The initial stage of hardening with water. Pouring with cold water: hardening stages. Basic rules for beginners

hardening the body regime

Stage one: “warm” procedures.

The basic principle of hardening: from simple to complex. Therefore, you can start with the easiest and most pleasant way: hot rubdowns. Dampen a sponge, soft towel or mitten hot water, quickly wipe the entire body. The hot water will immediately evaporate, taking the heat with it and cooling the skin. Repeat this several times. The higher the temperature of the air and water, the drier the room, the more intense the evaporation and cooling. The vessels thus “charge”: they narrow and expand, heat exchange is regulated, and as a result, in the event of unexpected hypothermia, a protective reflex is triggered, preventing the occurrence of colds. However, precisely because of the simplicity and pleasantness of this procedure, there is a certain risk of getting carried away with it and imperceptibly becoming hypothermic. Therefore, for the first few days, wipe only your hands, and then you can move on to the whole body. The main thing is to avoid feeling chills. As soon as the feeling of comfort disappears, you need to stop the procedure and rub your body with a dry towel.

Note! A hot shower and hot rubdowns are completely different things. Standing under a hot shower, on the contrary, reduces muscle tone. This is why it is not recommended to wash your face with hot water every day - your facial skin quickly loses its elasticity.

What's next. The next pleasant step for lovers of “warm” hardening can be a bath. The main thing here is not to forget about the time spent in the steam room. For a sauna this is no more than 10 minutes, for steam baths - no more than five. For beginners, it is enough to make one visit to the steam room for 4 minutes, and then take a warm shower.

Stage two: freshness, air and water.

In the fall, when the heating season has already begun, your apartment will be the ideal place for hardening. Just open the window wide, let in the autumn freshness (which will eventually become winter) and wait until the thermometer drops to 20 degrees. Then close the window (to prevent drafts) and quickly undress - preferably to the waist first. You can lie down, sit or do something, the main thing is to again feel a sense of comfort. If the skin turns pink and becomes warmer, it means that resistance to colds is being developed. However, at first it’s worth staying in this form for no more than 15 minutes. And only gradually increase the duration of the air baths to two hours, and reduce the air temperature in the room (up to 15 degrees). The appearance of “goose bumps” is a signal to get dressed.

Note! If it is damp outside, drizzling and the air in the room is very humid, reduce the procedure time by a third. A “rainy” air bath cools the skin much more intensely, and this can throw you off your hardening schedule and lead to a common cold. What's next. Once you are used to enjoying regular air baths, it is logical to move on to water baths - for example, rubbing with cool water. First, wipe the upper body with a wet sponge and rub it with a dry towel. Then do the same with the bottom one. Hands - starting from the palms, then the neck, chest and back, and then from the toes - up to the waist. Use cool water (20-24 degrees), lowering its temperature by 1 degree every day. The duration of the entire procedure is 4 minutes.

Stage three: time of contrasts.

You need to start taking a contrast shower with warm water, the temperature of which corresponds to body temperature, then slightly reduce the hot water so that the stream becomes cooler. After standing like this for 10 seconds, turn the tap back to warm water. The time for pouring hot water is not limited. You need to finish the contrast shower with cool water, after which you need to rub your body dry with a towel. Every two days, lower the temperature of the cold water by 1-2 degrees, bringing it to a minimum that will not cause discomfort to the body. Gradually increase the time you take a cold shower from 10 seconds to 2 minutes, and the total duration of the procedure from 5 minutes to half an hour.

Sometimes newcomers, inspired by the example of their acquaintances, immediately begin to douse themselves with either hot or ice water, expecting an “immunity explosion.” The probability of getting sick is 90 percent.

What's next. After your body gets used to regular contrast showers, you can easily switch to cold ones. The technique is the same: gradually lowering the water temperature and increasing the time spent under the stream. So, the duration of a cold shower can be gradually increased from 20 seconds to 5 minutes.

Stage four: cold climax.

If you are already mentally ready to love truly cold water, but have not gone through the stage of a contrast shower, do not rush to dive into the ice hole. Inconsistency can lead to colds. First, try washing your face with cold water, while hardening your throat - gargling it with water in the morning, lowering the temperature. If there are no unpleasant sensations, take care of your feet: every day before going to bed, immerse your feet in a basin of water for a minute. Start with 25 degrees, then gradually increase the time and lower the temperature. When the legs can stay in cold water from the tap for 10 minutes, and not a single shiver will run down your spine, you are ready for dousing. For the first time, the water should not be cold, much less icy. As always, start with a warm one (30 degrees is fine) - pour it into a basin and quickly tip it over your head. Lower your temperature by a degree every day.

And now all that remains is to take the last step towards perfection - learn to take cold baths. This is not scary if you completed all the previous steps correctly. Follow the same principle as always: lower the water temperature by 1 degree every day. You should stop at the “mark”, beyond which the discomfort zone begins.

A cold bath cannot completely replace a hot one. It strengthens the body's immune system, but is not able to cleanse the body of dirt and bacteria.

Hardening is an excellent way to strengthen the immune system, but for beginners in this matter there are many nuances: where to start the procedures, how to perform them correctly and often - the article will answer all questions.

Hardening is one of the best and most proven ways to improve your own body health, strengthen your immune system and teach your body to quickly adapt to temperature changes. This procedure gives good results after just a few weeks, but only if performed correctly, so beginners in this business need to understand a lot. Hardening for beginners must occur systematically. There are three stages that gradually prepare and adapt the body. Where to start hardening, how often and at what temperature to carry it out, what method to choose?

Hardening is a thermal water procedure aimed at accelerating the body’s adaptation to hypothermia and overheating. Due to extreme cold or heat, the body often “turns off” the immune system in order to devote more energy to regulating body temperature. And at this time, viruses or bacteria break through the weakened protective bastions, and the person becomes ill.

But after regular hardening, the body does not react so sharply to environmental indicators, so the immune function works normally. Such procedures can be carried out not only by adults, but also by children; before doing this, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician.

