Why do women gain weight after 40? Normal weight for a woman. Avoiding strict diets

Greetings to all our visitors! Upon reaching a certain age, women begin to notice some changes in their bodies, often not at all pleasing. I'm talking about weight gain. And the reason is actually not only the one that everyone knows about - hormonal.

So why does a woman gain weight after 40? Let's take it in order.

Hormonal changes

According to scientific research, weight gain during menopause is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body. In other words, if you follow your usual lifestyle and diet, you will still gain overweight. This process is also accompanied by possible health problems - diabetes, ischemia, high blood pressure, joint diseases, and so on.

These are the hormones that are responsible for weight gain:

  1. The female sex hormone is estrogen, which causes women to menstruate every month. At approximately 35-45 years of age, its level decreases, which is why the ovulation process stops. A decrease in estrogen production provokes an increase in adipose tissue.
  2. Progesterone is responsible for the reproductive function of the female body, the production of which also decreases during menopause. It affects fluid retention and increased gas formation.
  3. The androgen hormone is responsible for the deposition of fat in the middle of the abdomen. Thanks to him on female body Undesirable kilograms appear in the hips and abdomen.
  4. The control of metabolic processes is carried out by the hormone testosterone. It also creates muscle mass in the human body from the foods consumed. Between the ages of 40 and 50, levels drop, leading to muscle loss.

Speaking about hormones, I would like to say that you don’t need to blame them for everything and fold your hands. The main reason lies in ourselves, our laziness and lack of initiative.

What other reasons are there for weight gain after 40 years?

Excess calories consumed

In other words, overeating, and “junk” food in the form of baked goods, sweets, fatty foods and semi-finished products.

It happens that the amount of food consumed seems to be small, but weight increases. So you need to look at the quality - how healthy the products on your table are. For example, 1 kg of salad from fresh vegetables on sunflower oil will give only 150 Kcal, and eating a couple of sweets will give 170 harmful Kcal.

One more point I would like to touch upon at this point is the diet. For excellent health and improved figure, wean yourself off 2 meals a day, and at night. You need to eat little and often - up to 5-6 times a day (read more about). This will speed up metabolic processes in the body, you will not feel hungry, and the weight will begin to go away.

And be sure to have breakfast, which will charge your body with energy for the whole day and speed up your metabolism.

Choosing healthy eating, you improve not only your figure, but also your skin, hair, and nails. And, most importantly, overall health. And energetic healthy woman young at 40 and 60.

Lack of movement

There is a very simple pattern: a lot of movement - little fat on the hips, stomach and waist, and vice versa. The conclusion suggests itself - start training. This is more about aerobic exercise, which helps intensively burn fat - different kinds aerobics under the guidance of an instructor, swimming, light jogging (here is an article with instructions about), fast or race walking, cycling, skiing.

Don’t forget about working with muscles either, this will help speed up metabolic processes in the body and, accordingly, reduce body weight.

For beginners, the most important thing is to gradually increase the load. Otherwise, you will quickly get tired, overtrain your body, and quit exercising. In the end, everything will return to normal.

Full sleep

Sleep is a very important process for restoring strength. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in metabolism and, accordingly, to an increase in body weight, including disorders of other body systems, leading to various diseases.

By the way, it is in our sleep that we produce another hormone that affects, among other things, metabolic rate and weight - melatonin. And here we can easily control the situation.

In order for there to be enough important hormone for the normal functioning of the body, you need to sleep in complete darkness (without flashlights shining through the window, TV or other light sources). If you can’t provide darkness, try wearing special headbands at night.

The term “light aging” arose precisely because of the excess of night light and its effect on the human condition. Don't want to grow old under the city lights? Hang blackout curtains or wear an eye mask.

Strict diets

For human body A short-term strict diet is stressful. At this time, excess fluid is removed, bone and muscle mass is lost, and metabolic processes slow down. After leaving it, the weight comes back, and often becomes even greater.

Therefore, you just need to eat rationally, eliminating all harmful foods from your diet. And stick to it all your life.

Ordinary laziness

Often the main reason for excess weight is simple laziness. There is knowledge, desire too, but something prevents you from changing your life for the better.

In this case, you need to find motivation - to please someone, to wear your favorite clothes, to meet classmates or fellow students whom you have not seen for a long time, and many other things. And the most important motivation is to become a young, cheerful and slender woman again.

The main thing is nutrition. Try to eliminate sugar, wheat bread, beer and bananas from your diet. Replace all this with vegetables and fruits, water-based cereals, peas, chickpeas, beans and durum wheat pasta.

Don’t forget also about natural protein products:

  • Lean meats;
  • Fish;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Yogurt, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and low-fat kefir;
  • Eggs.

