to help regulate humidity. High humidity provokes the appearance of fungus, low humidity causes changes in structure and flabbiness. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and maintain optimal humidity in the storage.


There should be no constant light in the storage, otherwise the potatoes will turn green. In the light, the production of a toxic substance, solanine, increases, which gives green color peel.


There are special containers for potatoes and other vegetables:

  1. Wooden boxes are considered the best storage containers. The open top and loose planks promote good air exchange.
  2. Plastic containers are good because they can be placed one on top of the other; there is always a gap between them, so ventilation occurs. This is a neat, clean and not at all expensive container. Often such vegetable containers are simply thrown away by hypermarkets - you can get them for free.
  3. Their canvas bags are great for winter storage of potatoes. They can be stacked on top of each other if you need to save space.

Polypropylene bags can only be used for transporting potatoes; they are not suitable for winter storage, since the potatoes will not “breathe” in them.

If there are mice in the garage, use iron barrels and metal mesh.

If the room is not flooded and there are no rodents in it, store potatoes without a container. Place the tubers in bulk in a fenced off corner, in a pile no more than 1.5 meters.

Where to store potatoes

There are several rooms in which owners store potatoes.

In the cellar

A cellar is a special room buried in the ground under a house that can hold a large amount of supplies for the winter. This is an ideal place for storage, since light does not penetrate there and the temperature is basically always the same - 4-6 degrees. Under these conditions, potatoes can be stored for up to 10 months.

Often in the cellar, the “bulk” type of storage is used, that is, the potatoes are scattered directly on the ground in a heap of up to 1.5 meters. To prevent it from freezing from the ground, you need to make a wooden pallet or a pallet of straw and burlap.

In the basement

The basement is great for storing potatoes, as it maintains temperature and is well ventilated. It must be dry and clean. Before adding tubers, the walls of the basement must be whitened: for 10 liters of water, 2 kg of slaked lime and 200 g of copper sulfate. After disinfection, the basement must be thoroughly dried.

In a special vegetable pit

The vegetable pit is built separately from a residential private house, digs about 1.7 m and is well insulated. Pallets, shelves and storage boxes are installed in the pit. In a properly organized pit, potatoes are perfectly preserved, do not rot or get sick.

In a box on the balcony

Most common way storing potatoes on the balcony - in a specially prepared insulated box. My parents have a box with electrical temperature control installed on their balcony. The apartment has a sensor that shows the temperature in the box, and if it rises or falls, it can be adjusted. It is very comfortable. Such boxes are always on sale.

In the hallway and in the closet in a special box

In the corridor the temperature is always lower than in the apartment, so installing a box for storing potatoes will good decision. Of course, you need to inspect the potatoes for rottenness and disease, sort them out more often and prevent spoilage.

In the garage

A vegetable pit is usually built in the garage to store supplies for the winter. It preserves potatoes perfectly. In insulated garages, vegetables can be stored on specially installed shelves, or simply in bags, or in bulk on a pallet in the corner of the garage.

Storing seed potatoes

The best medium-sized tubers are laid for seeds, from under a bush in which approximately 7-8 potatoes were collected, and 4 of them should be large. The skin of such tubers should be dense. In order for it to harden before digging, it is necessary to mow the tops 2 weeks before harvesting.

The weight of the tubers should be at least 100 g; over the winter the tubers will “shrink” to 80-90 g.

You need to inspect the potatoes very carefully. Select tubers without rhizoctonia tubercles, rot spots, or visible mechanical damage.

There is a “curing” period for seed potatoes: so that the skin becomes harder, stronger, rougher, the potatoes are kept in a ventilated, bright room for 2 weeks. During this time, it manages to get stronger and then withstands the winter storage period perfectly. We select the most beautiful and clean tubers and store them in wooden boxes with lattice sides and bottom. It’s good if the place allows you to put the tubers in one layer; if this is not possible, we lay them in layers and place dry leaves of rowan, wormwood, and snot between them (for 100 kg of potatoes, 2 kg of dry grass).