Before giving advice on hardening, you need to understand its types and choose the right one. Exist various ways boost immunity:

  • rubbing with a damp towel;
  • dousing;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • walking on wet grass;
  • bathing;
  • winter swimming

Where should beginners start when it comes to hardening? If you have never encountered various water procedures with cool water before, then it is better to start with warm rubdowns in the fresh air.

Remember the main rule for beginners to strengthen their immunity with such procedures: the temperature can only be lowered gradually! You need to start with warm water (28-30 degrees), reducing the temperature by 1-2 degrees every two to three days. Also, always wipe yourself dry after completing the procedures, get dressed, and don’t forget about socks.


  1. All you need to do is take a small towel and a bowl of water.
  2. Stand up, dip a towel in the water, wring it out and begin to wipe your legs, gradually moving up to your thighs.
  3. After this, wet the towel in the basin again, wring it out and start wiping your neck, going down to your hips.
  4. Do 3 repetitions in each direction.
  5. After this you can do several simple exercises: 20 squats, 50 jumps, 30 bends. This will help start the heat generation process.

A contrast shower is a quick and easy way to teach the body to better regulate its own temperature. Perform this procedure after your usual morning or evening bath. First, turn on the warm water, pour over the whole body, and then adjust the heat of the water so that it is 10-15 degrees lower, pour over again. Do this 3-4 times; you should always end the contrast shower with cool water.

This stage must be completed within 2 weeks, the procedures must be daily. Rubbing can be done twice a day, and a contrast shower - once. Be sure to dry yourself after contact with water. After 30-40 minutes, you can drink warm tea with honey or heated milk, and it is advisable to wait an hour before eating.

Second phase

At the second stage, walking on wet grass and swimming can be added to the douche and contrast shower. You can walk barefoot on wet grass in the morning, when there is dew on it. First there will be discomfort and the desire to stand on tiptoes, but this must be overcome.

The duration of such a walk should initially be no more than a minute. Increase the time by 10-15 seconds every day. Interesting fact that such a procedure not only hardens, but also improves mood, since tactile sensations from the grass stimulate the nervous system to produce endorphin, the hormone of happiness.

Swimming is an excellent way not only to strengthen yourself, but also to improve your health, because it improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, tones the muscles and strengthens the spine. If weather conditions permit, you can swim in a river or on a lake, but no one forbids visiting the pool when hardening has begun in the cold season.

It is enough to swim for an hour, after which you need to dry yourself thoroughly, get dressed and be sure to dry your hair or wrap it in a towel.

Since at the second stage there are already 4 procedures, it is necessary to combine them correctly. You need to walk on wet grass every day in the morning, wiping can be done during the day, a contrast shower in the evening, and swimming 2-3 times a week is enough.

Third stage

The third stage is not much different from the second, because it includes all the same procedures, except for wiping, which must be replaced with cold dousing.

Cold dousing is also carried out in the fresh air.

  1. For this you need to take 2-3 buckets of water with a temperature of 20 degrees.
  2. First you need to scoop up some liquid and wipe her body.
  3. After this, you can take a bucket and pour half of its volume into the neck area.
  4. The remaining water is poured over the feet.
  5. After the first bucket, squat or jump for a minute. This way the body will receive an additional incentive to produce heat.
  6. After this, use the same method to pour out the second and third (if any) bucket.
  7. Be sure to dry yourself and get dressed.

The frequency of procedures at this stage remains the same, only instead of wiping there will now be dousing.

Why didn’t they remember about winter swimming? Winter swimming is swimming in ice water in winter. This method of hardening causes a lot of controversy, because many doctors consider it harmful and dangerous, so whether to do it or not is everyone’s personal choice.

Hardening for beginners must be carried out systematically in three stages, adhering to the methods and basic recommendations. Then the procedures will only bring benefits, help teach the body to quickly adapt to temperature changes and increase immunity.

Water is the most ancient healer of our body. It can have a powerful impact on us both psychologically and physically. One of popular ways One of the best ways to improve your health is to douse yourself with cold water.

Hardening with cold water has many positive effects and, to one degree or another (from wiping your feet with cold water to swimming in an ice hole) is suitable for almost everyone. Everyone, with the exception of patients with severe forms of illness, will find the most acceptable and accessible methods for themselves.

One of the most popular effects of hardening is considered to be strengthening the immune system, but there are a number of equally positive consequences of such cold training - normalization of the cardiovascular system, rejuvenation of the body, improvement of skin condition, regulation of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Pouring with cold water is a universal system and consists of several stages, each of which can become the only chosen method of healing with water. Of course, the most prepared and motivated people have a chance to get into winter swimming.

It must be remembered that to determine the most optimal method of hardening if you have any diseases, you need to consult a doctor.

Where to start hardening with water?
First stage: wiping the body with a terry towel soaked in cold water. It is very good to do it in the morning, toning the body. Such preparation can be carried out within 5-7 days.
At the same time, trying to walk barefoot on the floor, sleep with open window– that is, gradually accustoming the body to the cold. Also try to wear lighter clothes, in which you will not be cold, but you will feel the air temperature, gradually moving to lighter and lighter things.

Second phase: cold and hot shower. First practice alternating cold and cold hot water, and then gradually lower the temperature, alternating between warm and cool water. Duration 7 days.

Third stage: pouring cold water over parts of the body. Start by washing your face, shoulders, hands with cold water, get used to washing your legs up to the knees with cold water, gradually splashing cold water all over your body. Usually 5 days are enough to get used to this procedure.

Fourth stage: pouring cool water over the entire body. You can shower lukewarm at first and then lower the temperature of the water. After this, rub yourself well with a towel.

Fifth stage: Pouring with ice water or swimming in an ice hole. Not everyone usually approaches this stage, since preparation for it should occur gradually, but if you started dousing yourself with cold water in the summer, then by winter you will already be able to plunge into water below 15 degrees Celsius.

