Proper nutrition is a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ABC of nutrition: proteins, saturated and unsaturated fats, simple and complex carbohydrates. What is the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

In the matter of losing weight and a healthy lifestyle, it is impossible to ignore the topic of a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, that is, BJU. It is the balance between these indicators that determines how quickly you can get rid of excess weight, increase muscle mass and improve your health, in particular, normalize hormonal levels.

What is the balance of BJU

At its core, the balance of BJU is adherence to the principles of a healthy diet, that is, you keep fit, making up proper diet and adhering to it, and not limiting yourself in any products and, moreover, without depriving yourself of nutrition as such. It is more likely that weight gain is due to an imbalance in this balance, and not due to regular consumption of fatty foods, which may not go beyond the daily requirement of your body.

The optimal use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates allows you to maintain normal all processes, keep weight at the required level, provide nutrition to the muscles, brain, and maintain stable functioning of the reproductive system. It is especially important to maintain a balance for women's health, since significant deviations are immediately reflected in hormonal background and general well-being of the woman.

Maintaining a balance of BJU is the use of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day, that is, each meal should include foods that can fill all the needs of your body. This immediately highlights an important part of a balanced diet - it cannot be based on just one product. And for the same reason, mono-diets are harmful and do not bring long-term results.

A healthy diet is characterized by the use of 50% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 20% proteins from daily calories. This means that at a target of 1,700 calories per day for weight maintenance, you should get 850 from carbohydrates, 510 from fat, and 340 from protein.

The high content of carbohydrates is due to the fact that it is their body that uses them in the first place to make up for energy costs. Only after their consumption, processed fats and proteins are used. If you break the balance and eat more than 50% carbohydrate food, then unspent energy is converted into adipose tissue - this is how weight begins to gain. If at the same time you do not comply with the norm for proteins and fats, then muscle tissue begins to deplete, bones become more brittle. Similarly, other processes occurring between cells depend on the balance of BJU.

Why is the balance of BJU disturbed

A failure in the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates contributes to a number of reasons, which in most cases depends on how accurately you follow the principles of healthy eating, how carefully you are about what you eat and what you pamper yourself with. In addition, a violation in the balance of BJU can be caused by a deterioration in the activity of individual organs and systems.

1. Bad habits in nutrition. It often happens that, in general, your diet cannot be called bad - you eat a lot useful products, eat relatively small portions, do not abuse heavy meals before bedtime. So what's the problem? In this case, harmful culinary addictions can let you down. For example, excessive consumption of chocolate or mayonnaise, due to which the amount of carbohydrates and fats eaten, respectively, significantly exceeds the daily allowance. This is what contributes to the imbalance. Most likely, in this matter, overdo it with carbohydrates, which are very much found in sugar, all sweets and bakery products, especially rich ones, as well as in cereals, potatoes, legumes and many other foods that saturate the diet of a modern person.

2. Improper nutrition. This implies not only the neglect of healthy foods, but also the violation of the diet, too large portions, late-night snacks, as well as the choice in favor of low-quality versions of well-known dishes.

3. Abuse alcoholic drinks, which may be relevant for lovers of regular parties. Alcohol is not only a rich source of carbohydrates, but also alcohol, which impairs the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which leads to metabolic disorders and a slowdown in metabolism.

4. Deviations in the work of the endocrine system, in particular, we are talking about diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, which play an important role in maintaining the processes of digestion and absorption of substances entering the bloodstream.

5. The presence of other chronic and acute diseases.

6. Inconsistency in the nutritional value of the diet with the amount of regular physical activity, which can lead to a lack of protein or fats that ensure the health of ligaments, bones and muscle tissue.

How to balance BJU

To maintain the balance of BJU, first of all, you need to make sure that you do not have chronic diseases and abnormalities in the endocrine system, otherwise you will not be able to advance in the task at hand, and in some cases, an attempt to restore balance can worsen the situation. If you are sure that there is no need to see a doctor, the second step is to think about correcting nutrition. This can be done in three steps.

