Butter calorie content per 100 grams. Butter - calories. Butter in cooking

Calorie content of butter: 680 kcal*
* average value per 100 g, depends on the fat content of the product and components in the composition

The idea that butter is unhealthy is wrong. In fact, the product is rich in minerals and vitamins of several groups. When consumed in moderation, it will not harm the figure.

Oil calorie content 82.5, 72.5% fat and others

The nutritional value depends on how much fat is contained in the product and what components are included in its composition.

Popular types of butter with calorie content:

  • “Tea” (50%) – 540 kcal. It is a mixture of fats plant origin and dairy product.
  • “Sandwich” (61%) – 550 kcal. Ideal for sandwiches and toast.
  • “Chocolate” (62%) – 640 kcal. Contains sweet additives.
  • “Peasant” (72%) – 665 kcal. The most popular variety, used in confectionery.
  • “Homemade” (various fat content) – 706 kcal. Instead of heavy cream, sour cream can be used in the composition.
  • “Amateur” (fat percentage from 78 to 80) – 710 kcal. The lower energy value is due to herbal supplements.
  • “Traditional” (82%) – 750 kcal.
  • “Grilled” (more than 90%) – about 880 kcal.

The product is high in calories, but if you consume no more than 10 g per day, this will not affect your figure, and your beauty and health will be preserved during a strict diet.

Calorie content of porridge with butter

Nutritionists advise eating sweet porridge with butter 1 or 2 times a week (only in the morning) due to the high calorie content of the dish. Oatmeal milk contains about 100 kcal if you use cereal and not instant cereal. When adding butter, the indicator increases by 46 units, but if cooked in water, then by 30 units. Read more about the calorie content of porridges.

Calorie content of buckwheat = 135 kcal, if a 5 g piece of butter is added (buckwheat porridge with water ~ 100 kcal per 100 g).

The calorie content of millet porridge with water is 90 kcal, with milk – 110 kcal. One spoon of creamy product helps to increase the indicator in the first case to 159 kcal, and in the second to 195 kcal. The energy value of barley boiled in water is 109 kcal. With butter it increases to 130 kcal.

The dish is considered safe for the figure mashed potatoes, cooked in water or low-fat broth. The energy value is only 70 kcal per serving, but butter and milk increase this figure by 40 units. Read about it in our publication.

Table of calorie content of butter per 100 grams

Use the table to calculate the calorie content of butter in your dishes.

How much does your breakfast weigh?

A butter sandwich for breakfast with a calorie content of 80 to 150 kcal is quite acceptable, even if a person is trying to lose weight. excess weight. If you completely exclude fats from your diet, you may encounter the problem of flaking skin, brittle nails, hair and other problems.

If you make a sandwich from a loaf, the value will be 150 kcal, from white bread - 3 units less.

The best option is black bread (slice weighing 30 g). In this case, the calorie content will be 110-120 kcal. It is useful to use bread baked from flaxseed, whole grain or bran flour for a sandwich. Read about the calorie content of bread. The morning meal should account for at least 30% of the total daily number of required energy units. By the way, about calories vegetable oil.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a piece of fresh bread with a slice of delicious butter. If you are afraid of gaining weight, simply calculate the permissible daily intake of the product.

Butter is incredibly tasty; it is a key product obtained from cow's milk. However, it also represents a high concentration of milk fat, which is about 80 percent.

Today we will tell you how many calories are in butter, what types it can be divided into and whether it is useful for losing weight.

Classification of butter

The milk fats contained in it are very nutritious and healthy. However, the calorie content of this creamy product is quite high. On average it is about 748 kcal per 100 grams of product.

It can be salted or unsalted. In the presence of salt, the shelf life of the product is longer, and it can also be of the following varieties:

  • first;
  • second;
  • extra;
  • higher.

However, these are not the only classifications of butter. It can also be sweet cream, that is, made from fresh cream (this variety is the most popular). There is also sour cream, which is made from lactic acid starters. Both varieties undergo pasteurization at a temperature of about 90 degrees. There is also a third type - Vologda cream, which is pasteurized at temperatures up to 98 degrees.

