Fruit salad with cream. Fruit salad with nuts, recipe. Traditional whipped cream recipe and fruit salad with it

The advantage of the dish is that you can choose each component of the salad yourself. The choice may depend on personal preference or seasonal fruits.

To dress the salad, you can use any yogurt:

  • Natural yogurt without sugar
  • Yogurt with filling (with filling or flavor of vanilla, chocolate, caramel)
  • Homemade yogurt with bacteria (made by yourself without sugar from milk)
  • Yogurt with muesli (tasty, healthy and satisfying)
  • Yogurt with honey (in your favorite ratio) - a sweet and healthy dressing
  • If you don't have yogurt or you just don't like this product, you can replace it with sour cream of any fat content or whipped cream. Fruit salad with sour cream has a rich creamy taste and fruity sourness.

Recipe for fruit salad with yogurt:

You will need:

Apple – 1 piece (sweet, red)
Kiwi – 2 pieces (soft – this is a sign of sweetness)
Banana – 1 piece (medium size)
Orange – 1 piece (small size)
Yogurt – 4 tablespoons (any yogurt)
Nuts – for serving (any)


Each fruit should be peeled. You can leave the apple with the skin if you like to eat it. The seeds should be removed from the apple.
The banana is cut lengthwise and only then into cubes. All other fruits are cut into cubes in the same way. Remove as much membrane as possible from the orange before slicing.
All fruits are placed in a serving bowl and mixed using a spoon. You should not mix the fruits too much, as they may lose their attractive appearance.
If you like a sweet fruit salad, sprinkle one or two teaspoons of powdered sugar on top of the fruit (the sand will "crunch" on your teeth).
Yogurt is poured on top of the fruit. Try to distribute it over the entire surface. You should not stir the salad so that it does not lose its beautiful appearance. Yogurt will penetrate into each layer on its own due to its liquid structure.
The walnut (or any other) should be slightly chopped with a knife and sprinkled over the top of the salad. The dish is ready to serve!

Dietary fruit salad, recipe

In order to prepare a dietary fruit salad, you will need non-sweet, non-calorie fruits, as well as a non-fat dressing. In any case, fruit salad should be eaten only in the first half of the day, so that the calories in the dish have time to be consumed by the evening.

You will need:

Apple – 1 piece (sweet or sour)
Kiwi – 1 piece (soft, sweet)
Orange – 1 piece (not large)
Grapefruit - half a citrus
Pomegranate seeds for garnishing the dish
A few spoons of natural low-fat yogurt for dressing
Banana is a starchy fruit, and starch is bad for weight loss. You cannot add a banana to a diet fruit salad. Grapes are also contraindicated - they are very high in calories. Choosing fruits for diet salad, try to give preference to more sour than sweet.


Peel the apple from peel and seeds. The pulp is cut into cubes and placed in a small salad bowl or bowl for serving the dish.
Kiwi should be peeled and cut into cubes
Orange and grapefruit are cleaned of films as thoroughly as possible, as they can give off a bitter taste. Citrus pulp should be cut into cubes.
All ingredients are mixed a little, but as carefully as possible so as not to crush a single cube.
Natural yogurt dressing is poured on top of the fruit.
Garnish the salad with a handful of pomegranate seeds.

Fruit salad with nuts, recipe

Nuts complement fruit perfectly. This is one of the best flavor combinations. If a fruit salad is dressed with a dairy product (cream, sour cream, yogurt), then such a dish is also very healthy!

To prepare a fruit salad, you can use absolutely any nuts:

  • Walnut
  • Pistachio
  • Peanut
  • Pine nuts
  • Almond
  • Cashew
  • A tasty and healthy solution is to use a mixture of nuts. The nut can be left whole (if teeth allow), or you can detail it to make it easier to chew.

A simple recipe for walnut salad:

You will need:

Orange – 1 piece (sweet)
Kiwi – 2 pieces (soft, sweet)
Canned or fresh pineapple - 200 grams (drain syrup from canned)
Apple – 1 piece (sour)
Yogurt or sour cream for dressing
Honey or caramel syrup for decoration
Mint leaves (to decorate the dish)
Walnut – 70 grams


The orange is peeled and filmed as thoroughly as possible and chopped into cubes.
The rest of the fruits are peeled, the apple's seed capsule is removed
Fruits are placed on a serving plate in a mixed order
Salad topped with yogurt
Pour the required amount of liquid honey or caramel topping on top of the yogurt in a thin stream for sweetness.
The salad is sprinkled with nuts and decorated with a mint leaf.

Fruit salad with pear: recipe

Pear is a juicy and sweet fruit that will complement the taste of any salad. For fruit salad, it is best to choose a soft, sweet pear rather than a green, hard one.

