Wishes for a good day and good mood. Beautiful wishes for a good day to your beloved. Wishing a good day to a girl

Here are beautiful and original wishes for a good mood for the whole day for a friend, mother, girlfriend, husband, wife. Choose a poem that reflects everything you want to wish a person and send it via SMS. After all, desiring good things, we get returns like a boomerang. The poems and prose presented below reflect everything you can think of. Your friend will be delighted!


I wish you a wonderful mood,
Let this day bring positivity!
I wish that every moment
The flow brought you only joy!

May you be surrounded all the time
Only kind, smiling people!
Like the sun, let your eyes shine
And everything will always be great in life!


Don't forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck,
Everything will come out everywhere.
Have a good mood!


Sun, I wish you a good and excellent mood, excellent health and incredible optimism of the soul. May the smile never disappear from your face, may your heart beat in time with fun and joy, may your every day be successful and happy.


I wish Have a good day,
And have a great mood.
Let the new day bring
Only the best, happiness, luck.


I am sending you the news of the day:
Let the positivity blow in the morning,
Luck, fortune will love you.
You get one answer to everything - “yes”!

Let everyone in the world wish you well -
Traffic light, weather, friends.
May the warm sun always warm you,
Your eyes sparkle with happiness all the time!

May your cheerfulness not fade today,
And everyone will give a piece of goodness.
I hug you, kiss you lovingly.
Let everything be cool! Have a great day!


Let the mood be great
Let your eyes burn
I want to swim all day
In success, joy, love.

I wish you to be positive
Joking, laughing, smiling,
Gloomy thoughts and despondency
Never give up.


Let him cover his head
A lot of positive.
And they pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck follows
Early in the morning
Good mood,
Will never leave.


Smile with all your heart, with all your heart,
Let the positivity wash over you!
Life is so beautiful and wonderful, agree,
Let every moment be filled with kindness!

I wish you to shine instead of the sun,
Give rays to all those who are close to you!
Don’t you dare be sad or bored,
Fill your world with a positive charge!


May your smile be brighter than the sun
It shines on your face,
May your day be today
It's just a pleasant surprise
Think only positively
To the degree of mood
Rising, adding
Joy and inspiration!


May your mood be great
After all, this day will only bring joy!
May you be lucky
And let your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with goodness
A smile, only bright colors,
My love, sun and warmth,
And bright, good miracles!

Wishes for a good day and good mood


I want to wish you
Nice mood,
Smile and not see
Obvious negativity.

Let nothing darken
Have a good mood.
I wish on this day
Happiness and peace.


Don't be sad, don't even think about it,
Sadness is not our friend,
Drive them away
So that they don't snoop around.

Smile wider, more often,
Be patient in everything
May your life be sweeter
Naughty mood!


More positive
And good mood
To have enough strength for everything,
And luck continued!


I wish you the most wonderful and wonderful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate your soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your loving hearts.


Good morning my sunshine,
Let it be a wonderful day
Be in a good mood
Expect happy changes.

Don’t lose your cheerful mood,
Smile, have fun,
After all, since the days of such avid
Our whole life consists of.

Wishes for a good day and good mood


The Key to Eternal Luck
It's a good mood
So that joy walks nearby,
You need to smile more often.

Don't build any obstacles
Develop, achieve goals,
Appreciate every minute in life,
After all, living in the world is very cool.


May the sun be clear
And the new day is beautiful,
May everything you wish
Comes true immediately!

In a good mood,
With great inspiration,
You will overcome everything
Striving for your dreams!


All the joy in life should be
Unexpected, uninvited.
And therefore I wish you
All the best!

And if you smile
Wake up in the morning
Everything that happens in a day
Everything will only be good!


May your mood be
Good, cheerful. And always
Let it not depend on the weather
Even in the sun, even in the cold.

Let people give you happiness
Smiles, joy, warmth,
After all, they will decorate your life,
They will bring goodness and beauty.

