Hotel room cleaning standards. Types and rules of room cleaning. Cleaning technology is the right choice of detergent and tools

The main difference between large hotels and medium and small ones is in technical equipment, the composition and quality of the number of rooms, the range of services provided and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The housekeeping department is responsible for the quality of the room stock and cleaning, which maintains cleanliness in the hotel.

Nadezhda Rendorevskaya, head of the hotel management service at the Courtyard Marriott hotel, told us about the cleaning procedure and technology.

Nadezhda Rendorevskaya

The order and technology of room cleaning

The hotel management service includes thirteen maids and two supervisors (head maids) who are responsible for cleaning the hotel premises and its territory. The engineering department is responsible for the order in the parking lot and the engine room.

During cleaning, the maids use specialized Ecolab detergents. The company provides the hotel with all cleaning equipment - from napkins to vacuum cleaners.

Types of cleaning

Daily housekeeping

1. Open a window or turn on the air conditioner.

2. Collect garbage.

3. Apply detergent to the bath and leave.

4. Make the bed.

5. Remove dust from all surfaces with a napkin.

6. Vacuum.

7. Wash the bath, clean up the bathroom.

8. Check the integrity of all light bulbs.

Room cleaning after guests check out. Everything is the same as for daily cleaning, and the replacement of bed linen and hygiene products.

Spring-cleaning. Once every 7-10 days, the maid washes the walls and windows with inside, changes curtains, dry-cleans carpets and cleans all hard-to-reach places - under and behind furniture.

Easy cleaning. If the room has been empty for a long time, it is necessary to ventilate it and wipe dust from all surfaces.

There are general rules for all types of cleaning.

Cleaning begins with the preparation of the trolley, in which the maid puts all the cleaning supplies and things that need to be replaced - towels, linen, printed materials, cosmetical tools.

Premium-Basic Maid Trolley

The maid performs any type of cleaning in a circle from left to right or right to left, so as not to miss a single object in the room.

“The order is always made up of little things,” says Nadezhda Rendorevskaya, “so you should always pay attention to such details as lampshade seams, towel labels, electrical appliance wires. The seams and labels should not be seen by the guest and should not unravel the wires of the telephone and the iron. The order in such trifles creates the impression that the guest is the only and desired one, that everything is only for him alone.

Cleaning technology is the right choice of detergent and tools

For each surface - carpet, stone, plastic, mirror, chrome - there is a separate detergent and tool - a napkin, a mop, a rag.

Napkins are needed for cleaning surfaces from dust and for polishing them. Napkins can be used for both dry and wet cleaning, while periodically rinsing the napkins or replacing them with clean ones.

Rags are needed for cleaning floors, walls and windows.

A mop is a microfiber or cotton nozzle for a floater - a mop, which consists of an elongated handle and a mop holder. Mops are used to wipe floors, walls, windows and hard-to-reach places under furniture.

Extended handle

All detergents indicate what they are intended for, and the specific color of the mop or napkin corresponds to the cleaning area and the detergent that is used on it.

Cleaning of other rooms for guests

In addition to rooms, a hall, lobby, restaurant, bar, conference room, elevators, toilets, stairs and corridors are intended for guests.

In elevators, stairs and corridors, employees clean up during the day, when most of the guests are absent.

The lobby, lobby and toilets are cleaned continuously, around the clock. As it gets dirty, you need to wipe the floor, clean all surfaces of dust, put chairs in their places and lay out pillows on sofas.

In the restaurant, bar and conference room, maids clean at night when the premises are free from visitors.

Cleaning of office premises, territory and external walls of the hotel

In office premises and offices, maids clean daily and in the evening, when there are no employees.

In offices, it is necessary to wash the floors, wipe the windows, take out the trash, clean the surfaces from dust.

Cleaning outside the building and on the territory of the hotel with smoking areas is cleaned daily by employees of the housekeeping department. The outer surface of the walls is cleaned once a year by employees of cleaning companies.

Staff training

In the economic department, which is engaged in cleaning, there is a hierarchy. At the very first step - maids, then - supervisors, and after them - the head of the department, Nadezhda.

Before a new maid starts working, she must undergo training - theoretical and practical. Training takes place in small groups under the guidance of a supervisor who brings the maids to the room and does the cleaning himself in the correct order. Next, the maids themselves try to clean up.

