Products that raise hemoglobin in humans. Products that increase hemoglobin: iron sources of animal and vegetable origin. Products that increase hemoglobin in women

Constant weakness, dizziness, drowsiness - these symptoms may indicate an insufficient level of hemoglobin. This condition is diagnosed as iron deficiency anemia. Doctors play an important role in the treatment of nutritional correction. The patient's diet is enriched with foods high in vitamins and iron (Fe).

Top 10 Foods to Increase Hemoglobin

The human body is not able to synthesize iron on its own, its intake is provided through food. The record microelement content is famous for:

  • Pork liver. 100 grams of offal contains about 20 mg of iron, as well as a lot of protein, vitamins A, B and C.
  • Halva. There are 50 mg of Fe per 100 grams of sesame dessert, and sunflower seed paste contains about 34 mg of Fe. Halva will help not only increase hemoglobin, but also compensate for the lack of calcium, zinc, vitamins of groups B, F, E.
  • Buckwheat kernel. 100 grams of the product contains about 8 mg of iron, a lot of B vitamins, potassium, while the product is considered low-calorie. A 100-gram serving of porridge has only 100 kcal.
  • Mushrooms. You can increase hemoglobin by regularly eating white dried mushrooms. For 100 grams of product, there are 23 g of proteins, 6 g of fat, 31 g of carbohydrates and about 32 mg of iron.
  • Raisin. 100 grams of dried fruits include about 2 mg of iron, 50 mg of calcium, 32 mg of magnesium, 11 mg of sodium. Due to this composition, raisins are recommended to be included in the diet of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Seaweed. Laminaria is a very useful algae, especially for those who suffer from endocrine disorders. 100 grams of the product contain 12 mg of Fe, a lot of iodine, bromine, manganese.
  • Seafood. Shellfish, which contain up to 27 mg of iron, oysters - 6 mg of Fe, mussels - 7 mg of Fe will help to increase the level of hemoglobin.
  • Lentils. A close relative of the bean contains fiber, proteins, magnesium, zinc and about 11 mg of Fe per 100 grams of the finished product.
  • Spinach. The product improves intestinal motility, promotes weight loss, lowers blood sugar levels. In addition to these properties, the plant will help raise the level of hemoglobin. 1 cup of spinach poached in water or a drop of oil has up to 7 mg of iron.
  • Tuna. Fish is recommended for all people who want to increase hemoglobin levels and not gain extra pounds. 100 grams of tuna contains only 140 kcal and 1.3 mg of iron.

Vegetables to increase hemoglobin

Compared to food of animal origin herbal products to increase hemoglobin is not as effective. Of the total amount of iron found in vegetables, the body absorbs only 3-8%, so the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia in vegetarians is much higher than in meat-eaters.

The table shows the most popular vegetables that increase hemoglobin, raw and boiled:


When choosing foods to raise hemoglobin, do not forget about berries and fruits. Although they contain the least iron in comparison with meat, offal or vegetables, they are additionally enriched with vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances. To increase the level of red blood cells will help:

Animal products

The fastest way to increase the level of hemoglobin will help the liver of various animals and other offal. Seafood is somewhat inferior to them - oysters, mussels, shrimps, clams. With iron deficiency anemia, the menu should include:

Nuts that increase hemoglobin

Among the different varieties of nuts, walnuts are considered the most useful. They contain a large amount of cobalt, magnesium, potassium, vitamins of group B, PP, H, K, E, C. To increase hemoglobin walnuts recommend using to recreate the following recipes.

Before proceeding directly to the list of products that increase hemoglobin, it is worth saying a few words about how products affect its performance. To do this, it is enough to know that hemoglobin is a complex iron-containing protein, which in the human body is responsible for supplying cells with oxygen. About 15 substances take part in the synthesis of the mentioned protein, but only two of them cannot be replaced by others - iron and folic acid.

Therefore, to raise hemoglobin in the blood, it is necessary iron and folic acid as well as vitamins and minerals facilitating their absorption.