And with irritation, negativity
Let no one meet.
I wish you positivity in everything
And the mood is one hundred percent.


May it be a great day
And in a good mood,
Drive away laziness
And good luck to all of you in your business!

I wish you, dear ones,
More strength and patience,
And let the smile burn
Warm, joyful moments!

Poems of good mood


Let every moment carry
You're in a colorful mood
And my pure love
Will give you happiness again and again!

Fill the whole world with a smile,
How ladybug, sai,
After all, this is a colorful day
Will bring a stream of goodness!


What will cheer you up?
The opinion that Sunday is coming,
It will be possible from the heart
Relax and take your time!

Enjoy the long day
With the one who is dear, just the two of us,
You can gather friends too,
Or just eat and sleep.

The main thing is that in the soul
It was clear, not rainy.
And I always wish:
“So that you don’t feel sad!”


Good mood
Joyful emotions
Sunny smile -
Mega portions only.

Let the message be love
Will give you a little inspiration,
The sun will smile
Only through your window.


I wish you a nice day
And have a great mood.
Let success lead you
Gives joy and inspiration.

May you be able to realize
All thoughts, ideas and plans.
May my love be great
It will be your faithful talisman.


My joy, I hasten to wish you a good mood. Remember, you can do anything, you are a person of incredible strength and charisma, great dreams and good luck. And may all your aspirations, hopes, desires and deeds be supplemented by an excellent mood that will invigorate and inspire you. Whole.

Wishes for a great mood in verses for the whole day


My beloved man,
Throw your sadness away
Better yet, smile
And I got distracted for a minute.

It’s not easy for me to write to you like this,
I assure you, it’s not a small thing,
I will wish for the mood,
And to have inspiration.

So that happiness fills the day,
I'm not too lazy to wish for this,
So that everything turns out well,
And everything came true!


May you be in a good mood
Today you will have
And may good luck, happiness, joy
Boredom and boredom will be overcome,
I love you very much
Don't forget about this
Come on, smile soon
And never be sad!


Let the mood be great
There is no reason for sadness and sadness!
May every moment give you
A chance to achieve all sorts of heights!

Let your soul be filled with bright light,
And the light will light up in the glasses!
Let your wish come true
Today, on this joyful day!


Let this day sound a cheerful note,
And let your soul sing in the morning,
Both in personal matters and at work
Let everything go beautifully and easily,

Let the mischievous breeze be a naughty
Mixes bright colors in fate,
Let there be light in your soul, a good holiday,
And in my heart - may my love be for you!


Don't be sad and don't be sad
Under any circumstances,
Better smile more often
As a sign of goodwill.

And then it will come back to you
The light that comes from the soul
Even the sun will smile
And he winks persistently.

Wishes for a good day and good mood


I wish you a good mood,
I kiss you, I adore you!
Let passers-by smile
They admire you!

Let the day pass playfully
Will add a lot of positivity.
Luck is waiting for you around the corner,
And now, unexpectedly you will be lucky!


With nice mood
Celebrate today!
Let there be inspiration
And forget about laziness!

Let the plans come true
Dreams come true,
And new ones are born
And they are all hits!


Let the mood be bright
Like a rainbow - a child of rain -
And let it be like a lark in the sky
A carefree soul sings.


Smile, beloved sun,
And luck will smile on you!
Only optimistic thoughts
May everything work out perfectly!

I wish you a colorful mood,
There is a lot of positivity and joy,
May love give you strength
May this day be successful!


I wish you well
I want the mood
May it give a new day
Happy moments.

Sunshine to you, beloved ones,
Let the sky smile
Every day one step
Let the dream come closer.

With nice mood
I wish not to part
And dreams towards
Walk the path of happiness.

Have a nice day. Good mood poems for the whole day


Charge of good mood
A new day will bring you.
Give me your confident look
Cast your shadow to the world.

Decorate it with a burst of emotions,
Add some color to it now.
You'll see, everyone will definitely have to
Go through this day having fun.