The duration of maid training depends on the work experience and its duration. As stated in the hotel standards, the maid can re-train with a supervisor if she feels insecure.

Despite the experience and experience, every maid has in her cart just such a scheme that prescribes the correct course of action.

“Each hotel complex has its own cleaning standards. Thanks to our standards, which I described, the level of cleanliness for the last year is 88%, which means that 88% of the guests noted in their reviews that their room was perfectly clean.

In the technology of cleaning rooms, there are daily, after the departure of guests, general. Every day the maid carries out the current and intermediate cleaning of the rooms.

Room cleaning is carried out in the following sequence: first, cleaning is carried out in the booked rooms, then the rooms that are vacant are cleaned, and lastly, the occupied rooms are cleaned. Service must be carried out at a time when guests are not in the room; for this, it is first necessary to coordinate the cleaning time with clients. If guests are in the room, a cleaning permit must be obtained.

Current cleaning includes: airing the premises, cleaning and washing dishes, making beds, cleaning the table, nightstands, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, caring for flowerpots. The duty of the maid also concerns checking the condition of the furniture and equipment of the rooms. If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process must first begin in the bedroom, then in the living room, other rooms, and the cleaning of the bathroom is completed.

Daily intermediate cleaning of the rooms is often carried out in the afternoon at the request of guests for a fee or if it is cleaning specified in the daily routine. The duties of the maid include removing garbage from the room, cleaning and washing dishes, wiping the dining table, changing bed linen, changing bed linen, cleaning the bathroom, preparing a bath, changing towels, washing the floor or mechanized floor cleaning.

All types of cleaning carried out in the hotel rooms are carried out with the obligatory use of cleaning equipment and the necessary consumables. It is technologically expedient to use cleaning equipment and products, their preservation and maintenance in proper condition - important measures in compliance with the norms of the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

If the guest has left laundry for washing, the maid hands the laundry in a special bag to the head maid, who passes it to the laundry. The head maid draws up a receipt with a list of laundry and notes the cost of washing, after that she puts a clean laundry order form on the table, hangs a new laundry bag in the bathroom. If malfunctions of plumbing equipment, electrical equipment, water supply, household appliances are found in the room, it is necessary to submit an application to the control center of the engineering and operational service, make an entry in the journal and monitor the implementation of the application.

When guests check out, the maid must check the condition of the equipment in the room, replace bed linen and towels, replace informational material, after which the room is cleaned.

General cleaning of the entire living space is carried out at least once every 10 days. General cleaning is carried out during the absence of guests in the room and is associated with wet cleaning, wiping furniture, removing stains on the floor, carpeting, upholstered furniture, washing bathrooms with a special solution.

According to generally accepted standards in the hotel industry, the room cleaning scheme includes the following steps:

1. Ventilation and air conditioning of premises. Ventilation provided naturally by opening the windows for 20-30 minutes. or using air conditioning systems. Comfortable aerodynamic characteristics of the premises must be ensured half a day before the arrival of guests in the room;

2. Cleaning of large debris;

3. Removing dirty linen from bedding;

4. Clean linen must be placed next to the bed, the bed with bedding is left for a certain period of time for airing;

5. Towels, bathrobes, etc. are cleaned from the bathroom;

6. Washable sinks and glasses;

7. Washable bath and toilet;

8. During the drying period of the bath and sinks, the bed is made;

9. Balcony is being prepared, if provided in the room;

10. In the living room, dust is wiped off on all items;

11. The floor is being cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;

12. Washing the floor in the bathroom;

13. Updated and replaced, inventory used (soap, matches, toilet paper, etc.);

14. In the bathroom, towels, bathrobes, etc. are being replaced.

Room cleaning must be done with the permission of the guests. Rooms should normally have a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the doorknob, which is a warning to the maid not to enter the room. If there is no sign on the doorknob, the maid enters the room and must ask for permission to clean. Having received permission, he begins to clean from the bathroom, then the maid continues cleaning in the living room in the presence of the guest (if he does not mind) or may ask the guest to leave.

