Men are about what gives them pleasure. Do what gives you pleasure: my story Doing what gives you pleasure means being

Hobbies, music, food are only a small part of what can give a person pleasure. The “pleasure center” is located in the brain and can be stimulated. The main thing is not to overdo it.

"Organ of temptation"

In 1954, two American scientists - James Olds and Peter Milner - decided to conduct an experiment. The brains of experimental rats in cages were irritated electric shock. It was necessary to prove that rats would avoid the part of their cage where the unpleasant experience took place. All rats confirmed the scientists' assumptions. Except one. For some reason she wanted to repeat the procedure.

When opening the rat's brain, it turned out that the electrode was implanted with a slight error and affected a part of the brain that was later called the “pleasure center.” Later, scientists discovered such a center in humans, located in the ventral striatum. He is responsible for desires, temptations and addictions.

Modern neuroscientists have clarified the results of the Olds-Milner experiment. They called the pleasure center a “reinforcement system,” which does not so much deliver pleasant sensations as promise them.

Anticipating the reward

The fact that when stimulating the “pleasure center” the most important chemical, which transmits nerve impulses is the neurotransmitter dopamine, scientists established a long time ago. But in 2001, Stanford neuroscientist Brian Knutson identified a more subtle role. He found that dopamine is not responsible for the pleasure of receiving a reward, but for the anticipation of receiving it.

According to Knutson, our brain, based on previous experience, when we see or feel something we might like - a favorite food, a discount at a store or a sexual object - triggers a “reinforcement system.” With the influx of dopamine, the object of desire seems vital to us: it is the neurotransmitter that pushes us to action and forces us to take possession of what attracted us.

Any positive experience, be it a good buy or a romantic dinner, stimulates the production of dopamine. Nature has taken care of a mechanism that promotes our survival. A hungry person cannot be left without food just because it is difficult to get, and the human race should not be interrupted because winning a potential partner is not an easy task.

"Orgasm Center"

If the drive of sexual desire is provided by the “reinforcement system,” then another part of the brain is responsible for orgasm. "Orgasm Center" found by scientists from National Institute psychiatry and neurology in Budapest. The discovery was made by a woman who suffered from epileptic seizures, before the onset of which she experienced an orgasm.

As a result of a study of brain activity, scientists led by Dr. Joseph Jansky found that the focus that provokes orgasm is located in the right hemisphere, presumably in a part of the brain called the amygdala. This structure is known to be responsible for many important functions, including the emotional sphere.

As scientists have discovered, the “orgasm center” is coordinated with the functions of the central nervous system, through which the functioning of the glands and muscles is controlled. The “orgasm center” is primarily affected by external stimuli, signals arriving through the organs of vision, hearing and touch.

You need to know when to stop

Statistics show that men suffer from alcohol addiction twice as often as women. And all because the stronger sex produces more dopamine.

The Yale and Columbia University study involved men and women over 18 years of age. Subjects who consumed a certain amount of alcohol were scanned with a positron emission tomograph. Using this procedure, it was possible to measure the amount of dopamine produced. In men, its content turned out to be higher. The greatest release of the hormone was observed in the ventral striatum, where the zone responsible for pleasure and addiction is located.

Aesthetic enjoyment

The hormone dopamine is produced not only during physical pleasure, but also during aesthetic pleasure. Such as contemplating works of art, for example. Researchers led by Robert Zattore from the Montreal Neurological Institute tried to understand the mechanisms of the relationship between dopamine and aesthetic perception.

In the experiment, subjects were asked to listen to musical fragments unfamiliar to them. Participants in the experiment were connected to a functional MRI machine, so the experimenters could see the areas of the brain that responded to music. The reaction followed immediately: several zones became active, the most active of which turned out to be the nucleus accumbens, which is part of the “pleasure center.”

It turned out that the nucleus accumbens in each person has an individual shape, reflecting certain aesthetic tastes. The stronger the pleasure, the more neural connections are formed, which, as we know, form the basis of our cognitive (mental) abilities.

“When we hear a combination of sounds, that is, music, the parts of our brain responsible for pattern recognition, prediction and emotional perception begin to interact with each other, and we receive aesthetic pleasure,” Robert Zattore commented on the work.