1. Reducing carbohydrate intake by 50%. The list of such products includes not only sweets, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, but also all cereals, potatoes, pasta. That is, if you usually allowed yourself 300 grams of rice as a side dish, then at the first stage this portion should be reduced to 150 grams. The same should be done with other products.

2. Increase natural fiber by 50% with boiled or baked fruits and vegetables. On the plate, it should look like the garnish is half the size of the vegetable side dish.

3. Proteins should be 15 - 20% of the resulting portion. At the same time, it is best to use dietary varieties of poultry meat, rabbit, low-fat pork tenderloin and river fish as a source.

After these three steps are completed, you need to calculate the daily need for BJU for your weight. To do this, you can use the Mifflin-San Geor formula. For example, for a woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 60 kg, the daily intake of 50 grams of protein, 50 grams of fat and 220 grams of carbohydrates, with average physical activity, would be optimal. Accordingly, with an increase in power and cardio loads, the indicators automatically increase. After the initial correction in three stages, you must follow the data relevant to your weight and height!

Further, to restore the balance of BJU, it is important to adhere to the diet. Remember that food is digested fastest between 8 and 11 am, and then between 16 and 18 pm. The rest of the time, digestion slows down significantly, so light, low-calorie recipes should be preferred during the day and in the evening. Shortly before sleep it's good to bet on plant fiber and a small amount of protein. Carbohydrates should not be consumed in the evening, as this significantly slows down metabolism and contributes to the formation of body fat.

To maintain a normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the crushing of nutrition will also help, that is, a gradual transition to frequent meals in small portions. This allows you to speed up the metabolism, improve their absorption in the body and quickly removes processed products from it, the accumulation of which contributes to the imbalance of BJU. The main principle of its maintenance lies in the observance of basic ideas about healthy way life.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


In pursuit of slim body women and men are ready for a lot. What they just don’t come up with: different activities, exercises, diets and fasting days to keep fit. The rational ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss is invariably popular and effective way for weight control, which is based on the use of a calorie calculator plus BJU calculation. Do you know all the features: what is it, what is the plus, how to calculate everything correctly? Let's take a look at everything in order!

What is BJU

An abbreviation that is widely used to denote 3 words: proteins, fats, carbohydrates is BJU. For competent weight loss and well-being in general, it is extremely important to observe the energy balance of the body - what we get with food, and then we spend it throughout the day when walking, mental activity, playing sports. An excess or deficiency of one or another useful substance / mineral can play a cruel joke on health. It is important to ensure that the energy intake/expenditure is at the right level.

The main sources of BJU are food. For example, from meat, fish, milk and eggs, the body will be saturated with a large amount of protein. Vegetables, flour products and even chocolate are rich in carbohydrates. Including oil and fatty meat in the menu, we get fats. However, it is better to choose unsaturated organic compounds - their optimal amount is in seeds, oily fish, nuts. It is important that the diet is balanced, the regime is thought out, all these elements are present in the norm.

Optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The norm of BJU is determined for each individually, while “repelling” from weight, age, gender, activity. However, nutritionists are of the opinion that the optimal proportion is 1:1:4. This ensures a balanced diet and the intake of the required amount of kcal. For athletes and muscle growth, the distribution formula is different - 1: 0.8: 4, and for gaining large mass, the need for carbohydrates will increase by 2 times.

BJU norm for weight loss

Do you wish to become slimmer? Then the calculation of BJU for weight loss as a percentage will have a different look. You can start the fat burning process by increasing the percentage of proteins (white meat, eggs, seafood, cottage cheese, milk and kefir) and reducing carbohydrates (sweets, pastries, pasta, potatoes). You should not go to extremes, arrange tests for yourself at a minimum - keep the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss "adequate". The main thing is to know the optimal combination. Plus, do not disdain training: muscle tone is good. Don't forget about healthy sleep.

