When to cut nails according to the lunar calendar. When can you cut your hair according to the oracle. Monday is a beautiful day: lunar manicure calendar by day

It turns out that even cutting nails according to lunar calendar can affect their health, health in general, success in a particular business, financial condition. How often do we compare the quality of our life with the stripes on the body of a cute zebra, not even suspecting that to some extent it depends on the moon. It remains only to look into such a calendar and follow its advice. Moreover, astrologers draw up lunar calendars in detail, up to every month of the year. And even the day of the week!

Nail trim month by month

“Do not cut your nails in the evening - you will lose money”, “Do not bite your nails - you will bite your fate”, “Do not cut your nails at a party - there will be a quarrel” - there are no signs on the topic of the place and time of nail care! You can not believe in them, but you should be careful just because all these beliefs have come down to us through the millennia. But what exactly is worth considering is Her Majesty the Moon, whose effect on everything growing on earth has been proven by scientists.

Nails, like hair, also grow, cutting them according to the phases of the moon, you can improve their condition and your life in general. Astrologers of the world are working on compiling a lunar calendar for cutting nails every year, today is the time for their advice regarding 2019. Part of the year has already passed, so let's start in June.

June Iyulevich August 2019

Summer is the time when the beauty and health of nails is of particular importance, because they are in sight 24 hours a day. There are no gloves, no mittens that would interfere with the length of the nails, cover up a beautiful manicure or stylish nail art. And here, as with hair - if you want your nails to grow faster, then cut them during the growing moon. These are, for example, the first nine days of the first summer month of the current year and its last five days. However, astrologers also offer options for cutting nails on the days of the week according to the lunar calendar, which will be discussed a little later.

Despite the fact that the moon is growing at the moment and cutting nails will turn them into rapid growth, doing this on the 4th and 5th is not recommended unless you want to lower your self-esteem.

A cut manicure on the 6th will bring sadness, and on the 7th it will lead to a bad mood and failures in professional activities.

The numbers from 8 to 10 of the first month of summer are good for nail art and nail extensions, while astrologers categorically do not recommend cutting them during this period due to the high risk of injury at the time of processing.

Already on June 11, cutting nails contributes to success in business, and on the 14th it will lead to an emotional upsurge. For ladies who want to attract male attention, the lunar calendar recommends cutting their nails on June 15th. For those who need a long-term manicure - go to the salon from the 16th to the 18th. True, astrologers warn that in the period from June 18 to June 23, there is a high probability of injury when processing nails, so you should not cut the cuticle. And already on the 19th, cutting the nail plates threatens with a decrease in immunity.

From June 20 to 22, the moon again promises “manicure” injuries, which means that nail care during this period will require extreme caution. It is better to wait until the 23rd, when astrologers predict an improvement in mood and a rise in authority after cutting the nails.

By cutting your nails in the next two days (23rd and 24th), you contribute to the improvement family relations if they are corrupted.

On June 25-26, the nail shortening procedure threatens with health problems, the next two days promise a good effect (success, luck, new emotions). Finally, cutting nails according to the lunar calendar for June 2019 appoints favorable days for last days this month. Now let's take a look at -

July, where in the first four days the shearing procedure will attract family problems, in the fifth it will affect relations with ill-wishers, and in the 6th it threatens to attract loneliness and failure.

The following days until July 19th, you can safely change the length of the nails and strengthen them. From the 19th to the 22nd, cutting nails is not recommended, as it promises to attract problems in business and love. From July 23 to July 25, the procedure will help strengthen nails and make them beautiful, from July 26 to 28 it will take revenge on a quarrel with loved ones, on the 29th and 30th it will give a positive mood. But unlike the June forecast, cutting nails according to the lunar calendar for July 2019 transfers favorable days from the end of the month to the beginning and middle of the next.

In August, or rather on the 5th, 7th, 8th, 18th and 20th of his day, nail care will be beneficial for them and save them from ill-wishers for the next month. It is worth waiting with manicure procedures on the 17th and 19th, which otherwise threaten to bring trouble. Strange as it may seem, but manipulation of the nails, in terms of cutting them, can lead to problems with the throat. Astrologers admit angina, loss of voice, tonsillitis. But from the 21st to the 26th, trimming the nails will give vivacity, and done in the period from the 24th to the 26th will have magical property protection from adversity.