You will need:

Pear – 2 pieces (sweet fruit)
Kiwi – 3 pieces (or 2 large ones)
Strawberries – 300 grams
Mint - a few leaves
Powdered sugar (for decoration)
Sour cream - two spoons for dressing


The pear is peeled, as the skin may be too rough.
You should also remove the seed box from the pear and cut the pulp into cubes.
Peel the kiwi and cut it into cubes
Strawberries are cleared of stems and cut in half. If the strawberries are small, you can leave them whole
The fruits are placed in a salad bowl and mixed carefully.
The sour cream dressing must be added while stirring. If you want to receive dietary dish– don’t refuel at all.
The top of the fruit salad should be sprinkled with a little powdered sugar and garnished with mint leaves.

Fruit salad with kiwi and banana, recipe

Kiwi and banana are one of the best flavor combinations. Kiwi has a pleasant acidity and a slightly watery but juicy texture. Banana is denser, harder. It is distinguished by its sweetness. A fruit salad with these two ingredients will be very tasty!

You will need:

Kiwi – 3 pieces (sweet or sweet and sour)
Banana - 2 pieces (medium size, sweet)
Mandarin – 3 pieces (sweet or sweet and sour)
Kishmish grapes – 200 grams (sweet white)
Yogurt or sour cream dressing
Choosing a sweet banana for your salad is very easy! Buy bright bananas yellow color with an abundance of dark small specks. Specks are a sign of the sweetness of the fruit.


Kiwi is peeled, cut into cubes, placed in a salad bowl
The banana is peeled, cut lengthwise and only then into semicircles (or cubes)
The tangerine is cleaned as thoroughly as possible to remove the film so that it does not end up in the salad.
The grapes are washed, each berry is removed from the bunch
The fruits are placed in a salad bowl and seasoned with sour cream.
If desired, the salad can be decorated with mint leaves or nuts

Fruit salad for a holiday, birthday: recipes

Fruit salad will be the best birthday treat for both children and adults. This light dish with a rich taste, healthy and tasty. Fruit salad can be dropped on a birthday as a cut, and dressing in a separate gravy boat. This is done because not everyone likes dairy products, for example, or honey.

Options for original fruit cuts:

Prepare a fruit salad for your birthday with original and exotic fruits. Such fruits are not on the table every day and give guests the opportunity to try them.

Fruit salad in pineapple for birthday:

You will need:

Pineapple – one large ripe fruit
Grapes – one bunch of red sweet grapes
Strawberries – 200 grams sweet
Watermelon - gram of pulp
Blueberries or blueberries - a handful
Offer guests several options for dressing: honey, yogurt, sour cream or fruit juice.


Cut the pineapple in half
Using a knife and spoon, try to carefully remove the pulp from the pineapple, transfer it to a salad bowl
Grapes should be separated from the bunch, large ones should be cut in half
The stem of the strawberry should be removed and large berries should be cut in half.
Watermelon pulp should be cut into cubes
All ingredients are mixed carefully in a salad bowl and transferred to half a pineapple.
The finished salad can be sprinkled with powdered sugar for beauty and garnished with mint leaves

Peach fruit salad

Peach is a juicy fruit with a rich, pleasant taste. Peach will be a bright ingredient in a fruit salad. You can prepare the salad with either fresh or canned peaches.

You will need:

Peach – 3 pieces (sweet, ripe)
Orange – 1 piece (one large sweet fruit)
Banana – 1 piece (sweet)
Raspberries – 100 grams
Blueberries – 50 grams
Any dressing: yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cream or honey.


The peach is cut in half, the furry skin and pit are removed. The pulp is chopped into cubes
The orange is peeled and filmed. The pulp is cut into cubes
Banana can be cut into cubes or rings
Pieces of fruit are mixed in a salad bowl and transferred to a serving bowl
For sweetness, fruits can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Pour a small amount of dressing on top
Berries are placed on top of the dressing

Fruit salad with whipped cream: recipe

Whipped cream perfectly complements the taste of juicy fruit. You should garnish the fruit salad with whipped cream right before serving, as the cream can “fall” if it sits for a very long time and turn into an unsightly puddle.

You can buy whipped cream at any store. They are sold in containers, from which it is very easy to squeeze out a figurative stream of cream and distribute it over the entire surface of the salad.

You will need:

Apple – 1 piece (sweet)
Watermelon – 200 grams (pulp)
Blackberries – 50 grams
Blueberries – 50 grams
Strawberries – 100 grams
Whipped cream
Walnut or carom for decoration (mint)


The apple is peeled and seeded, the seeds are removed, cut into cubes and placed in a salad bowl.
Add diced watermelon and strawberries to the apple
The salad is transferred to a bowl for serving and topped with berries.
The required amount of whipped cream is squeezed on top of the berries. The salad is decorated in any way: nuts, mint, fruits, chocolate.

