Main types of hotels. Loiko O.T. Tourism and hotel industry Main types of hotels

Hotel, boat, flotel, chalet, B&B, apartments, hostels... It’s not surprising that any normal person, far from the world of travel business, may get confused in these concepts. It's time to put them “on the shelves”.

Hotel or hotel

This term, as a rule, refers to those hotels that are located in the city center or within the city limits, offer a wide range of services and are not very expensive. They stop either during a sightseeing tour (in particular a bus tour), or during short-term business trips. The standard classification applies to them, and if the hotel has 3*, you should not expect additional “stars from the sky” from it. This is the most popular type of hotel, which can be easily booked online even at the very last moment before departure (which cannot be said about exotic types of accommodation, more about which below).

Business hotels

In addition, there are specialized business hotels that have their own distinct clientele. In them you can find everything you need for negotiations, organizing conferences, and comfortable work “at a distance” from the office. Business hotels are most often located in places business activity- major economic centers: Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, Moscow, Frankfurt and so on.

Hotels-resorts or resort hotels

Every Russian person who has vacationed at least once in Turkey or Egypt will understand perfectly what a resort hotel means (from the English resort - resort). On the territory of such hotels there is almost everything you need for relaxation: fitness centers, tennis courts, spas, swimming pools, several restaurants and cafes. The disadvantages are considered to be “isolation”, the inability to get to know the country, its people and culture.

Boutique hotels

Boutique hotels are luxury 5* hotels that primarily care about style and design. The term “boutique hotel” appeared in the USA in the 1980s, at which time the first hotels of this level opened - in New York, San Francisco. Today, boutique hotels can be found in Barcelona, ​​London, and Paris. The cost of living in such hotels is very high, but they are mostly located in the very center of the resort town.

Apartments and aparthotels


Motel - roadside hotel, appearance which can be expressed in eight words: a one or two-story building located near a major highway. The entrance to the rooms is usually from the street or directly from the parking lot. The cost of an overnight stay in such establishments is low, as is the level of security.

Guesthouses or guest houses

The term “guesthouse” appeared not so long ago and is now mostly applicable to Southeast Asian countries. Guesthouses are budget Bed&Breakfast hotels for tourists who want to spend their vacation as economically as possible. For the most part, they are scattered across the main beach resorts of Asia - Bali, Goa, and the islands of Thailand.

Guesthouses are two- to three-story buildings with 20-30 rooms, a homely atmosphere and a small number of staff. As a rule, in addition to tourists, the entire family of the hotel owner lives in the house. This type of accommodation is not subject to any classification and rarely complies with all the rules of sanitary and epidemiological standards. But tourists who come to the beaches of Goa for a month or two are not particularly upset by this fact.


Lodge is the premier safari accommodation in Africa (South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania). Such hotels are located either on the territory of national parks or next to them. Their distinctive feature is that in appearance they resemble traditional dwellings of local residents, organically fit into the surrounding landscape, are built from environmentally friendly materials and at the same time meet all the rules of comfort and safety.

Lodges, as a rule, are detached bungalows (stone or wooden houses with a thatched roof), in which the reception, rooms, restaurants, etc. are located. The rooms, as a rule, have one double or two single beds, a bathroom with toilet , sink and shower with hot and cold water and all toiletries. The cost of accommodation in lodges is usually included in the cost of the safari itself, and this pleasure cannot be called cheap.

Campsites, boats, condominiums and other types of hotels

  • Campings are camps for car, motorcycle and bicycle tourists, which, as a rule, are located in the countryside or near the sea (for example, campsites along the entire coast of Croatia are popular). They offer places to stay overnight, often in tents or summer houses, equipped with kitchens and some basic amenities.
  • Flotel is a floating hotel, a kind of “resort on the water”, which operates seasonally on a floating platform (landing stage, barge, motor ship, etc.)
  • A boat is a small hotel on the water, which uses an appropriately equipped vessel.
  • Flytel is an air hotel or “flying hotel”. This very expensive type of accommodation is equipped with a landing pad and is located far from civilized places, which can only be reached by air.
  • Alcazar and Pousada (Spanish Alkazar - castle) - ancient medieval castles (or monasteries, in Moorish or other styles), which in Lately used as upscale hotels. Found in Spain and Portugal.
  • Condominium (from Latin condominium - joint ownership) - joint ownership, possession of a single object. In tourism, condominiums most often mean houses on the coast, the use of which is regulated by an agreement between the participants in the common property.
  • A timeshare (from the English timeshare - time sharing) is joint ownership of real estate with the opportunity to use it for a certain time, which is proportional to the monetary contribution. Usage time is measured in weeks.
  • In China, there are such types of hotels as hostels or inns such as student dormitories - zhaodaisuo, guest houses - binguan and, considered the most comfortable and prestigious, "wine houses" - jindian.
  • In Japan, there are capsule hotels, the area of ​​“rooms” in which does not exceed several square meters.
  • In addition, in the Arctic regions you can find “ice hotels”, and in the UAE and the USA even underwater hotels.

Types of hotels

Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Types of hotels
Rubric (thematic category) Sport

Hotel enterprises are classified based on location, range of services provided and level of service offered. In accordance with the WTO classification:

a) by location The following types of hotels can be distinguished:

Hotels in the city center;

Roadside ones, as a rule, are low-rise, with open parking lots;

Hotels in the vicinity of cities and at airports;

Floating hotels are floating vessels equipped as hotels for the accommodation and recreation of tourists near the sea, river or lake. If it is extremely important, such a hotel should be towed by water along with tourists to another site;

b) by level, range and cost of services hotel enterprises are divided into several types:

Cheap hotels or hotels with limited services that offer a minimum of services. At the same time, they may or may not have food establishments;

Luxury hotels have luxurious decor, high-quality furniture, well-equipped public areas and must have a large number of staff in relation to the number of rooms.

WTO based on consumer hotel services In the modern hotel market, it recommends distinguishing the following types of hotels:

Luxury hotel with 100-400 rooms, is located, as a rule, in the city center and provides elite living conditions for top-level managers at a very high price.

High class hotel has from 400 to 2000 rooms, is located within the city and offers a wide range of services provided by trained staff to businessmen, conference participants, and individual tourists; it is equipped with expensive furniture and equipment. The price of accommodation is above average.

Mid-range hotel is aimed at a wide range of consumers, strives to adhere to the average price level by reducing operating and administrative costs.

Aparthotel has usually from 100 to 400 rooms with conditions similar to furnished rooms. Prices vary depending on the season and accommodation conditions. Aimed at businessmen or tourists staying for a long time.

Economy hotel should be small, with the number of rooms from 10 to 150. Located within the city, has a small staff, well-equipped rooms, but may not provide food services. Consumers are, as a rule, businessmen and individual tourists.

Motel- designed for tourists traveling by car. It can have from 150 to 400 rooms, is located near highways, has a small staff and offers low prices with modern, well-equipped rooms. No food service.

The first motels appeared in the USA in the 50s of the 20th century; Wilson built one of the first hotels for motorists - the Holiday Inn. In the early 1990s, US motel occupancy rate was 38%.

Congress hotel- specializes in hosting and servicing congresses and exhibitions.

Types of hotel enterprises based on purpose

Taking into account the dependence on the purpose, the following classification of hotel-type accommodation facilities has been adopted. ,

Hotels for permanent residence(in Russia at the moment they are practically absent).