A special day will come on the 29th along with the Full Moon, which is considered one of the most inauspicious periods for cutting nails. But other procedures for cutting nails according to the lunar calendar August 2019 exactly on the 29th allow. You can paint your nails, which, according to astrologers, will attract success in financial matters.

Is it time to cut your nails? You can do it on the last day of summer. And not only cut, but also process with a file. The main thing is not to harm the nails, because a broken nail will attract the disease. It may turn out to be a simple cold, or it may remind you of a chronic illness.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar when September comes ... And also October, November and December

On the very first autumn day, it is not recommended to do anything at all with your nails. From the second day you can do their color design, but you should not even file them - the procedure will lead to delamination of the nails, make them brittle. From the 4th, as well as the 7th, from the 11th to the 15th and from the 21st to the 26th of September, you can change the design and shape of nails, work on removing the cuticle, and do medical and restorative manipulations.

On the 8th, there is a high risk of damage to the nail plates, if this happens, things with money will worsen, chronic ailments will disturb. From the 9th to the 11th, nail care will bring good luck, but on the 14th-15th the new moon will come - the time when it is not recommended to cut either hair or nails, otherwise you risk weakening the immune system, worsening the condition of the first, and second.

Nail trimming will bring bad luck into your life if done on the 16th and 17th.

From September 19 to September 22, the cutting procedure will have a beneficial effect on the nails, on the 23rd it will add energy, but on the 24th and 25th it will turn into troubles that will affect nails in particular and life in general. Single girls should wait until the 27th - cutting nails according to the lunar calendar in September 2019 on this very day promises a pleasant acquaintance with a man, according to the oracle - it will turn out to be important!

The 28th and 29th are the time of the full moon, when you can not cut your nails and hair. At a minimum, it is not recommended because of the high probability of bringing trouble. But on the 30th - please, any manipulations attract positive changes in life. And there you look - and already

October is the golden autumn time when you want your nails to remain healthy and beautiful. But do not rush to deal with them in the very first days of the month, it is believed that the procedures will bring sad or bad news. It's about numbers 1 to 3. Shortening nails from 4 to 6 in October is neutral, but a new manicure, as the moon promises, will become a talisman against the machinations of ill-wishers. Not suitable for a shortening procedure and the very middle of October - made from the 15th, 16th or 17th, it promises quarrels, the occurrence of turmoil. The numbers of October 18 and 20 are considered neutral for nail procedures, the 19 and 21 are favorable, with one “but” for those who have a couple: cutting nails according to the lunar calendar October 2019 on the 21 portends a quarrel with a loved one.

From the 23rd to the 26th, again good days for the decision to cut nails, on the 27th there will be a full moon when it is impossible to cut nails, on the 28th it promises a new acquaintance and love, if you do this, on the 29th it will strictly relate to changes in the nail shape . And, finally, the last day of October is also against the cutting procedure, as well as manicure manipulations in general. Here it is better to postpone them for -

November is quite strict in relation to cutting nails. But, nevertheless, already in its first five days, allowing you to do this, especially if you have a headache. It is believed that the procedure will help get rid of this scourge.

From the 5th-6th to the 11th days, as well as the period from the 17th to the 19th - the time for nail care is neutral. This means that it is difficult to predict exactly how the circumcision procedure or, say, nail design will affect you. In the very middle of the month (15th), it is not recommended to cut nails for those who are afraid excess weight or already has it. On the 20th, the procedures will be harmful, on the 21st they promise an intuitive solution to any problems - just cut your nails and the solution to any issue will come by itself. Tempting, isn't it? If on the 23rd, after the sun has set, nails are cut according to the lunar calendar for November 2019, the oracle promises that you will become more attractive to the opposite sex. Harmony will be given by cutting nails on the 24th. However, days from 24 to 26 are considered the most successful for manicure manipulations. The end of the month is absolutely neutral for this. And, perhaps, at this time you will already be interested in -