It is important to avoid eating foods that flush iron out of the body. So, the biggest enemies of normal hemoglobin are tea, coca-cola and coffee.

Animal products for saturating the body with iron

The absolute champion among animal products containing iron, and, therefore, increasing hemoglobin, is beef. When eating this type of meat, the body absorbs up to 22% of iron. In 100 gr. beef contains 2.2 mg of this valuable trace element. In addition, it also contains other valuable substances (among them zinc, magnesium, iodine, B vitamins, amino acids, proteins), due to which metabolic processes are activated, the immune system weakness disappears.

A good "conductor" of iron is game meat. It can be a duck, a hare, a roe deer, a wild boar, etc.

Eggs also contain a lot of iron. However, it is better to give preference to quail eggs over chicken ones. This is due to the fact that the former cannot be infected with salmonellosis, and are also not capable of causing allergic reactions. Because of this, they can be consumed even raw.

Plant foods containing iron

There are many products of plant origin, which contain such a necessary element for hemoglobin as iron, which is contained in sufficient quantities. These products include:

  • pistachios. Perhaps many will be surprised by this fact, but in 100 gr. these nuts contain 60 mg of iron;
  • walnuts- another tasty product that contains a sufficient amount of iron, as well as potassium, magnesium and cobalt;
  • peaches- a fruit that cannot be ignored when compiling a list of products to increase hemoglobin in the blood. In 100 gr. fresh fruit contains 4 mg of iron, dried - 3 mg;
  • apples"Give" the body 2.2 mg of iron. It should be noted that dried apples contain 2.7 times more of this microelement than fresh ones;
  • persimmon. With every 100 gr. this fruit in human body 2.5 mg of iron supplied;
  • pear. This fruit, in addition to iron, also contains zinc, manganese, copper and cobalt, which play an important role in increasing hemoglobin;
  • berries- cranberries, strawberries, black currants, strawberries, mountain ash. To saturate the body with iron, it is enough to eat 1 tbsp. lodges of the mentioned berries;
  • pomegranate. This fruit stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin not only due to its iron, but also due to such important vitamins as B6, B5, B12, P, C, each of which performs a specific function. Among them, a positive effect on the absorption of iron, on the state of blood vessels, as well as the immune system;

In order to increase hemoglobin, pomegranate should be consumed exclusively in its entirety. According to studies, even freshly squeezed pomegranate juice does not have a positive effect on hemoglobin, not to mention canned.
  • lemon or lemon juice . It can be used along with vegetable salads or honey;
  • tomato. Despite the fact that there is not so much iron in its composition (only 0.3 mg per 100 g), it is completely absorbed due to the high content of vitamin C in the vegetable. The positive properties of the tomato include the fact that heat treatment does not affect their value.

Fish and seafood are another source of iron

Any marine fish can give the human body up to 11% of the daily requirement of iron, and eating only 100 grams. boiled clams - a whole norm, so you won't need to look anymore for which foods raise hemoglobin.

An excellent "supplier" of iron is black caviar - in 100 gr. This product contains 2.5 mg of the mentioned element. It makes sense to consume black caviar not only for those women who have low hemoglobin, but also for everyone else for preventive purposes. To increase hemoglobin, it is enough to use 2 tbsp. lodges of black caviar twice a day for 18-20 days.

Cod liver is another food that affects the production of red blood cells. This happens due to the folic acid contained in its composition. It is worth noting that the mentioned product does not lose its beneficial features during canning, therefore, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, you can safely use canned cod liver.

Red caviar is also a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary to increase hemoglobin. It contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, as well as a wide range of vitamins, including folic acid. You can use the product both in its pure form and as an additive to salads.