However, if you do not consider yourself ready for such a load on the body, then continue dousing with cold water (you can do it outside) or practice walking barefoot in the snow.

Main rules success in water hardening are:

Systematicity (every day or every other day);
- gradualism (listening to your body and smooth transition from stage to stage);
- complexity (combination of water hardening with other types of hardening, as well as with a healthy lifestyle).

Thus, following these stages, after 1-1.5 months you can stop being afraid of cold water, and acquire cold resistance, improve your health.

Do you have similar hardening experience? Share!

Hardening is a system of preventive measures, the purpose of which is to increase the body’s resistance to adverse factors environment, immune system body, improving thermoregulation, raising self-esteem and strengthening fortitude.

Hardening is considered a reliable and affordable way to maintain health. Health-improving hardening helps the body increase its adaptation to environmental conditions. This helps reduce the likelihood of developing colds and other diseases, as well as improve the body's defenses and maintain health for many years.

In a hardened person, all systems work much better, and the body copes with temperature changes more easily and tolerates physical activity. During hardening procedures, the protective barrier is strengthened and when critical conditions occur, a person is protected and copes more easily with illnesses and everyday difficulties.

The main preventive value of hardening is that it does not cure the disease, but prevents its occurrence. And at the same time, it is suitable for almost any healthy person, regardless of his age and degree of physical development.

The benefits of hardening the body

Hardening consists of gradually training the body systems that provide regulation of body temperature. With prolonged and constant hardening, the body adapts to rapidly changing environmental conditions. This is manifested by the fact that when exposed to a cold environment, the skin vessels begin to contract faster than in an untrained person, as a result of which the risk of hypothermia and the development of complications is reduced.

During the hardening process the following also occurs:

The role of hardening in the prevention of colds

Hardening reduces the risk of developing colds. Colds are usually called a group of infections that develop when the body is hypothermic. These include influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), and so on.

The mechanism of development of these pathologies is that with sudden hypothermia of the body, its protective properties are reduced. In this case, infectious agents (viruses or bacteria) easily penetrate the body tissues through the mucous membranes of the pharynx and upper respiratory tract, causing the development of the disease.

When hardening the body, there is an improvement in the barrier functions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as well as an acceleration of metabolism in them, which prevents the likelihood of developing colds. In this case, when the mucous membrane is hypothermic, its vessels quickly narrow, thereby preventing the development of hypothermia.

At the same time, after the cessation of exposure to cold, the vessels quickly expand, resulting in an increase in blood flow to the mucosa and an increase in its antiviral and antibacterial protection.

Before starting recovery with the help of hardening procedures, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Types of hardening

Depending on the type of influencing factor, hardening can be divided into several groups:

Water hardening

Water hardening is effective method preparing the body for the cold. Water procedures activate the blood circulation process, delivering the necessary nutrients and additional oxygen to the organs.

Impact on human body Even warm water helps activate adaptive reactions (constriction of blood vessels, increased heat production) and hardening of the body.

As a result, the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular, and endocrine systems of the body is activated. Even a daily morning wash or shower has a hardening and tonic effect.

Contraindications to water hardening:

  • infectious diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic otitis;
  • cold allergy;
  • hyperexcitability.

In addition, it is worth remembering a number of rules and recommendations that will make water hardening procedures effective and safe for health.

When hardening with water you should:

It is better to perform water hardening in the first half of the day immediately after sleep, since in addition to the hardening effect, these procedures invigorate.
It is not advisable to perform exercises before bed (less than 1–2 hours before going to bed), since the process of falling asleep may be disrupted as a result of exposure to a stress factor.
Cool an already warm (heated) body. Before starting water procedures, you need to do a light warm-up for 5-10 minutes. This will improve blood circulation and prepare the body for hardening.
Allow the skin to dry on its own, since if you wipe the skin dry after exposure to water, this will weaken the stimulating effect of the cold, reducing the effectiveness of the procedure.
Warm up 15–20 minutes after completing water procedures, that is, go to a warm room or put on warm clothes. At the same time, the skin vessels will dilate, and the blood flow to them will increase, which will prevent the development of colds.
Increase the duration and intensity of water procedures. Over time, the water temperature should be lowered and the duration of exercise should be gradually increased, which will ensure hardening of the body.

The following types of water hardening are distinguished:

  • rubbing;
  • dousing;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • therapeutic bathing;


This type of hardening involves wiping with a cold, damp towel or sponge. This is a gentle method of water hardening and is considered as a preliminary stage before serious procedures.

Wiping with water cools the skin, stimulating the development of adaptive reactions, at the same time, without leading to severe and sudden hypothermia of the body.

The initial temperature of the water used for wiping should not be lower than 20–22 degrees. As you perform the exercises, the water temperature should be reduced by 1 degree every 2-3 days. The minimum water temperature is limited by the person’s preparation and the body’s reaction to the procedure.


In terms of its effect, dousing is more effective than wiping. Dousing is a preparatory stage before swimming in cold water. The procedure can be general or local, for example, pouring feet.

After preliminary warm-up, fill a basin or bucket with water at the desired temperature. Then, after undressing, take several deep and frequent breaths and pour water over your head and torso.

After this, rub your body with your hands for 30-60 seconds. After the procedure, dry your body with a dry towel. The exercise should be performed daily, reducing the water temperature by 1 degree every 2-3 days (a water thermometer is required).

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower is a more effective hardening method, but this procedure can be used after several weeks of hardening by wiping and dousing with water.

After a preliminary warm-up, get into the shower and turn on cold water (20–22 degrees) for 10–15 seconds. Then, without leaving the shower, turn on the hot water and stay under it for 10-15 seconds. Repeat changing the water temperature 2-3 times. It is recommended to complete the procedure with warm water.

In the future, lower the temperature of the cold water by 1 degree every 2-3 days, while leaving the temperature of the “hot” water constant.

