The most useful non-carbonated water. The best bottled drinking water. Artificial mineralized water

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the myths about bottled water?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of bottled water
  • What is the best bottled water to drink?
  • How to use bottled water

Water is a unique substance of inorganic origin. This is the basis of all life on Earth, it is directly involved in various biochemical processes. This substance can serve as a universal solvent that acts on both inorganic and organic substances. Most of the human body consists of water, so it accompanies him throughout life, being its integral part. The article below will talk about what bottled water is, which is better, its main advantages and rules for use.

What does bottled water mean

Based on the definition of the International Association IBWA, bottled water has the following features:

  • compliance with GOSTs, hygienic standards of drinking water;
  • packing in a sterile container;
  • sold for human consumption.

In addition, such water does not contain artificial flavors or sweeteners, and plant extracts and essences in it can be no more than 1%. If this indicator is exceeded, such water will be regarded as a soft drink.

In the international classifier developed by the Federal Commission for Food and medicines(USA), bottled water is divided into the following types:

  1. artesian water, or Artesian (Well) Water. It is extracted from artesian wells, which are drilled in places where pressure waters are found, located in rocks. When the roof of the horizon is opened, the water enclosed between the water-resistant layers can gush out.
  2. Drinking water, or Drinking Water, the so-called bottled water. Based on the name, this water is sold for human needs in hygienic containers and does not contain extraneous additives. It has no calories, no sugars. Flavors, extracts or essences of herbs or fruits can be added in a ratio of 1% to the total mass of the final product. For such water, the concentration of sodium ions is normalized - from zero to a small amount.
  3. Mineral water, or Mineral Water, contains a fairly large amount of dissolved salts (from 0.25 g / l - mineralization in accordance with the world classifier). It is bottled and may be labeled accordingly. It differs from other types of bottled water in a constant level and ratio of elements in the source. Adding additional minerals to such water is completely excluded.
  4. Purified water(Purified) is produced by distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis or similar methods. The trade name may contain a designation of the filtration method, such as distilled, deionized (softened) or osmosis (according to the method used in production).
  5. Sparkling (carbonated) water(Sparkling) contains the same amount of CO 2 both when it comes from the source and after processing.
  6. Spring water(Spring) is mined from underground springs, knocked out naturally to the surface. For industrial needs, in the place of such a key, drilling is carried out to the main aquifer, the outlet is equipped with a pipe through which water is collected and bottled. At the exit physical qualities and the composition of the liquid should be the same as in the natural flow to the earth's surface.
  7. Well (from a well) water(Well), bottled. It is collected from a well or borehole drilled, excavated or otherwise constructed in the earth's thickness in order to reach an aquifer.

There are three positions in the Russian bottled water classifier:

  • Mineral water- is obtained from underground sources (wells) registered according to legislative regulations with the preservation of the primary composition of minerals.

Mineral water, in turn, is divided into the following subspecies:

  1. medicinal water with a mineralization of 8 g / l or less, containing a large amount of boron, arsenic and other elements;
  2. medical-dining room - with a content of weight parts of salts in the range of 2–8 g / l;
  3. dining room - with a mineralization of 1-2 g / l;
  4. canteen with mineral content in concentration up to 1 g/l.

Mineral water flows in aquifers or pools, which are located between special rocks that enrich the water with healing salts over a long period of time. These minerals are contained in water, dissociating into negatively and positively charged particles - anions and cations. Depending on the composition of various salts in the water, it is divided into bicarbonate, sodium, chloride-sodium-calcium, chloride-sulfate sodium-magnesium, etc. Mineral water is also classified according to pH into acidic, neutral or alkaline.

  • artificial called fresh water for drinking, which is processed to mimic the natural mineral or other composition. Artificial mineral water is an ordinary or distilled liquid enriched with chemical components (salts, magnesium, potassium, sodium iodine, etc.) that are present in natural mineral water in identical percentages. This type of mineral water includes products of well-known brands "Borjomi", "Narzan", "Essentuki". Therefore, when choosing which bottled water is better to drink, you should pay attention to the label "artificially mineralized water" on the package.
  • The third type of bottled water is drinking water, which is made by the method of deep cleaning of the liquid from the tap. It is freed from iron salts, softened, dechlorinated. Then it is re-disinfected by means of ultraviolet or silver ions. At the final stage, the water is enriched with useful components - fluorine, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements.

