Can pregnant women eat cherries in the first trimester? Cherries are a healthy dessert for expectant mothers. Nutritional value of cherries

Many expectant mothers are interested in the benefits and harms of fruits and berries in order to protect themselves and their unborn baby from allergies and abuse of fructose in their composition. Doubts often arise about fresh summer berries, in particular sweet cherries. Is it possible to use it? Should you limit your servings of cherries and what else do you need to know about the berry while pregnant?

Useful properties of cherries

She happens to be low-calorie product, since 100 grams of fresh berries contain about 50 kilocalories.

Cherry berries are a rich source of vitamins and microelements. They contain a lot of potassium and magnesium and iron, copper and manganese, iodine, vitamins B1, B3, B6, C, PP, K, E.

Thanks to coumarins in its composition, cherries prevent the formation of blood clots. Dark berries are useful for hypertension because they reduce blood pressure. Anthocyanins in the berry strengthen capillaries, and a decoction of the stalks is used as a remedy for heart diseases.

Cherry fruits stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and intestines, and help with rheumatism and arthritis. Since they are rich in iron and vitamins, they are recommended for use for anemia.

Berries perfectly cleanse the body of poisons and toxins and remove harmful substances from the blood. When eating cherries on an empty stomach, it is easier to cope with constipation.

Amygdalin in its composition stimulates appetite, which is important for healthy eating children. The berry is also useful for diabetics, because more than 70% of its carbohydrates are well-digested fructose.

Cherries also have expectorant properties, helping to overcome a cough. A handful of cherries every day during the season is a wonderful alternative to chemical medications for kidney disease and hypertension, arthritis and rheumatism, intestinal atony and colitis.

Cherry oil, which is about 30% in the seeds, is often used in the perfume industry.

The benefits of cherries during pregnancy

Microelements in cherry fruits help pregnant women avoid oxygen deficiency, since iron contributes to this. Potassium supports the functioning of a pregnant woman's heart, phosphorus and calcium are involved in the formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system.

The berry has an excellent effect on the functions of the central nervous system of the expectant mother. Cherry juice is a good expectorant for colds, which, in the presence of vitamin C as an antioxidant, strengthens the body's defenses and helps cope with colds.

The berry also relieves nausea during pregnancy and calms vomiting reflex, which means that it alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis. Dried cherries have a strengthening effect on the intestines, and fresh cherries have a laxative effect.

Pregnant women use cherries and how cosmetic product. It perfectly helps with skin diseases, and also serves as an excellent moisturizing component in masks for dry skin types. A nourishing mask made from cherries and cream works well for this skin type. If you take equal proportions of cherries and, then such a mask will narrow enlarged pores and exfoliate dead epidermis.

Cherries for pregnant women serve to quench appetite and thirst, since they consist of a large amount of liquid.

During pregnancy, women need to follow moderation in all foods, and especially berries, since they contain a lot of sugar. You should combine and balance your daily diet so that your body is always saturated with vitamins. There are no specific general recommendations for the amount of cherries consumed per day. But the maximum should not exceed 0.5 kg of berries per day when consumed in several doses.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

Sweet cherry is a sweet, dark red berry, one of the most ancient representatives of cherry trees. Another name for this berry is bird cherry. Regular consumption of cherries has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves food digestion and stabilizes kidney function. What else is the benefit of sweet berries for expectant mothers?


The homeland of cherries is considered to be the territory of modern Europe - Denmark and Switzerland. Cherry trees were known there as early as 8000 BC. e. Currently, cherry fruits are harvested from May to July in Russia and the former CIS countries, in the Caucasus and in European countries.

The composition of cherries includes the following elements:

  • vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP;
  • mineral compounds: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iodine;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins – substances that prevent blood clotting;
  • pectins.