December is the starting time to prepare for the main holiday. The first four days will still be a neutral period for cutting and caring for nails. But from the fifth day to the 11th, it will be possible to do any procedures with them. Made between the 12th and 16th day last month in a year, they will bring nothing but trouble. But on the 17th, as well as on the 25th, cutting nails will bring financial profit. The next day (18th), like the 23rd, is neutral for procedures, the 19th warns of quarrels if you cut your nails, on December 20, the same action helps to prolong a successful period of life, if any. New acquaintances, cash receipts, career success promise nail procedures from the 26th to the 27th day of December. In the next three days, such manipulations will affect completely unkind manifestations - illness, quarrels, loss of a loved one, depression. Well, December 31st in itself is a huge positive, which will affect nail care very, very well. No, cutting nails according to the lunar calendar for December 2019, the auspicious days of which are already described above, is not recommended, just do a manicure and enjoy the holiday!

Monday is a day... not hard at all if you cut your nails. It is considered the day of the Moon itself and promises to get rid of a depressive mood.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars, cutting nails on this day will attract the protective energy of the cosmos to life, which will certainly come in handy.

Wednesday welcomes the cutting of nails, promising to get rid of unnecessary fuss and chaos in life and bring good luck to study and work.

Thursday also favors manicure procedures, namely cutting nails, which will have a good effect on the well-being of the one who does it.

Friday is when you should not cut your nails, as this procedure will slow down the biological processes in the body.

On Sunday, cutting nails is prohibited, no matter what calendar recommendations are made. Like cutting nails in December 2019 according to the lunar calendar, namely in its last days, it threatens to affect the deterioration of life and health.

Of course, the recommendations of the lunar calendar regarding cutting nails will seem funny to many, because to a large extent they affect signs that not everyone believes in. Nevertheless, even this version of the recommendations can be tested on your own experience and then write about the results on our website marked "Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar - My experience."

We all cut our nails and do manicures. But few people know that a manicure can be not only beautiful, but also useful. It turns out that cutting your nails on certain days of the week can attract love, abundance and good luck.

The process of cutting nails brings great bioenergetic benefits to our body. Nails, like hair, have the ability to accumulate information and emotions, including unnecessary ones. However, psychics in their advice sometimes do not pay as much attention to nails as cutting hair. So much information has been written about the latter: there are even separate money calendars, which, together with a new haircut, help to attract money to their owner.

Nails and manicure should also be given special attention. Since nails have a denser structure than hair, information is stored in them longer. But along with it, our emotions and all the negativity that we pass through ourselves accumulate in the nails.


Cutting your nails on this day will help you start the week with a positive, fresh head and new ideas. If the past week was hard and accumulated a lot of problems, then timely nail care will save you from all that is superfluous.


This is a money day that will help improve your financial condition if you decide to freshen up your manicure. And if you really want to get a big income, then you can’t do with a regular nail cut. Make a full-fledged manicure with all the necessary procedures, try hand baths and take a closer look at the condition of the cuticle.


Cutting nails on Wednesday will have a positive impact on your personal life and will contribute to new acquaintances. You can take your relationship to the next level. And if you have been dreaming of a marriage proposal for a long time, then a manicure in the middle of the week will help set your soulmate on the right wave.


Nails cut on Thursday will strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the body. Any medical and preventive health-related procedures will give tangible results if they are carried out after the renewal of your nails.


If you have a big deal coming up on Friday, it's time to get your nails done. Thanks to well-groomed hands, you will feel confident, and your skin and nails will thank you for your care and attention. In this state, you can be on top and make a deal of any complexity.


On Saturday, cutting your nails will win you any argument. You can also try your luck at gambling, but do not get too carried away, because, in addition to manicure, other factors also affect people and their luck.


Wish Fulfillment Day. If you do a manicure on this day and during the procedure you will pronounce your desire, it will certainly come true in the shortest possible time.

At all times, well-groomed hands and nails were an indicator of status and wealth. Allow yourself a beautiful good luck manicure, and Fortune will not keep you waiting long, and wishes will be fulfilled as if by magic. Enjoy your beautiful hands, dream and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.10.2015 01:10

Oriental beauty has long attracted men and was the envy of many women. But much nicer...

