A series of exercises to gain muscle mass for men. Rules for quickly gaining muscle mass for men Regimen for gaining muscle mass for men

150 recruiting tips muscle mass for men and women. A comprehensive list of recommendations in order to make progress in the gym.

  • Do basic exercises. This the best remedy for muscle growth.
  • The largest meal of the day should occur 30-60 minutes after training.
  • Get stronger! There are no weak bodybuilders. You don't have to train like a powerlifter, but you do need to continually increase your strength.
  • Barbell squats are the basis for gaining muscle mass. They don't harm your knees unless you do them with terrible technique and half the range of motion.
  • The deadlift is the second most important exercise after squats. Performing deadlifts correctly will not harm your back in any way.
  • Focus more on technique. Read every article and watch every video on exercise technique that you can find. There are no excuses for crooked squats or deadlifts.
  • Work your upper body muscles in a balanced manner. Give equal attention to training your chest, back and shoulders. Do not do 7 exercises for the chest and only rows on the upper block for the back. A balanced approach will lead to health and strength.
  • Beginners, stop training like the pros using the same training programs and techniques. You don't need it. Do the basic movements better and get stronger.
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  • Beginners should not pursue a large amount of work. Training biceps 3 times a week is pointless. You need to become stronger, and not exhaust yourself with dozens of sets of useless work.
  • Don't think that gaining muscle mass is as difficult as rocket science. It's much simpler: get stronger, eat right and exercise regularly.
  • Don't skip workouts.
  • Don't complain about . This is an integral part of the process. Don't skip workouts because of this. Go to the gym, don't look for any excuses.
  • Don't complain about discomfort and painful sensations. Strength training is for the strong-willed. Sometimes you will want to give up everything... Go to the gym, don't look for any excuses.
  • is more than broccoli, rice and chicken breasts. Eat more variety.
  • Eat more red meat.
  • Eat more eggs. Do not throw away the yolks; they contain a huge amount of useful elements.
  • The more water you drink, the better.
  • recovery after trainingvery important. Sleep at least 8 hours per night. If possible, sleep during the day.
  • Learn to cook. Your diet does not have to be monotonous and tasteless.
  • Not consuming enough calories from food? Add cream or olive oil to your vegetables.
  • Not consuming enough calories? Drink at least 3 large glasses of natural milk every day.
  • Still not consuming enough calories? Add sour cream and cheese to your dishes.
  • Still not consuming enough calories? Snack on nuts between meals.
  • Beginners, don’t bother with the topic of muscle adaptation to load. It won't be long before you reach the plateau. Instead, shock your muscles with heavier weights.
  • Stop changing your workout routine every two weeks. This is a waste of time. You spend more time adapting to the load and simply don’t have time to grow.
  • Stop worrying about your sculpted belly and constantly maintaining a low body fat percentage. Otherwise, you will remain skinny forever. But with abs.

  • Make changes to your training out of necessity, and not just out of a desire to try everything.
  • Almost all known training programs are complete nonsense. Ever notice that 95% of them don't mention increasing weights? However, it is impossible to achieve results without increasing strength indicators.
  • There are useful, and there are completely useless sports supplements. Take a deeper look into this issue.
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  • Not all available information is useful. Combine what you read with what experienced athletes say.
  • Science can help you when it comes to training, but remember that everyone is different. Rely on Scientific research, but adjust your workouts to suit your goals.
  • Be wary of anyone who says any program is 100% effective. Different schemes suit different people.
  • Progression of working weights is the key to muscle growth.
  • Every workout is effective in one way or another. But it's all about how dedicated you are, how you eat and how strong you are.
  • Don't avoid healthy fats. The body needs fats to function properly.
  • 90% of the diet should be natural healthy foods. The remaining 10% is whatever you want. This will improve your well-being.
  • It's not a fact that a guy with a six-pack belly will help you with advice on gaining weight. Remember that there is a difference between diet experts and exercise experts.
  • Squats above parallel are bad for your knees.
  • Squats for 20 reps in one set are pure madness. Try it, you will like it.
  • The more sex you have, the better.
  • Do cardio exercises 3 times a week for overall health. Health will never be superfluous.
  • Cardio will not reduce your progress. Only “lazy” training and the wrong diet can do this.
  • A great way to train your back is to do deadlifts, bent-over rows, and a width exercise like pull-ups or lat pulldowns.
  • Dips are not the most popular, but very effective exercise. They are sometimes called the upper body equivalent of squats. Don't forget to use them in your chest and triceps workouts.
  • Do abdominal exercises that allow you to increase the resistance, such as sit-ups with additional weight or cable crunches.
  • Calf muscles not growing? Try training in low rep ranges with heavy weights for a few months.
  • For many athletes, gaining muscle mass comes down to the fact that they gain a lot of fat because they worry too much about dieting. Gaining weight is impossible without hard training. Do basic exercises and get stronger - this will maximize your progress.
  • Don't limit yourself to fruits and vegetables. Red, green and yellow vegetables and fruits are rich in beneficial microelements.
  • The body needs sodium. Consume enough salt.
  • The right balance sodium and potassium are very important for health. Make sure you have enough potassium in your diet.
  • The body needs cholesterol to function properly. If you eat right, don't worry about your levels in your body.
  • Biceps grow well from heavy bent-over rows and pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Barbell curls are a great addition to these exercises.
  • Use heavy compound triceps presses. For example, close grip bench press and seated French press with dumbbells.
  • Dips and close grip presses are a great combination for the triceps.
  • Do you want to increase the volume of your arms? Remember that the triceps make up 2/3 of the arm's volume.