Cherry fruits are valued for their sweet taste and pleasant aroma. The calorie content of fresh berries is only 50 kcal, which makes them valuable dietary product, recommended for nutrition of women during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

Beneficial features

Cherries are rich in coumarins - special substances that prevent blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. During pregnancy, this property will be relevant after 20 weeks, when the likelihood of developing hypercoagulable shifts increases. Anthocyanins contained in cherries additionally protect the vascular wall from damage, reducing the risk of blood clots and the development of serious complications against this background.

  • reduces blood pressure and maintains it at a stable level;
  • increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • eliminates increased blood viscosity;
  • prevents blood stagnation;
  • improves blood supply to all internal organs;
  • stimulates blood flow in the placenta and enhances the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

Cherries reduce cholesterol and harmful lipids, thereby protecting against the development of atherosclerosis. Thanks to its high iron content will benefit cherries and for anemia, including that occurring in the second half of pregnancy.

Fresh cherries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Ripe fruits enhance peristalsis, facilitating the movement of food through the intestines. When consumed on an empty stomach, cherries help relieve constipation. For regular intestinal problems, it is recommended to eat cherries daily in the morning. Dried berries, on the contrary, harden the stool and can cause constipation.

Cherries stimulate appetite and activate the stomach, which will benefit pregnant women with toxicosis. A handful of sweet berries in the first half of the day will help cope with nausea and give you strength. If well tolerated, the expectant mother can eat cherries throughout the first trimester until the unpleasant symptoms subside.

Fresh berries and cherry juice facilitate the functioning of the kidneys, including in the third trimester - during the period of their intensive work. For edema that occurs during pregnancy, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice or berry juice every day.

Drinks made from cherries will also be beneficial for inflammatory diseases urinary tract. Cherry enhances diuresis, relieves intoxication, helps eliminate toxins and flush out bacteria from the body. Along with other drinks and herbal infusions, cherry juice can be used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for a wide variety of diseases.

Other beneficial properties of cherries:

  • stimulates the immune system (due to the high content of ascorbic acid);
  • increases the overall tone of the body;
  • normalizes hormonal background and creates conditions for a favorable pregnancy (vitamin E);
  • eliminates muscle spasms and prevents the development of seizures in expectant mothers (magnesium, calcium);
  • stimulates the growth of the fetal skeleton (calcium, phosphorus);
  • stabilizes metabolic processes in the body of the expectant mother;
  • is an excellent natural antioxidant;
  • quickly quenches thirst (juice and fruit drink from berries).

Precautionary measures

Cherry berries, when consumed in excess, can be harmful for the following diseases:

  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • chronic colitis with diarrhea or unstable stool;
  • conditions in which flatulence and bloating are noted;
  • some gallbladder diseases;
  • diabetes.

With this pathology, you should limit the proportion of cherries in the diet or completely refrain from eating sweet berries.

If you have severe toxicosis with frequent vomiting, you should also not get carried away with fresh berries. Irritation of the gastric mucosa can intensify the manifestations of the disease and worsen the woman’s condition.

Method of use

Fresh cherries are the best choice for a pregnant woman. The expectant mother is allowed to eat up to half a glass of berries per day. With good tolerance and no problems with the digestive tract, you can gradually increase the proportion of cherries in the diet to 1 cup of berries per day.

Frozen cherries retain most of their useful properties. You can prepare delicious fruit drinks and compotes from frozen and fresh berries. Freshly squeezed cherry juice (including mixed with the juice of cherries and other berries) will also be beneficial.

Cherries, like any berry, are an invaluable storehouse of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. Taste qualities cherries allowed it to take pride of place on the tables of ordinary people. But in addition to taste and benefits, it is worth remembering contraindications and/or restrictions on the amount of consumption. Especially during pregnancy. So can expectant mothers eat this product?