The advantage of this technique is that during a change in water temperature, a sharp narrowing and then expansion of the blood vessels of the skin occurs, which stimulates the body’s adaptive reactions.

Winter swimming

Swimming in ice water or winter swimming is an extreme and extreme form of water hardening, requiring very serious and long preparation and the absence of health contraindications. Winter swimming has a great effect on all organs and systems of the human body, the functioning of the heart and lungs improves, and the thermoregulation system is improved.

For most people, swimming in cold water is enough to achieve the desired result in strengthening health and immunity. Winter swimming is more suitable for people who have a personal inclination towards it. It is necessary to start winter swimming after consulting a doctor.

The first and basic rule of this hardening method is that you cannot swim in an ice hole alone. There should always be a person next to the swimmer who, if necessary, can help cope with emergency or call for help.

Immediately before immersing yourself in ice water for 10–20 minutes, it is recommended to do a good warm-up, including gymnastics, light jogging, and so on. This will improve blood circulation and prepare the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems for stress. Also, before diving, you should put a special rubber cap on your head, which should also cover your ears.

You should be immersed in water for short periods (from 5 to 90 seconds, depending on the fitness of the body). After leaving the icy water, you should immediately dry yourself with a towel and throw a warm robe or blanket over your body to avoid hypothermia in the cold.

It is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic beverages (vodka, wine, etc.) after bathing, as they contain ethanol promotes the expansion of blood vessels in the skin, as a result of which the body loses heat very quickly. In such conditions, hypothermia may occur, and the risk of developing a cold or even pneumonia increases.

Aerotherapy – air hardening

The principle of action of air as a hardening factor also comes down to stimulating the body’s thermoregulation, which increases resistance to hypothermia. For the purpose of air hardening, air baths are used.

An air bath is the exposure of a naked (or partially naked) human body to moving air. Under normal conditions, the thin layer of air located between human skin and clothing has a constant temperature (about 27 degrees).

As soon as a person is naked, the air temperature around him decreases and the body begins to lose heat. This activates the thermoregulatory and adaptive functions of the body, which promotes hardening.

Air procedures normalize the functions of the central nervous and endocrine systems, improve metabolism in the body and increase resistance to infectious and other pathogenic factors.

In addition, air procedures stimulate the compensatory and protective functions of the body, but this happens “softer” than when hardening with water. That is why air hardening can be used even by those people for whom water exercises are contraindicated, for example, those with serious illnesses.

Air baths can be:

  • Warm - at an air temperature of 25-30 degrees.
  • Indifferent - at an air temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  • Cool - at an air temperature of 15–20 degrees.
  • Cold - at temperatures below 15 degrees.

At the initial stage of hardening, it is recommended to take warm air baths in the summer. This is done as follows. After ventilating the room in the morning, you need to undress, which will ensure cooling of the skin and activation of adaptive reactions. You need to remain in this position for 5–10 minutes (at the first lesson), after which you should get dressed.

In the future, the procedure can be increased by 5 minutes every 2-3 days. If no complications are observed, after 1–2 weeks you can move on to indifferent baths, and after another month to cool ones. In this case, the procedure itself can be performed indoors or outdoors.

Cold baths are indicated for people who have been hardening for at least 2-3 months and do not suffer from serious illnesses. While taking air baths, a person should feel a slight coolness. You should not allow a feeling of cold or the development of muscle tremors to occur, as this will indicate severe hypothermia of the body.

Heliotherapy – sun hardening

Heliotherapy is the effect of heat and sunlight on the body. Wherein:

  • blood vessels dilate;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • sweating increases;
  • hemoglobin increases and the number of red blood cells increases;
  • Endorphins (happiness hormones) are produced.

Such procedures increase the stability of the nervous system and resistance to infections, improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes and have a tonic effect on the body.

In addition, ultraviolet rays stimulate the body's production of vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal development of bone tissue, as well as for the functioning of other organs. These effects help increase the body's resistance to infections and colds.

Sunbathing is recommended in calm weather. The right time for this is from 10 to 12 am and from 4 to 6 pm. At the same time, it is not recommended to stay in the sun from 12 to 16 hours, since the damaging effect of solar radiation is maximum.

The duration of the sunbath at the beginning of hardening should not exceed 5 minutes. During the sunbathing period, a person's head should remain in the shade or be covered with a hat, as exposure to direct sunlight can cause sunstroke.

After completing the procedure, it is recommended to immerse the body in cool water for 1–2 minutes (swim in the sea, take a cool shower). This will lead to constriction of skin blood vessels, which will also contribute to hardening of the body. In the future, the time spent in the sun can be increased, but it is not recommended to stay in direct sunlight for more than 30 minutes (continuously).

Sun hardening can not only be beneficial, but also harmful, so you need to follow the rules. Under no circumstances should burns, overheating or heat stroke be allowed.

Contraindications to hardening by sunbathing:

Snow rubdown

The procedure is as follows. After a preliminary warm-up (for 5-10 minutes), you need to go outside, pick up snow in your palm and start sequentially wiping areas of the body (arms, legs, neck, chest, stomach). The duration of wiping with snow is 5-15 minutes (depending on the person’s health condition).

The technique is suitable for trained, hardened people whose bodies are already adapted to extreme cold stress. It is strictly prohibited to begin hardening procedures by wiping with snow.

Hardening in a bath

Staying in the bath is accompanied by a pronounced dilation of the blood vessels of the skin, improved microcirculation in the skin and increased sweating. This also stimulates the development of adaptive reactions and reduces the risk of colds.

Initially, the time spent in the steam room (where the air temperature can reach 115 degrees) should be 1–2 minutes, after which short breaks (10–15 minutes) should be taken. This will allow you to assess the body's reaction to this temperature.

If during breaks no symptoms (dizziness, headaches, nausea, darkening of the eyes) are observed, the time can be increased to 5 minutes. In the future, the time can be increased by 1–2 minutes with each next visit to the bathhouse.