In the common office space, the maids receive tasks and report on the performance of work, discuss tasks for performing work in the sectors of the hotel, conduct telephone conversations with staff, information on preparing rooms for receiving guests, all orders for the issuance of funds and inventory, and store and control keys for official use.

In maid service, it is important to replenish and replace related materials in time (stationery, personal hygiene products, shoe care products, clothes, etc.). In the use of related products in hotels, generally accepted approaches, for example, one person for washing the body is allocated one soap weighing 80 grams, for hands - 20 grams. Before the arrival of the client, everything is nice to be updated. Together, it is important to replace funds in a timely manner if the client stays in the room for a long time and uses them frequently.

Use of detergents and cleaning products. The functioning of the room service today uses a significant range of detergents and cleaners, the list of their types should be sufficient for various kinds cleaning work. There are the following types of detergents:

1. Universal;

2. For cleaning the floor (separate for cleaning marble, concrete, ceramic tiles);

3. Air fresheners;

4. Disinfectants;

5. For cleaning metal surfaces;

6. Alcohol (white (medical) for rubbing metal surfaces, giving shine; blue (technical) for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces, including floors);

7. Polish for furniture, floors, for rubbing copper surfaces;

8. Shampoos for cleaning carpets;

9. For cleaning refrigerators.


During the internship period, I learned a lot of new things in the field of the hotel industry and the administrator got acquainted with the workplace. She approached the work of all administrative and hotel services with interest and responsibility. Participated in the social life of the enterprise.

At the end of my work, I came to the following conclusions. The hotel complex is the most important element of the social sphere, which plays an important role in increasing the efficiency of social production and, accordingly, the growth of the living standards of the population.

Hotels have the following features:

Consist of numbers, the number of which exceeds a certain minimum, have a single leadership;

Provide a variety hotel services, the list of which is not limited to daily bed making, room and bathroom cleaning;

Grouped into classes and categories according to services provided, equipment available and country standards;

Focused on their segment of travelers;

They can be independent or belong to specialized associations (chains).

And as an administrator's understudy, I gained practical skills:

Mastered the functional duties of a booking manager (administrator);

Studied the organization of the workplace of the manager of the reception and accommodation service: Desk, fax, etc.

Carried out the process of receiving and accommodating guests;

Issued the relevant documentation (registration register of citizens, register of registration of foreign citizens in the rooms);

Answered with a letter of confirmation, refusal to book from the client of the organization;

Issued an invoice for accommodation;

Applied the professional etiquette of a booking service manager (administrator).

Employees of the hotel "Aphrodite" do everything to ensure that customers who have visited them come back and become regular customers.

Industrial practice at the hotel "Aphrodite" allowed not only to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of reception, accommodation and discharge of guests.


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8. Vlasova I.B., Zorin I.V., Ilyina E.N. Fundamentals of tourism activities. Russian International Institute of Tourism. - M.: Infra-M.

9. Baylik S.I. Hotel industry. Problems, perspective, certification. - K.: VIRA-R, 2014

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Cleaning works of all hotel premises are divided by type and purpose into several groups:

Cleaning of internal premises and common areas;

Cleaning of public bathrooms;

Cleaning of residential rooms.

There are the following types of cleaning of residential rooms (guest rooms):

Cleaning after the departure of the guest;

Daily routine cleaning;


Cleaning of booked rooms;

Intermediate or express cleaning.

Room cleaning is carried out in the following sequence:

First of all, the rooms that are booked are cleaned;

After that, the rooms that have been vacated are cleaned;

And last but not least, they clean the occupied rooms.

Cleaning must be carried out at a time when guests are not in the rooms. But if guests do not leave the room for a long time, then you should get their permission to clean or agree on a cleaning time. If guests are in the rooms and do not want to be disturbed, they can hang on door handle a special "Do Not Disturb" sign. This is a signal to the maid that in no case should she enter the room. If there is no such sign on the handle, then the maid may knock and ask for permission to clean.

In cases where the room consists of several rooms, cleaning should start from the bedroom. Then they move on to the living room and other rooms. Cleaning is completed with a bathroom and a bathroom.

During cleaning, it is necessary to ventilate the room to be cleaned. As a rule, ventilation is provided naturally by opening windows during cleaning. The maid can also use the air conditioning system to ventilate the room.