I will gather the rays of dawn into a bouquet,
I will breathe into him great love for you,
I will hold the light of the sun in my palms
And I’ll draw your image dear to them,

I will give you joy, lovingly,
Having driven away your worries and doubts!
May you have a great day
I wish you a good mood!


May it be a beautiful day
And an evening with romance,
Let there be only happiness
In beautiful bright candy wrappers.

Let there be a mood
Beautiful, like a holiday.
Love you! I want to say -
Smile more often.


Let the mood be colorful
Walks around all day long
And let luck accompany you,
Even the shadow of sadness will go away!

I wish that your plans
It came true so simply, without difficulty!
Let my love be a talisman
Will always be yours!


Let the mood be bright
On such a bright, joyful day!
I only wish you luck,
Colorful emotions flow!

Today in the world all the peaks
They will be conquered by you!
There are definitely reasons for happiness,
After all, all “taboos” are allowed!


To have a great mood,
Smile, I beg you, quickly!
Throw away all your fears, all your doubts,
And your soul will instantly become more cheerful!

Let everything go according to plan today,
Let every moment make you happy!
And there will be pockets full of money,
It is even necessary to catch a cold from sadness!

Words of wishes for a good mood


My beloved, may on this bright day
Everything around will be beautiful and wonderful,
Let all the problems go into the shadows,
And the whole world will become joyful and clear.

Let the mood, dear, be yours
Sparkles with happiness and fun.
Let endless warmth surround you
And insanely immense luck.


Laugh, sing and smile,
Rejoice, my love!
Charge yourself with positivity
And share it again and again.


I wish you well
Now the mood
So as not to be tormented by sorrows,
Fears and doubts.

Let the smile decorate
Favorite face,
And the heart will be passion,
Tormented by tenderness.


Let life give you a smile
A random passerby
I wish it to my loved ones
Good mood.

So that in every moment of life
Happiness smiled at you
And a small miracle
It happened every day.

For positivity and joy
Were fellow travelers
And so that each other more often
We gave love.

I wish you good mood
Good, beautiful,
So that every new day
Could be a holiday for you.

Dear friends! Hochma congratulates you on the beginning of a new week! Let this Monday pass unnoticed, and the whole week be joyful and successful for you! Good morning, have a nice day, have a good week!

Monday is a hard day
That's what people say.
The weekend is over -
Of course, everyone is happy with them!
The week has begun, which means
It's time for everyone to get to work!
So we are looking again
Right from early morning!

Original, funny and beautiful wishes for good morning and good day in pictures

Have a nice day, good news and happy events. May fate on this day, and on all others, amuse and pamper you and be generous with pleasant gifts and unexpected sweet surprises. Let problems be easily solved, business be successful, the soul smiles, and the heart tirelessly rejoices in life.

Once again we wish everyone a good morning, a successful day and a good start to the week!

I wish you a good day,
May it turn out better than you expect!
You spend it with a cheerful smile,
After all, what goes around comes around.

May the day be pleasant, very easy,
And let time fly at work.
Luck is near, you can believe me
She's already in a hurry to get to you!

Wishes for good morning and good day in pictures

Good morning! May the day be clear
And the mood is just wonderful.
May awakening bring joy,
Without fuss, without worries and worries.
Let the dawn carry away the dull shadow,
Greet the new day with a happy smile.

Have a nice day
Light and warm,
Clear, fine...
Well, just good luck.

So that there is no sadness,
Gloomy mood
I send tender hugs,
Affectionately amorous.

And good luck
Let him accompany you in everything,
Bad luck is harmful
Let it be absent altogether.

When there are clouds in the sky
And the rain doesn't stop.
You know, it won't always be like this,
And the sun will appear!
Let there be many clouds in the sky -
Hold on and don't be shy!
A ray of sunshine will break through to you,
And everything will be okay!

