Sweet island in a shopping center. My island of sweets. How not to do business. Choosing a store location

There are successful and unsuccessful ones. If successful stories inspire, then unsuccessful ones, as a rule, are not very attractive to us. But it is from bad experiences that the most important lessons can be learned. We believe that negative experiences are also experiences. Therefore the magazine IQ Review opens a series of articles on the topic “how not to do business” with this story. It's like a thousand other stories. The difference is that it is replete with details that a stranger will not tell you about. We give the floor to the heroine, who will tell the whole truth. Read and learn.

How I opened a candy aisle in a shopping center

If you live in a small city with a population of no more than 250 thousand, then the problem of consumer choice is not acute - for the simple reason that this choice simply does not exist. Shops of local shopkeepers that have not seen renovation or renovation since the collapse Soviet Union, offer us the same type of goods and Chinese consumer goods at inflated prices. The rebuilt shopping centers also do not take the city to a new level, because they are made in the image and likeness of the same shops with the same assortment, but in larger sizes.

Searching for a business idea in a small town

I live in one of these cities in the suburbs of Rostov-on-Don. My decision to open my own business came by chance. My name is Anna, I’m 27 years old, I’m a mother on maternity leave, and I didn’t have any business experience. None of my family and my husband’s family have ever been involved in business; we are all simple workers.

And already here, at the stage of the birth of the idea, I encountered the first difficulties. At the initial stage, support is more important than ever - someone or something that gives strength and inspiration. Ideally, this is a person who has already achieved some success in his chosen field and is able to give the right advice. This could be either a person from your environment or a stranger from the online space. As a last resort, you can find a like-minded person from among your friends or relatives.

I had to do without it. The idea was new within my city, and this is what gave me confidence and hope for the success of my enterprise.

Franchise "Tasty Help"

An offer to purchase a franchise of the Tasty Help brand popped up in the form of contextual advertising. I was hooked by the name, numbers and payback percentages.

The company promised a 100-200% markup on its goods and a payback in 3 months at a cost of only 100 thousand rubles. When I clicked on the site, a light bulb went on in my subconscious.

These were candies, but not just any candies, but European sweets, sealed in jars of 50, 150 and 250 ml with stickers on which beautiful wishes. The general concept of the brand is a jar of sweets instead of pills as a cure for sadness. In addition to candies, the assortment included 90s gum, fortune cookies and ready-made gift sets. On the promo page it all looked impressive and bright, and in the photos there are examples of successful points. I had a desire to give my city a similar island of joy, to give people the opportunity to acquire something similar.

Pros and cons of a franchise

I abandoned the idea of ​​buying a franchise, especially since the company provided the opportunity to purchase goods in bulk. And there were fewer pros than cons. At a cost of 250 thousand rubles, the franchise only gave the right to a 3% discount on an order and the mythical “managerial support”, as well as the status “ official representative”, which, however, did not allow me to be the only representative in my city. I was also deprived of the right to trade other goods at my own discretion, and for my own money I was subject to close supervision, which I considered a huge disadvantage.

Sweets shop business plan

Sweets shop

Start-up capital for opening a retail outlet

I didn't have any money. But there was a credit card with a limit of 120 thousand rubles. I thought that this should be enough.

The promised markup, however, did not turn out to be. With a retail price of a large jar of 290 rubles, the purchase price was 162 rubles. That is, the markup is 80%, in ruble equivalent - 128 rubles per unit of goods sold. For chewing gum and smaller jars, the markup ranged from 50 to 60%.

I found a rather successful, in my opinion, place in a shopping center in which the company was the anchor tenant " Child's world", "Letual" and "TsentrObuv". Price 1 sq. meter was 5 thousand rubles, and the total cost of the 3 sq. m. - 15 thousand per month.

Payback period calculation

According to my calculations, with an average daily revenue of 1 thousand rubles, I will recoup my costs in 8-10 months. That was my entire business plan at the time. And it was this error that caused all subsequent problems. I did not take into account important factors that are the foundation and the first building blocks in the construction of a successful project.

I placed an order for 100 thousand rubles. The order consisted of individual jars, some chewing gum, and a box of “Petushki” lollipops. I paid at the bank by transfer from a card, which automatically added a 4% commission to my debt, and this is no less than 4 thousand rubles. Delivery by a transport company added another 2 thousand rubles to the initial costs.