The ratio of BJU for weight loss for women

We will take the daily ration of a person as conditional 100%. You will start to lose weight if you follow a diet that consists of 30-35% protein, 10-25% fat, 45-50% proper carbohydrates. If you are going to undergo drying, then you need to observe the reduction of carbohydrates and fats to a minimum. The ideal percentage of BJU for weight loss is 30:20:50%. Girls do not need to give up fats, their mass should be within the normal range, because they play an important function for the body (they affect the health of the reproductive system, hormone synthesis, are needed for hair and nails).

How to calculate BJU for weight loss

First, it is important to determine the calorie content that the body needs for a day, and then you can calculate the BJU for weight loss. So, several steps:

  1. Calculation of metabolic rate: 655 + (9.6 * current weight in kilograms) + (1.8 * your height) - (4.7 * full years).
  2. We will adjust for your activity: very low (constantly sitting) - 1.20, small (exercises a couple of times a week) - 1.38, medium (up to 5 times every week with light exercise) - 1.55, high (do intensive and complex workouts) - 1.73.
  3. From the result we subtract 500 calories, we get the daily rate, for example, 1500.
  4. You can expand the limit: + -200 calories (1300-1700). Below - already harm to the body, slow metabolism, hormonal failure. Above - forget that you will lose weight, on the contrary, you will gain excess weight, because the income will not be spent.

How much protein do you need per day to lose weight

Based on the information received and knowledge about the level of substances, we can conclude that the norm of proteins for weight loss is 1300 (calories) * 0.30 ( normal level protein) / 4 (kcal per 1 g), i.e. 97.5 g. This is the lower limit. The upper will be 1700 * 0.35 / 4 = 149 g. Your allowable intake is 97-149 g. Remember, falling below the limit means exposing the body to increased stress. Instead of burning fat, get a stagnant metabolism.

How much fat do you need per day to lose weight

In the same way, we calculate the amount of fat during weight loss. Minimum formula: 1300 (calories) * 0.15 (normal fat) / 9 (kcal per 1 g), i.e. 22 g. Upper limit: 1700 * 0.20 / 9 = 38 g. If you increase the grams , then you will not achieve the effect of losing weight. Stick to the recommended indicators (in our case, from 22 to 38 g) and you will definitely see the result.

How many carbs do you need per day to lose weight

The third group of our ratio is considered exactly the same. The minimum rate of carbohydrates per day for weight loss will be 146 g: 1300 (calories) * 0.45 (normal level) / 4 (kcal per 1 g). At the same time, the upper threshold for active weight loss is 191 g: 1700 * 0.50 / 4. Keep in mind that you need to give up fast kcal - chocolate, cookies, chips, crackers, bananas, potatoes are also banned. They are not helping us in the fight against excess hated weight! You need slow "comrades".

What carbohydrates can you eat while losing weight

The consumption of "complex" foods that contain fiber is recommended. They saturate the cells useful components. Replace soda and sweets with broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, pasta exclusively from durum varieties, brown rice, buckwheat, beans, lentils. Carbohydrates for weight loss should be those where the starch content is minimal. Corn, legumes, grain products - leave for better times.

Formula for calculating BJU

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss can be different - we figured it out. Calculating BJU for weight loss is simple, it does not take much time. The nutrition program is compiled individually, therefore the calorie counter, percentage of organic compounds may vary. A rational combination of diet, exercise and rest will help you lose weight. Determine the best option yourself or online using a calculator!

Calculation of BJU on an online calculator

You can not bother with the calculations, but use the BJU calculator online. All you need is to write down the data of your weight, height, gender, goals (to lose weight / gain weight), lifestyle. The system will calculate the rest automatically. Decryption is not needed. The calculator will help answer the following questions:

  1. How many calories, BJU do you need per day?
  2. How many calories do you need to consume to gain / lose / stay in shape?
  3. Do you need BJU? Your norm of BJU per day is the boundary limits.