An attractive and well-groomed image consists of many details. Girls should pay attention to the recommendations of the lunar calendar so that they appearance and beautiful hands became the basis of good mood and health.

Since ancient times, the cutting of nails has been approached with special care. Our ancestors believed that cutting the nail plates on a certain day of the week helped get rid of negativity and bring various benefits to life. Now, many signs are skeptical, but site site experts recommend not to neglect the knowledge that has come down to our times. Consider the opinion of astrologers who know on what days the moon will be favorable.

August 1: the union of the waning moon and the constellation of Pisces will be a great start to the month. On this day, cutting the nail plates will allow you to say goodbye to envious people, as well as protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

August 23: cutting nails under the influence of the waning moon in Aries will relieve doubts and timidity. The rounded shape of the nails will help to cope with mood swings, which will have a beneficial effect on relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

August 4, 5: You can draw attention to your person on the 4th if you cut your nails before lunch. On August 5, astrologers recommend giving up cutting your nails so that they do not become brittle and brittle.

August 6, 7: The moon moves into the constellation Gemini, which will ambiguously affect both mood and well-being. On the 6th, you can cut your nails without fear, but on August 7, trimming your nails can cause headaches. You can get rid of unpleasant symptoms by resorting to traditional medicine.

August 8, 9: under the influence of the zodiac constellation Cancer, cutting nails will give vigor and relieve ailments. It is especially important to cut the nails of girls suffering from periodic pain. Just avoid giving aggressive sharp forms to your nails, so as not to inadvertently become participants in scandals or gossip.

August 10, 11: The moon moves into the constellation Leo, and on the 10th you can safely engage in any manipulations with nails. By trimming them, you can get closer to your goal faster. On the 11th, the New Moon will come, it is better to devote the day to hand skin care and start a massage session, which will relieve many diseases.

August 12, 13: cutting off the nail plates will help to distract from obsessive thoughts these days. The Moon in Virgo will support any undertakings, so on this day it is better to leave doubts and take on complex cases and projects.

August 14, 15: trimming nails under the influence of the Moon in the constellation Libra will be appropriate on August 14th. On this day, a new image will help you cope with any difficulties on the way. On the 15th, you need to do a manicure and cut your nails only in proven salons so as not to harm your hands.

August 16, 17 and 18: These days the Moon moves into the constellation Scorpio. The ambiguous energy of the constellation will affect the mood, and you will be engaged in cutting nails at your own peril and risk. Those who need it should call for help luck.

August 19, 20: the transition of the Moon into the constellation of Sagittarius will not improve your situation much. These days, frequent mood swings continue, and it is better to replace nail clipping with caring procedures in a beauty salon or at home. Avoid iron sharp objects when manipulating the nail plates.

August 21, 22 and 23: cutting nails under the influence of the constellation Capricorn and the growing moon is possible, however, the nail plates will quickly grow back and lose their shape. Astrologers recommend using the services of professionals and taking care of your nails. Paraffin baths and application of nourishing vitamin creams will help to strengthen them.

August 24, 25: The moon in the constellation Aquarius will be two days, but only the 24th can be called successful for cutting nails. On August 25, you can avoid unpleasant consequences and failures in the business environment if you leave your nails alone and do more important things.

August 26, 27, 28: On the 26th during the Full Moon, trimming your nails will help get rid of financial problems, but the constellation Pisces on this day can negatively affect your mood. On August 27 and 28, cutting your nails is possible, but consider your mood and visit a professional, otherwise the result of independent manipulations may lead you to despair.

August 29, 30: the constellation of Aries these days will affect the mood, so it is better to postpone cutting your nails until a more favorable time. These days, astrologers recommend doing an increase in energy and mood.

August 31: The last day of summer will be a good time for cutting your nails. The constellation of Taurus will positively influence the mood, and the creation of a new image will be great.