Fruit salad from apples and oranges: recipe

You will need:

Apple – 1 piece (sweet, large)
Orange - 1 piece (sweet, large)
Mandarin - 2 pieces (sweet)
Kishmish grapes – 200 grams
Mint - a few leaves
Sweet yogurt for dressing


Orange and tangerines are peeled and peeled, their flesh is cut into cubes
The apple is peeled from the skin and seed, cut into cubes
Grapes are removed from the bunch and added to the salad
The ingredients are mixed and placed in a bowl for serving.
Top the salad with sweet yogurt, garnish with mint leaves

Fruit salad with ice cream: recipe

Slightly melted ice cream will be an excellent dressing and addition to fruit salad. The advantage of ice cream is that as it melts, the dressing and the salad itself will become more and more delicious.

You will need:

Grapefruit – 1 piece (small, sweet)
Banana – 1 piece (large and sweet)
Raspberries – 100 grams
Ice cream – 100 grams (white ice cream)
Chocolate chips for decoration


Peel the grapefruit and remove all the films, leaving only the pulp. Carefully cut the pulp into cubes
Peel the banana and cut into thick half-rings or rings
Arrange fruit in a bowl, place raspberries on top
Soft ice cream placed on fruit
Ice cream sprinkled with finely grated chocolate

Fruit salad is a light dish that is “to the taste” of children and adults. It can be seasoned with honey or yogurt, sour cream and even juice. Recipes of the most best salads presented in this article.

A salad made from a variety of fruits is not only delicious dessert , but also full meal. It’s not at all difficult to prepare, because for a fruit salad the simplest set of ingredients is required.

The advantage of the dish is that you can choose each component of the salad yourself. The choice may depend on personal preference or seasonal fruits.

To dress the salad, you can use any yogurt:

  • Natural yogurt without sugar
  • Yogurt with filling(with filling or flavor of vanilla, chocolate, caramel)
  • homemade yogurt on bacteria (prepared independently without sugar from milk)
  • Yogurt with muesli(tasty, healthy and satisfying)
  • Yogurt with honey(in your favorite ratio) – sweet and healthy dressing

If you don't have yogurt or just don't like this product, you can replace it with sour cream any fat content or whipped cream. Fruit salad with sour cream has a rich creamy taste and fruity sourness.

Recipe for fruit salad with yogurt:

You will need:

  • Apple– 1 piece (sweet, red)
  • Kiwi– 2 pieces (soft – this is a sign of sweetness)
  • Banana– 1 piece (medium size)
  • Orange– 1 piece (small size)
  • Yogurt– 4 tablespoons (any yogurt)
  • Nuts– for serving (any)


  • Each fruit should be peeled. You can leave the apple with the skin if you like to eat it. The seeds should be removed from the apple.
  • The banana is cut lengthwise and only then into cubes. All other fruits are cut into cubes in the same way. Remove as much membrane as possible from the orange before slicing.
  • All fruits are placed in a serving bowl and mixed using a spoon. You should not mix the fruits too much, as they may lose their attractive appearance.
  • If you like a sweet fruit salad, sprinkle one or two teaspoons of powdered sugar on top of the fruit (the sand will "crunch" on your teeth).
  • Yogurt is poured on top of the fruit. Try to distribute it over the entire surface. You should not stir the salad so that it does not lose its beautiful appearance. Yogurt will penetrate into each layer on its own due to its liquid structure.
  • The walnut (or any other) should be slightly chopped with a knife and sprinkled over the top of the salad. The dish is ready to serve!
How to make fruit salad?

Dietary fruit salad, recipe

In order to prepare a dietary fruit salad you will need non-sweet, non-calorie fruits, and also a non-greasy dressing. In any case, fruit salad should be eaten only in the first half of the day, so that the calories in the dish have time to be consumed by the evening.

You will need:

  • Apple– 1 piece (sweet or sour)
  • Kiwi– 1 piece (soft, sweet)
  • Orange– 1 piece (not large)
  • Grapefruit– half a citrus
  • Pomegranate seeds to decorate the dish
  • A few spoons of natural low-fat yogurt for refueling

Banana- a fruit rich in starch, and starch is harmful for weight loss. You cannot add a banana to a diet fruit salad. Also grapes are contraindicated– it is very high in calories. When choosing fruits for a diet salad, try to give preference to those that are more sour than sweet.


  • Peel the apple from peel and seeds. The pulp is cut into cubes and placed in a small salad bowl or bowl for serving the dish.
  • Kiwi should be peeled and cut into cubes
  • Orange and grapefruit are cleaned of films as thoroughly as possible, as they can give off a bitter taste. Citrus pulp should be cut into cubes.
  • All ingredients are mixed a little, but as carefully as possible so as not to crush a single cube.
  • Natural yogurt dressing is poured on top of the fruit.
  • Garnish the salad with a handful of pomegranate seeds.

Decorating a dietary salad

Fruit salad with nuts, recipe

Nuts complement fruit perfectly. This is one of the best flavor combinations. If a fruit salad is seasoned with a dairy product (cream, sour cream, yogurt), then such a dish is also very healthy!

