The extremities of the hands and feet become cold for reasons. Cold hands and feet: an individual characteristic or a warning sign. Low or high blood pressure

If your hands and feet are cold, the reason is not always a high sensitivity to cold. Moreover, resistance to low temperatures, as the main cause of the problem, is not very common. So why do your limbs get cold, and how to get rid of it?

Coldness in the hands and feet can occur to varying degrees, depending on the cause. Some people feel discomfort only outside in cold weather. Others are constantly freezing, even at home, in the warmth. When the extremities of the hands and feet become chronically cold, the reasons may be hidden in quite serious diseases. Therefore, you should never ignore eternally cold hands and feet! You definitely need to find the cause of this condition!

What do cold extremities mean? Main reasons

Among the main reasons why hands and feet always freeze:

  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Anemia;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Obliterating endarteritis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Hypotension;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Raynaud's disease, etc.

Cold hands and feet occur after a stroke, with VSD, dermatitis, allergies, age-related changes (this reason is typical for both women and men after 50 years, when the human immune system weakens). Sometimes the cause of chilliness is worms or fungal infections. Cold hands and feet are also sometimes caused by being overweight or severely dehydrated. The reason that the limbs are cold may also be inflammation of the nerves.

Depending on the cause, hands and feet get cold at certain times - in the evening, in the morning, during sleep. Keep an eye on this if cold hands and/or feet bother you always or often. This will help the doctor identify the cause and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Attention! If you start to feel cold, do not try to find the cause and diagnose it yourself. Cold hands and feet can be a sign of a medical condition that should be treated as quickly as possible.

What to do if your hands and feet are cold?

If your fingers and toes begin to get very cold, if your hands and feet become freezing even indoors, use emergency methods. They will allow you to quickly warm up frozen limbs, whatever the reason.

Express help to stay warm

If your feet and hands are cold, whatever the reason, it will help to warm up:

  • Self-massage. Thoroughly stretch your feet, legs, palms, and tips of your toes and hands. For the best effect, use essential oils (a few drops of ginger, black pepper, cinnamon oil mixed with massage cream or base oil). This is also an excellent prevention if your hands and feet often get cold;
  • Alcohol compress. To avoid freezing, wear cotton socks/gloves soaked in vodka and woolen ones on top;
  • “Water bottle” of pepper or mustard. Pour ground red pepper or dry mustard into gloves or socks and put them on icy limbs - this will quickly warm them up;
  • A water heating pad if your extremities get cold at night. If your hands and feet get cold at night, you start to freeze and cannot sleep, use a regular heating pad. It can be replaced with an electric one, and even plastic bottles filled with hot water.

How to treat hands and feet that are constantly cold?

If you do not want to freeze, regardless of the reason, you must:

  • Strengthening blood vessels. Alternating cold and hot baths for hands and feet will strengthen blood vessels and you will not freeze. Sea salt added to the bath will enhance the effect. Baths and saunas will also be excellent helpers in the fight against cold hands and feet;
  • Improved blood circulation. Regular exercise helps increase blood flow and make you feel less cold. It is enough to move actively for 10-15 minutes. If you don’t like doing exercises, turn on the music and dance, go for a walk, swim in the pool;
  • Healthy foods. Among common reasons when your extremities are cold, there is a lack of iron. If you have cold hands and feet, eat iron-containing foods every day. Products that help strengthen the capillary walls are also needed. If the cause of chilly extremities is hormonal changes in women, it is advisable to increase the amount of foods containing phytohormones in the diet.

To stay warm, the menu should include:

  1. Meat ( the best option- bird);
  2. Lean fish;
  3. Leafy vegetables;
  4. Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins);
  5. Legumes;
  6. Nuts;
  7. Seeds.

A balanced diet allows you to accelerate the strengthening of blood vessels and quickly eliminate the causes of cold extremities.

To get rid of chilly hands and feet (regardless of the cause) in folk medicine hot pine baths are used. Taking a tincture of flowers gives positive results. horse chestnut, as well as tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus, which strengthen the immune system.

Natural flower honey is also very useful, which should be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved, 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.

To avoid freezing, you should take a fatty hot meal (for example, chicken broth) before going outside.

To warm icy hands and feet, use vodka tincture of red hot pepper, which is rubbed on the feet, legs, and palms.

What is absolutely forbidden to do?