I want more

Scientists have long noticed that pleasure appears in a state of anticipation and reaches its peak at the first contact with what is desired. For example, when the first piece of your favorite food enters your mouth. Having lost the desired feeling, a person strives to experience it again.

French psychoanalyst Dominic Miller correctly notes: “Nothing in the world is capable of giving us pleasure all the time. And in order to experience this feeling again and again, we have to look for new objects.”

In order to increase the brightness of the experienced sensations and prolong the pleasure, many resort to artificial stimulation of dopamine production. Alcohol and nicotine block the destruction of the hormone after the expected effect, which increases the degree of pleasure received.

10 steps to managing your emotional life. Overcoming anxiety, fear and depression through personal healing Wood Eva A.

Do what makes you happy: my story

Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses, our own passions and talents. We are comfortable in some situations and bad in others, but we are lazy in developing our individuality, giving too much importance to our shortcomings and downplaying our talents and abilities. How often we are cruel to ourselves, especially if we feel that we cannot adapt to the situation! Those around us begin to seem better, more talented than ourselves, or even impeccable! We compare ourselves to others and fail to see the whole picture. My patients often behave this way with me. In their eyes, I am flawless, and they are failures.

The reason for my success is that I follow my desires and do what I am good at. I am a practitioner, writer, mother, wife, friend, lecturer and teacher. I have always liked both psychiatry and the opportunity to help people; for me it is natural. I like to listen to the stories of people who let me into their lives and help them solve their problems. This is what I I live. And who I am.

But I get uneasy when it comes to technology. I hate tension, conflict and passivity. I am used to overcoming the challenges that Fate throws at me and bringing peace to those who turn to me for help. I readily help anyone who strives to solve their problems and works on it, but those who are lazy to take control of their life situation into their own hands and begin to improve themselves depress me. I don't like computers. I know using them is a given, but they drive me crazy! If I tried to become a programmer or engineer, nothing would come of it. I must admit that my antipathy towards technology could cause me a lot of inconvenience - after all, I live in modern world, but I don't let my "limitations" stop me.

I write my books, articles and guides by hand, and then my beloved husband types them on the computer! If he couldn't do this for me, I would find another person for these purposes. When I write, I need to feel my thoughts forming into words, from my brain to my fingertips, through my entire body. I need to feel the weight of a pen hovering over a piece of paper. I need write to let my talent shine. I can't imagine myself typing on a keyboard because it won't be me. This has never happened and most likely never will happen. Hard to believe, right? But this is the honest truth! I have shortcomings, but I don't let them stop me, and that's why I achieved success!

I don't like to use by email– I want to see a person and hear his voice. I need to feel connected. I cannot do what I do without live communication, but if everything is organized correctly, even under such conditions you can achieve success. Although, if I were left in a small room where there was nothing but a computer, I would most likely fall into a depressed state and would not be able to work. Living relationships and the creative process are as necessary for me as air!

Now everything is going well for me because I have found my way. But when I was 17 years old, I worked in a furniture store and got fired from there. This was one of my first works. My boss showed me the door because I hadn't mastered what he thought I should in three weeks. And to this day I don’t know what it was the real reason, but from this situation I learned one useful lesson: working with papers is not for me, and I would never agree to another job like it for anything in the world. In that store, I was depressed not only by the work itself, but also by the whole environment around me. I needed to do something different - something that would not contradict my nature and abilities. That is, to begin with, of course, I needed to understand myself. And I made it my job.

Today, my work, my family, my social and spiritual life reflect who I am and what is important to me. But working on yourself is an ongoing process. Life changes, and therefore I constantly make adjustments to it and to what I do. I think I'll have to do this for the rest of my life, but I've already laid the foundation and it's very strong.

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For modern man, stress has become a constant companion. Many people have more stress in life than pleasure. And this is completely unnatural, because if you don’t enjoy life, then what’s the point in it? You don't always have to spend money and time to have fun. We will give examples, and you can continue the list!

Find money you forgot about

While rummaging through the pockets of our jackets, jeans or bags, sometimes we discover “surprises”. For women, this often includes lipstick that they had long considered lost, hairpins, discount cards and other small items. But the best part is finding your own unknowingly made “stash”!