When a guest leaves laundry for washing, the maid passes such laundry to the head maid in a special bag, who in turn sends the bag to the laundry. The head maid is obliged to write out a receipt with a list of linen and make a mark on the cost of washing.

At least once every ten days, you need to carry out a general cleaning of the rooms. Such cleaning is carried out in the absence of guests in the rooms. This includes: wet cleaning, removing stains from the floor and carpeting and upholstered furniture, washing bathrooms and bathrooms with special detergents.

35. Professional ethics of employees of hotel enterprises

Hotel employees must be outwardly neat, polite, attentive and helpful in relation to visitors - this is a rule that should be strictly observed. But the specifics of the hotel business is such that conscientious fulfillment of one's duties is not enough. The professional skills of hotel workers are determined by a high culture of service, which includes tact, goodwill, knowledge of psychology, the ability to comply with international etiquette, and much more.

Professional ethics- rules of conduct that determine a specific type of moral relationship in a particular field of activity. The professional ethics of hospitality industry workers is primarily related to the culture of service. Hospitality workers should have a whole range of positive qualities. Let's name some of them.

It is important to master the arsenal of ways and means of attracting consumers to your company. Listening to the wishes and accepting orders for services should be done with full awareness of their importance to the client. You must be able to unobtrusively offer your services, anticipate the desire of the guest, while not rushing to make promises to fulfill this or that request if you are not sure that you can fulfill it.

When meeting foreign tourists, you need to show hospitality, but do it with dignity, respecting the customs and customs of your country. One of the meanings of the word "culture" is a high level of development, skills. The culture of service is impeccable honesty and accuracy, the ability to value the time of other people and your own, the ability to hide your bad mood or busyness in the presence of guests.

The head of the hotel must fulfill the main requirements of office etiquette: to determine the right style of relationships in the team, to be an example of a conscientious attitude to business. Improving the culture of service is impossible without advanced training and mastery of advanced labor methods.

Appearance personnel includes uniforms, a badge indicating the position, name and surname. The uniform of the head waiter is distinguished by a special finish or the inclusion of a tailcoat, tuxedo. The ability to “unravel” the psychology of guests is an essential element professional ethics. An important guarantee of improving the culture of work is the interest of the staff in their work.

Great importance takes care of order, silence, compliance with the rules established in the hotel. The hotel employee must be able to politely warn the guest about the inadmissibility of violating the order, and stop various manifestations of such violations. Leaving the hotel, guests say goodbye to the staff, thank you for the hospitality, and wish you all the best. Employees, in turn, are obliged to thank the guest for visiting their hotel, wish him a good journey.

36. Features of the relationship of hotel enterprises with tour operators

One of the main directions of the hotel business is the relationship with tourism enterprises- tour operators and travel agents. Due to the fact that hotel services (the main ones - accommodation, meals and a number of additional ones) are tour-forming, and also have the largest (along with air travel) share in the total price of the tour package (reaching in some cases up to 40%), the chosen strategy in building relationships is significantly determines the hotel's ability to set prices for hotel services, its competitive advantages.

There is no standard set of basic schemes for cooperation between hotel enterprises and travel agencies, since the market situation and the position of partner firms are very dynamic and changeable over time. In any case, whatever scheme of interaction between a tour operator and a hotel is chosen, for its high efficiency it should be based on a number of principles:

The principle of compromise of interests;

The principle of objectivity of the owners of hotel enterprises in determining the degree of risk both for themselves and in relation to travel agencies;

The principle of identity is determined by the fact that the conditions offered by hotels for old partners differ significantly from the conditions offered by new and little-known tour operators. Conditions for reliable and permanent partners, as a rule, are more optimal than for new customers;

The principle of competitiveness suggests that in the tourism market there is both a struggle between hotels for promising partners and customers, and a struggle between tour operators for a contract with a well-known and large hotel;

The principle of responsibility is based on the contractual nature of the relationship between tour operators and hotel enterprises.

Schemes of cooperation between the tour operator and the hotel enterprise can be divided into two groups. The first of them is connected with shifting the risk of selling rooms and services from the hotel to the travel agency. In this case, the hotel owner provides the tour operator with significant discounts from the actual price of rooms and services. A group of such forms of cooperation is formed by the rental of a hotel, the acquisition of blocks of rooms on the terms of a commitment and an elotment, an irrevocable reservation.