Regardless of the reason why your hands and feet are cold, when trying to warm up, do not put them in hot water. Also don't use alcoholic drinks– their vasodilatory effect is short-lived. After some time, the blood vessels will narrow even more, and the arms and legs will begin to freeze more. You can’t “warm up” with alcohol even in the cold in winter - you won’t stop freezing, and alcohol often causes frostbite.

Even if you know the reason why your limbs are chilly, in any case, at least for a while, give up coffee, strong tea and other products containing caffeine and tannin. Tobacco is also a cause of vasospasm, so stop or minimize smoking.

Staying in one position for a long time impairs blood circulation, and the limbs begin to freeze. When working sedentarily, be sure to take physical breaks. Even a few swings of your arms and legs and simple squats will help “get your blood flowing” and make you feel less cold.

Important! While sitting, do not cross your legs - after just 10 minutes of sitting in this position, blood circulation is disrupted and you will freeze.

When is a medical examination necessary?

If you start to feel cold often, and other symptoms begin to accompany cold hands and feet, do not delay visiting a doctor.

Reasons to seek immediate medical attention:

  • High pressure;
  • Edema;
  • Convulsions;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Feeling of aching bones;
  • Heartache;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Headache;
  • Numbness, tingling in the limbs, etc.

If your feet are cold and your body is burning, if your limbs are not only cold, but also numb, if your heart hurts, you feel sick or have any other signs of illness, get examined as quickly as possible.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your hands and feet are cold, the disease that is causing the cold hands and feet must be treated. But since cold hands and feet can be caused by various diseases, you should first contact your family doctor (general practitioner). He will prescribe the necessary studies to identify the cause. In addition to a general blood test, it is also necessary to do a cholesterol test and an ultrasound of the blood vessels. Also, if you start to freeze, additional examinations may be required (ultrasound of the thyroid gland, tests to detect fungal infections, worms, etc.)

For any person cold feet can cause great discomfort. Often this symptom does not appear alone, but is accompanied by tingling or a change, such as blue discoloration. Although in some cases, cold feet are not a serious cause for concern. However, in most cases, such a manifestation may indicate the presence of diseases that need to be treated.
Let's look at some possible reasonsWhy cold feet, which are definitely worth paying attention to, as they are a reason to consult a doctor.

Cold feet causes:

  1. Low temperature environment

When the ambient temperature becomes lower than what we are used to, it is natural for the feet to become cold, which can lead to bluish skin. In medicine, this phenomenon is called cyanosis. It occurs due to the body's natural response to a sharp drop in temperature, in which blood flow in the limb is disrupted, since most of the blood is sent to the center of the body to conserve heat. Although some people become concerned when they see a change in skin color, cyanosis is usually not a serious condition. Warmth gradually returns to the feet, and skin color is restored under the influence of heat. In some cases, simply putting on a pair of socks or walking over to a heat source such as a fireplace or fire is enough.

  1. Peripheral vascular disease(PVD)

One of the most common causes of cold feet is peripheral vascular disease, which involves fatty deposits blocking the arteries in the extremities, thereby preventing proper blood circulation to the feet. PVD occurs from excessive consumption of fat and fat, which leads to their accumulation in the arteries, thereby narrowing their passages. Fat is gradually deposited on the walls of the arteries, narrowing the channels and soon begins to flow poorly to the lower parts of the limbs. Thus, the lower extremities, where the blood flow is disrupted, begin to cool down very quickly, regardless of the external temperature. In addition to making the feet cold, PVD leaves patients vulnerable to injury and painful ulcers. Therefore, anyone at risk for cold feet should be evaluated by a doctor to determine whether it may be causing PVD.

  1. Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy refers to diseases that damage the nerves in the limbs, resulting in poor transmission of signals through the nerve tissue. Disruption of nerve signals is known to cause symptoms such as pain, loss of sensation, and decreased temperature in the legs. Although peripheral neuropathy can occur in isolation or be precipitated by other diseases, it has been found to be most common in patients with diabetes. Although the exact relationship between diabetes and nerve damage has not yet been established, experts say that people with diabetes are more likely to suffer from pain and chills in the legs.

  1. Raynaud's disease

This is another reason that temporarily impedes the blood supply to certain parts of the body, usually the toes. Raynaud's disease is caused by both internal and external factors, including cold weather, and anxiety. An individual suffering from this condition experiences a temporary spasm in the blood vessels due to the trigger, which blocks the flow of blood to certain areas of the body. The skin in these areas usually changes color, becoming white and then blue. When blood flow is restored, skin color returns to normal. In addition to coldness, your feet may experience numbness, tingling and pain. While there are medications to help control the symptoms of Raynaud's disease, simply staying warm and avoiding cold weather can also be helpful in some cases.