Folic acid: its main sources

Seafood is not the only food that raises hemoglobin due to the presence of folic acid in their composition. Sources of this vitamin are also:

  • broccoli. 100 gr. of this product are able to "deliver" to the body 24% of the daily requirement of folic acid. In addition, broccoli is one of the best products used for detoxification. To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements in this product, it is recommended to use it raw;
  • leafy greens. For example, iceberg lettuce, spinach, Chinese cabbage, onion shoots, celery, etc.
  • Brussels sprouts. One serving of this product, boiled, can provide the body with 25% of the daily requirement of folic acid. In addition, Brussels sprouts contain manganese, potassium, as well as vitamins A, C, K;
  • pumpkin. In 100 gr. This product contains 36-57 micrograms of folic acid. The benefits of pumpkin include the fact that it can be consumed almost all year round, since it keeps very well in the winter;
  • corn. It gets to the tables of our compatriots, as a rule, in canned form, but corn can bring more benefits if it is consumed fresh. We are talking about 24 micrograms of folic acid;
  • sprouted grains. They are able to cover the daily need for folic acid. For this, 50 gr are enough;
The use of sprouted grains in order to saturate the body with folic acid is contraindicated in women who have problems with the digestive tract.
  • buckwheat. This product contains a sufficient amount of not only folic acid, but also iron, an element so necessary for raising hemoglobin. There are not so many products that can compare with buckwheat, but it is better not to heat it before use;
  • asparagus. This plant contains the highest amount of folic acid compared to many other foods - 262 micrograms. The benefits of asparagus can also include its low calorie content, which is of particular importance for women who follow the figure;
  • seeds- another storehouse of folic acid. 300 mcg - this is exactly how much of this substance is contained in 200 gr. seeds, and they can be any - pumpkin, sesame, sunflower or linen.

The maximum amount of folic acid is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, heat treatment of these products should be avoided.

The role of juices in increasing hemoglobin

You can also increase hemoglobin with the help of freshly squeezed juices. For their preparation, you can use beets, carrots, apples. However, the use of beetroot juice in large quantities is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that it has increased biological activity and has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. Carrot juice is a completely different matter - you can drink it up to 3 glasses a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals. Concerning apple juice, then it can be safely called a delicious medicine, which can be used both in its pure form and as one of the ingredients of a fruit cocktail.

Which foods promote and which hinder the absorption of iron

Eating foods high in iron and folic acid is only half the battle in increasing hemoglobin. Equally important, eat foods necessary for the body to absorb these substances. First of all, these are vegetables, fruits and drinks containing vitamin C. Among them are oranges, carrots, spinach, rosehip broth.

It is equally important in the formation of red blood cells and vitamin B12, which is found in the liver, beef, poultry meat, eggs, soy, seaweed.

In the case of eating meat in order to increase hemoglobin, it is important to combine it with products that do not block the absorption of nutrients. These are cabbage, beans, potatoes, green pea. But the combination of meat with bread, cereals and pasta is best avoided.

Another substance that prevents the absorption of iron is calcium. Therefore, at least 3 hours should elapse between the use of iron-containing foods and milk or cottage cheese. For the period of using products to increase hemoglobin, it is also worth giving up tea and coffee, and even better, replace them with rosehip broth, herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices.

Hemoglobin is responsible for supplying oxygen to the cells of the whole body, so it is very important for human health. With a decrease in this piment in the blood, there is:

  • oxygen deprivation,
  • Anemia,
  • Fast fatiguability,
  • Dizziness,
  • Headache.

This can harm the body as a whole. However, if you feel only some discomfort, then you need to review the diet and include foods to increase hemoglobin in the blood.

If the problem becomes critical, you should consult a doctor. Then, according to his recommendations, start a course of taking medications.

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in women and men

Age Floor Hemoglobin level (g/l)
Less than 2 weeks W/M 135-200
2 weeks - 1 month W/M 115-180
1-2 months W/M 90-130
2-6 months W/M 95-140
6-12 months W/M 105-140
1-5 years W/M 100-140
5-12 years old W/M 115-145
12-15 years old AND 112-152
M 120-160
15-18 years old AND 115-153
M 117-160
18-65 years old AND 120-155
M 130-160
Over 65 years old AND 120-157
M 125-165

What foods increase hemoglobin in the blood

Let's find out which foods raise hemoglobin in the blood.