Seed potatoes must be sorted 1-2 times during the winter. Remove spoiling tubers and tubers with long shoots.


How to store sliced ​​potatoes

Simply put the chopped potatoes in water and put them in the refrigerator. This way it will keep for 3-4 hours and won’t even darken at all.

I do this if I need to boil potatoes before the arrival of guests or my loved ones, and then there will be no time to peel them.


Today we have looked at the methods, places and necessary conditions for better storage of potatoes. We found out what sub-zero temperatures the tubers can withstand. Now you know how to preserve your favorite vegetable in order to prepare delicious, hot, healthy dishes from it in winter.

What are your favorite potato dishes? Tell us in the comments how you store potatoes and what dishes you prepare from them. Look in the recipes section and read about soups, salads and potato sauces.

Potatoes are present on every table on weekdays and holidays in the form of a separate dish or side dish.

Considering that most of the population lives in apartments, and potatoes are practically a “second bread”, you should familiarize yourself with the simple rules for storing root vegetables in an apartment.

How to ensure optimal storage conditions for potatoes?

People living in private houses have fewer problems , since they have a cellar or basement and it is easier to provide the necessary storage conditions. Harvesting occurs in early autumn, and it is necessary to ensure its preservation until spring.

It is necessary to store in such a way as to prevent rotting or freezing of the tubers, to protect them from drying out and the appearance of sprouts.

If storage conditions do not comply with the following rules, then chemical processes begin that deteriorate the quality of the product:

  1. Root vegetables need to be cleared of soil, select from them healthy fruits, throw away rotten, cracked, infected, cut ones.
  2. Tubers are stored longer if, after being removed from the ground, they are left to fresh air within 1-2 hours to dry. This time is enough for initial drying, otherwise the tubers will get burned.
  3. The potatoes are then transferred to the shelter To avoid direct contact with moisture, keep it this way for 12-14 days. During this period, the surface of the fruit will dry out and harden, which will serve as a natural barrier to the entry of harmful microorganisms.
  4. After secondary drying, the potatoes are removed to a cooler place, Temperatures from +2 to +4 °C are suitable. Biochemical processes in the root crop will slow down.
  5. Potatoes should not get wet throughout storage.
  6. Should not be used as a container for. Ordinary nets, burlap, and paper bags are better suited.
  7. It is optimal to store potatoes of any variety at +3 °C. Increasing the heat by even one degree will dramatically reduce the ability to withstand long-term storage of any variety.
  8. The same rule for all methods is the absence of light. If the sun hits the fruits, they will gradually begin to turn green. Such fruits should not be eaten.
  9. Potatoes are sometimes sprayed with special preparations, but only planting material should be processed.

Storing potatoes in a room or hallway

In winter, the temperature in a living room ranges from +20 to +24 °C, which is unacceptable for long-term preservation of tubers. Trying to store the product in the kitchen under the sink or next to the balcony door will have no effect.

The maximum shelf life indoors is about 10-14 days. Next comes a period of rotting and drying.

In the kitchen

The kitchen is not the place where potatoes should be stored. There are frequent temperature changes due to the use of the stove. Storing under the sink creates additional moisture.

You can store supplies in the kitchen only in quantities that are intended for family consumption within 2-3 days. A small container, a cardboard box, is suitable for these purposes. We can talk about 3-5 kg, which will quickly be used up.

Storing potatoes in the refrigerator: is it possible or not?

An argument against storing root vegetables in the refrigerator is that the starch contained in potatoes is converted into sugar in the refrigerator.

But this argument does not stand up to criticism, since in the main compartment of the refrigerator the temperature is from +3 to +5 ° C, that is, optimal for storage. There is also an opinion that high humidity in the refrigerator will lead to rotting of the product.