Speaking of different types containers for bottled water, the undoubted leader can be called a PET bottle. The global circulation of water in plastic containers is increasing every year. The thing is that a similar glass packaging, regardless of the turnover, will cost much more than a PET bottle, which is not a pity to dispose of after use. The largest volume of bottled water sales is occupied by products for household needs, which are packaged in PET bottles with a volume of 3 liters or more.

Truths and myths about bottled water

To understand what bottled water is and which is better, you first need to dispel some common misconceptions.

Myth #1 Bottled purified and filtered tap water are no different.

Such a statement will be true if tap water is poured into a bottle, which is purified and artificially enriched with minerals. The presence of images of mountains, forests and lakes on the package is not yet an indication that it contains water from an artesian well. Confirmation of the natural origin of the liquid will be the text written on the label. Water marked as “centralized water supply source”, “conditioned”, “prepared”, “modified” is actually obtained from the tap.

Meanwhile, purified or filtered water and that which comes from an artesian well have a striking difference. Once in the body, the latter delivers useful minerals and substances. And tap water, even if it is purified and conditioned, is dead, which can not only not bring benefits, but also harm human health.

If the label on a water bottle contains information about the source and well number, you can be sure of its quality. Each well from which natural mineral water is extracted is listed in the official state register.

Myth #2. Our ancestors did not know what bottled water is and which is better, using ordinary water from the central water supply, and at the same time they did not get sick. So our generation can do the same.

It is worth considering that a few decades ago, tap fluid was really better in quality. The reason for this was not so much the purity of the reservoirs, which is incomparable with the current one, but the newer communications. Indeed, in new pipes there are no layers and bacteria that worsen the condition of the water.

In European countries such as Switzerland, for example, it is quite normal to serve tap water to the table. The main part of their water communications is made up of quick-change plastic pipes. In our country, the chance of poisoning with tap water is much higher than when drinking bottled water. Because it is much more difficult to control the state of water, which goes a long way from the water intake station to the tap in the apartment, than in a factory where bottled water is bottled.

Another fact that should be taken into account is that tap water cannot harm an absolutely healthy person. At risk are people suffering from chronic disorders of body functions, such as the gastrointestinal tract or the cardiovascular system. At the same time, in the environment of the domestic and foreign scientific community, there is enough evidence that the regular use of tap water can lead to serious diseases, such as cancer. Bladder or large intestine.

The assertion that the water in the central water supply system is as good as bottled water spread after representatives of supervisory services in several cities of the Russian Federation reported an improvement in the quality of the liquid in water pipes in the territories under their control. But it is important to take into account that the information in the reports of officials is of a generalized nature. And samples are taken only at water intake stations. The end point of water supply is private and apartment buildings where the situation can be very different. To avoid possible health problems due to poor quality water, it is better to trust those who are really responsible for the products supplied.

Myth number 3. Good water has no taste.

Any natural water will have its own taste, depending on the mineral composition: calcium, magnesium, sodium and other substances contained in artesian waters. At the same time, for each person, water, even with the same chemical composition, will have its own taste.

The difference in sensations in people is associated with their individual metabolism. Depending on this balance, sweeter, bitterer and other flavors will be felt. The basis of this perception is the nature of the food consumed, for example, the predominance of salty, fried, steam or dairy in the diet.

If the water does not have a pronounced taste, it means that it has undergone distillation, during which all its useful natural qualities are killed, so that later it can be artificially replaced by minimum set minerals. Therefore, before choosing which bottled water is better to buy, you should understand that dead water does not bring anything good to the body, but can only take this good away.

Myth number 4. Water in glass containers is of better quality than in PET packaging.

The spread of water in PET bottles in the large market has led to an expansion in the marketing of water-in-glass companies. Therefore, it is natural that different opinions appear about the questionable quality of water in PET containers, supported by human ignorance and the tricks of competitors.

In fact, only the bottling of water through modern technologies and certified equipment. Under such conditions, there will be no difference between a glass and a plastic bottle. The composition and taste characteristics of the water will be identical. The proof of this is the fact that the same manufacturers have the same products in both glass and PET packaging.

