Social networks as a propaganda tool on the example of studying the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Conflict situations in communications Information warfare in foreign social networks

Have you ever noticed how much conflict can develop on the Internet? What may start as a small difference of opinion or a small misunderstanding quickly becomes a serious problem. There are a number of reasons why this is happening. One of them is the lack of visual and auditory signals. When we speak to someone in person, we see facial expressions, gestures and body movements, and hear the tone of voice. One phrase can be said by dozens different ways and this tends to affect how we respond to it.

In internet communication, we don't have any visual or auditory cues to decipher the intent, meaning, and tone of the interlocutor. We only have words on a computer screen and the way we "we hear" these words in our head.

Internet conflicts are closely related to the phenomenon described by psychologist John Suler - the "disinhibition effect". This phenomenon is characterized by the weakening of psychological barriers that limit the release of hidden feelings and needs, which makes people behave on the Internet in ways that they would not normally do online. real life.

This attenuation depends on many factors, including:

1) Anonymity. Nobody knows who you are, so you can say whatever you want.

2) Invisibility. You don't have to worry about your appearance when they talk to you.

3) Asynchrony. You can say whatever you think, at any time of the day or night, without waiting for an answer and perhaps never returning to this dialogue.

4) Solipsistic introjection. In the absence of visual and auditory cues, you may feel as if the communication is only happening in your head. This gives a sense of security and allows us to feel free to say things that we do not dare in reality.

5) Minimization of power. In face-to-face interaction, you can be intimidated social status the interlocutor, his job, gender or nationality. On the Internet, you feel freer and can say whatever you want to anyone.

6) Individual features. Big influence behavior is influenced by the intensity of basic feelings, needs and instincts. If you are usually friendly in real communication, then you can be so on the Internet.

What can be done to prevent conflicts in the Internet space? Here are some tips on how to prevent conflict without going into conflict interaction:

· Don't answer right away

The morning is wiser than the evening. If you feel angry while reading an email or message, it's best not to reply right away. You can write a response from the bottom of your heart right away, but don't send it. J. Suler recommends waiting 24 hours, re-reading your answer, if possible, rewriting it the next day.

· Discuss the situation with someone who knows you

Ask your loved ones what they think about the situation. Having an objective view from the outside, we can see the situation differently.

· You are not required to answer

You have a choice. You don't have to respond to an emerging conflict. If accusatory or offensive messages are directed at you, the best strategy is to ignore them.

· Refine

We can all distort what we hear or read, especially when we are upset and not feeling well. Check with the interlocutor whether you understood him correctly. For example, you might ask, "When you said... Did you mean... or...?" or "When you said... I heard... is that what you meant?" Often what we have heard may not match what we have been told.

· Use the pronoun "I"

For example: " I feel, not You made me feel…”

· Choose your words and what you want to say carefully

Do your best to be understood correctly. When your interlocutor reads your message, you will not be there and explain what exactly you meant.

· Put yourself in the other person's shoes

In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, you need to take into account who exactly you are writing to. One person may understand your message exactly as you intended, while another may see it as a threat. Build your communication with the interlocutor based on his personal characteristics.

Constructive conflict resolution is a difficult task not only in life, but also on the Internet. It takes a lot of effort and energy. However, the Internet is an ideal place to practice effective communication and improve your conflict resolution skills. The global network can help move interpersonal relationships to a new level of interaction or alienate people from each other. This is our choice.

see also

Archetypal "paths" that attract certain forms of our behavior, life stories, a certain kind of difficulties and "traps", repetitions of the same destructive patterns alternately with different people - are described and generalized by the authors as Gods and Goddesses, as typical mythological and fabulous scenarios, like planetary influences according to the sign of birth, and finally - like pathopsychological syndromes.

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Conflict(from lat. conflictus - collision) - a collision of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of opponents or subjects of interaction. Conflicts can be hidden or overt, but they are always based on a lack of agreement. So let's define conflict as lack of consent between two or more parties - individuals or groups. The conflict is based on a situation that includes either conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion, opposite goals or means of achieving them, or a mismatch of interests, desires, inclinations, etc. In order for the conflict to begin to grow, an incident is needed when one side begins to act, infringing on the interests of the other side. An incident only leads to conflict when there are contradictions waiting to be resolved.