  1. Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia neurosis is a serious illness that is classified as an eating disorder. Anorexic individuals are abnormally related to their body weight and reduce food intake to alarmingly low proportions. Along with dangerously fast heart rate, such people tend to develop a slow heartbeat and therefore poor circulation. This can lead to hypothermia, a condition where the body maintains a very low temperature, causing the patient to feel cold all the time. In most cases, the hands and feet become colder, and the cold can spread to the rest of the body.

  1. Frostbite

Frostbite is damage to localized body tissue caused by skin exposure to cold weather. This disease usually affects the arms, legs and lips. Extremely cold weather constricts blood vessels and affects overall blood flow.
In general, people exposed to adverse weather conditions and those who participate in sports at high altitudes, such as skiers, are at risk of frostbite. You may feel pain in the affected area, as if your fingers are being stung by needles, along with a feeling of numbness. The longer your feet are exposed to cold weather conditions, the worse the damage.

  1. Scleroderma

Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that affects the body's connective tissue, mainly the skin on the arms and legs. Cold feet is the main source of disability in people suffering from scleroderma. Overproduction in the body can lead to this condition, and common environmental factors can also cause scleroderma.
Anyone can get this condition, including children, although it is more common in women than men. As for treatment, there is no specific treatment. But symptoms can be controlled by monitoring blood pressure or gastrointestinal function.

  1. Hypothyroidism

When the thyroid gland is underactive, hypothyroidism occurs. This causes various bodily processes to slow down, and in moderate to severe cases, can lead to a slower heart rate and reduced blood flow. The feet may become cold from time to time, although not to the point where the skin becomes discolored or bluish. Prompt treatment of hypothyroidism helps relieve many symptoms, including cold feet. It is therefore recommended that anyone suffering from cold feet along with other signs of poor health should have their thyroid checked periodically.

  1. Buerger's disease

This condition is caused by inflammation of the small blood vessels in the legs and is usually associated with smoking. Also known as thromboangiitis obliterans, in which poor circulation affects sensitivity to cold. It is associated with Raynaud's phenomenon, when inflamed artery walls impede blood flow, leading to the formation of blood clots. In this condition, blood vessels become narrowed due to smoking, and in some cases, so much so that they even destroy skin tissue.
Buerger's disease is rare and usually affects men in the 20-40 age group. Therefore, it is important for those suffering from Buerger's disease to stop smoking completely in order to restore their blood circulation.

  1. Anemia

Anemia is often a symptom of a number of diseases that may or may not be associated with damage to the blood system. Anemia leads to inflammation of the tongue and cold hands and feet. In this condition, a constant feeling of cold, especially in the legs, is normal. Other symptoms that may accompany cold feet include pale skin, brittle nails, chest pain, poor appetite, irregular heartbeats and... If you or your child often have cold feet, you should consult a doctor, as this symptom may indicate iron deficiency anemia.

Many people do not pay attention to such a “little thing” as cold feet. For them, this has become a habitual state that does not cause much discomfort. In summer, your feet can be warmed up in the sun, but problems arise only in winter, when your feet get cold even in a warm room. Most often, women after forty face this problem. But many people wonder: “Why cold feet?” and are diligently looking for ways to solve this problem.


Before you begin treatment for cold feet syndrome, you need to understand the cause of the cold feet. How often do your feet get cold? Does this always happen or only under certain conditions? Perhaps this is explained by the peculiarities of their structure. As you know, it is responsible for the heat saving function muscle mass, the amount of which in the feet is insignificant. Adipose tissue is completely absent, so in the cold season the legs begin to freeze, and this is not a sign of the disease.

Nowadays, many girls dress easily: short skirts, open shoes that are not suitable for the weather, shoes that are too tight. These are all factors that cause cold feet. The problem can be solved by dressing warmer.

Poor circulation, vegetative-vascular dystonia and low blood pressure

Why are my feet constantly cold? The reason is not always wearing light clothing that is not suitable for the weather. Sometimes this condition indicates the presence of various diseases. Poor circulation, or vegetative-vascular dystonia, is another factor that provokes this phenomenon. But only a specialist can make a diagnosis. Deviations in the structure of blood vessels, varicose veins and many other nuances indicate a circulatory disorder. Pay attention to whether there are spider veins and swelling on your legs. Low blood pressure is often accompanied by the symptom of cold feet, since the blood vessels are greatly narrowed and blood flows poorly into the capillaries.

