My lower back was pinched. Instant treatment for a pinched nerve in the back at home. Treatment using manual therapy methods

As a rule, the main causes of pinched nerves are degenerative diseases of the spine (spine tumor, hernia, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, and the like).

A disc herniation is a protrusion of the internal structures of the nucleus pulposus (intervertebral cartilage) through the annulus fibrosus (a defect in the lining). If this feature is located near the exit of the lumbar nerves, then as the hernia grows or with awkward movement, a natural pinching of the nerve root occurs.

When a nerve is pinched in the lower back, it develops gradually. This happens as muscle spasm develops and swelling in the inflamed tissues increases. Inflammation develops against the background of metabolic disorders in the connective tissue and the degenerative process. Increased stress, hypothermia and other factors can provoke and aggravate the situation.

Spondylolisthesis is a displacement of a vertebra in any direction relative to the underlying one. It occurs when the intervertebral disc is destroyed. In this case, the intervertebral canals narrow on both sides. In this case, bilateral compression of the nerve roots is observed.

With spondylosis, there is the development of bone growths along the edges of the vertebrae that resemble thorns - the so-called. If they form in the area of ​​the intervertebral canal, this pinching, as a rule, becomes chronic. In this case, there is a feeling as if the back is jammed. In such cases, surgery is often required.

A pinched nerve in the lower back may be associated with post-traumatic complications. With compression, dislocations and other injuries, pinching of nerve fibers often occurs.

Treatment methods

First of all, if you have pinched nerves, you should definitely seek advice from a neurologist or your doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the cause of the disease is inflammation, then in some cases non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in injections, tablets or ointments. Hormonal injections and steroid ointments, so-called blockades, have an excellent effect.

As the inflammatory process decreases, the specialist may suggest a set of special exercises. They effectively strengthen the muscle corset, preventing aggravation of the process in the future.

Pinched nerve endings can be eliminated using a variety of osteopathic and manual techniques. In this case, the pain syndrome is relieved over time.

Improvement metabolic processes, increased blood flow, muscle relaxation is achieved using physiotherapeutic methods (electric massage, magnetic therapy, myostimulation, electrophoresis, etc.). Segmental and acupressure massage helps perfectly.

Any person can face such a nuisance as a pinched nerve. But most often professional athletes and people over the age of 40 suffer from this. Sometimes it is quite difficult to endure the pain and discomfort that a pinched nerve in the lower back causes. Fortunately, treatment for this disease exists and is usually very effective.

What happens inside the body when a person begins to experience severe acute pain in the lumbar spine? The occurrence of an unpleasant syndrome is simple to explain: the root of one of the main parts of the central nervous system - the spinal cord - which is located in the lumbar region, is compressed by neighboring vertebrae or for other reasons (due to the development of tumors, muscle spasms, etc.). And the result of this is severe shooting pain in the lower back, preventing a person from moving calmly.

Table. Types of pinching.

ViewWhere is the pain located?

Pain can be felt in the sacral area, on the back of the leg or in the buttock area.

In this case, attacks of pain are noted in the back of the limbs, buttocks or in the lumbar region.

In this case, as a rule, almost the entire back and lower back hurt.

On a note!, in addition to the presence of acute pain, it is often accompanied by muscle numbness or lack of full functioning of some organs.


However, pain is not the only sign of a pinched nerve. There are a number of other symptoms that characterize the presence of this problem. They may differ, and the differences often depend on how the disease manifests itself, whether inflammatory process, what caused the pinching, etc.

At sciatic nerve compression a person often feels sharp pricks and a burning sensation that radiates to the leg. The limb moves with difficulty, and if a person stands, he feels severe shooting pain. If the patient has intervertebral hernia, then the pain will have a very strong intensity. In the presence of inflammation in the area of ​​the pinched nerve we could be talking about radiculitis.

If there was pinched sciatic nerve, then the pain will be localized in the lower back and radiate to the lower limbs. When a sensory nerve is compressed, the pain syndrome can be stabbing, shooting, paroxysmal or constant. If the pain is constant and nagging, then we are most likely talking about tumor processes.