Comments (8)

    Girls, you should definitely play sports, no matter what age you are! Anna writes that after the operation the doctors do not allow her, so - I had two abdominal surgery, after the second operation, three days of intensive care, serious problems with the cervicothoracic spine and the doctors also said that you should not strain, etc. They treated me up to the 2nd disability group..... and abandoned me. My weight was always below normal, although I never looked skinny. To make it shorter, I will say that after prolonged suffering I took up sports according to the Bubnovsky system, I have been doing it since 2012, now I am 55 years old, weight 60 kg and height 166 cm. There is no belly, no folds, cellulite and everything else is not observed)))) )) Ira said correctly, you can weigh 52 kg, but if the muscles are flabby, then the appearance will not be so great. So, Anechka, stop tormenting yourself with all sorts of diets, find Bubnovsky’s gymnastics on the Internet, start practicing and. believe me. you will want to live!)))) These are not just words, they have been tested on themselves. I couldn’t walk without help, but now I can just fly! Good luck to you all!))))) And, by the way, I never tormented myself with diets, I just stuck to it after the operation. I am for separate meals: if proteins - then only with vegetables, carbohydrates in the same way - with vegetables. Moreover, carbohydrates are consumed in the first half of the day. squirrels - second half of the day.

    Well, I lost weight from 60 to 49 (49,500). And again I almost lost my life. Now my jeans size is 25, I wear XXS-XS. My height, of course, remained the same :-) But all this would make me happy if I were on a low-carb and low-fat diet I didn’t lose my hair on the diet. In just a few days, so much hair fell out that there was almost nothing left on my head. In addition, my weight started to get closer to the 50 kg mark. Only thanks to the fact that my stomach and body no longer need normal portions of food , and I eat little, I’m still holding on to 49 kg. Personally, I don’t consider myself a skeleton, but my colleagues insist that I have a disease, since I still don’t see the real picture: that I’ve turned into a bag of bones. But I’m crazy I regret my hair. I feel very sad. An even deeper depression has developed. I no longer feel happiness from any weight loss. It would be better if I remained at my previous weight with the parameters: 85-70-92, than to lose my hair. And my hair was very beautiful, thick. Everyone went crazy with envy. Now I’m like a skinned cat, with dried out skin, falling out hair, a dull look and a complete lack of desire to live. It sounds terrible, but it’s true. I’ve lost all directions in life, strength (even just to walk) , lost her memory (literally), lost the incentive to live... And I have a daughter. I need to live and work for her. I need to stand in the yard for hours after work and on weekends and look after her, I need to do homework with her, I need to meet her in the evenings at school, we have to carry bags from the shops, we have to cook for her... All this has become simply unbearable. And before she even happily ran and walked with her, and lessons with I did it with pleasure, and I controlled everything perfectly. Now I just forget everything. I’m already ashamed in front of people. They look at me strangely. And where will I get the means to live if I don’t work. And I’m on sick leave again. The doctor said that I have a real anorexia and that my hair won’t stop falling out (although much more) until I start eating animal fats and more of them. I just dried up. It turns out that as much as I lost with such inhuman efforts, I won’t regain as much again. After all, I didn’t starve myself , but gave up fats and carbohydrates, which, in fact, is what you should do if you want to lose weight. I’ll be plump again with thick cheeks, but without hair. And why do I need all this... Now my colleagues are only gloating: “Well, I’ve lost weight, but now you’ll spend a lot of money on recovery...” I’ve already spent a lot of money on vitamins and medications. I made some very effective mask, and it seems to have gotten better. But still, I’m also sad about the extreme stress that I’ve experienced in recent months .In general, my whole life is one big stress, however, age is age, and with age I began to find it difficult to endure everything that was previously perceived and overcome much easier. So it all started before the new year. Day after day I it got worse and worse. I stopped sleeping, lost my appetite, stopped loving myself. During the New Year holidays this only got worse. And after the holiday I was already in severe depression and I realized that sooner or later something was wrong with me something bad would happen. It seemed to me that either I was going to get seriously ill, or because I was distracted and lost in sadness, I was going to get hit by a car. So I got so sick that I was barely alive. My colleagues didn’t understand what had suddenly happened to me, why I was so has changed and from a cheerful, cheerful girl has turned into such a grief-stricken person. Everything is so. And now also my hair... It takes at least 5 years for it to recover. And this is with a balanced diet and complete peace. And I can only dream of peace. At home my relatives are so It’s tyrannical that I myself am surprised how I even lived to be 32 years old. If at least my family had been my outlet and support, I would have been able to deal with all the problems at work more easily. But it turns out that I’ve been alone all my life and for myself. The failure of all life systems was simply inevitable. No one can stand this. No one!