Good morning has come!
Night has fallen to the edge of the earth.
Congratulations on the clear sky!
Congratulations on the red sun!
This morning is just a fairy tale!
Does not spare bright paint.
Away with sadness and away with bad weather.
Good morning, my happiness!

See even more beautiful wishes

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I am sending you the news of the day:
Let the positivity blow in the morning,
Luck, luck will love you.
You get one answer to everything - “Yes”!

Let everything in the world wish you well -
Traffic light, weather, friends.
May the warm sun always warm you,
Your eyes sparkle with happiness all the time!

May your cheerfulness not fade today,
And everyone will give a piece of goodness.
I hug you, kiss you lovingly.
Let everything be cool! Have a great day!

Let him cover his head,
A lot of positive.
And they pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck follows
In the morning,
Good mood,
Will never leave.

I wish you the most wonderful and wonderful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate your soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your loving hearts.

Let the mood be great
After all, this day will only bring joy!
May luck accompany you
And let your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with goodness
A smile, only bright colors,
My love, sun and warmth,
And bright, good miracles!

Have a nice day!
Colleagues look with respect
He will increase your salary, lovingly,
And he will send you on vacation!

That you are very dear to me.
Have a great day!

"Good Day Wishes"

There is a day for everyone:
For larks and owls,
For those who don't sleep at all
Ile sleeps without dreaming.
The day has come for you.
Hello I send you.
Good luck today
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

May you have a successful day!
Put on your best dress
With him - fishnet stockings
And higher heels.
Even though our city is not Paris,
You will conquer everyone today!

"Have a nice day poems"

Not from the bustle, not from the toil,
Let there be more warmth!

Will arrive with new friends!
And it is important to be yourself!

Let the day begin with smiles,
You can avoid any mistakes!
Today it will become reality!

I wish you positivity
Meetings, communication, creativity,
In general, you understand me -
Have a wonderful day!

A man without a smile -
This is a kitchen without tiles,
This is a sea without a seagull,
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
And a good day!!!

I wish you a wonderful day,
May luck come to you,


Important things get done
Complex problems will be solved -
Victory, recognition and warmth!

When you wake up, smile!
And then the day will succeed!
And then in your heart
Suddenly the shadow of sadness will disappear!
The birds will sing songs to you,
And flowers will bloom for you,
On the way they will meet
People of wondrous beauty.
Smile! Happiness is near!
It's just a stone's throw away!
You just have to smile
Everything will come by itself!

In the morning the sun woke up,
It stretched sweetly,
Smiled again
It came out to walk across the sky!
Have a good day ! Good smiles! Kiss you!

Let everything be great at work,
Let your boss not forget to praise you!
Roads without traffic jams, excellent news,
And as always, victories on the personal front!
Have a good day!

"Good afternoon poems"

Tea - to taste...sugar - according to your conscience!
Good morning and have a nice day!

I love you, I saw you in a dream!
I really didn’t want to wake up!
The morning has come, it’s time, dear one, to get up,
I hasten to wish you a good day soon!

Let the day go well in the morning,
Victory will be yours alone!
In love, business and entertainment,
Live your day with pleasure!

"Good Day Wishes"

Have a nice day!
Let the relatives not be a burden,
Colleagues look with respect
Let the boss give you a promotion,
He will increase your salary, lovingly,
And he will send you on vacation!

Let the morning, after kissing you, become good,
And people greet you with friendly smiles
And your day will be the most wonderful!

A new day will come quickly at dawn,
He brings good mood to you.
I want to say that you are magical
That you are very dear to me.
Have a great day!

"Good Day Wishes"

There is a day for everyone:
For larks and owls,
For those who don't sleep at all
Ile sleeps without dreaming.
The day has come for you.
Hello I send you.
Good luck today
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

May you have a successful day!
Put on your best dress
With him - fishnet stockings
And higher heels.
Even though our city is not Paris,
You will conquer everyone today!