Transit hotels serve any contingent during a short-term stop. They are located, as a rule, in the territories of large transport hubs, railway stations, airports, sea and river terminals, and bus stations. The level of service and range of services is minimal; meals are usually not provided, since catering establishments are located at train stations.

Business hotels serve persons on business trips and trips.

Requirements for business hotels

1. Location near administrative, public and other city centers without the mandatory presence of green areas for recreation and sports activities.

2. The predominance of single rooms in the number of rooms.

3. Mandatory organization in the work area number. A work area is usually understood as a desk, a work chair, table lighting, writing utensils and office equipment.

4. Maximum isolation of rooms from the external environment in order to provide conditions for concentrated work.

5. Availability of premises for meetings, negotiations, seminars, etc.

6. Business center.

7. Financial support services.

Hotels serving businessmen are also called business hotels. The first business hotel was opened in 1908 in the USA by Ellsworth Statler and provided maximum convenience for businessmen at that time. The empire of Conrad Hilton began with a business hotel in the late 20s.

Resort hotels are intended for a relatively long rest in one place, in some cases with the possibility of preventive treatment or follow-up treatment. For this purpose, premises for medical and health purposes are provided in accordance with the main profile of the resort, it is also possible to organize a diet.

Resort hotels have a varied composition of premises for cultural services (multifunctional halls, lounges for recreation, libraries, billiard rooms, games rooms, etc.), sometimes premises for recreation and games for children, as well as premises and facilities for sports purposes (swimming and splashing grounds) swimming pools, gyms, sports grounds, etc.).

The number of rooms at resort hotels consists mainly of single and double rooms. In some cases, it is possible to additionally accommodate a third bed (for a child) in the room. Due to the relatively long period of stay at the resort hotel (up to 1 month), the rooms are provided with an increased size of built-in wardrobes for storing things and linen. Significant importance is attached to the orientation of the rooms and the view from the window. The room has a daytime recreation area, which extends to a loggia, balcony, and veranda.

Resort hotels are built in places with the most favorable natural and climatic conditions: on sea coasts, near lakes, near healing springs, in mountainous areas.

Requirements for holiday hotels

1. Placement among green areas, as far away from urban centers as possible.

2. Mandatory presence of green areas equipped for recreation and sports.

3. The predominance of double rooms in the number of rooms.

4. Availability of children's playgrounds, rooms for games and entertainment.

Moreover, each holiday hotel has its own characteristic features.

Tourist and excursion hotels have on their staff the positions of tour guides, group leaders, sports instructors, and hotels for sports tourism (tourist bases, mountain hotels) must have premises for tourist and sports services (tour rooms, rental of sports equipment, swimming pools) and be located near equipped tourist trails in accordance with the route requirements.

Specialized hotels

Among the listed hotels, the following occupy a special place:

- camping- a camp for autotourists, located in the countryside, equipped with summer houses or tents;

- rotel- a mobile hotel, which is a carriage with single and double rooms. During the daytime, tourists get acquainted with various cities and their attractions, and spend the night on the train;

- nerdy- a small hotel on the water (non-floating), which can be served as an appropriately equipped vessel;

- flotel- a floating hotel, which is a specially equipped vessel; Tourists are provided with comfortable cabins, active recreation services, meeting rooms, conferences, congresses, communications facilities, numerous bars and restaurants. Fleets are used to organize cruise holidays, which received rapid development in the 1990s. The number of sea passengers has been steadily increasing in recent decades around the world, and in 1990 ᴦ. it exceeded 1.5 million people, and in 1996 ᴦ. reached 6.5 million people;

- bot campings designed to serve water tourists on a hike. This type of establishment includes “water stations”, which have become widespread in Poland, and “summer tourist towns” in Germany. Some experience in the construction of water-based accommodation facilities has been accumulated in Russia. The Gorodets Shipyard has built two of the largest floating motels on the Volga. This kind of base for motor boats can accommodate up to 200 boats;

- casino hotels. Modern trends in the foreign hotel business are successfully using such a relatively new source of attracting clientele as the construction of casino hotels. Particularly interesting experience has been accumulated in the USA. Thus, since 1991, when the US economy began a new boom, the leisure and entertainment industry has become the most important factor in the consumer boom. The fastest growing sector of this industry is the gambling business, because it is officially legalized. The legal gambling business is growing rapidly. Among the factors that forced the authorities to officially permit this business and not oppose its development, it is necessary to point out primarily economic ones: the need to find new sources of income, the extreme importance of employing people and stimulating tourism. To be convinced of the economic capabilities of casinos, you only need to look at the following figures: in 1991, casinos in Atlantic City brought in $3.4 billion in net profits, which meant $570 million for the city through taxes and employment for 49 thousand people .

Compared to conventional hotels, casinos guarantee a strong cash flow and a high level of profitability. Due to their specificity, they are also characterized by high occupancy rates. Las Vegas was visited by 21.8 million people in 1992, and everyone stayed there for an average of 3.3 days. As a result, the average annual occupancy rate of city hotels was 83.9%. Now casinos attract guests with low prices for a hotel room, cheap restaurants and fantastic entertainment. It is rightly noted about the casino in Atlantic City that while you play, everything else will follow - albeit not for free, but at incredibly low prices. .

Along with the company Promus, corporation Hilton Hotels also makes a lot of income from the gambling business. Back in 1970, Conrad Hilton sensed that casinos were destined to become the most profitable segment of the hotel business. He acquired a controlling stake Flamingo And International Hotel, now known as Las Vegas Hilton. In those years it was the world's largest hotel-casino with total area gaming halls 3716 m2. Corporation Hilton Hotels, now one of the leading hotel companies in the world, receives 2/3 of its income from casinos, among which Flamingo, Hiltons and Las Vegas Hilton in Las Vegas, Flamingo Hotel in Lotlin, two hotels in Reno, and two floating casinos in the Midwest. Through its branches, it operates casinos in Queensland (Australia) and in 12 other countries, including Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Hong Kong, Greece, Belgium, Great Britain, Malaysia, Uruguay.

Types of hotels - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Varieties of hotels" 2017, 2018.


On modern stage The hospitality industry is developing at a rapid pace, trying to satisfy the ever-increasing needs of the population and, of course, make a profit. For this purpose, new services are being created at hotel enterprises.

The course work is devoted to the development of measures to improve the reception and accommodation service using the example of the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow

The relevance of this topic today is obvious. People in the hospitality industry are the most important asset of a company, hence human resource management plays the role of coordinator of these powerful assets and is an impressive contributor to the dissemination and development of the company's management style and system. Theoretically, any organization can achieve the highest goals, any profits, subject to one condition, if it has specialists capable of solving the assigned tasks. However, the role of the reception and accommodation service in a hotel is key and decisive, since it is this service that can be called the face of the hotel, and occupancy, and, consequently, the economic efficiency of the hotel depends on it. All this emphasizes the relevance of the chosen topic.

The purpose of this work is to develop measures to improve the reception and accommodation service of the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

Consider the theoretical aspects of hotel reception and accommodation services;

Analyze the work of the reception and accommodation service of the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow;

Develop measures to improve the reception and accommodation service at the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow.

Object of study course work is the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow.