Video: The correct ratio of BJU for weight loss

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment, based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss - how to calculate correctly using formulas

What can better testify to the health of all organs, no matter how beautiful and well-being? And they largely depend on the content of our daily diet. After all, it is not without reason that one aphorism says that “a person is what he eats”. Basic knowledge about the composition of food products and the ratio of certain components in the daily menu will help maintain the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a balanced diet.

Any human body can be represented in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts, acids, vitamins and water. It is from these organic (and inorganic too) compounds that we are "made." But the main role in nutrition is assigned to three whales: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And therefore, in order to correctly observe the proportions of the consumption of "building material", you need to understand the role of the main elements well.


Protein is the foundation on which it rests physical health person. Without protein, neither the growth process of the body nor the regeneration of damaged, dead tissues is possible. Protein (aka protein) is the main "building material" of the body. It is from it that new cells are created, it is he who ensures the integrity of cell membranes.

Protein exists in two forms:

The first is found in all animal products and consists of essential amino acids. You can get complete protein from meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. The second type of protein is found in plant foods. It is based on the so-called non-essential amino acids. Nuts, leguminous plants, cereals are richest in defective protein.

The total proportion of protein in the diet, according to experts, should be 14-16%, and the daily dose should be based on: 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Moreover, complete and inferior protein is recommended to be consumed in equal proportions.


The main tasks of fats are to provide the body with energy (up to 50% of the total energy consumption) and form its reserve fund, which, like an airbag, will come to the rescue in a stressful situation, replenishing the wasted energy.

All fats are divided into two types, each of which the human body needs in its own way:
plant origin;
animal origin.

Vegetable fats contain unsaturated fatty acids that are very important for the life of any organ. The body does not know how to synthesize them on its own, and therefore must be obtained from such foods as unrefined vegetable oils (especially olive and corn), nuts, whole grain cereals.

Animal fats are hidden in meat, fish, milk, eggs. They necessarily contain useful cholesterol, which is not only an integral cellular material and is part of the substance of the brain, but is also responsible for the balance of sex hormones. Violation of this hormonal balance leads to a high risk of suicide and the development of all kinds of depression.

The daily proportion of fat in the diet of any person should be 30%. At the same time, it is important to combine fats with fiber-rich plant foods and follow the recommended ratio of animal and vegetable fats in the menu: 70% to 30%.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans. These organic compounds come to us mainly from plant foods. In animal products, carbohydrates in sufficient quantities can only be found in milk. Almost 100% carbohydrate product is honey.

For many years (thanks to the development of industry), people have been getting refined carbohydrates from ordinary products: sugar and starch. It is worth mentioning right away that these products are harmful to health. Therefore, their share in the diet should be minimal, and it is better to completely abandon the consumption of sugar and starch, especially since these substances are found in other products.

According to their composition, carbohydrates are divided into:
simple (glucose, fructose);
double (sucrose, lactose);
complex (starch, glycogen).

A person consumes sucrose, glucose and fructose with berries, fruits and vegetables, for example, why not cook. Lactose is found in all dairy products, while starch is found in baked goods, pasta, cereals, and potatoes.

The main sources of energy in the body are glucose and glycogen. They are indispensable for serious physical and mental stress, sports. In addition, these substances are responsible for the processes associated with the central nervous system.

The proportion of carbohydrates in the diet should prevail. It is best if it is 60% of the daily menu. It is recommended to give preference to natural carbohydrates.

Remember that the ability of carbohydrates to be converted into fats is a direct threat to the formation of excess weight. Therefore, choose carbohydrate foods that contain insoluble and slightly soluble dietary fiber (fiber), vitamins and other nutrients. A striking example of such products are whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits. From them you can cook any dishes, for example, it will be delicious.