In most cases, cold feet are a bad sign. The reasons that impair blood circulation can be different. They cannot be ignored, but, alas, a larger percentage of people consider this a trifle.

Lack of magnesium and iron

If you have cold feet, the reasons may lie in a lack of microelements and other useful substances. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body. About 50% of it is found in bones, and only 1% in human blood. It is not easy for the body to maintain this percentage constantly, and yet magnesium is involved in all biochemical processes.

When there is a lack of iron, anemia occurs, that is, anemia. Do you know firsthand about this disease? By adjusting your diet and adding more animal foods, you can correct a deficiency such as cold feet. The reasons causing this phenomenon must be eliminated immediately, without wasting time.

Heart problems

If you experience weakness, shortness of breath, swelling of the limbs and upper eyelids, and cold feet, there is a possibility that you have heart problems. This means you need to immediately contact a cardiologist.


A symptom such as cold feet occurs in people with diabetes. This is explained by a violation of capillary blood circulation. This ultimately leads to insufficient blood supply to the peripheral nerves of the limbs. With an examination and proper treatment, the problem of cold feet can be dealt with without any problems. The specialist will prescribe competent and adequate treatment.

Metabolic failure

It is quite difficult to cope with such a serious illness as indigestion. If a person has diseases of the endocrine system, this can lead to obesity. Why might there be cold feet? The reasons are that they “carry” the weight of a person, so the blood flow slows down. The consequence of this is cold legs, swelling and varicose veins.

Sweaty feet

Cold, wet feet (the causes of the pathology, as already mentioned, are varied) are often a consequence of hyperhidrosis. Previously, they did not want to recognize this problem as a disease, considering it just a cosmetic defect. Recently, it has become clear that this is, after all, a disease that is directly related to the endocrine system and is inherited.

Other causes of wet feet

Excessive sweating is caused by the following factors:

  • infectious diseases;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • consequences of stroke;
  • menopause;
  • age-related changes.

To reduce foot sweating, change your socks daily, use foot baths, and massage using essential oils. Air out your shoes every day. The material should allow your feet to breathe, so in summer it is recommended to wear sandals with a woven top. Buy cotton socks. You need to change your insoles every six months, or even better, every three months, if possible.

If you spend most of your time on your feet, wash your feet thoroughly as soon as you remove your shoes to prevent infection.

Cold feet in children

Parents are often interested in the question of why their child has cold feet. And it’s not that he got them wet while walking on the street. According to pediatricians, this is not the norm at all, but a symptom of a specific disease or malfunction of internal organs.

If a child has a low temperature and wet feet, this indicates a circulatory disorder. The baby probably has low blood pressure and blood cannot circulate well in the extremities.

There are often cases of rickets. The opinion that children practically do not suffer from this disease is erroneous. Often it simply occurs in a mild form. In such a situation, the pediatrician prescribes vitamins and an individual diet for the child.

Cold feet syndrome

This syndrome never appears just like that. You should be especially wary if you have cold feet even in summer. The reasons in this case are far from harmless. The condition is determined by the presence of diseases characterized by an indirect course.

When a patient has poor elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, the capillaries narrow during the cold season, which slows down the blood flow even more. At the same time, the body temperature may rise.

Why are cold feet an unkind signal that should not be ignored? If you do not treat this syndrome, then in the future a person may get hypothermia, followed by inflammation of the appendages and the genitourinary system. Due to the obstructed blood flow, venous insufficiency develops, small nodes of varicose veins appear, which begin to hurt from time to time.

What to do to prevent your feet from freezing?

If your feet are cold, the causes need to be eliminated, and several rules must be followed:

  • Dress and wear shoes appropriate for the weather. Shoes should not be tight or, conversely, too big.
  • It's better to sleep at night in wool socks.
  • A contrast shower will help you strengthen your blood vessels and at the same time improve the condition of your skin.
  • After a walk in cold weather, take special foot baths.
  • Give your feet a massage.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Adjust your diet, eat more protein foods.
  • Give up bad habits.

What is good for blood vessels?

Why can my feet always be cold? The reason may lie in an invisible disease. This is a signal that you need to see a doctor immediately. With proper and timely treatment, you will have a positive result.

Follow the recommendations: dress warmly, eat right, lead an active lifestyle, take foot baths, massage with warming creams or essential oils. This is not only useful, but also very pleasant.