The benefits of cherries during pregnancy

Berries are considered the largest storehouses of vitamins. Cherry is no exception in this regard. What vitamins does it contain:

Vitamin A- responsible for the formation of tissues and their development;

Vitamin B1- regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;

Vitamin B3- participates in the process of converting lipids and carbohydrates into energy;

Vitamin B6- regulates metabolism, participates in the work of the central nervous system, helps strengthen the immune system, is involved in the formation of genetic material of cells;

Vitamin B9- maintains the genetic code and regulates cell division, being responsible for hereditary characteristics;

Vitamin C- is responsible for oxidation processes in the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;

Vitamin K- responsible for the formation of platelets and blood clotting.

The vitamins alone in this berry are enough to make you fall in love with it. But it still contains a large number of micro- and macroelements. During pregnancy, the body requires a large amount of minerals. Cherries are full of substances such as:

  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Fluorine;
  • Iron;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc.

They are responsible for many processes occurring in the human body. This red beauty also contains pectins, flavonoids, organic acids, antioxidants and many additional beneficial substances.

The undoubted advantage of this berry is its low calorie content. There are approximately 50 kcal per 100 grams. This allows you to consume cherries in large quantities without fear of gaining excess weight.

Can pregnant women use this product? Need to! But you should observe moderation in consuming berries from the very beginning of pregnancy. From the moment the baby is conceived, the mother is required to consume any food in a rationed manner. You should limit yourself to half a kilogram of cherries per day. In general, cherries during pregnancy have a positive effect on the health and well-being of the mother and on the development of the fetus.

This is due to the rich set of vitamins and minerals that make up cherries. Moderate consumption of fresh berries during pregnancy reduces the severity of toxicosis, has a laxative effect, and prevents the formation of edema. Regular consumption increases overall immunity, stimulates cleansing of the body from waste and toxins, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

The juice and pulp of this berry are used not only for food, but also for cosmetic purposes. Masks using pulp soften and moisturize the skin. The antioxidant content helps give skin a fresher appearance. The vitamins and minerals found in cherries nourish and tighten the skin. Such masks help reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. This allows pregnant women to use cherries as a safe cosmetic product with pronounced effectiveness.

Such a positive effect of eating cherries on the mother’s body indicates the need for its consumption while expecting a child. At the same time, this berry has its contraindications for consumption. This applies not only to expectant mothers, but also different groups of people. Being in an “interesting” position, these contraindications should be carefully studied.

Contraindications to eating cherries

Despite the abundance of vitamins, minerals and all kinds of useful substances, cherries have some contraindications for consumption. Every woman needs to know the list of prohibitions during pregnancy.

Medical contraindications:

  1. Intestinal obstruction and adhesive disease;
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Gastritis and gastric ulcer;
  4. Individual intolerance;
  5. Diarrhea of ​​any nature;
  6. Hypotension.

It should be remembered that fresh cherries have laxative effect. If you eat cherries in large quantities, you may experience stool instability and increased gas formation. At the same time, eating dried cherries has the opposite effect. Excessive consumption of dried berries can lead to constipation.

Points of medical contraindications need to be known not only to a pregnant woman, but also to any person, regardless of gender. If you have the slightest suspicion of any of these contraindications, you should stop eating cherries and consult your doctor.

You should know it!

1. At high body temperature, blood vessels dilate, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. This contributes to weakness and dizziness. In this case, you need to stop consuming this berry, or limit yourself to a few pieces.

2. Eating cherries at the same time as other foods can cause bloating. Therefore, it is recommended to eat cherries, like any other berries and fruits, several hours after eating.

3. Low calorie content combined with the presence of quickly digestible carbohydrates reduces the feeling of hunger. This reduces appetite and, as a result, worsens the well-being of people with low body weight.

If you follow the simple rules for eating cherries and there are no contraindications, cherries are a product aimed at improving the health of the body. It is necessary to eat cherries during pregnancy regularly, but in moderation. This will benefit the baby and give a blooming appearance to the expectant mother.