"Have a nice day poems"

Let the day start with kindness!
Not from the bustle, not from the toil,
Let there be more warmth!
Let the day start with beauty!
May your day be filled with things to do!
Will arrive with new friends!
And it is important to be yourself!
After all, tomorrow will be another day!!!

The sun is shining in the blue sky,
Well, my friend, are you sleeping in a sweet dream?
Look out the window - that's where the beauty is!
Have a good, good day!

Let the day begin with smiles,
You can avoid any mistakes!
Let everything you dream about
Today it will become reality!

I wish you positivity
Meetings, communication, creativity,
In general, you understand me -
Have a wonderful day!

"Cool and humorous wishes for a good day"

A man without a smile -
This is a kitchen without tiles,
This is a sea without a seagull,
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
And a good day!!!

I wish you a wonderful day,
May luck come to you,
Don't let your boss nag you,
And you would lose count of the money!

Mix a barrel of health with love!
And add some fun to the same potion!
Season with success! Good pepper!
Good luck, add more! Cook...
Boil a handful of humor a little!
And pour a huge spoonful of happiness!
Mix an armful of smiles into the solution!
And treat your loved ones from the heart!

May this day be successful
Important things get done
Complex problems will be solved -
Victory, recognition and warmth!

When you wake up, smile!
And then the day will succeed!
And then in your heart
Suddenly the shadow of sadness will disappear!
The birds will sing songs to you,
And flowers will bloom for you,
On the way they will meet
People of wondrous beauty.
Smile! Happiness is near!
It's just a stone's throw away!
You just have to smile
Everything will come by itself!

In the morning the sun woke up,
It stretched sweetly,
Smiled again
It came out to walk across the sky!
Have a good day! Good smiles! Kiss you!


My dear, good morning!
Open your eyes quickly!
Let the day pass, as if in a fairy tale,
And it gives only miracles!
Please smile today
And don't forget about me!
Say goodbye to your sorrows soon,
May luck overflow!

I wish you more beautiful moments,
The best friends and compliments,
May your day be happy and successful
Just be more fun every minute!

What does a good day mean to you?
This is when you are too lazy to be sad!
When happiness flows like a stormy river
And the heart laughs with joy again!
So today, my dear,
I wish you such a day!

You are the most beautiful!
And the most attractive
So have a day
It will be wonderful!

The most beautiful girl my,
With all my heart I wish you a good day,
May everything go well for you,
Let the rough edges be smoothed out.
I wish you a lot of joy and happiness,
Let the rain wash away the bad weather,
Let the news pleasantly surprise you
May all good things surround you.

Wishing the girl a good day and good mood

My love, may this morning
It will be the most wonderful thing for you!
Every minute will be happy
Have a wonderful day to come!
May success await you just outside the door,
Smile, think about me!
Let the day be full of fun, laughter,
He foretells the best for you!

I wish you to spend the day smiling!
After all, you are so charming and sweet, birds
I start singing when I see you smile
Them, the flowers bloom for you, the answer, and I
I just love you and adore your smile!
I beg you very much - always smile!
Have a nice day, my love!

May the day please you with a gift,
Let the sun shine into your peaceful home...
And let it only be hot from love,
Tell me about it later this day!
I want your day to be very nice,
May there be a lot of happiness and good luck!

Good luck will visit you today,
My wish will come to you!
It is magical and not simple,
So tender and precious!

I wish you a good day,
To the most beautiful girl on earth,
Let the sun warm you with its warmth,
May your whole day be filled with magic.
I wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass by,
May your mood be wonderful all day long,
Let luck follow you like a shadow.

A ray of sun falls through the window,
Caressing your eyelids like a bunny.
But it’s not possible to wake up completely,
You are still in captivity of beautiful bliss.
Hair scattered everywhere
On the pillow, and on the thin neck.
You lie naked in your sleep,
And this one is even sweeter to me.
How magnificent in nakedness,
All your captivating forms.
I admire you, I feel sorry for you
Disturb the sleep of a beautiful maiden.
But it's time to get up, I'll wake you up
With a long, tender kiss to you,
Sunshine, wake up, I’ll say quietly,
Darling, I love you alone.

