Retail sale of seeds. Sale of seeds. Premises and equipment

Interest in agriculture, including personal gardens, dachas and household plots is not weakening. Products for gardeners and gardeners are in high demand, and against the backdrop of modern opportunities, Russian entrepreneurs can successfully meet this demand and make good money on it.

There are 5353 stores for gardeners in Russia recorded on Yandex maps, and according to the Federal Property Management Agency, there are more than 20 million gardeners and gardeners in the country. Let's try to figure out whether this means that opening a store for gardeners is a profitable and relevant solution, and also that needed to run this business.

To sell goods for the garden and garden, you need to draw up a business plan, after which you need to decide on the legal form. An individual entrepreneur or LLC, if you plan to open a small store on your own, then it will be quite enough to register an individual entrepreneurship.

According to the new classifier OKVED2 OK 029-2014, which has been in force since July 11, 2016, the following OKVED codes are suitable for activities:

  • 47.52.6 Retail sale of horticultural machinery and equipment in specialized stores;
  • 47.76.1 Retail sale of flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers in specialized stores.

In addition, it is necessary to find a room, notify Rosprotrebnadzor of the start of activities, comply with the requirements of fire safety legislation, arrange a buyer's corner, order equipment (showcases, racks, furniture, appliances) and goods, hire sellers.

Business Relevance

To deal with the question of whether it is relevant to open a store for gardeners in modern Russian realities, one should pay attention to the state of the horticulture and horticulture industry as a whole.

Research data from the GfK Russia marketing research institute showed that the share of Russians engaged in growing crops on subsidiary plots increased by 7% over two years and amounted to 46%.

Thus, due to the weakening of the ruble, agricultural goods for Russians have become unprofitable for purchases from foreign suppliers. According to the preliminary results of the All-Russian Agricultural Census (VSHP), Russian newspaper reports the following facts:

  • watermelons, cherries and grapes began to be grown in the Arctic;
  • in the Leningrad region began to grow bananas;
  • grapes are grown in Siberia, its seedlings have even been supplied to Scandinavia;
  • in Stavropol resumed the tradition of growing cotton;
  • and in the Crimea resumed production essential oils coriander, lavender, sage.

All this suggests that interest in agriculture in the country is not weakening, but, on the contrary, is actively gaining popularity. In view of the crisis, more and more Russians are trying to save on food by growing fruits and vegetables in their own gardens, summer cottages and household plots. A search system Yandex monthly fixes more than two million (!) search queries for the word "seeds". So there is definitely a demand in this business segment, it remains only to correctly organize the offer.

On-line or off-line

A logical question arises, which is more profitable: to open an online store of goods for the garden and garden or a stationary point of sale. On the one hand, it is easier to open an online store:

  • you can start with small volumes, gradually increasing them;
  • no need to rent a room;
  • hiring sellers is not required;
  • You can work to order and not keep large batches of goods.

But in other way:

  • there is very high competition in the online segment - for the query "online seed store", Yandex search results provide more than 19 million results;
  • many goods are of low cost: seeds, packaged soil, small garden tools, for small orders, the delivery cost will exceed the price, and this, of course, is not profitable for consumers. Another thing is to buy a couple of bags of seeds and a plastic watering can in a nearby store for gardeners and gardeners on the way to the dacha.

Alternatively, you can combine both of these formats, that is, open a stationary outlet and an online store or website. Visitors will be able to get acquainted with the assortment and, if necessary, order rare types of seeds, seedlings or necessary garden equipment, as well as place an order on the website with subsequent pickup from a stationary store or delivery around the city.

Store location

Forums for gardeners and gardeners provide extensive food for thought about where it is most profitable to open your store. Opinions are leading that it would be optimal to choose a room for trading goods for the garden and garden:

However, one should also take into account the fact that experienced summer residents begin to prepare "sledges in the summer", that is, they buy seeds for spring plantings in winter, because they know that in the spring at the peak of the season there is a stir and long queues in such stores. That is, the third location option is places of large crowds of people:

Range and concept

At the stage of choosing the concept of the store, you should decide on the specialization of the store. It will be a small shop selling seeds, soil, seedlings, fertilizers and everything related directly to plants. For a store of this format, you don’t need too much large room and sophisticated retail equipment for placing goods.

Or the emphasis will be placed on garden tools: lawn mowers, walk-behind tractors and more. The value of the initial investment directly depends on this choice.

