Cover the hexagonal gazebo with a soft roof. Roof on a hexagonal gazebo. Choosing roofing material for the gazebo

When building a gazebo, special attention should be paid to its roof. It is the roof that takes the brunt of the damage from precipitation and sun rays. The roof of the gazebo made of soft tiles looks great. In addition to good design, the roof is durable. In addition, you can install it yourself.

Material advantages

It is convenient to work with soft, flexible or bitumen shingles. Its installation technology is simple and straightforward, and it is light in weight. The components are attached with glue; additional fixation is achieved with nails. If you want, you don't even need the help of a partner.

This material has a lot of advantages

The thing that speaks most clearly about flexible tiles is their strengths. It is created on a bitumen basis. It may seem that the tiles create only a decorative effect, but this is not so. It contains additives that give strength to the material. That is why soft tiles are wear-resistant and last a long time. This kind of material is the best choice to cover the gazebo. It is lightweight, takes almost any shape, and cuts without problems.

The main thing is to lay the roof according to certain rules. This will eliminate the possibility of leaks.

In addition to the above nuances, the advantages of bitumen shingles include:

  • good noise-absorbing properties;
  • quick drying;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • resistance to deformation and external influences.

Video: “Laying bitumen shingles on the roof of a gazebo”

In this video you will learn how to lay shingles.

Preparatory activities

Proper preparation is the key to successful construction. This stage includes drawing up a project and all kinds of calculations. This is necessary so that there are no hiccups during the work process. Based on the project, you will determine how much material is needed and what the roof will approximately look like.

Most manufacturers sell tiles in standard sizes. Packaging is 3 sq. m of coverage. How many resources will be spent depends on the area and shape of the roof. The easiest way is to calculate how much it will cost for a gable roof. The area is calculated using the formulas set out in any geometry textbook.

We recommend buying bitumen shingles with a reserve, since during the work process you will probably need to overspend for an unforeseen event. Don't be afraid to use a calculator for calculations. If you have engineer friends, their help will be useful.

When preparing, it is important to take care of waterproofing. It comes in one, two and three layers. Single-layer membranes are the simplest and most affordable; they are designed to retain moisture and not release steam. This material is quite rare to find; it is mainly used to protect the attic or attic.

Two- and three-layer membranes are much stronger. This is achieved due to a special layer in the material. The third layer is needed for adsorption. This means that even condensation will be absorbed into the membrane without getting on other materials.

Laying technology

The roof will last a long time if it is installed correctly. We will need not only high-quality material, but also a set of tools:

  • knife for cutting on the roof;
  • hammer;
  • metal scissors;
  • roulette;
  • for working in cold weather – a hair dryer.

Before laying the roof, you need to prepare the surface. We install sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or OSB on the roof rafters. The nuances of designing the flooring depend on the type of gazebo. Usually boards are used. They should be smooth and even. The boards are connected to the rafters using nails. If the gazebo is used exclusively in summer, the covering does not need insulation. It is enough to fix the tiles with glue and process the top gas burner.

Don't forget about the appropriate tool

If the gazebo is glazed and is used not only in spring and summer, the roof must be insulated. Bituminous shingles are installed on the deck with screws. This is important to do, since a significant drawback of flexible tiles is low thermal protection. Without insulation, the room will be cold in winter.

Regarding the features of the workflow:

  1. You need to lay the sheets from the bottom, from the edge of the roof.
  2. Prepare the surface before work.
  3. We install vapor and waterproofing.
  4. The first layer is attached along the bottom edge. We remove all excess from the material.
  5. We mount the next one on top of the first sheet, going from bottom to top.
  6. The skates are also made of tiles. The sheets are cut crosswise. The resulting fragments should have the shape of a trapezoid. They are installed when the entire roof is covered with tiles.

Its further use depends on how the material is laid. Having done everything correctly, you can be sure: flexible tiles will last a long time, reliably protecting you from frost and precipitation.

Planks and drain

Some parts of the roof need additional strengthening. Cornice, pediment and steel strips are designed to provide it. Where the edges of the shingles do not overlap, there is a risk of scuffing, detachment during gusts of wind, and excessive precipitation. Iron strips will increase the mechanical stability of the sheathing. They are installed using nails with an overlap of 3–5 cm.

To quickly remove moisture, it is important to equip the roof with a drain. How best to do this depends on the design features and the placement of drains near the eaves. Gutter elements are attached to the sheathing or eaves strips with brackets. Then the gutters are hung.