First, let's define the basics. Most often, icy limbs are normal. Feet and hands are always the first to get cold and the last to warm up. This is a necessary element of the survival mechanism.

When we enter a cold environment, the brain causes the blood vessels in the extremities to constrict. In this way, blood circulation in the periphery is limited, the blood cools less and helps retain heat in internal organs that are more important than the feet or palms.

However, sometimes it happens like this: it doesn’t seem to be too cold around, but your hands and feet are still icy and refuse to warm up. Here's what it might be related to Causes and remedies for cold feet.

1. You are worried, you are stressed

The body's natural response to a stressful situation is the release of adrenaline into the blood. This hormone helps us mobilize and effectively prepares us for a fight or flight situation. One of the key points of preparation is a sharp narrowing of blood vessels in the periphery. A spasm is necessary in case you injure an arm or leg during the fight or flight: the blood loss will be less, which means it will not endanger your life.

Of course, in modern world rarely associated with an attack by a toothy predator or an enemy armed with a sharp sword. But the body’s reactions remain the same: the vessels in the limbs narrow sharply, blood circulation worsens. The result is a decrease in temperature in the arms and legs.

What to do

The most important thing is to relax and calm down. Once you get rid of stress, your feet and hands will feel warm again.

2. You have problems with blood circulation

Poor blood flow is one of the most common reasons why extremities become icy. Poor circulation can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • uncomfortable position, which compresses blood vessels;
  • varicose veins;
  • high level, which creates plaques that narrow the lumen of blood vessels;
  • smoking;
  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

What to do

If the problem of icy feet plagues you regularly, consult a therapist. It will help to find out what exactly caused the circulatory problems and will give necessary recommendations on prevention. If we are talking about a one-time situation, most likely, it will be enough to get up and warm up.

3. You have iron deficiency anemia

Simply put, a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. Perpetually cold hands and feet are one of the most striking symptoms Iron deficiency anemia this condition.

What to do

A deficiency, as a rule, makes itself felt by weakness, fatigue, brittle hair and nails. If you experience these signs along with icy limbs, consult a physician. The doctor will ask you to do a blood test, and based on the results, he will advise you to adjust your diet or prescribe special medications.

4. You don't have enough thyroid hormones

Hypothyroidism is a fairly common condition that is initial stages almost doesn't make itself felt. Well, maybe just little things: fatigue, a tendency to swelling, weight gain, constipation, dry skin... Freezing hands and feet are also one of the early symptoms Why Am I Cold? lack of hormones important for metabolism.

What to do

Again, go to the doctor (you can go straight to an endocrinologist) and do a blood test for thyroid hormones. Based on its results, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations and treatment for you.

5. You have diabetes

Elevated blood glucose levels have a bad effect on blood vessels: they lose elasticity and narrow. Because of this, blood flow to the tissues deteriorates and the limbs begin to freeze.

In addition, there is an unpleasant complication - peripheral neuropathy, when due to constant high level sugar damages the nerve endings in the feet. As a result, your feet may feel like they are on fire or, on the contrary, frozen.

What to do

Contact your doctor to confirm or deny possible diabetes. If the disease is diagnosed, the doctor will offer you treatment that will help get rid of frozen feet.

6. You have kidney problems

Malfunctions of the kidneys lead to edema, which compresses the blood vessels and again impairs blood circulation. The limbs are the first to suffer from swelling and, as a result, a constant feeling of cold.

What to do

See your therapist again. He will order tests for you to help check the health of your kidneys. And if necessary, she will prescribe medications that will help get rid of swelling and associated unpleasant symptoms.

7. You have anorexia

This eating disorder causes a person to refuse food and rapidly lose weight. The lack of fat tissue caused by anorexia makes it difficult for the body to retain heat. To maintain the temperature necessary for the functioning of vital internal organs, the brain limits blood circulation to the periphery - in the extremities.

What to do

There are enough symptoms besides cold feet and hands. The key ones are sudden weight loss and fear of “extra” calories. If this applies to you, be sure to visit a therapist so as not to miss the development of serious disorders.

8. You chronically don't get enough sleep.

Lack of sleep slows down metabolism in general and blood circulation in particular. And violating the latter, among other things, leaves us with ice-cold feet.

What to do

Give yourself the opportunity to get enough sleep and in the future try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. This will not only help warm your limbs, but will also have a beneficial effect on your well-being and health in general.