To prepare a fruit salad, you can use absolutely any nuts:

  • Walnut
  • Pistachio
  • Peanut
  • Pine nuts
  • Almond
  • Cashew

Tasty and healthy solution - use a mixture of nuts. The nut can be left whole (if your teeth allow), or you can split it into pieces to make them easier to chew.

A simple recipe for walnut salad:

You will need:

  • Orange– 1 piece (sweet)
  • Kiwi– 2 pieces (soft, sweet)
  • Canned or fresh pineapple– 200 grams (drain syrup from canned food)
  • Apple– 1 piece (sour)
  • Yogurt or sour cream for dressing
  • Honey or caramel syrup For decoration
  • mint leaves(dish decoration)
  • Walnut– 70 grams


  • The orange is peeled and filmed as thoroughly as possible and chopped into cubes.
  • The rest of the fruits are peeled, the apple's seed capsule is removed
  • Fruits are placed on a serving plate in a mixed order
  • Salad topped with yogurt
  • Pour the required amount of liquid honey or caramel topping on top of the yogurt in a thin stream for sweetness.
  • The salad is sprinkled with nuts and decorated with a mint leaf.

Salad of various fruits with nuts (walnuts)

Fruit salad with pear: recipe

Pear– a juicy and sweet fruit that will complement the taste of any salad. For fruit salad, it is best to choose a soft, sweet pear rather than a green, hard one.

You will need:

  • Pear– 2 pieces (sweet fruit)
  • Kiwi– 3 pieces (or 2 large ones)
  • Strawberry- 300 grams
  • Mint– a few leaves
  • Powdered sugar(for decoration)
  • Sour cream- two spoons for dressing


  • The pear is peeled, as the skin may be too rough.
  • You should also remove the seed box from the pear and cut the pulp into cubes.
  • Peel the kiwi and cut it into cubes
  • Strawberries are cleared of stems and cut in half. If the strawberries are small, you can leave them whole
  • Fruits are stacked in a salad bowl and gently mixed.
  • Sour cream dressing must be added while mixing. If you want to get a dietary dish - do not fill at all.
  • The top of the fruit salad should be sprinkled with a little powdered sugar and garnished with mint leaves.

Pear salad preparation

Fruit salad with kiwi and banana, recipe with photo

Kiwi and banana– one of the best flavor combinations. Kiwi has a pleasant acidity and a slightly watery but juicy texture. Banana is denser, harder. It is distinguished by its sweetness. A fruit salad with these two ingredients will be very tasty!

You will need:

  • Kiwi
  • Banana– 2 pieces (medium size, sweet)
  • Mandarin– 3 pieces (sweet or sweet and sour)
  • Raisin grapes– 200 grams (sweet white)
  • Yogurt or sour cream dressing

Choosing a sweet banana for your salad is very easy! Buy bananas that are bright yellow with lots of dark, small specks. Specks are a sign of the sweetness of the fruit.


  • Kiwi is peeled, cut into cubes, placed in a salad bowl
  • The banana is peeled, cut lengthwise and only then into semicircles (or cubes)
  • The tangerine is cleaned as thoroughly as possible to remove the film so that it does not end up in the salad.
  • The grapes are washed, each berry is removed from the bunch
  • The fruits are placed in a salad bowl and seasoned with sour cream.
  • If desired, the salad can be decorated with mint leaves or nuts

How to make kiwi and banana salad?

Fruit salad for a holiday, birthday: recipes

Fruit salad will be the best birthday treat, like for children and adults. This is a light dish with a rich taste, healthy and tasty. Fruit salad can be served as a birthday party garnish, and dressing in a separate gravy boat. This is done because not everyone likes dairy products, for example, or honey.

Options for original fruit cuts:

Cutting option No. 1

Cutting option No. 2

Cutting option No. 3

Cutting option No. 4

Cutting option No. 5

Cutting option No. 6

Cutting option No. 7

Fruit salad on skewers, cut option No. 8

Prepare a fruit salad for your birthday with original and exotic fruits. Such fruits are not on the table every day and give guests the opportunity to try them.

Fruit salad in pineapple for birthday:

You will need:

  • A pineapple– one large ripe fruit
  • Grape– one bunch of red sweet grapes
  • Strawberry- 200 grams of sweet
  • Watermelon- grams of pulp
  • Blueberries or blueberries- a handful of

Offer guests several options for dressing: honey, yogurt, sour cream or fruit juice.


  • Cut the pineapple in half
  • Using a knife and spoon, try to carefully remove the pulp from the pineapple, transfer it to a salad bowl
  • Grapes should be separated from the bunch, large ones should be cut in half
  • The stem of the strawberry should be removed and large berries should be cut in half.
  • Watermelon pulp should be cut into cubes
  • All ingredients are mixed carefully in a salad bowl and transferred to half a pineapple.
  • The finished salad can be sprinkled with powdered sugar for beauty and garnished with mint leaves

Birthday fruit salad

Peach fruit salad, how to prepare?

Peach– juicy fruit with a rich, pleasant taste. Peach will be a bright ingredient in a fruit salad. You can prepare the salad with either fresh or canned peaches.