After leaving the steam room, you can plunge into cold water. The resulting stress will lead to a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin, which will have a pronounced hardening effect. In addition, if the procedure is performed in winter, upon completion, you can wipe it with snow, which will give the same positive result.

Hardening rules

Scientific research into hardening and practical experience have made it possible to formulate a number of recommendations and rules:

  • absence of diseases;
  • positive attitude towards hardening;
  • gradualism;
  • variety of hardening types;
  • regularity;
  • combination with physical exercise;
  • individual approach;
  • self-control;
  • healthy lifestyle.

Absence of diseases

Hardening has a powerful effect on the human body. You need to start hardening if you are healthy (cold, bad tooth).

Children and people suffering from diseases should begin hardening with gentle procedures and only after consulting a doctor who will help you choose the right type of hardening, taking into account the person’s age and state of health.

If the hardening procedure causes deterioration in health, it must be stopped.

Positive attitude towards hardening

Hardening should be carried out consciously, since the effect of the procedure depends on a positive psychological attitude and interest. Hardening should bring joy.


The temperature and exposure time must be increased gradually so as not to harm the body. You cannot immediately dive into an ice hole or wipe yourself with snow. First, a set of gentle measures is worked out. Start with rubbing or contrasting foot baths, then move on to dousing.

With a reasonable “dosage” of hardening procedures, the body is exposed to beneficial physiological stress, which activates the body’s protective response. A gradual and systematic increase in the load on the body's defenses leads to an increase in the threshold of resistance.

Forced stress causes a massive release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands and deterioration of the body's condition. An unadapted body may become hypothermic, which will lead to the development of complications.

However, if you do not increase the load, hardening of the body will not occur.

Variety of hardening types

The best effect can be achieved if you change the types of hardening of the body: do not limit yourself to water procedures alone, but also take sun and air baths.


Another rule of hardening is consistency and regularity. And even when you feel hardened and healthy, it is extremely undesirable to stop. In case of a break, you need to resume the process with gentle procedures.

It is important to remember that a break in procedures deprives the body of developed protective habits.

It is recommended to start hardening in the summer, since the body is prepared for stress. At the same time, you should continue to perform hardening procedures regularly throughout the year, since otherwise the hardening effect will disappear.

The effect of hardening the body develops after 2–3 months of regular repetitions of procedures and exercises. When hardening is stopped, the effect begins to weaken, disappearing after 3–4 weeks in adults and after 6–7 days in children.

The mechanism for the development of this phenomenon is explained by the fact that when the influence of stress factors ceases, the adaptive reactions of the body that were responsible for its protection are gradually “turned off.”

Combination with exercise

Combine hardening with physical exercise, games and sports entertainment - this will increase the effect of hardening procedures.

Individual approach

When hardening, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the person, state of health, time of year and natural and climatic conditions. If a weakened, unprepared person begins to perform too intense hardening procedures, this can lead to the development of colds and other diseases.


When performing hardening procedures, constant self-control is important. Assess your health, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, appetite and sleep.

Healthy lifestyle

Hardening is a component healthy image life. Don’t forget to pay attention to other aspects of your life (nutrition, daily routine, refusal to bad habits.).

Hardening the body is an affordable way to improve health and prevent diseases. Moreover, these procedures do not take much time and can be carried out by anyone. You need to find the desire within yourself and show perseverance.

Questions and answers on the topic "Hardening"

Question:Hello, Doctor! I am 16 years old. It started to end in September, I made a lot of mistakes in this matter, I lowered the temperature too sharply (in about 10 days I lowered it from 35 degrees to 15 degrees). And I swam in such water for 20-40 minutes at a time. As a result, I got sick, coughed, and had a runny nose. I didn’t want to repeat my mistakes, so I decided to turn to you for help. Please tell me at what temperature should I start hardening with water? How to lower the temperature correctly? At what temperature would you like to stop at the end? And yes, more. It’s already frosty in my city, and winter is gradually coming. Is it possible to start hardening at this time of year? (I just read that it’s best to harden up in the summer.) And is it possible not just to fight off with cold water, but to swim in it? I mean 30 minutes? How to dress after swimming? Warm or light?

Answer: Hello! You need to start with body temperature, that is, the water should be at least 37 degrees, you don’t need to lower the temperature every day, it’s enough to do this once every 2-3 days, you need to stop at 18 degrees. Of course, it is better to start hardening in the warm season, but if you do everything correctly, you can do it even in cold weather, the main thing is not to go outside after such a shower, that is, carry out hardening procedures in the evening. You can also try a more gentle option to protect yourself, not a shower, but a trickle of water at the bottom of the bathroom - a path of water, the temperature of which can be reduced to 13 degrees; you need to walk along such a path for 5-10 minutes. After water procedures, you need to dry yourself thoroughly. Dress in one layer of clothing. You should not swim in cold water; a shower is enough; sudden hypothermia can lead to disruption of the cardiovascular system. There is no need to exclude contact with hot water. Write if you have any more questions.