  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • do not heat or freeze;
  • do not leave the container open.

Myth number 5. PET containers release toxic substances into the water.

One of the most common opinions about bottled water is that it contains harmful impurities. This fact has not been confirmed by any study. The only foreign substance that can be in a container with water is acetaldehyde. At the same time, organic compounds of this substance are contained in almost all food products. Even in an ordinary bag of yogurt, the amount of acetaldehyde will be 1000 times more than in a plastic container of water. In addition, if you do not violate the requirements for storing water in PET packaging, this substance will not be released.

At the same time, manufacturers of plastic bottles have long been reinsured and began to include an acetaldehyde neutralizer in the raw materials used. An analogue of such an absorber is found in the human liver. Without this substance, the body would not be able to absorb alcohol.

Myth number 6. The cost of natural water must be high.

This misconception is most common in states that experienced a shortage of goods. Citizens in such countries are accustomed to the fact that there was always a meager selection of products on store shelves. And after a huge range of imported goods began to enter the outlets, domestic suppliers could not adapt so quickly. Therefore, the consumer began to believe that he knows which bottled water is the best, arguing that only expensive, foreign products can be of high quality.

Where is the bottled water from?

The manufacturer of bottled water, of course, focuses on the technology of its extraction. Even puddle water can be drinkable after cleaning. But such a liquid will be dead. Those who have ever tried distilled water know what we are talking about.

Living water is extracted only from underground bowels through wells and artesian wells. Theoretically, such a hole can be drilled in absolutely any place. However, there are certain nuances.

The first of these is the depth of the well. It should be sufficient to prevent melt water from entering the underground horizon.

Second important point- a thorough check by epidemiologists not only of the well itself, but also of the area around it: the surface and earthen layers. The production itself is also subject to control: the level of noise pollution, vibrations in the premises, their sanitary and hygienic condition, ventilation and other conditions.

At the output, the product is checked for compliance with the requirements of SanPiN and GOST. Information about the field of artesian waters in Russia is contained in the state register of groundwater.

Due to serious checks on various parameters, many bottled water producers prefer to work with raw materials from wells, where the water does not require additional treatment, representing the final product, or needs little post-treatment. Some have taken an even easier path and filter plain water from utility networks.

Which water is better: bottled or filtered

When buying drinking water from trusted brands, you can confidently believe that it meets the requirements of GOST and SanPiN and is safe for health. Some manufacturers have begun to produce water with the addition of micro and macro elements necessary for human body. Thus, this water will also be beneficial. Bottled water does not require additional processing and is immediately ready for use.

If we are talking about filtered water, it should be noted that water completely purified from suspensions is not suitable for regular intake. Together with harmful substances, filters are removed from the liquid and needed by the body particles.

Useful elements contained in drinking water are K, Mg, Na, Ca. In the liquid from the tap, their amount reaches a sufficient level to ensure the normal functioning of the human body.

If water without these substances is taken for a long time, serious damage will be done to health. This can be confirmed by the words of R. Darrell, an expert in the development and application of purification technologies: “Filtered water cannot save life even in an aquarium with fish. They will just die."

At the same time, filtered water can still benefit the body due to its excellent ability to absorb and remove toxins.

But drinking such water is allowed for a short period. After all, along with harmful substances, useful minerals and trace elements are also excreted from the body, the lack of which can lead to the development hypertension, osteochondrosis, various dysfunctions.

Which water is better: boiled or bottled

Bottled water is purified in industrial volumes and meets safety standards, so it is completely drinkable. It is sold in large bottles that are connected to coolers or a pump.

After boiling, water becomes not only useless for the body, but can also harm. Therefore, it is often called dead. The reason for this is the following features:

  1. at high temperatures the liquid is deprived of almost all oxygen;
  2. useful salts in the process of boiling become an insoluble precipitate;
  3. when tap water is boiled, the chlorine contained in it turns into a toxic compound that can cause cancer;
  4. due to the changed structure in the process of boiling, after a day, water becomes a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

When discussing which bottled water is best to drink, the benefits and harms of boiled water should be adequately analyzed. After all, for those who wonder about the benefits of drinking boiled water, you can find at least one argument - the safety of such a liquid.

Advantages and disadvantages of bottled water

  • Benefits of bottled water

When trying to understand which bottled water is the best, you should be sure that any liquid of this type has a number of advantages over the rest.

