The effect of excess weight on conception in women. How weight affects conception. Do you always need to lose weight?

The arrival of a baby in the family is the most significant and exciting moment in the life of any couple. But, unfortunately, not every cell of society, for one reason or another, manages to produce the long-awaited “miracle” into the world. There are many factors that have a very important influence for conception. And one important factor is the weight indicator. For some reason, it is mainly female representatives who are concerned about their weight. But men who want to soon become “happy dads” should also pay attention to their weight.

Favorable weight of a woman for conceiving a child

To determine how healthy your current weight is, you need to determine your body mass index (BMI). This indicator helps you know if your current weight is appropriate in relation to your height. The calculation formula is quite simple:

If the score exceeds 25, then you are overweight. If the BMI result does not reach 18.5, then you are very underweight. The norm is between 19-25.

With a normal body weight ratio and regular menstruation, and therefore a good ovulation process, the probability of becoming pregnant is significantly high.

Low weight of a woman when planning pregnancy

Women who suffer from having a thin body and disadvantages of kilograms in weight have a lower chance of conceiving healthy child very low. Most often, doctors state the fact of infertility. Or there is a high possibility of having a child earlier than planned, since girls adhere to the strictest diet, and the child needs to be regularly supplied with nutrients and nutrients. And also, you need to limit yourself from physical exercise, overloading the body of pregnant women. There are several known and widespread diseases associated with underweight that aggravate the problem of pregnancy:

  • amenorrhea (the process of menstruation, and therefore regular ovulation, is absent)
  • anorexia (complete lack of urge to eat, disrupted hormonal levels)

However, you should not go to extremes and despair ahead of time. Such women need to undergo a thorough examination by a doctor for hidden reasons for low weight.

Excess weight in women when planning to conceive

Women having a problem excess weight, question about safe pregnancy worries the most. So how does the presence of extra pounds affect conception?

The thing is that even if you are overweight, the likelihood of pregnancy is determined differently for each woman. Even if a woman is overweight, but she has a regular menstruation schedule, lasting approximately 28 days, then her excess volume may not at all interfere with her successful ability to become pregnant. However, if the problem of excess kilos has already developed into a disease, then the chances of having children are much less, or even non-existent.

There are statistics that show that at the moment, almost every seventh couple is struggling with infertility.

This means that only with a thorough and competent examination will the factors provoking infertility be identified. Excess body weight in women can also provoke certain diseases. But, nevertheless, doctors believe that excess weight is, one way or another, associated with infertility.

Such women have a disrupted menstrual cycle due to an endocrine factor, and as a result, suffer from infertility. Very often, you just need to lose a little weight, approximately 15%, and your menstruation will immediately begin to return to normal.

IN female body, excess weight causes hormonal sexual imbalance, which further directly determines the ovulation process and chances future pregnancy. Namely, progesterones and estrogens (female hormones) stimulate ovulation, as a result of which the egg matures.

Fat cells produce and store an excessive mass of estrogens, the excess of which interferes with the normal functioning of progesterone. As a result, the process of ovulation does not occur, and the maturation of the egg is impossible.

Moreover, excess estrogen in the female body can lead to the formation of many tumors, namely fibroids and fibroids. Uterine endometriosis is another disease caused by excess estrogen in women.

Having excess body weight, there is a high probability of having polycystic ovaries, which produce excessive amounts of androgens, and they also disrupt the ovulation process, and often eliminate it altogether.

It is very important to note that, given the physiological characteristics of the female body, excess fat accumulation, unfortunately, is deposited on the hips and abdomen, disrupting blood flow, as well as inside the abdomen (namely, in the ovaries and uterus), causing various problems with the uterine pipes, disrupting the patency in them.

How does a man's weight affect when planning a pregnancy?

Overweight men have low testosterone (male hormone) levels. But, for some reason, many experts do not even take into account this disease, as a consequence of infertility.