Read also:

  • Do trapezoids respond poorly to stress? Focus more on heavy deadlifts, clean and jerks, shrugs, overhead presses, and bent-over rows.
  • Don't neglect full-body workouts (when all the muscles are worked at one time). They were very popular during the golden era of bodybuilding. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger was a fan of circuit training.
  • The rear delts cannot be pumped up without heavy barbell rows.
  • Is it difficult to increase working weights in isolated exercises without compromising your technique? Do isolation exercises in block exercises, this will lead to greater progress.
  • Place basic exercises at the beginning of your workout while you are full of energy.
  • You don't have to train to failure. The risk from this is much greater than the potential benefit. Stop doing a set if you feel like you might not be able to do the next rep.
  • Don't exercise if you're not feeling well. If you start to feel unwell during a set, stop the set.
  • Doing the bench press with your elbows at 90 degrees is extremely dangerous for your shoulders. Maintain a 30-60 degree angle between your elbows and your body.
  • Don't "bounce" the barbell away from your chest during the bench press. This may cause injury.
  • Don't do barbell curls in squat racks. Racks are a sacred place reserved only for squats.
  • During the bench press, your elbows and hands should be at the same level. The correct angle between your elbows and your body (30-60 degrees) will help you find the optimal grip width for the press.
  • When bench pressing with a narrow grip, the distance between the hands should not be 10–15 centimeters. This way you injure your hands. Press your elbows to your body, your hands should be strictly above your elbows. This is the optimal width for close grip bench presses.
  • 180-240 grams of protein per day will not harm your kidneys. Feel free to eat the amount of protein you need.
  • Eat a variety of protein foods: meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk. Each protein source has a different amino acid composition, so variety will benefit you.
  • Strength training will not stop you from gaining height.
  • Creatine is a high-quality and well-studied product. Feel free to try.

Read also:

  • Work large muscle groups before small ones.
  • If you're training on a split system, space your chest and shoulder workouts as far apart as possible. In these workouts, you somehow engage the same muscles from different angles, especially during pressing exercises.
  • Beginners should rest as much as they train. For every day of training there should be a day of rest. The body is just starting to adapt, you need a lot of food and time to recover.
  • Don't call yourself a hardgainer (a person who is not prone to gaining weight). Instead, aim to bench press 130kg, squat 180kg, and deadlift 220kg. After that, look at yourself in the mirror. Do you still look like a hard gainer?
  • Don't forget that muscle growth is a process of years, not weeks or months.
  • If you want to learn something interesting, don't look at how experienced bodybuilders train now. Better find out how they trained a few years ago, when they were just starting to gain weight.
  • For basic exercises, stick to the 5-12 rep range. This is how hard work will give the greatest effect.
  • For isolation exercises, stick to the 8-15 rep range. The lighter the weight, the more repetitions
  • Muscle pain is not an indicator of the effectiveness of a workout.
  • Beginners, stop training for a pump (blood filling the muscles). A pump is useless without heavy weights and strength work.
  • Drink a serving of protein 60-90 minutes before training, but never train on a full stomach.
Read also:

  • Enjoy the process.
  • Insert your favorite exercises into your workouts.
  • Taking advice from an athlete who has not tried his advice in practice is a risky proposition.
  • Don't believe everything they write on the Internet. Especially if it is written by an anonymous person without personal photos, videos or contact information.
  • At maximum weights it is almost impossible to maintain perfect technique. This is fine. The heavier the weight, the more difficult it is to lift it correctly.
  • The overhead barbell press is not harmful to the shoulder joints. But too many pressing exercises in your training program can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • First we work with free weights, then we achieve it on exercise machines.
  • Don't try to make your workout easier, make it harder. Do the most energy-intensive exercises.
  • Don't do cardio before strength training. Save your energy for working on muscle growth, and after that you can do cardio.
  • If you're doing cardio after a strength workout, give your body some fuel beforehand. A serving of whey protein is just the thing before you hit the treadmill.
  • Not all sports nutrition products and manufacturers are created equal. Of course, some of them are dummies, but most work very well.
  • Once you are strong enough, increase your training volume.
  • The stronger you are, the more methods To increase intensity, you can use, for example, drop sets and slow passage of the negative phase.
  • Don't believe anything you read on the internet. Even this article. Look for different information and try it out yourself.
  • A split program with a body split into top and bottom is quite possible.
  • When you select your training volume, count how many sets per muscle you complete per week. You can do 9-15 sets once a week, 5-8 sets twice a week, or 3-5 sets three times a week.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all number of sets and reps.
  • How many approaches should you do? Not that important, just try to keep it within an hour. If you train hard and not for too long, you will complete just the right number of sets.
  • The stronger you are, the higher the rep range you can perform on compound movements. This will give a good increase in mass.
  • Take a week off completely from the gym every 8-12 weeks. You won't lose all your muscle mass during this time. You will simply heal your microtraumas, and upon returning to the gym you will begin to train harder than before.
  • More or less experienced athletes should do a light week of training every 3-4 weeks. This is a kind of reboot. This way you can train like a beast for a few days and then recover properly during your easy week.
  • How wide should your leg stance be in squats? Get into a position as if you are trying to hold someone back while playing basketball. This will show optimal foot placement.
  • Don't bring your knees forward during squats. The natural angle between the knees and ankle during squats is about 30 degrees. This rule must be strictly observed; knees and feet should not be brought forward.
  • Believe in the effectiveness of your training program. Without self-confidence there will be no results.
  • Eat when you are hungry. This is an ancient but very wise rule.
  • Snacks between main meals should not be too plentiful. Fruit, protein shake, milk, nuts, protein bars, jerky are all great choices.
  • Buy a basic set of sports nutrition: a good multivitamin complex, fish oil and whey protein. Once you feel like you're making progress, you can explore pre-workout supplements, BCAAs, and creatine.

