How to stop swearing at a girl. How to unlearn swearing - good advice. Unsubscribe from the public "MDK" and the like

Obscene words are not the best decoration for a person, but what if you can’t wean yourself from using them? Psychologist and radio host Anetta Orlova talked about how to find strong arguments against swearing and forget about profanity forever.

1. Recognize the problem.

It's important to be clear about why you want to eliminate foul language from your life. Without strong motivation, it is impossible to achieve results.

How to find motivation? In fact, everything is very simple, just a little study of the issue. Back in Soviet times, a rather curious study was carried out on how the mat affects all living things. Experts made three plantings of seeds. In the first group, the seeds were regularly exposed to obscene language, as a result, out of 100%, less than 50% sprouted there. In the second, people cursed (without swearing) and criticized. The number of germinated seeds was slightly higher, but did not reach 60%. And in the third, they said something positive to the seeds and read a prayer in front of them. Result: 95% rose. What does it say? The word affects all living things! A person who swears a lot creates a state of internal anxiety and aggression, which takes away his resources. I think it's superfluous to talk about the impact swearing parents have on their children.

For women, there is another powerful motivation: the famous psychophysiologist Leonid Kitaev-Smyk, who has been dealing with the problem of stress for a long time, proved that if a woman swears, it stimulates the production of male sex hormones in her! It turns out that the more we use profanity, the more masculine we become.

Write 5 points why you want to change your attitude towards the mat and completely eliminate it from your life. This is very important at the beginning of the journey.

2. Get rid of stress without the mat.

You will probably be surprised, but not swearing at all is also harmful. People who are always delicate, well-mannered and behave perfectly in any situation, the level of stress is usually very high. This is because they are in a situation of serious mental overstrain, because they are trying to be what others want to see them. And everyone needs a boost! Give yourself permission to release stress. To do this, you can set aside a separate time when you can be alone with yourself: jump, sing, growl, if you want, or say some tough words (preferably censored). IN ordinary life it will be easier for you to do without a mat.

3. Self-control and analysis.

Set yourself an alarm (timer), for example, every hour. As soon as it rings - do an analysis of the last 5-10 minutes on the subject of whether you used obscene words or not.

4. We give a signal.

Use a simple trick: put a rubber band on your arm. As soon as you accidentally say something negative word that you want to get rid of, pull it back and let it go. You will receive a negative signal. Of course, this is a small impact, but it brings you back to a situation of control.

5. Help from outside.

If your environment is actively using obscene language and you easily follow your lead, let everyone know about your intention to get rid of the mat. In such a situation, people usually also try to swear less, although it is possible that someone might laugh at your idea. But, if you are an adult and self-sufficient person, this should not hurt you. By the way, you can ask people around you to help monitor the purity of your speech and correct it if necessary. A similar request can be addressed to relatives. The main thing is not to get angry when they make another remark to you.

The life of a modern person is difficult to imagine without upheavals and stressful situations in which it is impossible to do without the use of profanity. But, constantly speaking, not long to remain without a job and position in society, pass for illiterate and lose confidence. Not to mention what kind of role model children get.

Understanding this, many tend to stop swearing, which is actually much more difficult than it seems at first glance. Constant self-control and motivation, vocabulary replenishment and replacement of familiar expressions are just some of the aspects that you will have to face. But when there is a firm intention to cope with a bad habit, there is always a suitable way.

Public morality condemns the use of swear words, but this does not negate the fact that everyone knows them. Someone swears more often, someone less often, expressing only the most vivid emotions and feelings. And it will not necessarily refer to something bad, some accompany violent joy with a strong word.

Non-printable expressions are usually pronounced with great expression and convey a range of emotions that ordinary words cannot explain. In addition, their use allows you to shorten many phrases that need to be conveyed to the goal in a short time.

Psychologists insist that profanity has a place to be when it is used correctly and usefully. According to research, among people who use it from time to time, there are much more honest, but emotional personalities who have significant verbal intelligence. They do not seek to humiliate or offend the interlocutor, but only express feelings.