BJU balance - the first postulate of effective weight loss

Issues related to weight loss, this is perhaps one of the most burning topics for most modern people. In an effort to lose weight, everyone sorts out all sorts of ways: diets, physical exercise and exercises medications, miracle tea and so on. Moreover, everyone is trying to find the most effective, fastest and least expensive and difficult to implement method. Most often, the diet suffers: those who lose weight, who do not have knowledge of what is good and bad for the body, deprive themselves of fats and / or carbohydrates. Diets of this kind can really give a quick effect - the hated kilograms go away, but over time they safely return back, moreover, they return with more - that is, the weight becomes more than it was before the diet. From this we can draw two conclusions:

- you need to lose weight correctly in order to keep the results for a long time (better forever)

- you can not deprive the body of the substances it needs, so as not to harm yourself

It is important to remember that proper nutrition is not only and not so much an opportunity to normalize your own weight, proper nutrition helps to maintain health for many years, helps to forget about diseases, ailments and lack of energy.

In other words, instead of diets, it is necessary to switch to a balanced diet (it is also called rational). A balanced diet helps to maintain the right balance in the body receiving all the substances: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, that is, the balance of BJU - for weight loss and for health, this is perhaps the most important thing. The main sources of protein are meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. Carbohydrates come to us from vegetables, fruits, cereals, flour products. And fats come with oils, fatty meats and desserts. As a percentage, the volume of proteins-fats-carbohydrates (BJU) in a balanced diet should be 30-10-60. Let's now take a closer look at each of these "categories".

Proteins - the builders of the body

Proteins are the main builders of the body, a source of nutrition for muscles. For those who are losing weight protein diets are the most attractive, because they create a feeling of satiety for a long period, fill the body with energy, and with active weight loss do not allow to lose muscle mass. However, an excess of protein for a person is just as undesirable and even dangerous as a lack: excess protein in the body puts the liver on. And the imbalance of BJU is fraught with a weakening of the immune system and a deterioration in the general condition of the body - proteins alone are not enough. That's why high protein diets are bad for health.

In the diet of proteins should be 30 percent, no more and no less. Moreover, two thirds of them should come with food of animal origin, and one third - from plant food. Animal proteins contain amino acids that are vital for the human body to function normally.

The best source of animal proteins is fish, all types of lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese. From vegetable proteins it is worth highlighting legumes (first of all, soy and soy products such as tofu, also beans). But pork and other fatty meats should be excluded from your diet immediately.

Carbohydrates - so different and so necessary

Of the allotted 60% of carbohydrates per day, 2/3 of their total volume should come from foods with fiber: vegetables, first of all, fruits with an average and / or low GI. Any are good leafy salads, spinach, green vegetables and fruits.

The remaining 1/3 of the daily amount of carbohydrates should come from other starchy foods, but those with a low or medium glycemic index. It is better to avoid foods with a high glycemic index, completely eliminate them from your diet. If this is difficult or completely impossible, then at least you should limit yourself to such products, eat them to a minimum. The products of this one-third include: all types of so-called. healthy bread (from whole grain flour, with bran, high in fiber, and so on), healthy cereals like oats (rolled oats), buckwheat.

The glycemic index of products can be seen in each recipe on the Khrumka website. And the link to the table with GI.

Fats - you can not refuse!

No matter how frightening the word “fat”, it is absolutely impossible to completely refuse it in the diet. Fats are also actively involved in the construction of cells and in the production of hormones. Like carbohydrates, they are divided into two types: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated foods are harmful because of their ability to increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. It is better to consume them at a minimum. Unsaturated fats are almost completely absorbed by the body, the best source of them is fish and vegetable oil. But palm oil is the main source of saturated fat in modern world. Because of its cheapness, it gets into almost all products of industrial production. Palm oil is more dangerous and harmful than butter, you need to keep this in mind.

In general, it is better to avoid all animal fats except fish, since fish oil contains PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) omega-3, which are associated with many life processes. human body. The main source of omega-3s is oily fish. Fats in meat, especially in pork, milk fats are harmful to the body.