Attention! Regardless of which nerve and how it was pinched, the place where it is located always hurts, turns red, and swells. Muscle cramps in this area may occur.

Pinched sciatic nerve is a common occurrence for modern people.

As a rule, at night the symptoms become more obvious and stronger. The pain will also be more noticeable when sneezing, sharp turns of the body, or coughing. When the body becomes hypothermic, the back will begin to hurt more. Additional symptoms of entrapment may include numbness in the lower extremities, trouble urinating, or increased number of trips to the toilet. Less commonly and in severe cases, constipation/fecal incontinence occurs.

On a note! Typically, when a nerve is pinched, a person cannot assume an upright position.

What can trigger it?

Pinched nerve endings can be caused by various reasons. This could be due to some disease or incorrect dosage. exercise stress. Main provoking factors:

On a note! Risk factors that can contribute to the occurrence of pinching include heredity, poor posture, and pregnancy.

Osteochondrosis does not always cause pinching. Often it appears only during exacerbations, during hypothermia of the back, or excessive physical exertion. And when spondylosis pinching occurs due to the formation of special bone growths - osteophytes - at the edges of the vertebrae. In this case, the pinching can take a chronic form.

Pinching is very often observed in athletes, despite the fact that during training a lot of attention is paid to pumping the back. Weightlifters are often the ones who experience lower back pain.

During pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your back condition, especially during the last trimester. The child is actively developing, gaining weight, which has an impact on direct impact on the mother's spine.

Bandages for pregnant women

How to treat?

Treatment for pinching depends on the cause that caused it. Only a doctor can determine it. However, as first aid, you can do the following: try to take a horizontal position, while lying down on a flat surface that does not have a slope. In this case, the load on the nerve is reduced, and the attack should pass. Warming your lower back with a warm wool scarf will also help relieve pain. The main thing is that the heat is dry. It will help ease the suffering a little. However, even if the pain subsides, it is worth remembering that this is a temporary effect, and a visit to a specialist is necessary.

Attention! In severe cases, pinching can lead to paralysis or paresis, so treatment should not be neglected. It is important to contact as soon as possible after the first signals appear.

You can try to relieve pain using painkillers. However, it is important to remember that they can be harmful and have a number of contraindications. But pain relief is only the elimination of a symptom, not a cure.

First you need to find out an accurate diagnosis by visiting a doctor. He will prescribe x-rays, MRI, CT and other diagnostic methods. An X-ray will show a nerve pinched by bone tissue, and an MRI will show a nerve pinched by soft tissue. Only after a complete and accurate diagnosis can we talk about possible therapy.

Basic treatment methods:

Prices for postoperative bandages

An ancient technique such as acupuncture also helps to cope with pain. It is absolutely safe, painless, but very effective. It eliminates swelling and pain well. The technique is often used in addition to the above treatment methods.

The doctor may prescribe several treatment methods at once. This will depend on the severity of the disease. When the pain subsides a little, the doctor may recommend performing special gymnastics courses. It will strengthen your back muscles and work out your spine, improving its condition. It is important to remember that a number of exercises may be contraindicated for certain diseases, so the course of training must be agreed upon with your doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing irreparable harm to your back.

Advice! To improve metabolic processes, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes. It is especially good to pay attention to those that contain large quantities of B vitamins.

The patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. He will be given bed rest, as well as restriction motor activity to the minimum level. If the sleeping place is very soft, it is better to replace it with a flat and hard one.

If you want to learn in more detail how to treat, and also consider alternative treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Preventive actions

Even after successful treatment, recurrences of pinched nerves in the lumbar region may well occur. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor your health and not forget about preventive measures. These include:

  • rationality of physical activity;
  • regular gentle training;
  • weight control;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • posture correction;
  • for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle - increase physical activity or, at a minimum, introduce regular walks;
  • periodically changing the shoulder on which the bag is worn;
  • reducing the risk of being in a situation that could lead to injury;
  • providing yourself with a good, level sleeping place.