Garden tools store in Samara

The third option: a large store, the range of which amounts to thousands of items: from seeds, fertilizers, films and polycarbonates to protective goods: gloves, overalls.

In any case, it is advisable to diversify the assortment by adding goods for recreation. After all, people not only work in summer cottages, but also have a rest. As an option to add to the sale: small barbecues, smokehouses, coals, wood chips, disposable dishes and tablecloths and other accessories necessary for relaxation.

Interestingly, the owners of one of the shops for goods for the garden and the garden noticed that in their store, located in close proximity to the holiday village, plastic barrels for watering have been in high demand for several seasons in a row. It turned out that summer residents do not use them for their intended purpose, but for ... pickling cucumbers.

Another option is a store selling wrought iron furniture, garden decor. For example, Hitsad offers to purchase a franchise of a store of this format.

The product range is as follows: garden figures, planters and flowerpots, garden furniture, garden decor, interior forging, flower stands.

Franchising offers are divided into three packages: initial, basic and advanced.

  • Lump sum from 100 to 300 thousand rubles, depending on the selected package.
  • The monthly amount of royalties is fixed and amounts to 5 thousand rubles per month.
  • It is necessary to buy goods in the amount of 3 to 8 million rubles a year. (also depends on the package).
  • Possible markup on goods from 87 to 120%.
  • The company conducts training for partner personnel, provides a regional Internet showcase, performs SEO promotion and technical support marketing materials are provided.
  • For packages basic and advanced, automation of the point of sale and the departure of specialists are provided.
  • For the extended package, it is also possible to order and sell exclusive goods.

How to make friends with seasonality

Undoubtedly, the Everything for the Garden store as a business has a pronounced seasonality. In the spring, in connection with the beginning of the summer-garden season, there is a peak, which subsides significantly by summer, and in the fall and winter, the downtime period begins. To minimize seasonality, one should not be limited only to inventory, seeds and seedlings that are relevant in the summer season.

No less popular are indoor flowers, seeds of rare plant species, pots, dressings and fertilizers for them.

By the autumn-winter season, it is advisable to add covering films for heat-loving trees and shrubs, jars and lids for preservation, plastic ice rinks for children to ride, etc.

Markup, vendors, and required actions

As for suppliers and margins, you can order seeds on Chinese sites. This begs the question, why don't gardeners themselves order seeds there? The fact is that some types of rare seeds can only be ordered in large quantities - from a hundred bags of 20-50 seeds, it is clear that the owner of a small summer cottage who wants to plant, for example, blue spruce, does not need 5 thousand rubles.

Opening your own seed shop

seeds. And for the owner of a garden goods store - just right. Moreover, many seeds do not require special storage conditions and their shelf life is quite long, and the margin for such products is 300-1000% (!).

Blue Spruce Seed Sale Offer on Chinese Website

Blue spruce seed sale offer on a Russian site

This is just one of the examples. But for those who are planning to open a garden supplies store, the following steps will help:

  • studying the range of competitors;
  • analysis of demand in your city;
  • familiarization with the offers of domestic and foreign wholesale suppliers;
  • visits to specialized exhibitions (information about them can be found on the website);
  • communication with entrepreneurs who have already achieved success in this field, as well as with summer residents and gardeners (representatives of the target audience) at thematic forums;
  • competent establishment of advertising channels, such as: ads on Avito, social media, electronic directories, media, contextual and other types of advertising.

And then the store will have every chance of becoming a real paradise for summer residents, and its owner will bring considerable profit and pleasure from realizing the correctness of the choice made.

Questions and answers on the topic

No questions have been asked for the material yet, you have the opportunity to be the first to do so

Many people dream of starting their own business, working for themselves and becoming financially independent. People are held back by such basic factors as laziness, fear of failure, as well as false unfounded stereotypes. One of them is the following: "You need a lot of start-up capital to start a business." And most people firmly clung to this excuse and constantly justify their inaction and unwillingness to do anything with it. In fact… there would be a desire. It is difficult and inefficient to open your own business without investments. You can always find some money to start a business: sell something, borrow from friends, take a small loan. For example, Rosselkhozbank is happy to lend at low interest to owners of household plots.

So, there are many ideas. Attractive in today's market conditions - the creation of a profitable fruit growing business. Especially this occupation is very suitable for residents of rural areas, because they are not deprived of such an important resource as land, and also, as a rule, have certain skills in this field. It is also possible for the townspeople to buy abandoned summer cottages or garden plots in the countryside and engage in gardening.