After searching for a place and signing an agreement, I came across the concept of “deposit”. This meant that I needed to pay for two months at once - the first and last under the contract, in other words, make a security deposit. My 15 thousand turned into 30. I had to add from the family budget.

The next stage was ordering display cases. They cost 30 thousand. I borrowed this money from a friend. Little things like designing an individual entrepreneur, a consumer corner, a chair, and an office depleted my already meager budget by about another 4 thousand.

Thus, opening a small point with sweets cost 170 thousand rubles. This significantly increased the payback period compared to the initial estimates. But it was already too late to retreat.

Business in numbers: sales, revenue, profit

The point began operating on June 1, 2014. On initial stage I decided to trade myself, without hiring sellers, in order to study the demand and “draw a portrait” of a potential buyer. I must say that the product really aroused great interest.

What is in demand and generates turnover?

To my great surprise, the products of the 90s were in greatest demand - chewing gum “Love is”, “Turbo”, instant juices “Yuppie” and “Zuko”, we bought a lot of candies for children.

There was a very wary attitude towards “Tasty Help”, but it aroused constant interest. Every second person had to explain that these are not dietary supplements, not medicines, not fish food. When a person realized that these were candies, the question of the high price arose. Indeed, at a price of 290 rubles per 250 grams, the price per kilogram exceeded 1,100 rubles. In response to this, I argued that these candies are unusual, exclusively made in Europe. The emphasis was on gift packaging and unusual wishes, which made the candies both an independent gift and a pleasant addition to the gift.

As a result of all the twists and turns, the revenue for the first month amounted to 70 thousand, which was more than double my expectations. My joy knew no bounds.

During this difficult first month, I made such disappointing conclusions:

  1. For a successful startup, activities that are familiar to most consumers are still more preferable. You just need to make it a little better. And if the product is in high demand, then there will always be demand, even with minimal promotion.
  2. It is preferable to develop new types of business only if you have a reserve of finances, a large amount of free time and experience as an advertiser, or at least a suspended tongue.

Expanding the assortment of the outlet

After paying the rent for July, having decided to replenish the greatly depleted supplies of goods, I ordered something that disappeared from the shelves almost immediately - chewing gum and “Petushki” lollipops. I had regular customers who asked me to add the then famous drink “Dr. Pepper." I found suppliers of a real American drink and placed an order worth about 20 thousand. After all the costs of repaying the loan, 25 thousand remained, of which I paid 17, as I decided to treat myself to new clothes and several trips to the restaurant.

The second month of work brought in 60 thousand rubles in revenue. The moving positions were running out, the slow ones were hanging like dead weight. Of course, I wanted sales, so I ordered popular jars of “Tasty Help”, “Yuppie” and chewing gum worth about 30 thousand. Ordered "Dr. Pepper sold out, but taking into account the small markup (30 rubles) and the cost of delivery, the real benefit was practically zero. At the beginning of the second month, I advertised for a sales position, as elementary fatigue from working for a month without days off from 10.00 to 21.00 was making itself felt. With a 2/2 schedule, the salesperson’s salary “ate up” 8 thousand of revenue. Of course, I didn’t take this into account in the initial cost calculations either.

The second month allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. When starting any business that involves the use of hired labor, it is necessary to obtain basic knowledge in the field of personnel management. I tried to give preference to girls aged 25-30 with work experience. But this did not save me from unpleasant situations associated with incompetence and banal irresponsibility.
  2. Poor people are more difficult to manage. The desire to save on salary leads in most cases to a decrease in the salesperson’s performance and the desire to “do the hours.”

In the third month, sales also went well, but at the end of the month they dropped to 50 thousand. It would seem that in these three months it was possible to pay off the debt or at least significantly reduce it. Indeed, half of the debt was paid. But the shelves were empty again. In addition, September came and sales fell. I was tossing between the desire to give up everything, look for another place (of which there are not many in our city), or go all in. I was constantly haunted by thoughts about the approaching New Year, which meant a large purchase.

Sales of sweets during the holidays

Hopes for everyone's favorite holiday came true. I bought a lot of New Year's sweets worth about 40 thousand, they looked very beautiful, elegant, and festive. I made sets, tried to work more myself, and didn’t trust the sellers. During December, absolutely everything was sold out. The revenue on December 31 was very pleasing - 12 thousand. The display cases were completely empty. What I invested in this purchase was returned to me. But no more.