Every user is interested in the roof serving as long as possible. Taking into account the reliability and wear resistance of flexible tiles, this can really be achieved. In order for the material to last as long as possible, cladding is required, which consists of laying shingles.

First of all, markings. Parallel to the eaves overhang or ridge, draw lines along the perimeter of the slope. Lines are drawn perpendicular to the previous marking for each vertical row. This will create a grid for adjusting the side of each shingle. If necessary, adjustments can be made to the design.

By zone, installation is divided into:

  1. Cornice row. It is formed from ordinary shingles or ridge-eaves strips. Mounted on top of a steel cornice strip.
  2. First row. If the length of the slope is significant, work begins from the middle. The distance from the cornice row is 1–2 cm.
  3. Subsequent rows are formed from the center. The petals of the pattern shift according to the patterns of the front part. The bottom edge of the shingle should be flush with the top of the bottom shingle cutout.

Proper cladding will protect the roof well, extending its service life.

Junction nodes

The junctions are made using triangular slats nailed at the corners of the joints. This allows the soft tiles to be firmly secured. The work process involves unraveling the timber. The surface of the wall must be leveled in advance with plaster or putty. A piece of valley carpet is glued onto the mastic on top of the shingles. It is covered from above with a metal strip, the upper side of which is embedded in the seams of the masonry.

Flexible tiles are an expensive, modern and reliable material for roofing. On average, it will last 10–15 years. This period may vary depending on installation technology and climatic conditions. In addition to good performance indicators, bitumen shingles are attractive appearance. A roof based on this material perfectly complements the gazebo and creates an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

A gazebo for a home owner is a kind of place to relax. In it you can have fun with your family friends, breathing fresh air and enjoying nature, and you can also relax quietly, enjoying the singing of birds. In any case, every self-respecting homeowner wants such a structure to decorate his estate. A large terrace, a trimmed lawn and a beautiful wooden gazebo - all this is real.

But, at some stage of the construction of this small and light building, one important question arises: how to cover the roof of the gazebo? After all, the frame itself is most often made of metal, wood or bricks. What about the roof? The choice depends on many factors. In this article you will learn what options there are for constructing a gazebo roof.

Gazebo roof - features of choice

Below we will look at what types of roofs for gazebos can be built. But, there are some selection features that are important to consider before making a roof on a gazebo with your own hands. What are they?

  1. If the roof is too flat, snow will linger on it in winter. This will result in the structure being subjected to additional loads. If, when making drawings, you do not take this into account, then the roof of the gazebo may not withstand the weight.
  2. When you make a large slope of the roof, there is a risk that it will not withstand strong wind pressure and may collapse.
  3. In the case when you want to place a barbecue or barbecue in the gazebo, the roof must be made fireproof. To prevent the seating area you have made from catching fire, an additional chimney is installed, and slate, tiles or metal profiles are selected as the roofing.

By taking these features into account, you can make your gazebo safe and durable.

Roof options for gazebos

The gazebo is special in that its design is small, and this allows you to realize the most interesting ideas regarding the roof. If we talk about roofing options, there are a lot of them. We found as many as 11 types of roofs for gazebos that can be implemented on your site:

As you can see, the choice for an open gazebo is really large. Some options are very difficult to perform, but they look beautiful, while others are simple, but not so impressive. What kind of design to make is up to you. Focus on your own strengths and skills.

Note! The more complex the design, the more funds and materials will be spent on its construction.

But, sometimes you may be limited in your choices. It's all about the design of the gazebo. After all, it often becomes an addition to the main building. This attached gazebo is oriented towards the main building and follows its roof shape. The extension cannot have a tent or dome structure. But the choice of material will be easier, because the reference point will be the roof of the veranda or house. The gazebo should be covered with this type of covering so as not to stand out and fit harmoniously into the architecture. This concerns attached structures, for ordinary gazebos you can choose any roof shape and material for its covering.

We've figured out the roof structures, now let's look at how to cover the roof of the gazebo.

Roofing materials

If we consider all roofing materials, they can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Hard products.
  2. Soft goods.

Each type has its pros and cons. For example, rigid structures are easy to install, they are durable, do not burn, are practical and reliable. But, due to its structure, it will be very difficult to cover the domed roof of the gazebo. You will end up with a lot of waste, and the gazebo itself will not look very attractive. In addition, such coatings are quite noisy. The rain will patter loudly on the metal surface.

If we talk about soft roofing, then it is ideal for complex structures roofs. It is easy to work with, it has an attractive appearance, good waterproofing properties, and is also absolutely silent. Disadvantages include short service life, flammability and unreliability.