The subject of the study is the organization of the reception and accommodation service at the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow.

The following methods were used in the research process: analysis, synthesis and synthesis of data based on factual sources.

The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the measures proposed in the thesis research not only at the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow, but in other economy class hotels to improve the efficiency of the reception and accommodation service.

CHAPTER 1: Theoretical foundations of the functioning of the reception and accommodation service in a hotel

Concept, essence and types of hotels

The development of the hotel industry is closely related to the history of the development of society. The first guest enterprises, the prototypes of modern hotels, as well as the profession of serving traveling people itself, arose in the distant past.

The development of trade relations played a huge role in the emergence of hospitality enterprises. To organize overnight accommodation for travelers, caravanserais are used, which, as a rule, include rooms for people and corrals for horses.

Today, the hospitality industry is the most powerful economic system of a region or tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy.

Hotel – commercial enterprise, the main task of which is to provide tourists with a range of services, the most important of which are accommodation and food conditions. Accommodation facilities are any facilities that provide tourists with occasional or regular overnight accommodation.

There are groups of hotels for temporary and permanent residence, which are divided into: transit hotels, which are designed to serve tourists during a short stay; hotels for recreation (resorts, sanatoriums, etc.); business hotels – serve people on business trips and business trips.

The main activity of the hotel is related to the provision of services. Their provision is carried out according to the rules of a public contract, which determines the conditions and cost of services and applies equally to everyone who contacts the hotel.

Accommodation facilities include hotels, motels, rotels, floats, campsites, boats, etc.

Motel (Motel) from English. Motor - car and Hotel - hotel. Motel is a hotel for autotourists, a roadside hotel in which, in addition to comfortable rooms, tourists are provided with parking spaces with appropriate services. .

A rotel is a mobile hotel, it is a carriage with single or double rooms - sleeping compartments, which also have compartments - changing rooms, a shared kitchen and toilet. The Rotel is designed for a night's rest; during the daytime, tourists get acquainted with the cities and their attractions.

Flotel is a seasonal hotel located on a landing stage, barge or converted ship, providing tourists with accommodation and meals. Sometimes it is called a "resort on the water" or a "floating hotel"..

Camping is a camp for autotourists, a motel for tourists, cyclists, usually located in the countryside, sometimes not far from the motel. Tourists at the campsite are provided with places to stay overnight, often in tents or summer houses, equipped with kitchens for individual cooking and some basic amenities.

Botel - a small hotel on the shore of an ice-free reservoir for service water tourists, which has facilities and devices for Maintenance personal tourist vessels and having premises for their storage. .

Flyhotel is an air hotel or “flying hotel”. An extremely expensive and sparse type of hotel. In the world they are common in the USA and Australia. There are landings for airplanes and helicopters. .

There are also special types of hotels: hostel, luxury hotel, spa hotel, etc.

Hostel is a cheap youth hostel-type hotel. Corridor system, common toilets and showers, common rooms for recreation and with household appliances, one telephone and one kitchen per floor, common dining rooms.

Luxury hotel – in terms of capacity, this type of hotel belongs to small or medium-sized enterprises. Usually located in the city center. Such hotels are characterized by a high room price, which includes all types of services.

Spa hotel. The very concept of SPA takes its roots in Europe.

Therefore, Europe has the most developed infrastructure for recreational recreation using resort factors. As a rule, these are resorts located near thermal or mineral springs, in places with a healing climate.

High-class city hotel - characterized by a large number of staff and very high level service. Typical hotel characteristics include: size (small to medium number of rooms), location in the city center, highly qualified staff, expensive furnishings, high-quality appliances and equipment.

Middle class hotels – provide a fairly wide range of services, tariffs are at the level of average prices in the region. In terms of capacity, this is a large enterprise (400-2000 seats). .

Economy class hotels are hotels with a limited range of services, located, as a rule, on the outskirts of the city, on transport routes that make it quite easy to reach the city center. Enterprise of small or medium capacity (up to 150 or more meters). .

A tourist base is a tourist complex located on a route with active modes of transportation, which includes premises for active recreation of tourists. .

Resort hotel – for vacationers and people wishing to restore their health. Located in a resort area. They are usually located in close proximity to the city's attractions or close to the shopping area of ​​the city. In such a hotel, the external appearance of the building, interiors and exteriors are subordinated to the intensity of recreation. 22].

A tourist hotel must be designed for high throughput. Prices for rooms and services are affordable for the middle class. The food is high quality and fast, and there is a narrow list of services. .

Hotel-boarding house - rooms are mainly of 1-2 categories, but they are rented for a longer stay than in other hotels. They are located mainly where there is no heavy traffic, in beautiful place, close to the shopping area of ​​the city. .

Hotel-apartment (apart-hotel). In terms of capacity, this is a small to medium-sized enterprise (up to 400 seats). Typical for a large city with a non-permanent population. Provides apartment type rooms used as temporary housing, most often on a self-catering basis. .

The congress hotel specializes in receiving and serving guests participating in exhibitions, congresses and other major events.

A bungalow differs from an apartment only in that it is no longer an apartment, but a small house with its own courtyard or garden. Usually in a bungalow, depending on the price: from one to three living rooms, a veranda, a kitchen, a bathroom. .

Villa (dacha) is the most common type of holiday home. They are usually offered in seaside resort areas in France, Italy, Spain and lakes in Finland. A dacha in “their” understanding is small cottages with European comfort, equipped with all necessary household appliances. .

Mini-hotels are apartments and floors purchased in residential buildings, where guests are allowed for any period of time. Mini hotels are now very popular, because their prices are not so high, and the furnishings are quite acceptable - European-quality renovation, TV, equipped bathroom. .

Guesthouse. Small private hotel. An enterprise with a simple standard and a limited range of services. A distinctive feature is that full board is provided for staying guests, i.e. For permanent residence, breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided.

Thus, numerous types of hotels have emerged through the evolution of the hospitality industry. Each of these definitions may indicate the standard, or location, or specific type of guest of a given hotel, but they do not sufficiently describe its main characteristics.

High quality of guest service is ensured by the collective efforts of employees of all hotel services, constant and effective control by the administration, work to improve forms and methods of service, study and implementation of best practices, new equipment and technology, expanding the range and improving the quality of services provided.

However, the role of the reception and accommodation service in a hotel is key and decisive, since it is this service that can be called the face of the hotel, and occupancy, and, consequently, the economic efficiency of the hotel depends on it.

1. General characteristics of the hotel enterprise

A hotel is a commercial enterprise that produces and offers its “product” on the market, a product in the form of a set of services, among which the main ones are accommodation services and food services.

When considering hotel services as a product, three levels of services are distinguished:

· individual services and groups of services;

· product “hotel” as a set of services;

· product “hotel” as a set of services + additional services.

A service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer’s own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs. The concept of “service” has a universal meaning, it is intangible and cannot be stored, a service cannot be measured, it can only be assessed.

Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service - multifunctional premises designed for relaxation, sleep, and work of staying guests. Since hotel rooms are used by guests mainly in the evening and at night, their most important function is to provide the opportunity to sleep. The importance of other functions primarily depends on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of the guests. For example, in business hotels, a very important function of the rooms is to provide the guest with the opportunity to work, i.e. a desk, telephone, fax, computer, etc. are needed here.