You will need:

  • Peach– 3 pieces (sweet, ripe)
  • Orange– 1 piece (one large sweet fruit)
  • Banana– 1 piece (sweet)
  • Raspberries- 100g
  • Blueberry– 50 grams

Any dressing: yogurt, kefir, sour cream, cream or honey.


  • The peach is cut in half, the furry skin and pit are removed. The pulp is chopped into cubes
  • The orange is peeled and filmed. The pulp is cut into cubes
  • Banana can be cut into cubes or rings
  • Pieces of fruit are mixed in a salad bowl and transferred to a serving bowl
  • For sweetness, fruits can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • Pour a small amount of dressing on top
  • Berries are placed on top of the dressing

How to prepare a salad with peach?

Fruit salad with whipped cream: recipe

Whipped cream perfectly complements the taste of juicy fruit. Garnish fruit salad with whipped cream right before serving., since the cream can “fall” if it sits for a very long time and turn into an unsightly puddle.

You can buy whipped cream at any store. They are sold in containers, from which it is very easy to squeeze out a figurative stream of cream and distribute it over the entire surface of the salad.

Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream Recipe:

You will need:

  • Apple– 1 piece (sweet)
  • Watermelon– 200 grams (pulp)
  • Blackberry– 50 grams
  • Blueberry– 50 grams
  • Strawberry- 100g
  • Whipped cream
  • Walnut or carom for decoration (mint)


  • The apple is peeled and seeded, the seeds are removed, cut into cubes and placed in a salad bowl.
  • Diced watermelon and strawberries are added to the apple
  • The salad is transferred to a bowl for serving and topped with berries.
  • The required amount of whipped cream is squeezed on top of the berries. The salad is decorated in any way: nuts, mint, fruits, chocolate.

Salad topped with whipped cream

Fruit salad from apples and oranges: recipe

You will need:

  • Apple– 1 piece (sweet, large)
  • Orange– 1 piece (sweet, large)
  • Mandarin– 2 pieces (sweet)
  • Kishmish grapes – 200 grams
  • Mint– a few leaves
  • Sweet yogurt for dressing


  • Orange and tangerines are peeled and peeled, their flesh is cut into cubes
  • The apple is peeled and seeded and cut into cubes.
  • Grapes are removed from the bunch and added to the salad
  • The ingredients are mixed and placed in a bowl for serving.
  • Top the salad with sweet yogurt, garnish with mint leaves

Fruit and orange salad

Fruit salad with ice cream: recipe

Slightly melted ice cream will be an excellent dressing and addition to fruit salad. The advantage of ice cream is that as it melts, the dressing and the salad itself will become more and more delicious.

You will need:

  • Grapefruit– 1 piece (small, sweet)
  • Banana– 1 piece (large and sweet)
  • Raspberries- 100g
  • Ice cream– 100 grams (white ice cream)
  • Chocolate shavings For decoration


  • Peel the grapefruit and remove all the films, leaving only the pulp. Carefully cut the pulp into cubes
  • Peel the banana and cut into thick half-rings or rings
  • Arrange fruit in a bowl, place raspberries on top
  • Soft ice cream placed on fruit
  • Ice cream sprinkled with finely grated chocolate

Salad dressed with ice cream

Video: “Recipe for the fastest fruit salad”

The benefit of cream lies in the fact that in terms of its nutritional value, concentration of proteins and nutrients, it is significantly ahead of other dairy products.

In addition, they contain a whole range of vitamins A, B, PP and C, as well as unique microelements zinc, fluorine, copper and iodine. It is important to note the presence of beneficial lecithin, which protects our blood vessels from the formation of plaques and blood clots.

When consuming cream along with other foods, their digestibility is greatly improved and the digestion time of food is reduced. This is especially true for hard vegetables and fruits.

We are used to using cream only mainly for drinks and as a decoration on cakes and birthday pies. But few people know that cream is also an excellent salad dressing. Of course, recipes with red fish or salads with liver will not be so great with them, but fruit salads turn out great.

Moreover, the cream can go into the salad itself, or serve as a simple decoration. Perhaps both options at once. In any case, it is up to you to decide how to use the cream; our job is to introduce you to fruit salads with cream in this issue. Cook and enjoy the delicate taste! Bon appetit!

Fruit salad with avocado and whipped cream

Ingredients for making Avocado Salad:

  • avocado - 2 pcs.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • raisin grapes - 160 g
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • cream - 50 ml
  • cherry for decoration

Peel the avocado, remove the bone, cut the pulp into cubes. Cut the apples straight into slices with the peel. Cut the pear in the same way. Cut the grapes into halves.

Squeeze juice from lemon. Add to main ingredients. Beat the cream with a mixer. Mix the salad. Decorate with whipped cream and cherries.