    I am no taller than 160 cm, 32 years old, a woman who has given birth; the work is very monotonous, office. In 6 years I have gained almost 60 kg. Normosthenic physique. Narrow shoulders and generally narrow, but, alas, not thin. In general, I have too much fat, although my waist I’ve always been (my mother’s eastern Genes). I’m like Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. I fit in normally at 44, but that’s not an indicator of anything, because there’s so much fat... And it’s everywhere. And my legs are full in the thighs. I bought trousers 38, and sometimes on the thighs passed with difficulty. And although all the neighbors continued to call me miniature and thin, it was disgusting to look at myself in the mirror. Moreover, all this is fat, and not just wide bone, covered with a thin layer of skin. My aunt is about 181 cm exactly like that. Everyone keeps saying, skeletal, painful, but I like it that way. More so than when she was at her normal weight, but for some reason she looks like a rock (especially compared to my family, where everyone is small and narrow-boned). Never very little I weighed that much, but also that much. I don’t have the opportunity to play sports and I don’t want to. And I missed a couple of weeks, everything will float again and it will even get worse. And I’m dead. I can’t run and strain myself (after operations). This is not an option. I always saw the solution in losing weight. Once I lost weight to 42-44 and almost died. I lost weight by fasting. With my narrow constitution, I became a non-existent size, I looked like a cancer patient or a first-grader, people whispered unkindly behind my back. But I also liked 45. Best weight , as I noticed, for almost everyone - 50. And tall, and short, and small ones look normal in it. Neither proper nutrition nor restriction helped one gram. At the same time, there didn’t seem to be any gastromonal deviation. But the thought that at 32 I weigh 60, and how much I’ll become at 35-40 made me feel terrible. Then I got very sick, 7 days I didn’t eat or drink and lost 6 kg. Now I weigh 52-53, nothing lower. It’s worth eating at least a piece of something, plus 1 kg, drinking a little more water, plus 1 kg. I have to almost starve. But everyone appreciated it and say, I’m already emaciated. All the clothes 44 are simply huge. Now I wear 40-42 and I myself understand that, of course, this is better. And my cheeks have become much smaller (and they are very large in themselves). 48-50 will be great! But not I can. So it’s all about the constitution and the fat layer. My colleague doesn’t scratch much, she’s trying to lose weight, but her figure is an inverted triangle. The top is huge, the bottom is wide, but flattened, the legs stick out from a large body, and the arms are even thin. I think her legs won’t be any thinner, but I’m losing weight from head to toe in proportion. Even my hands and the circumference of my head, feet. All the gloves and balls are big. All 36 are wide - the legs fly out. I don’t advise anyone to lose weight like this. I’m just sharing my story.

    I old man, I’m over 60, I now weigh 58, height 150. 7 years ago I weighed 75 kg, got sick and spent 4 months in the hospital, where I lost weight to 48 kg and looked like a skeleton covered in skin, although by all calculations I was normal weight. So everything is individual. Now I want to lose 3 kg, but no more.

    I’m over 50, I weighed 75, after a long illness I lost weight to 48, my height is 150 now (it was higher in my youth). So, despite my supposed “normal” weight, I looked like a skeleton covered in skin. Now, after 6 years, I weigh 58 kg, I look normal, however, I want to lose 3 kg, I will be even more normal, but not more, so as not to turn into a skeleton again. So everything is individual.

    KICK! Has everyone gone crazy?

    with a height of 166, you can weigh 66 kg if you do sports and there is nothing hanging. You can weigh 56 kg without sports, both sides and stomach will be. You say she lost weight to 52 and is still not slender, which means she was losing mostly muscle, not fat.

    This is some kind of nonsense. With a height of 166, normal weight is from 52 to 66? My friend weighed 56, and there were folds of fat on her back, thick sides and folds under her breasts, and at the same time her stomach was hanging. So is this normal for height 166? She has now lost weight to 52 and still doesn’t look like a slender birch.

According to statistics, weight loss after 40 years is 15% more difficult than at older ages. early age. Find out how to lose weight after 40. Real advice from famous women, nutritionists and trainers - all for you!

About weight gain

reasons for weight gain after 40 years

Unfortunately, with age (40 - 45 years), the metabolism in the body does not improve/accelerate, but quite the opposite. Therefore, the primary reasons for weight gain after 40 years are natural aging of the body. You are accustomed to a certain lunch, but your stomach can no longer process it as quickly as before. And this happens gradually, so it’s not noticeable at first! Also, the reasons for gaining weight after the age of 40 is a decrease in mobility. Walking two blocks or using transport - everything affects weight gain (with periodic actions).

How to determine your ideal body build

There is no clear formula that will calculate how much your normal weight is, and what numbers the centimeter should show. Everything is based on the fact that you are walking down the street - and you are comfortable. Not heavy, not sick from hunger, but comfortable in your body. So if you feel excess weight– we will teach you how to really lose weight after 40 years.

The first place to start losing weight is nutrition. Every day the variety of diets only increases, and accordingly the problem of choice arises: which one to follow, and is it worth doing it at all? There are two main types of diets:

  • With quick results (weight loss every day after 45 years).
  • With an eye on the future. This is an option to lose kilos gradually.