After the New Year holidays, inspired by pre-New Year sales, I assumed that the February and March holidays should also bring good profits. But here I have already miscalculated. Another pre-holiday purchase attracted virtually no interest from buyers. The holidays were over, the shelves were full of goods, people no longer had money. The amount of daily revenue ranged from 50 to 500 rubles, which could not even cover rent and salaries.

As a result, my debt to the bank not only did not decrease, but even increased. The total bank debt amounted to 140 thousand, which also included interest - about 4 thousand rubles for each month. I also didn’t repay my debt to my friend. The invested 170 thousand remained outstanding. At the end of April I closed the point.

What conclusions did I draw during the operation of the outlet and, mainly, after its closure?

  1. The capital invested in equipment and the initial content of the store will never return. This is an investment that needs to be included in a business plan, without taking into account the return.
  2. A business plan is the main springboard into a successful project.
  3. In addition to offline sales, it is imperative to conduct online trading in parallel. This could be a page on social networks, a simple one-page website or a full-fledged website. For many people, it is preferable to buy online, when you can think for a few days and return to the product you like.
  4. You need to learn to delegate work. It is impossible to be an ideological inspirer, a salesman, a loader, and at the same time become a successful entrepreneur. And this certainly applies to a young mother.
  5. You should never follow the advice of people who know nothing about business in general and yours in particular. Apart from confusion and confusion in thoughts, this will lead to nothing.
  6. You should not get hung up on your project, even if it is the first and only one. You need to be able to leave your favorite rental place on time, not forgetting about the possibility of scaling, if funds allow.
  7. The main thing is self-confidence; without it, any, even the most promising, undertaking will fail.
  • Suppliers
  • Recruitment
  • Which OKVED ID should I indicate when registering a candy store?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open?
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Step-by-step plan for opening a candy store

A sweet shop is a retail outlet specializing in the sale of candies, marmalade, caramel, cocktails, ice cream and other sweet foods. Number of sweet shops in last years is growing steadily. There are objective reasons for this. Firstly, this is facilitated by the growing demand for sweet goods against the background of the growing solvency of the population. Secondly, opening a sweets store does not require any special knowledge or financial capabilities of an entrepreneur. Plus, there are a number of proposals to start a similar franchise business. Investments in this case will amount to no more than 300 thousand rubles.

This is a retail outlet specializing in the sale of sweets, marmalade, caramel, cocktails, ice cream and other sweet foods.

The number of sweet shops has been growing steadily in recent years. There are objective reasons for this. Firstly, this is facilitated by the growing demand for sweet goods against the background of the growing solvency of the population. Secondly, opening a sweets store does not require any special knowledge or financial capabilities of an entrepreneur. Plus, there are a number of proposals to start a similar franchise business. Investments in this case will amount to no more than 300 thousand rubles.

What is a modern sweets shop like? The assortment of the sweets store consists of such products as: piece sweets and caramels; loose ice cream; chewing marmalade; milkshakes; oxygen cocktails; chocolate; fresh juice; lollipops.

The markup on goods in a candy store is at least 200%, and on certain items even 500%. The average cost of goods is 20%. Approximate pricing policy: marmalade - 70 rub./100 g., loose ice cream - 45 rub./50 g., milkshake - 70 rub./400 ml., freshly squeezed juice - 100 rub./200 ml.

Choosing a store location

As in any similar business, the profitability of a retail outlet depends on its traffic. In this regard, the most advantageous location for a sweets store is shopping and entertainment complexes. The ideal store format in such places is an “island” of 10-15 m2.

Due to the fact that the occupied area of ​​the retail outlet is no more than 15 m2, rental payments will not be so high - from 15 to 30 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region. For rental inquiries retail space You should contact the administration of the shopping center. Of course, they need their own approach. The first thing that is important for the landlord is what you will sell and how your outlet will “fit” into the design of the shopping center.

A big plus of indoor placement (TC) is that it operates year-round and is not influenced by seasonality. In winter, marmalade and caramel sell well, and in summer, ice cream and cocktails sell well. December and January are generally considered the most profitable months. The same cannot be said about placing a retail outlet on the street, where opening hours are limited to the warm period of the year.

How much money do you need to open a store?

  1. Purchase of equipment and commercial furniture - from 150 thousand rubles
  2. Purchase of goods and ingredients for making cocktails and juice - from 50 thousand rubles;
  3. Deposit for rent (1 month) - from 15 thousand rubles;
  4. Registration of activities, transport and other expenses - from 30 thousand rubles.