Did you know that in British law, cold hands and feet of a spouse were officially considered a legal reason for divorce? How often do we encounter unreasonably cold temperatures on our hands and feet, even during the summer heat! What is the reason that hands and feet can be almost icy, and is it possible to somehow cope with this?

In fact, cold hands and feet can be a manifestation of completely different conditions and be caused by different reasons. Insufficient blood supply to tissues, low blood pressure, chills, and even Raynaud's phenomenon and cold urticaria - these are just some of the possible reasons that your touch is the touch of the Snow Maiden.

The cradle of humanity is the tropics. We feel most comfortable when warm, and the slightest drop in ambient temperature causes the body to devote all its resources to providing for vital organs and systems. And he does this at the expense of our “periphery”: arms, legs, nose, ears.

Let us leave aside frostbite and chills (erythema pernio, perniosis), as extreme cases of tissue damage due to low temperature and humidity. We will also not consider Raynaud's phenomenon, which manifests itself in a pathological narrowing of the blood vessels of the fingers and toes during hypothermia. All these cases require mandatory medical intervention. These are injuries or manifestations of quite serious diseases with pronounced symptoms (ulcers, discoloration of tissues, etc.). But what to do if your hands are cold without any extreme activities, in a hot room or on a sunny beach?

Causes of cold extremities

There are quite a few reasons for cold hands and feet. Let's name some of the most common ones. Natural thermoregulation in a woman’s body is much weaker than in men. This physiology explains why cold extremities healthy women are much more common.

It is clear that if you are outside for a long time in the cold, you can get very cold, then your hands and feet will cool down. To restore the temperature of the limbs and the comfortable state of the whole body, you need to warm yourself with clothes, go indoors, and warm up with hot tea. This process is quite natural. But how can we explain the presence of cold hands and feet if a person is in a warm room or in hot weather?

Mostly the beautiful half of humanity aged from 18 to 58 years old is sick. The initial symptoms are mild and therefore do not attract attention. Upon reaching a certain age, when reserve mechanisms begin to be exhausted, the entire list of symptoms of VSD appears.

This phenomenon may be a consequence of severe anxiety, in which the blood vessels narrow and impede the flow of blood to the tissues. An external manifestation of this condition can be a change in skin color - it first turns white, then due to venous stagnation it can acquire a bluish tint. Legs and hands get cold. When a person calms down, blood flow is restored and the skin becomes its normal color.

One of the reasons for the condition in which the hands and feet are constantly cold is an improper low-calorie diet. This group includes mainly women who want to lose weight and constantly exhaust themselves. varied diets. With such a diet, a person does not receive enough fats and carbohydrates, proteins and other microelements. It has been proven that without receiving the required amount of fat, a person will constantly freeze.

Another cause of this problem is poor circulation. It can be caused by wearing constricting objects - bracelets, rings, watches, gloves, etc. Also, blood circulation in the human body can be impaired by stress and severe mental anxiety. In order for everything to return to normal, it is necessary to eliminate the source of the circulatory disorder.

Symptoms of cold hands and feet can signal the presence of serious diseases in the human body. These include problems of the thyroid gland, nervous system and some others. Therefore, you need to treat this condition carefully and consult a doctor.

The most common causes of cold hands and feet:

  • Genetic predisposition to the narrowing of blood vessels at the slightest fluctuation in ambient temperature. This type of reaction is more common in women and is associated with fluctuations in estrogen, a hormone that plays a large role in the thermoregulation of body temperature.
  • Manifestation of diseases, the list of which is quite large. First of all, diabetes, anemia, hypothyroidism, lupus, vitamin B12 deficiency. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, and he will prescribe appropriate treatment and diet.
  • Manifestation of vegetative-vascular or neurocirculatory dystonia. In this case, the problem is functional in nature without organic causes, and the problem can be easily eliminated with exercise, diet, lifestyle changes and simply time.
  • Are cold hands and feet your only complaint and are you generally healthy? Least, you are lacking physical activity , and in this case physical exercise should help you.

Treatment of serious diseases

Iron-deficiency anemia

Iron is the main component of hemoglobin in the blood, the main transport vehicle for oxygen. Lack of iron leads to disruption of metabolic processes in cells, including energy. This occurs due to poor nutrition, impaired absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract, increased blood loss (nasal, uterine, etc.), with a special need for it (pregnancy, lactation, fast growth) etc. Additional signals are pale skin and mucous membranes, dizziness, fatigue, tinnitus, rapid heartbeat.