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Treating lower back pain

Step 1. It is worth assessing your physical activity well. If you lack it, you need to increase the amount of movement daily - at least, walk down the street. For those who have experienced a pinched nerve due to exercise in the gym, it is recommended to forget about active sports for a while and choose something gentle.

Step 2. You can relieve pain by applying a compress to your back. It is important to remember that cold compresses are prohibited for chronic pain - in this case, it is better to choose dry heat.

Step 3. To relieve pain, you can take any medication that has analgesic properties. It is important to remember that there are contraindications.

Step 4. You should change your sleeping place or at least your sleeping position. Often pain occurs precisely because of an uncomfortable mattress or incorrect body position at night.

Step 5. You need to monitor your posture and keep your back straight.

Step 6. Lifting weights must be done carefully. If possible, it is better to divide the load into several parts and carry it in several approaches. If you need to move a large box, then it is better to take it from a sitting position, being as close to it as possible.

Step 7 You should take a course of lower back massage. The main thing is to choose a therapeutic massage. The course must be completed in full to achieve the desired effect.

Step 8 Acupuncture relieves pain well. It is recommended to combine it with massage and other treatment methods.

Step 9 It is important to visit a doctor to find out the exact cause of the pinched nerve and get professional treatment.

Video - Exercises for pinched nerves

If you want to learn in more detail how to treat, and also consider effective treatment methods and remedies, you can read an article about this on our portal.

A pinched nerve in the lumbar region is a very unpleasant disease that causes severe discomfort and significantly affects the quality of life. It is important to treat it with the utmost care and be sure to complete the full course of treatment, otherwise you may end up with serious back problems.

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A pinched nerve in the lower back causes sharp pain. The lumbago often radiates to the groin area, leg, buttock. Only strong analgesics help stop the attack, but without eliminating the causes, the painful symptoms recur. Vertebrologists note a decrease in the age of patients coming to clinics with complaints of pinched nerves in the lumbar area and painful lumbago.

Osteochondrosis, lumbodynia, excessive stress on the spine, congenital defects are not all the factors that provoke acute pain. At an appointment with a specialist, the patient will be more confident and will be able to ask questions if he receives information about the main points associated with the development of lower back pain.

Causes of the disease

The sciatic nerve is the longest and most powerful in the body. This fact increases the vulnerability of the nerve process. With inflammation and swelling, it is possible that the size of an important element of the nervous system may change, thickening with further pinching in the area between the vertebrae.

When cartilage tissue degenerates, the distance between the vertebrae decreases and the nerve processes become pinched. When muscles spasm, the pathological process progresses and pain occurs more frequently.

The main causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve:

  • in the area of ​​the lumbosacral region;
  • development ;
  • consequence of hypothermia;
  • metabolic disorders due to stress;
  • bulging intervertebral discs;
  • tumors and tuberculosis in the lumbar area (less commonly).

Pathologies in which pain often radiates to the leg:

  • lumbago. The disease develops against the background of hypothermia, lifting heavy loads;
  • lumbarization. Anomaly of the development of the spinal column. The child is born with a defect: the photographs show fusion of the vertebrae, a decrease in the number of bone structures in the lumbosacral area;
  • sciatica or . The pathology develops against the background of damage to the sciatic nerve. Severe discomfort with painful shooting in the legs is a characteristic sign of the disease;
  • lumbodynia. Pain syndrome is a consequence of abrasion of intervertebral discs under high loads, damage to the vertebrae due to impacts, falls, after an accident;
  • sciatica. Acute pain pierces the lower back with severe muscle overload. Frequent lifting of weights, especially if the norms are not followed, causes a recurrence of painful manifestations; lumbago radiates to the buttocks, groin, and lower extremities.

Previously, doctors observed pinched nerves in the spine with pronounced pain syndrome in elderly people against the background of degenerative-dystrophic processes. Nowadays, young people suffering from similar symptoms often come to see an orthopedic traumatologist, vertebrologist and neurologist. A sedentary lifestyle or high loads, “rejuvenation” of many spinal pathologies are dangerous factors that disrupt the lives of people of working age.