Hotels have different categories of rooms, differing in size, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. However, regardless of category, each hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment:

♦ bed;

♦ chair or armchair per seat;

♦ night table or nightstand per bed;

♦ wardrobe;

♦ general lighting;

♦ trash can.

Each room should have hotel information and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Guest catering services consist of a combination of the following processes:

♦ production (cooking in the kitchen);

♦ trading (sale of ready-to-eat products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks);

♦ service (waiters serving guests in a restaurant, bar, cafe, hotel rooms).

Remaining the main one, the accommodation service is taken for granted by guests, and it is the additional services that distinguish this hotel from a number of others that attract increased interest.

Characteristics of the research object. Place of pre-diploma internship in the city of Chita, Limited Liability Company "Cruise" (license No. 0031924 FA for tourism, registration number in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators of the Russian Federation MVT - 004046). The head of the enterprise is Tatyana Nikolaevna Fominykh.

Accommodation occupies a central place in the range of services provided to tourists during travel and is an integral part of every tour.

The concept of “hotel” is also defined by relevant regulatory documents. In GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels" means a hotel intended for temporary residence. In the rules for the provision of hotel services in Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 490 of April 25, 1997, a hotel is considered as a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended to provide services.

A hotel is one type of accommodation facility and it has its own classification. The capacity of a hotel establishment refers to the number of beds or rooms that can be offered to customers at the same time. Bed - an area with a bed intended for use by one person. Room - a room consisting of one or more beds, equipped in accordance with the requirements for a hotel of this category. The rooms are single, double, triple, etc. They can be one-room, two-room, three-room, etc.

The Dune recreation center is leased in accordance with the lease agreement with individual(the owner's name is a trade secret), for a period of 6 months (from 05/01/2009 to 10/01/2009). The base is located on Lake Arakhlei, at a distance of 80 km. from the city of Chita to the village of Tasey.

The organizational and legal form of ownership is a limited liability company. Form of ownership: private.

A limited liability company is a company that has an authorized fund (capital) divided into parts, the size of which is determined by the constituent documents. Members of the company are liable to the extent of their contributions.

Based on the charter of Dune Recreation Center LLC in accordance with Article 3. Purpose and activities of the Society

3.1. The main goal of the Company's activities is to make a profit.

3.2. To make a profit, the Company has the right to carry out any types of activities not prohibited by law, including:

· Accommodation services.

· Food services.

· Excursion and tourism, commercial and trade-purchasing activities.

· Cultural and entertainment activities.

· Service and household services.

· Road transportation of passengers and cargo.

· Extraction, supply (sales) drinking water.

· other types of activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Certain types of activities, the list of which is determined federal laws, The company can only engage in activities on the basis of a special permit (license).

The right of the Company to carry out activities for which it is necessary to obtain a license arises from the moment of receipt of such a license or within the period specified therein and terminates upon expiration of its validity, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal acts.

Characteristics of the industry-specific features of the operation of the facility.

The enterprise under study belongs to enterprises in the accommodation and tourism sectors. The characteristics of this sector of the national economy can be represented by the following data of modern development.

The level of comfort of the recreation center "Dune" according to the "Regulations on state system classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities" refers to non-categorical accommodation facilities and is equated to the category "without stars".

2. Architectural and planning solution

The classification of tourist accommodation facilities is given in GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements" In accordance with this document, all accommodation facilities are divided into collective and individual. Collective hotel-type accommodation facilities include: hotels, motels, live-in clubs, boarding houses, furnished rooms, and dormitories.

The mini hotel building is built of brick, the type of construction is a building consisting of two floors. Capacity: 28 beds. In the adjacent territory of the base there is a parking lot, a dining room, and barbecue facilities.

Based on GOST R 51185-98 dated 01/01/99 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements" recreation center "Dune" refers to specialized accommodation facilities in accordance with paragraph 4. “Classification of tourist accommodation facilities” and paragraph "Specialized tourist accommodation facilities." The recreation center complies with points: 5 “General requirements for accommodation facilities”.

6. “Requirements for services of accommodation facilities”,

7. “Safety requirements”, 8. “Security requirements environment».

3. Characteristics of the room stock

Specialized accommodation facilities include: sanatoriums, dispensaries, holiday homes, tourist shelters, parking lots and others, tourist, sports centers, recreation centers, hunter's (fisherman's) houses, congress centers, campsites, boats, flotels, rotels. Individual accommodation facilities include: apartments, rooms in apartments, houses, cottages for rent.

Apartments (2-, 3-, 4-room) are, as a rule, intended for long-term accommodation of families. The apartment must have a kitchen with the necessary set of household appliances, which allows you to provide almost home-like conditions for your stay. There are also such categories of rooms as luxury apartments, or suites, 3- and 4-room rooms of high comfort, but, as a rule, there is no kitchen.

The capacity of simultaneously residing tourists at the Dune recreation center, without installing additional beds, is 28 beds.

The cost of living is differentiated, i.e. The price is determined by the season and days of arrival. On weekdays it is 450 rubles/person/day, weekends 500 rubles/person/day. Children under 12 years old on an extra bed - 350 rubles, children under 5 years old who do not occupy a separate bed - free. On the ground floor there are five rooms, of which four are two-bed and one is three-bed. Also on the floor there is a kitchen (equipped with everything necessary: ​​refrigerator, electric stoves, dishes) and a utility room. On the second floor there are three three-bed rooms with a view of the lake, four two-bed rooms and one utility room [Appendix 1]. The rooms are the same type: beds, table, chairs, plastic windows, paintings hanging on the walls, wallpaper color blue. The building is not equipped with heating and plumbing, so operation in winter is not provided.

4. Organizational structure of the enterprise

The goal of the activities of LLC "Tourist Base "Dune"" is the development of new economic forms of cooperation, the production of competitive goods, the provision of various services, as well as generating profit in the interests of the sections (founders) of the company and satisfying the socio-economic interests of the staff.

The Charter of LLC "Tourist Base "Dune"" contains the following main sections:

Basic provisions

name and location of the enterprise

Founders (participants) of the enterprise

Purpose and subject of activity

Legal status society

Property and authorized capital of the company

Participants of the company, its rights and obligations

Transfer of part of one participant in the authorized capital to another participant of the company

Society management and labor organization

Company accounting and reporting

Amendments to the company's charter

Termination of the company's activities

A study of the structure of the charter of LLC "Tourist base "Dune"" shows that this is a fairly typical document for enterprises of a similar form of ownership and organizational form.

The executive body of the LLC is the Director. The director decides all issues related to the activities of the enterprise. The director hires staff and approves the staffing table. The LLC independently determines the structure and staff, the system and wage fund, the payment of bonuses and remuneration to staff, the workday schedule, work shifts, the provision of days off, vacations and their length. Hiring is carried out on an individual basis employment contracts, contractual agreements. The activities of the personnel are regulated by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the terms of agreements, agreements and contracts. Job Descriptions employees are approved by the Director of the enterprise. Labor disputes are considered in accordance with legislative norms.

According to section 5 of the Charter, all employees of Tourist Base Dune LLC are subject to social and health insurance in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation, independently determine the form, systems, size and types of remuneration, including remuneration in kind and foreign currency. The LLC uses funds received in foreign currency as a result of economic and foreign economic activities at its own discretion, including for paying employees of the enterprise, improving working conditions and paying dividends.