Seed Store Business Plan

The blessing of the land in Russia is a lot and empty as well. A very promising option is to take land for private household plots.

You won't make much money on six acres. Therefore, the more land, the larger the garden will be, and, accordingly, the profit. Although here you need to really calculate your strength.

Gardening does not require significant investment. The main initial cost is the purchase of fruit tree seedlings. This is very important point. First, you need quality seedlings. Secondly, they are needed at the lowest price. Thirdly, the choice of tree varieties is very important. It is undesirable to buy seedlings from resellers. Now there are many nurseries, including private ones. It's worth buying there. When buying in bulk, they are interested in making a significant discount. Sellers of seedlings will be happy to talk about varieties and cultivation features. As a rule, they answer any question about growing fruit trees.

When laying a garden, it is advisable to plant fruit trees with different periods maturation - from early to late varieties with good keeping quality. And, probably, it is worth diversifying the assortment - in addition to apple trees, plant, for example, quince or cherries.

A big disadvantage in gardening is the long payback time. But if you start now, then in 3-4 years there will be good results. Everything and at once never falls down on a head. In confirmation, you can cite the proven results of gardeners.

For example, when planting apple trees, after 2 years the yield reaches 25 tons / ha, and in the third year it is quite possible to collect 50 tons of apples from a hectare of a young orchard. You will get approximately the same results when growing pears. At the same time, apples are unpretentious to the conditions of storage and transportation.

With a favorable set of circumstances and the correct organization of sales of products, the garden pays for itself in the second year of operation.

Before planting a garden, do a soil analysis in the area you have allocated. thanks to this, you will already have certain information regarding the suitability of this land for laying a garden. and, based on the results, decide on the necessary cultural practices for optimal soil preparation for planting seedlings. Your future harvest largely depends on these preparatory works.

There is no need to worry about the sale of products. If there was a product, there would be a buyer. Apples can be sold fresh, or they can be handed over for further processing, for example, for making juice. finished products are sold through supermarkets and shops, but the main distribution channel is small semi-wholesale markets. As for apples, the prices for these fruits are formed depending on the season in which sales take place. In summer, products are in less demand, since fruit ripening occurs during the period of a massive influx of fruits on the market. Closer to winter, the price for the same apples is much higher. Another modern sales channel is to use various bulletin boards and specialized sites for the sale of agricultural products on the Internet.

Gardening is labor intensive, especially during the harvest season. Therefore, this business is associated with the need to use hired labor. The number of employees depends on the size of the garden. If you do not have special knowledge, then it is advisable to use the services of a specialist agronomist, this will save you from unwanted losses.

Another problem of horticulture is that in order to obtain high-quality commercial products, it is very possible that trees will have to be treated with pesticides from diseases and pests. This is an additional investment in time and money for chemicals and a spray compressor.

If all the above requirements are met, your garden will become a stable and reliable source of income for many years to come.

The following materials:

Previous materials:

Russia is an agricultural country. To dispute this fact is pointless and stupid. Almost every person who has a piece of land at his disposal strives to grow at least minimum set vegetable crops. Question: “Is the seed trade profitable?” disappears by itself.

Many villagers living in two- and three-story houses own small plots located directly under the windows. Naturally, they try to plant this small garden in order to provide themselves with fresh herbs and vegetables.

The owners of estates were a little more fortunate. They can not only plant vegetables, but also build a greenhouse, set up a garden and flower beds. And all thanks to the fact that the area of ​​​​the estate allows you to do this. But there are also small areas, which in most cases are carefully cultivated and planted.

Indeed, in the village only loafers and drunkards are not engaged in planting, because the first is laziness, the second is lack of time. And what about city dwellers? Many of them have suburban areas, where they go every spring not to fry a barbecue and lie in a hammock, but to work on the ground.

Who traveled on weekends by train, he knows what the summer season is. Very often one can observe such a picture: an expensive car is standing in the courtyard of a country house, and in the garden its owner is digging up a bed for carrots.

Question: what, this respectable husband cannot buy a kilo of carrots for himself ?! Maybe! Only he is accustomed to such work from childhood. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t beat this habit with anything, because we have such a mentality.