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Regular hardening can effectively improve health. When carrying out hardening procedures, it is important to follow some principles of their implementation so that the effect of the procedures is positive. The most important rules of all procedures are adherence to systematicity, gradualism, sequence of procedures, as well as individual characteristics human body and self-control. Doctors consider contrast showers to be a therapeutic procedure. It strengthens the skin and prevents viruses and dirt from entering the body, becoming a barrier in their path. Heals internal organs and strengthens them. Promoting a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular in our society. More and more often you can meet people without bad habits who follow the correct daily routine and proper nutrition. But there is an important aspect of this lifestyle that not everyone remembers. This is hardening the body. Many have heard or read about hardening - as a way to restore and maintain protective forces human body. To do this, you need to draw up a specific schedule for gradually hardening the body; you can consult your doctor. He will recommend the best procedures for you that have a healing effect and strengthen the immune system. Probably everyone knows the ancient Russian custom of dipping into an ice hole in the desire to gain good health and cleanse your soul and body. A complete alternative to a cold bathtub in a city high-rise building can be dousing it with cold water from an ordinary plastic bucket. Life modern man quite often turns into a series of stress and worries, especially if he lives in big city. Bad ecology, noise, a lot of people around, disturbances at work and in personal relationships do not add to health, and as time passes, the body increasingly begins to get sick. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, you need to take care of yourself, visit doctors on time, take courses of vitamins in winter and autumn, exercise regularly and rest on time. A fairly old method of keeping oneself in good shape - hardening with a contrast shower - serves the same purpose. Hardening is simply necessary for a child’s body; it increases its resistance to diseases. The hardening process must be carried out from early childhood and with a strictly defined sequence. The herbal sauna came to European countries from mysterious Thailand. It was invented and developed by Thai monks and is an ancient tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. The hammam differs from our usual bathhouse in the principle of generating steam. In Russian baths, water is poured over hot stones to create steam. Here everything is completely different; the heat source is the floor of the bathhouse itself. It is this that should be watered in the hammam. Do you want to relieve fatigue, cleanse your body of toxins, boost your immunity, or fight off an impending cold? At the same time, being in the bliss of comfort and relaxation? The Cedar Barrel phytosauna will help you. The best relaxing and healthy vacation is a bathhouse. Once upon a time, the bathhouse was a place for swimming and relaxation, but now it is considered a healing procedure for the whole body. It’s not for nothing that after bath procedures they congratulate you with “Enjoy your steam!”, the body becomes younger, healthier, and a person’s mood rises! The bathhouse has long been famous for its unique, healing and beneficial properties. There are many reasons to go to the bathhouse, including just relaxing, relieving stress - lying down, steaming with a broom, adding a couple of drops to the water essential oil. This is a mood lifter, because you leave all your negative emotions there, relax and feel much better. The “black” sauna is made of deciduous wood. The best sauna is chopped, made from well-dried wood. There must be a dressing room that prevents cold air from entering the room and is used for undressing and dressing. Summer is a wonderful time. This is, first of all, the time of hot holidays, when people go to the seaside. Many people prefer to relax in the summer on their native Russian beach, while others start booking hot trips to Turkey, Greece, and Egypt from the very first day. Vacation is certainly wonderful, and it would seem that nothing can spoil the beach view of the roiling sea. Besides health. When summer is approaching or has already arrived, many women want to have a beautiful tan in order to show off their lovely figure. But often, there is simply not enough time to visit the beaches. The reason for this is often work, home, children. But what to do then? Sea air gives a lot useful properties for the human body. It is saturated with microscopic particles of sea moisture, which, in contact with the skin and penetrating the respiratory tract, have a positive effect on health. Tanning is the reaction of human skin to sunlight. Or rather, ultraviolet rays. It changes color due to the pigment accumulated in the lower layers, called melanin. The long-awaited vacation has arrived. There are many plans, ideas and confidence ahead that the time has finally come when you can take care of the skin, which during the cold months has lost its healthy shine and has become dull. Most common cause cancer formation is ultraviolet radiation, regardless of its source. If we compare the midday sun and a solarium, the latter emits 6 times more UV rays, which have a detrimental effect on the human body. With the arrival of warm, sunny spring days, many begin to think about beautiful tan. There is a lot to debate about its benefits and harms. But in order for tanning to bring more benefits than harm, you will need to obtain a lot of necessary information. In winter, people use various protective products for the skin of the face and body (creams, balms and others) to protect them from the harmful effects of environmental factors. In the summer, these same creams and balms mostly remain unused and simply lie on distant shelves. This decision does not bring any benefit to the skin at all, because both in summer and winter it equally needs protection. IN Lately Sun allergies are becoming more and more common, even in people who were not previously prone to allergic reactions of this type. Signs of photodermatosis begin to appear with the first hot rays of the sun, when the skin is not yet accustomed to its effects. Of course, not a single summer is complete without a tan. Every person wants to have a bronze tan, which is actually very popular these days. But how often do people find that their tan goes on unevenly or simply looks terrible? It is for these reasons that many people try to get rid of annoying tanning and return their body skin to its previous appearance. As summer approaches, many of us dream of getting a gorgeous bronze tan. However, we rarely think about ways to achieve our cherished goal, forgetting about serious threats to health and even life. How to achieve the desired skin tone, but not suffer? Many residents different countries They can't wait for the sunny couple - summer. Who doesn't love spending time on the beach near the sea or local lake? Almost everyone will answer “I love you.” Bask in the warm rays of the sun that everyone has been waiting for. Women love to spend long periods of time on the sunny beach, because a tan gives beautiful contours to the figure and hides unwanted fragments on the skin. But unfortunately, not everyone remembers the negative side of their favorite warm rays of the sun. Instead of a golden, even tan, dark spots appear on the skin. Summer is the most carefree and relaxed time of the year. It's time for holidays and vacations, beach parties and revealing outfits, new hobbies and holiday romances. Tanned, fit, cheerful - the last thing we want to think about is cellulite, wrinkles, serious cosmetic procedures and weight loss. After all, during this period we should only be concerned about summer shopping and relaxing on the seashore. In order to boast an even summer tan, you need to know the golden rules of tanning. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting sunburned and spending your holiday in bed. Sunbathing is not recommended for people with pale skin and blond hair. Large pigment spots and a large number of moles also complicate sun exposure. After all, such people risk getting sunburn and provoke the development of various diseases. If your skin color is far from olive by nature, and in the summer and during the velvet season you did not have time to acquire a bronze tint, the problem can be corrected, moreover, at home. A sun allergy is a reaction that occurs in some people from sun exposure. Her medical name- solar dermatitis or photodermatosis. A trip to the sea can be a wonderful adventure, or it can turn into a disaster. But you prepared so much, spent a lot of money on buying glasses, a swimsuit, a bag, again, tickets and accommodation are not cheap, you must admit that because of improper behavior on the water you don’t want to spoil your long-awaited vacation.