Each person is individual. Some people gain weight from eating too much, while others cannot gain weight for years. Lack of body weight for men is a very serious problem. Its solution requires a responsible approach. Gaining mass should consist of several key elements. You need to follow a sleep schedule, nutrition rules, and also regularly visit the gym. Thus, you yourself can answer the question of how to quickly gain weight for a man.

Almost all athletes want to increase their muscle mass levels. Even professional bodybuilders regularly try to gain a few pounds to look more impressive. For ectomorphs (thin-boned people), the process of gaining mass often becomes a real drama. Some guys may consume large quantities of chocolate, flour products, and fast food products, but they will not experience any significant weight gain. And while many women can only dream of such a figure, men are trying with all their might to gain a couple of kilograms of muscle mass.

Experts identify several main reasons for lack of body weight:

  • Individual characteristics of the body. Genetic predisposition.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Diseases associated with the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas.
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Worms.
  • Frequent stressful situations, chronic fatigue syndrome.

To gain muscle mass, a man must follow all the principles of the mass gain process. You also need to address the underlying cause of your weight loss. If several months after starting classes there are no visible changes, then you need to contact an endocrinologist.

In rare cases, a man may be prescribed special hormonal medications. It is also recommended to use special sports supplements. Thus, in just a few weeks you will gain a couple of kilograms.

Basic Rules

To gain weight quickly, you need to know about the features of this process.


People who have problems gaining weight should eat every 2-3 hours. The basic rule is to eat more calories per day than you burn. Food with the maximum amount of protein and carbohydrates is best. It is also necessary to drink as much water as possible. Thus, food products will be better absorbed.

Training program

To understand how to gain weight, you must make the right one. You can exercise both in the gym and at home. Perform basic exercises correctly. Three lessons a week will be enough for you. Work on your arms, shoulders, chest, and legs.


After intense exercise, you should be well rested. Get at least eight hours of sleep. Sleep must be sound. If possible, take a couple of hours nap at lunch. Avoid stressful situations. The nervous system must recover completely.

How long to wait for the result?

Gaining muscle mass for men is a long process. Many novice athletes stop training after just a week of training. Remember, it is impossible to achieve results in 7 days. You must train hard and also eat right. Only a month after the start of training, the athlete begins to gradually gain weight.


The effectiveness of the training program will largely depend on proper diet nutrition. You must plan your daily menu correctly. Focus on foods such as eggs, poultry, seafood, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, rice and buckwheat.

First, you need to calculate your daily calorie intake. This indicator is individual for everyone. Take into account your age, height, weight, and lifestyle. It is also recommended to keep a special diary and analyze how much nutrients you consume daily.

If after increasing your daily calorie intake there is no result, you can start consuming protein or. This is a special sports nutrition that contains protein or carbohydrates in its structure. Most often, protein is drunk in the morning, as well as after training.

Main meals should be alternated with light snacks. Eat foods with plenty of complex carbohydrates. This way you will get a boost of energy throughout the day. It is also recommended to eat protein foods. Nuts, beans and meat - better products, which consist of a large amount of protein.

Despite the fact that you are gaining weight with difficulty, limit yourself to eating sweets and starchy foods. After some time, you may develop excess fat deposits in the abdominal area. We strive to gain high-quality muscle mass. Don't overeat at night. Thus, you will disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system.

To gain weight, an athlete can take special medications and vitamins. Brewer's yeast helps a lot. They contain many useful microelements. You will improve the metabolism in the body and also improve the condition of the skin.

Training mode

To achieve results, a man must organize the training process. If you don't work out in the gym, all the weight you gain will go into fat. Muscle growth does not occur during the workout itself, but during rest. This means that you need to recover well after each session.

Before training, warm up and warm up your joints and ligaments. At the initial stage, you can work with an experienced trainer. He will help you create a high-quality training program and also show you the correct technique for performing movements.

It is best to train for 50-60 minutes. Limit execution. They will only promote fat burning. Work according to the principle. Work one large and one small muscle group in one session.

Features of studying at home

At the initial stage, regular workouts at home are also perfect for you. Thanks to pull-ups and push-ups, you will quickly strengthen your body and also prepare your body for subsequent loads.

In one lesson you can work all muscle groups at once. Best suited with your own weight. You may also need weights or dumbbells. Beginners can replace these sports equipment with water or sand bottles.

An example of an effective home workout:

  • Wide grip pull-ups.
  • Twisting.
  • Dumbbell bench press.
  • Squats.

Do these five exercises every lesson. The horizontal bar can even be installed in a doorway. If you don’t know how to do pull-ups, then just hang on the bar for a long time. This way you can strengthen your hands. Push-ups will help pump up the athlete's chest and triceps. Beginners often perform the movement in a standing position from their knees. Also do crunches regularly. If you have little body fat, then achieving the effect of cubes will not be difficult. Work hard.