How, where and when to trade planting material

In theory, seeds can be traded from January, as soon as the New Year holidays are over. “Why so early?” asks the unlucky layman. The fact is that many gardeners buy seeds in advance. Probably, this is an old Soviet habit: what if it doesn’t happen later, what if I don’t have enough, what if the price is higher. Thanks to this “suddenly”, you can open the summer season in January.

But that's not all. The fact is that many summer residents are engaged in growing seedlings on their own. For example, pepper seeds are planted in boxes and trays already in February, tomatoes and eggplants - a little later. Therefore, as they say, a spoon is the road to dinner. But the peak of sales comes in April and May.

Paradise for summer residents or how to open a store for gardeners

It is during this period that you can observe the real excitement.

In June, trade declines, but demand does not completely disappear, because something has not risen for someone, and they have to be replanted. And salads and radishes are bought until August. A good help for business at this time is the sale of winter crops, such as tulips and garlic. But from October to January - this is a real dead season.

Where is the best place to sell seeds and planting material? It is possible from a tray in an open or closed market or in your own store. The second option is more preferable. It is clear why. There are several reasons. For example, you can bring a fairly large product, which is very problematic to trade from the tray.

It can be various soils, covering material, gardening tools, even motor cultivators and lawn mowers. Naturally, this is not the only advantage of a stationary outlet.

How to open a Seeds store

Registration of sole proprietorship or LLC. Which option is preferable is up to a novice businessman who wants to try his hand at selling seeds.

  • Search for start-up capital. If it is, then the problem disappears. But when the required amount is not enough, then there is only one way - to the bank for a loan;
  • Rent or purchase of retail space. If possible, it is better to choose the second option;
  • Purchase of commercial equipment;
  • Search for a supplier of goods;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Search for a "sane" seller, that is, one who is familiar with the process of growing various crops and can give useful advice the buyer;
  • Advertising. A bright sign, billboards, flyers, media advertising, ideally - your own website.
  • "Keep" the assortment, because competitors are not asleep;
  • Be sure to stay tuned for updates;
  • Who should be afraid? Dishonest sellers, scandalous buyers and Rosselkhoznadzor inspectors. If the latter showed up at the outlet with a check, then they will not leave without fines issued. By the way, everyone has violations, and if there are none, then the inspectors of this body will definitely find them;
  • Keep track of the expiration dates of the seeds;
  • Do not buy too much product, for unsold balances are a net loss for the businessman if the expiration date has expired;
  • No need to "get hung up" on one supplier. Let there be several of them: and the assortment will expand, and you will not depend on anyone.

Wholesale of seeds

To sell seeds in bulk, it is better to open an LLC, because legal entity much wider range of possibilities. For example, it will be easier to create a separate division of the company, that is, a branch. True, if penalties are imposed on an LLC, then the amount of fines is many times greater than for individual entrepreneurs.

We'll have to buy seeds by weight. And for this you need certain conditions and a whole list required documents. It is clear that you cannot do without storage facilities, plus, you will need special equipment, consumables and personnel who will pack the seed material.

Certificate for seeds

It is a list of documents required for the purchase of seeds by weight and the sale of packaged seeds.

  • Certificate of varietal identification (original);
  • Certificate for sowing qualities (original);
  • Approbation certificate (original);
  • Certificate of State Seed Inspectorate on quality (original);
  • Phytosanitary certificate (if the seeds are supplied from abroad);
  • Quarantine certificate (if the seeds are supplied from abroad or from another region);
  • Accompanying documents (waybills).

What is wholesale? This is the sale of goods for the purpose of resale. The buyer of such goods must issue the following documents:

  • Invoice in the form of "bargaining-12";
  • Invoice;
  • certification application.

When conducting wholesale trade, the presence of cash registers is mandatory. VAT must be paid on both the simplified tax system and the OSNO, but if the turnover is small, then VAT is not paid. Of course, selling seeds is a difficult and responsible task. But seeds are perhaps the most demanded commodity, the demand for which will always be as long as there is land and people willing to work on it.

According to the latest statistics, Russian market seed is constantly and steadily growing. Moreover, domestic suppliers and manufacturers are persistently ousting foreign entrepreneurs. Which is not surprising, because the demand for products is consistently high. Seeds are of interest not only to summer residents, but also to farmers and collective farms of various sizes. All this suggests that the seed business has prospects for development.

A little about varieties

Before you open a seed store, you need to understand what your business will be dealing with. The production of seeds is regulated by the federal law "On Seed Production". All seeds are usually divided into the following three main varieties:

  • reproductive;
  • original;
  • elite.