Another group is formed by forms of interaction in which the risk of selling rooms is assigned to the hotel. At the same time, the tour operator does not receive significant discounts and benefits. These forms include priority bookings, increased commissions, and work on one-time requests.

37. Organization and provision of additional services in a hotel company

The presence of a variety of additional services in the hotel allows you to increase the number of customers, maintain the competitiveness of the enterprise and ultimately increase profits.

As we already know, a tourist service is a set of purposeful actions in the service sector that are focused on meeting the needs of a tourist or a sightseer, meeting the goals of tourism, the nature and direction of a tourist service, tour, tourist product.

For medium and large tourist complexes (tourist hotels, full-service hotels, etc.) with an average and high level of comfort, a huge list of additional services is typical:

1. organization services Catering(bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, beer bar);

2. shops (souvenir, grocery), vending machines;

3. entertainment infrastructure (disco, casino, nightclub, hall slot machines, billiard room);

4. excursion service, services of guides-translators;

5. organizing the sale of tickets to theaters, circuses, concerts, etc.;

6. transport services (booking tickets for all types of transport, ordering vehicles at the request of guests, calling a taxi, car rental);

7. purchase and delivery of flowers;

8. sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed matter;

9. household services (repair and cleaning of shoes; repair and ironing of clothes; dry cleaning and laundry services; storage of belongings and valuables; unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room; rental of cultural and household items - TVs, dishes, sports equipment, etc.; repair watches, household appliances, radio equipment; services of a hairdressing salon, manicure and massage rooms and other household services);

10. beauty salon services;

11. sauna, bath, swimming pools, gym;

12. rent of negotiation halls, conference hall;

13. business center services;

14. other services.

The list of services depends on the category of the hotel. Not all hotels have the opportunity to organize personal services for guests and provide them with a full range of services. However, everywhere should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.

Enterprises providing services should be located in an accessible place (most often on the ground floor). In the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms there should be information on how and where to get services, opening hours should be convenient for guests.

When providing any services, the staff must show tact and correctness. When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also their quality. Therefore, in many hotels, residents are asked to fill out small questionnaires upon departure, which are handed over with the keys to the reception and accommodation service, and then they are studied in the advertising and marketing service.

38. Global hotel chains in Russia

The deepening of the specialization of hospitality enterprises is interconnected with such an important trend as the formation of international chains, which play a huge role in the development and promotion of high service standards.

There are almost 4 thousand hotels in Russia. Only 4% of this number is foreign and jointly owned or has management or franchise agreements with any well-known foreign company.

It is high-class hotels that primarily attract foreign guests arriving in our country. Businessmen do not ignore them either. Domestic entrepreneurs in hotels high level four times more than those who come on vacation. Among foreign visitors, this gap is approximately 20%. And since business trips continue to prevail over other types of travel, the role of high-end hotels in the Russian hospitality industry remains very significant. Basically, hotels representing international hotel chains in Russia are concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Hotels under foreign management, joint or foreign ownership.

In Moscow:

"National" 5* luxe;

"Aurora Marriott" 5* luxe;

Baltschug-Kempinski 5*luxe;

"Renaissance" 5*;

"Mariot Hotel Grant" 5*;

"Sheraton Palace Hotel" 5*;

"Radisson-Slavyanskaya" 5*;

"Metropol" 5*;

Marriott-Tverskaya 4*;

Novotel 4*;

"Savoy" 4*;

"Aerostar" 4*;

"Art Hotel" 4*.

IN St. Petersburg:

"Grand Hotel-Europe" 5* luxe;

"Sheraton Nevsky Palace" 5*;

"Astoria" 5*;

"Pribaltiyskaya" 4*;

"Angleterre" 4*;

Hotel staff do not always understand correctly what is possible during regular room cleaning and what is not. Of course, each hotel has its own standards, but in practice, employees do not always follow them. Ultimately, incorrect service becomes a reason for dissatisfaction with guests, many of whom leave negative reviews about the hotel.

Here are some basic cleaning tips that will help your hotel build a positive reputation. The list will be especially useful for small hotel structures that do not have strict cleaning rules.