In the first case, it is enough to adhere to a meager prescribed diet (for example, three apples on the first day, 200 g of cheese on the second, etc.). At the same time, kilograms in women over 45 years old go away really quickly, but they return just as quickly if you leave the race or do the wrong way out of such a hunger strike. You may even gain a few kilograms! What are the reasons for this? Because when a 45-year-old woman restricts her body, which is accustomed to a normal, plentiful diet in calories, it goes into a mode of waiting, accumulation, and stress. And all the excess food that will be eaten by a lady of forty-five years after the so-called diet will be deposited on your sides. As a reserve, so that the next time you attack your body with stupid diets, your body can somehow fill in the gaps. Losing body weight after 40 years according to this scheme is undesirable. Moreover, diseases that you did not even suspect about may awaken. Thus, this is not the best weight loss after 40 years in all respects except efficiency. Suitable if you want to lose, and then immediately gain kilograms.
how to lose weight after 40 years for a woman

Dukan diet (not for the faint of heart!)

The most effective and approved by specialists and doctors, the Dukan method answers the question of how a woman can lose unnecessary weight after 40 years of age without harming her health. The fact is that the program is designed for six months! After this period, the state of normal weight is maintained, and almost all restrictions on dishes and portions disappear. However, it is important to follow the rules and not break down. This is especially true for drinking alcohol and sweets. The reasons why women 40 - 45 years old (this also applies to girls) cannot achieve the desired shape are laziness and weak willpower. Weight gain will stop if you do everything right ONE time - here's how to really lose weight after 40.

Additional tips for losing weight at 45:

  • For about forty-five years, and always, metabolism is important. Drink plenty of water, but do not combine it with meals (an hour before meals and an hour after).
  • How can a woman lose weight after 40 years old with as little effort as possible? Maya Plisetskaya’s “don’t eat” diet. Eat often, but in small portions - this is how the lovely Monica Bellucci loses weight if necessary.
  • Try not to finish eating. At least a tiny piece, but leave it on the plate. This is more of a psychological moment that will help you lose weight after 40 -real advice psychologists and nutritionists.

Best weight loss

It involves a combination of physical activity and weight loss after the age of 40. After all, what’s the point in losing kg if it doesn’t look pretty? With any changes in diet (be it weight loss after 45 years or weight gain for a man), you need to include regular exercise. And after a hard day, including training, for ladies 45 years old - just what the doctor ordered. And remember that the tandem of weight loss and real physical exercise will bring you the best real result.

When is the most close person treats you with a knife in the back, it is difficult to maintain composure. Searching for reasons, solutions, or even forgiveness... – read on.

It seems that the debate among men about how much a woman should weigh will never subside. Some people like seductive chubby women, others prefer more graceful women. There is only one thing that men from all countries are unanimous about - the most attractive are well-groomed ladies who are confident in their attractiveness.

What does official medicine tell us about this? Body weight is an indicator that determines not only appearance a woman, but also her physical and mental health, and most importantly, her quality of life. Weight changes need to be treated very carefully. Rapid weight loss, as well as weight gain, while maintaining the same diet and physical activity, can be signs of various diseases. Therefore, regularly weighing yourself once a week should be the norm for people who want a healthy and happy life.

What weight is considered the healthiest? For the last hundred years, normal weight has been calculated using the formula of Paul Broca, a famous French surgeon: height in centimeters minus 100. However, modern nutritionists believe that this formula is outdated and can only be used with amendments. For example, to calculate a woman’s ideal weight, you need to multiply the figure obtained when calculating normal weight using Brock’s formula by a factor of 0.85. For men, this coefficient is slightly higher - 0.9. But these indicators do not take into account a person’s age.

How much should a woman weigh? at different ages, can be calculated using the formula developed National Institute Bucharest food:

(50 + 0.75 * (height in centimeters - 150) + (age - 20) / 4) * 0.9

For example, you are a 40-year-old woman and your height is 164 cm. Substitute your data into the formula: (50 + 0.75 * (164-150) + (40-20) / 4) * 0.9 = 58.95 kg.

Thus, your ideal weight is 58.95 kg.

How much a man should weigh can be calculated using the formula:

50 + 0.75 * (height in centimeters - 150) + (age - 20) / 4

But these figures are not entirely accurate, since they do not take into account body type, and it is different for all people. Thus, for those with thin bones and those with large bones, the body weight they should strive for is not the same.

If you are not a fan of doing calculations, you can use the table below. It takes into account your body type. So, if you have an asthenic physique, your ideal weight is at the bottom of the range, if you are normosthenic, it is in the middle, and if you are hypersthenic, it is at the end.

To obtain even more accurate figures, you need to take into account factors such as the number muscle mass, bone density and amount of body fat. Therefore, you can only determine on your own how many kilograms you need to lose or gain weight approximately. Experts say that for optimal health, the amount of fat in a woman's body should not exceed 30% of her total body weight. Fat accumulated around the belly is especially dangerous. If its amount exceeds the norm, it can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. To find out if you are at risk, you need to measure your waist. For women, the waist size should not be higher than 88.9 cm.