The original varieties are seeds produced at the first stage of reproduction, and therefore the purest and much more expensive than the rest. After their reproduction, elite varieties of seeds are obtained. The next generation after them is reproductive. In addition, all varieties have two or three categories of purity.

Any seeds that are offered for sale must have the following indications on the packaging:

  • lot number;
  • the name of the culture;
  • amount in a package;
  • variety or hybrid;
  • compliance with varietal and sowing qualities;
  • best before date;
  • address, contacts and name of the manufacturer or distributor.

The presence of this information is required by the current GOSTs.

Brief business plan of the store

In order to open a seed store from scratch, you need to draw up a detailed, competent business plan. It should contain the following items:


Usually choose between two forms of registration: individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. The first option is suitable for those who open a business on their own and on a small scale. If you are organizing a business with a partner or planning to open a chain of stores, it is better to stop at an LLC by forming an authorized capital.


It is best to open a store in your own area, which will reduce the cost of starting a business. Such a business will require premises of at least 50 square meters. m. It is assumed that the assortment, in addition to seeds, will include small garden tools, other small goods for gardeners and flower growers. The store should be presented in a presentable way.

Retail store equipment

You will need shelving, covered glass display cases, other retail equipment, depending on what your product range will include. In addition, a cash register must be purchased for the trading floor, which must be registered with the tax office.

Supplier search

For your business to be successful, you need to offer exceptionally high-quality goods. To do this, you need to find a good wholesale supplier of seeds. For all products, he must issue certificates of quality, which you can provide to buyers upon request. The quality of the product is regulated by state level, or rather, GOST 12036-85. According to it, seeds can be treated with certain safe biological or chemicals. If these substances have been used, the manufacturer must provide appropriate documentation.

To begin with, you can include in the plan the purchase of a small trial batch of goods, based on the results of sales and reviews of which you can decide whether to sign a long-term contract for the supply of goods or not. In the future, you can agree on the packaging of seeds specifically for your store in branded bags.


Your business plan should provide for the hiring of staff. First of all, a competent sales assistant should work for you, who will not just understand the assortment. He must have an idea about various types and varieties of seeds, the features of their cultivation in various conditions, and so on.


Be sure to include the issue of conducting an advertising campaign in the business plan. The most effective advertising tools are a catchy sign on the store, distribution of leaflets, advertisements. The online store, which plays, among other things, the role of a kind of product catalog, has proved its effectiveness.


A business plan must necessarily accurately calculate all investments and the planned return on the project. This is the only way to determine how profitable it is.


The main cost plan will consist of the following items:

  • opening costs: registration, repair, rental of premises - 180 thousand rubles;
  • commercial equipment - 70 thousand rubles;
  • working capital - 200 thousand rubles.

In total, at least 450 thousand rubles will be required. In addition, every month it is necessary to allocate funds for permanent deductions (about 100 thousand rubles), as well as advertising and other expenses (about 30 thousand rubles).


It is formed from the margin on the sale of goods. In this case, the markup can be set in hundreds of percent. Despite the fact that the goods are small, small and inexpensive, a store can earn up to $20,000 during the season. On average, the payback period will be just over a year.

The main problem of the store is seasonality. You can smooth it out if you expand the range. For example, include fertilizers, flowers, seedlings, and more.

Business nuances

There are many different companies on the market offering a variety of seeds. To compete with them, you need to offer a wide range of quality seeds that will always be available. But the buyer always pays attention to the credibility of the store, its support to the buyer and marketing moves. When choosing between varieties, the buyer will always prefer the more popular and inexpensive.

The support of the farmer is also important. Many vendors post instructions and recommendations for cultivating the seeds they sell on each sachet. But the store wins only if the sales assistant can give comprehensive advice on the cultivation of the products sold.

It should be borne in mind that the main buyers will be private farms and peasant farms.

There is no doubt that entrepreneurship associated with the sale of seed material in Russia is promising. The dynamics of the development of the corresponding market is evidenced by the fact that, since 1976, the seed market in Russia has grown 11 times.

Its main consumers are not only peasants and farms, but also urban residents - summer residents (according to statistical information, 30 million Russians have summer cottages).

However, we have to admit that domestic seed material does not dominate the seed market. The reason is the lack of funding. In the Netherlands, for example, businessmen are ready to invest tens of millions of dollars in the creation of one variety. As a result of such a constructive approach, professional vegetable seeds are obtained at the output, giving a guarantee of harvest for farmers.