Observations of volunteers also showed that a person who utters swear words at critical moments increases the level of adrenaline in the blood, increases the pain threshold and dulls fear. On this basis, it was concluded that it is possible to use profanity in situations where it is appropriate.

Other evidence suggests that the lower strata of the population, those with low incomes and employed in unskilled labor, are prone to frequent use of the mat. Some people splash out the accumulated negativity in expressions, and a person with a low standard of living has more negative emotions.

In addition, the frequent use of such words indicates a low culture of speech, which is where such conclusions come from.

Why does a person start cursing?

The lack of vocabulary leads to the fact that people do not know how to express their thoughts. But this is not a reason for foul language, but only results in tongue-tied, inexpressive speech.

Those who are prone to swearing have objective reasons to express themselves this way, including:

  • Splashing of emotions. Swear words spoken with expression can convey a huge emotional spectrum. In this case, their use does not depend on the level of intelligence.
  • The need for protection. In stressful situations, a person becomes vulnerable, a self-defense mechanism is launched. Mats show that he has crossed the line and is able to go further in violation of social rules and norms.
  • Self-assertion. Self-doubt leads to the need to assert themselves at the expense of others. This leads to utter offensive or threatening phrases.
  • Imitation of children and adolescents around. In an effort to look like adults and increase popularity, they repeat a lot after authoritative adults, friends.
  • dominance in conversation. Quite often, disputants turn to obscene language when their arguments dry up, but the desire to assert their case remains. Moreover, some people simply do not perceive otherwise, and seem not to hear persuasion.
  • The desire not to stand out. When friends, acquaintances and relatives use obscenities, this is accepted as the norm and gradually becomes a habit.

Ways to get rid of profanity

Sooner or later there comes a time when you need to wean yourself to swear. Whether it is the birth of children, career advancement, the dissatisfaction of others or own wish improve the culture of speech.

There are several ways to stop swearing:

  • Start a piggy bank and put a coin in it with a certain denomination for each spoken word from profanity. Works on people who find it difficult to part with money.
  • Flicks on the wrist with a rubber band whenever a swear word pops up. Works for those who are afraid of pain and perceive it as something unpleasant.
  • Any mat can be replaced by a phrase from censorship vocabulary. Reading books expands lexicon, which will allow you to choose the right arguments in any dispute or express feelings in a stressful situation.
  • When emotions overwhelm you and you want to swear, you should grit your teeth and keep silent, find other ways to throw them out.
  • The graceful use of swear words involves the compilation of ditties, poems and other works from them. The main thing is that these expressions hit the mark and cause a smile, and not vice versa.
  • You can imagine next to yourself the one in front of whom you are ashamed to express yourself. Whether it's a grandmother, a child, a boss, a priest, one has only to resurrect the indignant expression on a familiar face.
  • Replacing swearing with a long drawn out shouting of a vowel. Suitable when there is a second pain or dissatisfaction with something at the moment.
  • Exclusion from the social circle of people who often express themselves. If a person is malleable, easily adopting bad habits, it will help. It is not always applicable, because parents or relatives who love to swear can’t get anywhere.

To reduce the spread of obscene language, measures were taken at the state level.

Thus, according to the amendments to the law “On the state language Russian Federation» dated July 1, 2014, swearing is prohibited in state bodies, public associations and organizations, when drafting documents, on television and in the media. Violations are subject to fines imposed by the CPS.

No one can prohibit swearing in other conditions, but such measures can slightly reduce the negative impact on people, especially children and adolescents.

How to defeat a mat for a man, woman, child?

The habit of expressing most people acquires in adolescence when the personality has not yet been fully formed and the dependence on one's own environment is especially great. Of course, in such cases it is better to prevent the child from using obscene words on initial stage. If they are rooted in the lexicon, it is worth getting rid of them consistently.