Firstly, the activities of organizations involved in the sale and delivery of bottled water are under the vigilant control of state supervisory authorities. Taking into account this fact, we can confidently declare its high quality and safety. However, it should be borne in mind that in some states the presence of certain impurities in bottled water is allowed. And before buying such water, especially from foreign manufacturers, you should make sure that there are no additives.

Another undeniable advantage is ease of use. Modern manufacturers complete bottled water with special coolers and ergonomic pumps. At the same time, having made one order, you can purchase a large number of bottles, the delivery of which is handled by the manufacturing companies themselves. Couriers of such organizations not only bring water to the designated place, but also replace the container on the cooler. The buyer from this receives additional benefits and convenience, because he does not have to spend own time and strength.

Some coolers not only serve as a container for storing and pouring water, but can also heat or cool liquid. These features are especially useful in office environments.

Among other important advantages of bottled water is the invariability of its quality and properties during storage. Even if the cooler has not been used for a long time, the water in it will not deteriorate, retaining its freshness and pleasant taste.

It is also worth noting that bottled water is alive, because it does not lose the beneficial substances that are in its composition. Therefore, the acquisition of such water is not only profitable, but also useful, which cannot be said about drinking water from the tap, even if it is boiled.

  • Disadvantages of bottled water

Despite the large number of advantages, like any product, bottled water also has disadvantages. So, some quality standards allow the addition of certain substances to the liquid, which not only change its taste, but are also doubtful in their benefits and necessity for the human body. Therefore, you should be careful about which bottled water is better to buy, and which manufacturers should be abandoned. Before making a choice, you need to read the documentation (especially those written in small print) and make sure that the liquid is clean, safe and does not contain any unnecessary additives.

Another disadvantage relates to water purification and packaging processes that use materials that are not environmentally friendly.

Which bottled water is best for drinking: rating

The quality system of the Russian Federation - Roskachestvo - conducted a study of the group of goods to which bottled water belongs, and compiled a rating. The experts of the organization purchased 60 samples of non-carbonated water from various foreign and domestic producers (Armenia, Georgia, Italy, France, Norway, Finland and Russia). Three types of water samples were taken for analysis - the first and highest category, as well as mineral water.

The result was the following numbers:

  • 15.5% (or 9 brands) could be awarded a distinction for quality that exceeds existing requirements;
  • 63.8% (or 37 items) can simply be called a quality product;
  • 20.7% (or 12 manufacturers) sell goods that cannot be called high-quality for one reason or another.

When compiling the rating, the experts Roskachestvo found in mineral waters from companies Arkhyz, "Elbrus" And Biovita. In samples of this product, an unacceptable number of microorganisms that could adversely affect human health was detected. Experts believe that this problem may be provoked by violations of the conditions of transportation or storage of the product.

In the remaining 9 samples, which occupied the lowest rating, discrepancies between the labeling and the actual composition of water were revealed. The most indicative of these violations were the producers of bottled water of the highest quality, the content of which is subject to higher requirements. Among them were the Italian company norda, manufacturers from Armenia Aparan and domestic "Dixie", "Glavvoda", "Alive key", « BabyIdeal», Courtois, "Demidovskaya Suite». Among them there are also representatives of the water of the first category - "Uleimskaya".

The French have become leaders in the production of bottled water with mineral water Evian, Russian firm "Aquanica", trade marks water of the highest category "Volzhanka", "Simple good" And Arctic, and the first category - Bon Aqua, "Lipetsk pump-room», "Novoterskaya" And " ABOUT! Our family". This product Roskachestvo approved for safe chemical composition, saturated with macro- and microelements, purity, absence of chlorine and bacteria, normal hardness and an appropriate level of mineralization. From this list, we can conclude which bottled water is better to drink.

How to pour bottled water

Many bottled water consumers are buying compact desktop water coolers designed for home use or a small office. Thanks to such a device, it is always possible to take a short break for a cup of hot tea or coffee or saturate the body with fresh and tasty cool water. For these devices, you can quickly order purified bottled water, which is delivered in almost every city at an affordable price and in the shortest possible time. In spite of their compactness, desktop coolers have good technical parameters and almost the same functionality as floor-standing coolers.