During production, butter may add different ingredients for taste:

  • vanillin;
  • cocoa;
  • sugar;
  • berry and fruit juices.

However, these additives do not particularly affect the calorie content of products.

Types of butter by calorie and fat content

The number of calories in butter and its fat content depends on their type. We present the most famous of them:

As you can see, the higher the fat content of butter, the more natural it is. When purchasing a product whose fat content is less than 82.5%, remember that this is no longer a product in its natural form, but spread with the addition of certain substances.

Product quality criteria

High-quality butter harmoniously combines aroma and taste; it contains no foreign odors or tastes. The color of such a product will be either white or pale yellowish, and it should be uniform. If you buy salted products, then the percentage of salt in it should be no more than 2%, and it should also be evenly salted.

Is it possible to use oil for weight loss?

Despite the fact that this is a high-calorie product, even when losing weight, you can consume up to 2 teaspoons of oil per day. This will keep you healthy while on a diet that includes low amounts of fat in other foods.

Most strict diets exclude fats, but many girls do so because of their lack in the body. face such problems, How:

  • brittle nails;
  • dull hair;
  • the appearance of cracks on the lips;
  • peeling of the skin.

Therefore, you can afford one sandwich with it a day even with strict diet for your own good.

The benefits and harms of butter

Due to its high calorie content, butter is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities. And in small doses it is very beneficial for health. So, its regular presence in the form of sandwiches or as a dressing for cereals or soups on the menu gives you strength and energy and helps renew your cells.

Scientists have concluded that a lack of substances contained in oil in a child can cause mental retardation. And vitamin A is very useful for diseases of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, thanks to its use, wounds from these diseases heal faster.

But there is also a downside to this product. In particular, it contains large amounts of cholesterol. That is why the daily oil consumption should not exceed 20 grams. With this amount, your cholesterol levels will remain the same and you will not gain excess weight. Those who are on a diet for weight loss also need to control the consumption of this product.

Use in cooking

Butter is a must-have ingredient for many dishes. The simplest is a standard sandwich with it, which, if desired, can be supplemented with meat, cheese, caviar or something else.

This product is used to improve the taste of the following dishes:

  • side dishes;
  • porridge;
  • meat;
  • fish dishes.

Also based on it sauces are made To do this, butter is mixed with a small amount of flour. It is also used for preparing dough and for improving taste qualities soups and broths.

Oil is an essential product that is found in the refrigerator in almost every home. The main rule is to consume it within reasonable limits, then this product will not be dangerous either for your figure or for your health in general, but even vice versa.

Butter is produced by separating or churning cream; the main raw material for it is cow's milk. The fat content of this food product ranges from 50 to 85% inclusive, which ensures the high nutritional value of the product and makes it an excellent supplier of much-needed energy for our body.

We eat it in its pure form, spread it on a sandwich, add it to first and second courses, and use it when baking flour products.

Like any food product, it raises a lot of concerns - how much can you eat without fear of gaining weight? overweight How is it useful, can it harm our body?

Types of butter

Butter can be called a food product with a minimum permissible fat content of 50% and made exclusively from animal milk (mainly cow's milk).

If it contains vegetable fats, it will already belong to the category of spreads, but with a fat content of less than 50%, the product will become just an analogue of butter and can be called “paste”, “maslyana”, “maselko”.

Depending on the composition and characteristics of production, butter is divided into the following types:

  1. By method of obtaining the product:
    • sweet cream, made from pasteurized cream;
    • sour cream, made from pasteurized cream fermented with lactic acid bacteria;
  2. By the presence or absence of salt:
    • unsalted;
    • salty, with a salt content of no more than 1% of the total mass;
  3. By the amount of fat in the finished product:
    • traditional – no less than 82.5%;
    • amateur – at least 80%;
    • peasant - no less than 72.5%;
    • sandwich - no less than 61.0%;
    • tea - at least 50%.

In addition to pure butter, the food industry produces butter with various additives:

A separate product is ghee, which is produced by processing butter and has a fat content of 99%.