Parents can use one of the ways - a harder and more radical approach, or a softer approach.

In the first case, a strict ban is imposed on swear words, up to punishment for their use by deprivation of pocket money, unscheduled cleaning or other housework. A teenager should be clearly aware of which phrases are prohibited.

The second approach is communication. This only works when the parents are an authority for him and are able to convince him of the wrongness of certain actions. It is appropriate to encourage a teenager for refusing to swear, to praise for success.

An important aspect will be a positive example from parents and their friends. It is also necessary to monitor the environment of the child in order to avoid problems in education. If he got into bad company, this can be completely corrected. It is enough to redirect energy in the other direction, enrolling in sports sections, various circles, sending it to electives. The main thing is that the new occupation should be to his liking.

It takes a lot of self-control and strong motives to stop expressing yourself as an adult.

It is useful to understand the problem and the root causes of its occurrence. This will facilitate the task and allow you to choose the most effective way how to clean up your own vocabulary.

In addition, you need to enlist the support of others. You can ask friends to monitor the fulfillment of all conditions and scold less themselves. But do not count on the complete disposal of swear words. In critical situations, it is quite acceptable to use a strong word, as long as it does not become a habit.

So, in order to stop swearing, a person needs to change something in himself and in his own environment. For this you need:

  • Enlist the support of friends. Ideally, you can fight the habit at the same time as them.
  • Avoid situations that cause negative emotions and, accordingly, the desire to swear.
  • Use methods of self-punishment in cases where it was impossible to restrain yourself - put a piggy bank, wear an elastic band.
  • Exclude listening to music, watching movies and TV shows, blogs and groups in in social networks containing profanity.
  • Finding out the root cause of its use will help to change your own attitude towards the mat.
  • Enriching your vocabulary will allow you to speak more clearly and replace swear words with simple ones.
  • It is worth holding out for 21 days without ever expressing yourself, and the habit will gradually disappear.

Some experts also advise using calming techniques during a surge of negative emotions: count to 10, taking deep breaths, play sports.

You should not strive to eliminate the mat from the lexicon completely, you just need to restrain yourself in certain situations, and not intersperse your speech with bad words every word. By constantly working on oneself, any person can significantly improve the culture of speech and achieve a high position in society.

Unfortunately, today's realities are such that swear words can be heard anywhere: on the street, in the cinema, even on TV. For many people, swearing has become habitual, and they do not see anything wrong with its use. Apparently, you are not one of them if you decide to learn how to stop swearing. It’s not easy to give up a habit that has firmly entered your life, but it is possible. A man, if he really wants something, everything is on the shoulder!

Why is it necessary to get rid of the habit of swearing?

And in fact - why? So what? Look, even well-known respected people, participants in television programs do not consider it shameful to "embellish" their speech with a couple of catchy words. One sometimes wants to shout to them: "Don't swear!" When a person swears, thereby he shows his lack of culture and disrespect for others, regardless of whether he understands this or not.

But in fact, not everyone swears. There are many people who are greatly offended by the coarse obscene words used in ordinary speech. As a rule, these are educated and intelligent people with whom you want to communicate. But it may be unpleasant for them to talk to a person who uses obscene language through the word. Cultural speech is always held in high esteem, but swearing is far from desirable and appropriate everywhere. If you strive for self-improvement, then you definitely need to learn how to speak normal Russian, which is so rich that it allows you to express a whole ocean of emotions with the help of different words and their synonyms.

We all come from childhood

The culture of Russian speech should be inculcated from infancy. But the reality is that many of our compatriots absorb mat literally with mother's milk. If a child grows up in a family where mother, father, close relatives, as well as their friends and acquaintances are not shy in expressions, then, naturally, he adopts this manner of communication. Of course, you cannot blame him for this, because he is just an unintelligent kid and does not yet understand that some words are, to put it mildly, not very good. When such a child has a teacher in kindergarten says that you can’t swear, he simply doesn’t believe her.