Berry and fruit salad with cream

Ingredients needed to make fruit salad:

  • raspberries - 60 g
  • strawberries - 60 g
  • black currant - 60 g
  • white currant - 60 g
  • gooseberries - 60 g
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • carnation
  • Melissa
  • cream - 140 g

Cut bananas into slices. Cut the apples into cubes of approximately the same size. Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Mix all ingredients.

Add raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries. Fill with cream. Mix carefully. Garnish with lemon balm leaves and sprinkle with chopped cloves. Decorate with whipped cream.

Layered fruit salad with whipped cream

Ingredients needed to make layered salad:

  • melon - 150 g
  • gooseberries - 50 g
  • apples - 1 pc.
  • oranges - 1 pc.
  • mango - 1 pc.
  • cream

Cut the melon into cubes. Peel the apples and cut into strips. Cut the oranges into cubes. Remove the pit from the mango and cut into slices.

Place in a salad bowl in layers in the order in which they are listed in the recipe. Between each layer, be sure to make a layer of cream. Garnish with mint leaves.

Fruit salad with cream and raspberry syrup

  • cream - 100 g
  • raspberry syrup - 2.5 tablespoons
  • apples - 1 pc.
  • tangerines - 2 pcs.
  • watermelon - 120 g
  • green leaf salad

Cut the watermelon into cubes. Peel the apples and cut into cubes. Cut tangerine slices into cubes. Combine salad ingredients. Drizzle with raspberry syrup. Top with heavy cream. To stir thoroughly. Garnish with green salad leaves.

Fruit salad with cream - “Jolly Citrus”

Ingredients needed to prepare the salad:

  • oranges - 2 pcs.
  • tangerines - 2 pcs.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Melissa
  • heavy cream - 90 g
  • sugar to taste
  • bananas - 1 pc.

Cut oranges, tangerines, grapefruit into slices. Peel the bananas and cut into slices. Unite everything. Fill with cream. Mix dynamically. Tear the lemon balm leaves. Sprinkle on top. If it is too sour add granulated sugar.

Fruit salad with cream and pineapples

Ingredients needed to make pineapple salad:

  • canned pineapples - 1 jar
  • canned peaches - 1 jar
  • oranges - 2 pcs.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • cream

Cut pineapples and peaches into slices. Chop the orange slices into cubes. Cut the apples into thin strips. Combine everything in a spacious salad bowl. Add cream and stir dynamically.

Fruit salad with northern berries and cream

Ingredients needed to prepare the salad:

  • cloudberries - 70 g
  • blueberries - 70 g
  • cranberries - 70 g
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • bananas - 1 pc.
  • cream - 90 g
  • strawberry jam - 2 tablespoons
  • cinnamon powder

Cut the apples into cubes. Cut bananas into slices. Add fresh northern berries: cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries. Mix everything well. Fill with cream. Mix carefully. Cool down. Serve topped with strawberry jam.

Fruit salad with prunes and whipped cream

Necessary ingredients for preparing prune salad:

  • prunes - 120 g
  • dried apricots - 120 g
  • apples - 1 pc.
  • oranges - 1 pc.
  • dried pears - 50 g
  • heavy cream

Soak prunes and dried apricots in water, cut into strips. Cut the apples into cubes. Cut the orange slices into thin slices. Cut the pears into pieces. Combine the components of the future salad. Pour in cream. Mix well. Serve chilled.

Portioned fruit salad with cream – “Stuffed Pear”

Ingredients needed to prepare portioned salad:

  • pears – 3 pcs.
  • strawberries - 120 g
  • apricots - 3 pcs.
  • Isabella grapes - 90 g
  • cream - 90 grams
  • granulated sugar - 40 g

Cut the pears into halves. Take out the core. Chop the pear pulp. Cut the strawberries into cubes. Remove the pits from the apricots and chop the pulp into strips.

Cut the grapes in half; if there are seeds, they need to be removed. Mix the prepared ingredients. Sugar. Mix. Carefully place into pear halves. Drizzle with cream. Serve in portions of three pear halves.

Jelly salad with fruits and whipped cream

Ingredients needed to prepare the salad:

  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups
  • jelly powder - 3 sachets
  • kiwi – 2 pcs.
  • oranges – 1 pc.
  • sweet apples – 1 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • crushed walnuts- 90 g
  • wild berries for decoration
  • cream

Dilute the jelly powder with water and mix. Cut bananas into slices. Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Cut the orange slices into pieces of the same size.

Grate sweet apples on a medium grater. Cores walnuts grind in a blender. Place everything in a bowl and add sugar. Pour in the jelly and stir. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Remove and decorate with whipped cream and wild berries.

Simple fruit salad with cream

Ingredients needed to make a simple salad:

  • bananas – 1 pc.
  • apples – 2 pcs.
  • dried apricots – 50 g
  • cream – 90 g

Beat the cream with a mixer. Cut bananas into slices. Cut the apples into thin strips. Cut dried apricots into halves. Combine everything in a tall salad glass. Mix carefully. Drizzle with cream.