The total investment in a retail outlet is from 245 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for a candy store

To operate a point of sale selling sweets in the “island” format, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

  • Trade equipment for selling marmalade (slides with dispensers), piece sweets, chocolate and caramel;
  • Stands for selling oxygen and milkshakes;
  • Oxygen concentrators, cocktail mixers, ice makers;
  • Freezer display and freezer for storing ice cream;
  • Blender, juicer;
  • Bar counter;
  • Trade furniture "island";
  • Cash desk.

The total cost of a set of equipment is from 150 to 250 thousand rubles.


In addition to equipment, it is necessary to resolve the issue of timely delivery of goods. You can, of course, acquire your own transport and deliver goods to points of sale. But this is not always profitable, since there is a need for additional control and hiring of drivers. Therefore, when working with suppliers, it is recommended to cooperate on conditions under which the supplier delivers the goods on its own. It wouldn’t hurt to get a 7-14 day payment deferment from them either.


To operate one outlet you will need to hire 2 salespeople. Large shopping centers are usually open from 10:00 to 22:00, so the ideal work schedule for salespeople is 2/2. To increase labor motivation, a remuneration system should be used - salary + percentage of daily revenue.

Which tax system to choose for a candy store

The optimal organizational form when opening a candy store is individual entrepreneurship. The advantages of individual entrepreneurs are obvious - low registration costs and a minimum of documents. As tax systems it is advisable to use single tax on imputed income (UTII). Switch to this special. The taxation regime is carried out upon the written application of the individual entrepreneur. It is advisable to submit this application immediately after registering the activity.

How much can you earn by opening a candy store?

The estimated net income of one retail outlet is 50-100 thousand rubles. As you understand, these are not the numbers that satisfy the appetite of many businessmen. Therefore, to increase income, it is necessary to develop a network of sweets stores consisting of at least 3 outlets. This is especially true for large cities, where there are many opportunities for realizing such goals.

Success retail sales not least depends on commercial equipment. Many product groups require the installation of specialized structures. Nuts and candies are just such products. Since the end of the last century, our company has been designing, producing and selling furniture designed for the sale of loose “goodies”. In addition to traditional racks and counters with display cases, the line includes trading islands. These are not just furniture, these are real miniature stores. Order our island, and you will receive a multifunctional shopping complex that will allow you to immediately begin full-fledged sales.

Islands made of chipboard and glass - features and types of designs

The island pavilion for nuts and candies can function as a separate store. And you don’t need a separate room for this. A few meters in the territory of a supermarket or shopping center is enough. Our islands are assembled from counter modules. A special feature is the presence of glass dividers in the display cases. The result is cells, each of which can be filled with sweets of the same brand, nuts or dried fruits of the same type.

The range includes islands different forms and dimensions:

  • compact designs,
  • extended pavilions,
  • large islands.

In addition to display cases, each pavilion has countertops for dispensing goods, installing scales, and cash registers. The structures are assembled from chipboard and sheet glass. Chipboard of seven colors is used in production. The customer chooses the shade. You can buy a white pavilion or a structure with texture natural wood- wenge or sonoma oak, cherry, walnut, etc.

To place an order for a ready-made island or a request to assemble a product in individual sizes, just call us. If online communication is more convenient for you, write to the chat on the website or use the messenger.

Russians love sweets!
8 out of 10 people consume something sweet every day. It is not surprising that the capacity Russian market confectionery third in the world after the USA and China, which turns it into a paradise for sweets manufacturers.

In 2014, more than 1.1 million tons of confectionery products, including chocolate, as well as expert opinion, demand for them will increase over the next four years. According to forecasts, by 2017 the demand for sweets in Russia will increase by 8% . At the same time, healthy and functional confectionery products will become increasingly in demand. In general, such trends spur the development of the “sweet industry”.

Paradisaic delight

It is known that the consumption of sweets has a positive effect on a person’s emotional state, bringing pleasure, a feeling of joy and peace. Sweets calm down. Mother's milk, so familiar to us from childhood, has a sweet taste. It’s not for nothing that the word “pleasure” has the same root as the word “sweetness,” and sometimes a loved one is affectionately called “sweetie.”