Macroeconomic situation

The following rating characterizes the current market situation: Russia is sixth in the ranking of world seed importers and forty-seventh among exporters. This indicates insufficient market activity of exporters. (The reasons were discussed earlier.)

The top three countries in the seed market are as follows: the United States, Holland, France. Their secret lies in high-yielding selection (which ensures high germination, viability, variety purity) and, of course, in the efficiency of the full business cycle - from selection to targeted shipment. Therefore, because of two factors - the quality of the material and dominance in the market - Russian summer residents prefer the seeds of vegetables of the Dutch selection.

About Russian seed producers

Currently, small and medium-sized farms are the players in the Russian seed market. Although it is developing dynamically, it has not yet passed the stage of monopolization. The list of Russian seed producers can be very long. We will limit ourselves to just a few. In the online reviews, we found positive feedback from buyers of the seeds of Russian Garden-NK, the Russian Seeds holding, and Petersburg Seeds.

With a clear underfunding of breeding work and the promotion of Russian seed exports to the markets of other countries, its volumes are limited. The reality is that in the conditions of fierce competition in the domestic market, importers are still in the lead. Foreign monopolies, penetrating the domestic market of pure competition, sometimes even use dumping.

With significant financial resources, they can afford to recoup the costs of breeding for Dutch vegetable seeds in the medium term. And the domestic small producer is tied to short-term profits, by lowering the price he risks going bankrupt.

Leading Dutch companies

Imports from leading Dutch seed companies provide seeding material for almost half of the Russian wholesale market. The leading role belongs to two monopolies: Nunhems and Seminis, slightly behind them Rijk Zwaan. Moreover, the name "Dutch" is often conditional. Indeed, for the most part, the seeds associated with the name of this country are grown outside the territory of the Netherlands.

However, then they are still delivered to its territory, where they are finalized, packaged and shipped. (According to the statistics of the modern seed market, half of the enterprises in it are engaged in sorting and packaging.)

The cumulative export of seeds of this small European country is impressive, amounting to about 475 million dollars. This fact can simultaneously serve as an answer to the question: “Is it worth developing a business based on the production of seeds?”

The secret of the success of the "Flying Dutchmen"

How is the quality due to which Dutch vegetable seeds are so popular achieved? Thanks to systematic investments in the industry and (no offense to the agro-industry, it will be said) selection is oriented specifically to the climatic features of Russia.

In addition, workaholics from a small country in northern Europe managed to create an efficient infrastructure on the territory of a state that occupies 1/6 of the land. As an illustration of the above, the Internet positioning of the Bejo Zaden company, which has representative offices in all regions of Russia and presents 230 varieties in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, looks like.

Seed quality control

Not only the yield of a summer cottage, but also the overall efficiency of crop production in the agro-industrial complex and its profitability depend on the quality of the seeds. Therefore, this seemingly agronomic indicator is seriously considered at the highest state level. To regulate this important benchmark for the development of crop production, a special GOST No. 52171-2003 has been developed.

It defines the general sowing and varietal qualities, as well as specifications for vegetable crops. According to its requirements, seeds that do not withstand the prescribed average qualities are not allowed on the Russian market. Therefore, the best vegetable seeds should be planted.

The regulatory function of seed production is also performed by the federal law RF "On technical regulation", which prohibits planting seeds with pathogens in plants, with pests.

Seasonality in the vegetable seed business and how to overcome it

An entrepreneur is always a realist. He knows that the seeds of Dutch selection of vegetables will bring him a tangible income only in the spring and summer. Therefore, he will try in every possible way to diversify the range of goods in order to effectively smooth out the difference in seasonal income throughout the year. The latter is achieved through the sale of seeds of other groups of plants, as well as the sale of related products - planting materials and equipment.

In particular, many horticultural stores sell vegetable and flower seeds at the same time. According to statistics, only 40% of their turnover belongs to vegetables, and the remaining 60% belongs to flowers. Indeed, experts believe that floristry is somewhat more profitable than vegetable growing.

Russia is still a country of summer residents. And the capital's small business can take advantage of this. For example, by organizing the trade in planting material.

seasonal factor

Every spring, from April to May, at the counters of shops and markets selling seedlings and seeds, it becomes crowded, not overcrowded. Summer residents are in a hurry to stock up on planting material. Russian summer residents still use the plots not only as a place for picnics, but also as a help in the family food balance.