  1. Meat and offal.

Animal proteins found in lean meats and organ meats help restore hemoglobin levels. In addition, the body absorbs at least 20% of the iron they contain, which is 4 times more than the level of absorption of food of plant origin. It will be useful to include the following types of meat and offal in the diet:

  • Veal,
  • Beef,
  • Liver
  • Beef tongue.

These are the foods with the highest levels of iron. In order for the products to be useful and not cause extra pounds, it is advisable to eat them boiled, baked, and in case of frying, monitor a moderate amount of oil and the degree of roasting. It should be light or medium.

  1. Fish and seafood.

Oddly enough, but sea fish, shrimp, squid and caviar are also important components of a complete healthy diet.

  • Sea fish, especially fatty varieties, contains, in addition to iron useful for hemoglobin, no less useful omega acids, which contribute to the body's recovery processes.
  • Seafood is a more dietary option, but it also contains an average of 30 mg of iron per 100 g of product.
  • Sea kale (kelp) is also included in the list of products that increase hemoglobin. It saturates the body with important trace elements.
  1. Bran.

Wheat bran contains approximately 15 mg of iron per 100 grams of product, as well as a whole bunch of B vitamins that are involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. However, it is advisable to use bran carefully, 20-30 grams per day. Otherwise, it may cause digestive problems. In order for wheat bran to be not only healthy, but also tasty, it is recommended to add it to your favorite yogurt or kefir (only 1 tablespoon per glass) and take it in the morning, before breakfast or instead of it.

  1. Seeds.

Did you know that delicious pumpkin and sunflower seeds besides, are they useful? Of course, they are more useful raw or slightly dried. The less the seeds are roasted, the better they are absorbed by the body. Beneficial seeds include linen And sesame, which are often added to bread products. You can purchase these seeds separately and add them to salads or other favorite dishes. For those with a sweet tooth, there is also an option for consuming seeds - tahini halva. It is made from ground sesame seeds and is an extremely healthy sweet. In addition, this halva contains 50 mg of iron per 100 grams of product.

  1. Pomegranate.

In the presence of problems with hemoglobin, it is often advised to drink pomegranate juice. IT'S A DELUSION.

As you can see in the table, the pomegranate actually contains a small amount of iron. And do not confuse it with pomegranate nectar, which can often be found on store shelves. It will practically not bring any benefit at all, only freshly squeezed or natural juice. To find natural juice, read the composition. It must indicate the percentage of the natural product.

Additional materials:

Table of herbal products that increase hemoglobin

The product's name
seeds 35,0
sea ​​cabbage 16,0
Lentils 11,8
wheat bran 11,1
Soya 9,7
Buckwheat 6,7
Peanut 4,6
Dogwood 4,1
Oatmeal 3,9
Rye bread 3,9
pistachios 3,9
Almond 3,7
Dried apricots 3,2
Dried prunes 3
Walnut 2,9
Spinach 2,7
Corn 2,7
Persimmon 2,5
Beet 1,7
Peas 1,5
Pomegranate 1
Apples 0,1

Table of animal products that increase hemoglobin

The product's name Iron content in mg per 100 g
Pork liver 20,2
chicken liver 17,5
oysters 9,2
beef liver 6,9
Chicken yolk 6,7
mussels 6,7
beef heart 4,8
Pig's heart 4,1
beef tongue 4,1
beef meat 3,6
Quail yolk 3,2
Pork tongue 3,2
lamb meat 3,1
sardines 2,9
Sardines (canned) 2,9
Black caviar 2,4
pork meat 1,8
Chicken's meat 1,6
Turkey meat 1,4
Tuna (canned) 1,4

What foods increase hemoglobin during pregnancy: Video experience

So, here we found out which foods increase hemoglobin in adults and children. Of course, this is not the whole list. There are other types of products that contain the necessary trace elements.