However, in older refrigerators, the humidity level is approximately the same as it should be - 80%. New refrigerators use the “No Frost” system, which implies low humidity; the system takes away excess water. Thus, the potatoes will not have time to rot; they will rather dry out.

Refrigerator storage is fine, but it should only hold a small amount for 2-3 days of use. Placing a refrigerator on the balcony to store potatoes is possible, but this is not the optimal solution.

Is it possible to store potatoes in the pantry?

There are apartments where there is no heating in the storage rooms. For root crops, these conditions are still better than living quarters. The product will keep in the pantry until the end of January.

It should be taken into account that the humidity in the rooms is quite low. To maintain it normal level, you can put a container of water or hang wet rags and wet them periodically.

On the balcony

The storage container is made of high-quality wood and insulation so that it will last for several years, otherwise you will have to assemble a box for vegetables from scrap materials every year.

The bottom must be raised by 15 cm, the height of the side should be about 1-1.5 m. The structure must be covered with a lid on top. Depending on the size of the balcony, various options are possible.

Option 1

Assemble a large box according to the width of the balcony, the length is determined by the need for. A smaller structure is placed in the first box so that the gap between the walls is at least 12-15 cm.

It is better to avoid using sawdust and wood shavings as insulation. You can take sheets of foam plastic 10 cm thick, or a sheet of Penoplex 5 cm thick, or 2 sheets of 2 cm each. In the second case, the foam is placed between the sheets of Penoplex.

The bottom is insulated only with Penoplex, 5 cm thick. The sockets are screwed to the inner walls and 2 light bulbs, previously painted in a dark color, are inserted. Such a box can withstand frost down to -30 °C, maintaining a temperature of +7 °C inside.

Option 2

If the balcony is small, then installing the box is problematic. It is better to use thermal containers. Their advantage is that they are equipped with a thermostat. The disadvantage is obvious: the product consumes electricity.

To reduce the humidity level, you should cover the tubers onion skins and chalk, you can lay dried elderberries, mint, and a layer of straw.

If shoots appear, put apples or mint leaves in the box. Storing these products together will ensure their long-term preservation.

How to increase shelf life?

By following a number of rules, you can extend the shelf life of tubers:

  • arrange layers of potatoes with dry plants (fern, wormwood) or pine/spruce branches;
  • add fresh mint to the container, it will inhibit germination;
  • To reduce the risk of rotting, you can sprinkle the tubers with grated garlic, 100 g per 100 kg of potatoes.


Cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, plastic containers with holes for ventilation, nets, and burlap can be used.


The optimal temperature range is from +3 to +5 °C. If the temperature is higher than this, the potatoes will last no longer than 3 months and will quickly begin to germinate. Due to low temperatures, root vegetables become sweet in taste and rot from the inside.


Fungus occurs when there is high humidity. If the humidity is below normal, the tubers change structure and become flabby. The optimal level is 80%.


With prolonged natural or artificial light, potatoes begin to produce solanine; eating it is fraught with severe poisoning.

The poison is deposited in the peel and gives it a greenish color. Eating such a product is strictly prohibited.

Possible mistakes

The following mistakes are often made during storage:

  • Not all varieties tolerate storage equally: preference should be given to mid-ripening or late-ripening varieties;
  • Sorting cannot be neglected: if you store tubers of different quality together without sorting, you can lose the entire harvest;
  • do not store root vegetables together with other vegetables , the exception is beets, as they draw out excess moisture.


It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity, light, temperature conditions, choose the right varieties suitable for long-term storage.

To achieve long-term preservation, the fruits must be sorted periodically. Following these simple rules will allow you to save your harvest until spring.

Potato storage conditions:

Potatoes are carefully sorted before storage. Tubers affected by rot and photoblight, with a foreign odor, of dubious appearance are thrown away, the remaining ones are dried in the fresh air under the sun.

How exactly to organize it at home largely depends on the specific room in which the root crop will be located.