The dumbbell bench press is a great basic exercise. Work with a comfortable weight. In order to perform the movement, you will need a special bench for pressing. You can also practice on the floor, but this is not very convenient. The last exercise is squats. This is a great compound movement that will stimulate testosterone production.

At the initial stage, this load will be enough for you. After some time, start exercising with heavy sports equipment. Working with a barbell and dumbbells will stimulate (increase in muscle volume).

Training program

Some time after working out at home, you need to start working out in the gym. Smash training week for three visits to the rocking chair. Do the exercises on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Between classes there should be a break of one day of rest.


On the first training day of the week you should also do biceps. Exercise with heavy sports equipment. Perform 8-12 reps per set with maximum weight.

Wide grip pull-ups.

  • Upper block pull.
  • Standing biceps curls.
  • Scott Bench Curls.
  • Twisting.

Pull-ups can be performed with weights. You need to put a backpack with pancakes on your back. Do not work by jerking. Movements should be smooth. The barbell row is a fairly complex exercise. It is very important to feel the work of the latissimus dorsi muscles. With help, you can qualitatively complete your workout aimed at developing your back muscles.

The barbell curl is a great basic exercise. You should work without cheating, i.e. the movement should be carried out only with the help of the biceps. Curling your arms on a Scott bench allows you to specifically work out the target muscle group. At the end of the lesson, you can perform a couple of approaches to the press.


On this day of the week, the athlete needs to work on developing the muscles of the chest and triceps. It is best to exercise with dumbbells and a barbell. Work technically correctly. It will be enough for you to complete 3-4 sets of each exercise.

Get started training program with push-ups from the floor. Work at a fast pace. The bench press is the most popular exercise during mass gain. Perform 3-4 approaches. Each set should have 8-12 repetitions. Incline presses with dumbbells will help target your upper chest. With the help of the French press, the athlete will effectively work out the triceps. You can finish off the muscle by doing back push-ups. You can put a pancake on your knees.


On the last training day, the athlete should work the leg muscles, as well as the deltoids. You should work at a slow pace, this will allow you to feel how your muscles work, help you control your technique, and also make the movements safe.

  • Seated bench press.
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you.

Before squatting, stretch your legs well. Perform the movements correctly. Lunges with dumbbells and leg presses will help work your buttocks, calves, and thigh muscles. At the end of the lesson, do several exercises to develop deltoids.

Very often, beginners follow a training program for professionals. You can't do that! Work according to a quality and appropriate lesson plan. Ectomorph training has a huge number of nuances. Also, you will not be able to cope with the program that famous bodybuilders have been using for many years in a row.

During mass gain, the athlete must constantly increase the load. Grueling workouts that last more than a few hours are not suitable for you. This way you will burn a very large number of calories.

Keep a special diary for training. You can record your current strength indicators, muscle volume, and body weight in it. Weigh yourself regularly. Additionally, you can take special body photos every month to monitor your progress.

This article is dedicated to people who can no longer be considered a beginner, but have not yet matured into a fitness professional.

To be more precise, it will be very useful for a beginner, because the most important issue in training will be addressed - which exercises are best suited for gaining muscle mass.

After all, it is their choice that will determine how well you will work certain groups muscles, and therefore what further progress will be.

Principles and Basics of a Massive Training Program

An important rule that all athletes who gain weight adhere to: you need to spend fewer calories than you take in!

Therefore, when gaining weight, you can forget about cardio training, that is, running, cycling and other activities during which the athlete loses a large amount of energy.

Your exercise should be limited to exercises with free weights, and the number of repetitions should not exceed 8-10 to avoid catabolism (destruction of protein in muscle fibers), which leads to inhibition of mass gain.

Training when working on weight should last no more than 1-1.5 hours. In this case, there should not be many exercises, literally 1-2 exercises for each muscle group that you planned to train that day.

The principle is very effective “dropset”. It consists of pushing the muscle to failure at the very end of the workout by gradually reducing the weight you are working with.

For example, you lifted 15 kg dumbbells for biceps, and on the last approach you felt that you couldn’t do any more repetitions. Then you take 10 kilogram dumbbells and do them as many times as possible.

It is believed that it makes no sense to perform such manipulations with the scales more than three times.

When working for mass, rest is very important. After all, the program is designed to load the muscles as efficiently as possible, destroying the fibers. Therefore, it takes a lot of time to restore damaged muscle fibers.

On average, you should rest for about two days. If you feel that you haven’t recovered even after 2 days, and this happens after hard workouts, for example when doing deadlifts, then you can safely extend your rest.

The most common mistake made during intense training is insufficient rest and, as a result, overtraining. The latter is a whole list of unpleasant symptoms, such as weakness, reluctance to exercise, depression, loss of muscle mass.

Therefore, it is better to skip a workout once again, spending another day on recovery and sleep, than to overtrain, which will stop all progress.

7 Best Exercises to Gain Muscle Mass

Perhaps almost everyone knows about the three pillars on which strength training rests, namely: the deadlift, the squat and the bench press. Heavy compound exercises affect not only muscle fibers, but also testosterone levels.

A huge number of stabilizer muscles are used that could not participate in exercise on simulators. In addition to these exercises, there are several more that will greatly help in gaining muscle mass; let’s look at these main seven in more detail:

This exercise is often unfairly avoided by beginners for fear of injury. Some people motivate their refusal to squat by the fact that “you can’t see your legs under your clothes,” but we all know how ridiculous a man with a developed torso and matchstick legs looks.