By the age of forty, even the slenderest women in their youth can develop a baby bump. Moreover, many women even begin to gain a lot of weight. What is this connected with?

At the age of 40, things begin to change seriously. hormonal background. With the advent of menopause, the body will undergo important changes, for which it is preparing. Therefore, weight gain is just the first sign that menopause is just around the corner.

And this is not to mention the fact that with age, the metabolism in a woman’s body slows down. It also depends on hormonal changes. And those foods that were previously absorbed without problems and in almost any quantity will now be deposited as fat in the most inappropriate places.

It's no secret that after forty a woman's lifestyle also changes: she becomes less active and gets tired faster. Naturally, low physical activity will also sooner or later affect your figure.

Normal weight for a woman after 40 years

Normal or ideal weight - whatever you call it - is just a body weight that is comfortable for a woman. As a rule, all such values ​​are averaged. But still, each age has its own limits, which provide for an extreme weight threshold. Usually, when calculating the ideal weight, they take into account height, build and age.

Moreover, there are several such formulas, but most of them just limit calculations to the age of forty years. Is it time to give up on yourself? Not at all. It is during this period that you need not only to start looking after your health, but to do physical exercise and start eating right. And when calculating the normal weight after 40, you just need to take into account that it will always differ from what is optimal for younger women.

So, the easiest way to calculate the normal weight of a woman after 40 years is using Paul Broca’s formula, which, by the way, has changed a little over the years last years. Here, not only age is taken into account, but physique - the latter can be normal, thin or big-boned. The “ideal weight” is calculated as follows.

110 is subtracted from height in centimeters. After which, if a woman has a large-boned figure, then ten percent should be added to the difference. If you have a thin figure, then these ten percent must be taken away. As a result, you will find out your “ideal weight” after forty. Note that those who are younger, for example, girls, should subtract one hundred from their height.

How the female body changes with age

In fact, the years do not paint anyone - neither women nor men. Therefore, upon reaching the age of forty, ladies should begin to be attentive to their body.

IMPORTANT: After 40, the production of insulin in a woman’s body decreases, which leads to an increase in blood sugar; and this, in turn, can cause diabetes. Don’t forget about thyroid hormones: their levels need to be regularly monitored. After all, metabolism largely depends on them. At this age, changes are too frequent and even natural, and therefore it is imperative to consult an endocrinologist.

The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and, if anything happens, write a prescription for the required medicinal product. In addition, he will advise you on how to eat properly and how to change your lifestyle.

Proper nutrition

  1. The first thing you need is to correctly plan your diet. Monitoring the calorie content of the menu is useful at any age, and after 40 it should become a habit. Note that the amount of calories required for optimal functioning of the body decreases. So, with a sedentary lifestyle, this is no more than 1800. But if a lady is very active, plays sports, then this is already 2200 calories per day. You need to monitor the calorie content of the menu to maintain energy balance;
  2. The menu should be designed in such a way that the food is varied. Under no circumstances should you deprive yourself of dinner or breakfast. The first helps us fall asleep, because sleep cannot always be complete on an empty stomach. And breakfast is generally the main meal of the day. After all, it doesn’t just charge you with energy for half a day. If you don’t have breakfast, then overeating is inevitable at lunch or in the afternoon. The only important thing is that your last meal should be at least two hours before bedtime.

What products should women after forty pay increased attention to, and what should they exclude from their menu in order to maintain a normal weight? Nutritionists advise the following.

  • No matter how much they are scolded, carbohydrates are what feed our body with energy, which means that we cannot live without them. But you can avoid problems with obesity if you seriously limit yourself to “fast” carbohydrates and add “slow” ones to your diet. For example, give up white bread, pasta and potatoes, and diversify the menu with cereals;
  • But the main sources of vitamins, fiber and microelements are vegetables and fruits, so you can’t live without them either;
  • Animal fats in the diet should be limited, but you should not completely abandon them. In small quantities they are extremely important for the body;
  • Proteins are even more important for a woman’s health. If there are not enough of them, then the body begins to consume its own protein, which it takes from internal organs and tissues. In the latter, by the way, fat deposits take its place. Although protein loss in itself is very dangerous;

  • Women's bones become very fragile after forty years. This means that the need for such a microelement as calcium increases. The body also lacks phosphorus. The source of the first is dairy products, the source of the second is seafood. The latter are rich and useful acids Omega-6 and Omega-3;
  • It is best for middle-aged women to limit their consumption of any alcohol. Not only is alcohol itself very high in calories, but it also seriously slows down your metabolism. Ideally, after forty you should give up alcohol altogether;
  • Nutritionists also consider salt to be a harmful food. Its consumption should be limited, as it retains fluid in the body. And this condition threatens a woman not only with edema, but also with increased blood pressure and other troubles;
  • Don't forget to drink at least two liters of regular water per day. Nutritionists, by the way, recommend unboiled and still water. A lack of fluid in the body will inevitably affect the condition of the skin, as well as blood vessels and overall well-being.