What you can do when cleaning:

Garbage collection:

It is necessary to throw away the garbage accumulated in special baskets, the contents of all urns are considered unnecessary by default, and therefore require elimination. In addition, near the baskets, customers often leave large items of garbage (for example, food containers) that do not fit inside. All this is also subject to cleaning. If during the cleaning process there are doubts about whether the client needs any thing, it is better not to touch it. Customers can leave empty boxes next to the dumpster, in order to avoid misunderstandings, they do not need to be thrown away.

An example is the following case. In one hotel, a cardboard box from a laptop purchased by a client was thrown away by a maid. Subsequently, a defect was found in the product, the person decided to return it to the store, but the lack of a box from under the laptop made the return impossible. As a result, the client requested damages from the hotel.

Clothing items:

If during the cleaning process a thing thrown on the floor was found, it should be carefully placed on the cabinet, back of a chair or bed. Scattered shoes should be placed along the baseboard, but this must be done so that the client does not inadvertently stumble over it. The main recommendation is that all things should be in front of the guest. It is unacceptable to pack them in bags, fold and hang them in cabinets, and so on.

Hygiene items:

As for hygiene items, the staff can only touch them up a little during the cleaning process. For example, a toothbrush left on a cabinet can be placed in a special glass; shampoos and bathing products can be placed on the side of the bathroom; combs and cosmetic accessories can be put on a toilet towel. In no case should you put any hygiene and cosmetic products in the owner's cosmetic bag, this is fraught with unwanted incidents. It is not uncommon for customers to accuse hotel employees of missing expensive cosmetics. Subsequently, it turned out that the maid simply shifted the cosmetics to another place.

What not to do when cleaning:

When cleaning by hotel staff, it is important to understand the boundaries of what is acceptable. So, the maid should in no case touch the following things:

Electronic devices, medicines, valuable items:

moving Money, various valuables, keys, jewelry can cause concern to the owner. The client can accuse the hotel staff of unseemly intentions. Of course, hotels have a warning that the hotel administration is not responsible for the loss of things left outside the safe without supervision. Nevertheless, as practice shows, hotel guests often complain about the disappearance of personal belongings, money, jewelry left in the room. Some clients will knowingly make a false accusation of theft in the hope of receiving compensation, it is better not to provoke such incidents.

There is a case when in one hotel the maid threw away the packaging from under a rare and expensive drug. The box seemed empty to the maid, but there were still a few pills left. Great efforts were required from the hotel to ensure the delivery of vital medication to the client in the future. However, such a story can end very badly. When it comes to electronics, it's still not uncommon for customers to complain about staff moving and using devices.

Bags, suitcases, wallets:

In no case should the hotel staff move these things of the guests, you should not put wallets and purses in furniture drawers. Such actions can be regarded as theft, and, therefore, lead to conflict situations. Unnecessarily, you should not open the cabinets used by the client. This can only be done to replace any household items (for example, laundry bags). You can also put in place an iron, ironing board.

In one of the hotels, during the cleaning process, the maid put the client's evening bag in a dresser drawer. However, the client did not use these boxes and subsequently forgot to pick up her purse, inside of which there were precious earrings. Earrings were specially matched with an evening dress for the celebration of the anniversary, the hotel was accused of disrupting the event.

Mugs, cups, glasses:

Staff should not take dishes in the room that contain contents. The thing is that customers often leave contact lenses and jewelry in the cups. By inattention, the maid can throw away the necessary and expensive things. There were situations when the maids poured out of the glasses, as it seemed to them, water. However, the contents of the container turned out to be a solution with the guest's contact lenses or drug. To avoid such stories, each hotel needs to prescribe its own internal recommendations for staff regarding cleaning rules, this will help prevent unpleasant situations.

Not so long ago in in social networks a sensational video posted by a guest of one of the American hotels was discussed. The client left the room for a walk, but left the video camera on his laptop turned on. During the subsequent viewing of the video, it turned out that the maid managed to get acquainted with the contents of his suitcase, use a game console and laptop, and view a personal package. Subsequently, the client sent the video to the hotel management, and also posted a video on Youtube, where this video gained more than 15 million views. Not surprisingly, the video received a large number of negative comments from Internet users. Vince Stravix, the author of the scandalous video, did not advertise the name of the hotel, pointing only to the fact that this hotel chain is very popular.