Sleeping to the sound of rain

When the rain patters soothingly outside the window, the night becomes more comfortable and fabulous. The bed, blanket and pillows become even softer and more pleasant, thoughts become more romantic, and sleep becomes deeper. We are, of course, talking about light rain, and not about a thunderstorm with gusts of wind and thunder, when the apartment begins to seem like a cave, and primal fears awaken inside you.

Lie down in a freshly made bed

Nowadays, not everyone spends time ironing bed linen. But this is an incomparable pleasure - after a hard day and a refreshing shower or relaxing bath, lie down in bed with cool, ironed linen. The sensations are completely different than just clean bed linen.

Drink your first cup in the morning

No matter how your day begins, the first sip after sleep is always a pleasure. Be it refreshing lemon water, aromatic coffee, invigorating tea or freshly squeezed juice. The choice of drink is yours, taking into account your lifestyle. But the first cup in the morning, especially if not drunk on the run, is a pleasure.

Crunch hot bread

Fragrant, fresh bread, of course, is not very healthy, but what a pleasure it is to bite into the crispy crust of a freshly baked baguette or “brick”! It's not always possible to catch fresh bread straight from the bakery, so you can enjoy hot toast. And if you smear it with good butter, jam and combine with the first cup of coffee, then your day will definitely be successful and your mood will be excellent.

Hear suitable music

This doesn’t happen very often, but sometimes we turn on the radio or hear the right song in transport at the right moment. It's like winning the emotional lottery! You great mood, and - bam! — dance music starts playing nearby. Or you're pissed off and suddenly you hear heavy rock music. And sometimes it happens that a song just won’t get out of your head and then the radio turns on exactly it and right from the very beginning. Pleasure!

Finish the job successfully

How nice it is when everything goes according to plan and turns out as planned! Crossing things off the list, turning in work on time, realizing that your idea works, cleaning the apartment - for some it may seem boring, but deep down we all rejoice when the puzzle of our tasks comes together. By the way, finishing the puzzle is also a pleasure.

Enjoy the view

Sit on the shore of a picturesque lake, explore the surroundings with high mountain, enjoy the view of the evening metropolis from a high floor... A beautiful view is one of the excellent sources of joy. And as psychologists add, if you have someone to share this beauty with, then the pleasure will be greater.

Smell a pleasant aroma

Remember how in cartoons sometimes the characters are so carried away by some smell that they even fly up, inhaling it? Smells travel to the part of the brain that processes memory, which is why we can experience nostalgia, pleasure, or disgust from smells that others might not respond to. Our body remembers and associates smells with all events in our lives, even if we ourselves do not pay attention to it. The more often we inhale pleasant aromas, the more likely it is that our mood will remain high.

Remember the “good old times”

If you have friends with whom you have known for many years, then you know how fun it is to remember funny incidents from your common past. It strengthens relationships, charges you with positivity and lifts your spirits. Laughter is also a source of pleasure, which is also good for health.

Splash in the water

According to the theory of evolution, we all came from water. Perhaps this is why there are so few people who are indifferent to water games. A water park, swimming pool, river, sea or just a bath - any water can quickly lift your spirits! Even if you are an adult, respected person, do not hesitate to have one or two toys to play in the water. It's very relaxing and relieves stress.

Do a good deed

Not all joys are associated with giving pleasure to your loved one. Surprisingly, when we do something nice for someone, help or give gifts, we ourselves feel happier. Even if you feed a cat on the street, you will feel it. And there are plenty of reasons to do good deeds! Find what you like and can afford. You can help not only financially. Give someone time, this can also be very important.

The list of pleasures is endless. Wake up and realize that you still have time to sleep, change into home clothes after a working day, take a cold shower on a hot day, smell freshly cut grass, walk barefoot - life is full of joyful little things! You just need to learn to notice them.

“They only think about sex,” some women are sure. But it was not there! The more versatile your man is, the more temptations he has, in addition to carnal pleasures. “An intellectual is a person who has found something more interesting than sex,” and male participants in the survey confirm with their own example the statement of the great writer Aldous Huxley.

Sergey, 39 years old, engineer, lives with his beloved woman

“Yes, there are many things more interesting than sex: sports, travel, new places, study. I would even say that by the age of 40, sex becomes boring, or something, a lot of things already seem more interesting. I’ll say even more: you begin to regret that it took so much time from your conscious life. The brains didn’t think, this is the worst thing. Or I could do something useful.