Woman's weight and health

For women, excess fat in the belly area carries greater health risks than excess fat in the hip area. This can cause high blood pressure, predisposition to diabetes and early development coronary disease hearts. There is a lot of debate about what a woman's weight should be. But the clear argument is that beautiful woman- this is, first of all, a healthy and happy woman. And its weight plays an important role in this.

Methods for calculating ideal weight

For quite a long period of time, Broca's formula was used to calculate the ideal body weight. This is an accessible way for everyone to calculate the ideal weight for a specific height and age. Everything is quite simple, just know the woman’s height and weight: subtract 100 from her height in centimeters and you will have the ideal weight. But this formula is more likely to be suitable for calculating weight for women 40-50 years old. For 20-30 year old ladies, the ideal weight will be 10-12% less, and for ladies over 50 years old the number increases by 5-7%.

Nowadays various formulas and tables are used more, which also take into account body type. To find out how much weight corresponds to the ideal weight from a medical point of view, you should calculate BMI using the formula: body weight in kg divided by height in meters squared B/(P*P). For example: height - 180 cm, weight - 75 kg.

It turns out: 75 / (1.8 * 1.8) = 23.1.

In addition, BMI is influenced by gender, body type and age. It turns out that over the years the composition of the human body changes, as well as the mass of muscle and fat tissue. Therefore, new formulas have emerged that take into account age characteristics human physique. First, BMI is calculated using the formula: height in centimeters divided by weight in kilograms squared. Then, to calculate BMI by age, you should use age adjustment.

How to calculate BMI by age and body size?

Taking into account the woman's age, the ideal BMI looks like this:

  • from 19 to 24 years old - 19.5;
  • from 25 to 34 - 23.2;
  • from 35 to 44 - 23.4;
  • from 45 to 54 - 25.2;
  • from 55 to 64 - 26;
  • over 65 - 27.3.

If we consider BMI norms, then everything is very individual. It should be borne in mind that the norm for women depends on her age. At 25 years old and at 50, the ideal weight for a woman can be very different. The BMI table may not be correct for teenagers, older people, women during pregnancy and lactation, and athletes. This index is used for men and women from 20 to 65 years old.

Normal weight must have a number between 18.5 - 25. If the index is below normal, there is a risk of deficiency needed by the body nutrients. An index from 25 to 29 indicates overweight, and an index exceeding 30 indicates obesity. The more your BMI is above normal, the sooner you need to start losing weight. This will not only make your body lighter, but will also reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes and hypertension. But not only height and age influence the ideal weight for a woman; the table also takes into account the woman’s body type, since frail and large women have very different ideal weights.

Table optimal weight for any body type

Height (cm) Small build Average build Large build
147 46-50 49-55 54-59
150 47-51 50-56 54-61
153 47-52 51-57 55-62
155 48-53 52-59 57-64
157 49-55 53-60 58-65
160 50-56 55-61 59-67
163 52-58 56-63 61-68
165 53-59 58-64 62-70
168 54-60 59-65 64-72
170 56-62 60-67 65-74
173 57-63 62-68 66-76
175 59-64 63-69 68-77
178 60-66 64-71 69-78
180 61-67 66-72 70-80
183 63-68 67-73 72-81

To correctly show the ideal weight for a woman, the table must have a slight adjustment. This is a correction for young girls.

For women aged 18-25 years, to calculate weight, you need to subtract 0.45 kg for each year up to 25 years.

Choosing an individual weight loss plan

The path to an ideal weight is simple: to be in good shape, you should not overeat and you should move more. The main rule is no extremes and no fasting. The number of calories you burn daily depends on your level of physical activity. Therefore, depending on the daily calorie intake and physical activity Each woman has her own weight loss schedule to achieve her ideal weight. For a woman, the table below will be useful to calculate nutrition, taking into account the level of physical activity.

It follows from the table that a woman leading a moderately active lifestyle can consume about 1,500 kcal per day without changing weight. However, if you plan to lose excess weight, you will have to limit yourself. Practice shows that when the calorie content of the daily menu is reduced to 1200 kcal, weight loss occurs gently, quickly, effectively and without causing harm to health.

How to lose weight?

Having chosen your personal weight loss plan, you need to plan your diet daily, combining Various types products: carbohydrates, proteins, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fats - so as not to exceed the permissible amount of daily calories. The process of losing weight should be carried out gradually, changing the menu and increasing physical activity.