Large bottles with clean water can be found in almost every modern family where health concerns are concerned. This storage system, connected to a convenient pump, which is fixed on the neck of the container with a special lock, allows you to quickly draw liquid into any kitchen vessels. Such pumps are offered both separately - in online stores or offline outlets, and together with purchased water from a supplier. You can purchase clean water in advance by calculating the required volume for a certain period.

Where to buy a cooler, pump, dispenser for bottled water

The Ecocenter company supplies coolers, pumps and related equipment to Russia for bottling water from bottles of various sizes. All equipment is supplied under the trademark "ECOCENTER".

We provide the best ratio of price and quality of equipment, as well as offer our partners excellent service and flexible terms of cooperation.

You can see the attraction joint work by comparing our prices with the cost of similar equipment from other suppliers.

All our equipment complies with the standards established in Russia and has quality certificates. We deliver dispensers to customers, as well as all the spare parts and accessories they need in the shortest possible time.

More and more people Lately use bottled water for drinking and cooking. The reason is that in some regions the quality of water from the tap leaves much to be desired, and in others people are worried about the dangers of chlorine and possible impurities. Bottled water is now widely available - it is supplied to Russian counters by about 700 manufacturers.

However, this great diversity also causes problems. The risk of acquiring a fake, low quality product increases.

Drinking bottled water rating: how to understand

Before analyzing the offers of different manufacturers, it is necessary to understand that there are three main types of drinking water sold in bottles: plain purified, natural mineral and artificial.

Purified water is just fresh water. Free from any harmful impurities. It is used for regular application and cooking. Mineral water is divided into table, medical-table and medicinal.

Medicinal water is not intended for regular drinking. It is used as prescribed by a doctor in limited quantities. Its most famous species in Russia are Lysogorskaya, Essentuki-17.

Therapeutic-table water differs from the therapeutic lower concentration of minerals. Most famous brands- Georgian origin: "Narzan", "Borjomi", "Essentuki-4". But it is also better not to abuse these waters.

Table mineral water can be drunk regularly, because the concentration of salts in it is very low. Its most famous brands are "Sarova" and "Silver Dew".

Plain purified water is produced by many companies. The most common are "Holy Spring", "Bon Aqua", "Aqua Minerale".

Within each group, you can also form a rating of bottled water.

The best bottled drinking water: ranking

Among all the manufacturers of medicinal and table table mineral and purified waters, Georgian ones are now in the lead. However, domestic firms also occupy a worthy place there.

  1. "Holy spring"
  2. "Borjomi"
  3. "Narzan"
  4. "Santalovsky source"
  5. Bon Aqua.

However, not all manufacturers that are not included in this top five are not trustworthy. The following companies are in the middle of the bottled water rating:

  • GG&MW Co. N.V (from Borjomi);
  • Nestle Waters (from the Holy Spring);
  • "Kavminvody".

There are the last ones on the list, which should hardly be preferred by those who really care about health:

  • Beeba firm;
  • Ulanskaya water
  • "Mercury";
  • "Avka";
  • "Raif source".

Fake bottled water rating

It is clear that dishonest manufacturers who have nothing to do with reputable firms often try to "cling" to the leaders. A fake can be recognized if you shop carefully.

Suspicions should be caused by a sloppy bottle and label. Reputable companies that hold first place in the ranking of drinking bottled water care about aesthetics.

You should also read the information on the label. If there is very little of it, this is a reason for suspicion, especially when it comes to mineral water.

Finally, it is better to buy water in large shopping malls. They make purchases in large quantities and deal only with trusted sellers.

Sometimes you can contact the laboratory for quality control.

If you use the available information on the rating of bottled water and follow simple anti-counterfeiting rules, you can not be afraid that water will do harm.

More and more people associate their health with drinking water, realizing that it dissolves and brings nutrition to the cells, and then flushes out toxins. That is why interest in healthy, healing and environmentally friendly bottled water is growing every day. But when buying water in a store, do you think about where it is produced and from what source it is?

In Russia, water is allowed to be bottled from the following sources: water supply, open sources (rivers and lakes), and from artesian wells.

Water pipes



Information about where it was spilled from is on the label.

Consider what waters spill from what sources.