Forms of lumboischialgia

The disease often develops with excessive load on the lumbar area. Severe pain is the main symptom of all types of pathologies, against the background of which painful symptoms develop. The pain radiates to the leg strictly along the course of the inflamed nerve: through the gluteal area, the back of the thigh, then branches, descends along the back of the lower leg to the plantar area of ​​the foot.

The predominance of certain symptoms characterizes one of the forms of lumboischialgia:

  • neurodystrophic. A characteristic symptom is increased pain at night. Disruption of metabolic processes occurs not only in nerve fibers: in the neurodystrophic form of lumboischialgia, the skin is affected. The patient notices a thinning of the epidermis on the legs; in advanced cases, long-term non-healing ulcers may appear near the ankle joint;
  • vegetative-vascular. The patient not only experiences acute pain, but also feels numbness in the limbs. When the patient gets up in the morning after waking up or resting in bed during the day, the discomfort in the lumbar area intensifies and the pain syndrome worsens. The greatest degree of damage was noted on the foot from the side of the problematic nerve: the area is cold and pale. Vascular disorders cause other unpleasant manifestations: decreased sensitivity, “goosebumps” under the skin, flashes of cold or heat;
  • muscular-tonic. A characteristic symptom is a sharp limitation of movements, curvature of the spine forward (lordosis) or to the side (scoliosis). Deformation of the spinal column negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and appearance patient. Muscle spasm in the lower extremities and lower back provokes acute pain; combination with spinal curvature enhances negative symptoms.

On a note! The “pure” form of the disease appears rarely; a combined type of pathology develops more often. The combination of different forms enhances negative manifestations and complicates diagnosis.

First signs and symptoms

The main symptom of a pinched nerve in the back is severe pain radiating to the leg. It is easy to trace the location of the affected nerve fiber by movement pain.

Primary signs:

  • paroxysmal, aching, acute or quickly passing pain;
  • lumbago in the lower extremities, gluteal region, groin;
  • it seems that “goosebumps” are crawling up your legs;
  • the lower limbs become numb, blood circulation is impaired, the feet are cold and insensitive.

Secondary signs:

  • pain in other parts of the back, arms, shoulder girdle, pelvic area;
  • an increase in temperature during an active inflammatory process.


To identify the root cause of the pain syndrome and clarify the type and stage of the pathology, the patient should make an appointment with a neurologist or orthopedic traumatologist. If there is a vertebrologist in your locality, you can contact a specialist who deals with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

It is important to exclude damage to internal organs, gynecological diseases, and the development of a tumor process. The patient undergoes a blood test, an X-ray of the spine and a magnetic resonance imaging scan.

General rules and methods of treatment

How to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back? Problems with the lower spine need to be solved before the pathology reaches an irreversible stage. It is not enough to relieve pain with powerful analgesics: pinched nerves and the inflammatory process do not disappear from the use of painkillers, and the discomfort intensifies.

Doctors try to avoid surgery, offer the patient conservative treatment. It requires taking several types of medications, undergoing physical therapy, visiting a chiropractor, and performing special exercises.

Warning! Injections of potent drugs over a long period of time have a negative effect on many systems. Uncontrolled application of ointments gives a temporary effect; inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve does not cure.


Medications for lower back pain:

  • . Movalis, Nise, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Voltaren Retard, Dolobene, Diclofenac, Finalgel, Ketorolac. The drugs have a negative effect on the delicate mucous membranes of the digestive organs: all formulations, even for external use, should be used only after meals;
  • compounds that relieve muscle spasms. Mydocalm, Myocaine, Baclofen. The doctor selects the optimal drug that combines well with NSAID drugs;
  • blockade using one, two or three components to relieve excruciating pain. For injections, the main ingredients with active analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are used. Local anesthetics are effective: Mercaine, Lidocaine, Novocaine, corticosteroids: Kenalog, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone, Depo-Medrol, Dexamethasone. Additional components to enhance the effect of active substances: papain, ATP, platifillin, rumalon, thrombolysin, lidase. Blockades have contraindications, in particular, pregnancy, bleeding tendency, and renal failure.