The most acceptable rate of weight loss is no more than 500-800 g per week. If you reduce body weight at a faster pace, there is a risk of burning not only excess fat, but also muscle tissue. And muscles provide not only physical strength, but also metabolic rate. The more developed the muscles, the easier it is to maintain normal weight. To lose half a kilo of fat in a week, you need to give in 3500 kcal more during this time than you eat. You can eat less food, but by cutting back on your diet, it is difficult to preserve the necessary nutrients in it. It is much easier and healthier, gradually reducing the calorie content of food, increasing motor activity body.

How does a woman's weight change?

Nutrition, as well as weight norms for women, can change throughout life. During pregnancy, a woman becomes heavier, especially in the last trimester. On average, during the period of bearing a child, she gains from 11 to 16 kg. In the first trimester, the energy needs of her body increase slightly, and then the body needs to receive an additional about 300 kcal per day, including the necessary vitamins and minerals. Pregnancy and childbirth, as well as caring for a baby, require enormous amounts of energy. Therefore, a young mother needs more nutrients, and therefore calories.

But all young mothers strive to regain their prenatal slimness and elegance as quickly as possible. However, it is better to wait with the diet, because breastfeeding and pregnancy deplete the reserves of vitamins and microelements, so the young mother should receive adequate nutrition, both for herself and for the child. At breastfeeding It is recommended to increase the daily calorie intake by about 500 kcal at least for a while until the milk supply stabilizes and only then very gradually reduce the amount of calories consumed in order to lose weight.

7 rules for losing weight

Each woman chooses her own most suitable way to lose weight, but there are basic rules for proper weight loss, which cannot be neglected. You should drink a glass of water before each meal. This helps fill your stomach and avoid overeating. It is important to have breakfast. Otherwise, too much will be eaten at lunch. If you don't have an appetite early in the morning, you can take a light breakfast with you to work. You should chew food as long as possible: the slower the food is absorbed, the faster the feeling of hunger goes away. You shouldn't eat on the go. Be sure to first sit down at the table and then start eating.

You should only go to the store on a full stomach, buy products strictly according to the planned list, and not allow yourself extra sweets. Limit your intake of fatty foods, because fat has 2 times the calorie content of proteins and carbohydrates. Other foods should be taken in moderation. Vegetables can be eaten without restrictions. If you want a supplement, you should not take it right away, but wait 5-10 minutes; the body will probably receive a signal of saturation and you can abstain from the supplement.

Ideal weight and psychological dependence

Every woman should approach the process of losing weight wisely, because many, having a normal body mass index, are dissatisfied with their appearance and strive to lose weight as much and quickly as possible. You need to take into account all indicators: height, weight, age. It should be remembered that fast weight loss leads to a weakening of the body's regenerative forces, causing various pathological processes in it. And the problem of dissatisfaction with one’s weight, first of all, is in the head and the psychological attitude of one’s beloved.


Ideal weight depending on age

There are a huge number of formulas for calculating ideal weight, and they take into account various parameters of the person for whom this indicator is supposed to be determined. One of the popular points of view on what factors influence the ideal weight is that one of the main factors is age. This idea is, for example, the basis of Brock’s formula, which proposes calculating the ideal weight of a person under the age of 40 as follows: subtract 110 from his height expressed in centimeters. And for a person over the age of 40, determine the ideal weight, according to Broca, it is possible by subtracting the number 100 from his height. Moreover, Broca’s formula does not distinguish between men and women, proposing the use of the same algorithm.

The idea of ​​Brock and other researchers about the importance of age in determining ideal weight is based on the statement of nutritionists that with age the metabolic rate in the human body slows down. Therefore, in order to maintain the same weight as in youth, a person needs to reduce the number of calories consumed; otherwise he will gain weight. It is believed that the number of calories needed to maintain current weight decreases by approximately 7-10% every 10 years.

Determining your ideal weight

However, today doctors have convincingly proven that the concept of ideal weight is purely individual, and depends primarily not on age, but on specific features person. In particular, when it comes to metabolic rate, a particular 20-year-old woman may have a significantly slower metabolic rate than a particular 50-year-old woman.

However, doctors nevertheless agree that even taking into account all the diversity of a person’s individual characteristics, there are some boundaries within which the concept of ideal weight fits. The criterion for determining these boundaries was the negative impact that being under or overweight has on health. And doctors recommend determining the presence of this deficiency or excess on the basis of a special indicator - body mass index (BMI).

It is quite possible to calculate BMI yourself: to do this, you need to divide your weight, expressed in kilograms, by the square of your height, expressed in meters. For example, for a woman weighing 50 kg and height 160 cm, BMI = 50/1.6*1.6 = 19.5. In this case, the boundaries of normal weight are considered to be the BMI range from 18.5 to 24.9 inclusive. Thus, the woman in the above example has a weight that is well within the ideal range from the point of view modern medicine. Moreover, her age, according to experts, in this case is not decisive.


Now many people are interested in how much a person should weigh; the age, weight and height table is popular, as are all sorts of online calorizers. Let's take a closer look at the different criteria for deducing the ideal figure for your weight by turning to well-known sources.
If your weight is above the desired level, look at the menu proper nutrition for every day for weight loss with recipes.