In addition to the main components, table salt, food coloring carotene - vitamin A (in an amount of no more than 3 mg per 1 kg), bacterial preparations and concentrates of lactic acid microorganisms can be additionally added to the butter. The presence of stabilizers and emulsifiers in the product is not allowed.

The benefits of butter

Due to the presence of vitamins and minerals in its composition, butter benefits our body, namely:

  • strengthens bone tissue (due to the presence of calcium and magnesium), in particular, it is indicated for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, whose bodies work under intense conditions;
  • maintains optimal condition muscle tissue(due to the presence of iron and vitamins B and E);
  • ensures normal hair growth and healthy skin;
  • due to the wound-healing effect on the mucous membranes, it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis);
  • due to the presence of cholesterol, it promotes the production of certain hormones in the body of women, which, in turn, ensures normal menstrual cycle and egg maturation;
  • improves vision;
  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • increases the overall immunity of the body;
  • helps improve sperm quality in men;
  • quickly replenishes energy loss in people engaged in heavy physical activity;
  • stabilizes the balance of blood lipids and cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • is a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of asthma.

It should be noted that all of the above beneficial features Butter is available only in fresh form, so exposing it to high temperatures during cooking can negate the positive effect of its use.

Calorie content of butter

The calorie content of a food product is determined by the energy that is absorbed by the body when consumed. It is expressed in kilocalories and is determined depending on the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product.

So, for carbohydrates and proteins it is about 4 kcal/g, and for fats – 9 kcal/g. Accordingly, the higher the fat content in a product, the higher its calorie content will be and the more energy it will bring.

We need to consume a certain amount of calories every day, since this is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the body. Depending on age, health status and the nature of physical activity, a person needs from 1200 to 3500 kcal per day.

Having information about the calorie content of food, you can calculate the required amount of food so that, on the one hand, nutrition does not lead to weakening of the body, and, on the other hand, does not provoke obesity.

The calorie content of butter is (kilocalories per 100 grams of finished product):

  • traditional (fat content 82.5%) – 748 kcal. or 127 kcal. for 1 tablespoon;
  • amateur (fat content 80%) – 709 kcal. or 121 kcal. for 1 tablespoon;
  • peasant (fat content 72.5%) – 661 ​​kcal. or 112 kcal. for 1 tablespoon;
  • sandwich (fat content 61%) – 566 kcal. or 96 kcal. for 1 tablespoon;
  • tea (fat content 50%) – 546 kcal. or 93 kcal. for 1 tablespoon.

Of course, you shouldn’t assume that oil alone can satisfy all the body’s energy needs.

Composition of butter, vitamins and minerals

The effect of butter on the human body, like any food product, is determined by its chemical composition, that is, the amount and nature of various compounds, vitamins and simple substances called microelements.

If we talk about the chemical composition of butter, it is necessary to note the content of the following main substances (grams per 100 grams of finished product):

  1. fats – from 50 to 85 g;
  2. water – from 14 to 46 g;
  3. carbohydrates – about 1 g;
  4. proteins – about 0.8 g;
  5. organic acids - about 0.03 g.

Average content of minerals in butter (mg per 100 grams of finished product):

Butter contains the following amount of vitamins (mg per 100 grams of product):

  • E – 1 mg;
  • A – 0.4 mg;
  • beta-carotene – 0.3 mg;
  • PP (niacin) – 0.2 mg;
  • D – 0.13 mg;
  • B2 – 0.12 mg;
  • B5 – 0.05 mg;
  • B1 – 0.01 mg.

Speaking about the composition of butter, special mention should be made of cholesterol, which, on the one hand, helps our body perform its functions (production of vitamin D, formation of hormones), and, on the other hand, in excess it can have a negative effect.

Harm of butter

This is not to say that butter is a harmful product. However, people with certain health problems should be more careful about its use. People whose diseases are associated with the cardiovascular system and the presence of cholesterol and unsaturated fats in their blood are already elevated should be taken with particular caution.


  • with high blood pressure;
  • for strokes;
  • for heart attacks;
  • with atherosclerosis.

In addition, excessive consumption of butter due to its high calorie content is dangerous for obesity and overweight.