Low hemoglobin- a common problem, especially familiar to women. Spring beriberi, pregnancy and lactation, menstruation - all these factors lead to anemia.

Accept medications with a high iron content - dubious happiness. It is much more effective and more pleasant to get the necessary substance from foods that increase hemoglobin.

Why is a low level of hemoglobin in the body dangerous? At a minimum - a lack of oxygen in the internal organs and tissues, as a maximum - anemia. That is why it is so important to monitor your hemoglobin levels and eat right.

In this article, we will tell you about foods that increase hemoglobin and how you can quickly increase its level at home.

Previously, everyone was sure that if you actively eat foods high in iron, then hemoglobin will be high automatically. Recommendations to eat apples, pomegranates and buckwheat were popular. But the opinions of modern scientists differ greatly on this matter. As recent studies show, the human body needs animal proteins, which contain iron. Thus, it is better absorbed.

But what about those who have specific diseases? Gastrointestinal tract in which iron is not absorbed into the blood at all? No products will help here. Therefore, initially it is necessary to establish the cause of the decrease in the level of hemoglobin, and only then choose for yourself special diet. In any of the cases, how and how to increase hemoglobin should be decided by the doctor. As well as to treat those diseases that led to iron deficiency in the body.

Hemoglobin- nothing more than an iron-containing protein. It is present in humans and animals. When its level drops, the cells do not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrition.

Hence the following signs of a lack of hemoglobin:

  • lethargy and pallor, shortness of breath;
  • increased fatigue;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • frequent headaches;
  • brittleness and delamination of nails;
  • difficulty swallowing food.

Indirect signs of iron deficiency, which can often be seen in young children, are:

  • cold, often freezing hands and feet, even in hot weather;
  • eating chalk, clay, ice and paper;
  • positive perception of sharp and unpleasant odors.

How to increase hemoglobin at home quickly if you notice one of these signs ?

Iron is best absorbed in combination with vitamin C. Supplement iron-rich foods with natural juices and fruits rich in ascorbic acid.

Calcium prevents the absorption of iron into the blood. Eat dairy products in moderation during hemoglobin levels.

To make it easier to remember foods that increase hemoglobin, we have given them in the form of a table, which indicates poor and iron-rich foods. As well as its content in mg per 100 grams.

Products that increase hemoglobin in the blood: table.

iron poorproducts

Moderately richiron

rich in ironproducts








Halva tahini

Sunflower halva

Pork liver

Wheat groats

Dried apples


Buckwheat flour

dried pear

Breast milk




cocoa powder



Rose hip

beef liver

Chicken egg

Beef kidneys


Beef brains


Black currant

Caviar caviar

beef tongue




Cow's milk



Honey increases hemoglobin or not

Honey deserves special attention. As you know, it contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals. To a small extent, it also helps to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The most effective for this purpose will be dark varieties of honey. They contain the largest amount of fructose, and, accordingly, iron. Here's a couple simple recipes how to raise hemoglobin levels with honey at home.

  • Combine honey, dried apricots and walnuts in a ratio of 1:1 - grind and mix thoroughly. Eat 2-3 tablespoons of the vitamin mixture per day.
  • Take 1 glass of dried apricots, prunes, walnuts and raisins. Grind thoroughly and add 4-5 tablespoons of honey, one grated lemon with the skin and 2 teaspoons of aloe juice. Eat a vitamin mixture of 2-3 tablespoons per day.

What kind of wine increases hemoglobin in the blood

Among those who want to increase hemoglobin on their own, the question is, what kind of wine increases hemoglobin in the blood? The most useful for human health - red wines. They are able to increase the level of hemoglobin and cope with some manifestations of anemia - improve complexion, eliminate physical weakness and dizziness.