Moreover, obese men produce a small number of active sperm, but even those that are present carry the possibility of many abnormalities and defects. American geneticists have recently proven that male obesity is almost the main reason for the lack of a successful pregnancy in a married couple.

A man whose body mass index is above 30 produces only about 700 thousand active sperm during ejaculation, which is already a sign of infertility. A man of normal weight can produce more than 15 million sperm. The difference is obvious.

Male obesity creates an imbalance in metabolism. Fat deposits that are concentrated in the abdominal area can cause disturbances in the temperature factor of the scrotum (namely, overheating), inhibiting sperm activity.

It is very difficult to say whether conception directly depends on weight. But, in any case, when planning a long-awaited and prosperous pregnancy, both spouses need to make every effort to improve their body health and bring their weight more or less back to normal.

In this case, it makes sense to undergo an examination in order to identify direct and indirect causes of infertility. Sometimes the examination reveals factors that, it would seem, do not directly affect a woman's ability to become pregnant. So, in particular, women often have a question - does being overweight affect conception and ovulation, and how does this happen.

It is a well-known fact that excess weight is not only unsightly, but can also cause various diseases. The easiest way to determine whether a woman is overweight is to subtract 110 from her height in centimeters. The resulting figure is the ideal weight for a given height. Exceeding the norm by more than 20% becomes a serious cause for alarm. There is a formula for calculating body mass index. To obtain the body mass index, you need to divide your body weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. If the resulting index ranges from 20 to 25, then the weight is normal, above 25 is overweight, above 30 are already signs of obesity.

There is no direct relationship between a woman's ability to get pregnant and her weight. There are many examples of overweight women giving birth to several children without any problems. And vice versa, when women with ideal weight cannot get pregnant for years. And, nevertheless, there is every reason to believe that a woman’s excess weight can be an indirect cause of infertility. There are a number of facts in support of this opinion.

Overweight women are much more likely to have menstrual cycle under the influence of the endocrine factor, which leads to infertility. Often, reducing excess weight by at least 10% leads to normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Excess weight disrupts the balance of sex hormones in a woman’s body, which in turn directly affects conception and ovulation. For example, female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterones) regulate the process of ovulation. During ovulation, the egg matures. Progesterones prepare a woman’s body to accept a mature egg, and estrogens, in turn, control progesterones. Fat cells activate the production and accumulation of large amounts of estrogens, the excess of which blocks progesterones. As a result, ovulation is disrupted and the egg does not mature.

Estrogens accumulated in fat deposits send signals to the pituitary gland in the brain, which produces FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) about its excess. As a result, FSH production decreases, which disrupts ovarian function and ovulation.

In addition, an increased level of estrogen in a woman’s body creates a risk of the formation of various types of tumors, such as fibroids and uterine fibroids, which is also often the cause of infertility.

Another unpleasant consequence of excess estrogen in the body of an overweight woman is endometriosis of the uterus (growth of the lining of the uterus). As a result of hormonal disorders, the uterine mucosa is not completely shed during menstrual flow, which negatively affects ovulation, and as a result leads to infertility.

The consequence of being overweight in a woman can be a disease such as polycystic ovaries. Violation of the hormonal background in a woman's body leads to the accumulation of partially mature eggs in the ovaries, which again leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle. With polycystic ovaries increase the production of androgen hormones, the accumulation of which slows down ovulation, often ovulation can stop completely. Polycystic ovaries are more common in women over 30 who already have children, and can cause secondary infertility.

In addition to hormonal disorders, excess weight can cause other physiological changes in a woman's body, leading to infertility. Great importance has a distribution of body fat. If fat deposits are evenly distributed, this is not as fraught with consequences as the accumulation of fatty tissue in certain places on a woman’s body. But, unfortunately, most often the majority of fat deposits are formed in a woman in the abdomen and thighs. In this case, blood flow in this area of ​​the body is disrupted, and accordingly, metabolism in the woman’s internal genital organs (uterus and ovaries) is disrupted. These disorders can lead to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which directly affects their patency and is often the cause of infertility.