Separately, it is necessary to identify a group of people in whom the consumption of dairy products, namely the milk protein casein, causes allergies.

The cause of such allergies may be hereditary factors, work disorders immune system or lack of an enzyme for processing milk protein.

Unfortunately, for such people, depending on the severity of the allergic reaction, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of butter to a minimum or eliminate it altogether.


Undoubtedly, consuming butter in moderate doses brings many benefits to our body.

When choosing a product among the wide variety on store shelves, take the time to read the information on the packaging, its shelf life, and pay attention to appearance product and, having made sure of its quality and freshness, feel free to replenish your body with the necessary calories, useful vitamins and minerals!

Few people in childhood did not adore a sandwich made from a piece of fresh bread, generously spread with butter and sprinkled with sugar on top. Such a dessert was instantly devoured by both cheeks, especially on the street. But butter was not considered something special, and no one thought about what it consisted of and what its calorie content was.


Butter is a simple and unpretentious product that is present in the diet of any person. It is obtained from processed cow's milk, as well as from cream and sour cream. In order to get 1 kg of this product, you need to process up to 25 liters of milk.

The butter production procedure itself is a complex physical and chemical process in which there are two methods for separating fat from cream: by separation (hot) or churning (cold).


Benefits and harms

Since oil has a high calorie content and is easily digestible, it has both beneficial and harmful qualities. For example, a high content of vitamin A has a positive effect on vision. And B vitamins and calcium improve the nervous system, the condition of the muscular system, bones, nail plates and hair.

It is definitely recommended to include a piece of butter in breakfast for people who are often cold, as well as for those who need to restore the body after prolonged physical activity. In childhood and old age, the creamy product is useful because it increases brain activity.

It has been proven that people with stomach and duodenal problems (if increased acidity) with constant use of the oil, they felt an immediate improvement in their well-being.

Despite the many positive properties, the oil also has disadvantages. First of all, it is cholesterol, which contributes to the development of atherosclerotic plaques, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But it is impossible to do without this substance: it is involved in the construction of adrenal and sex hormones.

And, of course, butter contributes to weight gain, so you need to know moderation in everything. The daily intake rate for a healthy adult is 10–30 grams, children under 3 years old are allowed no more than 15 grams, and over 3 years old – up to 20 grams. And, of course, butter contributes to weight gain, so you need to know when to stop everything. The daily intake rate for a healthy adult is 10–30 grams, children under 3 years old are allowed no more than 15 grams, and over 3 years old – up to 20 grams.


Butter is produced in 4 grades: first, second, extra and highest. It is also divided into sweet cream and sour cream types. They differ in the method of production. There are also salted (2% salt) and unsalted varieties. By the way, salt increases the shelf life of butter.

The food product is distinguished by its low melting point (27–34°C) and solidification point (18–23°C), which helps the body quickly absorb it.

In cooking, butter is used both as part of dishes (porridges, soups, gravies, sauces, side dishes, creams, omelettes) and as an independent product. You can fry on it, but during the cooking process harmful carcinogenic substances are formed.


It is better to store it in a glass or ceramic butter dish in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 weeks, otherwise it will acquire an unpleasant odor and rancid taste.

Chemical composition

The taste, color, structure and smell of the oil depend entirely on the production method, technical parameters and composition of the substance.

The creamy product includes mono- and disaccharides, active polyunsaturated fatty acid(rachidonic, linoleic, linolenic). The fatty acid composition of oil is much richer than that of animal and vegetable fats. It also contains cholesterol (a fat-like substance), water, minerals (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, iron) and even ash.

Among the vitamins, there are A, B, PP, E, D, carotene, as well as a high content of phosphatides (the need for them especially increases during nervous strains), and tocopherols.

A particular decrease in nutrients in the product is observed in the autumn-winter period, so the creamy product is often specially fortified with p-carotene.

The nutritional value

KBZHU is famous among fans proper nutrition an abbreviation meaning calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Such a system is needed when counting calories in order to correctly balance proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The KBJU of butter (with average indicators) is: kilocalories - 747.5, proteins - 0.5 g, fats - 82.5 g, carbohydrates - 0.8 g.