And, conversely, how impressive and impressive well-developed legs look. Moreover, in addition to the legs, this basic exercise also develops the back muscles, which act as stabilizers.

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This exercise, along with the deadlift, is considered the best for increasing testosterone levels, which not only directly affects muscle growth, but is also very important in everyday life.

Another pleasant consequence of squats is improved blood circulation in the pelvic area. Therefore, men who perform this exercise regularly enjoy enviable popularity among the opposite sex, because they are not at risk of any diseases associated with the reproductive system.

Before performing, you should warm up very well, and during the execution you need to carefully monitor the technique. The back should be straight or slightly bent forward, the barbell should be held on the trapezius muscles.

Do not place it on your neck under any circumstances! On initial stages This will not be a fatal mistake, but over time the working weights will increase, and then there will be a real risk of neck injury.

There are several options for performing a squat with a barbell: “to parallel” and a deep squat. From the names it is clear that the first is performed until the moment when the back of the athlete’s thigh becomes parallel to the floor, and the deep squat ends at the lower stage with the buttocks almost touching the floor. If you have problems with joints, then it is better to go with the first option.

Don't forget to use a belt when performing squats with heavy weights, this will help avoid lower back injuries.

Bench press

This phrase is the first thing that comes to mind for many people when they hear the verb “pump up”.

And this love for such a simple and, one might say, native exercise is completely justified. This type of bench press is the main and main way through which you can become the owner of impressive pectoral muscles.

But this is not the only good thing about this exercise. It, like the squat, promotes the production of testosterone, the role of which has already been described above. The deltoid muscles and triceps are included in the work during the execution.

There are 2 options for the bench press: with and without a bridge.

The bridge press is more suitable for people involved in powerlifting, since this technique allows you to bench press much heavier weights. But for fitness and bodybuilding, a bench press without a bridge is best suited, since the load will fall on the pectoral muscles.

The deadlift is one of the most spectacular exercises you can do in the gym.

The role of the deadlift in gaining mass is no less, if not more, than in the two previous exercises. After all, it is in this exercise that the heaviest weights are used and the most muscle groups are loaded.

But it is very important to monitor the technique. There are mainly 2 types of deadlifts used: classic and sumo.

With classic traction your hands hold the barbell with a wide grip, your feet are shoulder-width apart. When performing the movement, be sure to keep your back straight or slightly bent forward; stooping during traction can cause very serious injuries. In this case, the load falls more heavily on the lower back, so people suffering from back problems are better suited to the second option.

Sumo deadlift performed in a very wide stance. Feet stand as far apart as possible (the limitation is the weight plates on the barbell), hands shoulder-width apart clasp the barbell. The back should be held in the same way as in the previous version, the load will fall more on the hamstrings.

The grip is also important when doing this. To further develop grip strength and increase the strength and size of the forearms, you should hold the barbell without straps, placing your palms on one side.

There is such an option as a “different grip”, it helps to hold heavy weights.

As with the squat, the use of a belt is highly encouraged.

This multi-joint exercise is considered the main way to increase the size of the triceps.

When performing this exercise, the pectoral muscles, as well as the deltoids, are additionally included in the work.

This exercise is deservedly valued among athletes, when it becomes too easy for you to do push-ups on the uneven bars with your own weight, you can always hang the plates with a chain, this will allow you not to stop your progress.

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Pull-ups are the main exercise for developing the latissimus dorsi muscles. Therefore, they are taught to men from childhood, starting from school.

Often an athlete can do more than 10 pull-ups with his own weight, in which case, to properly work the latissimus muscles, he should use pull-ups with additional weight, which is suspended on a chain. Therefore, in this exercise you can progress in the same way in working weight as in the previous ones.

The overhead barbell press puts the greatest stress on the deltoid muscles, or to put it simply, the shoulders. It can be performed both sitting and standing.

This exercise is very famous, it was previously used in triathlon in weightlifting, but now only the clean and jerk and snatch remain. The execution technique is also very important here.

If you want to get massive and prominent shoulders, then under no circumstances use your legs during the press. It is very difficult to neglect this movement, which helps to get past the sticking point at the very beginning, but by cheating you nullify the effect of this exercise.

You can help a little with your legs; if you are doing the last approach, then you can push with your legs and lower the barbell slowly, using only the deltoid muscles.

At the same time, your back should be kept slightly bent forward. The chest should be pushed forward so that when moving the bar upward you do not have to go around your head with it, and the trajectory of the bar movement is straight.

Lifting barbells and dumbbells for biceps is the most effective exercise for increasing the size of your arms.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing muscle tone. Unlike other exercise machines, the stepper has its own advantages for training aimed at losing weight and strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Important not only exercise correctly, but also choose the right exercise machine.

Features of the stepper simulator

The simulator simulates climbing stairs; a hydraulic or magnetic load system allows the pedals to work alternately, creating the necessary resistance when stepping, loading the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The pedals are lowered by the pressure of the body weight, thus forcing the muscles to work, providing a constant lifting of the legs, as if on a ladder.

How to exercise on a stepper correctly

  • An important condition for training is continuous movement, in which the feet do not come off the pedals.
  • To ensure an even load on the muscles, The heels must not be lifted off the pedals and raised onto the toes..
  • Also It is not recommended to fully straighten your knees to protect the joint from excessive stress.

What muscles work on the stepper?

The main work is aimed at the muscles of the legs, buttocks and lower legs. When performing the movement, the quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles are activated, as well as the adductors. With the correct position of the foot, the gluteal and calf muscles are exposed to load. Static load The abdominal and lower back muscles are exposed if you train on the classic model.