Thus, the legal conditions of the enterprise are aimed at the effective organization of its activities and almost all socio-economic aspects of the functioning of LLC "Tourist Base "Dune"" are reflected in the Charter of the enterprise.

Organizational responsibility for recruitment (definition) staffing table) and assigning them functional responsibilities is within the competence of the Director of Dune Tourist Base LLC. It should be noted that the total number of employees varies depending on the season; some services in the off-season reduce the number of employees (catering and accommodation services).

Based on the volume of services that the company offers on the market, it can be classified as a small enterprise.

The organizational and production structure of the enterprise (Table 1) includes the director of the enterprise, senior manager, accountant, accommodation service at the Duna and Golden Sands bases and freelance workers. The placement service of T/B "Dune" is represented by administrators (2 people). The food service serves 2 people. There are also workers who take care of the building and its communications.

We see that at the core organizational structure The enterprise has a principle of separation of functional responsibilities subject to vertical subordination (director).

Table 1. Organizational and production management structure

5. Service production technology

The technology for producing guest accommodation services at the Dune recreation center can be represented in the form of a diagram

Table 2 Scheme of the technological cycle of guest service

Organization of departure of tourists (seeing off)

At the first stage, the voucher is issued (applications, payment for services). The manager shows photographs of the recreation center, specifies check-in time, length of stay, conducts safety instructions and negotiates the provision of additional services.

At the second stage, upon arrival at the base, the accommodation service places visitors in rooms according to the voucher and registers them in the visitor book. If necessary, determines the parking area. They also provide additional services.

At the third stage, the process of organizing the departure of tourists takes place. Necessary and additional information about the tour is provided.

6. Organization of the reception and accommodation service

To carry out the process of serving tourists, the hotel must provide minimum set the following main services ensuring the provision of basic hotel services:

· bookings;

· service;

· reception and settlement part;

· operation of room stock.

At hotel enterprises of various types and different capacities, the number of services may be more or less than the above. Their functions may also vary.

Booking service. It performs the following functions:

· accepting applications for hotel places and processing them;

· preparation of the necessary documentation: check-in schedules for each day (week, month, quarter, year), maps of the movement of rooms.

As a rule, more than half of all hotel clients pre-book rooms before arriving. The reservation procedure is carried out by telephone, through commercial representatives of the hotel (travel agents and tour operators), by mail, telex, fax, e-mail, using global reservation systems (GDS).

In their activities, hotel companies very often use guaranteed reservation of accommodation services, which implies the responsibility of the hotel for maintaining a free room for the guest until a certain time after the expected date of his arrival. In turn, the guest undertakes to pay for the reserved room even if it is not used, unless the cancellation procedure has been carried out.

Typically, a guaranteed reservation is provided after prepayment of accommodation services, which is carried out in the following ways:

· full advance payment for services;

· payment for services by credit card (the hotel blocks a certain deposit in the guest’s bank account, usually in the amount of payment for one night’s stay);

· advance deposit, which requires the client to pay a certain amount Money(cost of one night's accommodation) before your stay;

· guarantee of travel agents. In this case, the guarantor of the reservation is the travel agency, which in case of cancellation of the reservation is responsible for covering the costs;

· tourist voucher, which indicates the client’s prepayment of accommodation services to the travel agency.

Reception and billing service. The front desk is often referred to as the “heart” or “nerve center” of a hotel. The guest has the most contact with this service; it is where he turns for information and services during his stay at the hotel.

The most important functions of the reception service include welcoming the guest and completing the necessary formalities for his accommodation. The receptionist (receptionist) is, after the doorman standing at the entrance, practically the first hotel employee with whom the guest comes into contact. The first, and often the strongest, impression of the hotel as a whole largely depends on how the guest is received, how he is greeted, how quickly the necessary formalities are completed (checking the reservation, filling out a form, prepayment). In this regard, the following requirements are imposed on the reception service:

· The reception service should be located in close proximity to the entrance to the hotel. In the case of a large hotel lobby, the dynamic nature of the interior should orient the guest in the direction of the location of the reception desk (Reception);

· the reception desk should be clean, without randomly scattered papers and unnecessary items;

· Reception staff must have an impeccable appearance and behave accordingly. You must only talk to guests while standing. You can't keep them waiting. It should be remembered that there is no more important job for a receptionist than receiving guests.

When checking in, you must once again agree on the conditions of the advance reservation (room category, availability of amenities, view from the window, price). If a guest needs to fill out a questionnaire, you should make this procedure as least unpleasant as possible. For example, if a guest has already been to a given hotel, then only his signature on the questionnaire is sufficient (meaning that information about the guest has been saved from the time of his first stay at the hotel).

The functions of the reception and billing department also include the allocation of rooms and accounting for available rooms in the hotel, issuing invoices and making settlements with clients.

Before the guest arrives, the reception service receives processed requests from the reservation service, according to which it compiles a map of the movement of rooms, which helps to keep track of available rooms in the hotel.

One of the functions of the reception service is maintaining a card index of guests. For each guest, after his stay at the hotel, a special card is filled out, which contains information collected from all hotel services that had contact with the guest. When he returns again, this information allows the staff to significantly improve the quality of service and allows him to largely exceed the preferences and wishes of the guest. Such work is very important for the purpose of acquiring regular customers and is additional advertising for the hotel. In modern hotel enterprises, this work is performed with the help of computer technology, which makes it possible to create an extensive bank of customer data.

Room management service. Its most important function is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary conditions hotel rooms, as well as public premises (halls, foyers, passages, corridors). In terms of the number of employed personnel, this service is the largest in the hotel. As a rule, up to 50% of all hotel employees work here.

The room management service is headed by a manager, to whom maids, floor attendants, stewards and some other categories of workers are subordinate.

The main responsibility of housekeepers is to clean the rooms, whether they are occupied or vacant. Room cleaning can be daily, carried out after the resident has left, or general cleaning. Every day the maid performs routine and intermediate cleaning of the rooms.

In this enterprise, the function of booking rooms and paying clients is taken over by the travel company "Cruise", and all the necessary documentation is also prepared in the office: check-in schedules for each day (week, month, quarter, year), maps of the movement of rooms. After registration of the voucher and other necessary documents, one copy of the voucher and the agreement for the voucher (Appendix 2.3) remains in the office with the assignment of a current number in the book of records of vouchers and contracts, the second copy of the voucher and the agreement is given to the client, and the third voucher remains in the hands of the client until placement at the recreation center. When the guest leaves, the company manager contacts the accommodation service at the base by telephone and verifies the data.

The functions of the reception, accommodation, and operation of the room stock lie with the manager of the base and with students undergoing practical training at this base as managers.

We conclude that in order to carry out the process of serving tourists, the hotel must provide a set of basic services that ensure the provision of basic hotel services. For example, reservation service, service department, reception and settlement department and others

7. Characteristics of consumers of hotel services

Consumers of accommodation services at the Dune recreation center are mainly married couples with children aged 3 years and older (Appendix 4). This is due to the fact that the base is located some distance from more populated areas and noisy companies. Also, the base itself has a limited number of rooms and the rooms are mainly double and triple, which is convenient for couples. At the same time, when filling out an application in the office, the manager tactfully, during a personal conversation, offers married couples this particular recreation center, as best option family holiday on Lake Arakhlei. The client’s “conviction” that this hotel is the best for him depends on many factors. Thus, in hotels where vacationers stay, free time management increases the importance of active recreation. Therefore, a special employee is needed here to work with guests.