However, if earlier in the apartment of a true summer resident, already in January, around the clock burned Fluorescent Lamp(seedlings were grown), now the wealthy owner of the site prefers to buy planting material. The reason is the motorization of the population. It is still more profitable to go to the market once and fill a car with planting material than to grow it yourself and bring it to the place gradually.

Therefore, in April, a tray with relevant products can easily bring in revenue of 1 million rubles. and more. In May, the intensity slightly decreases: by the end of the month, almost all traditional country crops have already been planted. In June and July, revenue is half of the peak. Then, in August, incomes increase slightly: domestic summer residents have not yet forgotten how to grow, as they say, winter crops. Tulips, for example. They are planted in September - early October. And even on the November holidays, if the autumn is warm and there are no frosts. So it is still profitable to keep a tray selling planting material on the market until the end of October.

Then the "dead" season begins: from November to February, inclusive, there are very few buyers. Nevertheless, stalls and pavilions with seedlings in the markets at this time are not empty, although sellers sometimes have to be bored. But the owners "hold the place" so that from the beginning of March (that is, from the beginning of the season) they do not miss the influx of buyers. And they sell bags of seeds at this time. As well as a newfangled product: not tree seedlings (this is a spring product), but already grown specimens with a developed root system. The fact is that in this form, plants are best planted just in winter, in frozen ground. Moreover, an electric drill - a summer resident's dream - allows you not to hammer it with a crowbar, but to make a neat round hole.

Other exotics will help a lot. For example, Canadian grass seeds remain green at temperatures down to 15 degrees below zero. Winter buyers are also interested in indoor plants. But still: in winter, the revenue of such a retail outlet, at best, covers half of the current costs. In addition, it is in February-March that seedling traders have a peak in bulk purchases. So in the season you need to achieve such revenue that it is enough until the next peak of purchases. Otherwise, the business will fail.

business idea

The seedling business itself at the first stage is a good old trading intermediary. Planting material - seeds, bulbs, seedlings and seedlings themselves - are grown in specialized agricultural enterprises. Including in greenhouse complexes that have been preserved since the Soviet era.

These farms often have neither the strength nor the desire to sell their products. Those of them who are closer to Moscow and others big cities, still hold branded pavilions in the markets. By the way, it makes no sense for a novice businessman to look for profitable wholesale prices in these farms. They would rather throw away the products, but they will not give a competitor a discount.

For a profitable wholesale, you need to drive 100-150 kilometers from the city. This should be done in January, immediately after the New Year holidays. Further, wholesale prices for planting material begin to rise. A novice businessman needs to contact farms that only grow products, but do not sell them. They may have different shape property. For example, in the former state farms, you can purchase a wide range of planting material for various crops. Farmers are more individual, as a rule, they have 3-4 crops in which they specialize.

There is one caveat: with bulk purchases, it is necessary to agree not only on the price, but also on the regularity. At the peak of sales, part of the assortment will be bought up. And it is not uncommon for a culture to suddenly be in short supply. Therefore, you must have preliminary agreements that you will come and take. Here, as they say, “places you need to know”. However, the necessary connections, as a rule, arise after the first season of work.

It should also be warned that a trader in any plant products must have a phytosanitary certificate for it. In the season - that is, in April and May - not only sales are sharply activated, but also the activity of the SES, which is tasked with checking the relevant markets. Without a full set of sanitary certificates, your tray will be closed instantly. Let's add: and rightly so, because in the 90s, seedling markets became breeding grounds for plant diseases and pests. One “attack” of the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes near Moscow in 1992-1993 is worth something - Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov then had to import potatoes to the capital from the North Caucasus. Since then, control has sharply increased.

Phytosanitary certificates are taken from the district veterinary inspection. Large farms issue them together with the products (representatives of the phytosanitary control service visit them regularly). Farmers can send you for a certificate or go with you.

What to buy? You won't guess. Summer residents have flashes of fashion; there is also a shortage of crops due to adverse weather conditions. So it turns out: then all buyers are chasing not just potatoes, but blue-eyed ones, they don’t take another. Just like last year, an incomprehensible disease will cover carrots near Moscow, and seeds cannot be obtained.

Ideally, your outlet should have as wide a range as possible: from cabbage and tomato seedlings to rose seedlings. A good weld is also provided by the accompanying trade in small agricultural equipment. For example, last season all of Moscow was chasing curved rippers. Fully “filling up” a retail outlet with the appropriate assortment before the season will cost a novice businessman 500-600 thousand rubles.