But it should be remembered that each person has his own individual norm of KBZHU. An incorrectly selected balance of dietary supplements will lead to a constant feeling of hunger, even with proper satiety. These data are not constant, they depend on age, season, metabolism, physical activity. Well, the goal is important: the desire to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain weight.

Calorie content of different types

The energy that the body receives when butter is fully absorbed is characterized by calorie content, and calories help determine the energy value of food.

Since there are many types of creamy products, therefore, the energy value of each type individually will differ.


Tea oil has the lowest mass fraction of fat - only 50%. And the calorie content per 100 grams is 540 kcal. Such a low percentage of fat content is achieved by mixing milk fat with vegetable fat.


“Sandwich” butter is slightly higher in calories. It is best suited for making toast and sandwiches, as it spreads easily and does not crumble during cooking. The energy value of the product is 550 kcal, and the fat content is 61%. The low cost and low calorie content are determined by the presence of not only a natural dairy component, but also light fats of vegetable origin.


The most popular and beloved by housewives oil “Peasant” (72%) has 665 kcal. Used for making creams and baking cakes. The product has such an energy value due to the fact that the vegetable fats included in the composition are lightened chemically.


This type of butter uses sour cream instead of cream. Its mass fraction of fat may vary. Calorie content is usually 706 kcal.

The calorie content of butter per 100 grams depends on the concentration of milk fat in the product. The most popular types of products will be discussed below.

Butter contains many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B5, C, D, E, minerals sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium.

Calorie content per 100 grams of butter 72.5% fat 661 kcal. 100 g of dairy product contains 0.8 g of protein, 72.5 g of fat, 1.3 g of carbohydrates.

The high fat content of butter indicates that its use should be avoided when losing weight, dieting or being overweight. In addition, butter is contraindicated during exacerbations of diseases of the pancreas, stomach, and intestines.

Calorie content of butter 82.5% per 100 grams

Calorie content per 100 grams of butter 82.5% fat 747 kcal. 100 g of product contains 0.4 g of protein, 82.5 g of fat, 0.9 g of carbohydrates.

The consumption of butter 82.5% is indicated during heavy physical and mental stress, that is, in situations where the body loses a lot of energy. As in the case of a product with 72 percent fat content, this oil should be avoided if you are overweight, losing weight, intolerant to milk fat, and in some other cases.

Calories of butter in 1 teaspoon

The calorie content of butter in 1 teaspoon depends on the type of product. Thus, one spoon of butter with 72.5% fat content contains 66.1 kcal, 0.08 g of protein, 7.25 g of fat, 0.13 g of carbohydrates.

A teaspoon of butter 82.5% fat contains 74.7 kcal, 0.04 g protein, 8.25 g fat, 0.09 g carbohydrates.

The benefits of butter

The benefits of butter have been known for a long time and are as follows:

  • the product is rich in calcium, which is necessary to maintain healthy bone tissue;
  • due to the content of B vitamins and iron, the oil is indicated for improving the condition of the muscular system, maintaining the health of the nervous system, nails, and hair;
  • for ulcers and gastritis, butter consumed in small quantities envelops the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, providing a wound-healing effect;
  • the oil is rich in vitamin A, therefore it is recommended for visual impairment and eye diseases;
  • the vitamins and minerals of the product are useful for strengthening the immune system;
  • The properties of butter to prevent asthma have been confirmed.

Harm of butter

If the product is abused, the following harms to butter are possible:

  • extra pounds quickly gain, with “problem” areas especially affected – the stomach, double chin, thighs;
  • when overeating the product, the likelihood of developing heart disease, blood vessels, and atherosclerosis increases (oil disrupts the cholesterol balance in the body, leading to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques blocking the lumens of blood vessels);
  • Allergies and individual intolerance to the milk fats contained in butter often occur.

Norm of butter per day

It is very important to know the daily intake of butter. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 15 g of product per day for children under 3 years of age, 20 g for children over 4 years of age.

The minimum daily amount of butter for a healthy adult is 10 g, the maximum is 30 g.