Cutting nails for many is not just a way to change the image. Many take care of their nails, allowing themselves to relax after a busy day at work, and create an image that will help achieve their goals. Astrologers recommend taking into account the phases of the moon, not only for such manipulations, but also in order to bring well-being and prosperity to life. We wish you good luck and health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

A well-groomed appearance is the key to a good mood and helps women achieve success. In the lunar calendar you will find useful advice, which will help maintain attractiveness and bring good luck to life.

Trimming your nails on certain days of the week can save you a lot of trouble. Site site experts recommend doing a manicure on auspicious days. Consider the advice of astrologers contained in the lunar calendar. They will help you achieve success without wasting time and energy.

September 1: the waning moon in Taurus will give the fair sex good mood, and cutting nails on this day will be successful. A visit to a beauty salon will give your hands a well-groomed look.

September 2, 3, 4: the negative influence of the Moon in alliance with the constellation of Gemini is not suitable for cutting nails. These days, complex care will help restore damaged nail plates, as well as hand massageperformed by professionals.

September 5, 6: these days, cutting your nails can lead to financial problems, and the Moon in Cancer will not add a positive attitude. Astrologers recommend abandoning any manipulations, replacing them with cuticle and hand skin care using oils.

September 7, 8: cut your nails when the moon is waning in Leo - deprive yourself of good luck and luck. These days, you should not cut your nails, but you can give them a rounded shape with a nail file.

September 9, 10: The moon in Virgo is neutral, so you can cut your nails without harm to health. You can use strengthening masks and baths for nail plates to prevent their fragility.

September 11, 12: nail clipping is not recommended. The two days that the Moon will spend in Libra should be devoted to caring for the nail plates using essential oils and sea ​​salt. Comprehensive care will help strengthen nails and give them a healthy look.

September 13, 14: under the influence of the constellation Scorpio, cutting nails should be postponed on the 14th. On this day, it is better to leave the nails alone in order to exclude injuries. On the 13th, trimming your nails will help get rid of fears and shyness.

September 15, 16, 17: three days the Moon will spend in the constellation Sagittarius, and this time will be neutral for both cutting nails and caring for them. On the 17th, give your nails a rounded shape to eliminate conflict situations at home and at work.

September 18, 19: The influence of Capricorn these days can be called positive, but astrologers do not recommend cutting your nails too short. So you will avoid headaches and be able to overcome difficulties.

September 20, 21, 22: The moon is moving into the constellation Aquarius, and these days are not suitable for active manipulations with marigolds. During this period, it is best to give preference to complex care, massage the hands and take care of the nails. It is better not to sign up for a beauty salon: there is a risk of getting an infection.

September 23, 24: The Moon is moving into Pisces, and at this time it is important to be careful when working with nails and cuticles. Cuts can hurt for a long time.

September 25, 26: the influence of Aries will be ambiguous, so only those who are ready for drastic changes can cut their nails. For those who doubt themselves, it is better to leave the nails alone and start restoring peace of mind.

September 27, 28, 29: The Moon will spend three days in Taurus, but for cutting nails, you should choose the 27th or 29th. These days, a new shape of nails will bring a positive mood, as well as help complete laborious tasks. On the 28th, cutting nails can cause financial problems.

September 30th: The moon is moving into the constellation of Gemini, and the last day of September will be filled with the positive energy of this constellation. Any manipulations with nails are possible, however, choose a proven master in order to enjoy the good result of his work for a long time.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands not only attract the attention of the opposite sex, but also speak of excellent health. Ladies should remember that only comprehensive care for the whole body and the right lifestyle will preserve their beauty for many years. Do not neglect exercise, be sure to get enough sleep and stick to a healthy diet. In this case, you will become irresistible and will be able to reach dizzying heights. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure of nails helps to choose favorable days for these procedures. This will help to gain success in business and improve mood.

Even our ancestors noticed that the Moon affects the energy of all life on planet Earth. Even the seas and oceans react to the phases of this satellite, low tides occur on some days sea ​​water, and in others - tides.

Several centuries before our time, people learned to draw up a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon. IN modern world gardeners use, and fashionistas follow the dates of the lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure.