But childhood ends someday, and a person enters a time when he can analyze the actions of himself and those around him and try to figure out how to behave. For example, a teenager is already quite capable of choosing which books to read and with whom to be friends. The same applies to the way you speak. If you have understood for yourself that it is wrong to use foul language, then you do not need to follow the lead of relatives and entourage, row against the current with all your might! Let your loved ones talk as they want, but you should feel like an independent and independent person. Nothing but respect, it will cause others.

"Why is it possible for Pushkin, but not for me?"

Young people, trying to justify their verbal promiscuity, often refer to famous people, for example, on Pushkin. After all, as you know, the great Russian poet has many poems in which swear words appear. And not only him. There are other writers and poets who, on occasion, liked to turn strong expressions into their works (Yesenin, Mayakovsky, etc.). But we must not forget that all these people became famous not at all thanks to obscene verses. And because of the fact that they wrote many other beautiful literary works.

Their vocabulary was much wider than that of most of our contemporaries. And they could clearly distinguish in which society how to express themselves. If today some Vasya Pupkin throws Russian obscenities right and left, then he does this not for ideological reasons, but simply because of his meager vocabulary. He, like Ellochka the Ogre, can only have a few decent expressions prepared, which he uses depending on the circumstances. The rest of the speech is filled with swear words, they serve him both to express joy and to demonstrate anger, but for anything! So Pushkin has nothing to do with it. great poet was fluent in Russian and could speak impeccably, but can it be the youth of today?

Emotions that carry obscene expressions

It is no secret that swear words are mainly used by people when they experience any negative emotions, swear, scold. Especially in this regard, the behavior of drunks is characteristic. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person ceases to control himself, easily falls into aggression for any, the most insignificant reason, and then the mat simply flows like water.

In fact, profanity carries a certain destructive power. Some researchers have come to the conclusion that swear words originate from pagan spells, which were intended to destroy the clan or bring infertility. No wonder these lexemes are associated with human reproductive organs. Some obscene expressions are nothing but the names of demons.

In fact, by uttering a swear word, a person, due to his ignorance, brings unclean spirits not only on himself, but also on his children and relatives. So you need to make it a rule: "Do not swear under any circumstances!" Pictures that many teenagers draw on fences, signed with obscene words, should also be destroyed as soon as possible. But our general indifference leads to the fact that such inscriptions adorn everywhere on the streets, in porches and even on playgrounds.

Girls and mat

Have you noticed that swear words that sound from the lips of the beautiful half of humanity cut the ear much more than male abuse? Despite the fact that girls are now swearing everywhere, we can't get used to it. After all, they are future mothers! Girls should stop in time and think about how to stop cursing. The habit of dirty words may later be very badly reflected in their family life. As already mentioned, children tend to take an example from their parents. Any reasonable woman wants her child from the cradle to receive everything only the best and learn goodness, and not savagery and swearing.

Many good cultured guys try to avoid girls who use swear words in their speech. Still, a woman should carry light and purity in herself. And not rudeness and shamelessness, which contains a mat. Men can still sometimes be forgiven for some rudeness and aggression (often the male hormone testosterone is responsible for this), but women are supposed to behave with restraint. All girls are encouraged to read the following section without fail, which describes the harm that profanity can cause.

Mat can cause serious health problems

Scientists have found that if obscene words are pronounced by a person often, then they can cause hormonal failure in the body. For men, this can result in early impotence, and for girls it can provoke an increase in the level of male hormones, which can cause problems with conceiving a child and carrying a pregnancy.

The Institute of Quantum Genetics conducted special research under the guidance of Candidate of Biological Sciences P.P. Goryachev and Candidate of Technical Sciences G.T. Tertyshny. And this is what they managed to find out during the experiments: in the event that a person constantly uses obscene dirty curses, his chromosomes begin to gradually change their structure, a kind of negative self-destruction program is launched in DNA molecules that can be transmitted to descendants.

