Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy MIFI. Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

: 55°08′14.6″ n. w. 36°36′22.9″ E. d. /  55.137389° N. w. 36.606361° E. d.(G) 55.137389 , 36.606361

Year of foundation 1953
Rector Salnikov N.L.
Students over 2.7 thousand people in full-time education, about 250 people in the evening faculty and correspondence department.
The doctors 53
Teachers 343
Location Obninsk, Kaluga region
Legal address 249040, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Studgorodok, 1
Website http://www.iate.obninsk.ru/

Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy (IATE) - a higher educational institution in Obninsk, founded in the year on the basis of the branch. Until 2002 it was called Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy (IATE). In 2002 it received the status of a state technical university. IATE is the only higher educational institution in Russia that trains specialists in the field high technology for organizations of nuclear energy, science and technology. Since April 29, 2009, IATE has officially been part of NRNU MEPhI and is called OIAE NRNU MEPhI

main entrance

Between lectures

University in development

IATE Mission

University structure

  • Linguistic center
  • Physico-technical boarding school
  • School of Computer Technologies "Helios"
  • Faculties
    • Faculty of Physics and Energy (FEF)
    • Faculty of Cybernetics (K)
    • Faculty of Natural Sciences (FEN)
    • Faculty of Socio-Economics (SEF)
    • Faculty of Medicine (MED)
    • Evening Faculty (VF)
    • Faculty of Advanced Training (FPK)
    • Faculty of Correspondence Studies (FZO)
    • Faculty of Pre-University Training (FDP)
  • Departments
    • Department of Automated Control Systems (ACS)
    • Department of Automation, Control and Diagnostics (AKiD)
    • Department of Higher Mathematics (VM)
    • Department of Foreign Languages ​​(INO)
    • Department of Computer Systems, Networks and Technologies (KSST)
    • Department of Materials Science (MS)
    • Department of Mechanics and Strength of NPP Structures (NPP MiPK)
    • Department of Equipment and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants (O&E of Nuclear Power Plants)
    • Department of Applied Mathematics (PM)
    • Department of Information and Computer Sciences (ICD)
    • Department of Calculation and Design of Reactors (RKR NPP)
    • Department of Thermophysics (TF)
    • Department of General and Special Physics (OiSF)
    • Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences (FiSN)
    • Department of General and Special Chemistry (O&S)
    • Department of Ecology (ECL)
    • Department of Economics, Economic-Mathematical Methods and Informatics (EEMMI)
    • Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (E&E)
    • Department of Nuclear Physics (YaP)
    • Department of Psychology (PSH)
    • Department of Biology (BIO)
    • Department of Information Systems (IS)
    • Department of Design (DIZ)
    • Department of Advanced Methods of Energy Production and Conversion (PMEP)
    • Department of Linguistics and Translation (LP)
    • Department of Management, Finance and Credit and accounting(MFKBU)


  • 140400 - Technical physics. Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.
  • 140305 - Nuclear reactors and power plants. Physics engineer.
  • 140306 - Electronics and automation of physical installations. Physics engineer.
  • 150600 - Materials science and technology of new materials. Bachelor of Engineering and Technology.
  • 150601 - Materials science and technology of new materials. Engineer.
  • 150702 - Physics of metals. Physics engineer.
  • 200102 - Instruments and methods for quality control and diagnostics. Engineer,
  • 230000 - Informatics and computer technology. Bachelor, Master of Engineering and Technology.
  • 230102 - Automated information processing and control systems. Engineer.
  • 230201 - Information Systems and technology.
  • 230101 - Computers, complexes, systems and networks. Systems engineer.
  • 010707 - Medical physics. Physicist.
  • 010500 - Applied mathematics and computer science. Bachelor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
  • 010501 - Applied mathematics and computer science. Mathematician, systems programmer.
  • 010701 - Physics. Bachelor, Master in Physics.
  • 020801 - Ecology. Ecologist.
  • 020803 - Bioecology. Biologist-ecologist.
  • 020101 - Chemistry. Chemist.
  • 140404 - Nuclear power plants and installations. Engineer-physicist-thermal power engineering.
  • 140307 - Radiation safety of humans and the environment.
  • 510200 - Applied mathematics and computer science. Bachelor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
  • 510400 - Physics. Bachelor, Master in Physics.
  • 080500 - Management. Bachelor, Master of Management.
  • 080507 - Organizational management. Manager.
  • 060101 - Medicine. Doctor.
  • 080100 - Economics. Bachelor, Master of Economics.
  • 030301 - Psychology. Psychologist, psychology teacher.
  • 070601 - Design. Designer.

Scientific activity

IATE organizes and conducts international conferences on safety and training for nuclear energy, on

Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy, organized in 1985 on the basis of a branch of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, now the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy - a branch of the federal state autonomous educational institution higher professional education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" is the only specialized higher education institution in Russia and the CIS that trains specialists in the field of high technologies for enterprises and organizations of nuclear energy, science and technology.

The IATE has implemented the concept of multi-level training of specialists with higher education. Today, IATE trains engineers in 13 specialties, bachelors in three areas, masters, and graduate students in 12 specialties. Training classes at the IATE are taught by 343 teachers, of whom 53 are doctors of science, 150 candidates of science, including 10 full members of specialized Russian and foreign academies.


The Faculty of Physics and Energy was created on the basis of the Faculty of Nuclear Power Plants in September 1989. The main task of the faculty is to train personnel to work at nuclear power plants, as well as to work in research institutes, design bureaus and industrial enterprises of the country. During the first two years, students are trained according to a unified curriculum that provides fundamental training in mathematics, physics, computer science and other general education disciplines.