9. Organization of work of additional services

Services provided in hotels are divided into basic and additional. They can be free or paid.

The main services include: accommodation and meals in accordance with the “Rules for the provision of hotel services”.

The following services can be provided to guests at no additional charge: calling an ambulance; using a first aid kit; delivery to the correspondence number upon receipt; wake-up at a certain time; provision of boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.

The list and quality of paid additional services must meet the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel. When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also their quality. Therefore, in many hotels, residents are asked to fill out small questionnaires upon departure. Completed forms are usually handed in along with the keys to the reception service, and then they are examined by the marketing and advertising service.

The hotel administration analyzes the shortcomings identified in the work of individual services and takes measures to eliminate them.

Household services are aimed at meeting the needs of guests that arise during their stay at the hotel.

A system of measures that ensure a high level of comfort and satisfy the various household and economic needs of guests is called service in the hotel industry.

The service can be very different - from fast and professional registration by the reception service to the flawless operation of plumbing equipment. Each link in the service chain is important.

When providing any services, staff must show tact and correctness. The service must be built not only on the principle of demand (what the guest wants), but also on the principle of supply (the hotel offers more and more new services that it can provide, and the guest chooses whether he needs it or not). But you cannot force services (maybe the guest does not need what is being imposed on him, and therefore he does not want to pay more).

The list of services depends on the hotel category. Not all hotels have the opportunity to organize personal services for guests and provide them with a full range of services. But everywhere they should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.

All work on organizing services must be well thought out and organized. Businesses providing services must be located in an accessible location (most often on the ground floor). There should be information in the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms about how and where to get services, and the opening hours should be convenient for guests.

To store things and valuables, hotels provide storage rooms and safes in the rooms or at the reception desk. The hotel organizes unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room by bellhops, who are paid for in tips. Tips also pay for food delivery to your room. For a rental fee, the hotel can provide guests with a TV, dishes, sports equipment, etc.

To additional demons paid services services provided at the summer tourist base "Dune" include the provision of sports equipment (volleyball and water balls, badminton rackets), the provision of boats and catamarans, lifebuoys. Also use of the kitchen for self-cooking, use of the refrigerator, use of barbecues. Providing drinking water. A sandy beach is also available to visitors. Children under five years old who do not occupy a separate seat receive a free seat.

Additional paid services provided at the Dune recreation center include the provision of a bathhouse and bathing equipment, one hour one hundred rubles per person. Providing food service payment according to menu prices. It is possible to install additional seats (folding bed).

Related services include the provision of parking spaces and a garage for four cars. Providing additional bed linen. Use of the kitchen.

10. Organization of the work of catering establishments at the hotel

The scheme for providing meals to tourists depends on the type of tour, category of tourists, the ratio of accommodation to seats nutrition and many other factors. Meals for tourists are provided in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the tour package, voucher, or contract.

Three main forms of service can be distinguished: food paid for by the guest; meals not included in the room rate; meals provided for an additional fee.

At this recreation center, meals are not included in the price of the tour; you must pay extra for it. With this form of nutrition, customers choose dishes from the menu at will. Exist different types menu so that the client always has a choice when receiving a service such as food.

On the territory of the base there is a canteen with an assortment of dishes from Russian and Buryat cuisines and non-alcoholic drinks. Services are provided by two fourth-class cooks with medical certificates and work experience in catering.

Fresh produce and semi-finished products are delivered every three days. There are certificates for products and semi-finished products.

The canteen was open for one month - July, because... At this time, there is a high level of room occupancy. Opening hours are from ten o'clock in the morning to five in the afternoon.

11. Marketing activities to promote services

Information for guests is located in a convenient place for viewing and contains:

· rules for the provision of hotel services;

· room rates;

information about the work of the canteen, bathhouse

· list and cost of additional services;

· licenses for the right to provide these services;

· information about the performer, his legal address and telephone number;

· information about the consumer rights protection authority at the local administration, photographs are also included

The travel company "Cruise" takes the work of its marketing service seriously.

The set of communications in the travel company “Cruise” consists of the following components:

2. public relations;

3. personal selling;

All these types of communications are equally important for the company’s activities, and if one of them is developed very well to the detriment of other types, this will not always have a favorable effect on the overall state of affairs of the organization. So, for example, while paying great attention to public relations, one should not forget that, in addition, it is necessary to well inform this public about oneself, about one’s merits and successes. Information is provided through advertising, so employees of the Cruise travel company carry out all types of communications thoughtfully and carefully, while advertising is the most important element of communication. Advertising in a relatively short time can attract a fairly large mass of potential consumers, contact audiences and society as a whole.

· travel company sign - contains information about the company and is located above the entrance to the office. The purpose of the sign is to interest a person passing by the entrance and make him want to go to the office of the travel agency;

· business cards

Personal personal selling is the verbal presentation of a product during a conversation with customers in the office, with the goal of making a sale ( detailed information about the tour, its advantages, showing photographs, etc.).

12. Analysis of service activities and quality of services

The success of a modern enterprise depends entirely on the availability of clients, therefore the travel company “Cruise” focuses on the needs, wishes and tastes of clients and works on the principle – “The client is always right.” Therefore, the company’s employees skillfully offer the consumer the benefits that he will receive from the service, observe the culture and ethics of behavior with the client, and create favorable conditions for purchasing the service.

The main task of service activities at the Cruise company is to focus on the demand for services determined by the client.

First of all, it implies knowledge of the client’s needs, on which the demand for services depends.

The process of conducting service activities of Cruise LLC consists of:

1) Market research and services of the enterprise itself, study of demand, sales and after-sales service;

2) Development of market segments, who is the consumer of services, what services;

3) Study of consumer motivation;

4) Analysis of the services sold, the amount of profit by month.

The manager always helps clients with their choice of travel, is polite, tactful and does not ignore their complaints. Able to communicate correctly with both clients and colleagues. Fluently navigates huge amounts of information. He is characterized by such qualities as communication, high erudition, curiosity, and a sense of humor.

The task of the travel company "Cruise" is to maintain documentation in accordance with the requirements of the specified GOSTs

The policy of the travel company "Cruise" is aimed at implementing the following main objectives:

· customer satisfaction in terms of professional standards and ethics;

· continuous improvement of service quality;

· taking into account the requirements of society and environmental protection;

· efficiency of service provision.

13. Analysis of a number of economic works of SOEs

The capacity utilization rate shows what % of the total number of beds or rooms were sold in the reporting period in comparison with the potential capabilities of the Dune b/o.


Nk - number of occupied numbers occupied during the reporting period;

Rkn is the number of rooms of the Dune b/c.



Conclusion: b/o "Dune". is profitable, its Kz = 66.6%

Seasonality factor:


Qmax - maximum number of beds sold;

Qmin- minimal amount sold seats.


To reduce unprofitability during the low season, the following marketing activities can be proposed:

Seasonal sales discounts;


Gk - number of guests for 30 days;


Then the average guest stay is 2 days.