All this cannot but affect the reputation of hotels in general. One commenter wrote: "This is the reason why I don't use hotels." Another user commented on the video: “In the hotel, I do not allow strangers to enter the room even for cleaning, I take towels at the reception myself.” It is not known how this story turned out for the employee featured in the video, but the video clearly did not add reputation to the hotel business.

In light of the foregoing, it should be understood how important well-defined standards are for hotels, including in matters of cleaning. Uniform rules will help staff to do their job properly, which will enhance the reputation of the hotel and help to minimize the occurrence of undesirable situations. After all, it is much easier to control the adherence of personnel to standards than to solve problems that have arisen in service.

01/14/2016 Similar news:

Most hotels adhere to the following sequence of room cleaning:

    first of all, rooms are cleaned with a sign posted on the door "Please clean my room" (eng. "Please make up my room");

    then cleaning in free, booked, waiting for guests rooms, as well as in rooms that are temporarily not in use for any reason (under renovation);

    after that, the rooms occupied by the guests are cleaned.

Organization of service on the floors.

The purpose of the process of organizing service on the floors is: maintenance of the hotel premises in accordance with sanitary requirements; providing guests with a complex of paid and free services; ensuring the culture of behavior and business communication of the hotel staff.

To properly ensure cleaning and maximum cleanliness of the premises, as well as the items of equipment located in them, with minimal effort and time, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence in work.

The sequence of cleaning a multi-room suite:

  1. living room;

    dining room;

  2. hallway;

The sequence of the types of cleaning:

    booked rooms;

    current daily cleaning;

    after departure;

    express cleaning.

When performing cleaning work, it is recommended to adhere to the following principle: cleaning is carried out clockwise or counterclockwise in order not to miss a single piece of furniture. The main types of cleaning work are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Characteristics of the main types of cleaning work

Type of cleaning


Scope of work performed

Booked room cleaning

Ensure that the room is fully prepared for the arrival of the guest who booked this room

Produced on the eve of the day of arrival in the evening or at night, on the day of arrival of the guest early in the morning, daily 1 time per day for a certain number of days before the arrival of the guest

The cleaning service for the booked rooms includes:

    dry wiping;

    wet wipe;

    wet floor cleaning.

Daily routine cleaning

Ensuring cleanliness in the room


It is necessary to start cleaning the room with airing. Cleaning in a one-room suite should begin with a dining table. If there is food left on the table, it should be removed in the refrigerator or covered with a napkin. Bed cleaning includes dressing and changing bed linen. Bed linen is changed within the time limits specified in the regulatory document "The system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities", approved by Order No. 86 of the Federal Agency for Tourism (ROSTURISM) dated July 15, 2005.

After cleaning the bed, the maid proceeds to clean the desk. Textbooks, manuscripts, business papers may lie on the table, which in no case should be touched and examined.

The maid then proceeds to clean carpets, rugs, bedside rugs, curtains, draperies, upholstered furniture, and remove dust from walls and floors with a vacuum cleaner.

After working with a vacuum cleaner, the maid should wipe dust off baseboards, window sills, and radiators. The wardrobe should be opened and ventilated daily, make sure that there are enough clothes hangers in it. There should always be brushes for clothes and shoes, a key for opening bottles in a certain place in the room.


Carry out a thorough thorough cleaning with the use of cleaning equipment, materials, machines; to cover with cleaning those objects and places of the living room that are not subject to daily cleaning and cleaning after the departure of the guest; to carry out sanitary and hygienic measures that, according to the standard terms, coincide with the general cleaning; carry out cosmetic repairs in the room;

make sure the room is habitable by inspecting and identifying problems with various communication systems.

1 time in 7-10-14 days

General cleaning work includes:

washing the walls, wiping them dry;

cleaning of ventilation grilles;

cleaning of draperies, mattresses, railings;

cleaning, washing windows and doors;

additional work: washing floors, carpets, rubbing floors;

mechanized cleaning of the ceiling, walls, ventilation grilles;

washing window inner frames 2 times a year;

mechanized cleaning and cleaning of curtains;

washing curtains;

washing lighting fixtures.