Lollipops, marmalade, oriental sweets, marshmallow candies, candied fruits, cookies, caramel, cotton candy, sherbet, dried fruits, nuts, halva... and this is not a complete list of what sweet tooths choose in such attractive display cases.

The common belief that the sale of sweets is intended exclusively for the children's segment is erroneous. Scientists have proven that consuming sweets reduces the level of stress hormones in the human body. And stress, unfortunately, has become part of the everyday life of the average consumer.

Great start

Organizing an island with sweets in a shopping center can be a great start for a budding entrepreneur.
The optimal form of running this business is to register an individual entrepreneurship.

If properly organized, an island of sweets in a shopping center brings a stable income, and the net profit can be over 40 thousand rubles. in a day. The payback period for the sweets island is 7-12 months. Sales volume naturally increases on holidays, pre-holidays, and weekends, and decreases somewhat in the summer, when soft drinks and ice cream are more popular. The average trade margin in this business is 25-35%. In the future, increasing the scale of activity and profit of the business, you can develop a network in different shopping centers.

In addition, the island can be placed in a limited area (2-6 m2). The size of the island will largely depend on the breadth of product range you plan to support.

Sweets do not belong to the category of perishable products, which simplifies their sale, but there are still nuances in organizing a sweets island.

Creating an island

Depending on the wishes of the owner, the island of sweets provides for the need for means of production, you will need:

  • racks, slides;
  • showcases;
  • refrigeration equipment (if products require storage under special conditions);
  • electronic scales (if products are sold by weight);
  • cash register area.

The costs will also include the cost of consumables (disposable tableware, napkins, bags).

Some islands can provide a client area, effectively turning into a miniature cafe. But in general, the interior of the island should be quite simple and restrained, since the products presented in the display cases are always varied in shape, size, and color. An overloaded sweets island with decor can look tasteless.

It is important to create an optimal assortment for sales management. For example, parents who cannot buy sweets for their children because of their high cost can offer something cheaper, and for a child prone to allergies, offer sweets without preservatives, dyes, or containing fructose.

For high-quality supplies of goods, you need a reliable supplier who independently delivers the order to the retail outlet. Due to this, there are no costs associated with the need to hire vehicles or operate and maintain a personal car. It is often possible to negotiate with suppliers to provide deferred payment, which reduces the need for an initial investment.

Gems sparkle

The main rule for the sweets island is cleanliness! The materials and designs used should make it easy to maintain cleanliness and remove dirt. A sweet environment is very favorable for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, when buying sweets for their children, parents will never forgive you for your neglect of order and sanitation, and ultimately, for the health of your little sweet tooth.

Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of the sweets island. The use of incandescent lamps to illuminate confectionery products can lead to their heating and the occurrence of photochemical reactions, which will lead to a deterioration in aesthetic and taste qualities. It is recommended to use light sources with a low color temperature that provide warm, golden light, e.g. fluorescent lamps with a color temperature of 2700-3000K, special sodium lamps (White sun) with a color temperature of 2500 K or LED lighting. The use of “warm light” promotes sales of sweets, and dynamic lighting changes will attract additional attention to the display cases.

The use of mirrors is justified both psychologically and economically. Optically, they give the impression that there are much more sweets than there actually are. This way, you can maintain a smaller selection without losing the appeal of the island and ensuring a fresher supply of items. At the same time, you can save on lighting, as mirrors will increase the level of illumination of shelves and display cases.

High-quality lighting and mirror surfaces can turn a piece of caramel into an attractive sparkling gem. What can we say about the impressionability of children, for whom each such island resembles a fairy-tale gingerbread house!

Personnel and competitors in sight

When organizing an island selling sweets in a large shopping center, it is important to remember about competition, because often everyone has approximately the same assortment, then the price level should be the same. A small difference in price can be justified more high level service, but then it is necessary to adamantly maintain high quality of service.

Don't skimp on staff. Only at first glance it may seem that this type of activity does not imply the need for any special knowledge and skills. In fact, a sweets seller must be a friendly and approachable person, be responsive and decent, have the ability to smooth out conflicts, and help overcome the whims of children and the haste of their parents. Children often drag their parents to the sweet island not only for candy, but also for the smile of such understanding and friendly staff.

Keep in mind that large shopping centers work about 12 hours a day, so it is optimal to hire two employees, with the possibility of working in shifts on a 2/2 schedule.

With the proper organization of your sweets island, you can quickly gain the trust of those with a sweet tooth and find your loyal customers.