According to their meaning, conflicts are divided into constructive (creative) and destructive (non-constructive, destructive). constructive conflict happens when opponents, having their own position, do not go beyond ethical standards, business relations and reasonable arguments. Such conflicts are fruitful. Here the parties put forward their arguments, their points of view are equally taken into account. There is an open exchange of views and a joint search for a solution. The resolution of such a conflict leads to the development of relations between people and the development of the group - in accordance with one of the laws of dialectics, which states that the struggle of opposites is the source of development. destructive conflict arises in two cases: when one of the parties stubbornly and rigidly insists on its position and does not want to take into account the interests of the other side; when one of the opponents resorts to morally condemned methods of struggle, seeks to psychologically suppress the partner, discrediting and humiliating him.

Conflicts have adverse consequences for communications. These are people's dissatisfaction, poor state of mind, increased staff turnover, reduced labor productivity, lack of desire to work and cooperate in the future, the formation of an image of the enemy, curtailing interaction and communication with the conflicting party and increasing hostility, striving for victory at any cost instead of actually resolving the problem. Therefore, any conflict is extremely undesirable, and it should not be allowed, and if it does arise, you need to be able to resolve it.

  • 1. Create a favorable psychological environment conducive to cooperation.
  • 2. Strive for clarity of communication. Prepare the necessary information for the negotiations. From the very beginning, agree on terminology to exclude different understandings of the same words.
  • 3. Recognize the conflict. Be open and honest about the existence of the conflict. This will immediately save you from wrong reasoning and open the way to negotiations.
  • 4. Agree on a procedure. Agree where, when and how you will start joint work to overcome the conflict. It is best to specify in advance who will take part in the discussion.
  • 5. Define the boundaries of the conflict. Both sides must speak out: what they see as the conflict, how each side evaluates its “contribution” to the conflict situation.
  • 6. Explore possible options solutions. The goal is to develop as many options for solving problems as possible.
  • 7. Get an agreement. At this stage, it is necessary to discuss and evaluate the proposals made, and then choose the most acceptable one. It must take into account the requirements of both parties.
  • 8. Set a decision deadline. If no deadlines for decisions are set, negotiations on the conflict can drag on for a very long time.
  • 9. Implement the plan. It is advisable to start measures to resolve the conflict immediately after the conclusion of the agreement. Postponements can cause doubts and mutual suspicions of the parties.

There are the following approaches that determine the style of behavior in a conflict situation: 1) adaptation; 2) compromise; 3) cooperation; 4) ignoring; 5) rivalry.

fixture- this is a change in one's position, a restructuring of behavior, smoothing out contradictions - sometimes to the detriment of one's interests. This approach should be applied in the following cases: it is necessary to admit one's own wrong; when it is more important to restore calm, rather than resolve the conflict; defending one's point of view takes time and considerable effort; you are not particularly worried about what happened; you want to maintain good relations with those who argue;

Compromise is the settlement of disagreements through mutual concessions, which allows the parties to share profits and losses in an acceptable way. It means accepting to some extent the position of the other side. An agreement is reached when both parties consider the chosen option to be fair, although it is not necessarily the best. A compromise approach involves giving in to the other side, which reduces mutual hostility and helps to relieve, at least temporarily, the accumulated tension. However, compromise prevents the actual resolution of the conflict, as it does not eliminate the causes that gave rise to it. It is expedient to use a compromise approach in cases where: both parties have mutually exclusive interests; you prefer to gain at least something than to lose everything; the parties have equally convincing arguments; time is needed to resolve more complex issues; with a lack of time when it is necessary to take urgent solution; cooperation does not lead to success; you may be satisfied with a temporary solution; the result is of no great importance to you.

Cooperation as an approach to conflict resolution involves the joint development of a solution that satisfies the interests of all parties. This approach is preferable in cases where: integration of points of view and convergence of opinions of the parties is necessary; it is required to find a common solution if each of the proposed solutions to the problem is too important and does not allow compromise; the main purpose of the discussion is to obtain wide information; you have a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship with the other party.

Avoidance- the desire not to take responsibility for making a decision, not to see disagreements, to deny the conflict, to consider it safe. The desire to get out of the situation without yielding, but not insisting on one's own, refraining from disputes, discussions, objections to the opponent, and expressing one's position. Such behavior may be appropriate if the subject of disagreement is not of great value to a person, if the situation can be resolved by itself (this happens rarely, but still happens), if there are no conditions for a productive conflict resolution now, but after a while they will appear. This strategy is also effective in the case of unrealistic conflicts.