Swear words cause a mutagenic effect, which can be likened to radiation exposure. DNA molecules are indeed capable of "hearing" human speech. Moreover, heredity molecules also perceive light information. That is, a person can mentally read a text containing profanity, and its meaning through electromagnetic channels reaches the genetic apparatus.

swearing law

And yet how to unlearn swearing when abuse is pouring from everywhere? Fortunately, on July 1, 2014, a law came into force in Russia that does not allow the use of swear words in films, television, theater and radio. However, no one can forbid a film director to make a film in which the characters swear with might and main, but this film will be able to be released only after re-voicing. Moreover, for individuals, legal entities and officials who have violated the "Law on the State Language of the Russian Federation", rather large monetary fines. foul language in in public places and in the media in Lately just overwhelmed. Now we can hope that profanity will be used by people different ages less and less.

Need to expand your vocabulary

If you are determined to cleanse your speech of foul language, then the first thing to do is try to expand your vocabulary as much as possible. You ask: "How to unlearn swearing?" Read Russian and foreign classics! Modern youth, unfortunately, reads very little, and this has a detrimental effect both on the horizons of boys and girls, and on the culture of their speech.

Self control is essential!

Taking care of yourself is not an easy task. But how to stop swearing without self-control if you are used to the constant use of obscene words in your speech? You will have to carefully monitor how and what you pronounce for a long time. Practice speaking at home without swearing.

Take a piece of paper and write down what words can replace certain indecent and rude expressions. Use the method from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune". If the obscenity comes out of your mouth when you get very annoyed, then try to develop tolerance in yourself. Remember that a well-mannered person must be able to control his feelings.

How to stop swearing: little tricks and tricks

Wear a thin elastic band around your wrist. As soon as you catch yourself cursing, quickly pull it away - let it slap you hard on the skin. Of course, the pain from such a clap is not so strong, but still it will contribute to the development of a conditioned reflex that makes you give up obscene language. You can also use a more brutal method: literally bite your tongue when obscenity breaks out of it. Your brain will quickly remember that a mate is a lot of pain! Just do not overdo it, the latter method can cause serious injury and requires caution.

Force yourself to re-pronounce the phrase in which the obscenity sounded. Gradually, your brain will get used to the correct construction of sentences. At the same time, you can thus practice in the selection of different synonyms to replace swear words. When friends notice that your speech has changed for the better, and ask how to stop swearing, you can recommend these simple tricks to them.

Mat acts like a drug

Psychologists believe that the habit of swearing is a kind of drug addiction, the same as tobacco or alcohol. That's why it's so hard to give up.

Moreover, just as a smoking person poisons the surrounding air and forces everyone nearby to inhale it, so the swearer can harm people who are close to him. Swearing in public places is unacceptable! After all, there may be children nearby, teenagers, women, in general, those whose ears should never hear such curses.

Some individuals, spewing from themselves flows of obscenities, receive a kind of satisfaction. Thus, they relieve psychological stress, get rid of negative emotions and calm down. This may explain why people swear, but others from such an explanation do not get any easier.

How to respond to mate

"Calm, only calm!" - this advice of Carlson needs to be adopted. Even if the checkmate is directed in your direction, you should not respond in kind. Most the best option- keep silent, although it is sometimes difficult. But when a dog starts barking at you in the street, you won’t get on all fours and growl and yelp in response? Also, you don’t need to start teaching a rude person and tell him: “Don’t swear!” These words can cause even more aggression. But your complete indifference can extinguish his desire to swear.

Mentally wish the person all the best and good things. Perhaps one day in his life there will come a moment of insight, and he, just like you today, will begin to ask himself the question: "How to stop swearing?"

Final word

Vladimir Dal said that one should not joke with words. He believed that speech is an invisible link between the human body and his spirit. Our language is distinguished by diversity, flexibility, beauty. It is not for nothing that he was called the Great and Mighty. Let's try to make our speech always cultured, clean, free from swearing and swearing.