Fruit salad with cream

Well, who among us doesn’t love fruit salad? Probably such people simply don’t exist! And homemade fruit salad is not only incredibly tasty, but also certainly healthy.

Fruit salad is an excellent dessert option for a holiday table, when all the guests have already eaten a hearty meal and you don’t always have the strength to eat a traditional cake with buttercream; in this case, a light fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream will be appreciated by guests.

And if you are planning a children’s party, then you definitely won’t find a more appreciative audience for fruit salad than children. Dear friends, I bring to your attention original ideas for fruit salad recipes with photos that may be useful to you in preparing for the holiday. Find your favorite fruit salad among these recipes!


  • 150–200 g each of strawberries and raspberries
  • 2 large very ripe kiwis
  • 250 ml whipping cream 33%
  • 100 g mascarpone or other cream cheese
  • natural vanilla sugar on the tip of a knife
  • powdered sugar and mint
  • For the sauce:
  • 100 g raspberries
  • 100 g sugar


For the sauce, mix raspberries and sugar in a saucepan, place over medium heat, bring to a boil, rub through a sieve, and cool. For the cream, whip the cream into a stable foam. Mix mascarpone with whipped cream, seasoning with vanilla sugar.

Cut strawberries into 6-8 slices, cut large raspberries in half. Peel the kiwi and cut into 1.5 cm cubes. Make 4 servings, placing the fruit and cream in a cooking ring in layers.

When removing the ring, pour over the raspberry sauce.

For this salad, you can choose other combinations of seasonal fruits that you have on hand: peaches, plums, firm pears. Do not use only watermelons and melons - they will flow very quickly and destroy the entire structure.

Fruit salad with ice cream “Emerald”


  • 2 medium green apples
  • 3 large kiwis
  • 300 g green grapes
  • vanilla ice cream


Peel the kiwi and cut into small cubes

We pick the grapes from the branch. If it has seeds, cut the berries in half and remove the seeds. If there are no seeds, add them whole.

Remove the core from the apples and peel off the skin. Cut into cubes

Mix the fruits in a bowl, then place them in bowls. Decorate each serving with a scoop of ice cream.


  • Strawberries – 8 pcs
  • Kiwi – 2 pcs.
  • Regular yogurt – 2 cups
  • Corn flakes – ½ cup
  • Honey (optional)


Place a layer of yogurt (a couple of spoons) on the bottom of 2 glasses.

Then layer with sliced ​​strawberries, yoghurt, kiwi and cereal.

Again yogurt - cereal - kiwi - strawberries.

Garnish with mint.

For sweetness, you can add a little honey.


For 2 servings:

  • Apricots - 4 pcs.
  • Peaches - 2 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese – 100g
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Banana (small) - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 2 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp.


Wash the apricots and peaches, dry them, remove the pits and cut into small cubes. In a bowl, combine cottage cheese, sour cream, grated banana, honey and vanilla sugar - beat everything with a mixer or blender until smooth.

Place dessert in bowls or any other dessert container, alternating layers: peaches - cream - apricots - cream - peaches - cream - apricots.

The salad must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

When serving, you can sprinkle with nuts or grated chocolate.


  • cottage cheese - 300 g
  • sour cream - 150 g
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoon
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • kiwi - 1 pc.


To prepare the salad, add sour cream and sugar to the cottage cheese.

Beat the curd mass with a blender.

Peel the fruit and cut into circles and pieces as you like.

Boil 100 ml of water and cool slightly. Gradually add gelatin, stirring constantly, stir until completely dissolved.

Pour water and gelatin into the curd mixture and mix well.

Place a layer of fruit in the pan.

Pour in the curd mixture and add another layer of fruit.

Repeat this as much as necessary.

The last layer in the salad should be a layer with curd mass. Decorate with the remaining slices of various fruits.

Place the fruit salad in the refrigerator to cool for half an hour.

A very tasty and light dessert salad that both children and adults enjoy. It is best served in a glass or dessert bowl (cremanka).


  • Dried apricots – 200g,
  • Raisins - 100g,
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.,
  • Pine nuts – 50g,
  • Whipped cream - to taste
  • Creamy ice cream or ice cream – 100g.
  • Cookies - for decoration.


Fill hot water dried fruits and leave for 15 minutes.

Remove dried fruits from water. Finely chop the dried apricots, combine with raisins and pine nuts.

Peel the tangerine and divide into slices. Add whole tangerine slices to the salad. Transfer the salad into glasses or bowls.

Cut the ice cream into cubes (cool it slightly), put it on the salad, and pour whipped cream on top.

The salad will look beautiful if you sprinkle it with cookie crumbs on top.


  • Banana - 1-2 pieces
  • Juicy apple (1-2 pieces depending on size)
  • Tangerines 2-3 pcs,
  • Peaches - 3-5 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 2-3 pieces,
  • Nuts (any kind, you can do without them) - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Dressing: yogurt, whipped cream, condensed milk or powdered sugar.