Rivalry how to approach a conflict situation when: the outcome is very important to you, and you make a big bet on your solution to the problem; you feel that you have no other choice, you have nothing to lose; you have sufficient authority to make a decision and it seems obvious that the solution you propose is the best one.

There are quite a lot of means for the prevention of pre-conflict and conflict situations: elimination from business communication of judgments and assessments that could infringe on the honor and dignity of the interlocutor; another effective means of preventing conflict situations is to avoid a dispute in business communication, since during a dispute a person rarely manages to maintain self-control and dignity; a good remedy conflict prevention is the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

  • 1. Know how the conflict develops. It usually goes through several stages: the emergence of disagreements; increasing tension in relationships; awareness of the situation as a conflict by at least one of its participants; actual conflict interaction, the use of various interpersonal styles of conflict resolution, accompanied by an increase or decrease in emotional tension; outcome (resolution) of the conflict.
  • 2. Find out the hidden and obvious causes of the conflict, determine what really is the subject of disagreement, claims. Sometimes the participants themselves cannot or do not dare to clearly articulate main reason conflict.
  • 3. Define the problem in terms of goals, not solutions, and analyze not only different positions but also the interests behind them.
  • 4. Focus on interests, not positions.
  • 5. Make a distinction between the participants in the conflict and the problems that have arisen. Put yourself in the shoes of your opponent(s).
  • 6. Fairly and impartially treat the initiator of the conflict.
  • 7. Do not expand the subject of the conflict, try to reduce the number of claims.

IN psychological research the principles that should guide the resolution of the conflict are determined.

  • 1. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account the essence and content of the contradiction. In this case it is necessary:
    • distinguish reason from true reason conflict (which we have already discussed in detail in the previous lecture), which is often masked by its participants;
    • determine its business basis;
    • to understand the true, and not declarative motives for the entry of people into the conflict.
  • 2. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account its goals. It is extremely important to quickly determine the goals of the conflicting parties, to draw a clear line between the features of interpersonal and business interaction.
  • 3. Conflict resolution taking into account emotional states. If the conflict has become emotional in nature and is accompanied by violent reactions, then it is advisable to show with specific examples how high tension affects the effectiveness of work, how opponents lose their objectivity, how their criticality decreases.
  • 4. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account the characteristics of its participants. In this case, before proceeding to resolve the conflict, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the personality of each. This will help not only to correctly understand the motives of behavior, but also to choose the right tone in communication when resolving the conflict.
  • 5. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account its dynamics. As noted earlier, the conflict develops in certain stages. Naturally, for each of them there are certain forms of its permission. If conversations and persuasion are expedient at the first stages, then at the stage of uncompromising clashes it is necessary to apply all possible measures, up to administrative ones.

In communications, one has to deal with the so-called conflict personalities, which are of the following types: a conflict personality is a demonstrative type, a conflict personality is a rigid type, a conflict personality is an uncontrollable type, a conflict personality is an ultra-precise type, a conflict personality is a non-conflict type (Table 9.1).

Types of conflict personalities

Conflict personality - demonstrative type

  • 1. Wants to be the center of attention.
  • 2. Likes to look good in the eyes of others.
  • 3. His attitude towards people is determined by how they relate to him.
  • 4. He is easily given superficial conflicts, admires his suffering and stamina.
  • 5. It adapts well to various situations.
  • 6. Rational behavior is weakly expressed. There is emotional behavior.
  • 7. Planning their activities is carried out situationally and weakly implements it.
  • 8. Avoids painstaking systematic work.
  • 9. Does not avoid conflicts, feels good in situations of conflict interaction.
  • 10. Often turns out to be a source of conflict, but does not consider himself as such

Conflict personality - rigid type

  • 1. Suspicious.
  • 2. Has high self-esteem.
  • 3. Confirmation of one's own importance is constantly required.
  • 4. Often does not take into account changes in the situation and circumstances.
  • 5. Straight and inflexible.
  • 6. With great difficulty accepts the point of view of others, does not really consider their opinion.
  • 7. Expression of respect from others takes for granted.
  • 8. The expression of hostility from others is perceived by him as an insult.
  • 9. Not critical in relation to their actions.
  • 10. Painfully touchy, hypersensitive in relation to imaginary or real injustices

Conflict personality - uncontrollable type

  • 1. Impulsive, lacks self-control.
  • 2. The behavior of such a person is poorly predictable.
  • 3. Behaves defiantly, aggressively.
  • 4. Often in the heat of the moment does not pay attention to generally accepted norms.
  • 5. Characteristic high level claims.
  • 6. Not self-critical.
  • 7. In many failures, troubles, he is inclined to blame others.
  • 8. Cannot competently plan their activities or consistently implement plans.
  • 9. The ability to correlate one's actions with goals and circumstances is not sufficiently developed.
  • 10. From past experience (even bitter) derives little benefit for the future.