By the way, people involved in sports and leading an active lifestyle adhere to BJU proportions of 30-20-50, since it is this formula that helps not to feel hungry for a long time when training three times a week, helps to build muscle faster. But this was considered only until recently: the American Dietetic Association conducted experiments, the results of which showed that muscle growth does not accelerate if you change the proportions of BJU in the diet from 30-10-60 to 30-20-50. Therefore, she recommended that everyone adhere to the "standard" BJU proportions of 30-10-60.

Three postulates of healthy eating and optimal weight

What you need to do to stay healthy and normalize your weight:

1. Observe the balance of BJU at 30-10-60

To facilitate the goal - to eat balanced and not pass - it is good to use "accompanying" items in the form of beautiful diaries, kitchen scales, special applications for easy calorie counting. Thinking through and compiling a menu for the week ahead can also make life much easier. Like going to a grocery supermarket with a pre-compiled list of products and a rigid attitude, do not look at the shelves with sweets and cakes))

As soon as all of the above becomes familiar, an understanding will come of how simple everything really is.

Healthy life to all and pleasant weight loss!

Nutrition gives us strength for a full life. The lack of nutrients will not make a person healthy, beautiful, active and efficient. However, in Lately With an abundance and relative availability of products, an excess of high-calorie food, the opposite question also arises: how should you organize your diet correctly, not overeat and get everything you need?

In stores, we are met by an abundance of products. Many of them do not require cooking, just waiting to be unwrapped and eaten. But how useful is such food? What can be given with its help to the body, except for extra calories and poor health? Knowing chemical composition of their food, a person needs to understand what should be consumed constantly, and which products are best left lying on the counter, because they will not bring benefits.

The basis of proper nutrition is energy balance. This means that the number of calories you need to consume should be exactly the opposite of the amount of energy expended. Then a person can be cheerful during the day. For those who decide to lose weight, the advice of nutritionists suggests that it is worth slightly reducing the number of calories that come from food that is recommended to be eaten during the day.

Energy balance is the correct ratio of micronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that a person needs to consume. Before talking about the daily rate, you need to understand what it is and what effect these substances have on the body.

All tips related to proper nutrition, do not do without the mention of proteins. These are substances that must be supplied to all tissues and organs as a building material. Proteins obtained from food are broken down into amino acids, and those, in turn, are involved in the synthesis of body tissues. Therefore, foods rich in this substance should be consumed by children and adolescents whose cells are undergoing a period of active growth, as well as by people who are recovering from injuries and serious illnesses. It is necessary to eat foods containing this micronutrient and adults, because it is involved in tissue regeneration, which means it will allow you to stay active and young longer.

What does a lack of protein lead to?

With improper diets, hunger strikes and simply a lack of nutrition, the body begins to consume energy from muscle tissue, destroying it. To prevent this from happening, you need to have a good idea of ​​what products you can get protein from, in what ratio with other micronutrients it should be consumed.

The commonly held belief that protein can only be obtained from animal products is wrong. In fact, nature gives a person a large amount of plant foods that can satisfy the need for amino acids for the construction and renewal of cells.

What plant foods can you get protein from?

  • Tofu and other soy products;
  • legumes - lentils, beans, beans, chickpeas;
  • nuts - almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts;
  • cereals - oats, wheat, quinoa, millet, rice;
  • sesame;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot.

During the day you need to consume about 100 grams of protein. However, it is worth remembering that the amount of protein in the product is not equal to the amount of the product. This means that if you have lentils on your table today and you want to replenish the supply of this substance, then in order to get the daily allowance, you need to eat so much product that it just becomes bad. Therefore, it is considered the norm to get protein from a variety of dishes, organizing a balanced diet for yourself.

It is worth remembering that an excess of this micronutrient can disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys, nervous balance and metabolism. Everything is good in moderation, and for the construction and regeneration of cells, you need to use a certain amount of this substance.