Excess weight is especially dangerous for girls during puberty and the formation of childbearing functions. future woman. Hormonal imbalance during this period can have the most serious consequences. Excess weight during a girl's puberty disrupts hormonal levels. Hormones, in turn, change the girl’s body structure, which can contribute to the accumulation of fat deposits. This vicious circle must be controlled precisely during the maturation period. In addition, according to experts, excess weight in adolescence promotes early puberty, and subsequently instability of the menstrual cycle and disruption of the ovulation process.

It is impossible to say in advance whether excess weight will affect conception and ovulation in each specific case. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to bring your body into full readiness for stress. And reducing excess weight as a way to healthy image life should be one of the first places in the process of preparing for pregnancy. However, it is completely unacceptable to exhaust your body with diets and long hours of training when planning a pregnancy. The process of losing weight should be gradual and painless for the body of the expectant mother.

Hello again, dear subscribers! Today, as always, we will touch on a very important and necessary topic. How does excess weight affect conception? Moreover, there are more than enough statements on this matter. Can the excessive obesity of future parents really become an obstacle for them on the way to replenishing their family? This is exactly what we are about to find out!

What is “ideal weight”

Do you consider yourself or your partner to be overweight? If yes, does this fact interfere with your life? Of course, excess fat mass (and we are talking about it now, not about muscles!) will not bring anything good to your life. And even more so it will not have a beneficial effect on the body.

In men, just like a woman's excess weight, it can become an obstacle in the process of conceiving a baby. Let's find out how to detect the problem of extra pounds, and how to assess the degree of its “severity”.

There is a special body mass index (BMI), which indicates the ratio of height and weight at all stages: deficiency, normal, pre-obese and obese. Using this tablet, you can easily calculate your BMI and determine optimal weight for your growth, thanks to which you can find out deviations from the norm.

If the problem still exists, of course, it is better to consult with specialists and choose a diet, as well as a set of physical exercises.

The main thing is not to “improvise” so as not to harm your body. An experienced doctor will tell you how to lose excess weight, how to eat properly and will be able to answer all your questions.

Conception and excess weight: fact or fiction

Of course, if you have overweight, this does not mean at all that you are infertile. However, scientists have long proven the fact that unhealthy obesity is the cause of a significant deterioration in fertility.

Of course, obesity as such does not affect reproductive function, but it has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, it is more difficult for “curvy” women to get pregnant (problems with the menstrual cycle, development of infertility, etc.) and quite difficult to bear a baby (there is a risk of miscarriage, various pregnancy complications, etc.).

The same applies to men! Statistics show that almost half of the cases of infertility in our stronger half of humanity are accompanied by obesity of one degree or another.

Also, excess weight reduces the quantity and quality of sperm. In addition, large men may suffer from impotence, diabetes, and heart disease. All this hinders their ability to conceive.

How to lose weight or the basics of an ideal diet

So, let's assume that there is a problem with weight. The question arises: how to lose weight? Proper nutrition will help you get in shape and increase your chances of conceiving.

In order to “kill two birds with one stone,” you will need to adhere to the so-called “menu for conception.” This is a balanced set of products that will significantly help improve reproductive function and overall health.

What is included in this menu?

  • Avocado is one of best products for expectant mothers. Thanks to vitamin E, this product helps regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
  • Spinach (and other greens) is an excellent source folic acid, which optimizes sperm production, egg production and prevents blockage of the fallopian tubes.
  • The well-known oysters are natural source zinc Which, as is known, helps accelerate the mobility of the fertilized egg.
  • Whole foods are a storehouse of vitamin B, which promotes the production of estrogen, necessary for reproductive function.
  • Carrots and the beta-carotene they contain help increase sperm count (in men) and fight endocrine system problems (in women).
  • Among other things, foods high in sulfur and selenium, for example: eggs, shrimp, squid or goose liver, will help stimulate both male and female fertility.