We determine the number of revolutions of the number per month.

O=Rkn÷Dpr=12÷2.4=5 times

We can conclude that the number of rooms at the Duna hotel is used effectively.

14. Conclusions and offers

While doing an internship at the Dune recreation center, we came to the conclusion that the base cannot cope with the flow of tourists, because... starting from Thursday there are no free places at the base, but there is a demand for vouchers. The territory of the base makes it possible to relieve the flow of tourists through the construction of new buildings, but it is also possible to organize a tent camp. Or distribute vouchers with the right to enter the territory of the base with your own tents and the right to use the services of the enterprise.

You can also pay attention to the fact that on the territory of the base there are no decent children's and sports grounds, the construction of which is not expensive, but at the same time their appearance will increase the image of the enterprise in a positive direction.

To summarize, I can say that the hospitality industry is one of the dynamically developing areas of the service sector. At the present stage, the hotel industry as a branch of the economy is developing quite quickly, and the hotel business as a whole increases the GDP of any country. Consequently, this business is profitable and needs to be developed in the Transbaikalia region because we have natural and recreational opportunities.


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Nesterov A.K. Classification of hotels // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

There is still no classification for hotels unified system, therefore in different countries They use various systems, about fifty in total. The development of a unified classification is hampered by cultural and national diversity and different criteria for evaluating hotels in different countries.

Hotel- this is an economic complex in the form of a separate building, a group of buildings or part of a building, as well as equipment and other property, intended to provide accommodation services for guests. Hotels are characterized by the number of rooms, types of hotel services provided, categories and classes of service.

General classification of hotels

Classification of hotels by characteristics

Type of allocation

Collective accommodation facilities

Hotel type enterprises

Specialized accommodation facilities

Individual accommodation facilities

Apartments and rooms in apartments

Individual houses, cottages, villas and similar

Time of stay

Permanent residence

Hotels for special purposes, providing only long-stay guests

Temporary residence

Transit hotels

Business hotels

Hotels for holidays

Number of rooms


More than 300 rooms

100-300 numbers

Less than 100 numbers


10-20 numbers

Less than 10 numbers

Types of services

Basic services

Hotel services

Accompanying services


All types of services that are included in addition to the basic ones

Luxury hotels

Business class hotels

First class hotels

Economy class

Classes of service

First grade


Economy class

The type of accommodation is a criterion that is used by the World Tourism Organization (WTO). According to this classification, all hotels belong to hotel-type enterprises, i.e. are objects in which the number of rooms exceeds 10 units and the services provided are related to the hospitality sector. At the same time, hotels can be characterized by classes and categories depending on the standards of a particular country. Accommodation-type establishments in this classification include inns, hotels, boarding houses, tourist hostels, and furnished apartments that provide limited services, such as accommodation and housekeeping.

Specialized accommodation facilities according to this classification criterion, with the exception of hotels, include facilities that provide not only accommodation services, but also perform a special function. This includes health institutions (sanatoriums, dispensaries), holiday homes, holiday camps, sports centers, recreation centers, various kinds of tourist stops and bases, congress centers, campsites, as well as means of transport (trains, cruise ships).

Individual accommodation means that separate objects (apartments, rooms, houses, villas, etc.) are rented for a certain period.

The second sign of hotel classification divides them by time of occupancy. Hotels for permanent residence are not widespread, and a typical example is the accommodation of employees working under a contract for a period of 1-2 years. Almost all hotels offer temporary accommodation and correspond to one of the types in the classification:

  • Transit hotels - serve any contingent in short-term accommodation;
  • Business hotels – serve persons on business trips or business trips;
  • Holiday hotels are tourist and resort hotels.

Classification of hotels by type

Hotel typology depending on the services provided, accommodation, food, services and other services includes several types of objects classified as hotel enterprises; according to the classification, hotels and the services provided must be perceived by the guest as a single whole or in a complex. The nature of perception determines the classification of hotels by type of hotel enterprise.

Classification of hotels by type

Hotel type


The traditional type of hotel, located in a large city or resort, has a large staff. Characterized by a high level of comfort, service, class of service. They often provide a wide range of various additional services.

Luxury hotel

A small hotel business located in the city center or near iconic landmarks. It has a small staff, the employees are well trained, and the level of service provided is quite high. Characteristic features: high room price, wide range of services, all rooms have several rooms.

Also, this type of hotel according to this classification includes hotel enterprises located in separate resort areas, with a relatively low room price, but with separate accommodation, for example, a beach house, bungalow, chalet, etc.

Middle class hotel

Room capacity for 100-300 rooms with an average price. A separate building on several floors. Such hotels are located in the city center and offer a fairly wide range of hotel services. They are most widespread in Russia, Asia, and Europe. Focused on receiving individual tourists, businessmen, participants sports competitions, various conferences, etc.

Apartment hotel

Size varies widely, from 20 to 400 seats. Located in major cities and provide apartment-type rooms on a self-service basis. The price is dynamic depending on the length of stay. They are focused on welcoming family tourists and businessmen for a long period of time. Very common in Southeast Asia.

Economy class hotel

According to this classification, such a hotel has a small number of rooms, no more than 50 rooms, and is characterized by simple and fast service, a limited range of services and an extremely low cost of accommodation. Focused on receiving individual tourists who do not need any boarding house and seek only accommodation.

Hotel resort

Hotels with a separate infrastructure, they differ in size and capacity, but offer a full range of hotel services, like a regular hotel. A characteristic feature is the location in the resort area and distance from busy places. They may also include a range of medical care and special nutrition. According to this classification, this also includes sanatoriums, boarding houses and health resorts.

Such hotels offer accommodation without the need to pay for the full range of services, like hotels. Instead, purchased services are paid for upon consumption. Only a certain set of basic services, such as daily cleaning, are included directly in the price of the room. Motels have a relatively small capacity of no more than 50 rooms and limited staff. The cost of services is lower compared to an economy class hotel. They are located both in the city and outside the city limits. Widely distributed in Asia and Africa.

Bed and breakfast (BB)

A common type of hotel with a characteristic range of services, including the provision of a room and a hearty breakfast, hence the name. The room rate also includes daily housekeeping and disposable toiletries. Other services are paid upon purchase. Aimed at individual tourists staying for various periods of time. Size can vary significantly, from 5 to 50 rooms.

It should be noted that this model is widespread in all countries with large tourist flows, and the service model can be used by larger hotels.

A hotel on the water in the form of a motor ship or cruise ship. Characterized by comfortable cabins designed for stays of 1-2 weeks or more. The range of services is similar to hotels, but additionally includes the provision of specific services for water recreation.

Mini hotel

Separate buildings built to serve tourists, with no more than 10 rooms, which is a characteristic feature for this classification of hotels. Located away from busy streets. The mini-hotel usually uses a bed and breakfast model, and cleaning is included in the room price. Common in resort towns.

Gostiny Dvor

Simplified service standards in contrast to hotels and inns, small capacity and lack of public spaces such as a lobby, hall, etc. A restaurant and bar are a must. A bed and breakfast model may be used.

It has simple standards of service and a limited range of services, but fully provides guests with meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Guesthouses are not required to meet hotel standards and do not have a star rating, but accommodation in them costs much less. A traditional boarding house has a small number of rooms from 5 to 20 and is owned by one family, which serves the guests.