Conflict personality - ultra-precise type

  • 1. Scrupulous about work.
  • 2. Makes high demands on himself.
  • 3. Makes high demands on others, and does it in such a way that it seems to the people with whom he works that they are being picked on.


  • 4. Has increased anxiety.
  • 5. Overly sensitive to details.
  • 6. Tends to give too much importance to the remarks of others.
  • 7. Sometimes he suddenly breaks off relations with his friends, acquaintances because it seems to him that he was offended.
  • 8. He suffers from himself, experiences his miscalculations, failures, sometimes paying for them even with diseases (insomnia, headaches, etc.).
  • 9. Restrained in external, especially emotional manifestations.
  • 10. Doesn't feel very good about real relationships in the group.

Conflict personality - non-conflict type

  • 1. Unstable in assessments and opinions.
  • 2. Possesses easy suggestibility.
  • 3. Internally inconsistent.
  • 4. Some inconsistency of behavior is characteristic.
  • 5. Depends on the opinions of others, especially leaders.
  • 6. Seeking too much compromise.
  • 7. Does not have sufficient willpower.
  • 8. Does not think deeply about the consequences of his actions and the causes of the actions of others

Methods of psychological protection, which people resort to in a traumatic situation. Knowledge of these methods will help to better understand the state of a person, anticipate his behavior and prepare in advance for the manifestation of a favorite method of protection by an employee:

regression: a return to a psychological state and an age at which there was a feeling of comfort (manifested, for example, in the children's crying of an adult);

negation: the desire to evade, ignore, avoid new information, potentially disturbing, incompatible with established ideas; manifests itself at the stage of perception of information;

suppression: blocking unwanted information at the stage of loading - unloading from memory into consciousness;

rationalization: use only that part of the information, according to which one's own behavior does not seem to contradict the circumstances;

crowding out: smoothing out the internal conflict by forgetting the true, but unacceptable motive of behavior;

projection: unconscious rejection of one's own unacceptable feelings, desires, aspirations and transferring them to another person;

identification: type of projection, identification of oneself with another person, transfer of desirable feelings and qualities to him;

alienation: isolation within the consciousness of zones associated with a traumatic factor. Can lead to split personality;

substitution: transferring an action directed at an initially inaccessible object to an accessible object;

catharsis: a type of psychological defense, leading to a change in the value system (disposition of motives) in order to weaken psycho-traumatic factors;

sublimation: reorientation of aggressive or sexual potential, the realization of which leads to a conflict with personal and social norms of morality, into forms of creative or other activity encouraged by society.

“The main rule of any response to a comment is never to respond directly to the person who contacted you,” says Sergey Abdulmanov, marketing director of Mosigra. The publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" published his A new book Business Evangelist. The Secret publishes a fragment in which Abdulmanov tells how to respond to criticism of your company on social networks.

In a post with an expected readership of around 30,000 people, let's say a comment appears at 5,000. You should answer it not for the commenter, but for the next 25,000 people. If the comment is good, you will just get personal, and there will be a feeling of a cabal. If the comment is negative, then most likely you will not convince the person, but the rest will notice your argument.

The simplest thing is to briefly describe the situation, agree, explain why things are the way they are and what will happen next. This will help everyone else understand the essence of the problem and why your point of view also has the right to life, and make a decision for themselves.

This “made your own decision” is the most important tool for commenting. If you do not enter into senseless disputes, get personal and always manage to maintain good irony and politeness, you will look adequate from the outside. If you start to persist, it turns out that you may be right, but at the same time a stubborn idiot.

Here are three more rules that you need to follow especially carefully.

1). If the problem is at least 10% on your part, immediately admit guilt. If you go so far as to talk about the problem yourself, then you can only be pulled out, not drowned. In general, remember: any action in the comments and social networks in general immediately gives rise to opposition. And if you talk about yourself with criticism, you will be praised. If you praise yourself, naturally, you will be criticized. It's simple.