Representatives of the first group: metal, ceramic composite tiles, corrugated sheets (metal profiles), slate, polycarbonate.

Representatives of the second group: ondulin, bitumen shingles, roofing felt.

Corrugated sheet

Most often used for single-pitch or double-pitch roofing types. It is characterized by having a smooth surface. In addition, fences are made from corrugated sheets. If you have one, then the gazebo will harmonize perfectly and fit into the overall interior of the house. What are the advantages of the material?

  1. It is easy to work with: transportation, processing, fixing.
  2. It is light in weight, so the rafter system does not have to be powerful.
  3. High strength. Due to the layer of galvanized steel, the material is quite durable against mechanical damage.
  4. The polymer coating protects the metal from corrosion.
  5. The durability of such a roof is guaranteed.
  6. To repair, it is enough to replace the damaged sheet.
  7. Large assortment of colors and designs.
  8. Not afraid of temperature changes.

Gazebos made of metal profiles serve for a long time and delight their owners.

Note! Metal tiles have similar properties. It is more expensive, but more beautiful and reliable.


The material itself looks extraordinary due to its transparency. It is often used for this purpose. Why? It's all about the positives. The main thing is weight. Polycarbonate is quite light, it practically does not load the rafter system. But despite this, it can be called durable. If hard icicles do not fall on the roof, it will last a long time. On top of that, the material is flexible, which makes it easy to work with and cover complex roof shapes.

The versatility of polycarbonate is also pleasing. It will harmonize with any material from which the frame is made: wood, metal or stone. What can we say about temperature changes? He can handle them with ease. But, along with durability and reliability, it has a small drawback - it is easily flammable. Therefore, it is not suitable for gazebos with barbecues.

Soft roof

Roofs made of soft tiles are also no less popular. They are valued for their high elasticity. This property allows you to realize the most different types roofs with mediocre designs. In the photo you can see what a gazebo with such a covering looks like.

In addition, material consumption after all work will be minimal. From this it turns out that this option is quite economical. But, it is important to note one point. For hard materials, the lathing can be done staggered, that is, with a certain step of 50 cm or more. As for soft tiles, you will need a completely solid backing to install them, because the tiles will simply bend. This affects consumption.

Note! Laying tiles is possible with a slope of 11°, ending at 90°.

In addition to the advantages that we discussed above, I would like to note the aesthetic appeal of flexible tiles. Indeed, buildings of this type are very beautiful and look rich. It fits perfectly into any landscape design. In addition, the choice of colors is also large. You can find the perfect option before the roof is ready.

As for roofing felt, another representative of soft roofing, we are not considering it. It is very cheap, short-lived and unpresentable. We do not recommend using it to cover your gazebo. There is a special roofing felt, but it is more rational to use bitumen shingles. As an option, use ondulin. Outwardly it resembles slate, but has much best characteristics. It is easy to work with, practical and durable. To install the roof, you only need a saw and a hammer and nails.

Let's sum it up

The overall appearance of the gazebo depends on what material you choose for the roof. A gazebo is a small structure. Covering it will not require as much material as it would take to build a house. This means that you can choose an expensive and high-quality product that will serve you for many years without any problems. The priority is metal tiles or bitumen shingles. What exactly to choose is up to you.

The roofing material for the gazebo should not be selected simply depending on the type of structure. There are several other factors to consider here. IN retail sales There are many types of these products and the covering for the roof of the gazebo must be selected wisely.

The price of the material will also affect this, because it is quite different. And the ability to install it yourself will also be important; in this case, you can save a decent amount.

So this is exactly the topic we will talk about today. In the video in this article you can see different design solutions, which you can compare and choose the most suitable option.

When thinking about how to cover the roof of a gazebo, first of all, you need to consider what requirements it must meet:

  • The material for the roof of the gazebo must be strong enough. After all, sometimes there is hail and strong wind. This shouldn't damage it;
  • The roof material for the gazebo must be sealed and not allow water to pass through;
  • Also, when choosing, you should study the instructions, because it must tolerate elevated temperatures:
  • The gazebo roof covering should be durable and not require expensive maintenance.

Layout and design of gazebos

When thinking about how to cover the roof of a gazebo, one cannot help but pay attention to the design of the building itself. When building a gazebo, there are no special requirements for its design.

This is due to some features of this type of structure:

  • It can be built anywhere in a summer cottage.
  • The main condition for choosing a location is convenience for the owners.
  • Such a lightweight structure does not require the construction of a foundation.
  • When designing, the gazebo fits into the main landscape design, and not vice versa.