The specificity of this type of hotel is due to the fact that such enterprises consist of several apartments (including in different apartment buildings), the price for accommodation does not depend on the number of guests staying. Designed for complete self-service. Cleaning is carried out only after guests check out. Distributed in Europe.

Camp for car, motorcycle and bicycle tourists in the countryside. Tourists are provided with places to stay overnight in tents or light houses. Camping is often included within larger hotel businesses as a separate type of accommodation.

A cheap dormitory-type hotel with shared rooms with several beds. It features a corridor system, shared toilets, showers, and a kitchen.

Tourist base

Hotel located on tourist route or near an active recreation area. It is aimed at accommodating tourists, lovers of active sports and recreation. Characteristic feature is placement in mountains, gorges, forests, on the banks of rivers, lakes, etc.

Recreation center

These are small enterprises near cities, they are aimed at tourists who relax in nature: on a river, lake, in the forest, etc. They offer a varied range of services depending on the location.

Separately, we can mention specific types hotels that are not included in this classification due to their low prevalence:

  • rotel - a mobile hotel with sleeping compartments, a shared kitchen and toilet, designed for travel at night, and during the day tourists get acquainted with the sights at the stops along the route;
  • flitel - very remote accommodation in hard-to-reach areas, equipped with a landing pad for small helicopters or airplanes;
  • aquatel and boatel - a hotel on the water in a specially equipped vessel that is laid up.

Hotel classification systems by comfort level

This is the most well-known classification; it is a means of providing potential guests with information about the quality of service, level of comfort and demonstrating the hotel’s loyalty to its clients. The star rating system for hotels has become widespread.

Hotel star rating is a complex criterion that includes the condition of the room stock (including the size of the rooms and amenities in the room), the level of service and qualifications of the staff, the condition of the furniture and decoration of the room, the presence of restaurants, cafes and the level of service in them, the condition of the building itself and adjacent territory, provision of additional services.

It should be noted that in different countries the content of the comfort level, which corresponds to a certain number of stars, is assessed differently, although the listed parameters are taken into account in all star systems.

The most common are 4 systems for classifying hotels by level of comfort, which operate on star rating criteria.

Classification of hotels by level of comfort

Hotel classification system



Star system

European hotel classification system based on the French national classification into hotel categories from 1 to 5 stars.

The more stars, the wider the range of services provided and the level of service.

The star system is used in Europe, Russia, China, and Egypt.

In Turkey, Brazil, and Thailand, the star rating of hotels is extremely overestimated, which negatively affects the ratio of the expected and actual level of service.

In Italy, on the contrary, the star rating of hotels is underestimated, and the most comfortable five-star hotels receive the additional prefix “Luxury” - “Luxurious”.

Letter system

The Greek system, in which there are four categories, designated by letters: A, B, C and D. Additionally, de luxe hotels of the highest quality category are designated.

De luxe approximately corresponds to a 5 star hotel.

Applicable in Greece

Along with ordinary “stars”, it is used in a number of other countries where the Greek diaspora is present.

Crown system

British system. To compare with ordinary stars, you need to take away one crown.

For example, 4 crowns are 3 stars.

Used in England and its few overseas territories.

Point system

The Indian system, which is based on the assessment of the hotel by a special commission based on comfort criteria.

The scoring principle has 5 categories: 100, 150, 210, 260 and 290 points. Each category is rewarded with a star.

In addition to India, it is used in some countries in Africa and Asia.

Classification of hotels by size

The size of a hotel is determined by its capacity - the number of rooms or the number of rooms in terms of seats. Both parameters are often used in hotel descriptions.

Classification of hotels by capacity

Number of rooms


No more than 10

A relatively new type of hotel, according to this classification, it is characterized by the extremely small size of the hotel enterprise. Usually characterized by a desire to bring them closer to home comfort.

Widely distributed in resort towns, usually owned by one family.

This type of hotel varies widely in the actual size of the building or complex of small buildings, structures, as well as the nature of the accommodation and level of comfort.

Numerous examples can be found in any city.

Characterized by different types accommodations differ both in categories of comfort and in the service provided.

Typically, these hotels have 2-3 stars. They can operate in the format of a hotel, middle-class hotel, resort hotel, etc.

They are a large building or several adjacent buildings with a significant number of rooms. They are distinguished by a high level of service. Have 2 or more stars.

According to this classification, large hotels include well-known hotels with a high level of service and a large staff.

These are huge hotel complexes with a high standard of service, a wide range of services offered and additional services to their guests.

The most striking example is the Cosmos Hotel in Moscow.

In general, classifying hotels by size makes it possible to compare the performance of hotels of the same type. The size of the hotel indicates the completeness and quality of service and additional services, and also indirectly allows us to roughly assess the level of service in a particular hotel. Roughly speaking, in large hotels and giant hotels the stay of guests is a priori expected to be the most comfortable, while in good small hotels it can be cozier and more convenient in terms of the overall perception of the stay.

Classification of hotels by functional purpose

According to this criterion, there are four types of hotels:

  1. Target hotels are intended for tourists who are guided by specific motives when choosing a place to stay. First of all, this includes business hotels (tourists have commercial travel purposes, or go to professional meetings, conferences, exhibitions, congresses, etc.), which usually have the means and premises for organizing various conferences, exhibitions, and presentations.
  2. Hotels for recreation – designed for tourists whose motives are related to recreation, treatment, excursions, etc. This includes most hotels in tourist areas, resort towns, as well as various types of holiday homes, sanatoriums and other tourist complexes.
  3. Transit hotels - serve tourists during short-term stops, usually 1-2 days. First of all, these are hotels near transport routes.
  4. Hotels for permanent residence.

Classification of hotels according to other criteria

Types of hotels according to several classification criteria



Hotels within the city

Located in the center or on the outskirts. Many business hotels, middle-class hotels, and luxury hotels are central.

Hotels on the coast

They vary in distance from the sea - 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 meters from the sea. It is also customary to divide along “lines”, of which there are usually 3. Line 1 is the embankment itself, lines 2 and 3 are the following streets, located parallel to the embankment.

Hotels in the mountains

Most often, they are small in size and located in picturesque gorges, mountains, etc.

Hotels in natural conditions

They are also usually small in size and aimed at tourists who prefer active recreation or remoteness, privacy, etc.

Duration of work

Working all year round

Most hotels

Operating for 2-3 seasons a year

These are usually resort hotels

Single season

Hotels in specific resort areas

Providing food

Full board

Provide three meals a day and accommodation

Bed and Breakfast

Common work model

Accommodation only

Meals are not included or provided

Duration of placement

Long stay

These are hotels of many types

Short stay

Usually these are transit hotels, hostels, etc.

Room price level


Most low prices for accommodation, additional services are paid if necessary


The price includes basic set services: accommodation, one meal, Wi-Fi, daily cleaning, change of linen, towels and toiletries. The rooms are distinguished by reasonable asceticism.

An expanded range of services included in the room rate, including an in-room refrigerator, parking, TV, safe, large beds, etc.

First class

Increased level of service, more expensive furniture in the room, high-quality finishes, means of communication, etc.


A fully furnished apartment-type room, plus daily cleaning, change of linen, the level of comfort as close as possible to living in an apartment.


Luxurious rooms, first-class service, highly qualified staff.