I remember that before everything was simple: if you want to find out your ideal weight, just subtract 100 from your height in cm and you’re done! That is, if your height is 170 cm, your ideal weight is 70 kg. But - then they began to add an adjustment for age, that is, after 40 years, another ten was added, and a woman who had passed forty could say with peace of mind - with my height of 170 cm, I should weigh 80 kg. That’s how I weigh it – and I can calmly eat my buns with jam. And then they came up with all kinds of fashionable calculators and tables for women’s anxiety, where only skinny ladies correspond to these values. Let's look at this in more detail.

How much should a baby weigh

As for children, everything is simple here - there is a table, and each child, on average, should correspond to it in their development. If there are minor deviations, this is normal, but with large deviations from the average data, you need to seek help from specialists and look for the reason why the baby is behind or ahead in weight gain. The reasons may be the most unexpected, do not miss time to find out, this is the child’s health and his future.

It happens that you look at a person - everything seems to be normal, but he weighs a lot, people say - a heavy bone. This is indeed true, only scientifically it is called a body type, and they exist as follows: normosthenic (that is, the average, normal type), asthenic (thin bone, aristocratic), and hypersthenic (just heavy, they also say, collective farm, bone, however, according to statistics, the healthiest type of person).

Body type - how to determine it

This is done very simply. You need to measure your wrist on your right hand with a centimeter, and its data will show your type. This is called the Solovyov index.

For ladies:
asthenic, if the measurement showed less than 15 cm;
normosthenic, if the numbers are over 15, but do not rise above 17 cm;
hypersthenic, if it goes beyond 18 cm.

For the stronger sex:
asthenic, if the readings are up to 18 cm;
normosthenic – from 18 to 20 cm;
hypersthenic - if your wrist is more than 20 cm in diameter.

It seemed that we could figure out how much this or that person should weigh - but now we will try to use various data, tables and calculators that were compiled at different times by nutritionists, and see what picture we get.

In fact, there are many different tables and calculators, and they all produce different data. Some take into account body type, age, others do not, and this leads to disagreements. For example, if we consider the ideal weight of a woman aged 55 years, height 165 cm, normosthenic build, then a calculator using Brocca's formula gives 65 kg, and Quetelet - 61 kg.
Let's take the same data, but age - 30 years. The data will be in the first case - already 55 kg, but Quetelet will still be 61, that is, he does not make adjustments for age, as well as for body type.
Look also: how to lose weight in 28 days or what doctors and nutritionists are silent about.

According to this table, the weight of a lady 170 cm tall already varies between 56-63 kg, which, in general, already implies an adjustment for the lady’s physique.
The following table seems to be the most accurate, because it takes into account not only height and physique, but also adjusts for age. Based on it, a woman 170 cm tall and over 45 years old can already weigh from 59 to 74 kg.

As you can see, based on different sources, you can get different data, and they differ quite a bit. Therefore, also look at your state of health, at the level of comfort of your sensations, and all this will tell you whether you need to lose extra pounds, or vice versa, you need a weight gain program so as not to fall into the regiment of aneriskiki, which will add to your health problems .
Also look at how many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight.


Everyone who is losing weight is interested in the question of normalcy. What weight is considered normal for yourself? There are a number of formulas that you can use to determine the extent to which your body weight corresponds to one or another statistical average. After all, all these formulas are based on the average person. Therefore, when resorting to them, one must clearly realize that any formula for normal weight is conditional.

In reality, each of us has our own individual genetically predetermined value of optimal body weight, which depends on the totality of innate structural features of tissues and organs of the body as a whole.

For example, there are three body types - asthenic (thin-boned/ectomorph), normosthenic (normal/mesomorph) and hypersthenic (broad-boned/endomorph).

To determine your type, you need to measure your wrist circumference.

  • Less than 16 cm - asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 18.5 cm - hypersthenic.
  • Less than 17 cm - asthenic;
  • 17-20 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 20 cm - hypersthenic.

In addition to body types, each of us is programmed to have a certain weight. This program is activated by the mother during pregnancy. It is believed that if she gained excess weight during pregnancy, then the child may have difficulty controlling body weight in the future. Throughout our lives, with both wrong and right habits, we lay down a different program. When losing weight, many are faced with the so-called balance point or set point, when they cannot lose weight using healthy methods, and if they succeed, they cannot keep it off.

For example, you weighed 90 kg, lost weight to 55 kg, want to lose another 5 kg, but no matter what you do, it doesn’t work. At the same time, even taking a break from the diet and small holidays, you do not gain more than 3-5 kg, which you then easily lose. You may have reached your point of balance, and overcoming it may cost you dearly. When the body is under constant stress, and dieting, training and high demands on oneself are constant stress, the risk of hormonal disorders increases. It is important to listen to yourself and your body's needs.