In a room or hallway

In well-heated residential rooms, potatoes will be stored for several weeks.. The chances of preserving the harvest will increase significantly if the tubers are laid out in different places, for example, some in the pantry and some on the balcony.

In the kitchen

  1. Choose a dark, well-ventilated corner. Most often, the most convenient (and only) place is under the sink. You can use a special cabinet for storing vegetables with ventilation holes.
  2. A suitable sized wooden tray, birch bark container or wicker basket with selected tubers is placed in the selected niche.

In the pantry

Storerooms in apartments are most often not heated, and potatoes can be stored there until spring.

An option for storing potatoes in a residential area may be permanent storage in a pantry or hallway. You don’t have to come up with thermal insulation; it’s enough to protect the tubers from light with the same rags.

  1. The potatoes are placed in selected bags made of natural, breathable material. They are not covered or wrapped up.
  2. To prevent the tubers from withering, a wet cloth is hung in the room, which is moistened as it dries. You can put two or three basins with water and use an electric humidifier.

On the balcony

  1. A smaller box is placed in a large wooden box. The distance between the walls (which should be at least 10-12 cm) is filled with insulation: wood shavings, sawdust or crushed foam. The bottom and lid are also insulated. The inner box should be without holes or cracks, with 2-3 light bulbs of 15 watts, painted dark (so that the potatoes do not turn green).
  2. Potatoes prepared for storage are poured into a box and wrapped on top with old clothes or a thick blanket. You can add fresh straw on top. In such a storage tubers are stored at temperatures up to +7 degrees and are not afraid of street frosts.

For small balconies, where there is no room for massive structures, special thermal containers are offered, compact and aesthetically beautiful. Using a thermostat, you can set the desired temperature inside and forget about the storage problem for a long time.

You can reduce the humidity level in the box by sprinkling the potatoes with onion peels and chalk, or by placing a couple of bags with dried elderberry or mint leaves on the bottom.

To prevent potatoes from sprouting, you can put a layer of straw as a layer in the box.

How to increase shelf life?

Storage boxes are pre-treated. It is necessary to treat with a disinfecting solution of copper sulfate, bleach or a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry it outside. Tubers in boxes are covered with spruce and pine branches and placed with beets, which draw out excess moisture. You can find out more about how to store potatoes in a box.

Possible mistakes

First, let's talk about the most common errors during storage that lead to potato damage or reduction. taste qualities:

  1. Poor quality sorting.
  2. Placement of early ripening varieties that are not suitable for long-term storage.
  3. Store side by side with other vegetables and fruits.
  4. Unsuitable storage conditions.
  5. Incorrectly chosen or insufficiently prepared place.

We invite you to watch a video about the most common mistakes made when storing potatoes:


The first frost will gladly ruin all the stored tubers if the owner does not arrange it in advance. What kind of tricks do you have to go to in this case! If there is no balcony, you can store potatoes in the winter in an apartment in dark place . But, knowing the basic rules and listening to the recommendations of experienced gardeners, you can treat your loved ones with nutritious and delicious dishes from home supplies.

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Potato tubers retain their taste until a new harvest appears. By preparing vegetables in the fall and storing them properly, you can save your family budget (potatoes are more expensive in winter), while enjoying your favorite dishes on weekdays and holidays. The features of storing potatoes in an apartment will be discussed in this review.

Where is the best place to store potatoes in an apartment?

Storing potatoes in winter - one of the important issues that residents of apartment buildings have to solve. There are several methods that can be used to keep tubers in good marketable condition until the next harvest.

Before storing, you need to prepare the tubers:

  • by appearance: potatoes should be dry, firm, with healthy skin (no spots or sprouts);
  • by size and shelf life: the largest ones are stored for an average period (depending on the variety, up to 4–4.5 months); average - up to 5–6 months; small ones, cut during harvesting, with damage, should be eaten before everyone else, having previously been taken into a separate container.