If you train on, you can additionally connect the oblique abdominal muscles and deep spinal stabilizer muscles. In models with expanders, you can work out all the muscles of the shoulder girdle, performing swings for the deltoids, as well as flexion and extension of the arms for the biceps and triceps.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of a stepper

  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • Increases the body's endurance.
  • Increases the tone of all muscles of the body.
  • Helps reduce weight, reduce subcutaneous fat and body volumes.
  • Safe for training at any age, at any body weight.
  • Does not overload joints and spine.
  • Suitable for training during rehabilitation after injuries.

Contraindications and disadvantages

  • Exercise is contraindicated in case of heart disease, increased blood pressure.
  • Most models for home use are unable to support weights exceeding 100 kg.
  • Some models do not provide adequate resistance to obtain the required load.
  • One of the disadvantages may be the lack of support for the arms, which provides the load in only one position.

What types of steppers are there?

According to load system Steppers are divided into 2 types:

  • Mechanical– the load is created by the user’s movements due to hydraulic resistance cylinders These steppers are inexpensive and also have displays that show time, number of steps and calorie counts. Models come with or without handles (mini-steppers), expanders to increase the load on the shoulder girdle. These models are suitable for training at home.
  • Electromagnetic– the load is created by magnetic resistance. These models are professional exercise equipment designed for fitness clubs. The dimensions and cost of simulators are several times higher than mechanical ones. The exercise machines are equipped with a display that displays time, steps, and calorie consumption. The program also creates an individual load in which you can set your own parameters - gender, weight, age. Such simulators contain several levels of loads and types of programs for muscle tone, weight loss and strengthening of the cardiovascular system.

Depending on the type of movement and principle of operation The following types are distinguished:

  1. Classic. Mechanical or electromagnetic steppers of various sizes, simulating classic stair climbing.
  1. Mini steppers. The most compact models on the market, specifically designed for home workouts. Such simulators may include only pedals, or additional handles for support and expanders. There are also several types:
  1. with expanders– the design with expanders is designed to load the muscles of the shoulder girdle; they can also have a display showing the duration of the workout and the number of steps;
  1. balancing– such a simulator has a pedal stroke that is dependent on the user’s efforts; the movement of the simulator occurs due to rolling from foot to foot. Thus, coordination is additionally trained.

  1. Rotary with rotating handles. The exercise machines are designed for additional training of the abdominal and lower back muscles, when performing side crunches (twists). Designed for home use.
  1. Stairs. Modern professional models are specially designed for fitness clubs. Such state-of-the-art simulators simulate climbing exactly like an escalator, and accordingly, they cost much more than their predecessors. Equipped with a huge number functionality, from exhibiting any program of various levels, to multimedia and entertainment applications.

How to exercise on a stepper for weight loss

The optimal training duration is 40-60 minutes.

  • If you train on a machine with hydraulic system , select a sufficient level of resistance at which the muscles receive a noticeable load, but are able to maintain a sufficient pace. For these workouts, you can use resistance bands or light dumbbells to ensure multiple repetitions on all muscle groups.
  • For training on electromagnetic simulators choose an interval load in the fat burning mode; for this, the program itself will select an individual load and heart rate zone depending on your personal parameters (weight, gender, age).

Techniques for increasing the load on the buttocks

In order to emphasize the load on the buttocks, professional exercise machines are needed that provide support in various positions. Such models provide horizontal or inclined handles on which you can place your forearms. Thus, tilting the body will provide greater load on the buttocks, excluding the help of the lumbar muscles. The resistance load can be more intense and the pace slower.

How to choose a stepper

  • Please note the maximum user weight what load the simulator can withstand.
  • For home use, choose exercise machines with handles or expanders for additional stress on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
  • Choose independent pedal travel, in which you can select several load levels.

Main manufacturers

Model HS-5027– classic stepper for home, and mini stepper K0710A from an American manufacturer with a hydraulic load system, designed specifically for home use, powered by batteries. Withstands maximum load up to 100 kg. Equipped with a computer showing workout time, number of steps and calorie consumption.

The brand offers professional electromagnetic exercise equipment for gyms. The model has independent pedal travel, providing biomechanical correction of movements. Includes functions for changing speed, programs and loads. Withstands up to 180 kg.

A classic stepper with a mechanical loading system with handles and expanders. The Polish manufacturer has developed a home line of exercise equipment that can withstand loads of up to 100 kg. The display of the simulator shows the distance, number of steps and duration of the workout.
The professional line of electromagnetic steppers with independent pedal stroke offers a classic model with a color display, heart rate sensors and load indicators. Compatible with iPod and Polar.

Bradex Cardio Twister

Rotary stepper model with seven load levels for home use. Withstands up to 110 kg. Soft grip rotating handle, non-slip pedals, durable construction.


In the case of steppers, the more expensive and professional the simulator, the more effective the load, and therefore the better the result. Electromagnetic simulators are capable of maintaining any body position in which you can easily develop speed while maintaining stability and safety of movement. Step height and various levels of programs help you quickly lose weight without unnecessary stress on the spine and joints. When choosing available mechanical exercise equipment, choose a model that has parameters close to professional ones.

How to use a stepper in video format

A weight training program for men implies, firstly, the presence of a certain foundation that was laid earlier, and secondly, a certain experience that a person acquired by laying it. Thus, an athlete burdened with training experience has the opportunity, and also the need, to engage in a more advanced training program, which we will consider today.