Ladies who are in a “ticklish” position should carefully monitor daily diet nutrition. Often, being pregnant, a woman denies herself quite tasty and healthy products. In particular, we are talking about cherries. It has a lot of valuable qualities; it can easily increase immunity and cleanse blood channels. But first things first.

Composition and properties of cherries

Any beneficial or harmful qualities of a product must be considered from the point of view of what substances are concentrated in the composition. Cherry has an optimally balanced list of substances, so a pregnant woman will get everything she needs from consuming it.

  1. Vitamin C. The berry accumulates enough ascorbic acid, which is otherwise called vitamin C. This element is important for immune system a woman who is in an interesting position. There is no point in taking medications to protect the body from seasonal viruses and colds. Besides, ascorbic acid important for enriching the placenta with oxygen and the full formation of the fertilized egg.
  2. Vitamin B6. Otherwise it is called pyridoxine. This element is necessary to strengthen the mother’s immunity, develop the central nervous system of the unborn baby, and protect DNA from various harmful compounds. Pyridoxine increases absolutely all metabolic processes in the body, so the expectant mother feels great.
  3. Vitamin A. Takes an active part in strengthening the visual organs of the fetus. Retinol forms the baby’s musculoskeletal system and prevents the development of congenital pathologies. This element will also benefit the mother, as it has antioxidant and rejuvenating properties.
  4. Vikasol. The element is responsible for all hematopoietic processes. Increases the production of red blood cells, frees channels from cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis and varicose veins, and removes fluid from tissues.
  5. Vitamin E. Tocopherol is considered a natural antioxidant that cleanses internal organs of poisons and toxic substances. Vitamin E prevents miscarriage, improves the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system as a whole, and promotes the development of the fetus in accordance with the gestation period.
  6. Vitamin B9. It's called differently folic acid, which is simply irreplaceable for pregnant girls. The vitamin is responsible for hereditary characteristics, relief of congenital pathologies, and the full formation of the genetic code.
  7. Vitamins B1-B3. They are necessary for a girl in position for promotion. metabolic processes, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system, eliminating heartburn and flatulence, combating constipation and general stool disorder. Cherry relieves the symptoms of toxicosis when taken in moderation precisely thanks to these B-group vitamins.
  8. Minerals. Necessary for the correct development of the embryo, preventing premature birth, and relieving a woman’s emotional stress. The minerals in the berry include magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, copper, sodium, and iron.

The beneficial properties of cherries are not limited to this. When regularly eating fresh fruits, a pregnant woman’s stool normalizes, and constipation is eliminated due to the laxative effect. Food passes better through the esophagus and does not wander into the organ cavities. For constipation, it is advisable to eat cherries before bed or in the morning before breakfast.

The berry replenishes the deficiency in valuable substances. Her list is balanced, so there will be no imbalance in vitamins and minerals. Also, cherries are effective against toxicosis on early stage, it relieves gagging and nausea.

  1. The daily dose must be strictly dosed, otherwise you risk experiencing impaired metabolism and diarrhea. You are allowed to consume no more than 150 grams per day. berries
  2. Introduce cherries into your daily menu gradually. There is no need to attack her right away. First eat 10 berries, then 15, 20, 25, etc. Increase portions until you reach the required amount.
  3. At the slightest sign of discomfort, exclude the berry from your diet. Also, do not mix cherries with other products in order to detect an allergic reaction in time.
  4. In order not to encounter the problem of flatulence or indigestion in the future, it is recommended to regularly eat fresh cherries. The product is recommended to be taken in moderation 30 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after a meal.
  5. Keep in mind that in order to avoid unpleasant situations, you should not consume fresh berries on an empty stomach without a necessary reason. This can be characterized by the fact that the cherry quickly moves into the small intestine. As a result, the body does not receive the proper portion of beneficial enzymes.
  6. It is also important to know that the maximum benefit for a woman is achieved exclusively from fresh fruits. When purchasing cherries, pay due attention to the choice of raw materials. The fruits should be quite firm and ripe.
  7. To fully receive maximum benefit, cherries should be purchased exclusively during the season. This product does not contain pesticides or similar harmful enzymes. Chemical substances only contribute rapid growth and berry ripening.
  8. If for some reason you cannot tolerate fresh fruits, you are allowed to prepare jelly and compotes. When taking juice in its pure form during pregnancy, it is worth reducing the amount of drink and reducing the concentration of the composition.
  9. It is not recommended to eat dried fruits during pregnancy. Otherwise, you will face severe constipation. Dried fruits act as a fixative. Also, you should not resort to diets using cherries during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  10. It is not recommended to eat frozen fruits, curds and cherry-based yoghurts during the lactation period. Often these products contain large amounts of preservatives and dyes. Such substances negatively affect the body of a woman and baby.