Did you know? The Frenchman Antoine-Auguste Parmentier cunningly spread potatoes among his compatriots: carefully guarding them during the day and giving them the opportunity to steal a few tubers at night in order to try what kind of secret plant the agronomist so protects.

In the pantry

The pantry will serve as a good potato storage room at home if you properly prepare the room for receiving the harvest:

  1. Dry the room by ventilating or installing a fan heater.
  2. Whitewash the walls for disinfection, ventilate after treatment.

It is better to store potatoes in a wicker basket with a lid, if there is none. - in a wooden box, metal container with a lid, having previously made holes for ventilation. Paper and woven bags are suitable. The most extreme way is to bulk it, but this way the potatoes will spoil faster.

And access to other products will be inconvenient. The difficulty of storing in a pantry lies in poor ventilation, a possible increase in humidity and temperature, which will lead to spoilage of the tubers and the rapid spread of rot.

In the corridor or entrance

The technical corridors are less heated, so vegetables are preserved better there. The negative point is the possibility of crop theft. If the entrance is guarded, then by equipping the box with potatoes with a strong lock, you can save supplies until spring.

Important! To prevent the potatoes from fogging, you need to cover the top layer with matting or burlap.

On the balcony

A ventilated, less heated room in many apartments has a balcony. By making a mini-refrigerator made of wood or plywood with double walls and insulation, the potatoes are stored there all winter.

The downside is that space is limited; on an unglazed balcony, without additional insulation measures, vegetables will deteriorate irrevocably in severe frosts.

In a refrigerator

The tubers will be well preserved in the kitchen in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment. The problem is quantity: you can’t fill the entire volume with potatoes. This way you can only save a few kilograms.

Important! The best storage temperature for potatoes- +2°С...+4°С.

Types of containers for storing potatoes

How to increase the shelf life of potatoes

To preserve the tubers for a long period, there are several tricks:

  1. After purchasing or harvesting, you should not immediately store potatoes. “Quarantine” will show spoiled tubers for 10 days that need to be removed from the main quantity.
  2. Green potatoes cannot be stored: they contain poisonous solanine.
  3. Arranging vegetables with layers of pine needles and rowan leaves containing phytoncides will increase shelf life and preserve appearance tubers.
  4. Dry wormwood, fern and elderberry, placed in bags or boxes, will also protect against the formation of rot.
  5. Applying mint leaves to the tubers slows down their germination.
  6. Ginger and beets feel better next to potatoes, at the same time removing excess moisture, reducing the risk of rotting.

Which varieties are best stored?

Medium and late potato varieties retain their taste and appearance throughout the winter:

  • Fun;
  • Mriya;
  • Nevsky;
  • Space;
  • Condor;
  • Chervona rue;
  • Slav.

Early ripening varieties suitable for storage:

  • Serpanok;
  • Red Scarlet.

To choose the right variety for storage, it is better to consult with experienced vegetable growers.

Possible mistakes

In order for potatoes to be stored all winter, it is important to avoid mistakes:

  • do not fill the tubers without sorting and checking for diseases;
  • do not dry out the air in the room where vegetables are stored: ventilate when the humidity rises, place a damp cloth or periodically spray walls that are too dry;
  • do not leave potatoes even in an insulated box on the balcony in frosty weather; during this period they need to be moved to the apartment;
  • Do not store vegetables in a plastic bag for a long time, this will lead to rot.

If stored correctly, potatoes will not lose their taste until a new harvest appears.

Did you know?Peter the Great distributed tubers of potatoes he liked for the taste to the governors for planting, without explaining the technology. Having grown the “harvest” in pots and tasted the fruits, which were acrid and bitter, the officials immediately forgot about the sovereign’s whim.

Thus, having prepared in advance for storing a significant amount of potatoes in the apartment and observing simple conditions, you can provide your family with a supply of vegetables for the whole winter and not worry about rising prices for them in the winter or about their marketability on the shelves of shops and markets in severe frosts .