Despite this, when designing it, its appearance is not neglected, functionality and practicality.

  • Much attention should be paid to the shape of the roof, as well as the selection of roofing material. In general, the shape of the roof practically corresponds to the chosen shape of the gazebo, but in some cases you can get creative.
  • The shape of the roof depends on the specific project and is intended to maximize the protection of the inside of the gazebo from precipitation.

The shape of the gazebo can be any: square or polygonal, the shape of the roof is also different:

Tent shape Widely used due to its simplicity of design and reliability. In addition, this roof shape maximizes the protection of the gazebo structure from rain, and in winter does not allow large amounts of snow to accumulate on the roof. For example, a gazebo roof made of metal tiles would be an excellent solution.
Domed Used for rectangular gazebo structures (see). In terms of functional characteristics, it is similar to a tent-shaped one, but has some difficulties during its installation.
Single or double slope The simplest for structural reasons, but unable to provide reliable protection from precipitation and wind. And when deciding how to cover the roof of the gazebo, in this option you should pay attention to solid materials. Leafy ones are perfect here. They have high strength and can withstand the required loads.

Attention: When choosing a material for covering it, it is better to give preference to soft materials that can absorb the impact of raindrops.

Materials based on cardboard and bitumen have these characteristics: ondulin, flexible tiles, etc. Despite this condition, any roofing materials can be used, and you can hide from rain and wind inside a solidly built home.

Transparent roof


  • They insulate noise well, protect against high temperatures in hot weather, and retain heat in cold weather. However, for a gazebo such qualities are not necessary. In this case, natural materials are used only because they are environmentally friendly. Roofing made from straw or reeds looks incredibly elegant. Despite all the advantages of such materials, there is one big drawback - a high fire hazard.
  • To make such a roof safe and protect it from possible fire, fire retardants should be used. Straw, reeds or other natural material must be treated with such means. This will allow you to install an ethnic-style roof in the gazebo. However, in this case, special attention should be paid to the height of the chimney pipes.

Attention: Despite the reduced fire hazard due to fire retardants, install roofs from natural materials near fire is not recommended. The covering over the grill must be fire resistant.

  • The roof of the gazebo can be made of shingles (shingles). Shingles are small planks, the thickness of which is approximately 20 mm. The most common version of this material is shingles made from ash or coniferous trees.
  • The shingles are laid overlapping in symmetrical rows, which allows rainwater not to linger on the roof, but to flow down. Straw mats are laid in the same way - overlapping. When it rains, a small amount of water is of course absorbed into the stems of the thatch or reeds. The permissible wetness of this roof is 5-7 cm. However, if it is built correctly, moisture will not seep into the gazebo.
  • When designing a roof made of reeds, straw or reeds, you should remember the roughness of these materials. For example, snow will linger on such a roof, so it is necessary to carry out the calculations correctly. The roof frame should not suffer from high loads.

Roofing materials for the gazebo should be selected depending on the weight and area of ​​the structure. The best roof This is the one that does not allow moisture to pass through and is durable.

After completing the construction of the house and other outbuildings of primary use, it is the turn to equip a recreation area. For relaxation and active leisure, an open or closed gazebo is perfect, which will protect from the scorching sun, creating a pleasant shade. This structure does not have such a unitary function as a garage or shed, therefore special requirements are imposed on the external appearance of the structure. Many homeowners are wondering how to cover the roof of a gazebo so that it looks aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time is inexpensive. In this article we will try to find out which roofing material can be used to construct a reliable roof.

Flexible roofing is a technologically advanced roofing material that can be used to quickly cover the roof of a gazebo. It is made from fiberglass impregnated with modified synthetic rubber or refractory modified bitumen and then covered with a composite coating. The advantage of soft tiles is their highly decorative coating, which has a rich texture and a variety of colors, reminiscent of the shades of traditional clay tiles. The advantages of soft tiles are:

  1. High degree of protection against moisture. The moisture-proof properties of flexible tiles make this material resistant to difficult weather conditions.
  2. A light weight. One square meter of flexible roofing weighs no more than 13 kg, which allows you to save on lumber required for the production of the roof rafter frame.
  3. Ease of installation. Thanks to the self-adhesive layer with which this type of roofing is used, cover the gazebo soft roof you can do it yourself, and you don’t even need an assistant for this.
  4. Silence. The soft roof has a high sound insulation ability, so during rain, hail or wind it does not increase the noise.
  5. Durability. The service life of bituminous shingles reaches 50-70 years, provided they are properly organized roofing pie and timely maintenance of the structure.