Most The best way stop swearing - change the circle of friends, even for a short while. Most often, bad habits (and dirty eating can be attributed to them) become attached to us when we are in the company of certain people. We become such a society and begin to speak the way it is customary there. These people are not necessarily bad and unworthy, they are simply in our use mata acquired such proportions that such vocabulary began to be used even by intelligent people with. Therefore, find people whose swearing has not yet become a habit, and limit your social circle to them for a while.

Even if you have begun to communicate with other people, always carefully monitor your speech. After all, in the end, you can teach them bad things, and not they can teach you good things. Whenever you feel like cursing hard, clench your fists and count to ten. You can close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. There are many such techniques, and it is up to you to choose an existing one or come up with your own, which will be most convenient for you. The main thing here is to remember what goal you have set for yourself, calm down and say the same thing, but.

All in all, "peace" is yours keyword. After all, you want to swear when some kind of crisis occurs: a stressful situation, an unpleasant surprise, and so on. I would like to hope that you do not belong to those people who sprinkle even the most calm, devoid of emotional speech with obscenities, not being able to speak without it at all. Therefore, if possible, avoid such situations, and if it does not work out, develop a different attitude towards them. Be simple, do not make an elephant out of a fly and learn from adversity with a fair amount of indifference. A broken cup is not a reason to remember obscene ones. This is an occasion to once again laugh at yourself and try to be more careful next time.

If you can't live without mata, and in a sentence of four words you have three words - this is a checkmate, then you, along with the above methods, need to use one more. Come up with some short, funny, easy-to-remember word, no longer than most swear words, and use it whenever you feel the urge to swear. Of course, attention and concentration are needed here, but if you really want to get rid of mata, then the game is worth the candle. After this word displaces obscene roots from you, forget it too and enjoy pure speech.

Use the "Help of the Hall". Explain to your closest, most knowledgeable and understanding friends and family that you want to get rid of mata. Let them help you: they themselves will stop swearing for a while, begin to avoid situations that make you want to use a strong word. You can resort to more radical methods: find a job where dirty swearing will be considered a reason for dismissal in the company's charter. And do not forget to refer to the best examples from time to time: so you will understand that the language without mata sounds much better. And when your labors are crowned with success, it will become clear to you that pure speech has a positive effect on your state of mind.

Until about the middle of the 19th century, foul language in Rus' was a criminal offense. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, a person was subjected to public flogging with rods for using swear words!

Obscene speech has always been considered a sign of lack of culture and belonging to a low class. It was a kind of pointer: before you is an uneducated person, leading a dubious lifestyle and not striving for positive changes.

Why do people swear

Talk about ignorance modern people absurd. Now more than ever environment provides an incredible amount of resources for raising the cultural level, self-development and creativity. It is logical that the checkmate should have become an ordinary atavism. So what's the reason?

1. The need for protection and self-affirmation

Obscene language is a unique phenomenon. It exists, but speaking it is forbidden by society. As you know, ignoring the rules occurs either out of naivety, or out of fear and hopelessness. So lovers of a strong word can not be called in any way.

A person tries to hide vulnerability and self-doubt behind a demonstration of aggressiveness, independence and rudeness.

The more a person experiences confusion, disorientation in life, the more often he resorts to obscenities. Like a scared and angry animal. Growling, hissing and showing fangs.

As a result, teenagers swear because of the fear that they will not be accepted as real. It is easier to assert oneself according to the general laws of the pack, to be like everyone else. And adults, bearing a huge burden of responsibility, swear to drown out the feeling of fear due to possible failures.

The saddest thing is when people use swear words in communication with each other. Insulting and humiliating the interlocutor, the opponent tries to assert himself at the expense of the other and at least for a second feel his superiority. Albeit in an inappropriate way from a moral and ethical point of view.

2. Sloth of mind

Indeed, why strain and waste energy on the correct construction of sentences, the selection of expressive words and the use of effective oratory techniques.