Additional Therapy Options

Other methods of treating pinched nerves in the lumbar area:

  • manual therapy;
  • treatment using a traction couch;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy: diadynamic currents, magnetic and amplipulse therapy, phonophoresis, therapeutic massage;
  • gymnastics and exercises for pinching the sciatic nerve to develop the affected area after eliminating the pronounced pain syndrome;
  • applying homemade ointments to problem areas with an analgesic and warming effect. All folk remedies can be used only with the permission of a vertebrologist or neurologist. Application of inappropriate compounds increases the inflammatory process and worsens the patient's condition.

Find out why and how to get rid of pain.

A page is written about the symptoms of lumbar hernia and effective treatment options for the formation.

Go to the address and read about treating spinal hemangioma with folk remedies at home.

Patients who have experienced manifestations of lumbago, lumboischialgia, and other conditions associated with pinched nerves know how painful attacks can be. Doctors recommend protecting the spine and back muscles and not provoking the development of negative symptoms in order to avoid acute pain radiating to the leg, buttocks, and groin.

Prevention measures:

  • Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  • Women are less likely to wear high heels.
  • Lift the load correctly, do not exceed the norm for a certain age and body weight.
  • Do not make sudden movements; when bending to the sides, forward and backward, calculate the optimal amplitude.
  • Eat nutritiously, get enough collagen, vitamins and microelements, do not overuse salt.
  • Drink strong coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, sour juices and fruits less often.
  • During high physical activity, wear a special belt or corset that supports the spinal column, protecting the muscles from overstrain.
  • Control body weight: every extra kilos negatively affects the vertebrae and cartilage.
  • Do gymnastics, strengthen the muscle corset, maintain the elasticity of cartilage, and the flexibility of the spine.
  • During pregnancy, avoid excessive stress, carrying heavy bags, and wear a special bandage with a supporting effect.

For pinched nerves, lower back pain, painful lumbago You cannot self-medicate. You will need the help of an experienced doctor, a set of drugs and procedures to get rid of acute symptoms. It is necessary to understand the causes of the negative phenomenon, study preventive measures so as not to encounter damage to the spine and muscles.

The following video shows effective exercise for acute pain, which quickly relieves pinching of the sciatic nerve in the lumbar region:

People over the age of 40 and professional athletes face problems in the lumbar region. Most often, pain is associated with fatigue from heavy exertion. But sometimes back pain is caused by a pinched nerve in the lower back. Spicy and sharp pains restrict movement and force you to swallow air convulsively. The symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back are extremely unpleasant.

The pain is explained by the fact that the nerve root of the spinal cord, located in the lower back, is strongly compressed. Therefore, a sharp “shooting” pain occurs in the lower back. In the first seconds, it even seems that the muscle is torn. Another symptom that occurs when a nerve root is compressed is sciatica. This disease affects patients aged 35-40 years.

There can be many reasons for pinching. Athletes regularly experience intense stress. Almost any workout includes exercises to strengthen your back muscles. Weightlifters especially often experience pinched nerves in the lumbar region. In this sport, working out any muscle group somehow affects the back. Excessive loads and improper exercise can lead to muscle spasms.

As a result of excess tone, the muscle pinches the nerve ending, causing lower back pain. If the aggravated condition is not relieved, constant muscle tone can lead to inflammation.

Pinching of the lumbar nerve occurs not only in athletes. The disease can befall people suffering from intervertebral hernia. This is a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system. When it occurs, the disc nucleus falls out of the spinal column, and compression of the radicular nerve in the lumbar spine occurs.

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If the lower back is twisted to one side, this may be the result of a side symptom of a disease such as osteochondrosis. It occurs when the vertebrae in the spinal column are deformed. The consequence of osteochondrosis is very often pinched nerve in the lower back.

Oddly enough, pregnancy can provoke a pinched lumbar nerve. In the last stages, the fetus is actively gaining weight, increasing in size. Center of gravity expectant mother moves forward, additionally loading the lower back. With the transition to old age, a person’s bone tissue loses density. Elderly people find it difficult to carry out any kind of workload. Even effortless work of the spinal muscles leads to overload and compression of the vertebrae.