This article is a logical continuation of the difficult path of a beginner in the gym. In it we talked about what training program to start with and what to strive for. Well, now, as promised, let's move on to split training. And according to tradition, let’s explain what this means. This means that it will no longer be possible to train the entire body in a workout, but specific muscle groups. This will allow them to be given a varied load and increase stimulation of different muscle fibers within the same group.

What is the basis for building a split training program? Split, translated from in English means "separation". That's what we'll do. We will build weight gain for men based on the fact that we train six muscle groups (let me remind you: legs, back, chest, deltoids, arms, abs), and training takes place three times a week, we will divide them this way: we will train two muscle groups in day. Exercises for the abdominal muscles will continue to be present all the time.

The duration of the second stage will be 6 months. We will change the program every month, giving priority to basic exercises with the inclusion of additional exercises for a given muscle group. We will work mainly in the 10 repetition range. Training time is up to 1.5 hours, rest between moderate approaches is a minute/one and a half, rest between heavy approaches is 2 minutes, or until complete recovery, as discussed in previous articles. We still continue to do hyperextensions at the beginning of each workout, and perform abdominal exercises at the end of the workout. Also, we have deadlifts in our program. But before we begin, let's return to three old questions.

First– is the training program given here aimed at gaining muscle mass or total body weight? The program below is a workout program for gaining muscle mass for men. We have in our arsenal the skills of performing exercises developed during the first stage and the laid foundations for the formation of a neuromuscular connection. This is already a great help in the process of building muscles.

Second– can less experienced and more experienced athletes train using a split scheme? For a beginner, it would be highly recommended to train according to the “full body” principle; if you start training with a split scheme from scratch, then only under the guidance of a personal trainer. More experienced athletes not only can, but often use the split scheme as a fundamental principle for constructing training programs.

So. Stage two. Duration: 6 months. Goal: building muscles. Change of training cycle: every 4 weeks.

Muscle gain program for men: 1st cycle

We will structure our training in the first month this way. First day: chest/shoulders. Day two: biceps/triceps. Day three: legs/back.

Comments. 1st day: hyperextensions will be written separately below. Bench press - on a horizontal bench, dumbbell press and flyes as well. Seated dumbbell press, rows to the chin and reverse flyes according to the technique. 2nd day: straight barbell lifts, dumbbell lifts and standing hammers, according to technique. Push-ups will also be discussed separately. French bench press and overhead extension according to the technique. 3rd day: squats with a barbell, leg extensions and lunges according to the technique. About pull-ups also at the end, bent-over barbell rows - with a straight grip, dumbbell rows to the belt according to the technique.

Muscle gain program for men: 2nd cycle

We will structure the second month of training in this way. First day: back/triceps. Day two: legs/shoulders. Day three: chest/biceps.

Comments. 1st day: Bent-over barbell row - reverse grip. The deadlift will be discussed below. Traction of a horizontal block according to the technique. Close grip press, French dumbbell press and arm extensions according to the technique. 2nd day: squats - with a barbell on the chest. Romanian deadlifts and calf raises according to technique. We perform the standing barbell press from the chest. Bent-over dumbbell flyes and shrugs with dumbbells - according to the technique. 3rd day: bench press - on a bench with an upward slope. Chest press in the simulator and butterfly according to the technique. Lifting the barbell in a Scott bench is performed with an EZ bar, lifting dumbbells in a Scott bench and concentrated lifting - according to the technique.

Muscle gain program for men: 3rd cycle

For the third month we will train as follows. First day: legs/biceps. Second day: chest/back. Day three: shoulders/triceps.

Comments. 1st day: We perform standard squats. Leg press and leg curls according to technique. Lifting the barbell - with a straight bar, hammers according to the technique - while sitting, lifting in a block also according to the technique. 2nd day: bench press - on a horizontal bench, dumbbell press as well, crossover exercises - from the upper blocks. We perform pull-ups and deadlifts according to the technique, T-bar rows in the station with emphasis on the chest. 3rd day: Arnold press, standing dumbbell flyes and shrugs with dumbbells are performed according to the technique. Technique dips on parallel bars, seated French press with a barbell, bent over arm extensions with both hands at the same time.

Muscle gain program for men: 4th cycle

For the fourth month we will structure our workouts this way. First day: chest/triceps. Day two: back/shoulders. Day three: legs/biceps.

Comments. 1st day: The bench press is performed on a bench with a downward slope, and the dumbbell press is also performed. Butterfly in the simulator - according to the technique. Reverse push-ups from a bench - with weights, extension from behind the head and in an incline according to the technique. 2nd day: bent over barbell row - with a straight grip, deadlift - according to the technique, vertical row - to the chest. Perform the seated barbell press behind the head. Bent-over raises and barbell rows to the chin - according to the technique. 3rd day: squats - with a barbell on the chest. Romanian deadlifts and leg extensions - technique. Biceps curls on a Scott bench - EZ bar. Dumbbell curls for biceps and hammers - according to the technique.

Muscle gain program for men: 5th cycle

The fifth month will be designated as such a training split. First day: back/biceps. Day two: legs/triceps. Day three: chest/shoulders.