Contraindications for pregnant women

  1. You should not include berries in your diet if you had individual intolerance before pregnancy. Also, for allergy sufferers, cherries can provoke an unexpected reaction. Therefore, you should not include the product on the menu.
  2. Keep in mind that during active eating of cherries, representatives of the fairer sex begin to develop increased gas production. As a result, you face serious discomfort and inconvenience.
  3. Cherries are also contraindicated in some chronic pathologies. Such diseases include intestinal obstruction, gastritis, adhesions in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, acute cystitis, indigestion and hypotension.

From all of the above, we can conclude that there is no specific answer as to whether it is possible to eat cherries during pregnancy. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. We can definitely say that there will definitely not be much harm. The main thing is to know when to stop and eat high-quality raw materials, which can be purchased directly in season.

Video: beneficial and medicinal properties of cherries

Eating cherries during pregnancy different dates: benefit and harm.

In June, delicious sweet cherries are already on sale on store shelves in full swing. Expectant mothers who are attracted to red berries are probably worried about whether they can eat the berries and whether it is harmful for the baby. Let's find out.

Is it possible to eat cherries during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, doctors advise including cherries, as a storehouse of essential vitamins, in your diet. But the main thing that doctors insist on is a certain amount of daily consumption; in no case should you overuse the berry.
The optimal portion of juicy berries should not exceed 400 g; they should be divided into several doses and consumed after meals as a dessert.
There are several advantages to this - this way you will regularly and gradually replenish your supply of useful vitamins, and you will also eat just the right portion of berries on a full stomach.

But still, as the results of surveys and reviews on social networks show, many pregnant women still abuse and increase the number of servings. We urge you not to indulge a bad example; remember, you are now responsible for the life of your unborn child.
Unlimited consumption of berries can cause allergic reactions and other negative consequences. It also has a number of contraindications, which you will learn about below.

Sweet cherries: benefits during pregnancy

The benefits of eating cherries during pregnancy are significant:

  • It contains many useful vitamins and microelements, such as calcium - for the formation of the baby’s skeleton, magnesium - supports the functioning of the child’s heart, iron - will prevent the occurrence of oxygen deficiency, vitamins B, C, E
  • Cherry berries will help you cope with toxicosis. If you feel unpleasant nausea or vomiting, try to eat 5 berries and the symptoms will subside
  • After eating fresh berries, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, digestion is normalized, and you will no longer be bothered by constipation
  • Cherries act not only as a laxative, but also as a diuretic. Therefore, if you are suffering from swelling, consume this berry regularly throughout the day and excess fluid will leave the body.
  • After eating cherries, kidney and liver function improves
  • Cherry helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, reducing cholesterol levels
  • If expectant mother torments high pressure, then cherry berries can normalize the indicators
  • With a decoction of cherry leaves you can normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels
  • For women who want to strengthen their immune system, cherries are essential; they reliably protect against colds. And this is so important during pregnancy
  • A mask with cherry pulp will help mothers always look fresh and beautiful - they are a healing remedy for facial skin, and the antioxidants in the berry will keep your skin youthful
  • Cherries are also an excellent remedy to quench thirst, as it has a high liquid content in its composition
  • Cherry components have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a pregnant woman
  • During pregnancy, women often experience symptoms of depression and insomnia. With the help of cherries, you can eliminate these symptoms and not only sleep soundly and peacefully, but also wake up in a good mood