First aid for strangulation

What to do if a nerve is pinched in the lower back? At the time of the attack, you must take a horizontal position on a flat surface. It should be warm and not tilted. Lying down will ease the pressure on the pinched nerve.

At the time of the attack, the patient cannot take the “straight” position. Any movement of the back is accompanied by a new spasm and increased pain. The first aid will be simple folk remedies that our grandmothers have been using for several decades. Wrap the lumbar area tightly with a warm blanket or woolen scarf. This will provide dry heat, which will partially relax the muscles and provide temporary relief from pain.

Take any strong pain reliever. Ketorol, Ketanov, Spazmalgon and others relieve pain well.

Please note that these drugs have a large number of contraindications. It is best to consult your doctor before purchasing pain medication. 5-10 minutes after taking the drug, you will feel relief and the ability to straighten your skewed position. You can use an anesthetic drug in the form of a gel or ointment (Fastum gel, Ketonal cream and others). The product is applied directly to the area of ​​the body in which pain is felt.

During this acute period, you need to adhere to a diet and daily routine. Stop drinking alcohol. This not only worsens the disease, but also reduces the effect of the drugs. Therefore, the pain may return again. Limit your consumption of spicy and salty foods.

How to treat a pinched nerve?

If the patient’s condition during an exacerbation is so severe, then how to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back? In fact, help is not limited to pain relief. Even if you feel temporary relief, this is not a reason to refuse to visit a doctor.

Firstly, you need to diagnose the reason why the attack occurred. Perhaps the disease is much more serious than a pinched sciatic nerve. And an attack is just a symptom. Secondly, the disease must be cured. Otherwise, attacks will darken your life more and more often. Symptoms and treatment are not related in time. Often, health care It turns out after the attack has stopped, when the patient’s condition returns to normal.

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When you see a doctor, you will be prescribed several types of diagnostic tests:

  • Obtaining a radiograph
  • CT scan

After determining the cause of the pain, the doctor chooses treatment for a pinched nerve in the lower back. Most effective methods are considered:

  • A course of medication. Medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. Complex therapy is possible.
  • Massage is very effective means treatment if the cause of pain is due to excessive stress on the muscles. Additionally, acupuncture is used.
  • Physiotherapy procedures are irreplaceable, especially in severe cases, when inflammation has already begun in the muscles. This therapy helps to act directly on the affected area of ​​the back.
  • Surgical intervention is prescribed only as a last resort. This method is possible if there is a spinal hernia or other pathologies associated with displacement or deformation of internal organs.
  • Manual therapy is effective for moderate disease. Often a course of such treatment helps prevent abdominal surgery. It is recommended to use for the prevention of back diseases.

This treatment for a pinched nerve helps eliminate the cause of the pain attack. It is especially important to use a number of procedures in combination. Taking a course of pills will not be enough. The disease is characterized by too severe symptoms. Manual techniques and acupuncture courses have a targeted effect on muscles and joints. They can be used even during periods of exacerbation.

  • Study the information in detail:

Courses manual therapy and acupressure will not only cure the cause of the disease, but also relieve pain. Such techniques have no contraindications. You can independently contact specialized centers and get advice.

Are relapses possible after treatment?

Unfortunately, our body is unpredictable. People's lifestyles are very different. Athletes return to exercise, older people carry heavy bags again, and pregnancy repeatedly brings happiness to many families. That is, after a course of treatment, people return to their normal life, which has already led to an attack. You can only avoid relapse if you change your lifestyle.

Reconsider your interests, otherwise the nerve root in the lower back will be pinched more than once. Are sports records really that important to you if you're bedridden? Why endure the inconvenience of being overweight? It's time to accept that you are not so young anymore. Now running up the stairs to the 9th floor will not end well for your body.

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Try to reduce the risk of repeating the situation that triggered the attack. But, do not forget about preventive measures to improve health. There are many practices that are excellent prevention of back diseases. Vacuum therapy and stone therapy are successfully used in private medical centers.