Well, my dears, that's all. I hope you received comprehensive information on this topic. Feel free to leave comments. Tell your friends and don't forget to subscribe to my blog.

Healthy, strong babies to all!

According to most scientists, the most favorable conditions for conception and successful pregnancy are created when a woman has normal body weight.

Lack of weight, as well as its excess, can negatively affect female reproductive function, and given the fact that throughout the world there is a tendency to increase the number of pregnancies as a result of in vitro fertilization, there is a good reason for a detailed examination.

As you know, not every birth that occurs as a result of IVF or naturally ends in delivery. A variety of factors can influence its unfavorable outcome, including a woman’s overweight or underweight. As a result of the scientific research It was possible to find out that body weight plays a special role precisely at . Moreover, if overweight women's chances of successfully becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child are reduced by about half, then women with very low body weight are at much greater risk. However, overweight pregnant women are at risk for developing complications during pregnancy, during childbirth and for some time after.

During the IVF procedure, the woman receives the necessary sex hormones with medication, but the risk of miscarriage may be due to the fact that the uterus is unprepared for pregnancy. Difficulties may also arise when a fertilized egg is implanted into it.

Overweight and pregnancy

If a woman is overweight, conceiving may also be difficult. Obesity is often accompanied by the development of insulin resistance, which leads to hormonal imbalances in the female body. Of course, any hormonal imbalance can negatively affect reproductive function.

According to statistics, overweight women experience more difficulties during pregnancy and also have a lower chance of successful delivery and the birth of a healthy baby. In addition, in the course of research, scientists have found that obese women are more likely to experience premature birth.

How is optimal body weight calculated?

Optimal weight is calculated using the so-called body mass index, which depends on a person’s height and weight. Indicators of absolutely normal and healthy weight are between 18.5 and 25. Accordingly, an index value below this norm will indicate underweight, and above - overweight. Neither overweight nor underweight are absolute contraindications to IVF, but certain measures may need to be taken to increase the chances of success.

As a rule, we can talk about serious risks during conception if the body mass index of a woman preparing to become a mother is 30 or higher. With, as well as natural conception, it makes sense to lose weight, which will significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy outcome. Moreover, it is worth understanding that losing weight in this case cannot be done with the help of any extreme diets. Ideally, you should consult with a qualified nutritionist who will give competent advice not only on losing weight, but also on gaining weight, if necessary.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy always depends on the woman’s previous weight. Of course, part of the weight is gained due to the developing fetus and amniotic fluid, the rest is the woman's fat deposits, which are necessary to conserve energy for subsequent breastfeeding.

It is difficult to identify any specific recommendations regarding the issue of weight gain during pregnancy. We can say that it is advisable for overweight women to try to gain as little as possible, while thin expectant mothers can practically not limit themselves and gain about 13-18 kilograms. Women with average weight should stick to the figure of 11-16 kilograms. It is very important that a woman’s body receives a sufficient amount of essential nutrients throughout pregnancy, therefore, regarding proper nutrition It is better to consult a specialist.

Additional Information

The modern world is rehabilitating crumpets. Fat woman sexy - say the media. Even famous couturiers create collections for fat women and release XXL models on the catwalk. Is it possible to get pregnant if you are obese and do you need to lose weight before pregnancy? Isn't it better to give up dieting and just enjoy life in your big body? Let's figure out what doctors think about this.

Ideal mass

Before planning a pregnancy, you need to determine your ideal weight for conceiving a child. And this is not a model weight at all. Exhaustion has the same negative (if not worse!) effect on conception as excess weight.

One of the most popular ways diagnostics - calculation of BMI (body mass index). In order to calculate the index, you need to know your weight and height.

BMI = weight in kg/height in meters squared.

For example, let’s calculate BMI for a height of 170 and a weight of 60 kg.


Ideal weight for conception, it should be as close as possible to normal BMI - 18-25. Being underweight or overweight can interfere with pregnancy.