Cherries during pregnancy 3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, it is useful for women to consume cherries, as they are a real salvation from the swelling that overcomes women during this period.
But it should be remembered that during heat treatment, cherries lose a lot of beneficial properties, so the best option would be to consume fresh berries.
A very interesting idea would be to add berries to a fruit or meat salad. Don’t be surprised; the berry will add a very refined taste to meat salad.
On later During pregnancy, women complain of problems associated with bloating. In this case, you should eat cherries no less than half an hour after eating. In large quantities, cherries also contribute to bloating.

Cherries are not a strong allergen; if you consume no more than 300 g per day in the later stages, the berries will only provide benefits. But do not overdo it, as there are known cases that due to increased consumption of any fruit, mother. During pregnancy, the child suffered from an allergy to this product.

Cherries during late pregnancy

As you already understand, in the later stages, cherries should be consumed with caution and in limited quantities. If you are tired of berries in their usual form, you can cook an interesting dish with them.
Again, we remind you that cherries lose their beneficial properties when cooked. Therefore, an excellent option would be to prepare pancakes with cherries; to do this, take the prescribed amount of cherries per day (we remind you that in the later stages this is no more than 300 g per day), as well as 100 g of sugar and milk, 2 eggs, powdered sugar, cinnamon and vanilla:

  • Bake pancakes according to your favorite recipe
  • Grind the cherries and mix with granulated sugar, add cinnamon
  • Place sugar cherries in a pancake and wrap
  • Put a little butter on a baking sheet, arrange the pancakes and pour in a mixture of milk and egg
  • Cook for 15 minutes

Pancakes with cherries - a delicious and healthy breakfast for a pregnant woman

This is just one of the options. You can also make mousses, cocktails and fruit desserts with cherries. Use your imagination and mix the berries with other equally healthy fruits.
In the later stages, you should consume cherries if you have no contraindications. We will discuss further in what cases this is prohibited.

Sweet cherries during pregnancy contraindications

Cherries are not as harmful and allergenic as citrus fruits, which, if abused, can cause serious health problems. But even this seemingly harmless berry has all the contraindications, let’s take a closer look:

  • If you have intestinal obstruction, then you should forget about eating cherries.
  • If you suffer from gastritis or increased acidity, be sure to consult your doctor about the possibility and amount of consuming cherries
  • Diabetes is also a contraindication for eating berries. Again, this should be discussed with your doctor, because if you are prone to the disease or only have certain symptoms, the amount of cherries you consume should be limited, but not eliminated. Since it contains a lot of vitamins that are useful for pregnant women
  • Allergies naturally exclude the possibility of adding such a berry to your diet.
  • If you suffer from increased gas formation during pregnancy, especially in late stages of pregnancy, then you should consume cherries very carefully, as they can cause bloating
  • Limit your consumption of berries if you have low blood pressure, as the berry also lowers these levels. But, if you eat cherries excessively, then the meaning blood pressure jump up. This should also be taken into account
  • Also, you should not buy berries at spontaneous markets. Take care of your baby's health, do not eat questionable foods
  • Never try fresh cherries in winter. This berry is “stuffed” with nitrates and preservatives. If you want to try the berries during the cold season, it is better to freeze them in the summer. Even if it loses some of its beneficial properties, it will still be more useful than a store-bought winter analogue

Dear mothers, take care of your health and the health of your unborn baby. Do not overuse cherries and do not try berries of questionable quality. This will not only do little good, but also do a lot of harm.

Video: Food during pregnancy, eating cherries in the 1st trimester