Vegetovascular dystonia

First of all, a clinical blood test is required. Normal level hemoglobin in children under 6 years of age – 110 g/l, in children over 6 years of age and adults – 120 g/l. Important special diet– less milk, more meat, fruits and vegetables. Iron supplements are taken in combination with ascorbic acid.

In this case, hot and cold flashes, lack of air, dizziness are felt, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing. arterial pressure. Irritability increases and fatigue increases. From time to time I experience pain in the heart and tingling in various parts of the body. Moreover, the examination does not reveal signs of damage to organs and systems. The cause of the malaise is a disruption of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the entire body.

It often occurs against the background of many diseases, so it is important to undergo full examination, especially from an endocrinologist and neurologist. Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and psychotherapy help to cope with the disease.

Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland is a key link in the hormonal regulation of the entire body. With hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones) they slow down metabolic processes. Lethargy and lethargy, drowsiness appear, excess weight. The person feels depressed. The face, especially the eyelids, swells, and the pulse slows down. The skin becomes dry, often flakes, and thickens. The functioning of the mechanisms responsible for supporting normal temperature bodies. When thyroid hormone levels are low, a person often feels cold.

It is important to undergo an examination by an endocrinologist, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and take general analysis blood and urine. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc.


Vascular damage leads to heart attacks and strokes, blindness, and kidney failure. But it all starts small; due to insufficient blood circulation, hands and feet become cold.

Early diagnosis is very important to prevent irreversible changes in the pancreas that produces insulin. A glucose tolerance test is required before the age of 45 - once every 3 years, after 45 years - annually.


There is a thickening and loss of elasticity of the walls of the arteries, a narrowing of their lumen with subsequent disruption of the blood supply to the organs. Hence the cold hands. When cerebral vessels are damaged, tinnitus, dizziness, memory loss, and headache are noted. Power with excessive quantity animal fat, a sedentary lifestyle, and psycho-emotional stress can lead to this disease.

An ECG, ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels, rheovasography, angiography, coronary angiography are performed, blood pressure is measured, lipid levels (cholesterol, etc.) and blood sugar are examined.


Deformation and thinning of the intervertebral discs, muscle spasm lead to compression of the spinal cord, surrounding nerves and blood vessels. Blood circulation is disrupted, hands and feet become cold, a feeling of numbness and aches appears, constant aching pain in the back, headache, and dizziness occur.

It is necessary to consult a neurologist. Complex treatment includes physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, extension (traction) of the spine, reflexology, drug therapy. In difficult cases, surgery is possible.

Scleroderma, Raynaud's syndrome

The fingers or toes become cold, numb, a tingling sensation appears in them, and they become white or even bluish in color. This occurs under the influence of stress or temperature exposure and can last from several minutes to several hours. At the end of the attack, the bluish skin turns red, fever and pain appear. This is Raynaud's syndrome - one of the manifestations of scleroderma. As a result of damage to the blood vessels, many organs and tissues of the body are affected, especially the skin. The face takes on a mask-like appearance, and it is difficult to open the mouth. It is believed that scleroderma is stimulated by viruses, poisoning, and congenital predisposition. This disease occurs 5 times more often in women than in men.

At the first symptoms, you should urgently consult a dermatologist. Conduct laboratory test blood, urine, immunodiagnostics, X-ray examination of bones and joints, ultrasound of internal organs, cardiac diagnostics.

Folk ways to combat the disease

  1. Dress appropriately for the weather. This is a very important rule. Moreover, it should work even if you are going to leave the house for just a minute. Be sure to wear gloves and a hat. The hat is also important in the case of your problem, oddly enough. Shoes should be true to size and, if possible, have air cushioning. You can also dress warmer at home. You should sleep in warm pajamas.
  2. Forget about smoking. Everyone knows that nicotine constricts blood vessels. But in the case of your illness, this is simply unacceptable - smoking instantly causes a spasm of small capillaries.
  3. Forget about hardening. Sadly, you will also have to give up a cool tempering shower. All for the same reason - you need to keep your upper and lower extremities warm.
  4. Do special gymnastics. Simple exercises will help you improve blood circulation in your limbs. Namely: do the “mill” exercise, swing your arms in all directions. You need to do such exercises very actively, otherwise there will be no effect from them.
  5. Consume fish oil. Fish oil can increase the body's resistance to cold - just what you need. It is possible that the “freezing” of the extremities is due to a reduced hemoglobin content in the blood. Therefore, measures should be taken to increase its concentration. To do this, include more pumpkin and pomegranate juice in your diet. Eat as many foods rich in iron as possible - then you will correct the situation.