The recommended norm is up to two glasses of wine per day. Of course, you should not immediately drink such an amount of alcohol. Give preference to a dry quality drink. It should not be fortified and sweet. Start with 100 grams of wine per day.

It should be remembered that a large amount of red wine can be harmful to health. Therefore, people with serious illnesses should refrain from using it at all or not exceed a dose of 150 ml.

Contraindications to the use of wine to increase hemoglobin are as follows:

  • diseases of the pancreas and liver;
  • various allergic reactions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the stomach - ulcers, colitis, gastritis;
  • problems with the work of the heart.

The best alternative to wine in this case would be walnuts and other foods that increase hemoglobin. . For example - pomegranate juice, beef liver, dark chocolate and green tea.

What caviar increases hemoglobin

Seafood also has a positive effect on the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Not so long ago, scientists came to the conclusion that red caviar contributes to the growth of hemoglobin in the blood. It is she who is in the first place, among all useful products that can prevent anemia.

Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in red blood cells - erythrocytes. Red caviar consists of 50 percent protein. It also contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health.

After eating red caviar, the interaction of protein elements occurs, which leads to an increase in hemoglobin.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child

Many parents want to know how to increase hemoglobin in a child .

Its deficiency can lead to serious consequences:

  • drowsiness and decreased vital activity;
  • dry cracking of the skin;
  • deterioration of the condition of hair and nails;
  • problems in mental and psychic development.

All of these signs are also symptoms of anemia. In addition, low hemoglobin in children significantly reduces the body's defense mechanisms. Hence and frequent problems with immunity - colds and tonsillitis, which take a long time and are poorly treated.

What foods increase hemoglobin in children?

These include the following types of food:

  • natural vegetable and berry juices and purees - from red varieties;
  • any red fruits - dried, fresh or dried;
  • chicken meat and offal - liver, kidneys, tongue, heart;
  • red and black berries - fresh and frozen;
  • most vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, beets, pumpkin;
  • cereals, with the exception of semolina, in particular legumes and buckwheat;
  • dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes;
  • prepared egg yolk;
  • greens - parsley, basil, cilantro, arugula and dill.

Replace part of the products with more useful ones for the child. Instead of sweets - dried fruits, instead of sweet carbonated drinks - compotes and freshly squeezed juices.

If the child does not want to eat fruits, replace them with muesli, fruit salads, vitamin mixtures. Vegetables can be used to make a casserole or pizza.

Young children should be given fruit with extreme caution so that an allergic reaction does not follow. You should also separate dairy products from vegetables and fruits, as calcium prevents the absorption of iron.

Products that increase hemoglobin in women

The hemoglobin level is extremely unstable in the female body. With a lack of iron, weakness appears, fatigue increases, firmness and elasticity of the skin are lost, and working capacity is significantly reduced. Particularly dangerous for female body oxygen starvation.

The next stage is the lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid. This condition is observed in women during pregnancy or menstruation, prolonged stay on diets for weight correction

Products that increase hemoglobin in women are:

  • veal - it is most valuable for improving and assimilation of hemoglobin synthesis, other cattle meat is also useful;
  • beef liver - has hematopoietic properties, it is good to combine it with cooked kidneys and other offal;
  • with a vegetable diet, cereals are good, in particular buckwheat;
  • boiled red beans effectively fight signs and symptoms of anemia;
  • from greens - dishes and salads containing young nettles and parsley;
  • from vegetables - red beets, zucchini, tomatoes, red carrots and pattysons;
  • fruits - apples, watermelons and melons, bananas, ripe peaches, black currants, pomegranates and cranberries.

How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy

Especially important is the level of hemoglobin during pregnancy. A future mother needs to supply oxygen not only to her body, but also to her unborn child. When hemoglobin drops to 100 g / l, urgent measures are required to take medications containing iron and vitamins.

But, if the hemoglobin level has not reached a critical level, you can limit yourself to using the right products that will bring it back to normal. So, how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy?