  • Department of Calculation and Design of NPP Reactors (RKR NPP)
  • Department of Mechanics and Strength of NPP Structures (NPP M&P)
  • Department of Advanced Methods of Energy Production and Conversion (PMEP)


Among the faculties currently existing at the university, the Faculty of Cybernetics is the oldest; it dates back to 1975. It was in this year that the Faculty of Cybernetics of the Obninsk branch of MEPhI was organized. In the same year, the first graduation of engineers with a degree in Automated Control Systems took place. The faculty trains cybernetic specialists in various areas: technology for creating computer systems and networks, system analysis of large systems, development of complex software systems and other issues related to the organization, design and operation of automated control and information systems.

Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy - branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Former name Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy (IATE)
Head organization National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”..
Year of foundation 1953
Students over 2.7 thousand people in full-time education, about 250 people in evening faculty and about 1000 people study by correspondence.
The doctors 94
Teachers 473
Location Russia Russia , Obninsk , Kaluga region
Legal address 249040, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Studgorodok, 1
Website http://www.iate.obninsk.ru/

(IATE) - higher education institution G. Obninsk, founded in 1985 on the basis of the Obninsk branch. Until 2002 it was called Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy. In 2002 it received the status of a state technical university and was renamed Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy. On April 29, 2009, by order of the Federal Education Agency No. 491, the Obninsk State Technical University of Nuclear Energy was reorganized by joining NRNU MEPhI with the name Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy - a branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI".

IATE is the only one in Russia higher educational institution that trains specialists in the field of high technologies for organizations nuclear energy, science and technology.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    IATE organizes and conducts international conferences on safety and training for nuclear energy, on materials science and etc.


    Obninsk branch of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (1953-1985)

    Laboratory “B” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR - enterprise post office box 276 (hereinafter) Ministry of medium engineering of the USSR needed specialists nuclear energy. In 1950, director of the IPPE D.I.Blokhintsev signed an order on the formation at the enterprise of post office box 276 correspondence departments of the Moscow Mechanical Institute (later transformed into a branch MEPhI) And Moscow State University. The organization of these departments was entrusted to the head of the laboratory, post office box 276 V. N. Glazanov.

    The new educational institution did not have full-time teachers and classrooms, but academic work was carried out satisfactorily. In 1952 educational institution was transformed by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education USSR (order of October 24, 1952) to the evening department No. 5 of MEPhI. This order was issued almost two years later, in August 1954, without staffing table and financing.

    The problem of missing classrooms was solved by using part of the building school named after Shatsky and basements of dormitories and premises of the IPPE human resources department. Laboratory work was carried out in the corresponding IPPE laboratories with the participation of employees of these laboratories. Formally, the educational institution was a branch of MEPhI, but in fact it was a branch of the IPPE.

    In order for the educational institution to receive its own building, V.N. Glazanov, being the IPPE Deputy Director for Science, committed a forgery by building a new building with an area of ​​400 square meters. m according to documents for the IPPE division and transferring it in 1959 to the MEPhI branch.

    By the beginning of the 1960s, a team of teachers, educational and support staff was formed, and educational and research laboratories, workshops, and offices were created, fully equipped with modern equipment and instruments. The laboratory was headed by the first employees: L. M. Miroshnichenko, T. E. Prokurat, M. V. Borisov, G. M. Nazarova, Yu. A. Fedorov.

    In 1962, 50 people began studying full-time in the first year. In 1963, the institute of curators working on a voluntary basis was introduced. Also, an educational commission headed by students began to work on a voluntary basis, whose responsibility was to monitor the progress of students.

    The organization of training included educational and research work for two days a week, starting from the 4th year, on the basis of IPPE, then pre-diploma practice and, finally, a diploma as the final stage of the two previous types of training. The diplomas as a result were mostly high level.

    Over the twenty years of the existence of the MEPhI branch, the number of full-time teachers increased from three in 1954 to one hundred and four in 1974. Graduates of the Obninsk branch of MEPhI were already highly regarded in the early 1960s, and the teaching staff arose the idea of ​​creating an independent institute on the basis of the branch for training physicists in the fields of biology, radiology, geology, and meteorology. The curricula developed by the institute were agreed upon with the relevant ministries. In 1963, an order was issued by the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education to organize an independent institute on the basis of the branch with admission of 275 people, with funding from the USSR Ministry of Medium Engineering for the construction of an educational building and a dormitory for students. A project for an educational building was developed, the construction of which was completed in 1964 to the 1st floor. However, in the same year, after the death of sixty-six-year-old V.N. Glazanov, the general contractor IPPE transferred the building to the Central Institute for Advanced Studies (CIPK). The very existence of the branch was called into question. In 1966, a ministerial order was issued higher education USSR V.P. Elyutin and the Minister of Medium Engineering of the USSR E. P. Slavsky on the closure of the full-time department due to the inexpediency of parallelism in the training of physics engineers in the Obninsk branch and MEPhI itself.

    The team of teachers managed to convince the leadership of the Ministry of Medium Engineering not to disperse the unique educational institution that had been formed. For three years (1968, 1969, 1970) the institute existed semi-legally. There was a day department, which was liquidated according to the order. In 1969-1970, the teaching staff, with the support of all scientific institutes in Obninsk, sought to open a branch. In 1970, an order was issued to open a branch of MEPhI in Obninsk to train specialists in automated control systems(ASU) and computer technology.

    In 1970, the branch was headed by G. A. Sereda, at which an educational building was built, the departments were partially equipped with modern equipment and instruments, the new institute received well-trained teaching and educational support staff. In 1985, on the basis of the MEPhI branch, a new Institute of Atomic Energy (IATE) was created, which headed