Water hardening is one of the most effective methods improving health and achieving longevity. Water, as the source of everything in the universe, has a significant healing effect on the human body only if it adheres to all the principles of hardening. In this article on the House of Knowledge, I will tell you how to properly harden yourself with water and what to do to avoid getting sick after...

Water hardening - one of the most effective methods of improving health and achieving longevity. Water, as the source of everything in the universe, has a significant healing effect on the human body only if it adheres to all the principles of hardening.

In this article on the House of Knowledge, I will tell you how to properly temper yourself with water and what to do to avoid getting sick after the procedures.

Preparation for hardening and choosing a water hardening method.

The biggest concern is for those who, without special preparation or training, are going to surprise their friends by swimming in an ice hole or dousing them with ice water. I want to say categorically that in adolescence and adolescence, “winter swimming” is not recommended at all. During this period of life, other types of hardening are much more effective for a person: solar and air. In addition, even in adulthood, people do not become “walruses” immediately, but after long training and always under the supervision of experienced trainers and doctors. And even with such conditions, not everyone is lucky enough to swim in the ice hole.

Therefore, I advise you to resort to less exotic, but reliable and effective hardening procedures: showering, dousing, rubbing, wrapping, bathing, etc.

How to properly start tempering with water?

One of the important conditions for hardening the body with water is right choice its temperature. There are cold baths (water temperature does not exceed 16 0 C), cool (16-28 0 C), so-called indifferent (29-36 0 C), warm (36-39 0 C) and hot (above 40 0 ​​C).

Water hardening is much stronger than air hardening. Therefore, do not stay long in the pool, river or sea. Short but energetic procedures invigorate and strengthen the body best.

Water hardening should begin in spring or summer, but then do not interrupt it throughout the year. The optimal air temperature for such a “start” is within 17-20 0 C and it can be reduced after a certain adaptation of the body.

It is better to take hardening water procedures in the morning, immediately after sleep or morning hygienic exercises. Upon completion, vigorously rub the skin with a soft towel until it becomes Pink colour.

The last factor of hardening is very indicative, and one should learn to control it. During the first 1-2 minutes of contact with water, the skin turns pale as the blood vessels narrow, then turns pink due to their expansion. This reaction is especially important, as it increases the body’s endurance and resistance to colds and other diseases. But further hypothermia, which is expressed by paleness or even blueness of the skin, should not be allowed.

Unfortunately, quite often you see children and teenagers in the water who are already shivering, turning purple from the cold, and do not want to go ashore. Apart from harm to health, such “hardening” does nothing.

The water temperature for the initial hardening procedures should be indifferent, “indifferent”, preferably 34-35 0 C. You can also “start” in pleasantly cool water at a temperature of 29-33 0 C. Such water does not excite or irritate. Over the next 1-2 weeks, the cold threshold is lowered to 12-14 0 C, or even lower. The rate at which the hardening temperature decreases and its lower limit depend on your body’s adaptability to cold. The water temperature should be gradually reduced by one degree every day. Control is carried out based on skin reaction. Only the first and second phases (the skin turns pale for 1-2 minutes, and then turns pink) provide a healing effect.

If, when hardening with water, repeated chills, trembling, and bluish skin occur, it means that the hardening mode was chosen incorrectly. The water temperature must be immediately increased or the procedure shortened. You can also apply cold or heat to individual parts of the body, or combine types of procedures.

The pressure of the jets on the skin should also be taken into account. The stronger the water jet, the colder the procedure will be.

Blue skin when hardened by water at a young age is most often observed when swimming in open natural reservoirs. In this case, you should immediately go ashore and warm up.

Methods of hardening the body with water.

If you don't tolerate it well shower(skin receptors are severely irritated) or dousing, rubdown, baths, try resorting to short-term local procedures - wipe yourself to the waist, do foot baths etc.

All hygienic procedures using water - washing, baths, showers, gargling and others - can also be successfully used for hardening. But this must be done skillfully. Once I came across such a case when a guy regularly tempered himself with a cold rubdown above the waist and washed his feet with warm water. As a result, all his efforts came to nothing.

First of all, make sure that there are no drafts in the room in which you perform water procedures. Otherwise, acting on wet skin, they will cause additional hypothermia, and then the disease is not far away. For the same reasons, choose a cozy place for outdoor water procedures in the summer.

Walking on water is an excellent way to harden the body.

To harden with water, it is not necessary to swim in the sea or a special pool. You can become healthy and resilient in an ordinary apartment, in your yard or on the street.

It’s good, for example, to harden yourself by walking barefoot on dewy or rain-wet grass in spring and summer, and in winter - around the room. The first such procedures last 3-5 minutes, and subsequently their duration is increased to 15-20 minutes. After each such hardening, do not forget to wash your feet with water, the temperature of which is 18-22 0 C. After this, dry them thoroughly with a dry towel and put on socks.

After 15-20 days of such hardening, you can already begin “fermentation in water.” Don't worry if there is no river or sea nearby. It is enough to stand in a bowl of water (18-22 0 C) and walk around in place. In the first days, the duration of such procedures is 30 seconds, then their duration is gradually increased to 3 minutes. In this case, every 3 days the water temperature is reduced by 1 0 C, bringing it to 12-14 0 C. The effect of this procedure can be enhanced by raising the water level in the bath to the knees. After “hardening walks,” it is also good to pour water over your legs, especially your feet (18-22 0 C) until you feel warm.

Washing and rinsing the mouth are also types of hardening with water.

In addition to the previously listed types of water hardening, many people use washing or washing their hands and feet. To prevent diseases of the teeth and oral mucosa, rinse them with water at room temperature. And if you do this regularly (day and evening) with your throat, you will soon forget about sore throats, tonsillitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

For each rinse, half a glass of boiled water is enough. Moreover, the gurgling of liquid in the throat itself should continue as long as possible, for which you need to take as deep a breath as possible. This type of hardening is also useful in that it relates to breathing exercises, and, therefore, develops the lungs.