Note! Compared to other roofing materials, soft tiles are inexpensive; 1 square meter of this covering, depending on the quality, will cost 500-1600 rubles. However, the cost of the roof also needs to include the cost of continuous OSB sheathing and lining.


Ondulin is a roofing material based on roofing cardboard impregnated with refractory bitumen, which gives it moisture-proof properties. It is made in the form of rectangular sheets measuring 0.95x2.05 meters with a wavy relief reminiscent of slate. This is a practical covering that can be used to cover the roof of a gazebo inexpensively in a matter of hours. It is attached to the sheathing with special roofing screws. This material has the following advantages:

  • A light weight. Ondulin weighs much lighter than bitumen shingles. The weight of each sheet of standard size is 6 kg, which allows you to save on lathing, foundation and rafter frame gazebos.
  • Silence. Ondulin sheets do not have a resonating ability, so they do not amplify the sound of falling drops during rain or hail, but dampen them. This is a useful quality for a gazebo roof, since you often have to wait out bad weather in it.
  • Durability. The service life of ondulin is 20-25 years, however, even after this time it retains its performance properties and simply fades gradually.
  • Weather resistant. Ondulin is highly resistant to atmospheric moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage.

Important! Ondulin is produced in only 4 standard colors, the price of one sheet costs 400-500 rubles, it is cheaper than flexible roofing. However, if you plan to install a barbecue or stove in the gazebo, it is not recommended to use ondulin for roofing, since it is a flammable material.


Polycarbonate is a modern polymer belonging to the category of thermoplastics. It has high light transmittance of 84-92%. To arrange the roof of a gazebo, cellular polycarbonate is most often used, the structure of which consists of cavities formed by internal stiffeners and filled with air. This material has the following advantages:

  1. Flexibility. easy to bend without heat treatment or the use of special equipment along the direction of the honeycomb. Therefore, arched structures, popular in gazebo designs, can be easily made from this roofing covering.
  2. Ease of processing. Cutting and drilling polycarbonate is very simple; a conventional drill and hacksaw are used for this.
  3. A light weight. Polycarbonate is much lighter than bitumen shingles; in addition, this material is laid on a sparse sheathing with a large step between the bars, which is much cheaper than a solid one.
  4. Variety of colors. The material is available in a huge range of colors; polycarbonate can be transparent, translucent or matte, depending on needs.

The cost of a 3.5 mm thick polycarbonate sheet measuring 2x6 m, which is used for roofing, costs 1200-1300 rubles. Therefore, when deciding how to cover the roof of a gazebo, you need to pay special attention to polycarbonate as a practical and durable roofing material.

Video instruction

Gazebo on site country house This perfect place for relaxing, eating and communicating with friends and family. Among other things, a gazebo can be an elegant decoration of the local area, especially if it has an unusual shape - hexagonal. If you decide to implement such an idea, then you need to understand the intricacies of the production process of a hexagonal gazebo. We invite you to learn in detail about how the roof of a hexagonal gazebo is made and whether it is possible to make it yourself.

What to make from

First of all, you need to understand what building material the roof for the hexagonal gazebo is made from. There are two options:

  1. Metal.
  2. Tree.

The choice of material directly depends on what most of the beskdi is made of. If this is a tree, then it would be logical to use timber. If the frame of the entire gazebo is made of a metal corner or profile, then it is better to make the roof for the gazebo also of metal. Although it is possible to combine, but then labor costs will increase significantly, because you need to think about how to connect iron and wood reliably. In this article we will look at an example of manufacturing from iron.

Important! To make the roof of a hexagonal gazebo from iron, you must have welding skills. Although there is a technology for connecting metal profiles without welding, but with bolts. But it will take a lot of time to make the mounting holes.


The basis of any roof is the frame. The frame consists of rafter system, sheathing and other elements that give it special strength and rigidity. The rafter system contains several load-bearing elements. If you compare it with the roof on a house, the difference is only in size. The rest of the manufacturing principle is similar.

The roof must be based on a Mauerlat. This is a special beam that is welded to the vertical pillars of the support along the entire perimeter. This top trim will connect all the elements of the hexagonal gazebo into one structure.

Features of the structure of the rafters

So, as already mentioned, the basis is the rafter legs. It is on them that the entire main burden is placed. For rafters you can use a corner or profile pipe. In addition to the rafters, an important part of the hexagonal roof is the purlin. This is the part of the roof where all the rafters, and there will be six of them, converge at one point. This place is also called the ridge run. There is also a side girder that allows you to securely fix the rafters in a certain position.