Express - cleaning

Ensuring cleanliness in the room

This type of cleaning is carried out at the request of the resident for a fee.

Express cleaning services include:

removal of garbage from the room;

cleaning and washing dishes;

wiping the dining table;

change of bed linen;

cleaning in the bathroom for individual use: washing sinks, bathroom, toilet bowl;

bath preparation;

change of towels;

floor washing or mechanized floor cleaning.

Evening turndown service

Ensuring cleanliness in the room


Room cleaning: ventilate the room, empty the ashtrays, wastebaskets and buckets, wipe the dust in the room, clean the bathroom.

Preparing beds for sleep.

Lecture 11 Work technology and functions of dry cleaning laundry employees

The laundry-dry-cleaner in the hotel processes its own hotel and restaurant linen, uniforms of employees. This subdivision also performs laundry, cleaning, ironing and minor repairs of belongings of residents, which is an additional paid service. There is a laundry service available. In addition, the laundry-dry-cleaner performs laundry and cleaning of personal belongings of employees for a fee.

Let us dwell in more detail on the functions of supervisors associated with guest orders for laundry, dry cleaning, and ironing. In order not to create inconvenience for guests and to fulfill their orders in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to collect guest orders and transfer them to the laundry-dry-cleaner as soon as possible. As a rule, supervisors working on residential floors begin their work shift by collecting guest orders for laundry and dry cleaning services.

If guests find laundry, dry cleaning or ironing items in the room, the supervisor must comply with a number of formalities. First, check that the laundry package contains a completed and signed guest order form for laundry and dry cleaning services. Secondly, be sure to check the compliance of the items entered in the order form (price list) and their quantity with the actual contents of the package.

The order form for laundry and dry cleaning services is a technological document consisting of at least three copies of special paper of different colors, which provides a copy effect when filled out. The form contains a list of men's and women's items that the laundry-dry cleaner accepts for washing, dry cleaning and ironing. Here are the prices for a particular service.

The Laundry/Dry Cleaning Order Form also contains lead time information, including rush service information and related surcharges. A mandatory item of the order form is information about the hotel's responsibility to the client for damage or loss of their belongings. Guests are asked to mark the number of items to be handed over in the left column of the form in accordance with the name of the items and the type of processing. The form must contain an indication of the room number, the guest's last name, the date of filling, as well as the guest's signature. The order form always contains the hotel logo, the maximum possible details and a telephone number for obtaining additional information about the laundry and dry cleaning services.

The supervisor checks the contents of the laundry bag and the accuracy of filling in the order form. If everything is in order, he puts his signature on the form and indicates the corresponding room number, the name of the guest, the date on the laundry bag. This data is very important at work.

The labels on the laundry bag must be understandable to representatives different countries. It is necessary to provide that the package can be tightly tied. In this form, the supervisor takes guest orders to the laundry-dry-cleaner. There is a secondary control of the correspondence of the real number of things in the package with the data entered in the order form. When accepting a guest order, the laundry and dry cleaning employee puts his signature on the order form and the time the items are received for processing. Next, the guest linen is sorted, labeled and processed in accordance with the care instructions indicated on the products.

The question of the responsibility of the hotel to the guest for damage to things handed over for processing to the laundry-dry-cleaner is very acute in Russian hotels. While guaranteeing the quality of the service, the laundry staff cannot guarantee the quality of the products themselves. Products often have defects of various kinds or are produced in an artisanal way. To avoid conflict, the hotel management must protect itself as much as possible already on initial stage service. The law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” (Article 35, paragraph 3) states that “the contractor is released from liability for the complete or partial loss (damage) of the material (thing) received from the consumer, if the consumer is warned by the contractor about special properties of the material (thing), which may entail its complete or partial loss (damage) or if the specified properties of the material (thing) could not be detected upon proper acceptance by the contractor of this material (thing)”. This wording allows the administrative and economic service of the hotel and, in particular, the laundry-dry cleaner, to develop their own technological document, which reflects the presence (absence) of marking, the presence (absence) of operational defects, warnings about the manifestation of possible shortcomings during processing. All manufacturing and operational defects of the product must be reflected in the document in the most detailed way.