The people themselves of different ages They can feel for themselves what a pinched lumbar nerve is. It is accompanied by acute, sharp, severe pain, which can hinder a person’s movements. A variety of diseases can provoke this condition, but there are methods for treating them and getting rid of unpleasant sensations.

Causes of pinched nerve in the lumbar region

Any negative impact on the nerve endings manifests itself in the form of unpleasant sensations, and every movement only aggravates the situation. Various diseases can cause this condition; a pinched nerve in the lower back becomes only a consequence. The following ailments provoke pain:

  1. Intervertebral hernia. It occurs due to compression of the intervertebral discs due to changes in vertebral spaces and displacements. The hernia protrudes from the spinal column and puts pressure on the nerve.
  2. Spinal diseases. The main one in this group is osteochondrosis, which develops after deformation and displacement in the spinal column. At the same time, compression occurs, causing pressure on the nerve endings in the lower back.
  3. Injury. Pinched nerves in the lumbar region are sometimes caused by physical impact, which provokes serious complications.
  4. Muscle spasm. Abnormalities in contraction, inflammation muscle tissue may cause pinched nerves and back pain.
  5. Pregnancy. At speed dial fetal weight in recent months During pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts sharply, which increases the load on the lumbosacral region. This causes a pinched nerve.
  6. Excessive loads. When playing sports or when the muscle corset is weakened, displacement of the vertebral discs can cause additional physical activity. As a rule, it happens when the back is straightened.
  7. Tumor. Any neoplasm in the lumbar region can reach such a size that there is pressure on the roots of the spinal cord.
  8. Excess weight creates additional stress on the vertebra in the lumbar area, which can lead to pinched nerves.

Signs and symptoms

The manifestation of a pinched nerve in the lower back is characterized by sudden pain in the sacral area, in some cases, muscle numbness, and disruption of the functioning of nearby internal organs. Based on the symptoms and localization of the pain syndrome, the following conditions are distinguished:

  1. Ishalgia is pain in the lower back that spreads to the gluteal muscles and the back of the leg.
  2. Lumbagia – pain in the back, elbow, lower back.
  3. Lumboischalgia is pain in the lower back that spreads to the hamstrings.
  4. Cervicalgia - pain spreads to the arm and neck area.
  5. Sciatica is a pinched sciatic nerve; in addition to pain, there is a burning sensation, tingling in the lumbar region, spreading to the biceps of the thigh.

Diagnostic methods

There are many reasons for pinching; there is no clear guide on how to relieve the pain, but the doctor will be able to carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures that will help determine the direction of treatment. The success of therapy depends on timely access to a specialist for help in the clinic. Even taking into account the clarity of the symptoms of the pathology, to determine the root cause, sometimes it is necessary to use several research methods, which include:

  • MRI and CT;
  • X-ray;
  • myelography.

How to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back

There is no single answer to what to do if you have a pinched nerve in your lower back. The best course of action would be to seek medical help. Depending on the root cause, the specialist will prescribe:

  • medication course;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • massage, acupuncture;
  • a course of manual therapy;
  • in extreme cases - surgery.

Drug treatment

One of the treatment options for many causes of pinched nerves in the lumbar region is drug therapy. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, the following may be prescribed:

  1. Injections. Injections of B vitamins are often used, which affect the innervation of muscles, help restore damaged nerves, and normalize metabolism. The following drugs are used: Neurobin, Trigram, Combilipen. The course of treatment for the acute phase is no more than 2 weeks. To reduce the inflammatory process, non-steroidal drugs are prescribed. The disadvantage of such injections is that with the maximum positive effect, a lot of side effects in half of the patients. Among the less dangerous ones is Ibuprofen.
  2. Local action - gels, ointments, creams. All these medications are designed to provide a targeted relaxing or anti-inflammatory effect, which will relieve nerve compression and relieve pain in the lower back. Among the popular drugs are: Chaga balm, Venitan cream, Grandmother Agafya’s Recipes. Treatment of sciatica in 2 days is rare, but analgesics, for example, Capsicam, Viprosal, Nicoflex, Finalgon, help cope with the pain. They improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, and improve metabolic processes.
  3. Pills. Anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Diclofenac, Dikloberl, Ketoprofen, Movalis, help relieve acute lower back pain. They reduce the inflammatory process, reduce pain, but are not a method of treatment, but only relief of symptoms.