Profit and loss

This business requires two people (one trades, the second drives and buys) and a station wagon. A trailer is highly desirable. IP is ideal as a legal form, but in this case one of the participants must have at least a little understanding of accounting.

Given the pronounced seasonality of the business, costs and revenues should be considered not on a monthly basis, but on a monthly basis. whole year. So, the costs: renting a retail outlet - about 300 thousand rubles. in year. Because it is better to take a pavilion or a place in the covered market: then, at least, you will have to pay 30 thousand rubles. per month, but you can work all year round. Trays pavilions are not competitors!

Next: purchase costs - about 1.5 million rubles. in year. As already mentioned, initially you can “score” a point for 500 thousand rubles. However, this range will “leave” during the season. The next purchase 0.5 million rubles. will go to maintain the range until the next season. But another 0.5 million rubles. necessary to ensure that the next season, the point met with a full range.

Another 100-200 thousand rubles. will go to the seller's salary. The amount differs depending on whether you will keep the hired person behind the counter during the off-season or prefer to stand by yourself. It’s better to keep it, despite the extra costs: the owner of this business has a lot of trouble finding suppliers and purchasing.

If the business starts from scratch, then the cost of buying a car cannot be avoided. We need a “workhorse” that would not let us down on fairly long (more than 300 km per day) trips for goods. In addition, a “universal” is needed, because the product is not heavy, but quite voluminous. It will cost you another 400-500 thousand rubles, plus a trailer (200-300 thousand rubles). Total: 700 thousand rubles. to the vehicle.

Including other expenses, such as setting up a business, your annual cost will be about 2.5 million rubles. You need to pay out about 800 thousand rubles at a time if the car is taken on credit.

Now income. With the right organization of the business, two peak months will give you about 2 million rubles. revenue. Another 1 million rubles. proceeds will bring the remaining 10 months of work. Total 500 thousand rubles. arrived in the first season. Further, you have about 1 million rubles in circulation, and annual expenses fall to 2 million rubles. Thus, full term business payback is about 3-4 years.

This business is also good because it has a future. The logical next step is the purchase or lease of land, followed by the sale of the products of this farm at a point of sale that has been hyped for 3-4 years. However, that's another story.

Thinking about what kind of business to open in Russia, many entrepreneurs came to the same conclusion - the trade in agricultural products. The goods of the agricultural sector will always be in high demand among customers, which allows us to judge the prospects of such a direction as the seed trade.

Store characteristics and trading options

The area of ​​the commercial premises must be at least five square meters. It should be equipped with shelves, racks, showcases and other commercial furniture. A cash register is required. It is recommended to locate the store in passable places: near central markets, public transport stops, in a supermarket building, etc.

You can also consider the option of online commerce. In this case, the need for a trading floor, and sometimes a warehouse, is eliminated. The only limitation may be that many potential customers are pensioners, most of whom are not familiar with the advantages and possibilities of the Internet.

Vending machines can also be considered as a way to sell. By installing one or a network of machines in crowded areas, providing the most sought-after assortment of seeds and compost, you can achieve good profits and minimize payback periods.

Store assortment

To clearly determine which business is profitable in a particular region, you should study the specifics of the market. It is worth focusing on retail buyers, since large agricultural enterprises buy seeds of crops in bulk. Gardeners-gardeners form the demand for seeds of vegetables and cereals, but amateurs appreciate indoor flowers, including exotic, herbs, citrus fruits and other plants, the cultivation of which can be done in an apartment or a private house without much hassle.

These agricultural products are subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand. The peak of client activity falls at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, with the onset of the planting season. Throughout the year, you can sell flowers and other plants, for which there are no special requirements for the planting season.

As goods that complement the assortment of the store, one can consider devices for country and garden work, fertilizers, pots and decorative flowerpots, decor elements for decorating home "green corners", etc.

What business is profitable to open now? The answer to this question should take into account many nuances: the entrepreneurial experience of the owner of the idea, the ability to establish contacts with related parties (suppliers, customers, staff, regulatory authorities, etc.), knowledge of the intricacies of marketing activities, the amount of start-up capital, the season of the year, and much more. other. The Business Molodist project trains novice businessmen in the most productive technologies and methods for implementing entrepreneurial ideas.