To stabilize the amount of iron and vitamins in the blood will help:

  • animal products - veal, beef, pork, white meat, fish food;
  • legumes and cereal crops- beans, peas, oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • vegetable dishes - salads, baked potatoes, pumpkin, beetroot, greens;
  • berries and fruits - apples, bananas, pears, apricots, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries;
  • freshly squeezed juices - from pomegranate, apples, carrots and beets;
  • dried fruits and dark chocolate, egg yolk and fish caviar and liver.

During pregnancy, a vitamin mixture helps to increase the level of hemoglobin. For it, you need to mix dried fruits in a blender - dried apricots, dates, prunes, dried cranberries and dried bananas. Add ground walnut kernels and a little honey to them.

It is good to eat steamed buckwheat with carrots and olive oil during pregnancy.

Replacing black tea with green tea, or freshly squeezed cranberry, orange, pineapple, or grapefruit juices will also lead to the desired result.

Products that increase hemoglobin in the blood in the elderly

The menu should include the following products that increase hemoglobin in the blood of the elderly:

  • meat and fish dishes- they can be prepared in completely different ways;
  • eggs - chicken and quail;
  • seafood - shrimps and mussels, sea kale, rapana;
  • legumes and soybeans - beans, peas;
  • red grape wine;
  • natural juices and fruits - grapes, kiwi, bananas, plums, oranges, lemons, tangerines;
  • vegetables - cauliflower and broccoli;
  • dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

Any foods that increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood are many times better and more useful than medicines, especially since they serve as a preventive measure for a number of diseases. Therefore, it is easier to regularly take a blood test and maintain normal hemoglobin than to face the treatment of anemia and other consequences of its deficiency in the body.

A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to the development of anemia or anemia. Most often, it appears with lethargy, pallor of the skin, weakness, constant feeling of fatigue, loss of efficiency, decreased emotional tone, shortness of breath, palpitations at the slightest exertion, lack of appetite, and digestive disorders.

Iron deficiency negatively affects the appearance of a person. The skin and their appendages (nails and hair) react to the imbalance with increased fragility of the strands and nail plates, their delamination, excessive dryness of the epidermis, a bluish tint to the lips, the appearance of rashes, etc.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who, after collecting anamnesis and blood tests, will prescribe adequate therapy. In some cases, it is impossible to do without the use of iron-containing preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes. Also, the doctor will definitely suggest adjusting the diet and enriching the menu with products containing the maximum doses of iron.

According to the medical standards established by WHO, the average daily intake of iron from food is:

  • in men - from 10 to 15 mg;
  • in women - from 15 to 20 mg;
  • in pregnant women and breastfeeding - at least 30 mg.

When, after the laboratory research blood it turns out that the level of hemoglobin in a person is below normal, then the correction of the diet will be a mandatory recommendation of the doctor. According to nutritionists, certain foods can increase hemoglobin in the blood without the use of medications.

In order to correctly compose a diet menu for anemia, it is necessary to assess how many nutrients that increase the level of hemoglobin and the degree of absorption of iron from food are in the products present on our table.

What foods increase hemoglobin? Let's figure it out together, and for ease and convenience, we will list the products in the form of a table.

Products that increase hemoglobin in the blood (table)

Products that increase hemoglobin (table) and contain the maximum amount of iron - a list of products of animal and vegetable origin.

Name of animal products
Skim milk cheese35-37
Boiled clams: rapana, shrimps, squid, mussels, crabs, crayfish, oysters, etc.26-31
Hard cheeses18-19
Veal and beef liver9-11
Egg yolk: chicken, duck, goose, perpel6-9
Offal: heart, beef tongue, lungs, kidneys5-7
Rabbit meat, turkey3-4,5
Caviar caviar1,9
Name of herbal products Iron content in mg per 100 g
Halva tahini and sunflower, pomegranate and pomegranate juice33-45
Dried mushrooms: champignons, white, Polish, boletus, boletus, grandmother31-34
Wheat bran, oatmeal17-20
Molasses and all dried fruits, including dried apricots, apples, raisins, pears, prunes, etc.17-23
Brewer's yeast and seeds: poppy, sesame, pumpkin, sesame15-20
Cocoa and leafy greens: parsley, spinach, dill, celery11-13
Buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat groats7-8
Fresh mushrooms, including wild ones6-7
Legumes: beans, lentils, peas, beans4-6
Raw nuts: almonds, cedar, hazelnuts, cashews, brazilian, walnuts4-5
Wheat flour3-3,2