SMS wishes for a good day to a girl

And I wish with all my heart
You should smile more often
Be fun and simple.
So that everyone around you loves you
And they remembered in difficult times.
Well, in general, be as sweet as you are
Just as smart as you are now!

I rush to you with affection and warmth,
After all, you are the most important in my destiny!
I want to wish you today
So that you can dream all day!
And may this day pass wonderfully,
May you be as lovely as usual!

Have a good day!
Have a great time!
Great achievements
And my compliments!

My love, I miss you so much
It’s so hard to even find words!
I'm sending you a message,
May I wish you a wonderful day!
I want this day to pass easily,
May you be happy like no one else!

Hello, hello, wake up,
And smile beautifully
This is your sunshine
I'll tell you everything:
About how much I love you
And I can't live without you
And so that the rays shine,
You need your hands
Yours hugged me!

The first ray of sunshine pleasantly surprised you,
He gave warmth, a smile, joy,
A good morning foretells a good day,
I wish you good luck from the bottom of my heart.
Have a nice, wonderful day, my love,
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
May the day give you many wonderful moments,
Victory to you, success, achievements.

Passers-by smile -
You shine with beauty!
My best -
This day is entirely yours!

Let important things happen
Complex problems are solved
Let there be a lot of laughter around
And endless success!

I'm happy with you, that's for sure!
I love you so much, baby!
And that’s because I even adore it
I wish you a wonderful day!
More positive and good luck,
Solutions to all existing problems!

Wishing a good day to a girl in your own words

Good morning and have a nice day! And even though our city is not Paris, I am sure that you will conquer everyone today!

Today I wish you a smile and beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans!

May the day be great, may it bring a lot of success and new ideas, may everything succeed and a wonderful life will definitely begin today!

May this day be good! Let it bring happiness, I wish you not to be bored, but to be cheerful, live and dance!

Smile! Happiness is near! It's just a stone's throw away! You just have to smile, and everything will come by itself!

May this day bring good luck, because you, my love, mean a lot to me!

May today bring good luck and fill your life with happiness!

Dear, let today be joyful and cool, wonderful and in this life not at all in vain, but good, kind, bright, very cool and noticeable!

Let the sun smile on you! I wish that everything you want and can do today! If only everything worked out that day, and of course it came true right away!

I wish you a wonderful day,
May luck come to you,


May the day bring good luck
And more miracles to boot,
New meetings without fuss,
A dream come true!


May this day be clear
And a million smiles
Let him give it to you!


A lot of money, happiness, laughter,
Strength, joy, success
I wish with all my heart,
May it be a good day.


May this day bring good luck,
And also happiness and warmth,
I love you, and that means
You are magically lucky!


Have a nice day
And remember me
And miss me a little
On this beautiful day.


Have a nice day and good news
Pleasant smiles from good friends,
I wish you now with warmth
And may all good things be with you.


May this day be successful
Important things will happen
Complex problems will be solved -
Victory, recognition and warmth!


Funny message -
From me to you,
And there is a wish in it
Have a good day.
Have a good trip,
Good ideas,
May many meet
Good people!


Have a nice day my love!
It’s easy to let things argue.
Let everything turn out to be a "five"
So as not to finish it again.


SMS arrived from me,
Wishing you a miracle day!
Praise is heard everywhere
And the ideas and deeds succeed!


May this day be glorious
Lucky and excellent!
Things that were awry
Labor will suddenly become fruitful!


I wish you a lot of luck today,


I wish you a good day
No stress, no fuss
And take more from life,
What do you want today?
Let things go well at work,
And in the personal there will be chic,
And you will like my poem,
You'll have fun in no time.


Have a nice day!
Let everything that is planned
Easy to do!


Amazing morning, amazing sunrise!
It’s just a pity you’re not with me this morning.
But I hasten to wish you a good day.
And from a loving heart I write these lines.