1. Additional purified water from central water supply systems (BonAqua, Aqua Minerale).

Some large producers use the central water supply to produce their water.

Why do they do it?

Extraction of artesian waters costly event. It is not enough to drill a well in the right place and pump water from it. Need at least a year design work to get a production license and use one well AND it must have enough water.

In the case of large producers of such wells, dozens are needed, since water from one well cannot be produced in unlimited quantities. Usually, the maximum possible daily withdrawal of water from the well is indicated in the subsoil use license.

The federal license allows you to take from one well about 500 m³ water per day and this is clearly not enough for large water producers. Moreover, one well, in accordance with the law, must be located in a nature protection zone with a radius of up to 2 kilometers. For 10 wells, the nature protection zone will be larger 20 km, which is impossible to implement within, for example, the Moscow region, where there is dense urban development and many settlements. Yes, and the land will cost tens of millions of dollars.

In the video you can see what requirements must be met in order to pour water from a well.

Therefore, many large enterprises bottle water from central water supply sources, that is, from plumbing. Of course, before entering the bottle, this water passes several levels of purification, as a result of which we get sterilized water, safe from the point of view of the requirements of standards and laws, but of little use to the body.

To give such water a taste and at least some benefit, it is artificially added mineral powders and other complex additives, produced by specialized companies. 90% of additives in Russia are sold under the Severyanka brand, which contain a complex of minerals - calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate and other elements.

Mineral supplements produced under the Severyanka trademark are designed to improve the physiological usefulness of drinking water by enriching it with vital macro- and microelements, for water that has been completely purified from bacteria and impurities contained in the original low-quality water, water from open sources or central water supply.

On the labels of such waters, you can find a direct indication of the source of water, often it is referred to as "purified conditioned drinking water from the central water supply."

One of the clearest examples of such waters is BonAqua brand, owned by the Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia group of companies. It is also known that Aqua Minerale, owned by the American company PepsiCo, Inc., is also bottled from the water supply, although recently PepsiCo has taken a number of steps to improve its water and some bottles already have bottling wells indicated.

2. Water from open reservoirs (lakes, springs, rivers…). Baikal, Legend of Baikal

Water from open sources, as well as water from the tap, requires certain degree of filtration. The law does not prohibit spilling water from lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Everyone knows that plants, fish and, of course, bacteria live in open water bodies, and organic matter is present in much larger quantities than in tap water.

The largest amount of open source water sold in Russia is bottled from fresh lake Baikal, which has always been considered the cleanest open reservoir in Russia. But things do not stand still, and recent studies of water have shown that the ecosystem Lake Baikal has been undergoing a serious environmental crisis since 2011.

According to the latest published “monitoring of the sanitary and microbiological state of the pelagial of Lake Baikal and the mouths of large rivers flowing into it from 2010 to 2018” in the waters of the lake, filamentous algae Spirogyra developed in mass quantities, the concentrations of biogenic substances increased, which led to an increase in the time of preservation of intestinal bacteria in water.

It is assumed that one of the reasons is an increase in anthropogenic load. As a result of the monitoring of sanitary and microbiological indicators, it was revealed that poor-quality wastewater treatment in old and collapsing treatment facilities of large coastal settlements, the massive construction of tourist bases and hotels, as a rule, are not provided with centralized system purification of faecal effluents, massive discharge of fecal and bilge waters from numerous ships lead to intense pollution of the lake.

Of course, water from open sources must undergo either complete purification and sterilization to exclude the presence of microbes and pathogenic microorganisms in the water, or partial at the peril and risk of a particular manufacturer.

In the latter case, the natural mineral composition of the water is preserved, it contains more oxygen and also saved natural pH level up to 7.5 units, but microbiological performance cannot be stable and requires constant and costly quality monitoring from the manufacturer.

3. Mineral water from artesian wells

Drinking and mineral water obtained directly from high-quality natural sources- artesian wells without the use of methods of complete cleaning and filtration that change its natural chemical composition. Of course, provided that the mineral composition of artesian water initially meets the requirements for drinking water.

Under certain conditions, namely:

Artesian water can be bottled without filtration directly from the source. Such water will be called "mineral". For mineral waters according to legislation the use of reverse osmosis filtration systems and other filtration methods is prohibited, suggesting a change in the mineral composition of the source water.