Fats in our diet

The advice of nutrition experts will never include a recommendation to cut fat from the diet. Without these components, we will eat an inferior breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fats are necessary for the absorption of vitamins, the functioning of the reproductive system and energy production, as well as for the skin and hair to be healthy and beautiful.

Not all fats that can be eaten are the same. Scientists divide them into three categories.

  • Saturated fats. Contained in those products that are of animal origin. They are refractory, break down with difficulty, it is better not to use them excessively, so as not to develop diabetes or face cardiovascular diseases. Their excess also leads to obesity.
  • Monounsaturated. These fats, unlike saturated ones, on the contrary, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. They are found in abundance in vegetable oils: olive, oil walnut and sunflower, peanut. You can also find them in avocados - a unique vegetable that can saturate the body. It has a lot of calories and benefits.
  • Polyunsaturated fats. The body needs to use them regularly, because they ensure proper metabolism, form cell membranes, participate in the synthesis of new cells and prevent tissue aging. All this happens thanks to special fatty acids– Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fats can be found in nuts and linseed oils, as well as in seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, flax. It is useful to eat 50-70 grams of nuts, peanuts, avocados.

How much fat do you need per day? After all, we know that they contain a lot of calories. The norms for the consumption of fats are as follows: for women from 18 to 30 years old - 90-120 grams per day, men of the same age - 100-160 grams. After 30 years, the norm decreases by about 10 grams. For women - from 85 to 112 grams, for men - from 100 to 150 grams. After 40 years, both men and women need to eat more than 70 grams of fat of various kinds per day.

Why carbohydrates are important

The human body cannot produce carbohydrates on its own. However, he needs them daily. These are the substances responsible for our energy and performance. They can be divided into simple, complex and ballast.

  • simple carbohydrates or monosaccharides are rapidly absorbed, produce energy, which is also quickly consumed. Therefore, if you consume them excessively, you can come to an increase in appetite and the formation of excess calories. Simple carbohydrates are found in confectionery, pastries, fruits.
  • Complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides break down slowly, which means they provide a stable level of energy. A person stays full for a long time and does not overeat. In addition, polysaccharides remove harmful substances and “bad” cholesterol from the blood. They can be found in breads, especially whole grains or rye, vegetables, fruits, pasta and, of course, cereals - oats, wheat, buckwheat, corn, raw rice. There is no need to be afraid of such calories - they will turn into energy, and not into fat.
  • Ballast carbohydrates are fiber. It is not absorbed, but, like a broom, it cleans the intestines from all that is superfluous, it does not contain calories.

One gram of carbohydrates when oxidized provides 4 calories. It is difficult to name the exact amount of these substances needed per day, since it depends on the physical and mental activity of a particular person. However, the average figure can be called 500 grams of carbohydrates, necessary for the body in a day.

Balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates does a person need per day for an active and healthy existence, in order not to gain weight and live long? Nutritionists usually use the image of a plate that a person fills when he is hungry for a more visual explanation. Half of the meal is occupied by carbohydrates, ¼ proteins and the same amount of fats. Sometimes these proportions change somewhat. For those who need to consume fewer calories, the amount of fat is slightly reduced. That is, if standard carbohydrates should occupy 50% of the diet, proteins 25% and fats 25%, losing weight consume 30% protein and 20% fat. It must be remembered that, speaking of the right and healthy eating, by carbohydrates we mean, first of all, complex ones - polysaccharides. The advice of experts says that the plate should not contain sweets and pastries, but vegetables, fruits, cereals and good lean bread.

Many people want to eat right, but they are stopped by ignorance of what the diet consists of, what substances are contained in various products. They do not understand how to adjust the nutrition system, reduce the number of calories. Knowing which products and in what ratio contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, how to combine them, you will get a properly composed diet, and with it, health, longevity, activity and beauty.