Which run to use is determined individually in all cases. So, if during the construction of the gazebo you managed to maintain the correct figure, in which all sides are equal, then the ridge may not be needed. In this case, it is necessary to securely fix all the parts and for this, side girders are used.

But a hexagonal gazebo with an iron roof can be a little oblong. In this case, when constructing the roof, it will be necessary to construct both a ridge and side girder. Among other things, puffs must be used. They mean spacers that diagonally connect the mauerlat and the opposite ends of the rafter leg.

Important! The use of diagonal ties gives the entire structure of the hexagonal iron roof greater rigidity. Due to this, it is much more resistant to external influences.

A stand must also be used. It allows you to adjust the required roof slope. This stand is attached at the intersection of the puffs.

When forming an iron roof for a hexagonal gazebo, or rather, its frame, all of the listed elements are not always used. However, it is still necessary to ensure that the roof is sufficiently rigid and reliable. After all, it is necessary to take into account that it will acquire a certain windage after laying the roofing material.

Advice! You can make a frame for a gazebo with your own hands on the ground. It is important that the surface is smooth. In this case, all you have to do is lift the finished roof up and weld it to the support pillars. This will not be possible if your gazebo is large and it will be difficult to physically raise the roof.

Formation of sheathing

The assembled frame based on the rafter system serves as a good basis for the sheathing. The sheathing is laid perpendicular to the rafter leg. It holds the entire frame together and makes it resistant to stress.

Moreover, the lathing manufacturing technology will largely depend on the selected roofing material. So, if metal tiles are to be laid, then the sheathing should be laid so that the edges of the sheet fall evenly on it. If you plan to use rolled material or soft bitumen shingles, then you need to fix moisture-resistant plywood or other similar board material on top of the metal roof of the hexagonal gazebo.

Moreover, when forming a frame for a gazebo made of polycarbonate or other material, it is necessary to determine whether it will be closed or open. If it is open, then there is no need to sheathe the roof from the inside, except for decorative purposes. If you are building a closed hexagonal gazebo and plan to use it in the winter, then you need to think about how to insulate the iron roof.

How to make a roof deck

So, if the roof frame is completely made and already secured to the support pillars, you can begin the final touch - laying the roofing material. Regardless of whether the roof is flat or sloped, you need to worry about its secure fastening.

Some people decide to cover the roof of a hexagonal iron gazebo with polycarbonate sheets. This material has many advantages. First of all, polycarbonate is light in weight, as a result there will not be a serious load on the building. However, if you do not follow the installation technology, water will leak through the polycarbonate. Therefore, special thermal screws are used for fixation. They use a special sealing rubber, which plays an important role in creating a tight connection. Among other things, you need to purchase a special strip for joining individual polycarbonate sheets.

The situation is completely different if the choice fell on profiled sheets. Their installation is not particularly difficult. It is important to observe the overlap of the material, as well as to correctly form the ridge of the hexagonal iron arbor. From a similar series, we can also mention metal tiles.

Important! Remember, both metal profiles and metal tiles have a special anti-corrosion coating. It provides reliable protection against negative impact moisture. Therefore, during installation work it is extremely important to be careful not to damage it.

When laying roofing material, it is necessary to ensure that each joint is strong. It is necessary to make the correct calculation of the required number of fasteners. For example, one sheet of corrugated board may require about 9 fasteners. However, it is necessary to look at each case individually.

If the roof in a hexagonal gazebo will be insulated, then it is necessary to carry out this work before covering it with roofing material. Due to this, there will be free access from above. But do not forget about organizing a vapor barrier and waterproofing layer. Otherwise, the insulation used will be heavily saturated with moisture. And this will lead to the fact that its main functions will be completely lost.


So, here we have looked at the features of how to make a roof for a hexagonal gazebo step by step. After reading this material, it may seem that this task is impossible. However, as practice shows, in reality everything is much simpler. You can use the photos and videos at the end of this article to help. The most important thing is to make the correct calculation of the material, so that as a result, in the process of work itself, you will not have enough of something.

So, we hope this material has given you some useful insights. Additionally, watch the prepared video, and you will be convinced that to make a roof for a hexagonal gazebo made of iron you do not need to have special education. Enough to have on hand necessary tool, material and desire. If you already have experience in this work, then share it by leaving comments at the end of this article. Your experience will be an invaluable help for all beginning home craftsmen.