The main function of such procedures is to strengthen, elongate (stretch) the muscles, which will help reduce pressure on pinched nerve. Physiotherapy includes heating the affected area, which will help relieve swelling, improve blood circulation, and reduce pain. The effectiveness of the procedures is high when different forms pathology. The following treatment methods may be prescribed:

  • UHF therapy;
  • applications with paraffin;
  • electrophoresis with drugs;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • phonophoresis.

Manual therapy

In some cases, it is possible to get rid of a pinched nerve in 2-3 days. This is possible if lower back pain is caused by displaced intervertebral discs that put pressure on the nerve root. To do this, you will need a session of manual therapy, during which the doctor will be able to return the vertebrae to their place. As a rule, before carrying out actions, the therapist must take an x-ray in order to more accurately influence the cause of the disease. This technique is not suitable for destruction of the fibrous ring of the disc (hernia). Manual therapy helps:

  • eliminate muscle spasm;
  • release the nerve, restore the passage of brain impulses;
  • increase the gap;
  • stimulate blood circulation.


After eliminating the cause of the disease, the patient will have to undergo a recovery course. In this case, acupuncture can be used - a painless and safe procedure that has virtually no contraindications. The main advantage of the method is the reduction of the negative effect due to the refusal of medications (the pharmacological load is reduced).

Therapeutic gymnastics exercise therapy and massage

Exercises for a pinched nerve in the lower back are important not only at the treatment stage, but also to prevent relapse of the disease. Dosed physical activity on the lower back will strengthen the muscular-ligamentous system, preventing re-pinching. Good for this:

  • crunches;
  • squats;
  • bending without weight;
  • push ups.

To restore nerve conduction, self-massage of the lower back should be performed. It is recommended to massage for 15 minutes three times a day. If performed correctly, persistent redness and a feeling of warmth should appear in the lower back. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Apply massage cream to your hands.
  2. Using slow stroking movements, massage the entire lower back and upper buttocks.
  3. Step back 3 cm from the ridge, massage with your fingertips down and up parallel to the spine.
  4. Find the center of pain, massage this place in a circular motion with clockwise pressure. At first it will hurt, but after 5 minutes your lower back will feel lighter and a pleasant warmth will spread.
  5. Clench your fists and knead your gluteal region and lower back well.

Surgical intervention

Sometimes, when pinched, the disease spondylosis develops, which in the event of complications has bone growths on the edges of the vertebrae. Outwardly, they look like thorns and are called osteophytes. When they appear on the intervertebral canal, lumbar pinching becomes chronic. With this complication, you feel as if your back is pinched. This speaks to the need surgical intervention, removal of growths. The operation is also prescribed in cases of intervertebral hernia, when the fibrous ring of the disc has already ruptured.

Folk remedies

If a nerve is pinched, medications from the following may be used as an additional treatment for low back pain. traditional medicine. Here are some of them that will help cope with the disease and speed up treatment:

  1. A remedy consisting of bay leaves and vodka will help cure a pinched lower back. Grind the leaves to make 2 tbsp. l. and add them to 200 ml of vodka. Leave for 3 days. Apply the liquid to your lower back until the pain disappears.
  2. Therapeutic baths have a good effect on a pinched nerve. Place an infusion of calamus root, oak bark or horse chestnut. Water procedures should take at least 15 minutes.
  3. A good remedy To treat lower back pain, use celery juice. Take 1 tablespoon before each meal. Celery has a beneficial effect on the process of restoring the nervous system. You can also use the juice of this plant for compresses, apply it to the lower back where the pain is located.

Video: what to do if a nerve is pinched in the lower back

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Pinched nerve in the lower back