As you can see, foods that quickly increase hemoglobin are not exotic fruits or delicacies that are inaccessible at prices for most of us. We are talking about the usual food for us, which is sold in any store. One has only to figure out which of the products contain high doses of iron and are easily absorbed by the human body.

When compiling a diet, it should be borne in mind that the absorption of the trace element iron from animal products is from 20 to 30%, and from plant foods - from 3 to 5%. Therefore, the rejection of meat and offal, fish, eggs and dairy foods, which is typical for adherents of a raw food diet and vegetarianism, often leads to iron deficiency and a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Fans risk getting anemia strict diets aimed at intensive weight loss. The absence of animal food in the diet, which is the main supplier of iron, as well as an imbalance in the menu can lead to serious violations of the functions of all organs and systems, including hematopoietic.

For maximum absorption of iron from incoming food, the presence of the following vitamins is necessary: ​​C (ascorbic acid), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamin).

That is, in the presence of these compounds, the microelement is absorbed in the intestine to the greatest extent. Therefore, in addition to the iron-containing products listed in the table, the following products should be included in the daily menu.

The best sources of vitamin C are: rose hips, sweet bell pepper, especially red varieties, blackcurrant, gouava, kiwi, horseradish, sea buckthorn, broccoli, brussels and cauliflower, pickled White cabbage, parsley, radish, all citrus fruits, strawberries, wild strawberries, pineapple, dried fruits.

The best sources of vitamin B9 are: beef liver, brewer's yeast, peanuts, legumes, seeds, kelp (seaweed), spinach, dandelion leaves and other leafy greens, cod liver, avocados, apricots, dried fruits.

The best sources of vitamin B12 are: beef liver and other offal, rabbit and turkey meat, beef, lamb, hard cheeses, sea fish and all seafood, including seaweed, soybeans, egg yolks, brewer's yeast.

As you can see, some foods are rich in iron, ascorbic acid and B vitamins at the same time. Thus, we can conclude that best increases hemoglobin the following food:

  1. Beef and all offal.
  2. Seafood.
  3. Brewer's yeast.
  4. Cheeses.
  5. Sea fish.
  6. Berries, seeds and dried fruits.

Enriching the diet with fish and meat purees with the addition of greens is an ideal option for complementary foods that should be introduced gradually.

Oatmeal, Rye bread, egg yolk, dried fruits instead of sweets, peaches, apricots, apples and plums - this is what will help normalize hemoglobin levels in childhood in a short time.

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in pregnant women?

The menu of pregnant women should be varied and complete. In addition to the products listed in the table with a high iron content, nutritionists advise expectant mothers to drink freshly squeezed juices: pomegranate, tomato, apple, orange, grapefruit, rich in ascorbic acid and a whole complex of trace elements.

Naturally, these fruits should not cause allergies. Iron-rich plant foods, including spinach, parsley, dill, almonds, cedar, dried apricots, pumpkin, strawberries, watermelon, and brewer's yeast, are an ideal way to normalize blood composition in pregnant women.

What hinders the absorption of iron?

First of all, we are talking about caffeine. Coffee, black tea and energy drinks slow down the absorption of iron from food. Undeniable harm metabolic processes alcohol and nicotine.

So, normalizing the composition of the blood with the help of dietary nutrition is a very real task. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the specialist observing you and not be lazy to cook delicious, varied and nutritious dishes from the products mentioned in this article.

Be healthy!