"Good morning!" - I’m telling you.
I remind you that I love you very much.
I passionately want to see you,
To talk about your feelings!


My love for you is extraordinary
And therefore today, it is no coincidence
I want to wish you now
May you have good luck everywhere during the day!
I wish you a wonderful, happy day
Only sunny, but not rainy!

Short wishes for a good day in prose

May this day be the kindest, most cheerful and successful in the series of your happy days!

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Let this day be good, beautiful and serene, and let a streak of successful days, love, goodness begin!

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I wish you today, my angel, to finally open your wings folded behind your back and fly into the sky. Feel again how the wind envelops your face, and the cities below you turn into toys.

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I wish that today you succeed in everything that will make your day better, kinder and more productive.

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I wish that today becomes just a drop in the sea of ​​unbridled fun and brightest positive emotions, the shores of which are sweet bliss.

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May luck swirl you around on this wonderful day and fill you with confidence, cheerfulness and optimism!

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The most sincere wishes for a good day and a great mood just for you.

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I wish you a successful and good start to the day, and then smiles and joy!

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I wish that every day begins with a smile and with the expectation of an incredible life episode, let there be someone to wake up for, let only attractive and joyful emotions constantly await around the corner.

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There are no words to show how much I want your every day to be kind and fine. I wish you sun in the sky and peace of mind!

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Every day with you is a hot air balloon flight. The bright landscapes that open up to our eyes and change with the ease of a butterfly make me look at the world with different eyes.

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To start a good day, you just have to start smiling at him in the morning! Brighten your day with a smile and it will give you success and joy!

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You deserve to have a good day every day! Start from this moment, from this very day, which will bring joy and understanding of the meaning of happiness.

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I wish you a great day! Let it be filled with moments of tenderness and love, moments of happiness and joy! Let your dreams come true today and your wishes come true!

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I wish you to fully experience kindness, success, goodness, understanding, love, tenderness, and happiness today!

SMS wishes for a good day

I dream of wishing you a good day,
That's why I'm writing a poem for you...
I want to send him a message,
To wish you easy victories for today!
Let your day end very soon,
Let him be moderately serious and stern!


I wish you a lot of luck today,
And let the day go as you dream!
I wish you luck in everything,
And let any trouble be nothing!


May this day be clear
Kind, sunny, beautiful,
And a million smiles
Let him give it to you!


Optimism and drive
For a wonderful day!
And happiness will be found soon!
I know for sure!


I wish you a good day, no doubt
You just meet good people.
May your days always be incomparable,
Fighting spirit, now and always!


Have a wonderful morning
Have a nice day,
Not only today -
For all time!


I wish you a wonderful day,
May luck come to you,
Don't let your boss nag you,
And you would lose count of the money!


Let everything be great at work,
Let your boss not forget to praise you!
Roads without traffic jams, excellent news,
And as always, victories on the personal front!
Have a good day!


I wish you a good day,
And also see me soon!


I only wish you luck,
Laughter, wonderful mood,
Creativity and fun,
From the smiles of the necklace.

Let everything come true, let it come true,
Your day will be illuminated with happiness,
Let the viscosity of boredom pass,
Let the blizzards of good luck roar!


Let the day begin with smiles,
You can avoid any mistakes!
Let everything you dream about
Today it will become reality!


I write to you diligently,
To say warmly and tenderly:
"Good morning! Happy new day!
Summer, light, happiness in it!”


I wish you positivity
Meetings, communication, creativity,
In general, you understand me -
Have a wonderful day!


May this day be clear
Kind, sunny, beautiful,
And a million smiles
Let him give it to you!


Have a great day
Have a wonderful mood!
And remember me
Walking along the building.
Walking the streets
Through parks and squares,
No need to slouch
Be an example to people!
I'm not too lazy to wish,
And it will come true without delay
Great day
The most wonderful mood!

Cool good morning wishes for a man, look