Comments. 1st day: Pull-ups, deadlifts and horizontal block rows are performed according to the technique. Lifting the barbell for biceps - with a straight bar. Concentrated biceps curls and biceps curls in a block - according to the technique. 2nd day: squats are standard. Hack squats and standing calf raises - according to the technique. Bench press with a narrow grip and French press - according to the technique. Reverse push-ups - with additional weights. 3rd day: We perform the bench press on a horizontal bench, as well as dumbbell flyes. Information in the crossover is from the lower blocks according to the technology. Seated dumbbell press, seated dumbbell flyes and reverse flyes - according to technique.

Muscle gain program for men: 6th cycle

We will be training in this split for the sixth month. First day: chest/legs. Day two: back/shoulders. Day three: triceps/biceps.

Comments. 1st day: The bench press is performed on a bench with an upward inclination. Chest press in the simulator and butterfly exercises - according to the technique. Squats - with a barbell on the chest. Leg presses and lunges with a barbell according to the technique. 2nd day: T-bar row in the machine with emphasis on the chest. Deadlift and dumbbell row to the belt - according to the technique. Standing barbell press - from the chest. Inclined flyes - according to the technique. We perform shrugs with a barbell behind our back. 3rd day: push-ups on uneven bars and a French dumbbell press while sitting - according to technique. Arm extensions in a block - with a rope. Lifting the barbell in a Scott bench - with a straight bar. Lifting the barbell with a straight grip and hammers - according to the technique.


Hyperextension. Previously, during the two months of the first stage, we performed this exercise without weights. The lower back muscles have already become accustomed to such a load and most likely no longer react to it. This indicates that it is time to use additional weight in the exercise. The most convenient way for this purpose is a barbell disc, which you need to throw behind your head and hold on your shoulder blades.

Bars. Everything here is purely individual, but if you can do push-ups on the uneven bars more than 10 times, there is no point in doing it 15, 20, or more times, since you will be training endurance, and gaining weight for men involves slightly different manipulations. What to do? Take a belt, a chain, and do push-ups with weights, but as before - no more than 8-10 times. Where to begin? Hang a 2.5 kg disc on your belt. Still doing more than 10 times? Weigh 5 kg. Choose a weight for 8-10 reps.

Pull-ups. The same story as with dips. If you can do more than 10 pull-ups, hang a weight on your belt. Start the same way, for example with 2.5 kg. Adapt the weights according to the same principle - select the weight for the given number of repetitions. In this case, it is necessary to select the weight so that at the 8th, 9th repetition you already feel tired and tense, and the final repetition goes through strength.

Deadlift. As you noticed, in the first cycle it is absent, since we train our back on the same day as our legs and it is undesirable to perform two heavy basic exercises on the same day. Moreover, during the first cycle, using hyperextensions, you will sufficiently work the lumbar muscles, which are involved when performing deadlifts, without which, in turn, a training program for gaining muscle mass for a man would be incomplete.


As for the number of approaches: while the weights are small, you can perform one warm-up approach before the working weight. A working weight is a weight with which you can perform a given number of repetitions. For example, if in the bench press program you must complete 3 sets of 8 repetitions, and for this number of repetitions you can press, say, 40 kg, then it will be enough to perform one warm-up set with a weight of 20 kg, and then three working sets with a weight of 40 kg. Warm-up sets do not count. When you reach a weight of, say, 80 kg, you can perform two warm-up approaches, the first with a weight of 40 kg, the second with a weight of 60 kg, and then proceed to working approaches. The warm-up rule applies to all exercises. We have already said that it is necessary to do a warm-up.

Globally, the approach to the training process described in this article is called the linear progression method. The weight training program for men, in the context of this method, provides for the fulfillment of the following basic conditions. The first is a constant increase in working weights (we have already talked about this). And the second, which follows from the first, is that every week is hard, that is, every next week you try to lift more weight than the previous one. This is the principle of linear progression.

MYTH. There is an opinion that some exercises can be split, while others cannot. The concept of weight training itself debunks this myth. The essence of the training is to create the maximum traumatic effect on the muscles, which will give them an incentive to heal and grow. It is the quality of the training that is important, not the split itself. For this reason, the definition of “correct split” or “incorrect split” is inherently completely untenable.

EXPERIENCE. You can often hear the question - why do several exercises for one muscle group? The answer is extremely simple. Each muscle group needs to be worked out comprehensively, putting a load on each of its sections (external, internal, lower, upper, peak), then you will get results. Whatever muscle group you work on, a prerequisite is to perform basic exercises, as well as a variety of loads due to various exercises on the target muscle group.

ADVICE. Most beginners who just join the gym either copy the training programs of famous athletes, or start training according to the same programs as their more experienced friends. Both cases, for obvious reasons, exclude the period of laying the foundation. This course of events is a significant omission, like an attempt to build a house not on a solid foundation, but on soft ground, which in the future will lead either to injuries, or to stagnation in training, or to a lack of desire and refusal to train. Don't neglect


You can find a complete illustrated description of the exercises given in this program, the technique of performing them and tips by following the links to the articles with the corresponding title:


At this point, the six-month weight gain phase for men ends. During this stage, we worked well on each muscle group and strengthened the foundation laid during the first stage. Doing the second is also important because during these six months you have tried all the exercises for each muscle group. Of course, we did not perform them thoughtlessly, but listened to our body and determined which of them it responded best to. In the future, this will help us adjust the training program so that for the most part it consists of exactly those exercises that give your muscles (in your individual case) the best stimulus for growth. If you have reached this point and you are not yet tired of the gym, and the results in measurements and in the mirror motivate you to further exercise, then you are ready to move to the next level, where the muscle mass gain program for men will be presented in a completely new, more complex and in a varied form.