2). Do not answer unless required. Think about how others will respond and give them a chance to say something. This is important for two reasons: firstly, you cannot turn comments into interviews with you (users must communicate with each other), and secondly, as a rule, even your strong answer, pressed into the framework of corporate ethics, courtesy and other norms, can turn out to be less effective than the rude and completely unethical (but fair) intervention of someone else.

3). Close negative branches immediately. A very common mistake newcomers make is to try to pull the negative through clarifying questions. If they tell you something bad, immediately answer and dot all the i's so that there is no desire to object or continue the thread. The worst question is “what exactly did you not like”: it is used by the rest of the audience as a springboard to explain what is wrong. You will be taken down.

Why is it necessary to close dialog branches? Here is an example.

The provider writes a beautiful post about how the node equipment looks like. The commentator leaves a remark that, they say, the node is good, only the network is so-so specifically in the Kolomenskaya area. The correct position is to say that yes, this happens, they should be corrected. Then invite a person in a personal for details and give a contact where you can write in support. Along the way, noting that this is not personally to the author, namely in support, and the maximum you can help is to call them and ask them to speed up.

But the author wrote that everything seems to be in order there and the respected commentator could not clarify what was the matter. The commentator, of course, clarified, already a little less embarrassed in expressions. Together with him, about ten more people clarified about their houses. And now we no longer have a discussion about how everything works at the base station, but a discussion about the poor quality of the network of this operator - and the post views are just beginning.

Supposedly an employee of the SMM department of a large logistics company is talking about how the quality of deliveries has increased (anonymously, as if this is an outside comment). But if before that the discussion was about something else, slightly touching on the topic of deliveries, then after such a statement, everyone considered it their sacred duty to object to the user living in the rainbow world with examples of what and how these bad people did specifically. In the spirit: "And these bastards took the mittens at the post office."

Naturally, when everything is fine with you, they don’t write about it. When it's bad - yes, they write. Hundreds of thousands of people who have been delivered normally will not write: "But they delivered me without incident." But it’s worth messing up at least a little - and now hundreds will say the opposite. And five or six users are enough to create the feeling that this always happens.

The message man from that company wanted to uphold the image of his brand, but ended up focusing the discussion on what kind of bastards they all are. Well done.

And here's why you should immediately admit a mistake.

Apple had a problem: they hacked the accounts of the stars and posted photos in which they were not quite dressed. Rather, on the contrary: they are not dressed at all. This was not a planned leak, but a real case of hacking. And the stars in the photographs looked like ordinary people in the same situations. In general, the real world showed its bestial grin. So, the reaction of two stars is indicative.

The first one immediately reported that it was all a lie and a provocation, the photographs were a setup and there was nothing like that. Fans decided to check her claim and compared all the stolen photos with her official ones from Instagram. Pixel by pixel. And they found the same switches, the same flowers, the same landscape outside the window - in general, a lot of things that make it possible to reliably establish that they were taken from her house. It wasn't good for her reputation to be caught in a lie.

The second one congratulated everyone on this holiday and gave a link to a resource where you can download all the "gone" photos. She was loved because she behaved like an open and sincere person. All the same, these pictures would be found, at least a couple of points earned.

This is how you act in most crisis situations: the truth will still be revealed. Let it be better from you and immediately with the right attitude. Well, you will win a couple of points.

Book provided by the publisher

Conflicts between children and adolescents, often developing into large-scale bullying, have become commonplace on social networks. The unstable psyche of young Internet users cannot always resist the aggressive pressure of their peers. What should parents do in this situation? Is it worth it to interfere in the virtual life of your children? On Children's Day, we figure out how to ensure the cybersecurity of a child.

Social networks and instant messengers have become so firmly established in the daily life of Russians that it becomes quite difficult to imagine your day without virtual space. First of all, this applies to children and adolescents who spend more time on the Internet than 10 years ago.

“The child, not receiving answers to questions in the family, carries them to his friends. Where does he find friends? On the social network, because it is safe there, where he can hide behind a nickname, hide behind some kind of mask,” she said in an interview with Social navigator" Natalya Mishanina, head of the psychological service of the "Arithmetic of Good" charitable foundation.

A "mask" in the form of a page on a social network allows children and adolescents to present themselves in the most favorable light in front of their peers, to feel more liberated. After all, expressing all your thoughts to a person in person is much more difficult than writing a message or post about it, in which you can also add eloquent illustrations to enhance the effect.

“It may happen that the child does not get along with either classmates or children in the yard. And then the Internet becomes not only a salvation from loneliness, but also a kind of “therapy”, consolation,” says screenwriter Anna Rozhdestvenskaya.