Simply put, this natural water, which does not undergo purification and is bottled directly from the well.
Thus, it retains all useful micro- and macroelements in the most digestible ionic state for humans.

And finding a source at a sufficient depth protects water from the external environment. For this reason, its purification is not required, the output is living and healthy water.

Professor J. Davis (Switzerland) has established over 30 years of study that water becomes artesian hundreds and thousands of years after rainfall, absorbs the energy of the earth, dissolves and activates vital chemical elements that most quickly help us restore health and prevent diseases .

Artesian activated water

From short description characteristics of each source for drinking water, it became clear that the most preferable are waters from artesian wells because of their undeniable health benefits. But what if you find the perfect artesian water and make bottled water even more efficient and healthier.

By studying water, people have found that water sees, hears, stores and transmits information and learned how to activate and energize artesian water, making it close to the water that works in the body. It quickly dissolves and delivers nutrients, as well as oxygen through the walls of capillaries to cells, and after processing and obtaining energy, it flushes CO2 and waste from the intercellular space. Such water has energy and capabilities many times greater than in the original artesian.

What is active water

Active or energy-saturated water is water that is able to perform certain work in our body:

Active waters transfer energy very quickly, in waves, like an avalanche, and the body's work improves within a few minutes.

Active water is with the following characteristics:

In 2018 at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, studies were carried out to measure activity with several types of waters extracted from different sources.

The study was aimed at determining the activity, electrical conductivity, pH changes and oxygen content in the following drinking (mineral) waters:

"Aqua Minerale", "Bon-Aqua", "Svetla", "Bio-Vita", "Baikal Pearl", "Evian".

The bottles with all the waters were opened on September 11, 2018 and were poured into 150 ml glass glasses. The beakers were covered with filter paper and the waters were in contact with air at room temperature in a shaded room.

Measurements of water activity according to the method with the “reagent” (luminol + Fe (II)) were carried out immediately after pouring water into glasses, and in the next 7 days.

Rice. 1. 09/11/18 (0 day of measurement) Water CL: (1) Bonaqua, (2) AquaMinerale, (3) Svetla, (4) Biovita, (5) Baikal Pearl, (6) Evian. Reagent (undiluted).

Figure 1 presents primary data on the activity of the tested waters, obtained no more than 1 hour after opening the bottles of water.

The graph shows that 3 waters - Bon-Aqua, Aqua Minerale, Baikal Pearl have extremely low activity, while 3 others she confidently registers.

Rice. 2. Water activity measured with undiluted reagent on 09/12/18 (1 day of incubation). Presented mean values ​​for 3 parallel measurements for each of the waters.

Rice. 2 and 3 experimental data.

Data on Rice. 2 testify that already after 2 days of water incubation in air, the activity of 3 out of 6 waters increased sharply. It should be noted that the activity the waters of Bon-Aqua and Aqua Minerale almost did not increase in 6 days their incubation in contact with air. The activity of these waters was 40 pulses/sec on September 11 and 80 and 170 pulses/sec on September 17 .

Rice. 3(A). Changes in water activity, from 09/12/18 (1 day of incubation in air) to 09/17/18. (6 days of incubation in air). The reagent was diluted 100 times. Average values ​​for 3 parallel measurements for each of the waters are presented.

The activity of all other waters in the process of their incubation increased, although in different ways, as can be seen from the data presented in Fig. Rice. 2 and 3 experimental data.

Data on Rice. 2 testify that already after 2 days of water incubation in air, the activity of 3 out of 6 waters increased sharply. It should be noted that the activity of Bon-Aqua and Aqua Minerale waters almost did not increase during 6 days of their incubation in contact with air. The activity of these waters was 40 pulses/sec on September 11 and 80 and 170 pulses/sec on September 17.

Rice. 3 (B). The same results presented as curves of changes in water activity during their incubation

Long-term monitoring of changes in water activity (Figure 3 A and B) showed that of all waters, Svetla water stands out the most in terms of activity and the preservation of its activity during incubation, followed by Biovita. In the first days, the activity of Evian water is high, but after 3 days of incubation, it significantly decreases. The lowest activity among these waters is characterized by Baikal Pearl water. Water Bon-Aqua and Aqua Minerale showed no activity when using a reagent diluted 100 times. *