For men, sex is just hormones and nothing more. Emotions from sports, travel, achievements in life are much brighter and do not have an aftertaste - feelings of guilt, emptiness, or something like the decay of existence. In general, you can express emotions after sex something like “Lord, what is this for? Damn hormones, my brain was in a fog. It would be better..." - and then there is a reflection on what could be done interesting and useful.

Sex doesn't warm you up. But care, participation, the warmth of the hand of a person who needs you, a voice that calls you by name - this warms. But definitely not sex.

In general, it’s good that I’m finally not 15. But it’s a pity that I’m already almost 40.”

Egor, 33 years old, marketing director, dating a girl

“What do I love most and more than sex? Imagine small company friends, 3-4 people with whom you are really interested. And to take them, get together, drink cognac and have metaphysical conversations - this is my favorite thing, and not sex at all, honestly.

Previously, I often preferred playing “Tanks” to sex. After all, what does it matter: if you have been in a relationship for a long time, a woman is always at hand, so to speak, and, in fact, you can have sex with her at any time - this activity, in principle, already loses its edge. And you are either looking for exciting emotions on the side, to be honest, or, since you are spending the evening at home again, you are busy with something more interesting and less energy-consuming. After all, sex is a waste of energy, and for this action there must be a reason - attraction. Maintaining him as a couple when you have been together for more than five years and have accumulated mutual grievances is not so easy.

What else do I love more than sex (already in a new relationship): getting enough sleep after a tense working week, one; Recently I have fallen in love with skiing. In general, sport is very similar to sex. Some people like to work, probably more than sex: sometimes I come to work at 8 am, and someone is already sitting there, programming, for example, well, he likes to code, you know! Although maybe he watches porn, who knows. Just kidding, of course. But in general, some people like masturbation more than sex. As for work, for most true entrepreneurs, the excitement of business and achievements most often overshadows the pleasures of sex.”

Andrey, 35 years old, scientist, not in a relationship

“Sex is trivial. There are no surprises and no discoveries in it. This is simply a physiological need that needs to be satisfied from time to time - for some more often, for others less often. And I see no point in wasting my time looking for random partners for this purpose. Since I don’t have a serious relationship at the moment, this is my conscious choice in favor of a career for the next couple of years.

My real pleasure comes from solving non-trivial problems (mathematics, programming, data analysis) and achieving goals (in sports, dance, music). I don’t have a clear boundary between hobbies and work - both bring me real pleasure.”

Stanislav, 37 years old, top manager, prefers relationships without obligations

“Having sex is good. No - not a problem. My own freedom is more important to me. I want to be honest with women, and I say right away that there will be no serious relationships. If they are ready for sex - let's do it, no question. If this is unacceptable for them, I don’t offer it at all and can simply be friends with the woman I’m interested in.

I also really like to travel. I travel a lot for work, but it’s all in bursts, for a couple of days. However, I always try to go on a short tour of the city. And yes, I have girlfriends in many cities, that’s true. They don't know that there is anyone else. I don't lie to anyone, but I don't tell the whole truth either. What for? If anyone asks directly, I will tell the truth. Some I have sexual relationships with, some I'm just friends with.

I love beer, football, I love going to a bar with friends, music festivals, scuba diving and drinking coffee leisurely in a summer cafe on a small European street. I like being in nature, I love fishing. I have many interests, and if I have a choice: to see something new, interesting or have sex, I will choose... two in one, haha. Well, okay, if there’s one thing, then the first one.”

Konstantin, 30 years old, personal trainer, prefers short-term relationships

“I can’t have sex now. I was preparing for a body fitness competition and, due to “chemistry” and drying out muscles, I started having problems with hormones. But this is not the first time, so I’ll soon get back to normal. I approach sex functionally. What I like most about him is not even the orgasm, but the admiration with which women look at my body, their lust. I work as a personal trainer in an expensive fitness club and I will tell you this: 80% of my clients want sex, many say it directly, most of them are married. I try not to refuse as much as possible. But now I'm on a break, as I said. I haven’t admitted this to anyone, but during sex it’s more important to me how my six-pack looks on my abs than how my partner feels there.

In general, you already understand that my own ideal physical form gives me maximum pleasure, and I won’t even invent something else to somehow embellish it.”