Lunar calendar for manicure, pedicure and nail extension for 2020

An important factor for the growth and development of organisms on Earth is influenced not only by the lunar phase, but also by the sign of the Zodiac in which this planet is located. Each sign of the Zodiac controls a certain energy, so there are favorable days for a manicure, and there are dates on which it is not recommended to visit beauty salons.

  • Capricorn governs the skin and nails of the hands and feet. Therefore, on this day you can do a manicure, cut the length of the nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues.
  • Aries and Taurus- these are neutral signs for manicure, extension and cutting of nails. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. Each woman decides for herself whether to go to a beauty salon or not.

Important: If you have already performed a manicure on such a day, and it turned out to be unsuccessful, then refrain from going to a beauty salon on the days when the Moon is under these signs.

  • Twins- a bad period for performing manicure, building and cutting nails, it is worth postponing this procedure for another day.
  • The moon is in Cancer- nails are not cut, do not build up and do not do manicure. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases.
  • a lion- the lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure and nail extension says that the Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your Creative skills and come up with a beautiful design for nails. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%.
  • Virgo- you can not only perform various manipulations with the nails, but also treat the skin and the nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut off the ingrown nail.
  • Scales- baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics but not manicures and extensions.
  • Moon in scorpio- a favorable period for cutting nails, manicure and extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin.
  • Sagittarius- favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, extension and cutting of nails.
  • Aquarius- the period when cracks and any inflammation should be treated. You can perform any type of manicure, nail extension and haircut.
  • Fish- you can perform manicure, extension, cutting nails, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear.

Important: Everything we want to remove on the nails (length) and cuticles, calluses, we do on the waning moon. Perhaps the nails will grow more slowly, but will be healthier and more beautiful.
For enhanced nail growth cut them under a favorable constellation on the growing moon. Care, nourishing masks, baths - everything that is necessary to nourish nails and cuticles - we do on the growing moon, when the body absorbs everything.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar in 2020

  • The energy balance of a person largely depends on the condition of the nails. Therefore, astrologers advise cutting nails according to the lunar calendar. This will help preserve and even replenish vitality. Therefore, before visiting a beauty salon or before cutting your nails, you should look into the lunar calendar.
  • IN new moon And full moon, lunar and solar eclipses no nail trimming procedures are performed. In general, a person may not feel the negative influence of the Moon on himself, but the impact takes place.
  • Therefore, the lunar phases and factors influencing a person must be taken seriously. Even the most harmless, at first glance, the procedure of cutting nails can attract trouble if you do not heed the advice of astrologers.

  • It used to be that nails had to be cut on certain days. For example, on Thursday they could not be cut, as this could lead to illness.
  • According to ancient legends and superstitions, nails after cutting were to be burned so that witches could not use human energy biomaterial for witchcraft.
  • Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar is safe for human energy. If he performs this procedure on auspicious days. Do nail manipulations only on the indicated days - this will help attract success, money and even love.

Important: Do not cut your nails, not only in full moon, new moon and eclipses, but also 1-2 days before and after these periods.

Lunar calendar for manicure, pedicure for January 2020

in January
lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
01.01.20 Waxing Moon in Pisces
Waxing Moon in Aries
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Gemini Bad for a haircut
09.01.20 Waxing Moon in Cancer These days, the full moon and the lunar eclipse have a negative impact. _
10.01.20 Full moon, lunar eclipse. Moon in Cancer _
11.01.20 Waning Moon in Cancer
Waning Moon in Leo good for haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra
Waning Moon in Scorpio good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn good for haircut
nails, cuticles
25.01.20 New moon
Moon in Aquarius
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
26.01.20 Waxing Moon in Aquarius Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming

Lunar calendar for manicure, pedicure for February 2020

in February
lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Cancer Bad for a haircut
08.02.20 Waxing Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
09.02.20 Full moon. Moon in Leo An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with the nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and the nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut off the ingrown nail good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. good for haircut
23.02.20 New moon
Moon in Pisces
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
Waxing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming

Lunar calendar for manicure, pedicure for March 2020

in March
lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
01.03.20 Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
09.03.20 Full moon. Moon in Virgo An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
10.03.20 Waning Moon in Virgo good for haircut
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions.
Waning Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut
24.03.20 New moon
Moon in Aries
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut

Lunar calendar for manicure, pedicure for April 2020

in April
lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
07.04.20 Waxing Moon in Libra On this day, the full moon has a negative effect. _
08.04.20 Full moon. Moon in Libra An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
Waning Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
23.04.20 New moon. Moon in Taurus An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
24.04.20 Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
30.04.20 Waxing Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure for May 2020

in May
of the year
lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
01.05.20 Waxing Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails
06.05.20 Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
07.05.20 Full moon. Moon in Scorpio An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
22.05.20 New moon. Moon in Taurus An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage good for haircut

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for june 2020

in June
lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin.
However, 06/04/20 The lunar eclipse is already having a negative effect.
Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
05.06.20 Full moon, lunar eclipse. Moon in Sagittarius An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
06.06.20 Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. However, the lunar eclipse still has a negative effect. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. good for haircut
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Moreover, ahead solar eclipse. It is already having its negative impact. Bad for a haircut
21.06.20 New moon, solar eclipse. Moon in Cancer An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails
30.06.20 Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for july 2020

in July
lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
01.07.20 Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
04.07.20 Waxing Moon in Capricorn On this day, the full moon and the lunar eclipse have a negative effect. _
05.07.20 Full moon. Moon eclipse. Moon in Capricorn An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
06.07.20 Waning Moon in Capricorn The full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative effect.
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
19.07.20 Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
20.07.20 New moon. Moon in Cancer An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
Waxing Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for august 2020


lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
03.08.20 Full moon. Moon in Aquarius An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
04.08.20 Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. good for haircut
19.08.20 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
21.08.20 Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage. _
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for september 2020


lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
01.09.20 Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
02.09.20 Full moon. Moon in Pisces An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
03.09.20 Waning Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. good for haircut
16.09.20 Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
17.09.20 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for trimming nails and cuticles
Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. good for haircut

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for October 2020


lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
01.10.20 Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
02.10.20 Full moon. Moon in Aries An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
03.10.20 Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
15.10.20 Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for trimming nails and cuticles
16.10.20 New moon.
Moon in Libra
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
Waxing Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
31.10.20 Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for november 2020

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for November 2020:


lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for trimming nails and cuticles
14.11.20 Waning Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for cutting nails
15.11.20 New moon.
Moon in Scorpio
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Bad for a haircut
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
30.11.20 Full moon. Moon in Gemini An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for december 2020

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for December 2020:


lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extension, manicure Nail cutting
01.12.20 Waning Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut
Waning Moon in Leo The moon in this sign of the zodiac helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day, you will be able to realize your creative potential by 100%. The design will be great. good for haircut
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only carry out various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for trimming nails and cuticles
Waning Moon in Scorpio A favorable period for manicure, pedicure and nail extensions, but use hot baths, gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for cutting nails
13.12.20 Waning Moon in Sagittarius
Solar eclipse ahead
These days, the new moon and the solar eclipse have a negative effect. _
14.12.20 New moon and solar eclipse.
Moon in Sagittarius
An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails. _
15.12.20 Waxing Moon in Capricorn The new moon and solar eclipse also continue to negatively affect. _
16.12.20 Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can do manicures, pedicures, cut the length of your nails or build up. Any manipulation with the nails and the skin around them will be of high quality and painless for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any kind of manicure, pedicure, nail extension. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces It is possible to perform manicure, pedicure, nail extension, but carefully - without cuts and abrasions. These days it is not recommended to try new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow back quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but not prohibited. But you can do for example Postponing nail trimming
Waxing Moon in Gemini Bad period for manicure, nail extension. Reschedule the procedure for other days. Bad for a haircut
30.12.20 Full moon. Moon in Cancer An unfavorable day for any procedures with nails.
31.12.20 Waning Moon in Cancer Nails do not build up and do not do manicures, pedicures. They will exfoliate, grow poorly and be prone to various diseases. Bad for a haircut

Manicure, pedicure according to the lunar calendar will make you attractive and your hands beautiful. You are provided with healthy and soft skin, as well as strong nails. Fit in lunar phases, using the recommendations of this calendar, and natural beauty will be provided to you.