As children age, they may simply not have enough time for regular meetings with friends, as it comes time for additional courses, tutoring and exam preparation. Anna is familiar with this situation firsthand, as she is raising her daughter adolescence. According to her, due to the heavy workload, Anya (the full namesake of her mother) managed to meet with her friends only a few times during the year. In such a situation, virtual communication helped to keep the girl in touch with her peers.

From quarrel to bullying in one click

However, communities in social networks often serve as a platform for serious battles of young users, as well as outright bullying. Bullying, shaming and trolling have become tools of teenagers directed against their peers. The results can be very different: from banal resentment and quarrels with friends to the development of an inferiority complex and depression.

“Children love to take out their anger, they love to watch how the victim behaves. If she snaps, cries, they begin to poison her even more,” Irina Garbuzenko, a psychologist at the Change One Life Foundation, said in an interview with Social Navigator.

Conflicts among schoolchildren are not a new phenomenon, but with the development of information technology, it has acquired a different character and scale. If earlier it was easier for teachers and parents to control the situation, since basically the entire social life of children took place in front of them, now children feel much freer in closed communities and dialogues that are difficult for adults to follow. In addition, virtual reality allows even the most insecure teenagers to feel power and superiority over others.

"Children are ambivalent: they both understand and do not understand the difference between physical and virtual insult. On the Internet, they feel more impunity, there are no authorities over them, or they are different from those in real life," teacher Mikhail Skipsky is sure.

The situation in their families also plays a significant role in the behavior of schoolchildren. According to Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, children basically copy the behavior of their parents: “Adolescent conflicts are no different from adult conflicts. The same topics as ours, and the same solution methods as the parents. It is in the family that the child gets the first experience of behavior in society, including in conflict situations.

Reconciliation Service

In most cases, conflicts do not go beyond the narrow circle of their participants, but sometimes the situation escalates to the limit and goes beyond the Internet space, causing real harm. As a rule, teachers try to find a solution to the problem on their own, but sometimes they have to involve school psychologists and parents.

"We have a school reconciliation service that helps to solve problems that arise between schoolchildren. If the conflict is small, then only peers and teachers are involved in the solution. If the problem is serious, then, of course, parents and a school psychologist are involved," the teacher said. in English MBOU secondary school No. 20 of the city of Novomoskovsk Ivan Anyukhin.

In theory, administrators of communities that attract a large number of schoolchildren should also resolve conflicts and respond to insults. However, quite often they are not only ignored, but also specially created in order to gain more popularity.

Helping hand

"It is important that parents do not disregard the events in the child's life, so that he feels safe somewhere. Home and family should be a relaxing space," advised Natalya Mishanina.

“Try to ask “I don’t want to get in, share with me yourself,” added Irina Garbuzenko.

Experts are sure that even if a conflict or stressful situation could not be avoided, the main thing is to remain calm and try to support the child, give him a few useful tips, how to solve a problem. At the same time, the direct intervention of adults in adolescent relations can only exacerbate the conflict and spoil the student's relationship with peers.

Also, psychologists do not recommend openly breaking into the personal space of children in the form of their pages on social networks, as this undermines trust in parents. True, if the child is in real danger, then it is urgent to intervene and take action.

Total control and care of personal space

At the same time, some teachers and parents prefer to actively monitor the lives of their children on social networks, and sometimes even require them to provide them with passwords from real pages, since in this way it is easier to protect the child from unnecessary and dangerous information, as well as to prevent possible conflict.

“Parents, in my opinion, should monitor the social networks of children, how they communicate. For example, in my class, many parents look at the pages of their children, what they write to each other, how they behave, and conduct conversations if the children communicate incorrectly somewhere ", Anyukhin shared.

The opinion of the teacher is shared by Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. According to her, the social intelligence of the child is still very small and therefore parents need to carefully monitor his behavior: “Only terror and control! I only allowed my daughter to have an account on a social network on the condition that she would create it under a false name and there would not be a single photo of her.”

Psychologist Natalya Mishanina explains this behavior of parents by a biased attitude towards modern technologies generally. According to her, many residents of Russia perceive the Internet and social networks as something alien, unnatural and therefore dangerous for them and their children.

"We should just change our attitude to this, look at the reality in which we live. Accept what it is, that the Internet and social networks are not so bad."

Prepared by the editors of the special project "Social Navigator"