Significant deviations from the norm are underweight and obesity.

Do you always need to lose weight?

First you need to determine the cause of your high BMI. It should be understood that excess weight does not always mean obesity. Sometimes “excess” weight is swelling (for certain diseases) or an individual feature.

About individual feature they say when the BMI is higher than normal, but the body proportions are respected. This phenomenon can be observed in female athletes with good developed muscles and dense bone tissue.

Spanish volleyball player LILI

World number one Serena Williams

In any case, with borderline values, it is necessary to take into account the proportionality of your body. Muscle much denser than fat, respectively, the contribution to the total body weight is more significant.

There are methods for calculating the percentage of fatty tissue in the body. This percentage cannot be determined at home. Such diagnostics are done in private clinics, in public health centers, as well as in fitness centers. The norm for conception is 17-25%. If your BMI is above normal, but the fat content does not exceed 25%, then losing weight is not necessary for conception.

How obesity affects conception

The weight or body weight of a person plays an important role in the regulation of the hormonal background of a woman. In this case, it is not the mass itself that is important, but the fat content in the body. For example, a broad-boned girl weighing 67 kg, most likely, does not have excess fat. And if a short, asthenic girl with thin wrists weighs the same, then she does not interfere with losing weight.

IN last years Doctors discovered that subcutaneous fat is essentially a large endocrine (that is, hormone-producing) organ. Obesity is a hormonal disease. With obesity, changes in the endocrine system occur in the body. Hormonal imbalance leads to metabolic disorders such as lipogenesis. In this case, fat in the body begins to form from carbohydrates and is deposited in the subcutaneous fat.

The exact mechanism of how body weight affects conception is not described in the medical literature. Excess body weight does not have a direct effect on a woman’s reproductive function. But many observations from doctors support the fact that excess weight prevents you from getting pregnant.

Sex hormones and obesity

Any hormonal disorders in the body are not isolated. Ovulation in a woman’s body occurs under the influence of sex hormones. Sex hormones include estrogen and progestogens. Estrogens are synthesized in the ovaries and affect the ovulation process. Progestogens or pregnancy hormones are synthesized by the corpus luteum, placenta and a small part of the adrenal cortex.

Normal body weight depends on body type.

The formation of an egg, its ability to fertilize and successful implantation of an embryo also occurs under the influence of sex hormones. The uncoordinated work of estrogens and progestogens leads to an unsuccessful attempt at conception.

You can determine whether weight affects conception by the presence of hormonal disorders of sexual function. Sex hormones regulate all processes preceding conception: ovulation and the movement of the egg through fallopian tube, function of the corpus luteum and endometrium.

When the egg is fertilized, regulation by sex hormones continues. Successful implantation of the embryo into the endometrium and successful formation of chorionic villi also depends on the production of estrogen and progesterone.

Hormonal imbalance in the body can affect the ability to conceive. And the synthesis of sex hormones, in turn, is affected by adipose tissue. If there is too much of it or, conversely, too little, then the hormonal balance is disturbed, and ovulation and conception may not occur.

Obesity and infertility

Does excess weight affect conception? It has been established that people with overweight body it can be difficult to conceive a child. Many experts link excess weight and infertility.

At the same time, we can talk about infertility only if unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant occurred for more than one year. Unsuccessful conception on the first attempts may be a physiological norm.

You can't get pregnant for a long time and your doctor says that you have hormonal problems (for example, there is no ovulation, corpus luteum function is impaired, etc.)? Perhaps the reason lies in your obesity. When you lose weight, your hormone balance can be restored. Although it is possible that in addition to obesity, you have other causes of infertility. Therefore, you should not perceive “weight loss” measures as a panacea. You need to be examined and treated.

What is the risk

It has been established that in women, obesity of the 2nd and 3rd degrees contribute to the disruption of the menstrual cycle and ovulation. Although there is no clear answer to the question of why excess weight affects conception, modern medicine does not exist.