In general, any fruit can be used for fruit salad. Just don't overdo it with sour fruits (grapefruit, sour apples or oranges), otherwise the taste of the salad may be ruined. Add a little sour fruit.

You can also use anything as a dressing. But if you want to lose weight, it is better not to use very sweet dressings, such as jam, preserves or condensed milk (for children, on the contrary, these dressings are best).

If the salad turns out juicy, just sprinkle it with powdered sugar to remove the acid from the sour fruit. For a festive salad decoration, you can use ice cream and whipped cream as a dressing.

I melt some of the ice cream and add it to the salad. And I put a scoop of ice cream on top and whipped cream along the edge of the salad. Beautiful and tasty!

Method for preparing fruit salad:

Peel, cut, mix and season. Easy, fast and simple!

And it’s also tasty and healthy! Pamper yourself with these salads more often, you will look very good!

Fruit salad with coconut flakes “Pina Collada”


  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 1/2 cups coconut flakes
  • 200g pineapples, canned in juice
  • 200g tangerine
  • 2-3 large ripe bananas


Cut the bananas into slices, divide the tangerines into slices, put everything in a large bowl.

Add chopped pineapples, season with sour cream, stir and add coconut flakes

If the salad turns out watery, add more coconut flakes, it will absorb excess moisture.

Place the finished salad in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • strawberries - 80-100 gr.
  • grapes - 80-100 gr.
  • kiwi - 80-100 gr.
  • apple - 80-100 gr.
  • banana - 80-100 gr.
  • sour cream - 400 g
  • cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • mint - 2 sprigs


Scald the lemon and dry it.

Grate the zest.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon pulp.

Cut the fruit into pieces.

Beat sour cream and cream with a mixer until creamy, then flavor with vanilla sugar, lemon juice and grated zest.

Place on plates along with pieces of fruit. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Garnish the dessert with mint.


  • 2 cups any chopped fruit
  • 100 grams of chocolate cookies
  • 250 ml whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon powdered sugar

A healthy fruit assortment with the addition of fluffy cream turns into a nutritious, but still light dessert. Place this dish on your holiday table and you will get an excellent replacement for fatty, sugary cakes.

Fruit salad with whipped cream

Fruit dessert with cream “Explosion of taste”

Ingredients: - 2 green apples; - 1 banana; - 1 ripe mango; - 1 royal pineapple (mini); - 300 g melon; - 2 limes; - 200 ml cream 33% fat; - 1 tbsp. Sahara; - 1 tsp vanilla sugar; - 30 g roasted almonds.

Use a fine grater to zest the limes, set them aside and squeeze out the juice. Remove the stems and seeds from the apples and cut them into slices.

To prevent apple slices from browning while you prepare other salad ingredients, sprinkle them with lime juice

Peel the mango and remove the pulp. Using a knife, remove the green top, thick skin and eyes from the pineapple and cut out the hard core, then cut it in half lengthwise. Cut the pineapple into thin slices, and the mango, peeled banana and melon into cubes.

Place all the fruits in a deep bowl and stir, adding lime juice. Prepare whipped cream with vanilla and regular sugar using a whisk or mixer. Divide the fruit mix into bowls, cover with whipped cream, sprinkle with green zest and chopped almonds.

Fruit and berry cocktail salad with airy cream

Ingredients: - 100 g of black seedless grapes; - 100 black currants; - 250 g strawberries; - 150 g cranberries; - juice of 0.5 lemon; - 2 tablespoons Sahara; - 2 tablespoons powdered sugar; - 150 ml heavy cream.

Rinse the berries, clean them of stalks, twigs and green tails. Cut strawberries that are too large into several parts, and grapes into halves. Mix everything, pour in lemon juice, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 15–20 minutes for the mixture to infuse and release the juice. Meanwhile, whip the cream until foamy, add the powder and beat for a couple more minutes. Divide the fruit and berry cocktail into portions, covering each portion with white airy dressing.

Festive fruit salad recipe “Tasty Exotic”

Ingredients: - 1 pineapple; - 3 oranges; - 2 peaches; - 200 g of seedless grapes; - 100 g raspberries; - 50 g raisins; - 1 lemon; - 1 tbsp. strong alcohol (rum, vodka, cognac); - 200 ml cream; - 1 tbsp. Sahara; - 2 tablespoons powdered sugar; - 0.5 tsp. cinnamon; - a pinch of salt.

Rinse the raisins and soak in alcohol for 2 hours. Cut off the top of the pineapple and cut the fruit into lengthwise halves. Carefully remove the pulp from it without damaging the skin, cut into cubes and lightly salt. Peel the oranges and divide into slices. Remove the pits from the peaches and cut the flesh into slices.

Place all the fruits, raisins and berries in a large bowl, add sugar and lemon juice, stir and place in pineapple peel cups. Whip the cream into a foam with powdered sugar and arrange the salad. Sprinkle it with cinnamon and serve.