The correctness of the hardening process by rubbing.

The hardening procedure by rubbing, as a rule, begins with the hands, from the wrist to the shoulder (with a sponge, napkin or towel soaked in 18-22 0 C water) with uniform, fairly fast movements. After this, wet areas should be rubbed with a dry towel until the skin turns pink. After 3-5 days, the entire upper body is wiped: arms, chest, back. It is very convenient to do this with a mitten specially made from cotton fabric. After 2 weeks, you can wipe your entire body: chest, back, stomach, arms and legs. The entire procedure takes 2-3 minutes.

A week after complete wiping, the water temperature is reduced by 1 0 C every 3-5 days, bringing it to 12-14 0 C.

Hardening by rubbing is best done after morning exercises. It invigorates and activates strength. You can do this before bed, but then use moderate temperature water and do not rub yourself with a dry towel.

Pouring water is the best hardening method.

After two months of rubbing with 12-14 degree water, you can move on to dousing.

Tempering by dousing begins at a temperature of 20 0 C. For the first 7 days, the shoulders, hands and forearms are doused, and from the 2nd week - the legs. After each procedure, it is useful to do self-massage and be sure to rub yourself with a dry towel.

After half a month of such exercises, they are completely doused: first, the arms and legs, then the pressure of water is directed to the torso (lower part) in front and behind, after which the back and head are doused. Another week of complete dousing, and after every 3 procedures the water temperature begins to be reduced by 1 0 C, bringing it to 12-14 0 C.

Cool and cold showers are an excellent method of hardening.

The strongest form of hardening- cool and cold showers, since they also mechanically irritate skin receptors. First, the water temperature should be 30-35 0 C, and the duration of the procedure should be 1 minute. Then, according to the method described above, the stream of water is made increasingly colder, and the duration of its effect on the body is increased to 2 minutes. In the future, it is useful to take showers with variable water temperatures, for which you alternate a 30-35-degree jet with a 15-20-degree jet 2-3 times, each lasting 3 minutes.

If you follow the recommendations, water procedures will give you energy and increase your performance. But if you feel that one of them overly excites you, slightly irritates you, or you are having trouble falling asleep, then you should immediately abandon it.

Combination of water hardening procedures.

Hardening with the water procedures discussed can be combined. Let’s say, “walk on water” in the morning, and douse yourself with water in the evening. All these procedures must be performed daily.

Swimming in ponds is a great way to strengthen the body.

Swimming in rivers, lakes and ponds.
TO effective means Hardening also includes swimming in ponds. At the same time, the body is affected not only by meteorological, temperature, mechanical factors, but also by various movements that a person makes during swimming, exercise and games.

It is best to start swimming when the water, say, in a pond, heats up to 18-20 0 C and the air temperature is the same. And the swimming season ends at a water temperature of 10-12 0 C and 14-16 0 C air.

If the body is not sufficiently hardened, then the “starting” swim should take place in water whose temperature is not colder than 20 0 C, and the air temperature is 24-25 0 C. First, swim for 3-5 minutes, bringing the stay in the water to fifteen minutes, and subsequently - up to half an hour. In the first 4-5 days they enter the water once a day, then twice, with an interval of at least 3-4 hours.

It is best to harden yourself by swimming in the morning or evening. But do not forget that you should not go into the water when you are hot, sweaty and tired. After eating, you can swim only 1.5-2 hours later, and on an empty stomach it is not recommended at all.

Sea bathing.
When hardening, sea bathing is also very useful. Here the body is additionally affected by chemical and mechanical irritants.

Wave impacts increase heat transfer from the body, activate muscle function, and tone the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

Microscopic crystals of sodium chloride, which are rich in sea ​​water, significantly improve a person’s well-being.

Rubbing with snow is a common winter type of hardening.

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Among powerful hardening agents, rubbing with snow occupies a special place. But you can proceed to this procedure only when the doctor allows it.

They begin wiping with snow indoors, and after the body adapts, this can be done outdoors. First, rub the upper body for 2 minutes, then the legs.

Bathhouse and steam room - excellent hardening.

A sauna with a steam room also strengthens human health. By whipping yourself with a broom, you stimulate sweat production and blood flow to the skin, muscles and internal organs. It is useful, as was done in ancient times, to douse yourself with cold water or rub yourself with snow after a bath.

Thermal hardening procedures.

Thermal procedures for hardening the body also give a significant boost of health and vigor. Unlike the action of cold, which initially constricts blood vessels, in warmth they expand. General warming of the body relaxes the muscles of the internal organs, improves kidney function, increases the secretion of bile, and increases the secretion of the stomach and pancreas. The combination of warming and cooling procedures calms the body and relieves pain.

Since thermal hardening procedures increase body temperature, the body's resistance to disease also increases. Doctors widely use therapeutic and prophylactic hydro procedures: compresses, wraps, baths.

General thermal baths, for example, calm the central nervous system and relieve fatigue, insomnia and irritability. They should be taken before bed, no earlier than an hour after dinner. In this case, the water temperature should be about 37-38 0 C. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The water temperature must be constant at all times, since deviation in any direction will not give the desired results.

At the end of the procedure, douse yourself with warm water (26-27 0 C), dry (but do not rub) the body with a towel and immediately go to bed.

Hardening with salt and pine-salt baths.

To relieve fatigue and tension, you can take salt baths at home. To do this, 0.5-1 kg of salt is dissolved in a bath filled to the top with water, and for pine-salt procedures, another 2 tablets of pine extract are added. The water temperature should not exceed 35 0 C. You should take a bath every other day, 2 hours before bedtime, no more than 10-15 minutes. After this, you need to lie quietly for half an hour.

General hygienic baths should be taken at home 1-2 times a week, or even more often. If your skin dries out from water, use baby or lanolin soap.