It is possible to determine whether it is possible to become pregnant with obesity of the 1st degree after examining the hormonal background of a woman for the functioning of sex hormones. Often a slight deviation from the norm does not affect the reproductive system.

However, even mild obesity will make carrying a baby physically exhausting for you. Not to mention serious deviations from the norm. Pregnancy with obesity often becomes a high-risk pregnancy. High blood pressure, swelling, varicose veins, heart problems - these are far from full list complications. Therefore, fat women should lose weight before conceiving, even if their hormonal levels are normal.

How to lose weight to conceive

When planning a pregnancy, you need to determine your ideal weight for conception. If you are overweight, you need to lose weight to get pregnant. There are many ways to lose weight and improve your fitness. To achieve a positive result, you need to reconsider your diet.

Proper nutrition and physical activity contribute to the reduction of adipose tissue and the development of muscle tissue. Sufficient intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats normalizes metabolism in the body. And physical training will help a woman cope with pregnancy and prepare for childbirth.

You cannot lose weight “extremely”. Low-calorie and especially low-fat diets hurt a woman’s endocrine system. Menstruation may stop and ovulation will disappear. Be sure to include fats in your diet (even in modest quantities). And the total caloric content of the diet when losing weight should not fall below 1500 kcal per day.

Exhausting exercise stress, especially for non-athletic women, will also do nothing but harm. You need to do little by little, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises.

You need to lose weight slowly (about 0.5 kilos per week), otherwise rapid weight loss will exacerbate hormonal problems.

got pregnant and lost weight

Sometimes pregnancy itself introduces adjustments to a woman’s body. In the first trimester, intoxications or early preeclampsia of pregnant women often develop. Clinically, gestosis is expressed in dyspeptic disorders.

With dyspepsia, pregnant women suffer from nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. In such cases they say “she became pregnant and lost weight.” Preeclampsia during pregnancy is an undesirable phenomenon, since the child from the first days of its development must receive the necessary amount of nutrients and minerals.

Everyone needs to determine whether their excess weight affects conception. If you have any fluctuations towards excess weight, be sure to lose weight. Optimal body weight, good health of a woman shape the future health of a child.

Competently: commentary from a gynecologist

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers patient questions

— My height is 172 and weight is 51 kg. The monthly cycle is irregular. I haven't been able to get pregnant for four years now. Doctors say it's because of the weight and recommend IVF. Will it be possible to bear a child after IVF, given the lack of body weight?

- Your ideal weight for conception is in the range of 55-73 kg. If for some reason it is not possible to recover to these numbers and if it is not possible to get pregnant for so long, IVF is recommended. You will be able to bear a child, but try to eat very well during pregnancy.

- I am 28 years old. We have been planning a child for 7 months, but fertilization does not occur. My husband and I went through an examination, everything is fine. With a height of 168 cm, I weigh 94 kilograms. I should lose weight, but I don’t know how the diet will affect conception. I want to try a vegetable diet.

- Weight for conceiving a child really matters. Losing weight is good for you, losing weight will increase the chances of conception. But rigid diets adversely affect hormonal background. The diet should be balanced, and in strict vegetable diet practically no proteins and fats.

I have been overweight since childhood. Now I weigh 95 kg. My gynecologist said that the chances of pregnancy are low until I lose weight. What nutrition is necessary before planning a pregnancy and how to lose weight?

— You need to be examined by an endocrinologist. Often, endocrine obesity requires special approaches, and nutritional correction will not be enough. Be patient, you can’t lose weight quickly. First of all, you need to organize your diet. The calorie content of the daily diet is 1700-1900 kcal. You need to eat often, but little by little (5-6 meals). Focus on light foods - fruits and vegetables, low-fat sour milk, fish. Drink a lot clean water- no less than 2 liters. Don't eat at night. Eliminate smoked, salty, canned food, sweets, alcohol, limit flour. Spend at least one fasting day a week. Physical activity is required.