Folk recipes

Tincture for rubbing:

  1. chop two hot peppers
  2. then pour this raw material into a bottle of vodka
  3. add one tablespoon of salt and mustard powder to the mixture
  4. then close the bottle and shake it well
  5. Next, you should put the bottle with the product to infuse until it turns red
  6. Rub your limbs with the resulting tincture before going to bed.
  7. but don’t do it too intensely - ideally, the tincture should be absorbed by itself
  8. when the skin is dry, put on warm socks

Baths for vasodilation:

  1. pour warm water into a basin
  2. then pour pepper tincture into the water, the recipe for which is described above
  3. it should be 50 grams for every 5 liters of water
  4. after that, add one tablespoon of cinnamon and 10 drops of clove oil to the water
  5. mix all additives in water
  6. then immerse your legs in the basin and hold them there for a third of an hour
  7. you can repeat these procedures regularly

Medicinal tea:

  1. pour half a dessert spoon of ginger powder into a glass of boiling water
  2. then add a thin slice of lemon to the tea
  3. leave the product to infuse for a quarter of an hour and then drink immediately while it is still warm
  4. This drug should be taken twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed
  5. You can add a spoonful of honey to the drink to improve its taste.
  6. This product warms up the body very effectively.

Warming your feet:

  1. soak your feet in hot water
  2. after this, put on socks, the soles of which have been previously soaked in alcohol or vodka
  3. put on warm socks over them - this will warm up your feet very quickly

Coniferous baths:

  1. take two handfuls of pine needles
  2. pour two liters of boiling water over this raw material
  3. then put the mixture on the fire and cook for five minutes
  4. after this, wait about half an hour until the product infuses
  5. then add five tablespoons of salt to it and stir everything
  6. pour the resulting preparation equally into two basins
  7. then pour hot water into one basin and cold water into the other
  8. first immerse your legs in a basin of hot water, hold them there for 20 seconds, then pour this water on your legs from a ladle, then repeat the same thing, only with cold water
  9. alternate water until hot water won't cool down

Cold hands of a child

Cold hands in a child may mean that he is very cold or ill. If a child's cold hands and feet are accompanied by a fever, this indicates a cold or flu. As a rule, the problem of cold hands and feet in a child goes away on its own with recovery.

Cold hands on a baby are not a cause for alarm if the baby eats and develops normally. In newborns, heat exchange is significantly different from that of adults, so even in extreme heat, infants may have cold hands. However, if the baby has stopped being active and has lost his appetite, then cold feet and hands may be a sign of illness. In this case, you should call a pediatrician.

We treat cold extremities of the hands and feet with massage

Rubbing and massage will help cope with the problem of cold hands and feet. Massage should be done with essential oils. The following composition for rubbing is also recommended: per tablespoon olive oil– three drops of black pepper and rosemary oil.

An effective means for rubbing is a tincture of red capsicum in vodka (a few pods are thrown into a bottle of vodka, shaking every day. After 2 weeks you can use). Massage of cold hands and feet should be done from the bottom up - massage downwards with force, and lightly stroking upwards.

Constantly freezing feet can be saved with magnetic insoles, which are placed in shoes and worn for several hours a day. You can even sleep with them by putting them in your socks.

Aromatherapy for cold hands and feet

And, of course, aromatherapy offers effective ways cope with the problem of cold extremities. Essential oils of ginger, eucalyptus, black pepper, nutmeg and juniper not only stimulate blood circulation, but also activate immune system. Add a few drops of ether to massage or vegetable oil and massage your limbs - and you will feel a quick surge of warmth.

Great effective recipe presented by French professor Dominique Davenne. The product is a specially selected composition essential oils having vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effects. This essential mixture is suitable for regular use to treat the problem of cold hands and feet, and as a emergency remedy at initial stage frostbite.

Mix essential oils in a dark glass bottle:

  • wintergreen 30%
  • lemongrass or litzea 25%
  • chamomile 7%
  • sandalwood 6%
  • myrrh 5%
  • sweet orange 27%
    The resulting mixture can be used in the form of local baths, having previously dissolved 10-15 drops of the mixture in a solubilizer ( sea ​​salt, honey, organic solubilizer). You can also add it to massage oil: 5-7 drops per 10 ml of oil (almond, peach, macadamia, etc.)