After all, why waste time explaining in long-winded florid phrases what can be expressed in a second in one word.

Pronounced "bl ..." with different intonation coloring will save the sleeping brain and not disturb the memory. Disappointed: “Well, dear Klavdia Petrovna, you again forgot about the existence of a new model for writing memos.” Aggressively: "Colleague, didn't you see that you were putting this heavy box right on my leg." Admiringly: “Look how unusually beautiful it is around!”

The ability to fully and beautifully communicate is replaced by useless lowing of different duration and tone. Gradually, the vocabulary is depleted, and it becomes more and more difficult to speak the correct Russian language.

3. Constant tension and stress

It has long been proven that the mat briefly helps to let off steam and feel in working order again. Modern people have enough reasons for stress and conflict situations.

A person uses foul language as a defense against the outside world. He's like a bristling hedgehog.

Such a person constantly experiences such strong psychological discomfort that over and over again he simply stops noticing the problems of other people, becomes less sympathetic, benevolent.

And this model of behavior is transferred to the whole worldview, a negative self-perception is formed, other people and events begin to annoy. It has been proven that swear words increase the level of adrenaline, body temperature and pressure. Like alcohol or drugs.

A person understands that he is beginning to be sucked into a destructive funnel of aggressiveness, a split interpersonal relationships, lack of self-understanding. He loses control of himself and his life.

How to stop cursing

It turns out that the checkmate does not exist by itself, but is side effect negative changes that occur in a person.

It is useless to force yourself not to swear. You need to find the root cause and understand yourself.

Take some time for introspection. Take paper and a pen, sit comfortably in your favorite chair, relax. Write down your ideas and thoughts.

    1. Try to remember what was the prerequisite for the use of swearing in your speech. Write down on a piece of paper the actions and words of other people, situations because of which you usually swear.
    2. To what extent does foul language help you, and under what circumstances? What hinders its use?
    3. Imagine that you stopped cursing. Are you more comfortable? Or, on the contrary, do you want to pour out the accumulated aggression and negative emotions in other forms?
    4. How badly do you need checkmate?

Analyze your answers. Think over a plan of action to return the beautiful Russian language to your speech based on the recommendations given.

Change your attitude towards people and circumstances. Having understood the reasons that make you want to swear, try to either change your attitude towards them, or delete them from your life.

For example, you swear while driving. It is clear that you are constantly worried internally, being responsible for the passengers and the safety of the car. Pedestrians scurrying across the road anywhere and dashing drivers are perceived by you as a potential threat. You are afraid, this is normal.

But is there any point in getting angry and foul language, thereby reducing the concentration of attention behind the wheel? Other road users are unlikely to pay attention to you, and the mat will not change the overall situation on the road. Maybe it's easier to exhale and, singing your favorite melody, calmly drive home in a great mood, without winding yourself up.

Learn to relax. You can relieve stress by doing sports, your favorite hobby, spending time with loved ones or in nature. As you learn to make time for yourself and de-stress, you will find yourself using foul language less and less.

Build your confidence. You cannot endlessly assert yourself at the expense of other people. You need your own inner core, a sense of yourself as a person that you respect, appreciate and love. The one who is self-confident, has inner strength and a strong spirit, will never allow himself to humiliate a person and go through his pride.

Try to control your emotions. The most effective option is to mentally count to ten before answering an unpleasant person or reacting to the current situation. Replace obscene words with alternative expressions from normal Russian. It takes a little practice and patience to get used to.

Constantly develop. Don't stop there. Read more quality literature, replenish your vocabulary. Go to virtual educational platforms, improve your skills, master related specialties, take an interest in the world. Set new goals, dream, move forward.

This will give you self-confidence, make positive changes in your life. It is likely that you will meet interesting people, with whom it is pleasant to talk and without a mat. In addition, you will learn to enjoy the use of beautiful and rich turns of speech.